Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 04, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    pon Cossacks To
Sing on Program
I i member of Hit) General 1'lutorr Don Cossack chorus,
Tlie -7,",1.,,it hero )" Hi" Pelican slug" l U . in., Novcin
4,o "f . - Hi" Kliiiiinlli Counly Concert association banner,
"Tl ii "'I' '"k" "' whu" 'il c01m'" to iuiIiik. To them.
it men w 1 l',.,,i ciuTiU In nothing t marvel lit. Tlmt In the
jiOWj11" ,"ici up luHt season, voiinlinii their regular concert
ItfOru ,- KilllM'IlUC'lll uau "I vunlin mill llllVlll oases
IW U. I .l II. .....I.... '..l - I .
r.'DlllullOll Ol UIIH IJIII III III Jliinniuii nillK.Tn, WHO lire
TM '". i I.IU1WM
ciks inmazion
ltilll.it Idii was held by the
H. P. O. Elks on Thursday night,
Uctolier 211, the iicciihIoii of roll,
cull night (iiicl the official visit
oi District ucputy at. George E,
J. C. Newman of the Marine
iiiiiriu-KH wiih Inltliile.l for Hie
Twin Fulls, Idliliu lodge, ami Wll-
iiuni r. rlilvey, A. L. Vlnze, Uy.
run J. J.ihnwin, Loyd A, Scott,
Karl J. MeFiill, Otto A. Schultz,
Frank Krlzn, John Krl.o and
William C. Mllkey were initial
ed Into the Klamath Fulls lodge.
Andrew Loney prcsehlcd the
Klamath Union hlirh .n-hnol
cnppcllii choir In several mini-
iii'iB, and L,i. w, K, Hnillh of the
mi vii I air station gave a talk on
uiu united suites navy,
Dinner Party
One of (ho gayest Halloween
panics oi me wecK was (he din
ner given Tuesday evening by
Dr. and Mm. James Milton lor
their son Hob, unci n group of
inn uruii.year-cii.i iricn.ls.
Assisting Mm. Hill,,,, rlnrlnil
(ho evening wuro Coimlo Hunt
and Jean Hilton. Gameii were
played In fcsllvo Halloween
niyie nail guests Included Mur
cella Murray, Juan Moore, Jean
Hull, Marjorlc Liggett, Marilyn
in,) in n, imirirne niiaicv, (Jiiro
lyn Kelley, Biirhnru MeCrnw,
Jean Rue Oldenburg, Janc((e
HillgStcild. Gordon Green. I.nur.
don Marlln, LeinoiU Wilson, Rod-
ncy uen, Gordon Fletcher,
James Carter, James Owens, Bill
i.cnnciicr, nogcr Kuykcndoll
Koliert Hooker, I3ob Darrun,
itii iiiirii DKKcsiinii ana the host,
"UU lllllUH,
t II
11 Ill' lll''''"''1 '"-,ln
Zt they liuvu Iravelocl
thfr; Jo tn.vcl.,1 far I..
Jll'CL,rl,,ullon. Ill !'
TL ihii'O Ihclr omanUallon
!T2B (livy li'ivo K'w" OVVT
l '!, rt ll.rouKlw.ul (ho
t'ir (he lf'lf''l ' !htv'r
iUlr Nicholas Kostrukuff,
,ltl, ,n luis I)" 11 l " ro'
' i l covers the field
(.7.1 music of tl.e liuss.iiu
f Z " eh, Ha- exquisite
i. L .idles, to which
es of
ml whlstl-
EwfliiWl slimns "
t .iu. there is Hie thrill of
-0( "he Caucasia,,
r.!liikn the l'"l""r
If; j which tl.e members of
ti"'1 " ,-l uiu which
scions iiiivw i' ,
I. II performance (o i.
Mini dose,
r. rfii'tlv mulched solo
tS i 1110 cl,m',"i t""v'ir 1!"
V., (rn. hluh soprano (o (hi
Mil bass, wliue u.e u.
Wll Is cupiihle t producli.K
e most slunniiiii mi'fsed tone
tit roars forth In boomlnit
"only at Hnies-at other sub
i to a whisper of Incon
lublc lovclineis. In fact, tho
iorlli ii like, a mlKhty oraan,
Li. I,i.lnr Hie orUlllllst. WllO
nlrolJ the voices s um u
jiiil docs the organ s'-"i be-
rtlilm. . ..
'osf Matrons
Mrs. Elmer II. UuIsIkct, mrs.
krion Hmika, Mrs. W. I1. McMll
:,, and Mrs. Geonje Hum were
i lcsscs for the 1 o'clock liuicli
3 ol thc l'nsl Matrons club, in
t lanlc temple Friday.
