PACE FOUR HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON Shot From the Sky Troop Entertained A Halloween party and dance were given' Tuesday at the gayly decorated Legion hall by the Klamath troop entertainment committee for personnel of the "Shot From the Sky" exhibit which showed here Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. More than 100 guests enjoyed the dancing, games and refresh ments which highlighted the evening. A feature of the party was the celebration of the birthdays nt four nf the show personnel, Pvt. Winnie Ellmgwood and 1'vi. Fanola Littlejohn of the WAC and SSgt. Joe Boudreaux and Sit. William Harrison of the Ui S. army. The four were pre sented with pumpkin pics decor ated with birthday candles. Other special entertainment was presented throughout the evening. Handling the micro nhone for the Drosram the first part of the evening was Lynn Roycroft. The microphone was later taken over by Kicnara Morris, war bond sales director for the "Shot from the Sky" show. Trobp entertainment commit tee liosts at the Halloween festiv ities were Lynn Roycroft, chair man, Fred Heilbronner, Jim Souther and Charles R. Stark. Women who served refresh ments throughout the evening were Mrs. J. H. Gallagher, chair man, Mrs. Carl Schubert, Mrs, R. Motschenbacher and Mrs. Martha McCollum, all of the American Legion auxiliary, as sisted by Mrs. Lynn Roycroft, Mrs. Anna Waldrip, Mrs. Charles R. $trl? and Mrs. Vincent Law. ler. Refreshments were furn ished by the troop entertainment j commiuee. Pappy Gordon's band played for the dance. . In charge of decorations were Judith Brown and Peggy Rake. straw, chamber of commerce as sistants. At the dance In addition to service personnel were a number of civilians in key positions with' the exhibit, including John Gor don, show director, and his wife. ' ;- .- ' Catholic Ladies Friday, October "27, 1 the fbl-. lowing ladies of Sacred Heart parish served at the service cen ter: Martha Lavenik, Mrs, F. Niedorf, Emma Grey, Louise Vaughn, Adeline To wey, Agnes LaLonde, Ethel Bruner, Eliza- Auxiliary Meets At the regular meeting of the auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Ware, held in the li brary clubroom Thursday eve ning, November 2, Mrs. H. J. McGilvray presided, and three candidates were initiated into the organization, Mrs. Helen Mumper, Mrs. Anone Roberts and Mrs. Dora Branham. A greeting card to the auxiliary from the chairman of the de partment of home hinds, Amelia Mebus, was read, and a letter from H. J. Gilvray, district commander of Pelican post 1383, thanking the auxiliary for the check to bo applied to the building fund. The auxiliary has decided to sponsor Girl Scout troop 10, and plans also were made for the annual Armistice Day din ner .for members of the auxil iary. The dinner will be held this year on Armistice eve, at 7 o'clock, Friday, November 10, in the Lucca cafe, and there will be no charge. The post and auxiliary will have, charge of the service cen ter November 26, and home made pies will again be served. Mrs. John Mullins received the special award of the evening. Next meeting will be Novem ber 16. . . .. Lucky Pinochle I Wednesday afternoon, Novem ber 1, Zella' Blankenship, 312 Martin, was hostess to the Xucky Pinochle - club, serving luncneon ai one o cjock to f lor ence Young, Maude Phillips, Rita Fuller, Ruth SehonvMary Martin, Brownie Bramwell and Nettie Good. . Maude Phillips