PACE NINE. 3, HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 0SS MY PROGRAM: fh for Returning Servicemen IT"koplii(( Klamath sawmills In operation. Now SrVEN mllli hevo closed and till the County r urt has dono nothlnei to prevent Ihlt lou of payroll to our community. tnng.Term Planning i our county roed program. Good roads ara ,eiary to encourage naw Induilry. Arloauatc Recrootion ' lor til ,,,n club'' nur,,ry tchools and Jclndrain efficient and Economical Spending o( our Ux monoy and lair equalisation ol our lix load. , . .nd constructive liilero.l In ALL depart .( ha county, public wallara. public i h libraries, llconslng ol businesses outtlda Vote 35 x Dorothea Buck DEMOCRAT FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER rd, Alv. hv Klimtlh C. llm6rH6 Club To Whom It May Concern: Any statement made by eny candidate (or offico concerning assessments of any kind, or class of property, in thii county oro unofficial and unauthorized by ma, or anyone olio connected with thii office. And I with to further itate that I believe that tho assossmenti of Lake County ara at well equalized at it it humanly pot liblo to figure them out. Thankt bo to able and efficient atilt tanco rondered by the appraiteri and valuation experts employed by tho State Tax Committion. C. H. Lcmgslet Assessor ol Lake County, Oregon, RE-ELECT YOUR DENT To Bring Your Boys Home Soon Insure a peace this time that will keep your children and their children from the horrors of war. Vote for DEMOCRATS who will sup port the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF from top to bottom. YOUR VOTE was never more important than this year. Failure to VOTE may cost the lives of Klamath's boys! Pd. Adv. Democratic Club Here's the Way to Mark our Baot NATIONAL Unitod Statct Senator, 4 Year Term X WILLIS MAHONEY United Statct Senator, 6 Year Term X EDGAR W. SMITH United Statct Congressman, 2nd District X C. J. SHORB STATE State Treasurer X WILLIAM T. LAMBERT Attornay General X BRUCE SPAULDING State Senator X MARIIJS PETERSEN Stato Repretentativet X HENRY SEMON X THOMAS BUSTIN COUNTY Judge, County Court X WALTER WEST County Commitsioner X nOBOTHEA BUCK County Clerk X MAE K. SHORT - Justice of the Peace X JOSEPH MAHONEY County Treasurer X THET LANGSLET Cut This Out and Take It to the Polls VOTE FOR Marvin L FOR MAYOR Shepherd BECAUSE: H hti been a builnois man In Klamath Falls 17 yuan and has boon active In civic and 'ternl allalrs, giving generously of his time mattari ot public welfare! and because hit ""Ineii exporlanca and civic activities have ml him conversant with the many probloms 91 our city. HE IS FITTED AND QUALIFIED w temperament and sympathetic understanding , to deal with our Messing juvenile problems. Ha is '"lily man with three children one a first 'attaint In the army air corps! a daughter, Ending the University of Oregon, and a son lB sixth grade In Klamath Falls. And be. e,u, he has a constructive program for the city I Falls. At an examples Will Imme ""'T put into effect ordinance No. 34J0, thereby terminating the BLACK SNOW Ml!ACE 1 Klamath Falls. Tilt AS. r ShcphaM lor Mayor Club Choi. Boll, Boolr., Ml Brosi M. VOTE FOR o o I have retided for the past seven yeart In ward number one. I own my home in laid ward and I am a taxpayer. Fo? the patt five years I havo boon tho owner and operator of a business on Main street in our city. We have threo children, two of whom are attending our schools. I have no connection! with any group or organization and I am not obligated to any person, pertont or groups whattoever. I believe in the future of Klamath Falls. I believe that the city of Klamath Falls should be operated in a businest-like manner; that complete harmony thould exist between the city and other departments of our gov ernment; and I will endeavor to do my part in tuch cooperation. I believe that ordinance number 3420, in effect since January of 1943, commonly called the "BLACK SNOW ORDINANCE," should be enforced, and as your councilman I will expend every effort to see that this ordinance it enforced. WARD ONE " ' MM, ? 4 A a J j! Jar t A fi tt Sis ft I also believe that North Third street should be made a through street and that all intersecting streets be made "STOP" ttreeft so that our chil dren will be protected in going to and from school. I believe the playground in our ward should be made usable for our children and I will make every effort possible to the end that the Old High School Park Site be made the beauty spot ot Klamath Falls. If elected your councilman, I promise to hon estly and energetically perform all of my duties with all of the sound judgment I am able to com mand. v 1 earnestly solicit your vote. Pd. Adv. Hatt TlsBlfU aaaaaaa ji um Av ami oobm -- - M t,-&! '' iWTf'B. .... . wit a 1 -rrfK j.-.K-TW- f.xc ..rr-""" e:v- - ' v v ' v ; , ' w""".-"''-- . . . . , . j,..,., . -ii. OOVIRNOK THOMAS I. OIWIY, Republl. can Presidential nominee, minced no words when declaring his position on labor in an ad dress at Seattle, Washington, Sept. 18. Gover nor Dewey intends to bring the U. S. Depart, ment ol Labor back to the status for which It was created to administer the affairs of labor. Governor Dewey pledges himself to abolish the many multiple agencies set up by the New Deal to pass on labor-management relations, but functioning more to retard than expedite labor problems. The Republican candidate for the Presidency of the United Slates, lias prom iscd the American people that he will select as Secretary of Labor, a man from the ranks of Labor. ; "Among the things which have been hold. Ing us back here at home is an Administration Labor Policy which has bred class division, hate and insecurity. I can say without qualiiica. lion that the labor policy of this ailmiuislra- tion has been one of delays, bungling and In- competence'. It has put untold obstacles in the way of labor's effort to avoid wartime strikes. It has fostered strife between one labor group and another, between labor and business and between both and government." i Thomas E. Oewxr AMfU-Stault, IToia., Stpumbtt IB, 1944 ' v Sb T J- WW sit r i A t , K - Ml M In Jv v i. 'it 1 ,Av v rv : . n WdYn mil n ft nWaMaeiawww ottii r-i juts VOTE FOR DEWEY AND BRICKEE1 ON NOV. 7 Pd. Adv. Klamath County Republican Cantial Committee t49S5Cik - mm i t-v-.Mviw ., T.".i L ,-tr . t,rl i H:V ii:' 1TI 'tCI .(,13 t ii net I