Mr). Williiirn 1J. DoWIlt, past,
iiron o( Riverside chiinter.
its. No. 84, Wolf Point, Monl
lio now lives In Klamath Falls,
time a mcmocr oi ino ciuu at
:i mccllna. Mr. DcWitt Is
rtman of the Western Fruit
ipreu for the Great Northern
Ptiin were awarded to Mrs.
iltcr West and Mrs. II. G.
jticy. Mrs. Hol.ert E. Wat- Compicd by some
ANW Meeting
Members of tho Art Needle
worn ciui) Kathercd for anodier
of (heir bl-monlhly sessions on
Wednesday afternoon, at tho
iioinc oi nirs. Marion Hnnks, 133
Blocks for Med Cross quilts
wero turned In bv several mem
bers. Other members arc knlt
thm wool lap robes for service
men, and fancy needlework arti
cles lor church buzaurs ore being
:.b'jri! was appointed to visit
tiick durinK November. Host
i lor the Inst Friday in No-
bberwlll be Mrs. Gcorito Cos-
:t, Mrs, rrril Cofer, Mrs. Ida
liinio, anil Mrs. Walter West.
torlit Formal
High school students will
r beneulh a blue, star-slud-
t false ccllhiK at the "Star-
W" formal to be presented by
'tl Duuchcrs. Saliirilav nhHit
ovembcr 4, In the Masonic tem-
t. rrograms arc slar-sluiped
ij dances named for tho con-
lalions. i
l)trons anil patronesses will
Mr. and Mrs. 1 1
UidMrs. Ralph Benoist, Mr.
lam. ii. E. Jones, Mrs. L. 11,
ver, and Mrs. Bert Schultz.
5 $
h Oonce
Aj Informal dance wns held
" upstairs ballroom of thc
OE hall on Kt,.,i .,.,.......
'Ober 28. Ucconil Inm ,;rrln,
1 night-club Ihemo with
wranjicu around the
ifi flnnp .....1
1. ', . " "upper wns
p., mlilnicht.
'" icwas furmshccl by Bnldy
'ins orchostru,
nd Mrs. Itnrlon Wnlts
"I ennrse, assisted by Mr.
' ,. Hmly Jeschkc, Mr.
irrftRn? Ije'll.etler und
Flowers frnm tin, fmnltv mr.
liens were used in (lecoratliiK the
ruums oi uie nanKs home, Mrs,
1. N. LleineiLS nnH Mm Tr.,1
Shoop, dauKhters of the hostess,
,.in-.i tuirinK ine ica nour. un
November 15, Mrs. Wilbur A.
Jones auj jiign, will entertain
the club.
Tuesday evening, October 31,
thc Women of tho Moose held
a Halloween masquerade frolic
In thc Moose hall, whlrh wns
decorated In thc (radltional
Halloween colors. A large
crowd attended the parly and
costumes of all descriptions
were on display. Unmasking
took place at eleven o'clock and
the award for the best dressed
mnn went to Happy Hepburn,
who wore n lady's formal gown.
Mr. and Mrs. Nichols were
tho most elaborately dressed
couple, and they wore benuti
fully embroidered silk Chinese
coals. Thc funniest costume was
worn by Walt Heifer, the most
original by Aliick Nyback. A
special award went to Paillette
Highlight of the evening was
thc ghost dance, and (he mystic
booth at thc entrance of thc
hall had a busy evening. Re
freshments of doughnuts and
elder, hot dogs and coffee were
served to all present.
''"yfCTTrp?7 warm i ' w'.illu t..f I
chrkin j . ww,v'v,ANf wite-of Kepresenrative oiocn
'Pon il ?d.,ho Uss Cranvillo at the Oregon Shipbuilding
h'cd wiil V00 October 23. Mrs. Stockman was
"id hn I cnse stamp corsage tor tne lapei or ner
tany J: ,llro dozen red roses, also a gift from the
om w ?uicky distributed to admiring friends, many
were formpr Pr,riiin. ,ncMnne uMbt tko ;(nri,.
- r - r - r.rr.- .-.r.r.-i i r .r r 'n i"i n 1 1 1 - 'ir.nj-
Herald fl lews Society
nym.wr v, mtm m im iiiiwiwwMiiyiMMiiiii)piii WV- l'mW"! ... . mini m nmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmm'
- 'felt mw ' 'M twf
Recent luncheon meetings of
the Soroptimist club have been
devoted to speakers, who ex
plained (he measures which will
appear on (he ballot at the com
ing election. Paul Farrens, at
torney, and Fred Peterson, coun
ty school superintendent, spoke
to an appreciative audience of
club members, who feel that leg
islation has some bearing on their
objective, "economic advance
ment for women." As a non
partisan service club, the Sorop
timists are interested in their
country's laws.
