Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 03, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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adoted at tybkian flank
See the coat fashions that will take honors in the holiday parade!
We are ready with the greatest array of styles in the history of our
business! Choose from nationally known brands of exclusively
styled modes created from finest fabrics and furs.
Vie have just received
1 Un irlav fnal- N
- : sr ,a
from fashion Park...
a group of suits in choice
worsted fabrics... enriched with
handsome, colorful
custom stripes. ..suits
with an alert aliveness
and distinction .
See the winners' in fine budget priced1 fur toppers. Coots that
give the beouty and warmth of expensive fur without the high
cost! '.:.
Priced. From ' .
$69.50 to $445
dim Sifely SSgt. Lewis
hlkinson. U. S. urmy. medl-
turps, lius written hut molh-
n. Uc button, ol tils sine
j In fciiglnnu. iiu writes
line little town whero he Is
d Is very quiet nnd bcautl
id serins nhout 10 year j
i the limes, but tlint "one
remember they luivc been
tar lor five years." The
ry is very much like Ore
JccordliiE to Wilkinson.
I'lenly o( rnln. Sut. Wilkin-
M in charge of the hospll. I
"nthe Miip gniiiR nrross nnd
'i high commentlnllon
the ship s surgeon.
Poland McssniiPK In I.t.
ijRillello Jr., son of Mr. nnd
$John naffelo of Portlnnd
f. may reach htm nt Oflug
fa not a Stnlng address as
yusiy given. Young Rnffcl
fs taken a prisoner of the
Jans during the Itulinn cam
I aid s now In a camp
pterc in Polnnd.
Jp Nndd There is a
s shortage of manpower
local postofflec, accord-
"wmasicr Hurt E. Haw
Any persons desiring to
' lh war effort by the de
al mail simiiM ! ni
fiSe nt once.
m On I r, .
J. MMlc, is here until
W 8, on leave from
"w- Arthur Tiippan,
'UD.l;r?tl'y Currier, slit-
..,ily , urcgon,
home Thursday night
W"c to spend the week-
: senior
Mt Poitponod The Mid
hind Home Leonomlcs club has
postponed the November 7 meet
ing to November 14, due to con
flicting dates with the election.
Mrs. George Lamb will be host
ess of the Kroup, All members
are urged to be present as there
will be election of club officers
at this meeting. Mrs, Leo Sut
ton, Mrs. Frances Flowers and
Mrs. II. B. LarKcnt will serve re
freshment at tho grnngc meet
ing, November 8, at the hall.
me inmn nr n.- i
Campaign Eases
Ff Weekend
broadcast, cased
la' over KfTi Ty
" noted KFJ1 unlos
"'Wnatlng n Phlladcl.
' lo in .
for lP"rt
fcfi"U. m Team.
Visiting H.r. Cpl. Arlett
Bragg, formerly of Klamath
Kails, is here for a few days
of his two-week furlough from
Chlco air base, In California.
Ho is staying at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Burton,
42 Pine, until November 5. His
parents are now living in
Berkeley, Calif.
Fremont's Sal. Fremont's
wnr Htnmn sa c was Increased
considerably this week when the
Junior high students upped their
lure buses hv a DIE porccniuirc.
fhe snle Tuesday totaled $173.60, 1
and of this amount the junior , v
high purchase was $100.40.
N.lahbors of Woodcraft
There will be n regular meeting
of the Neighbors of Woodcraft,
Monday evening, Novemuor o, ai
8 p. m., in the KC hall. Erma
Miller and Mnrtha Gllcrist will
be members of the committee for
Iho evening.
To Organise. All women of
tho Midland community are In
vited to attend a meeting at tho
Midland grange hall, Friday, No
vember 10, at 2 p. in,, when Mrs.
Winnifrcd Ki Glllcn, home dem
onstration agent, will be present
to organize nn extension unit.
President. SDcakI
f"? U ., ,
,rklnri for II n "j '
rwtlnn.i "r. '""..demo.
sffi Wco'
Marshall Cornett
To Campaign Here
Marshall E. Cnrnctt, slate sena
tor from the 17th senatorial dis
trict, Is expected here Saturday
morning from Portlnnd to wind
up his cnmpnlgn this weekend.
