.4, 15"4 MLD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE THIRTEEN AulomotlT 34 Automotive . -n-t U(J 94 Autem jtiva 34 Autamotlva 34 Automotlvt 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 0' a" a1" .. ..A Tamil in do housework. rTZrmi - c" ,hr 5STwH,,i!U . ), "' ' " rt iinr-waalm Wo rt,""J' Ai.0 nmri I Ranted Laboratory Technician pr. Wayne MacAtee . Phone Bt39 S. "h 1210lf no(' Ilium tT.n to (iriiouitwofk and .,11 rwi "Z 7. 77T. 11 i New . taut. - to rlo e'ral houe. in. """" ..A lire- ' TIT' HouwhMiwr. lot w. 'S,' wm. rA, Mellon, Help Wanled. Mil 1 nrv i'i'" Tu u j n uthern Pacific Co. has opening (or Male CM I rut" a hp. M. lo 12:00 Midnight Mmy Fine DcncliU Pleasant Conditions . line Outfit lo Work For Chinee to Do Your Part See Agent 11-4 ' t Wonted , Shipping and Receiving Clerk . ii an excellent, permanent that not only pays a good fi( salary, but affords a opportunity to ' learn tux with futuro security. Icrlul chance (or progress ft our post-war cxpnnalon ;tim. This mny be your big rtunlty , , , Why not come rd talk It over. KK FOR MR. FISHER prs. Roebuck & Co. ISOOlf tlF.D-Hiwiti,r and prctscr. Uptown . in ao. nn. 133411 110 - Truck rlrlver anil war. rrajB. Apply swill & Co.. 8.14 kill SI. n j FrD - Exnnrleilier rleanae Bnrf S" M Isenset at Cascade w. 11.11 r0-Mtn anil hnva In P Wk. mod p,y Apply Bowline p). sis Main p. m. or any evening. f-ry ar Bunilsy. nailf TO Work In cleaning room i,mnm. 3B34tf P MICK DHIVEIIS WANTED ft rji . Wanted Miable, Steady Man for Warehouse or llock Room Work Ask for MR. FISHER r$, Roebuck & Co, 1800U KSom' wlf. to ; 'd tiVin. ... "m" houe- t-jr nent Hil,'!'";''?', t rMr" with n Kit": "b" ,M "u,- ' 0om - a.1,11 ..... r"''"ENc.'li",i? rw'Av.:, I "l .OJ Comm.r- feUnTT !B0 , P'1 MONX"... '"flu'ra """""I , WARD PKttr. " ..r- I I.N I 'ilea 5W 'tr naialni 3000. Sell Your Car ! NOW While the Price Still Is High SEE US TODAY i We' Pay Top O.P.A. Prices Your Ford Dealer Since 192? Balsiger Motor Co. Keep Your Car In Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment " Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS 43 S. 8th St. Phone 3138 Thurt.-Sat. IB H.lp WanUd. Mala 1 ; Halp Wantad, MaU Wanted ... Wholesale Milk Route Driver Delivering to Cafes and Stores Only No Sundays Permanent Now and After the War Lost River Dairy 1M If you want to work In a logging camp, sawmill or lumber yard where conditions are good, call at the office or phone' 5 146 between 8.30 and 4:30 p. m. We need men in all these departments of our operation which is an essential Industry, WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. TF 30 Raal Eitita For Sala FOR SALE S-room home, 2 blocks north of Main street, full basement, au tomatic oil furnace, electric water heater. Immediate pos session. Price $5300.00 S-bedroom home on Crescent avenue, full basement, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, double, plumbing. Price $5500.00 SEE FRED COFER Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8th Phone 4 IDS 11-3 30 Raal Eitata Per Sala A COMFORTABLE HOME One short block oft Oregon Avenue on graveled street. Lo cation affords good view of Up per lake, and is only five blocks from Conger school. Attractive living room 14 x 22 feet, car pctcd wall to wall, many win dows, knotty pine den would serve as third bedroom, There is a large insulated fruit room and laundry; lawn, trees and fenced yard, price ?jvou. Bogue Dale, Realtor 120 S. Bth Tel. 6872 or call owner, tel. 8237. . 11-4 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phona 8491 lt-Um rOR SAXK-ahaan naitura, 340 aoraa allalla anil tlmathr mlxaif, aoulh nl Malin. Call Uikay Broa., 7014. Ulu For Sale BUSINESS BLDG. 2 storerooms one 3-room newly decorated Apt. Downtown Good Income Property. Terms 432 Commercial. il-6 FOR HALT! BY OWNin-S-room homo In at. rranola addition, baiamanl. furnao. flranlaea, hardwood floor In Itvlnf and dlnlnl room. Larsa lot. Phona MOO. 11-4 FOR iAl.E-10 aerai on Homtdalo. 