November i ,.. PACE TEN HERALD AND NEWS; KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 31 CAR ACCIDENTS PORTLAND, Nov. 4 (JP) Portland had 31 automobile ac cidents In the 24 hours ending at 11 p. m. yesterday, most of them caused by slippery streets and poor visibility in the rain. A dozen persons were taken to hospitals, but none was con sidered seriously injured, police reported. "The amendment is timely, it is practical, it is just, it is necessary," Former Governor Sprague In the Statesman. Salem Oct. 17. 1944. VOTE 314 X YES Amendment to Increase State School Support Fd. Adv. Klamath Cnnnty Teacher Auoclatlon HELP OREGON GROW Strengthen our state banks by voting for the Banking amendment. Protects depositors through federal deposit insurance. v Opens way for stronger capital structure. Puts Oregon on same plane with 45 other states, Plan has endorsement of grange, bankers, state authori ties, labor leaders and others Vote 300 X YES! PAID AD BANKING AMENDENT COMMITTEE, L B. BOOTH, CHAIRMAN, COBVAtLIS, OREGON My Campaign Slogan Is 'For a Beiier Klamath Falls' VOTERS of PRECINCTS 12, 3, 4, 5 and 8 I solicit and ' would appreciate your vote ANGUS W. NEWTON Candidate For COUNCILMAN From Ward 1 Pd. Adv. by Anrni W. Newton. v5 lj Clear the wires for them from to (o) P.M. Buy War Bonds for Victory We'd like to ask a favor of you for those in the camps.' Whenever you can, give the service men and women first chance at Long Distance be tween 7 and 10 each night. They'll aooreciate it a lot. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY !20 North 8lh Street Telephone 3101 Service Men and Women Home on Leave MM 1e Courtney E. Dawoi from Farrasut, Ida. Here until November 8. Cpl. Arleit Bragg from Chlco Air Base, Calif. Hero until No vember 5. AM 2c Joieph Yeomen from South Pacific. Here until De cember 2. The above service people are entitled to free passes to the lo cal theatres and free fountain service at Lort River dairy by courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the theatres and R. C. Woodruff of the dairy. Please call at The Herald and News office (ask for Paul Haines) for your courtesy ticket! Classified ads set results. Highway Route to Be Surveyed THE DALLES, Nov. 4 WA permanent route for U. S. High way 30 through hero will bo surveyed by the state hiiihway commission within six months or a year, Mayor Georuo P, Stadclman said ho had been in formed. y Tito present route, on natj row. conccsted Second street Is very unsatisfactory, StadoK man said. PLIB Men Agree to Return to Work MARSHFIELD, Nov. 4 M) Striking Pacific Lumber Inspec tion bureau inspectors yesterday agreed to return to work Mon day after a dispute Thursday which closed down tho Coos Bay Lumber company's huge sawmill. Tho inspectors refused to work with company inspectors, it was stated, but agreed to re turn on orders from PLIB head quarters in Seattle. Today On The Western Front By The Associated Preii Brltlih-Canadlan Commandoi Join forces with troops ad vancing along coast of Wulcher en island. i Canadian let Army Drives two miles deeper Into dwindling hazl beachhead below Muas river and enters FIJnaart. I Britlih 2nd Army Captures Ospel, slushing 4000 yards from enemy bulge and allied line southwest of Vcnlo, Holland. U. S. let Army Pushed buck a half mile to tho west, as coun terattacking Germans recapture Schmidt, taken by Americans yesterday in the Aachen area. U. S. 3rd Army No dispatch from this army, In tho Nancy Mel area of France. U. S. 7th Army Edges to ward Vosges gateway to Rhino flatlnnds, capturing three more French villages. Asks Your Support for Re-election As County Commissioner Conscientious Constructive Service Deserves Your Approval i He Knows County Business And Gives It His Best Give John Reber Your Vote T Adr. Jsbn Kebtr. At Tuesday's-Election 4' VOTE X 2 "T""'. .'j V0TEX "- N I X " j i VdDTTIE r (Veteran World War II) ' ' n Thomas E. Bustin h Democrat Candidate for State Representative I have made Klamath Falls my home since 1936. I own my home here and am deeply Interested In the future development of lndbstriei of Klamath county. I am In favor of a toachera' retirement bill. I have recently been endorsed by both the CIO and the AFL. I am an ex-service man of the current war, served o military instructor over many boys now overseas, and if you elect me to this office the "Back to Civilian Job Problems" of the boys will receive my. full support and cooperation. - Td. Adv. Thomai E. BuiUrt X,ILI,,,: .f VOTE X 31 & lyJ uQ jI I He is a leading member of tho majority party in tho Senate, thereby holding important committee assignments valua ble to his district. Faithful attention to duty on the Senate floor and in committees marked his first term. Let's give a big Klamath majority to a bia Klamath man Vote For- Marshall E. Cornett Of Klamath County v O 18 years a resident of Klamath who has always given gen erously of his time for community and civic a flairs. A citizjn with a sense of public responsibility. Paid Adv. by Cornell for Senator Commllltt VOTE 20 X C. J. SHORB i .'a :( -l.-li si Klamath County People Can Vote With Confidence For Democratic Candidate for CONGRESS Oregon 2nd District A Frequent Visitor in Klamath County for 20 Years! He Knovi Your People and Your Problems. A Vote for Shorb Is a Vote for Progressive . Business Man Publisher Veteran UNDERSTANDING REPRESENTAT Platform: All-out effort for early victory all possible aid for war casualties, soldier rehabili tation. Greater development of our natural resources, especial ly irrigation, power and flood control. Government protection o f 1 workmen during reconver sion period. Extension of Social Security II husiness men , school teachers, domrf and farm help. Continuance of farm progr low interest rates. Favor bringing HR 149 nf mm m if fee. Less petty politics and &A tape. VOTE 20 X C'J. SHORB 04 AH.BC.S IT"