held hieh score for th aftpr- beth Bruner, Phillis Mahoriey. ' noon. Zella Blankenshirj second. Mildred Seavey, Helen Goeck- Rita Fuller low, and the pin ner, Marion Cronon, Azita Ken- ochle award went to Ruth Se nedy and Mrs. Fogarty, horn. .. . . v.v...' ine Halloween dance giyenj , Tuesday evening, -October ;31, for servicemen and women was very successful, about 150 ai tending. Following the dance refreshments were served by Virginia Herlihy, Alice Abbott, Dorothy Derrah, Ethel Fairall, Marion Cronon, Helyn Berger,. Laurette Bryant, Jeanette Albee, Louise vaugnn, Bonnie vanden Brownie Bramwell, 2223 Wiard,. will entertain the club aMhe next meeting,- November 15- f Wednesday Club -' The Wednesday club held a shower for the annual St. Paul's ed. tea and cookies warp kpvmA at a charmingly arranged tea ! mole, centered wnn a colorful Arrangement of late fall blooms. Present for tjie afternoon were the following: Mm. F. n Brie. joe, Mrs. Edith Moon, Mrs. R. 6i boosiey, jars. Mansiord Williams and children, Mrs. Bert Gray, Anne Grav. Mrs. nhnrl Mr; Fred f. Bishop, Mrs. C, l!: humww, wre. i ranK eo wards, Mrs. Wiiford Donnelly ana her mother, Mrs. Sumner, who is visiting here from Prine- vuie, Mrs. irank Denton, Mrs. Carl Wilson, Mrs. William C. Hackler, Mrs. Mordecai Hess and two daughters of Ashland, and the guest of honor, Mrs. Harold Wimer. Pinochle Club A,?heJegul,r meeting of Ve Olde Pinochle club was held Thursday, November 2, at the home of Agnace Lowe, with a luncheon served at 1 ocolck to Esther Adkinson, Grace Bock, Hae Norwood, Violet Vance, Fanme Goddard, Velma Mitch ell, Nona Hal), Melva Danielson, Lillian Green, Lizzie Little and Kathryn Billings. High score went to Fannie Goddard, second Hazel Norwood, low to Velma Mitchell and the pinochle to Lil lian Green. j for making candv. After dessert was - served, presented the teaching staff. ujjusu ana pjnocnie were play ed. Mrs. E. H. Kellogg held high , score and Mrs. John Haw kins low. Hostesses were Mrs. O. V. Gibson, Mrs:,M. S. Kennedy, Hazel Morrison and Mrs. Victor E; Newman. .. . berg, May K. Short, Mary Mc aar a s regular meeting NeaJ, Mildred Seavey. Marv ?n November 1. Each member Dni-lrc ITllnn Do IJ DTOUKht a Sift that COIllrf hp Mpchettaz, Nora Manning,' Caro- ?old at the bazaar or materials line Joans, Lillian Hendrickson, Jenes Moty and Delores Mc Andrews. The committee in charge of arrangements for the dance con-, sisted of Mrs. Joe Mahoney, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Stan ley Pieser, Mr. .and, Mrs.. Otto Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lav enik, James , Cronon and John Watson. . v. ' Recent Shower ORT -'KLAMATH - Compli mentina -Mrs. Harold : Wimpr. members of the Civic- improve meni ciud sponsored jniscei. laneous household shower at the CI clubhouse ;on Wednesday aiiernoon , ai z o ciock. - , For the occasion, -the club room was decorated. ' in Hallo ween colors and vases of late fall iiowers. : A 1 x MARRIED IN ENGLAND TSgt. K. Wayne Scholer. son of S. H. Dahler. 