PACE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Leathernecks in Shape For Coast Guard Eleven Coach Roberts Confident Marine Grief Team Will Give Favored Pilots Battle Holding their Inst scrimmage yesterday in picparation for the ganio tomorrow afternoon, 2 o'clock. Coach Roberts has the gridiron Leathernecks in a skull session this afternoon, giv ing last minute instructions on the Coast Guard Pilots. Roberts is confident that his men are set for the Pilots and that they will give the favorites a battle to remember, as the marines are in excellent condi tion. The Leathernecks were drill ed on tackling and pass defense and otfense this week. Their passiuK game has been decided ly improved, but Roberts stress ed the fact that the Pilot ends are big, fast winsmcn. Also, that they have some good pass ers, especially one top-notch hurlcr in Joe Haynes. The Pilot aerial attack has produced numerous touchdowns in their previous wins, as they have averaged four touchdowns per game. By developing better down field blocking and passer pro tection, the marine team is a much smoother, more coordin ated machine. This may be the tilt where the backs click on longer jaunts and passes may build a high scoring contest. The Pilot line averages 204 pounds, out-weighing the Leath ernecks by 13 pounds per man. The backfield of the two teams hit about the same Roberts named the marine Blended Whisker Ji,ic, r Proof ni -j .7gr Gr",n N'", Spirits. The Lans KjEl. downo Distillery ftTjT Havra do Grace t) SJa-s 5a probable starting ends to be Dravcn and Darnell. Dravcn has improved considerably since the beginning of the current season and has come up with some startling play in the last games. At the tackle posts, Preston and Taylor has been picked, with Fiorc and Higgins ready, giving the line terrific power. Byrne, a consistent bril liant pcrlormer, and O'Connor are slated to open at guard. English, center, will alternate with Golden, who will probably get the nod to start. In the backfield, Banccr and LaPaglia will most likely lead the Leath erneck parade from tailback and fullback, respectively. Currie, blocking back and signal-caller, and R. Walters, wingback, round out the initial eleven. Albritton, quarterback, J. Walters, right half, Mahan, left half, and Fad gen, full, can be expected to put in good accounts whenever called to relieve the starting backs. Using the Bear line as a basis of comparison, the Marine and Pilot lines will be tested in this contest, as Bancer scampered 102 yards against the Bears, while the Pilot full, Smith, charged 112 against them. rrooaoie aianing Lineups: Leathernecks IMlotl No. Position No. 14. Dravln WREL Richardson X! 30 Preston ..RTL ..Holmren 23 3 O'Connor RGL Duval 36 23 Golden C Allen 11 16 Byrne .JJR Roberts 2 17 Tavlor LTR. Romano 36 15 Darnell LER Senter 14 26 Currie Q Gelber 28 36 Bancer LH Tunnel 24 27 Walters. R. RH . Stout 31 40 Lapaglia f smin ASSOCIATED Saturday . U.C. . Vi. Coast Guard 2:15 P. M. KFJI (1240 kc)' ' and Mutual Network "I'VE GOT TO HAVE IT!..." In the midst of their busy war time job, railroad people are often called upon to do things not generally considered "in the line of duty."For example, there was the case of the mother whom we shall call Mrs. Parker. Mrs. Parker was standing in the Third & Townsend Station in San Francisco that morning, waiting to board the stream lined Daylight for Los Angeles. She had a small baby in her arms and she was obviously worried about something. As train time approached, she grew frantic Looking wildly about her, she saw a man in a gray uniform and rushed up to him. "I've got to have my suit case!" she cried. "I can't go to Los Angeles without it." The man in gray the sta tionmaster tried to soothe her. "Where did you leave your suit case?" he asked. "Maybe we can help you find it." "I didn't leave it anywhere. My husband was supposed to bring it down to the station and the train's about to leave and he hasn't shown up." "Well, that is a problem," said the stationtnaster. "But maybe it isn't too serious. Lots of peo ple travel to Los