Senator Cornell has managed
to campnlgn nctlvcly through the
big 17th senatorial district, de
spite his responsibilities as execu
tive secretary of tho Guy Cordon
for United Slates senator com
mittee, OaMeief
ntoM wiwtv. fTurfY dutsisi or .
f Pieiat, """JcK
f Ooublt Outt Nou Orom (Tm, TS
V Vlorki ftit SUM WMK -iJP
Instantly, rellM from snlflly, neii!r
distress of head colds starts to corns
when you put a little Va-tro-nol up
each nostril. Also helps prevent tnsny
colds from developing if used In time
Just try HI Follow directions In folder.
( S -Jo:":-..
; 1 , M him fXA '
, - ,. 1 . . riATZi.h IiIWlV 1
Food 8al The Friendly cir-1 in Cnrlor's market, Saturday, No- fp )Vsl Wrap yourself ;in beouty a n d - P ' lifeH ' ; !M -
cle will hold n cooked food salelvcmber 4. : ' warmth for seasons to come! B ' I I ivMf
'0 v , M .. dos, furred tunics and s ma rt- : m: S i s '! lift ' ' ?M.
P ' ' m . dress .coats, with furred collors. . . ''.-7 ilil : "M
m (Fnjil . ' ' ' M- - and cuffs.. Superbly' tailored. of. . ,. i - lllp'-'"' ' " ' 'if ."
M ' VVr jiil m !00vlralnV.jert$,,-thes-: 1 C
vTf. i': in. p bok fJlS& Wa . coots were cfeated by America's Pi :
I iA '1 foremost' manufacturers of fine ' f,f ' ;:-
1 V'' i lllV H . coats ''REDFERN';' 'and ''LILU-'- -f -'.'V..l
m VLrv.' ' . I O' II ANN." Top-grade, furs of musk- 1 . 1 J " v'; ' v:
H MmSLh :fj9jttf;''A vin.5ho W rat, wdlfu'irrek skiink and as"- I . " 1 "
l ' U0"A'- (Aft nynrir -v, n m ' lorted foxes. " ' '
I r "t-o-c:w:r i $49.50 to$i89.5o . w- : - m
I 1 ')) o,v,n-lT; ,r'c" ,v :iiz2T44 ' - vj . . .
y V ? ''Xf 'ill'- of'iii ' i.' 'ng"vc,"'l'n8 'ioc ft - J
M lueiND Mw, .fcta.ii I 'V x V 'V P- A .CV 1'
IAS Pm, Skwt IWto MlMl. jW s f A V N y H ' Alt iLjV''' 'J j
I - fv L . I ;;COATb Jm&i
I C i kll I ''r:;Foultlessly tailored c . 'l
'J I A VnT xx 11 most endless weorability and &X I Vlf '
I I v", I g warmth! Invest' in" one of these if
P l .X v ' Cw" ' f P . . warmly interlined coats of finest C5?MS3Km J v
I mi lM ''V 7 ' i COVERTS BOYS' COATS , I $
It -' i , '4, , ' 11 FITTED DRESS. COATS . .. x ) 1 1 M; T
II CASUAL WRAP COATS : : '. , 4l if ;T-
m - . KS!hj'' . -.1 ' ' See Them in;a Crond 'Array of ,'1 ;
3 r - ; . . . SequineH overblouie from Stmuei 1 M Newest Fabrics and Season'! . ...... fs;i , I . g
fl i Jr ft i Clwpmn.Wesritovernhort ; El 'rUr. v -5 I r"i '4
1 ' 'yZrti TsliIM t SSI' i" for .fternooa. over, long . kirt & - I' If- '11
, BitifAfl 4AlfJ for .fter.d.rk. Twice ...m.rt, to H t '', ' . ... UJi 4
1 rS ' ' 1 JI9.95 to $49.50- ffTiiJ '
S 1. oh h dwi wm ' )A , . ' :. t : . w feM
M M. mt t.o " j ' ; ' ' I f f taj
I fjAri J f , 6P;M"' , I j jj ' sl B;2
iPeakcr not named.