3730 Bisbee, was married recently in England to Margaret Bickley of Wood ford House on Longncr, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. Servicemen, Wives Have Halloween Fun Servicemen and their wives living in the Soroptimist house on Pine, and their hostess, Twyla Ferguson, entertained with a wild goose and duck dinner at their Halloween party last Tues day. Hailing from New York, Detroit, Nebraska, California, Con necticut, Indiana, Memphis and New Orleans, many of the young people found eating Klamath wild game a new experience. Autumn flowers and orange 1 and black candles decorated the table, and after dinner the group played Halloween games and bobbed for apples. Sgt. and Mrs. Oscar Chapin, former residents of the Sorop timist house, came back for the party. Others present were AM3c and Mrs. Gene Williams, Cpl. and Mrs. Chester Holt, Sgt. and Mrs. Roy Grammer, PFC and Mrs. George Basmaian, Cpl. and Mrs. Gene Copeland, PFC and Mrs. Howard Campbell and Twyla Ferguson. Riverside PTA Parents of Riverside children enjoyed a program presented Friday evening in the - school auditorium followed by a Hal loween supper at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Lane Warren, president of the Parent-Teachers association, in troduced her officers of the year. and Gary Robertson, principal, Children of the first three grades gave the program which was thoroughly enjoyed. Mrs. Dick Reeder was chairman of the refreshment committee which served following a presentation of the school bill by Mr. Robertson. Ruth Lombard Will Wed Ensign Sunday -The formal wedding of Ruth Lombard, daughter of Mr. and 51wh , omuarl' and, Ensign Frank W. Rickey Jr., will be olerefl" Sacred Heart church on Sunday, November o. The reception, to hp hpirf in 4p wm. i i , ' ... wer. weddin. .prir. Vin V. T.' IU"uwlnB lne ? ?ifts had been open- , RuVh attended the if fSlifnrnif eJT: tneRDaS TT BerTeley For the past year she has bppn pm. ployed by her ;father at Lom bard Motors. ;fEnsign Rickey has'been sta Honed here at the haval air base, where he was the onlv en. sign on the baseball team. He is the son of Mr: -and Mrs. F. W, Rickey of Portmouth, Ohio, and graduated from Wesleyan university at Delaware, Ohio. The -young couple plan to make their home in southern California, where Ensign Rickey expects to be stationed. Betty Lombard, Ruth's sister, is home from the University of Oregon -Ho attend the wedding. Shower FREE! 1 1 ...... T1 'j SCARCE UTlineab?I?rjSslA!n I? V, S'""" ConrerenM. Flora of Ui. United SLt,,, Ore.l llril.ln .nd SS1JL K. P '1""-"1 I" "lr n.llon.l 2! iJ.'f: T4 'or " wn kl Vitli.J "" . will Mtnl ' '' Mt c"- Mrs. Lane Warren, Mrs. Stew art Patty and Mrs. John Sand meyer entertained Tuesday eve ning with a shower honoring Mrs. Donald Hunt at the Warren home on California avenue. Guests enjoyed whist. Those present were Mrs. Roy Whit latch, Mrs. Robert Ellingson, Mrs. Earl Deering, Mrs. Robert Hunt, Mrs. Ingrid Nessett, Mrs. Iva Oleson and the honor guest. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt are parents of a daughter, their second girl, born Friday at Klamath Valley hospital. The Hunts live on the Rocky Point road. This is the fourth granddaughter for Dr. and Mrs. Warren C. Hunt. Prosperity Lodge A regular meeting and initia tion of new members into Pros perity Rebekah lodge was held in the IOOF hall, Thursday, No vember 2, at 8 p. m., with Nina Currier, presiding. Those ini tiated were Lillian Hayden and Betty Briggs. Later in the evening, refresh ments were served, with the harvest theme used in decora tions. On the committee for re freshments were Frances Mun sell, chairman, assisted by Har riet Estes, Herbert Munsell, Viola Leever, Blanche Barker, Sadie Chilcote, Esther Inman, Edna Russell, Mary McComb, Mar guerite Smith, Anna Savldge, Millie Langor