Soroptimists are in receipt of
good news from Elizabeth
Hawes, their European liaison
officer, to the effect that
Madame Noel, a leading club
member in France, has been re
ported safe, and that the Soropti
mist club has resumed its meet
ings in Paris. Madame Noel is
an outstanding business woman
in ner own country and in her
name all of the International
Member clubs have established a
fund for the rehabilitation of
clubs after the war.
Soroptimists are urged to aid
in the movement for a better un
derstanding of diplomacy. This
means a broader education in the
customs and dispositions of oth
er countries, and a development
of the ability to deal with them
equally. The immediate propos
al is a congressional bill for the
establishment.of a school for dip
lomats, . ...
Robert Culver, Mrs. Larry Ray, Christina Demetrakos, both Junior Hostesses, and Cpl. Dick McCluskey, shown in the
picture at the upper left. In tho old-fashioned dress at top right, is Gertrude Tolle with PFC Charles Peters. Believe it or
not, but the admiral in tho lower picture is Bernie Heidemann, ond "his" lady is Mary Trulove. Marines and their pretty
wives at the lower right are Mrs. Lee Morton, at the left, Sgr. Morton, Mrs. Jack Poggendorf and PFC Poggendorf. In the
circle are Virginia Tyrrell and Sgt. S. W. Amstutz-, who won the waltz contest. For the dance, the Barracks gymnasium
was decorated by E Company with hay, com stalks, pumpkins ond a crepe paper ceiling hung with apples. Music was fur
nished by the post orchestra. The next dance to be given at the Marine Barracks will be on the marine corps birthday,
November 10. Cuderian
Stockmans Visit
Interesting, visitors in Klamath
Fulls this week were Representa
tive and Mis. Lowell Stockman
of Washington D. C, hero Thurs
day and part of Friday, before
returning to the northern part of
the stale and their home in Pen
dleton where they will be pre
sent November 7 to cast their
Mr. Stockman has returned re
cently from France and England
and his slorics of the continent
were most enlightening. Many
of Ihe pictures ho brought back
with him were of great interest,
especially the one pictured with
Ucncrai liiscnnowcr nnn ucncrni
Bradley In France. Mr. Stock
man and three others were
guests at Harry Lauder's home
In Scotland where thc old per
former donned kilts and sang
songs for his visitors.
Mrs. Marshall E. Comctt en
tertained for Mrs. Stockman
with a small luncheon Thursday
at the Pelican, and again ithat
evening when she asked several'
to dinner nt the I'oucan lor me
A groui) of friends honored
Mrs. Wesley Kafton on the oc
casion of her birthday at her
home. 725 St. Francs street, on
Saturday evening, October 28.
Many lovely gifts were open
ed by the honor guest after
which games were played and
refreshments served.
Guests were Mrs. Romaine
Thomas, Mrs. Carl Pryor, Mrs.
John C. Miller, Mrs. Ed Lind-
beck, Doris Yantls, Nell Lind
bergh and Donna Hicks.
S 8 8
Lieutenant and Mrs. W. V.
Chortcfrs were the winners of a
fiireo session bridge tournament
held recently at the Officers'
club at thc Marine Barracks.
Second and third places went to
Lieutenant and Mrs. Harvc J.
Carlson and Canlnin and Mrs.
Mrs. Swanson Ne'w
Reames President :
Mrs. Martin Swanson was elected president of Rcamcs Golf
and Country club auxiliary, and serving with her for the coming
year will be Mrs. Herbert E. Hauger as secretary and treasurer.
Mrs. Wilfred E. Lamm, who has been president of the auxiliary
for three years, with Mrs. Oscar Shive as secretary-treasurer,
were given a vote of appreciation from the group for their serv
ice. ' . .
Friday was a bad day for golf and the members gathered
around the open fireplace for several hours of bridge followed
by luncheon served from a but-'
fet. Later each member, as well
as several of thc guests, were
called upon to take part In a fun
program . which completed thc
gear's schedule, Thc second 18
holes of the championship tour
nament will be played off next
Friday, weather permitting.
Hostess Friday at the end-of-thc-season
meeting was Mrs.
Lamm, assisted in serving by sev
eral members of thc club. Last
Friday, Mrs. G. A. Krnuse pre
sented the afternoon award
which went to Mrs. Guy Han
cock. During this week's business
meeting, the members voted to
purchase their third $100 war
bond which will be attributed to
the Sixth War Loan.
