Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 03, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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i; ""jSr Manailni Editor
JEidelass martar t tha poslottlc ol Klanutli
Muck a. un
a' ttmporsrj combinUon cl Ih. EvMilng Huild .nd th.
Kl.mTlh Ntwi. PubUshad .very aftarnoon axc.pt Sunday
S fci .nld.Vnd Pin. .M.U. Kl.malh rails. Or.fon. by th.
&Xd iSollshlni Co. .nd In. N.w. Publtohlm Company.
monin 7So By mall
Hir "T.80 By msu .
By wrrl.r
oitSdl re.'th."'taka. Modoo. Siskiyou count!.. -r ST.oo
. months S3.23
1 Membtr.
AMOcUUd Prwi
M.mber Audit
Burwu Clrcul.Uon
Today's Roundup
THE pro and con of the state school support
amendment which have mado it one of the
,ortal measures on the November 7
ballot will undoubtedly clash
in the mind of the voter who
studies the proposal conscien
tiously. We confess it has been
difficult for us to reach a con
clusion on this amendment,
which is No. 8 on the state
ballot, and we note that such
eminently public-spirited and
tax-conscious editors as
Charles Sprague (pro) of the
Salem Statesman, and Robert
Sawyer (con) of the Bend bul-
latin OTA In Hisflcreement on it.
This amendment, as it appears in me voters
Pamphlet, is short, and to the point, but its
effect on the state tax situation makes it in
fact a complicated proposal which will not be
easily understood. We will try to boil it down
today by giving in order a statement as to what
the measure provides, favorable, and unfavor
able arguments, and our comments.
Provisions of the Measure
THIS constitutional amendment obligates the
legislature to provide a state school fund,
on the basis of 45 cents per pupil per day of
attendance in the public schools of the state.
It' frees the legislature of the 6 per cent tax
increase limitation in meeting this obligation,
arid it provides that until 1950, $8,000,000 of
the raised revenues must be used as a property
tax offset. How to raise and distribute . the
money is left to the legislature.
According to the best estimates,- 43 cents per
where good administrator and teachers can be
kept from going to nearby, higher-paying states.
3. It will provide, theoretically at least, a re
duction in local school district taxes, inasmuch
as It requires that $8,000,000 be a property tax
offset until 1950.
. 4. By obligating the legislature to raise the
largo amount for school purposes, it may force
an exploration of new tax sources and eventual
revision of the whole state tax program, easing
the burden on property and collecting more
heavily from other sources, such as consumer
levies and intangibles.
Unfavorable Arguments
THESE are among the unfavorable arguments
advanced against the measure:
1, It is questionable public policy to freeze
into the constitution a plan for state school sup
port, including an arbitrary amount to be
raised. Thus, if the plan proves unsatisfactory
, under -changing conditions, it cannot be altered
' ' without laborious amendment by vote of the
people at a general election.
1 Tossinc in the legislature's lap the problem
of finding lucrative new sources of tax revenues
at a time when post-war conditions may bring
deflation that will disturb the state's taxable
' wealth. It is generally agreed there is little
prospect that state income taxes, at present
rates, will be sufficient to pay for all state
operations, plus this amendment's requirements
for school support.
3. The danger that if the legislature is unable
to find any other tax sources, or if its efforts
An mn am nullified by -referendum (a very
serious threat) the state would be compelled
to take the entire school tax from the counties
through the real property levies, tnus mreaieiv
ine to bankrupt the county governments.
4. The nroDertv tax .'.'offsets" provided in
the measure promise more than they will prob
ably fulfill, depending upon the consciences
of local school boards which receive the state
Our Comment
WE believe strongly in the principle of state
school financial sunnort strongly enough
to support a constitutional amendment to that
effect. We have been impressed with the equit
able features of the Klamath county unit pro
gram, and can see where a state basis of taxa
tion and tax money distribution will bring an
equality of educational advantages to all Ore
gon children those M remote or poor areas
as well as in the larger or richer districts. .
We would like this measure better If it pro
vided, instead of the 45 cents per pupil day,
that schools would receive a certain percentage
r.11 floipti cbip.i
113 N 4th. S.rvlc Sunday, 11 a. m.
niornln. i wowhlp .nd T:4 .y.niafl.Uo
KrvlcVi widnfWv. mtd-ak ..rvlcas
it T: p. nY Saturday ntht pryr wd
prals. at 7:43. , ,
'?'."'"..... . ......I.. ,
lpaa man. view n. ', I , :
Phon. 7i Dlvln. worship. 11 ? ";.
ay acnooi, . win-... -.--
day. p. ni. Chlldran-s roniirnuuon
class. S: to U:30 a. m. at Uw pn.
