HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON pAGETWELVfc 10 Btrvlow 10 y J. R. Williams With Major Hoofl Out Our Woy ANNOUNCING Market Quotations Our-' Boarding Houie Reopening of EARNEST'S BLACKSMITHING ,, & WELDING WORKS At The Same Old Location 515 Broad Phono 7586 kArnkst and dkackman Opcrnlnrti Special Attention Given to Farmer!. Needs,: lly VltTOB KIIIIANK Nr.W VOI..K. Nov. 4 lAIM-' Whll" "-."y cu.u.mri. e aa ". " .... ec0. bullion oio prcneiit n "ud Mini. I"." " P 07 ,.,,;- BSnlr. lh. vioiniiy ol 400,. 000 hnri. Ulu ana incw -uiiumurb vveic .- BEING SO VERY V OH, NO--NO, MA'AM.' IT'S W . ' " I EFFICIENT INIOUR QUITE "THE REVERSE--WERE. ) STUDIES AMP WITH J BOTH VERY WORRIED ABOUT ' I UCH A "THIRST ( IT.'. THE MORE WE READ ABOUT I , I FOR KNOWLEDGE GREAT PEOPLE, THE MORE S , , V MUST MAKE SOUR ) WE FIND WHO , V , MOTHER VERY SHOWEP LITTLE IcV TV- PCOUP OF J OR WO PROMISE ) f C (fCv V OU.' 'I -WHEW 1HEY. rviWV. ; ; ' OH. WHAT A PAL YSt-"" J J?2 ' M WE fpterAUsAT J DkfJoVl HERE-, Tffl PURCWMBTVM0 UL 1bLOVJERJ Red Ryder By Fred Harmon rMNES SHOWDOWN KECKDtf ID BETItR GO M.0N3 JUST IN CsE she nissfeagrrffi ' ' ' - " ' '" By Leslie" Turner Wash Tubbs .- 41mm .k .., .y, eg m Tujc cce-im PA ' U BAPIO BEPORt'"Y" PHOnECAU. K...OUR 6ARRI50N WACKEPEXCeLLEMT I Vlol Wim BLACK ( HEBE OTHER WW.. FROM OUR PATROlA FROM YOUR POST OUST BEFORE WWN...S0ME lIUTBNAMTJ ; ALONG LAL-LO V4H-WrM;PS MILES WEST. ii J K BUT LOCKS LIKE SEB- TREACHEROUS T5dM?f IkTPV irliil'Ir CflLVr " Jsewunks work ifoei we shall .IS JAPS REACH eilaUt fVrjLfcftP. PTWar Ofc . . HAVE LINK AND - LIVESTOCK ... n . x. rniHPIiirO. NOV. . . nH ilftva 1U0U rrlituv week mlo: nioiuy tendy. flvo lod medium Oroi III!! ."iko'pi li.(X..l.50 Mdlun. .0 olid rw noHcr. $I31H). Ccwler ''' I0.23. "round S.1 cents low. Numi r ou load. ood cvv nwdl J cutler. tt.OO-O.on. ennnen W-M-"'?J; 9.'.? 0i '?,, .'ll5.?; xxv fully .ldy. Wcek'i medium lo choice luhler heavy clvos iu.uu-i.uu. hoiti: ror iivo uw. -" T.; lower. Clol trig top una duir wu " jail uountl burrows nnu I Good iowr $13.S0 down. Sheep: ior nvo wi-.. .....I. nun- KlftntlV. 14.05- trnlini. nuiK uit: " Nit X pelt $13.80-14.3. f ew aecni tu.u m5n $11.00-11.30. culli at i)00. Ewei S3.30 down. Freckles and His Friends By Blotter to nii ';ww ""una, m '.mi ihiui L'arlilde. nfi'iiKlnnsl heltiry wi mi"-j"" N Y Ti5t?il nu.llil.lwi. U" C wlffiB"i' Huuiltvm I'nctdc Uret Norlhcm nd Intoriutlon! Nictttl. Scattered rll bondi improvtd. Com- ',l,.t'" "SS-r. Includ.il Ken- Had TiitM. Cuban Atlantic Bugar, Anwr "in Cy.na.nld "H" nd CtHai Srv.M. compared JA tn 73 rhotee Hilta 913.00. com pn red week' Inp doling quotatlonii American C.nn Am Car At My Am Tel t Tel Anaconda Coltr Packing Cut Tractor - Commonwealth 4V So Curtla-WrlRbt General Klvclrlo Central Molort Cit Nor By pfd Ullnoli Central hit tlnrvciter Krnnecott tockliued Long-Lleli "A" Montgomery Ward .. Nnih.Kelv N V Central Northern Pacific !e C2 & El .... Packard Motor Prima R H Republic Steel nirhfleUI Oil Safeway Storei Seiirc Hoe buck Southern Pacific Standard Itrnndi Tram-America Union Oil Calif Union Pacific ........ U S Steel Warner Picture .10.1L .. 2He . 41 'i . M'fc . ni ... 