. 1 19it4 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE ELEVEN Luteal hor 06 You Know? VOTE FOR t .,1 lulu o" II"1"' -,",, "oft LOWELL STOCKMAN epuHleon Condldoro j j for Congress L Sp.ak Ov.r Station Monday tuning ot 9:15 p. m. Aj.LowH Stockman o A '1 f vV V A I Do You Know That ;The INDUSTRIAL, LUMBER and TIMBER f PAYROLLS in Southern Oregon are in JEOP ARDY because of the UNEQUAL TAX BURDEN placed on the FARMERS and? SMALL MILL OPERATORS - and the )) Ruthless Timber Speculation In This " Region Do You Know That The WATERSHED of Southern Oregon Is In JEOPARDY Due to the Ruthl ess, Uncontrolled Timber Cutting In This Region? Vote For , E. Reeder For County Judge piiponilblc, Courlooui, j Acllti Admlntmalion ; Ti. JU. br U. It. lt.il.r f. rJ. AJt. br Martut 'ittitn Marius Petersen Candidate For STATE SENATOR - 1 Understands what to do about these things. Ha knowt what this district it up againit. 1 A VOTI FOR HIM IS A VOTE TO SAVE YOUR HOME AND INCOME Vote X-27 for Marius Petersen ELECT Walt Wiesendanger MAYOR World War Veteran 18 Months' Active Service Overseas. P Additional Months I" Hie Army of Occupation in .Germany. OF YOUR CITY 1 & A ; I Have Been a Taxpayer of Klamath Falls For Nearly 18 Years. Our Home Is at 2032 Earle Street. TLL. , is nia; i Fair and Impartial Consideration will be given to all I problems confronting the welfare of our city" 0 Attract New Industries and Provide Employment for Our Returning War Veterans ven'gat1 on tlie ')a"ot reads: "My four years as Councilman have n me the knowledge and experience that will be of value to our city and taxpayers." w . MPd. Adv. by WH Wiwndngr. I have reiided for the past seven years in ward number one. I own my home in said word and I am a taxpayer. For the past five years I have been the owner and operator of a business on Main street in our city. We have three children, two of whom are attending our schools. I have no connections with any group 01 organization and I am not obligated to any person, persons or groups whatsoever. I believe in the future of Klamath Falls. I bslieve that the city of Klamath Falls should be operated in a business-like manner; that complete harmony should exist between the city and other departments of our gov ernment; and I will endeavor to do my port in such cooperation. I believe that ordinance number 3420, in effect since January of 1943, commonly colled the "BLACK SNOW ORDINANCE," should be enforced, and as your councilman I will expend every effort to see that this ordinance is enforced. ' ' ' ti, 1 ,VK , w 1 ' " - ' ' : ' "-,---u-'r'-iiiiilfrt-iffit'iiiiTiril I also believe that North Third street should be made a through street and that all intersecting streets be made "STOP" streets so that our chil dren will be protected in going to and from school. I believe the playground in our ward should be made usable for our children and I will make every effort possible to the end that the Old High School Park Site be made the beauty spot of Klamath Falls. If elected your councilman, I promise to hon-. estly and -energetically perform all of my duties with all of the sound judgment I am able to com mand. I earnestly solicit your( vote. Ti. Adr. H.H riuina "It took World War to get Jobs for the Amer (cm .people. j,vv. nnsningion 11 gelling all set for an other depression. They Intend to keep the young men in the Army. The New Deal spokes men are dally announcing that reconversion will be difficult, if not impossible. They say that relief rolls will be enormous. ' "The reason for lliia Inns ramlnnJ r.M.. h twofold. First, because (here never was a worse job done of running our government. "When the W.P.B. fell apart, so did vour ehance under this administration for jobs after the war. n : . ' "The other reason for this long continued failure h because tins administration has so little faith in the United Slates. They believe that our task Is not to produce more good biil lo fight among ourselves over what we have. believe that we have not even begun lo build our Industrial plant. No living man has yet dreamed of the limit to which we ran go If we have a government which believes in the American economic system and in the ' American people. J "There can be-there must be-jnhs and opportunity for all at a liiuli lvel nf u and salaries." -Thomas e. ornrr ' """-rii.Wri.r,si.isrr, , E TV f V 1 f t-' i K i.,t Bi It1 ' v . -.i eRwl 1 VOTE FOR DEWEY '2 ,c&.vo- mm ON NOV. - -. "V . ' Pd. Adv. Klamath County Republican Central Committal t49-BCEErX3:1