Alllraonl Frssbjl.rlsn
Junior hlah .chool. S. tn and sum-
Ihsrs. Bov. luh T. Mltchslmor.. pa.ior.
Bib), school. J"""''". .5S
m. junior .iir,.,, .-:-r
m. Sigma PI social-, : V- m.. 4431
-eth' th mania.
Cburca ol Cbrut
CaarrB ol Chrl.l
All' m.mb.r .nd frl.ndl r .Hand-
d a special and cordis Invitation 10
att.nd tha downtown Church ol Christ
. . Knri mnrnln MtVlCS. SOIU MrV-
lc, 10 a. m.: Blbla .tudy. 10:14 a. m.;
lermon and worship. 11 a. m.i commun.
ion. n: a. m.i w.iuii. -,.---.
o'clock. Located In tha KC haU ovar
th. Halnoow tneaire.
pupU day amounts to approximately f 13,000;-. , ,. of state- -venues, or that a certain
nnn I. ; v. . ro v.a nf Ihn' ,n,ai . . ... .
percentage-of total school costs snouia De met.
by the state wltn sirici increase iimitauuiio.
w rHalifci. the inflexibility of the 45 cent pro
vision, but we can see how, if the tax offset
provisions are used and not abused, and if the
legislature after 1950 will raise or lower tax
offsets in accordance with conditions then ex
isting, this unfavorable factor may not prove
serious..' ' '
Adherinc to the urinciole of substantial state
school support, and therefore agreeing that a
large state fund should -be raised for the ;pur
Dose. we must decide whether to proceed NOW
to demand the money, from the legislature (as
this measure does) or to find the new . tax
sources FIRST and then provide, constitutional
ly, for its diversion to the schools.
Our Decision
i ELL, we are going to take the course, that
V V forces the issue, so far as our vote is con
cerned! We endorse the principle of this amend
ment, we think the Oregon, public should, be
brought face to face with the need for revision
of the state ta structure, and we are going to
go along for this amendment in the hope-that
it' will' bring about that revision at an early
It is our opinion that all responsible elements
in the state, including the sponsors of . this
amendment, (the Oregon State Teachers and
P-TA groups) should get behind that proposed
; program, broadening the tax sources to include
property, income and consumer levies, each
weighted in the most equitable manner possible.
Substantial state school support could i and
should be a part of that program, which is long
past due. .
We vote 314 X YES. . : '
000. which is about 58 per cent of the" total.
present cost of school operation in the stated''
iNow, this won't mean raising $13,000,000 of
new tax money, for Oregon already' has partial
state school support. The new . plan . would .
absorb $5,000,000 now "diverted from , income
tax as a school property tax offset. That leaves
$8,000,000. It would absorb $2,000,000 now
raised by the state elementary school tax.'i That
leaves $6,000,000. It would include $3,000,000
now raised in the various school 'districts of
the state, but, under the plan,, to-be offset -by
the state fund. - V
'That leaves $3,000,000 of actual'"riew money"
to be raised by the legislature. However, so
far as the legislature is concerned, it also will
have to find a way to raise the $3,0.00,000; men
tioned above as an additional tax-offset. Thus
the legislature will have to develop means of.
raising $6,000,000; no one knows how long
the income tax diversion will continue, so still
more will probably have to be- raised by the
!, ' V
favorable Arguments
HERE are the cogent favorable arguments,
as we see them:
1. The measure writes Into the constitution
the principle of substantial state support for
schools the collection of taxes on a broad,
statewide basis, similar to the county unit
principle found so equable in Klamath county.
Distribution according to this theory,
will tend to equalize educational opportunities
for all Oregon children, regardless of the extent
of -taxable real property in any particular
;2. It will provide additional money for Ore
gon schools, whose standards are only fair,
assisting in the raising of salaries to a point
(lamath Church Directory
Ice. 11:13 .
R23 Walnut. Then 8517. Albrt I.
rwHch tuiinr Sunday chool, 10 a. m.
mornlna worship. 11 . m.: Youn peo-
p, m. Mid-wk feUowhip. Wed
aesday. 1:45 V- ,
rir.t traohtArltn Church
xi tK ,, otn nv. David T. Bir
nett. Jr.. psitor. 835 N. 8th. Church
telephone 7311. Blbl school t 0:45 a. m.;
worship at 11 a. m. Tnrea wnruuaa to
daavor croupe at 6:30 p. m.