1 mlla nil lo. th. S4S00. Phona M4a allar 1 p. m. U-4 rOR aAI.I-Thraa.bedroom homa and furnlahlnfi. In t. rrancii Park, May ha Men aftar :W evtnlnmi or Sim daya. Call 40T daya or 74 avanltm. i 11-8 rOR iALC I .I acre with a-mnm eahln. 304S Hop. Inqulra on Sun daya. . ti-aa rOR BALI OR MiASIi-LBrta aml. modtrn hOuae, fruit room, fjarasa, woodfthed, ham. chlckan houao, on flva acraa. Rahhttt (all klndti, hutchoa for aala. W. M. Braai, Rt. t, Bo iOll. old Midland road, naar Tavonar Purdy Pack In Plant. U-B l-OtlR-rtOOM HOUSE with hath, com Mnaiy furnlahid. Inoludlna oteolrle rotrltarator, In 8tawart'a addition for aaoo. Good tarmi. J. W. Sandsn. aal tauta, a3 Main St. n-4 FOR SALE H acre, fenced, larsa houaa, 3 bodroomi. cement foundation, gar age, woodaneo, fruit room, wean holme. Bargain, quick aala. Call 4730 Frffltla Hi. 34 Automotive, RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES . ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 3th rhone 7071 ll-13mc rOR SALR tmn Lincoln Zephyr MUfie, Newly nvernaiuea inn pmmea. rnnnn iml. 301 a Main, Apt. K. ll- FOR SALE lo.ta Chevrolet Maater rotipe, new. runner, gnon ennomon. Phllpott Broa. Ranch, Bonanza, Orp FOR SALFEqulty In 1037 Ford coupe, radio, heater, good tlrea. Ph. 3037. It-t FOR SAI.H-l!qulty In 1B40 Mtrtury dan. aood rubber, A-l condition. Call S.T3. 11-4 TOP CASH PRtCB for your tiean. lata modal car or equity. Sea L. M. Quern at BURNESS MOTORS Authorlr.nl DeSoto-PlyMOtlth Pari and ervtc Goodrich TlratJUlribulor .. 314 SO, Ui , 3971 SPECIAL NOTICE To 'i Chevrolet Owners OPA HAS RAISED THE RETAIL VALUE OR YOUR CAR V t ' Chevrolet Commands the - Highest Value of Anyj Low Priced Car SEE US TODAY FOR NEW ; ,: HIGHER PRICES Sell To 'Ashley ASHLEY CHEVROLET CO. 410 So. 6th St. Phone. 4)13 34 Automotive For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types N Also Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So. 6th Phone 6942 11.30m Anti-Freeze Du Pont Zerone $1.00 per gallon in your container $1.15 per gallon in our container Dick B.Miller 7th and Klamath Ph. 4103 11-8 Use'd Cars Bought Sold Traded OutLL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends ll-10m For Sale or Trade 1940 Chev. Semi., new brakes and tires on trailer. Truck In good shape. Also nearly new pick-up. Hay baler for sale. Rt. 1, Box 638-K, ; -3.9 miles past Mac's Store. U-6 Goodrich ; Silvertown Tires and Tubes Most All Sizes, Dick , B. Miller Co. 7th and Klamath Ph, 4103 11-8 We Buy and Sell; USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main . ll-30m Car Troubles ? Eliminate Worry and Expense Sell Your Car to LOMBARD'S We Are Paying TOP CASH Lombard Motors TIRES Complete Stock of Gracle I Few Sizes Grade III Winter Fronts Tire Chains Fog- Lights Driving Lights Wiper Blades Defrosters Batteries Tail Pipe Extensions Locking Gas Caps And many other necessary hard-to.gtt Itemi Let Us Winterize Your Car With Lighter Grease, Zerone, Etc. . COMPLETE LUBRICATION, TIRE SERVICE HaUger' s Service. Station Main at Broad Hap Caldwell, Manager 11 4-8-1S-12 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ': Careful I Complete- Prompt4 331 So. 6th , Phona 3136 11-8 3 Automotive USED TRUCK TIRES We have 30 used truck tires in stock, sizes 630x16 to 825x20 6, 8 and 10 ply. OPA ceiling .... . prices. A Real Buy See Us Now! Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 S. 6th Phone 4113 11-4 35 Fuel Heatlni eating RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF UtHbtorjUjm 31 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE One Royal Crown bottle cooler. Merit Waahlns Machine Ser vice, an So. sth. li-ao ALL TYPF.S of emell sat enftnea re- aired. Bodenhamer Saw Shop, 331 B. lain. ll-13mc rNFRA-TtED ELICTRIC -HEATERS. axfi.50. F. Ft. Hauler. Open All Day Saturday. 