32 ...HHI HELP WANTED KNOT BUMPERS, BUCKERS AND CHOKER SETTERS At Our Camp Near Klamath Falls BEATTY LOGGING CO. Cull nl Our Office, 123 North (Mil St. Potatoes election for Commissioner;, of athletics -16 dUST; ' Aroumd THE COKNEfc LARD ANP r :' HILDA A Mr . PUTTINS : TUB PN&L ' r-TOUCHES - l&THBIl CAMPAI6US - t rr I I PELL IMTO THE 1 ( EVERyTHINS WOR.KS MHINK HOW PAINPUL ft WOULD 66 lf , What . U sprained rr. I fell into h wg peOPLg RuSHE0 upTO ANp 4,,, HAPPCNEP, 1 SWlMWJNG POOL WHEN IHtxe vv JJS LUCKV FOR. VOU To SHAKE VOUR, HAND.' ueo? no water, in JTjxftjr That you're not go- v vfHm P - 1 K?TSB&efflS&. 'rKA INfe TO WIN THE7 Y js, , 11 L Boot, and Her Buddies BjrMartin lggg l l oj jp ,,1 r-r. vnv a (AP-WFA) Salable hog recelpti' BOO, hardly enough to make a market; nominally itendy: top 914.13. Saianie catue iiwu; yosv. pared Friday last week: general market confusingly uneven; only Btrlctly choice to prime iteera and yearling steady, top at 1.hu new nmn ii jv.... 7" "' - . ....mM.pim rn tetra nnd year- lings closed 1323 cents lower; all repre sentative weights medium and toad grades 0U-7.l cens nnwn, " weak to 23 cenlii lower: long yenrilng hrnught lR.:w: light yearling 9I".: good and choice nicer and yr''nB I3.00-1B.OO; common and medium 14.00: stable holdover on steers selling at 913.30-l7.00t "tockcrs and feeder closed firm, with strictly good and choice offerings at SKI.00.3n; extreme top yearling stockers 913.113. fleshy feed ers 914.00; common and medium stocHers 90.30-11.73; stock calves dull; trletly choice fed heifers stendy. best 917.73: all others 25-30 cents lower; nil grade cows except strictly good kind ImH 33-50 cents; good beef cows to 914.00. bulk beef cow late $8.00-11.50. cutter closing at $0.50 down and moil canners "'sainWe sheep 1000: total 5000; com pared Frldav last week: slaughter lnmbs steady to 13 ecnti higher; other clnnies atradv to 25 cents tower: good and choice native and wenlerti lambs during wek 914.00-40, .mostly I4.k-iij and good lambs 912.00.1X73 tn'dlng t.H. at lh Cnnad nni 912.30-50. five decks common 72 lb. Canadians 910.50 bucks Included with deck cull t ik nut nt 7 on- rull and common natives 96.00-11.00; deck good and choice shorn fed lambs No. 1 pelts $13.30; bulk yearling wethers No. 1 and fall shorn ers .uwa; shuwhiuki "v - - bulk 94.50-3.50; fleshy 00-R3 lb. range feeding lombs 913.00-25. lond medium and good 60 lb. 911.23. some common lightweights down to $0,00. niiminn Nnv. 4 1 APi Potatoes, ar rivals 75. on track lllfl, total U. S. ajiir monti 770; supplies moderate; for best quality western slock demand moderate, market steady: for northern jock de mand very slow, .market dull; Idaho nutlet Burbanks. U. 8. No. I. W-13.37, Washington Hus.et Burbanks U. 8. No. 1 ea.ao; Colorado Red McCluros U. S. No. 1. 324: Minnesota and North . Da kota Bliss Triumphs, commercial Ij.uO 23; Cobblers, commercials 9l tM)-2.23; u consln Unippewas, conuuv Nw Today l.OHT-Hmall blue leather purse, 41MW. newro. KOM HKNT--Furnished 2 nwm apart menl. No children. 210 Martin. 1 1 -4 roil" HAl.K--1ti:ta Chevrolet foupe. fnlr cniHlUHin. g'MMi runner. rnwno ' HI. 1, llox nm. 10 So vicei U-T FOH SALE Neat two-room home In Attamont, iir.il tun Prli'od to aril al 11430. Will consider trailer In trade. Kay terms. Well constructed two-bedroom home near in course. Monrrn ox to pi nir 1 prop orty, 1 buy LEGAL NOTICES nm-o over two acres wun Many atlractlvi features. A real at :i00. Tonus. Hee Joe Perry With K. I., WEAVrit tial Katate antl liuuranre 330 E. Main Si. Phone 6764 Mooting Nottcg Klamath rails Aeria No 21)00 lleauiai meetlns every luei lay nigni, 0 p m rO C liall Oth an -Walnut VlBltin memler Invttea