PACE TWO HERALD AND NEWS,. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON HUNGARIAN S SURGE CAPITAL (Continued from Page One) man and Hungarian losses in manoower as immense, par ticularly near the tributary of the Danube just south of Buria pest where red troops wiped out 20 tanks in a great "slaugh ter" last night. The capture of Pest appeared imminent but the fall of Buda on the west side of the Danube was another matter. The Dan ube river is broad and there was no word on whether the Russians had been able to seize any bridges. The soviet communique last night reported the capture of Alsonemedi, seven miles south of Budapest, as the nearest point to the capital readied by the red forces sweeping across the Boggy plains between the Danube ana nsza. 11 was one of 100 communities enveloped in the fast-moving offensive. Caught In Pocket To the southeast Germans and Hungarians sought any means of transportation avail able to pull out of a huge pock et near Szolnok. With their way blocked into Pest the nazis tried to make headway across the plains north of Szolnok to a highway which runs on the cast side of the Danube to iVenna. Red army units pouring across the Tisza on a long front also raced for the highway. Machinists Vote Return to Jobs OAKLAND, Calif., Nov. 4 W) Some 3000 CIO machinists who had tied up repair work on 82 ships in East Bay yards for near ly a week, voted in a mass meet, ing today to return to work im mediately. They had quit in a controversy with AFL stcamfitters over which union should install cer tain valves and piping on ships. M TROOPS DRIVEN BACK BY NAZI 81 Candidates for city, county and state offices were introduced Friday night at the public meet ing sponsored by the League of Women Voters held in the Amer ican Legion hall. Mrs. Donald McKav. lea cue president, Twyla Ferguson and Mrs. Robert Thompson drove a sound truck through the streets Friday afternoon announcing the uirctnig, urging niamain people to "get out and vote" and stress ing the shortage of help at the pons. C. J. Shorb, congressional can- ornate irom tnis district and three of the candidates for the state legislature, Thomas E. Bus- tin, Kose Poole and Henrv So- mon were present and spoke briefly. Statements written by Lowell Stockman, candidate for u. t. senator, and Dale West candidate for state representa tive, wno were unable to attend were read. City candidates were intro duced by Mrs. Geiger, and Mrs, Donald McKav Dresenleri tho candidates tor county offices. Mrs. L. J. Goble, legislative chairman for the AAUW, intro duced Orth Sisemore, who gave a uigusi ui me measures to ap pear on the ballot. Speeches were limited to five minutes, with Sheriff L. L. T.nur acting as timekeeper. Gen. Kesselring Seriously Hurt BERN. Switzerland Ttfm, 4 (P) The Gazette de Laussane re ported today in a dispatch from the Italian frontier that TriaiA Marshal Gen. Alhprt KMEalpInn Candidate Petersen, a former German commander in i,A' mill operator who now operates j been "very seriously" wounded a farm in Klamath county, has . requiring long hospitalization, also criticized "ruthless" cuttine i Information from TtQu, E CLAIMS (Continued "from Page One) no candidate was authorized to quote' him and that he believes Lake county taxes are equal ized "so far as humanly pos sible. also criticized "ruthless' of timber in this area. Speak to WTC Congressman Lowell Stock man and his opponent, C. J. Shorb! have left after campaign ing simultaneously in this coun ty. Both spoke to Weyerhaeuser employes at the big local mill Friday noon. , - The United States senatorial candidates have all visited Klamath in a bid for the local votes, one of the biggest county votes in the state and the larg est in the second congressional district. One candidate for the senate, Willis Mahoney, is a former Klamath mayor. His op ponent is Guy Cordon, and the candidates for the other sena torial office are Wayne Morse and Edgar Smith. The Herald and News will hold the usual election night party ; Tuesday with reports from local, state and national contests made available to visit ors and to those who telephone xne ouice. ine paper will co- operate with radio KFJI, which will run a line into the news