Sacred Rear!
Sunday Masses: 7, 8. 9:30 and 11 a. ra.
Holy Day Manes: o. n ana u:i a. ro.
U'ukHav Mb.u: 8 m. m.
rnnfviiinni: Saturdavi. Evea of Holy
dv and first Fridays from 3 to 4 p. ra.
ana jrora i:ou io o- i. u.
1307 UIVU1DB. MOV. n. in. o
ror. ; Church bcaooi. io a. m. rwn
In aarvlce. 11 a. m. VLB. 8:30 p. m.,
praacnlng larylce, 7b: p. nx.
I i aww nui
A. . rulawira HV. d. W,
Gelwltx, uaitor. Sunday achoo.. 9:45
a, m. monwni aovuuun.. "
unnl'B mrvllM. B74S D. ITl.
Preachlnit. 7O0 m. Prayar aarvica
Wednaaday. 7:30 p. ra.
Fourtn ana nismain. .o:iipj -
Ine 10 a. m.. Holtnesa meeUng 11 a. m.
EvanreUilic meating 8 p. m. Thursday
nnd Saturday 8 p.m. OHlcari in chargt.
Major and Mra. W.Roswaii.
1 a. ikl.l
3303 waniiano. inniM.
r Gtbba. 3131 WanUand, pbona 4838,
and M. Lloyd Smith. 5237 Aitamont
nrmoo and communion. H n-, l.
noon. Eventna services.
i .ju. niKia olnH Thiircdav. 2 D. m.
Friday Bible study. 7:43 p. m. A haarty
invitation to au.
t. uk nv. j. T. ChJsum.
Logerwall. director of music. Sunday
school. 0:48 a. m. Morning worship. 11
a. m. Young people. o.w p.
service. 7:30 p. m. miawro. Vimjw.
Wednesday. 7:3J P- m
Seventh-Day Adventlit
.V, v' a,S P.atnr P. C.
Alderson speaks at the 11 . m. "ervlce
Prayer meeung, nennuv. -
. JS"" Jzz "rnt . M. Tonntsa,
pastor. Residence 117S Creecent. Pbona
nivlnn worshh) at 11 .. m. Snlor choir
rehaanal Wednwday a 7:30 p. m.
Chareh al ProtT.MTr. P.Tohl.
8 p. m. Swid.nce. 700 Mitchell. Phona
7273. AU wicnma. t
Flrtl Pr.ibyterlan. Merrill
Morning iervlce. U o'clock, David
FerfUion. minister.
It New With
Audrey's Beauty Solon
I Quotations
jraw YORK. Nov. 3 (API Buyer.
continued hifhly Mlectlv. In today's
atoek market and. while scattered rails
and Industrials were pushed up fractions
u lira poinu mi utr.nitll wmovcr.
numerous leaders faltered.
Closing auotatlons:
American Can 88
Am Car St ray ;, 38i
Am Tel As Tel ,.163'j
Anaconda 77
Calif Packing 37'4
Cat Tractor 47V.
Commonwealth at Sou
to medium cowl S8.QO-10.90, .bulk can
her. and cutters 6.00-8J; medium to
good sausage bulls W.3O-10.SO, for week:
recelpu luuu. uwa clearance, .i , ...
for week: recelpu 335: week's top SH OO.
Hogs: 190. Steady; load good to choice
316 lb. barrows and guts flS.00; few
sows 913.90. For week: recetpta 3000;
unevenly 30.70 centa jower.
Sheep: 490. Nominal. For wk: re.
eelpta 6700; fully steady. ' Xxtreme top
m m, bulk s 13.60-I4.3S; good awes 9.90
General Electric
Gmeral Motors
Ot Nor By pfd
Jlllnols Central .
Int Harvester
Kmnecott .
Lockheed l
Long-Bell "A"
Montgomery Ward .
N Y Central
rrortnenv pacific .
Pae Gas t .....
Packard motor .
Petina R R
Republic Steel .
Richfield Oil .....
Safeway Stores .
Sears Roebuck .
Southern Pacific ,
Standard Brand. ,
Sunshine Mining
Tr.ns-AU.ntlc .
Union Oil Calif
Union pacific ,
T.B steel ,.
Warner Pictures
. 39i
. am
. 13 V.
. 33
. 191&
. 16
. 34
. i
. 30V.
. IB.
. tv,
.83 '.