' IT: v
Moonlight Picnic
Forty young people attended
the picnic put on by thc Pres
byterian high school group on
Saturday night, October 28.
After roasting hot-dogs over a
largo bonfire in Pine Grove, tho
party moved to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew M. Collier,
where home-made doughnuts
and elder were served.
Spcclnl guests wero Rev. and
Mrs. David Burnett, Mrs. S. B.
Hopkins, and Mrs, Bert ; C;
Thomas. '
Steve Stone, president' of hc
group, was In ehnrge of arrange
itipnN .... . .
Hay ride
A group of the younger set
went on a hay-ride last Satur
day night, starting out from the
R. S. Hopkins home on the Mer
rill road. John Short and Delos
Mills furnished thc young peo
ple with a wagon and a tractor.
Later in the evening hot
dogs, elder and doughnuts were
served to the group by Mrs.
Thc higlv school students,
most of them members of the
football foam, and their girls
were Janet Welch, Davie Hen
thorne, Helen Hasy, Donnie Noel,
Marian Deering, Tom Hopkins,
Shirley Martin, Bob Perkins,
Helen Lcsmclster, Bill Wilson,
Charlotte Carter, Jerry Hicks,
Junnila Shinn, Harry Tindall,
Effic Botens, Bud Blehn, Sally
Mueller, Earl Hannon, Lyndon
King, Bpb Rcdkey, Vivian Dirs
chel, Dean Mason, Karen Har
din, Jack Ankor, Billie Lee Mc
Adams, Jim Palmer, Dorothy
O'Mnlley, Bill Abbey, Barbara
King, Dick Eastman, Donna
Brolherton and George, Long,
. Mrs. Rov Whitlalch entertain
ed for members of her bridge
club Thursday evening at her
home- Mrs. Melvln Howie was
a guest. High-score in bridge
went to mrs. L,ane warren.
Officers' Wives
The Marine Officers' Wives
club will hold their third lunch
eon meeting on Thursday, No
vember 9 at the Officers' club.
Mrs. B. Dubcl, president, will
be in charge of the meeting and
bridge will be played. The club
membership is growing, and
many new members arc expected
to attend.
The club sDonsored a Bingo
party last Thursday evening at
thc BOQ. Mrs. Richard E. Putt
was in charge of arrangements,
DAR Symposium
- A Pan-American symposium,
witn Mrs. E. A. ueary, chairman,
assisted by Mrs. R. E. Wright
and Mrs. L. H. Stone, will be
featured during the urogram
hour, at the regular1 meeting of
Eulalona chapter, Daughters of
the American Revolution to be
held Monday evening at 8
o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. O.
Rocnicke, 2035 Portland.' The
date is November 6.
-s s s
Mrs. Vergil Nelson, (Iris Lind
bergh), who has been a member
of The Herald and News editor
ial staff for several years, is
leaving this weekend to join
her husband now located in
Yreka, California. They have
taken an aoartmcnt there.
Friday evening The Herald
office honored Mrs. Nelson with
an informal party in the coffee
room, bhe was presented witn
a gift from the group.
S S s
Mr. and Mrs. H. E.' Jones,
401 Jefferson street, Invited all
the children of their neighbor
hood to their home for a Hal
loween party Tuesday night. Be
tween 50 and 60 youngsters ar
rived for thc fun which includ
ed' bobbins for anules and being
shown "motion pictures. Later
refreshments were served to the
little miests bv thc host and
oionei Monore
During Last Week'
More farewell parties were given during Colonel Bernard
Dubel's last week in Klamath Falls.
On Tuesday evening, October 26, Colonel and Mrs. Dubcl
were entertained with a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs, William
Dalton and Mr, and Mrs. E. A, Geary at thc Geary home on
Lakcshorc road.
A cocktail party for the Dubois was given Wednesday night
in the lounge of the Officers' club at the Marine Barracks by
f Commander and Mrs. Stephen
Mrs. Oscar Anderson . was
guest of honor at a shower given
for her Thursday afternoon, Oc
tober 26, by Mrs. Ralph Janson
at her home 551 Uerlings.
Many lovely guts were pre
sented to the honor guest after
which refreshments were served.
Bidden to the affair were
Mrs. Axel Jacobson, Mrs. Gus
Anderson, Mrs. Arthur Oberg.
Mrs. Carl Lindbergh, Mrs. Rich
ard Anderson, Mrs. John Berg
lund, Mrs. Oscar Olsen, Mrs.