nnnTl.ANn. Ore.. Nov. 4 (AP-wrA CBttle for week 4373; calve U40: com pared weeK ago, mosi cinc weak; dairy type cows around 23 cents lower; late aemnna ami; coihuiuh-hicu-lum grass steers 90.00-12, 30, scvcrnl 1oad)i hav feds 913.00-14.23; common medium heifer 98.00-11.50. few $12.00; ranner-cutter rows 94.2fl-ft.00. shells down fo 93.00; rat Hairy type n.;t-r..w; nit-n-lum-good heef cows 9fl.50.103n young enws to $11.00; medlum-cooc! bulls $n,oo- 50. Odd head to aiU.00; annn ncmers iim.U AA urinM to 114.00 iraiS calves dreggy, some medium gradei tin evenlv lower, medium-good 30.00-11.73, lew under 330 lbs. $12.00, culls down to :. ..... a Hogs tor wcck ww; Kuiiiimi ."V ago. market 75c to $1,00 lower, feeder pigs steady; good-choice 100-240 lbs, late largely $14.75. few S13.00. early lop $15 75; 245-300 lbs. late $13.50-14.25: light lights 9i3.fa-ii.uu; K" " 18 00; good-choice feeder; pigs - largely 9H.00-25: good staffs $10.00 late. Sheep tor week 2573; fnt Iambi around 25 cents lower, others nnd ewes steady: good-choice wooled lambs SI 2.00-30; inorn lamns unevenly iu..-i,r, vun.- mon lambs around simhi: cuus nnwn io 93.00; medium-good yearlings gH.OO-n.so; good tlauahter ewes $3.23-3.75. common aown to i.w, Alley Oop By V. T. Hamlin 1 1 dfinr .Kir, whcm suf T AND whii.E THE VwHEN I THINK7 HOLD IT, OTOLA.'woOEyAjJOW 'CCUO "h7!55 I 11 V oSnT RETURN I GOT NATIVES SET YOU Of ALL THE WEVE JUST GOT. THAT'S TAKE A . TSO HELP ' LrANIBEEN OUTaN ? WNS GUZ&D THE ) VP AS A BIGSHOT, INDIGNITIES HIM BACK TO UpOSSIBLE ') VACATION fA&X,m X MY HEAD FOR A EOYS TO HELP ME ) THEY SOLD ME AS I SUFFERED NORMAL MN-T m-ueWJrl m K N4v i Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray 3 ' 'r , MIMMONH ' ' Fnull) No. 7130 IN THE CUICUIT COUIIT pr Tilt STATE or OIIEGON roil KUAMAIH BEAt'iUCE'b. SYLVA. Plaintiff HAROLD WALTER SYLVA. Defendant To Harold Waiter Sylva. defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Ol v.'..i hfJ nnrobv renulred to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed ugulnst you in ine aoovo vnuuvu on or oeiore aaiuruwy, nvmii 11(44, and If you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff wil apply lo the Court foe the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: A decree o divorce on the grounds of wilful dWrtlon for more than one year Im mediately preceding the filing of the hnmnioint- fnr cuitodv and care of minor son: $50.00 per month support I money, court costs and attorney- fees. This summons is served upon you uy publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable U. E. Reedcr. Judge of the County Court, said order being dated October 20, 1044. and the dute of I he first publication hereof being Oclohar 21, 1044, and the last publication is November 11, 1044. FRED O. SMALL. , , Attorney for Plaintiff, 323 Main street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. O. 91-23; N. 4-11 No. 203. CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 lnA Ir.l Wtlln.MtltV VP. t ..!, ,,.,, itli. 7:30 p. m., ! Uhor Tcmulf n Main. C, l, I.ONll. c il . A. Olllco OpM I'OO lu -M V. M. Evtry w.rin.,il.v. Phono SXi IJm . PLUMBING SERVICE : Plumbing A: llontiiiK K(,uip. lnstiilli-d tuid rtf)iitM DAVIS PLUMBING COi We lliircy I'liouc jjjj Falls Upholster, and Rug Service Cleaning and Moihpiw i' 'Use Again Same D: I'MONK (111 U 8 to II A. M. , Allcrl! A CLASSIFIED RATES One day .oei word 4c any run . m wuiu day run - P"r word lie day run , , , p"" word 13c day run ,-,,-,. per word 14c Week run per word iw: Month run . oar word 4flc nt by t Ada received by 1:00 p. m. will appear same afternoon in "New Today column Ads go into regular ciassiiicsmnn the flrsl day. Ads may be cancelled Or Hint- 1134 nv nru m WILL THE PEnSON who took billfold from writing tame in r irsi bank Friday morning, please return fold and contents to bank or mall lo J. W. Nichols, Route a, Box 810. Klam ath Falls. H-7 VHEAT r-ittr Anri Nnv. 4 fAPi Grain futures h..