and Stella Dryden. The next meeting will be No. vember 16. . Thursday Shower A neighborhood shower was given on Thursday evening, Oc tober 26, for Mrs. Bert Dennis. Friends who gathered at her home were Mrs. Cecil Stewart, Mrs. M. Sullivan, Mrs; Joe Ab ner, Mrs. James Cusick. Mm nil. bert Franklin. Mrs. Alhprt riaw. son, Mrs. Eddie Guse, Mrs.' Al. fred Grimes. Mrs. Mlnnio Jfnrr Mrs. Robert Jones. Mrs. Robert Jones Jr., Joyce Landrum, Di ane Landrum, Holly Franklin, Linda Franklin, Margie Jean Guse and Dorothy Clawson. Social Calendar Maidiv. Knvtmbtr H WWII mi. " " " ln BPW club, Wllltrd houl, fl 3Q p. m Timd-ty. Nuvambtr t NIU liinchflon t rMlcan 1 p .nv iVMitfidft)', Auvrmoir DUli jet metlnjf. Orvfou Stale Fed ration of Wumtn'i CUil. luiu'linm l PHioaii with afiomoim iiieatinn Iti ttursry Tburadfty, Novtmbtr t 1 mtlnc Catholic Dau In tht parlih lull to ballot on appltca ughUrt tloni for mtmbatthlp. Frtday. Novembtr to Tromont PTA mtlii whn modal Junior hlfh tchool to tia coiiduclad un der dlrovtlon Lawc11 Katip, principal. Monday. Nmmhr la Dr. Euian Neuhaui to Itcturt b4f0ra Klamath rail Woman's Library club At a p. m, in mam uorary -auditorium, ored by Klamath Community doit cert Saturday. November II Annual hnlldav bauiar inrl Ira hv i Paul a Kplai'opal church In pariah houia. rriaart nivimtir to SoJAurntn AnronOvarail diM at Lakeahoro Inn. 7:30 p. m. Membori lumjr iuvhb two iucau, ror raerv' uuiu, can tiwo. Saturday, December V Pro-Chr atlllai bnuir In h hM i lobby of rint Federal Savlnipi and Loan ummuiB o.v ino yvumen council at the rnm vnniiiin rnurcn. Lionew Mnam coffee. WllUrd hotel B p. m. Winter nnln rluk. i iu.Ik nr nciDii. jinutrv n William Prlmroae. luumnrtd hv Klm. th Community Concert aeaoclatlon. S Society Meets MERRILL The annunl hn. laar, card party and dinner sponsored by the Altar society "U. w 1 mark th opening of ""Jr nere, aaiur nnv Tlrt-mhA O It ..... nounced following a meeting of mc auticiv mis wecK ai me home of Mrs. N. H. Boguc. Mrs. x-ciar uausc was assistinff hnt, sr. for the afternoon of the bazaar wncn oooms lor me sale of em broidered articles, aprons and conkeH fruir will h, nnnn A kchlcken dinner will be served In cvciiiiig, oeginning ai o:su o clock, and entertainment is DlnnnpH ns In nnt ira,H M Dan Barry, president, will ap point committees for the affair M,-. MttPU OAbitn.-n DO .11. er of Mrs. Bogue, who will leave nor inapKsgiving to spend the Winter in thA Cftlltl, Ufa, with a handkerchief shower at the n.eetinff. Mr Rnhincnn uno been a resident of the Merrill communuy lor tne last 12 years. She will make her home during thA nvf fMii, mAniU- ,.,UL - daughter, Mrs. Horace Wylie and mr. nryne in oan r rancisco. Present for the afternoon were Mrs. W. E. Hammnnrf Mro TT M Hammond, Mrs. Conrad Johnson. Mrs. Ben Johnson, Mrs. Helene Beimler, Mrs. Jack Hlckey, Mrs. f". on r.n T T r tj w at ww-fc. 1-J t,,,i,. Alt TT . OIBCIC Mrs. James O'Keefc, Mrs. Hugh raivey, rars. jacK BurKe. Mrs. Tim Sullivan, Mrs. Jerry John Giacomlnit Mrs. Jesa Dle- iei , inrs. nugn u uonnor. mrs. Donald Col well, Mrs. Robert f t iti-s.::B;'15 r Bernice Freeman Married Saturday A OCnilllllll L-UIHIIUMKMI WUUUII1K HUrVH'O WUH K,ll, I tho First Miitliodlnt church on Siilurcliiv, Oi-inli.. ' V"i II llurnlca Frceimm bucamn the bride of l'KC Fn-d I'nu, n l'klo I ,.1 It ROSETTA Llttlo Rosetta Mitt. dauRlitcr nrMi M,-. V I. Kill I. four years old. Rosettn's mother lives at 616 