. 31 i
. 33V
100 V.
(AP-WT A) Cattle: aa. Nominal. For
vwk: bulk gran iteara 913.50.1S.S0:
Iwfk grass heffera 10-13 00: bulk good
con Sll.00-11.38, many loads common
nnnTIiAMTI. Ore' Nov. S (APWA)
Cattle: salable and total 50; calves 60;
tew cleanup lalei on weak be ill ; steers
scarce; cuttar dairy type hellers W.30-
7.00, canner ana cuiier cow .w-o.w,
shelly cows down to $3.00; medium beef
cows up to 90.75; medium -good built
98.00-9.SO; light cutters down to 90.00;
few lots common-medium calve and
vealers $7.00-12.00; -culls down io -99.00;
mnnti lirht vealers salable 113.00-50.
iiotjii . saiBDis -ana wt iun
steady with late Thursday; good-choice
around 185-235 lb. 914.75; odd head to
915.00; light lights 113.30-H.D0; few 900
id. n.uu; gooa sows sbid. fl..WO.W,
feeder pigs 913.50-14.35.
CUrnran Doualaa Grlzslt. a resident of
Klamath Falls, Ore., for the past 44
years, passe a away at nis residence, m
Jftffenon. on' November 3. 1H4 at S.'SS
p. m. The deceaied wai a native of
McMlnnvllle, Oregon, and was aged 73
years, 4 months and 34 days when
called. Besides his wife Minnie E. of
Klamath Falls, he It survived by three
daughters, Thelma Letts. Raymond,
Wash.; Fay Pastega and Helen Klntgen,
both of Klamath ra Hi; -four filters, .Em
ma Wheeler and Sarah Morrison, both
of Ashland; Mattie Polllck. Grants pass,
and Effle Haynle. Grand Island, Nebras
ka; a brother. Silas Grtisle of Klamath
Falls and five grandchildren. The de
ceased wai Past Master of A. F. &
A. M. No. 77, Klamath Falls, and an
elder of the First Presbyterian church
of this city. The remains rest at Ward's
Klamath Funeral home, 995 High, where
friends may can after noon samraay,
November 4. Notlee of funeral ar
rangement will be anouneed in this
Gem of Thought From ldclla'$
Thr wu young f.llow namsd GruU
Who sw chorines dancing In tholt birtliaViy wM,
WM1 ih song thtt (hr nff j'
With sonilmoni rang, ' .
Ho siid "My goodnm ain't thsi tun'eii(l" "
- WjttU qui
nneAOO. Nov. 3 f API Potatoes: ar.
rivals 87, on trsck 1M, total U. S. ship-menu-813;
supplies moderate; lor '.best
quality western stock: demand moderate,
market tlrm: for northern stock: demand
very slow, market dull and weak: Idaho
Russet Burbsnks: U. S. No. 1, S3. 30-3. 33;
Michigan Sabagos, U. S. No. 1, 83.90;
Minnesota and North Dakota Cobblers,
lair quality, S1.9S-3.10. i
The funeral service for the late George
Douglct GrfzEle, who passed away in this
city on Thursday, November 3. 1944,
will take place from the chapel of
Ward's Klamath Funeral home, 928 High,
Sunday afternoon, November 5, at 3:30
p. m. with th Rev. David F. Barnett,
Jr., of the First Presbyterian church of
this city officiating. Commitment serv
ice ana interment win xoiiow in me
family plot of the IOOF cemetery under
Uu ausDleas of Klamath Falls lodge No.
77. A. F. & A. M. Friends are respect
fully invitea to atiena ma services.
All Saints Day
Services Planned
Services at the First Presby
terian church, 6th and Pine,
Sunday mormne. marKs trie oo
servance oi All Saints Day. The
theme IS a memorial tor tnose
who kent- the faith, did good
among men, and left a sweet
memory in the world. The ser
mon by Rev. David F. Barnett
will be entitled "Prelude' to
F.rnttv " .
The evening service beglhs at
7:30 o ciock. rne topic torane
sermon will be, "Jesus Talks to
a Low Caste."
When in Madiord
Stay at
Thoroughly Mod.rn -Jo
and Anna Earley
' Proprietors
R9i Externally Caused
T duns jmtly rt iw ton, istny
' spots audio hsttn healing, raly on
nrst B.aHlrt..... .... - .
K. .in at iwmniHM.
Drown. p..lor. He.IO.nc., m """"
?hon. lii aibl. eohool, a. m.
Morning worsnip, ",,5 ."i""
training union. :i p. m. Evening sar.
vie. 7:30 o'clock. Ml(l-w..a PJ.r,
WadnMday, t-m p. vv ...,
VV.dn.eday, :30 p. m.