paper office on election night. cutting Information from inuiouay sam ivesseinng was wounded when his automobile overturned near Bologna after being machine-gunned by an al lied plane. WEATHER Prtdtr. November 3, 1014 ,. Max. Min. Precip. Eugene 6i Klmth Fain M 37 't? Sacramento- wi 54 j2 North Bend M - 33 Portland 54 m .59 Medford 6i 43 Keno (Continued from Page One) pushed to within a mile south and southwest of Klundcrt, a mile and a half south of the Muus and midway between Thutnocr- dojk and Willcmstad bridges. American and British forces pushed on 1000 yards from now-ly-capttired Fijnaurt. The Polish troops also seized Wagcnberg. On Walchcrcn island, the al lies forged a link between the eastern area and the causeway, I ana me bum ot perhaps L'UOO to 4000 Germans on the island were hemmed in east of Middleburg under heavy fire from allied land and naval guns. German resistance on tho SOtl- milo western front was greatest ! Yanks in Iran Despite Lack Of Agreement MOSCOW, Nov. 4 (.-piThe soviet government newspaper Izvestia said today American troops were in Iran without any agreement with the Iran govern ment. Izvestln said the Iran newspa per of Sued Ziu-Zed Din had "published a letter from the United Slates ambassador to the Iran government .saying that the decision not to grant an Ameri can oil concession until the end of the war would not cause the American government regret or alarm, because Iran is an inrte pendent country." Izveslia add ed: "But nobody Is fighting against the independence of Iran." WFA to Buy 105 Carloads of Oniom purchased In Idiiho, 43 In Oregon 'pound sack for No. 1 grade, nnd Automobllo Iiiiuranct. Hani and 15 in Utah, I lie WFA said, Bft cents per sack fur onions list- Norland, 118 North 7th. Phona at prices of 110 cents per 90-1 cd as U0 per cent of No. 1, 16060. WASHINGTON, Nov. 4 (PI A nrlHil ,,.1 ins . I. ..r n. against the American plunge be-j northwests onion crop will be yond Aachen. Klamath County Reports 10 Disease Cases In Bulletin The health bulletin of the Ore gon state board of health for the week ending October 28, re vealed that Klamath county had a total of 10 communicable dis eases reported for the first time during that period. Of these, four were chicken pox, one was mumps, four were gonorrhea, and one was tularemia. Adjoining Lake county had none. purchased immediately by the war food administration, the of fice of Rep. Compton I. White (D-Idnho) reported yesterday. Forty-five carloads will be S-.- im wawima mil tut tt Wl --n-- Continuous Show Sal. - Sun Ilex Office Opens 12:30 Ends Today 'In the Meantime, Darling' Joanne Craln Frank Lillmort It's a Waihington laughilldol Fibber and Molly oro our In fronC.on lh lam. oho McGoo lays down the law to tho lawmakers, .and tho fawmakon lay OUT McGoot San Francisco Seattle Canby After a brief spell of laziness, j on auai-A at pneumonia, 101- i lowed by pleurisy and a long i i est, me t-anoy correspondent is back on the job and hopes to have a column from this Dlace each week. The Canby Mothers' club sponsored a Halloween party at the Arlington school Saturday night. After an amateur pro gram by various members of the grade school, games were played by the children and ni- nochle and whist enjoved bv their parents. Cider, coffee and doughnuts were served. Letters are coming in gradu ally from the soldier boys who have been so pleasantly sur prised at receiving Christmas packages from the Canbv Moth- ers' club. Every Canby boy who is in the service at .home or overseas was remembered, and mis made a total of 40 boxes to be packed full of Christmas cheer. Lewis demons is sufferine from a hand infection this week. Mr. and Mrs.-Elbert McNew and Lee have moved into the new home built by Ralph Smith Lumber company, next door to its new offices. I'ur.linuouk 81.0WI Oprn 1 .'.30 I 1 TODAY j 1 Ady Clydo 1- ..I 1 k Second Hit it :! -immiijiimjMiMi mmi. J! !tss i PALLETTE OLIVER RAYMOND IARBARA WALBURN HALE DOM FRIEDA DOUGLAS -INESCORT IRVINO oJ THE BACON-KING'S MEN wr 'A' fa Added Screen Special -fa "FISH FROM HELL" Ilooming Through Ariiona Horoni on the Mond Lntett New VITAL STATISTICS HASKINS Born at Klamath Valley nwpiiai, Aiamain, raus, ure., Novem ber 2, 194, to Mr. and Mn, F. M. Has- Kins, - oio niiyara, a, jtil, weigot; Dounds 3 ounces. GLENN Bom at Klamath Valley hoi pltal, Klamath FalU, Ore.. November 4, 1044. to Mr. and Mn. C. R. Glenn, 3220 Delaware, a girl. Weight; S pound BUTLER Born at Klamath Valley hoi. pltal,. Klamath Falls. Ore.. November 3. 