Pete Strid, Mrs. Birger Dahl-
strom, Mrs. Henry-Fagrell, Mrs.
t-merick Hult, Mrs. Fred Lek
berg, Mrs. Pete Hedberg, Mrs.
Axthur Lind, Mrs. Swan Erick-
son. Mrs. L. Campbell. Mrs.
Eric Olsen, Mrs. Otto Clawson,
Mrs. Fred Goeller, Mrs. Swan
Olson, Mrs. Vergil Nelson, Mrs.
Eugene Werner, Mrs. . Fred
Biehn. Mrs. Charles Balin. Mrs.
Stina Swedin and Fracces
; ,
Open House
Barbara RoskamD. daughter nf
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Roskamp of
the Roosevelt apartments, enter
tained with an open house party
for 40 friends Halloween night,
last ruesaay.
Barbara was assisted bv Ruth
Merrill, Charlotte Carter, Joanne
O'Neill and Sally Mueller. Mrs.
Roskamp served during the eve
ning to tne nign school group.
A Halloween costume party
was given at the Westfall home
on Crescent avenue the evening
of October 27, when Shirley
Westfall was hostess to a group
of her schoolmates and friends.
She was assisted by her mother.
Mrs. Clark Westfall, and her
sister, Donna.
Kasper. About forty navy and
marine officers and their wives
and townspeople were invited.
Before thc dance at the Of
ficers' club Saturday night.
Commander and Mrs. Lowell
T. Coggcshall entertained sev
eral couples and Colonel and
Mrs. Dubel at their home. - '
A large reception, attended
by over 180 persons, was given
by Colonel and Mrs. Dubel on
Sunday for Lieutenant-Colonel
and Mrs.t George Van Orden, to
introduce" thc new commanding
officer of thc Marine Barracks
and his wife to officers and.
wives from the various military
installations around Klamath
Falls and to residents of this
A large crowd turned out to
see Colonel Dubel off on the
train Friday night, and the
marine band played as the train
pulled out of the station. Col
onel Dubcl will report for over
seas duty. His wife and daugh
ter, Rue Ann, will remain in
Klamath Falls.
Library Club
Members of Library club are
looking forward to the Novem
ber meeting scheduled for Mon
day the thirteenth, when Eugen
Neuhaus will present a program
on art. This is to be one of the
outstanding programs of the year
and an excellent attendance is
Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt has an
nounced that music will be pro
vided by a string ensemble under
the direction of Harry Borel.
First violin will be Elizabeth
Burton Taylor; second violin.
Donna Morehouse; viola, Ellta
Tatlow; : cello,. Mary Lou Van
Riper, and pianist, Anita Gwyn
Campbell. '
Mrs. Glenn Kent, president of
Library club, announces that the
district meeting of the Oregon
State Federation of Women's
clubs, has been cancelled for the
coming week due to a conflict
ing date with the election. Fu
ture plans will be announced
All women of the city are
urged to take membership in.
Library club which is the old
est women's civic group in the
city: Dues may be paid at the
meeting on November 13.
Halloween Party
A group of high school stu
dents were entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ab
ner at 2743 Dayton, with a Hal
loween party on Monday, . Octo
ber 30.
The Halloween motif was car
ried out in the decorations and
games were played. Part of the
evening was spent in a scavenger
hunt, with Harry Clawson- and
his partner winning the - prize.
When all of tho couples had re
turned from the hunt, donuts and
cider were served. .
Guests at the party were Shir
Icy Adams, Donna Wicker. Dar
ken Knowles, Patsy McMillan,
Serena Owens, Martina Atkins,
Mary Jean Stuart, Delores Moon,
Harley Franklin, Janet Linberg,
Joanne Abner, Lester Foster,
John Paul Foster, Charles Mitch
ell, Kenneth Weber, Virgil Gil
lette, Audie Koffcr, Jimmy Rut
ledge, Melvin Clawson, Harry
Clawson, Roy Colman, Gus Gust
bang, John McGee, Lee Good,
Dennis Knowles and Joe Ross.
v ' " V N C 1
-V 11 MS
ATTRACTIVE WINIFRED MANN, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Arthur Erikson, now ot Bar View, Oregon, is engaged to PFC
Vincent A. Quinn Jr.,-son of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Quinn of
Jersey City, New Jersey. Winifred graduated from Klamdth
Union high school and was a member of the Commandos.
She is now employed at Underwood's photo shop. PFC Quinn
is with the U. S. marine corps, stationed here in Klamdth
Falls, "they plan to be married November 15. '
maKe their home when not in Washington
lack K. Willlnm.
' hn?lpe y