Lincoln, mid her fnthcr is in the navy, stnllonecl in the South Pacific. Kenncll-Ellls. Women's Club BLY Tho Women's club met on Wednesday. October 18, at the home of Elizabeth Campbell. A handkerchief shower was given for Rachel Robin, who Is moving to Klamath Falls. After a short business meeting refreshments were served to the following members: Mary Luck, Etta Paddock, Ethel Goijsbock. Veda Dixon, Lyndell Harrison, Lila Ross, Audrey Gcijsbcck and T nul (a Tn.,., n..iu rSKn,.t,nl Jean Clino and Marion, Huzcl Madison Roger and Stephen, and Jo and Barba Campbell, daugh ters ol the hostess. S Mr, and Mrs. Tom Judy and son Tommy arc visiting from Los Angeles, Cnllf., nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dahmi In Bly. Last weekend they were house guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Spencer and family In Beswick, Calif. S Mrs. Newton Thompson, form erly Maxine Elliott, and her one-year-old son, Raymond Lee, ar rived Wednesdny from Son Fran cisco. She 'will bo In Klamath Falls for two weeks, visiting her mother, Mrs. E. L. Elliott. Colwcll, Mrs. Pierson, Mrs. Rob inson, rather James O Connor and the hostesses. Mock Trial to Be Held at BPW Meet . i?0"!',?8 on. eve letion day, Monday night's meeting of the Klamath County Business and Professional Women's club will deviate from the series of serious programs for an evening of fun to follow the dinner hour at 6:30. A humorous play based on a mock trial will be presented with a cast of about 17, Including tho 12 jurymen, the judge, prosecuting attorney and defense attorneys, the defendant and a clerk. The program is in charge of Agnes Geddes, publications ....... un.ui.umu win dc drrungca oy Vivian iJcrni gotti and Charlotte Marshall. Musical numbers will be pro vided by Esther Shepherd. The president, Norma Miller, and six members ot the club left Saturday morning for Cor vallis to attend a district confer ence of the Oregon BPW, Ac- The card parly sponsored by the Women of the Moose, Friduy, October 27, in the Moose hall noa eigm iaDies in piay, ana high score was held by Mrs. Haupert, second by Mrs. Carncll nnrf tho special award went to Mrs. Hoo ver. Brownie Tea Brownies of Troup 11,,,, n Halloween to,, m i' mothers on Tlu,,-,,. tor 2, at Hoom.v,.,, J jT' loader. Mrs. 0 agisted by mm. UuvUl l t"' dor, was In charge. C'rcne' owls made by iho , MW were used In ,,1M.a(o Mothers nr......! W. L. Milliard, a,,, ,"l,rc Mti. Mrs. D. 1). Muills, m su Oi l- M,. 1 I , '.. 1'. . X X. s iw.Mri V.S'i.'ia and Mrs. s. it. Btu-il. CflJllj Brownies aetlnu ,,j ,, were Ueml.-e H I , ,' 01 "l Mill Stic Hurkir, Jem line Dlmiiw lm.u .....':.. .. bronnor. Slilr .Susniino Ll.stue, Aimc u & Murjuri.. On-,' K, & I,...,.. ,.i .. uiiiiy aiuiw, lievu Lois Snell. Sni'll ui Cross unit ot Mill. ,..mV? . TueSdLV. Nnvnnil,.. " You Don't Have to Wait Until After the War For GOOD LINOLEUM SPECIAL OFFERING PVe.wcr - . Burlap Backed Inlaid Linoleum Samples A good selection of small pieces, suit able for bathrooms, hallways and other mall rooms. Expert Linoleum Laying Z 1 1 1 . Guaranteed Work, of Course Furnifure Co. ARMSTRONG LINOLEUM NAIRN Mention Hoover Cleaner Owners! w' fy oppcW by TU Hoovw Com fiY lh Authorifd Strvic Agency and an iJwoeV to Ptry you with gtnum Hoovw nphstamt port end A-l rrfchonkal frvk: Here s good news for Hoover Cloaoor owner In tbis dry! We will help you keep your Hooter do, ing right, nd do it t extremely low