Angeles on the Daylight without luggage. It's a day train, you know." "But you don't understand," pleaded the mother. Then sha paused. "You look like a mar ried man' she said, and leaned over to whisper something In his ear. "Oh, I see!" The stationmas ter smiled. "You go ahead and get on the train, and I'll see if we can't help you out. Be sure to tell the conductor about it and give him your name and seat number. I'll do the rest." When the Daylight stopped at Salinas, a breathless man got aboard and handed a package to the conductor. "Here they are," he said, "and it wasn't easy. Next time they'll probably ask me to dig up a pair of nylon stockings!" The conductor took the pack age to Mrs. Parker. "Here ara the diapers," he said. "The sta tionmaster wired our man in Salinas and he got them here just in time." Mrs. Parker and the baby couldn't say a word. This story doesn't have any thing to do with our part in the war effort It just shows that railroads are more than trains and tracks. Railroads are peo ple. And no matter how busy railroad people are, they ttill have time to be thoughtful, and understanding, and helpful. Antlhtr irut irery l th rhef mm end womn ef Amrk piolllhed ky S'l? - The friendly Southern Pacific San Francisco Coast Guard Pilots Grid Eleven This highly vaunted grid loam will meet tho Leathernecks from the Marino Barracks in a football tilt scheduled for this Saturday at 2 p. m. on Modoc tioia. Tnt Pilots will D lavorod in this tussle because of their impressive record, which includes wins ovor the Fairlield-Suisun Skymasters. California Ramblers and Camp Beale Bears. They ara also a husky lot as their lint averages 204 pounds and their backfield 188. Piluso Trys Again Tonight To Wallop Vicious "Mask" '-" M'OIW 3 fi M'OIW By PAUL HAINES The weekly rassling card starts booming at 8:30 tonight at the armory with newcomer Earl Malone trying out his wings for the first time in northwest mat circles in the overture bout with Tony Ross. If Earl is accustomed to good, clean fun in his previous grap pling encounters he is liable to be a trifle surprised tonight when he wades into Tough Tony or when Tough Tony wades into him, which ever may be the case. Paavo Katonen is likely to have all he can handle when he grabs a handful of Bulldog Jack son in the semi-windup. The Bulldog has nothing but con tempt for each and all of his opponents and attempts to show it by disposing of them in the shortest possible time by any means at hand. Paavo is an extremely fast and clever grappler, however, and may attempt to rock Jack son to sleep with his famed pile driver. The big blow-up will see Ernio Piluso try a comeback against the man with the hardest konk in the business, the "Grey Mask." Ernie asks for nothing more than to throw the hooded heel tonight and he stands a good chance of accomplishing his pur pose. He came awfully close last time and this may be the match that will find the "Mask" bested for the first time since Delayed Shipment Just Received! RUSSELL PACS FOR HUNTING $16.50 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main he started touring the northwest circuit. Wallv Moss will risk his neck again as referee and rassling fans will see a top-notcn card tonight. "" Company' Cagers Hold First Place The cagers of "I company hold undisputed first place in the standing of the Marine Bar racks post inter-company basket ball league. A clicking, speedy unit, they have gone so far un defeated, winning five starts with little trouble. The hottest among the bucket makers is still Sgt. Burkland of "H" company who holds down an average of better than 17 points per game, as he has registered 88 tallies i n five games. H&S's Posey and Scm sky, however, are tied with the most points, 94, but they have played two more games than Burkland. Another man near the top in scoring is Money of E company, who has 80 points in five tilts. League Slandtnra W. L. Pet. l.oon 1 .nr. .Kit .5 3 -B14 ..3 2 .BOO ..2 .3 .400 .2 a .400. . I 3 .250 ...1 4 .200 .l 4 .200 .11,7 'A' Company Wins Kegling Playoff On Post Alleys At the