'.! ""."' .
Wiara av laana cwinn ' '
Fields, pastor. Worship. U a, m. oipie
training erhool, 8:43 a. m Evening
service, t 45 p. m. Wednesday prayor
lamath Tempi
KH.7 Pina. Daulel B. Anderson, pastor
dmday school, 0:43 a. m. Morning wor
blp. 11 a. in. Ove roomers service, 6:3Q
gram. KFJI, Saturday, wmj p. m. a,van.
gellstle service 7:44 p. m.j Wednesday
night, prajer maeting.
glril Methedlsl
N. loth and High. Rt. Victor Phillips,
mlnltter. Andrew Looey. Jr., director ot
music. Mra. John O'Connor, organist.
Minister's residence, 1003 High. Tele
phone 3038.
worsnip, ii m, m.
Sunday school, (MS a. m.
Methodist Youth fellowship, esoh Sun
day, 7 p, m.
Cerumonlty Centreiatlnaal
Tlarrian betwaen Edit Main and Martin.
Church school 9:43 a. m.. serxicc, 11
comrades of the way. e P- m..
rommumty hall. Service every sun
Charch el lk Naurs n
Garden and Martin, Sunday school
a. m.: worshlo. 11 a. m.i deoart-
mental meeUng. 0:4$: Evangelistic, 7:43
m.; mid-weeK prayer, Wednesday, t:
m. Pastor. Bertrand F. Peterson. 630
martin, pnone vu.
L Fsnl'a EnUronsI march
Rev. F. C. wisienbach. rector. Corner
jetferson ana ain.
aundav services, iioiv communion.
m. Church school. 0:43 a. m. First
Sunday of each month Holy communion
at 11:00 a. m. ana an oiner ounaays.
marnlntt nraver and sermon at 11:00 a.
m. Holy Days and Saint Day. Holy
Communion. 10.-00 a, m.
Pll srrlm ftatlnaia
Rev. William Ingersoll. pastor. 3301
Want and. HUnaav school u;a a. m.i
mnmlnt aarvira. 11 o'clock. PHYPS.
p. m.i araoieitsuu vaMvico, w
p. m.
illimlll ttl florl
Rev- A. Harold Parsing, pastor. 144
Oak. Sunday school. 9:43 a. m.j sermon
1 a. m vouni modi a. r:ju d. m. avatii
jf-llitio mMUm. 7:30 D. m. Tusday
T:30 d. m.. prayer meeting: Thursday
TJO p. m., preecntnc
a a e
Viral Chares nf Christ Ifllanttlt
loir, and Washington. Sunday raomina
aervio. 11 o'clock. Sunday school, 0:30
Testimonial meeunas weaneeoi
at 8 p. m. Free Christian Science) reai
tng room located at 1033 Main.
Klamath RstItsI Center
lftafl. Ml it? hall at Shasta way. Rev.
Warren D, Comba, pastor, ftunday
school. 10 a. m. Mornlna service.
Evaneal sue. 7:30 n. m. weeN
night services, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday and
Friday chotr practice Tnuraoay,
p. m. Phone 433a
rirtt Christian
Pine at 8th. Howard Hutenina. mui'
Bible school. s:a a. nv tamay swam-
dall. superintendent.
Kanlntf aar-lt?aa. 6:M o'clock With the
ennsnan cnaeavor meaunis.
svangeiuuo service, tju p. m.
ML Lakl Preibyttrlan
Rev. Hueh T. Mltchelmor. pastor.
Worship. 0:43 a. m. Bible school. 10:43
a. m. Christian Endeavor. 7:50 p. m.
Com out to any oi the eervicee.
The Vlelory campaign beliig
held at the Kliimuth tennl
Klainntli Falls In a union ram
palKn sponsoied by sovcrul local
The five locni churches spon
sorinR the Victory campnlRn ore
tho nrst Covenant, hiiiio nnp
tlst, Klnmuth temple. Church of
tho Niumene, and tho Inmumuol
Interest hns been mereaiinn
tin il la nvnorlrrl that the clOSllll!
rlavs of this special series of
meetings will be tho best.
Dr r. E. llcrlr ck. 1 em evan
bui fnr ihn Wor d Chrlattiin
Fiindamentals association Is the
special speaker.
Evangelist HedrlcK was recent
ly active In war work for our
country and has heen relating
many Interesting experiences In
hit personal work among our
service men. , ...