cost. We are now completely equippcd-wlth special tools and genuine replacement parts-to give your deader the right kind of service to make it last. Work is extremely low priced, as a wartime sorv fce, to help Hoover owners in this city keep their Hoover Cleaner in tiptop shape. Don't delay. Call today for prompt, genuine Hoover service. All work guaranteed. Estimate furplsbedi PHONE Klamath Furniture Co; 221 Ml,n Phone 8383 United Slates marine corps. The Itev. Victor I'liilliiT''',',,0' i To the strains or MoiKUlohn's Wudilinu m . , "'"ililtd - j . .ui. II,. ...... I """til. H..,- I.ililio iitnvii iiiu iiiiu niv i.) in mi iiur llllllel who Kavo her In niurriiiga. She was mot by the urooiii at an altar banked with pulins, ferns mid ehrysantheinuius and Unlit' ed by tall caudles. For her weddliu the brlclo chono a lovely Crouch blue suit, with brown accessories She carried a white satin Ulblu with a cornniio of rones mid streamers ot 1 1 1 1 r.nif-tht'-vii I ley. Matron of honor was Mrs, Dorothy Judd, who wore a tiroy suit with a cormigo of deep pink iwe.s. Best man was Hutio Koress of tho murine corns. liornlce Is a former resident nt Montroul, Colorado, and was B student at Colorado Womon's oolleso In Denver. She Is now employed by tho United States navy. PKC Powell's home was for merly In Dallas, Texas. Following the woddlnit serv ice, tho bridal parly and Inti mate friends of iho lirldn and liranm were entertained at a re ception In the homu of Mr. and Mrs. B. K. llnyden. The rooms were drcoroted with roses nml chrysanthemum, and cake and coffse wore served from toble covered with a lovoly cut-work cloth and centered with a bowl of roses. Tho bride's mother. Mrs. Geore Frcoman, poured. The following boys from Klamsth Falls will attend the Cadets' Annual Halloween dunce nt Hill Military academy. Port land, to be t-lvcn In the new tivmnaslum on October 27. 11)44: Fred n. Miller, Jr., first year man, James H. McBrlde, second yrsr man, and George Clifton Underwood, fourth year man. The Eastern Star Soclul club met Friday afternoon at the Masonic tcmplo Willi three tables in play. Arrangennnts of brightly colored fall flowers wcro used about tho rooms and on the lea table. . Honors for high at tho close of cards were received by Mrs. Walter Brown and Mrs. Sum lioberts received the special award. Presiding as hostesses were Mrs. Earl Templar and Airs. E. it. uaisiger. Farewells were said by friends this week to Mr. Sydney Ab bott who left Saturday for her new home at Brookings on the Oregon coast where she will Join Mr. Abbott and a son who arc already residing there. Many regrets wero expressed at the Abbott moving from this city after their 27 years of resi dency. 5 VERONICA TO WED HOLLYWOOD. Nov. 4 fPi Film Actress Veronica Lake has announced she will marry Di rector nnnre no join, uecemner II. nine days after her divorce from MaJ. John Dctlic. former screen art director, becomes fi nal. The Dotlles have one child, Elalno, three. I HAL PRICI A irs IN -i 1 I AM So effective for lubricating dry iklnl That'i why lovtfy womon everywhere relyon II. Holps imoolh, ioll, complexloni . . , diKovrajii fine surface linet. Fragrant . lutciousl Get the large )ar now while il'i hall ptkil Stab DRUG STORE rillk nil M.ln rni an ffci 30 ("i Ui DISTINCTIVE APPARfl fhona 8222 Wl M ifaual celery ' 3.S0 Wgjjll V ; bring fresh beauty to our Blov. d ! nil nfm 111 Tul flOl H 'men 221 Main Sr. Phone 5333