1044, to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Butler, 607 'si a uu?, nrejg.ii; a pounds ion ounces. HUNT Born at Klamath Valley hr. pltal. Klamath Falls. Ore., November' .i, iuvi, 10 Air. ana aits, uonam Hunt, nocKy roint road, ft girl. Weight; pounds 3Vi ounces. FUNERAL - OTTO GEOHGE BARF Funeral services for the late Otto George Barlf of Mt. Hebron, California, who passed away in this city on Wed nesday, November 1, 1044, following an Illness of but six days will be held in me tnapci oi ine uoiacn uate under taking company, 1550 California street, San Francisco, Calif., Monday, November , o, iwt-. vomnmmeni services and in terment will follow In National cem etery at San Bruno, Calif. The remains were forwarded via Railway Express icjit,y rriuHy evening. Arrangements nre under Ihe direction of the Earl Whltlock Funeral homo of this city. Courthouse Records i Marrlsges .TAMIESON-HAKDEW. John Archie Jamieson, ai, U. S. army, native ol Los Angeles, resident of Long Heacn. Calit Ethel Lydia Harden, 3Z, restaurant em ploye, native of Texas, resident of Klam ath J-fills. DAV1S-SHIPMAN. Mclvln Edgar Davis, 22, farmer, native of California, resident of Sacramento. Barbara Jean Ship man, 16, native of Wasnington. resident of Kla ninth Falls. RICKEY-LOMBARD. Frank Wanrcr Rickey, Jr., 24, U. s. navy, native and resident ot Portsmouth, Ohio. Ruin Anne Lombard, 2a, secretary, native of California, resident of Klamath Falls, THOMPSON-BROWN. James Jackson Thompson, 25, U. a, marines, native ot Alabama, resident of Klamath Falls. Ettagene Brown. 10, teletype operator, nnlivo of Oregon, resident of Klamath falls. OAKLEY-BOWEN. Louis Pembleton Oakley. It). U. S. nnw. itlu. n u. lucky, resident of Klamath Falls. Betty Bowon, 17, clothes press operator, native of Oregon, resident of Klamath Falls. Complaints Filed Lawrence W. Campbell versus Mary Marie Campbell. Suit for annulment. Couple married October 25. 1042, in n.c,?0.,Nev' J c O'Neill, attorney for plaintiff. Dorothy H. Constable versus Clayton A. Constible, suit for divorce, charge cruel and Inhuman treatment. Couple , married In Ktaniath Falls, March 1, 1034. 1 Harry D. Boivln. attorney for plaintiff. , Kmii f' J"m';B vc" Dorothy M, James. I Em J.or. div.orcc' charsc cruel and In- KiJUHZh ?".!.men., Co,lnIc married In 1(0 , Justice Court Ends Today "TRADE WINDS". FREDRIC MARCH JOAN BENNETT ENDS TODAY - Another Hit , "Miss V From Moscow" SUNDAY "LAW RIDES AGAIN" Starting KEN MAYNARD and HOOT GIBSON - Another Hit ii Swamp Woman" Starring ANN CORIO and JACK LARUE Starts The thrilling love sfory of a girl with a flghlirig heart ana the man who fought by her side! All the power, the romance, the spectacle of the book in a picture even mightier than "The Good Earth"! i mm KATHARINE HEPBURN Walter Aline Huston vMacMahon Akim Tamiroff Turhan Bey HURD HATFIELD 1. CARROL NAISH AGNES MOOREHEAD HENRY TRAVERS ROBERT BICE ROBERT LEWIS FRANCES RAFFERTY-JACQUELINE de WIT Seron Play by MarQusril, Robrh and Jon, Murfirt Bii,d on th Nov,l by Pearl S. Buck by JACK CONWAY and HAROLD S. BUCQUET . . Produted by PANORO S. BERMAN A - w; v r, 1 &u mwi 'Snifi -t'i ki trie s,'i '"-.4s-';'!.i'!j''j k W if - Ends Today - "THE EVE OF ST. MARK' Anne Baxter Michaol O'Shoa 2nd Hit "Prairie Thunder" per "I uUiui; iui UUIIIUI Continuous Show Daily Open 12:30 Sunday -fc Monday 1WB .1 V D 4-- Paramount S y- "Miwft" mm art 01 a Mfsm r i ins tt It MtSIH .rrsJUIJAJJlJLI JUJ mUJ IJUJN hElla Raines Lift I una mMtltfir t f,l uht'U f, f) .rj William Demarest Tf KxknUtkn in, . M.m, SnwiM tn him ; mnmiV, Raymond Walburn . Franklin Panflborn' ' Elizabeth Patterson Bill Edwards Wrllttn ind DiMri.rl h PRF.RTQN STURGES 4 t,L 1 s (W rf ' k it j my i : f.- V.' T V if? AS itti VJtj .V Th. .lory of HO 10 ": linra o hit liom "rtvm Gene Autry in On the Same Laff Progrom 'Gcmin' Round the mountain' November , ::n IV.... III :ii Pi 11 .1 ii 11 rchri! POny 1 ond Mnir