-!,! iri hnrk fractionally In late trading today after having held steady to firm throughout moat of the session. Buying was jimiica io nur tuvunim after an early commercial demand1 lor wheat had been satisfied. Pcnnrti nf finur nurchases by the army stimulated local purchasei In the wheat market. Offerings were light and the trade so smnjl tnai prices were quium? There was no - pressure u .wr... In the rye market and prices held near the previous close. Commission nouses were on both sides of the trade. under the pressure of selling by local traders. Clear and cold weather over is., militia wail usn rnnnrded 01 Ideal fnr conditioning the new crop. Book ings for deferred shipment totalled 103, nnn tt,ialu1a There was no Mature io ine trade. Commission houses had resting orders In the market and looal operators At- ine Close wneai w iiiiiii,iniiuw e lower tlion yesicruny immn. o- wr.hrr 1 fill. flnm W.IK off V tO 7ltC. nmhif at nnH OaLs were unchanged In i '.f nwr. llPremiiCr O.t'nC. njr. wnn unchanged to Vtc lower, . Dercmber gl.lO'A-3,1. Barley wa unchanged 1'ic lower, December ei.tuis. A auickor method has been found for formintf the rounded noses . on bomb casings maae from cylindrical steel tublnt! The upper end of the tube is heated wn to-not. a sicei lorm of the proper shape is thrust up within It, and a hollow die lorces ine cages inwara. LEGAL NOTICES NOTIfK Tn r-RRDITOPH Mnllf Is hfrrhv slven that the linrtfr- slgnfd has been appointed administrator of the estate or w. if. mcrnerrcn. oe ffaaorl hv th Ctrpnlt Court of the Statl of Oregon for Klamath County and has qualified. - All persons having claims against Mid estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law to the undersigned administrator, at the office of A. W. Hchoupp, 01.14 Maln street, Klamath Palls, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication hereof which -date October 7, 1044. CLARA A. McPHEnREN. Administrator of the estate of w. li. McPherren, deceased Klamath Lodge No. 77. A. V. A A M. Special coin r.u.iili'nt inn. Sunday. Nov. .1th. 2 00 p. m., for the purpoo of conducting fun- rril norvlccB, (.corge (irirlc, All brethren oueoted lo attend. ALVA OLDHAM, Worshipful Master. Lost and Found LOST - On Merrill-Malln highway. r-1. Miuiira nttjtor. hlark t IU caie. Reword. Phono collect. I'hyllU llttardkley. (1314. """HI APPLIANCE REPAIRS Wo ropulr and service iDa of nullos, vacuum clcjmn iiuiny other clcclrlnl i uncus, we may linvc intu rncllo tube you need. B ublo prices. Phone JIM. SEARS R0EBUG Tucs.-Thunij Discount tor Payment m Advance 3 Discount for payment dt -.um New Today nniVATK PAT1TV will nay cash for 1031 or later moaci. izm t-ani, av. h- LOST Antique brooch, oval shape, painted face, gold mounting. Liberal reward. Call 01121. II- LOBT-niack kid glove. Phone 4: General Notlcat NOW OPEN EL PADRE ' For the Best CHICKEN and STEAK DINNERS Our Chef - Mickey Dwan DANCE TO Pete Colley - Piano Frank Curry Trumpet Pnt Drums Sil - Hawniian Guitar BAR SERVICE 1 J-:Wmc HOSIERY MENDED 2810 Bummers Lane. Plione ou. -iu FURS REMODELED and repaired, also cleaned and aimed. iaj no, nn. 11-1 CAPABLE WOMAN will take care of fmifirn eveninai ana naiuraar. after 5 p. m. 624 Walnut. 