91S Market. Phone 7331. ll-aom LANDSCAPING - Evergreen!, flowering hruVi and treat. Meke your telec tlon now for fall planting. LAKE WORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phone 4083. U-a0m GLASS Mlrron, retllveiing. plete, win dow and auto glatt. furniture tops, helve. Kimball Olata Shop, S37 Walnut Phone 737S. ll-4m FULLER BRUSH REPRESENTATIVE R. V. Morgan, S3 So, Klveraid tl-4m FOR SALE Dining room et. Good condition and very reasonable, ' 3314 Homedala Road, El, PADRE NOW OPEN Dine, dance. Bar service. Only 10 minutes drive from city center. 11-aomc FOR SALE Allis Chalmers harvester, equipped with motor, excellent con dition. .Phllpott Bros., Bonanza, Ore. tl-8 FOR SALE-AO tone of alfalfa hay and 30 tons of oat- and alfalfa mixed. John Ros. Box 0. Bonanca. 11-8 FOR SALE-4-whcel trailer, take body. 't ft. by 11 It., well built. 1330 Worden, 11-4 FOR SALE Kalamaioo wood and coal circulator heater. In good perfect condition. Weighs, 400 pound. 3234 Orchard St, 11-4 NEW 34 FT, MOUSE TRAILERS, alio a good selection of used trailers. IS to ,10 ft. Terms. 3171 Market St.. Redding, Calif. 11-34 STOVES REPAIRED, All available parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. ?K 'Second Hand Store, 830 Klamath, hone SS7I. ll-30m SI MEL HENRY at Lombard's Used car i,qt. oat a. em at. top urn CASH PRICE at one f6r your car. All makes and ntodala for (. .U-l'm FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS noy Schmeck. Phone 4003. Rt. 3, Box 1043. . U-som Fin.LER BRUSHES - Clam Joyer, 14.1S Martin. Phone W71. 11 -30m a-OR SALE -Model 70 Winchester 00-08. Eel scope, recoil par, case and shall.: Flxlt Shop, 744 Klamath. 148411 38 Miscellaneous Fer Sale TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Healers and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE All-whita porcelain circulating; type trash burners with cook top, especially priced, $37.80. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from $56.30. Circulating heaters priced from $37.90. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gets the Break . He Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-tf Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR -COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY v v Call John Sandmeyer Phone 3193 C. S. Robertson Ancv First Federal Savlnfa Bidft. ll-30m 1 Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of alt kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Sealey Bros. Phone 7709 1173-tf ALLEN Adding Maehlnee and rRIDEN Calculator. 194 S. tth St. Pioneer Printing; St Stationery Co. Ilt8m FOR SALE-100 tons baled har, lrt out alfalfa, oala and rye. at Keno. Sea Guy Moore at ranch befora creasing river or caU Doug Puckett, Tulelake 7104. 3333 ri SEWING MACHINE PART and ' tup plies. Al mekes. Phone S771. salt Shttta Way. u-30m FOR SALE Grain fed hog to butcher, weighing 300. and alio a red hen. 331 Harlan Drive. ll-t TRAILER HOUSE FOR SALE - Wall constructed, good tire, oil heater, rea sonably priced. Klamath Fallt Trailer Camp, S, Sth, 11-1 FOR SALE Antique leva aoat, electrle hot water heater, two-burner electrle plate. Brick house, right hand aide Kesterton road. - lt-S LEAVING TOWNMut sell at onc, furnished, modem house. 9010 Gar den. u.4 FOR SALE Culdelone piano, SITS, Good rnnnnion. I'none ;i;ioh. n-a 42 Mlieellaneous Wanted REFRIGERATOR WANTED nema Hotel. Call Wl- 127311 WANTED TO BUY -Sled with good run ners. Call 3134. 3148tf WANT TO BUY-40 to 180 acre diversi fied ranch, equipped with farm ma- - ehinery, In vicinity of Klamath Falla. Slate full price, terms and all detail In first letter. Write 3s4S, care Her ald and N 3044 tt r V I r- mS l I V I Vaaat lasasaaja. . Estimates Gladly Given Convenient Location 734 Klqmath Ave. Phone 4149 ODELL. MOTOR CO. Wed. auid Sat 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Just back from Pacific desperately need furnished home for wife and child. Phone 8101 Extension 102. Ask for Lt. Barackman or Lt. Abbott. 