Tho toiiowuia nto nun y. ;"v
subjeots to be Taken up rturlng
the coming days: "Tho World a
Greatest Earthquake unci Christ a
nnturn to mo xaaiiii,
Wiigcs of nlnodlosa Ileliglons,"
"The Sovereignty of Clod and
(ho Value of asoui,; lour
r-i,, fan HP csiaonsnea
Korevcr, uoa a i iau wr mo
Jews and tho Nations After the
Present War Is Over," "Are We
in the Lniit Days?" and "Is
There to bo a World Dictator?"
Taur.aar, Nev.m.ir t. !
M.. Ml". PreHn
Day Saints hoia their services in in.
auillloiluin ot the illy library, oin an
Klaroalli. prwatnoiw 'IIa,""!,
i..- unnilav anhnal com
m.nrr. al 0-.M. Haeranl.nl nie.llni .1
II ii clonk Sunday evening t fi-"ur:
rnwe, Drancli prMia.ni. v"" "
Kuiene ...
KUmalh KalU
North B.nd ...
s.n rraiH'l.i'o
If It's a "frozen" artlclo vou
nerd, advortl.ie for a used ono
In the clnntfled.
Potllond R.publlcont,
7:30 Tonijln
Fold or . Mo,
Apeetelle rlta
328 N. 8th. Sunday school. 0:30 a. RL
Mnmlnf riisvntion. 11 a. m. Evaneellstlc
service. 7:45 p. m. Wednesday and Trl
a ay. o P. m. .
Free Methodist
438 Boutn irn. hv. norris n.
Huxhea. pastor. Sunday chool at 10
a. m. riomer muniei, nuytji unniitim.
Unrnln BorvirA mt 11 . m. HlDDV hOtlf
and YPMS at 7 p. m. Evanfellst aerylca
at 7:43 p. m. Thursday eveninf at 7:43
prayer meeuni.
Letter-Day Salnte .....
The Cnurcn or jcsus i-nnn or um
"Quite a stack of newspapers I left you
yesterday. Judge. Aren't goin' in the news
paper business, are you?" .
"No, I just enjoy reading different
papers so my nephew George sends them
to me whenever he takes a business trip.
1 got a big kick out of some ho sent me
from several counties vihtrt Ihty si ill hati
prohibition. Particularly from some head
linca that read 'Drunk Driving Arrests Rise ,
'Bootleggers must post Ceiling Prlcti',
Federal Agents stiie'Trick' Liquor Truck',
Doesn't that go to prove, Joe, that pfosiit;
lion dots not prohibit?
" I watched conditions pretty carefutlr
during our 13 years of prohibition in tha
country. The only thing I could see we pc
out of it was bootltt liquor instead of M
liquor... plus the worst crime and comiM
lion this country has ever known." ,
nisiillllll OINTMENT
Trrr " 1 ' - "i h iTTr
Br'Topular Vote
Klamath rails Aarle No. 2090
Now Matts Bsgularly
(No Meeting This Friday)
"Qee, Mam
Mince Pie!"
You'll make a hit with all the family
when you bake appetizing dainties will
dependable Fisher's Blend Flour.
Golden-crusted . pies, tempting hot rolls, cookies,
doughnuts to bake them oil with confidence, use
every-purpose Fisher's Blend Flour!
"As good for cake ond pastry as for bread,'
Fisher's Blend is milled from a blend of selected wheats '
. . , blended to better your best in baking!
And you con depend upon Fisher's Blend to give ,
the same fine baking performance time after time
because its quality is scientifically controlled in tho
Fisher laboratory.
Don't take chances with less dependable flours.
Trust Fisher's Blend, largest selling flour in the North
west for more than thirty years!
With hot homemade drop
M.s. y ibis quick fAsr r.cr-
islst In n.h.r's Hl.nd rlour hjr Mr '
rlihsr's horns sr.onomUl
ouick wor nOUflMNUTS
Mskss S Sostn
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ti r.p lit..
lis oops saar
S lanlrspaans m.i 1st
M tsftipaen Isman .xlr.el
1 tssspasn sari. '
i Isssp.en sail
U Is.spann elnnamaa
' M t.sips.ii nnlmtf
shnrlrnlnl """ "
eomblnlnl will.
Sill anV "'" ",t
Fl.ur. SI"
' au I. ri'-i M,J
,, ju.l until i"""1"
Dree fraas taaae
htii deep fat
try anil I feltltn brewn.
Drain en henry pspsr.
Rnll In pewslerett ansr
when eeel.