HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACB SEVEN on 3 ESn'i Co"P'9" '.mull in"''- "" " " ponc-nt in tlia republican prl miiry, cx-Guvcrnor Churlcs A. Spri!iic. Ill A ulliln-wlrlo radio arlrliewi lnt.t iiiulit, tlin Siilcm SlHlrsmnn niibllnlicr iil'ifinl election of Cor don, Wiiyno I,. Morsn, mid Ihn four republlcun nominees for u. a. representative. Pralsln Cordon' record In the senate. Rprague salcl ho "him Iho Initial advantage of senator ll experience . , . which will be of Increasing Importance to Ore Hon aa Union goes on." po You Know? Do You Know That The INDUSTRIAL, LUMBER and TIMBER PAYROLLS in Southern Oregon are in JEOP ARDY because of the UNEQUAL TAX BURDEN placed on the FARMERS andiC?v SMALL MILL OPERATORS - and the )) Ruthless' Timber Speculation in This Region Do You Know That The WATERSHED of Southern Oregon Is In JEOPARDY Due to the Ruthless, Uncontrolled Timber Cutting In This Region? . b'wahMtaUvu&UHtS, J . ' it, S Marius Petersen Candidate For STATE SENATOR Undentandi what to do obout theto things. He knowi what this district is up agains' A VOTE FOR HIM IS A VOTE TO SAVE YOUR HOME AND INCOME S Vote X-27 for Marius Petersen T4. AdT. by Mrln nUntn Walt ELECT Wiesendanger MAYOR OF YOUR CITY J1" vy. ..kAP11 r,r fl 1 ' f&ii v WORLD WAR VETERAN 1 MONTHS' ACTIVE SERVICE OVERSEAS. 9 ADDITIONAL MONTHS IN THE ARMY OF OCCUPATION IN GERMANY. I HAVE BEEN A TAXPAYER OF KLAMATH FALLS FOR NEARLY 18 YEARS. OUR HOME IS AT 2032 EARLE STREET. MY PLEDGE IS THIS: "Fair and Impartial. Consideration will be given to all problems confronting the welfare of our city." 3k,... U . .. . . .(. t ...Ml ! ... .wig yoU CCct ma 0, y0Ur Mayor may I assure you tnar i win maintain u ' "hedulod hours in tho Mayor's office and that I will devote all necessary time performance of the duties of this office. In my 18 yaars of residence here In Klamath Falls, I have taken an active part J" many committees, being appointed on the Boxing Commission, the Armory 'd, elected to the City Council for a form of four years which expires now, war . '" orlve and others that pertain to the welfare of our city. I am tne pair presi dent of Ihn I In-. .I..L I i t -I iL. VI .Ik B.l.ll Rnroill. -iuiii i,iuu ana cnairman gr inw mimuni nvn.n Fr tho last eight years I have been chairman of the American Legion "Stop oret Fires" ninnnin tui. !. ... - k. Amerirnn Lesion's most important com projects. . , YUR VOTES and the SUPPORT you can give me far this office among your nd neighbors will be fully appreciated HAS ... MV 'ogon on th knii .J.. "MY FOUR YEARS AS COUNCILMAN UVEN ME THE KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE THAT WILL BE OF VALUE To am. IME KNOWLEDGE AND EXP 10 UR CITY AND THE TAXPAYERS.", Sincerely, Walt Wiesendanger PH. Adv. by Wlt Wliendnnr VOTE FOR Chas. F. DeLap Republican Candidate for County Clerk t - ' mM I J.. .'. .' SjPTtM . 5 J n: .i.Mt 1 I I 1 1 1'l " I was born in Klamath county and have ipent my entire life hart) halped to rata and educate fiva children. Have ntvar held any public office. Hava had 13 yean' axperianc as Deputy County Cleric end 20 years' farming and busineai experience. If elected, I pledge the following: Harmonioua cooperation with all State and County officials. Will devote my entire time to the duties of said office. Promise courteous and efficient service to all, whether or not you see fit to support me. If you do not know me, please Inquire of your neighbor as to my qualifications, etc. Owing to gas shortage and harvest time, it will be im possible for me to contact many voters. Will not ask for more than two terms, and, if at the expiration of one term there should be a qualified ex-service man or woman desiring said office, I will not seek re election. Your support and vote November 7th will be greatly appreciated. Vote 38X. 1 Pd. Adv. br Ckai. 2eop. "The amendment is timely, it is practical, it is just, it is necessary" Former Governor Sprague In the Statesman, Salem Oct. 17. 1S44. VOTE 314 X YES Amndmnt to Increase State School Support Pd. Adv. KUmitlh Cnunty Teirhfru AlftoeltlleB PREVENT PROHIBITION DEFEAT THIS "BURKE BILL' WITH ITS DANGEROUS JOKER'l Don't take anyone's word for it f Read the bill itself! See how the insertion of one word the word "GIVE" in both the title and body of this bill affects your very freedom. Will you be abla to serve your guests either at your social club, or in your home under .this bill? NOI Do you want this dangerous type of prohibition? NOI THIY DID IT ONCE IN 19 J8 ... THEY'RE TRYING TO DO IT AGAIN IN 1944 VOTE 313 X NO! ttii Air. THK ANTI-PROHIBITION COMMITTEE OF OREGON O. J McPhtrteo, Chtlrfnin. Pcirion-4th Av. Bids., PattUnd emu- "''I mm CDeh sn"tt& (5 (D 11 E c 3 c 3 STATE S01TW He Has Served the State and the 17th District Ably and Conscientiously. His Experience and the Respect He Has Won in the Senate Justify Your Vote for tit'- V; 3L Marshall E. Cornett Of Klamath County O 18 years a resident of Klamath who has always given gen erously of his time for community and civic affairs. A citizen with a sense of public responsibility. , ,. . j , . Paid Adv.' by Cornett for Senator Committee. EE) 4P TEN IIP 4PMW s-Tta'Je 1 " ' i 3 t (9 iV v, vry 5 . If 1 1 ) Our Third Largest Business - Tourist $ $ $ Income from tourisi travel that includes hunters, fishermen end travelers, to and through Klamath Falls in normal times, makes the tourist business our third larg est industry. In order to build this industry to its maximum, there must be close co operation between the city, county, cham ber of commerce and others in tourist pro motion. All community advertising must be handled on a business-like basis. All duplication and overlapping must be avoided. Ed Ostendorf, candidate for mayor of Klamath Falls, believes in need for aggressive,' coordinated tourist promotion. We should all help our sportsmen associa tions and tourist , travel committees to bring the tourist travel to Klamath Falls. VOTE 47 X YES - A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MAN ED OSTENDORF for MAYOR MAINTAIN and DEVELOP INDUSTRIAL PAYROLLS Pd. Adv. Ed Ostendorf.