11-7 WANTED TO BENT - Private garage naar Anchor Hotel. Write X. H. Hel vay, P. O. Box 484. 12MU WANTED-Furnlshed noute or apart ment by civilian couple. Write Lynn Baker, care Airport, Worden, Ore. . . . 11-8 WANTED One good oil healing Move. Inquire at Waldorf Grill. 133Stf WANTED - Poultry, lrvoatock. turkey and rabbit. TRULOVE'S MARKET. 91 Eat Main. Phone 4332. llrlm WILL PAY CASH tor uied gun. Bring . them In for appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE, 838 Main St. - ll-30m WANTED Board and room. J. E. John eon, Valley Hotel. Government em ploye and wlf. 11-6 WANTED TO RENT From JOO to 500 acre grain land. Write Box 1301. - cere Herald and New office. 11-4 WANTED Dump truck. Call Shsw Lumber Co., Tlonesta, Calif. 11-7 WANT TO BUY-33 S4VW 6r Colt. Have 38 or 43 t6 trade. Phone 8402. 1480H WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO LouU R. Mann 130 N. 7th. Phone 4519 or 717J. 11-aOm WANTED Furnljhed apartment or houta. Permanent retldent. Phone 7810. 11-S LADY WOULD LIKE furnished apart ment or housekeeping room. Write Box 1431, care Herald and News. 11-6 MARINE, WIFE need furnished apart ment or house. No drinking, good car premises. Write Box 1431, care Herald and New. U-4 SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR BONDS If you have any no-longer uaed articles of any kind lying around your home or office thon you have a real opportunity to help the war ef fort. In the first place, other people actuelly need these no-longer used ar ticles; then, too, the money you raise by Railing things can be converted Into bond. Phone 3134. Claulfled Ad Dept. today. S70U WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phone 5078 after a p. m. 3373U WANTED Dead and worthies animal. Phone 4S3S collect. 11-37 WANTED TO BUY-lce creem frcerer. Phone 7318. I23SIIGP WANTED TO BUY - Small modern hout In Merrill or Malln. Will pay cah. S. R. Woodley, Merrill, Or. 11-8 WILL PAY SUBSTANTIAL BONUS for modern, furnished houte for rent, re liable part-. Write Box 300, care Herald and News. U-4 WANTED TO BUY 410 gauge shells or 30 gause shotgun. 3048 Orchard St. tl-4 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE-Colored fryers, live wtiaht. Fill your locker now for winter.. 1623 Wlard. 11-6 WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Abo eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3371. ll-30m HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs, veal, lambs end cattle. Johoson Packing Co. Phone S323. nights 3305. ' u-30m FOR RENT Winter pasture In Callfor - nla for cow, seo Mr. E. M. Bret tain, rt Klamath. U-4 FOR SALE- Rabbits, alio hutches. Call at S43S Homedala Road. Phone 4987. 11-5 46 . Financial When 'You Want a CASK LOAN"; For Any Worthy ; Purpose Call On. P. A. (Buck): Everett at the of fice.bf . COMMERCIAL. FINANCE. CORP. 107. No. 9th St, Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On! Automobiles v Furniture - Livestock Salary -" - : - Sales Between Individ uals Financed a n d O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come In Phone In or Write In Phone 771 V v: Lie. M-223 Lie. S-J31 ll-30m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For . LIBERAL CASH LOANS On Your AUTO : FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy . i 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers ! Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th .'hone 3335 ll-30m First Federal Has Plenty of Money e . Buy ft Modern Home - Refinance Your Old Home - a e ' Pay Less Than Rent -Long Terms . Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Bhone 0195 lj-30m