11-7 "WANTED Clerk In men's store, loo. gooa pay to ngni piny. Woolen store, 8th and Main. Steady Oregon lODUlf BOARD Gentleman. 1607 Crc. 11-10 FOR SALE 1034 Ford V6. 2-door sedan, Good condition, price $:i23. inquire at Sunrlsa service station. 101 E. Main. H-tJ FOR SALE 2-bedroom lultes, complete wun springs ana mattresses, m ancn. Other miscellaneous Hems, Can lie seen at People s warehouse Monday. R. E. McLain, 11-0 FOn SALE -No. 2 potatoes. $1.30 per sack, 4000 Homedaie Road. 11-4 FOR SALE U-Electrlo range, latest model, hern used 3 months, double bed, Phono 8773 after 0. 11-4 FOR HALE While enamel wood range, 30.- 330.1 Harrow, Ph. - 8HM. 117 FOR SALE Good hall hearing skates. good coat, like new, 223 Martin. FOR BALE 2-wheel trallar, priced right tor quicg sale, 1.120 I'leasant or rn 6470. 1 i WILL EXCHANGE room with private nam and uonrd to service couple foi wife's assistance tn housework. Modern home, 2 small children. Phone IClOl ll-' WANTED TO BUY Phone 4200, -Late model coupe, WANTED TO RENT flame In vlrlnll of 1177 California (corner of Cook ani California. Phone 74ftff, II WANTED TO BUY Male Australia Shepherd puppy with blue eyes. Cal 0078 evenings, 10R3tf WANTED Plowa and power lift for rarmaii-12. . too n. 3rd, WANT TO RENT Furnl.hfrf iint . will buy small furnished home on bus line or close in on pnvement. Phone fima. frerer Mills addition. 11 WANTED Elderly woman to do light iMiiiMwors, moaern conveniences, pn, OldV. . 1.J WANTED HoiiKwork by the hour, un til 3:00 afternoons. Write Herald ASPHALT ROOFS APf. Free Eslimalo. All Types.'. , Cuaronlced Phono '1838. CALL ROBINSON'S DEUU' Phone 7423 Parcels Bq . Deliveries Hours-tO:(l() a. m.w . . diiiip quill'. it now open n r '"" rH renalrhig. Work tsken m 24-hour ncrvlce WILL CARE roil uiu.ij I'lione 10 Borvir-M WWWfJHfffrAffff I Refrigeration Service . KELVINATOR Factory Authorized Service Household ond Commercial Phone 0017 0REC0N EQUIPMENT CO, 127 Sn. Oth St. ll-3m ri.r.rTnoi,ux .srvice. CI.KANtn' 111,7. r..,,i ntirrh, w' for nDimlnli'ir"1- J Motor Rebuilding Starter nntl Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 years' ISxpcrlenca Elmer Tripp Home Garage 210 Old Fort Road Phono 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. phonf. tins rpn w '1 or guaranmc" - SEPTIC TANKS CWAKtf stalled, ' rirciiiNKHV iw y ,tllun. l" ; pltw Di r. plmno rurnllur. S hop. up"" AVON ritollUCTS - M pn one if1. n TlKMSTlTCllIKO , . 111 IO"" " . m'ni V... ttJH M.I,.. Ilimm Sl. -rrin in MAKK YOllll -J p, . Phona :i:i2t. FALLS ELECTRIC AND. . , GENERAL REPAIRING Light Plants, Generators, El ec trio Motors h e wound and Repaired, fins r.nsrl iint nvarhaulerl and Re paired. Agent fnr Delcn Light Plant and natteriea. 633 St. Francis St.' MSmoNifAV v:ewe CARPENTER REPAIR, remodel wanted. Phone 41(33, work J377tf DARK CONVALESCE HOMt . ..- Miirse I n Graaunw Wli.I, no Fun MF.NDiNn-.Mrii. iinrn.y. Cnll .111113 nflp ft.fin n m. 3111 Dr- raw. , 11-11 SEPTIC TANKB nt.r.AMr.n.ltflvA mo- ri.rn Miilnmin, i3.tn KH F. Kins. tl-17 14 H WANTKn Wlnrinw u,..l,ln. Phnnft S140. ladv ron OFF1CS Cleaner- OT-14-ai-gfl: N4. NO. 1D rows, jjox 1430. U-13