post alleys, ''A" com pany completely out-rolled "B" company to gain the first round championship of the Marino Bur racks inter, company bowling league. They won by 216 pins in the three game match. TSgt. Darnell proved lo be the mainstay of the winners, as he hit 584. gathering games of 222 and 21.3 after a light 149 opener. The team started slow ly, 792, then Swept the alleys for 960 and a 930 finale. Kcglers other than Darnell to pound tho wood for better than 200, were PFC Carpenter, 213, Sgt. Hogya, 203, and Pt'C Muel ler, 224. On another alley, while the championship match was being bowled, Cpl. Don Johnson set a new high count for the marines to shoot at, a striking 250. Best score previously was 254, whieli PFC Uhen made when the alleys were first opened. Box score of the championship match: "A" c. Carpenter lfifl .. 213 173 fl.14 Rundlett Mil 1R.1 1U fllfl Darnell lit) 222 213 .114 Krowlour. l.V) lofl 17(1 4112 Hogya 130 174 203 336 THIS 13 1TI Tonight's Urn nli;lit our rippln' teiirin' Wildcats will try tti wax tho strung Merrill eleven under Hie bulbs of Modoc field, for the records sake, we'll go buck and bring the Wildcats'- semes of previous games up lo ihile. Here 'tis: Wlldcuts 0, Honloy 8. Wildcats 13. Lukcmow 14. Wildcats 20. Grants Pass 13. Wildcats 13, Mt. Shasta 12., Wildcats 13, Grunt Pais 7. Wildcats 26. Tulolake 0. ' Practica game. These .scores indicate (hut Ihe 'Cats have dropped one while winning four, nut emiutlnu the opening pi-adieu, game, and tills gets tne iiuko as a goon record in tiny league. In fact, wc would give even dough on Ihein over the Pelicans in their present state Tho local luds will bo going all out tonight to muko it vic tory numbor iivo lor tho ion son and wo'U crawl far onough out on tho prodiclion limb to say thoy'll win in a cloio gam. Ducats for (ho lilt will be (wo liils for n chance lo see. wlitil should bo, a real ball game. GUEST DEPARTMENT Hero qoos Johnnv Fotlor again with his mysterious me thod ol pickinq tho foolbnll winnora in grid tilts ovor Ihe weekend. Johnny's boon doin' all right and we've been inch ing a little cloior lo him on tho prediction bough oach week in hopes that wo can hoar him muttering in hit beard and get some advance dopo, loo. Mueller . Cashmere .... Garland Graboskl Strychowsk! 702 000 II" Co. l.Vt 104 140 177 110 1.-.2 Ida 173 140 103 224 140 120 103 Officers 0 CHARITY TILT SLATED WEST POINT.' N. Y.; Nov. 3 (VP) Glenn Davis is one of the : big reasons why Army's football ! i team is holding down the No. 1 spot in the nation. The fleet halfback has scored 10 touchdowns in fivo succes sive triumphs and 'boasts an average of 18.8 yards per carry. DAVIS REASON WHY LOS ANGELES, Nov. 3 (VP) A charity match has boon scheduled between two of the nation's ranking service teams, Randolph Field. Texas, and March Field, Calif., at Los An geles Coliseum December 10. The game is sponsored by the all-Pacific Recreation fund. Continuous Show Open 12:30 TODAY .3k 'rWJrV. o Tiinnnnniini.T nt EnTCDTDinmcnTi i ItMIIHaiRMWIMI W Mil fell I IllBISIHhU I Tenseltfe... Baringly . ,,UiferanXly Told! THE EVE Str, OF STMltf: , urn IK Tj if" IS ANNE ''fJ&MM u. i . ' Second Hit PRAIRIE THUNDER" PMONI 4371 Box Office Opens 1:30-6:45 NOW IN THE MEANTIME? g) DARLING -Saturday- Midnight W 5' Trjfn&ui.MW l r, ES5I Rain has been dropping for a couple of days and (he streets are wet, the trees arc wet and in some circles your grid forecustor is all wet, too. Willi a long pencil and n short mind, I scribbled down my aver age for the season, which stands at .780, which isn't as bad us I thought. Happy lllllo me last Saturday when my only upset of Ihe week came (rue. . . . you know, the one between Washington and California. A prognoslicalor likes lo bo right and doesn't want to show partiality. Tho marine team is our own team around here, but believe you mc, they meet n tough squad from San Francis co. As a local nuin, I should stick to (he marines and 1 hope (hey come through on lop. but the Coast Guard boys will have to take my nod, 19 to 7. My upset of the week will be the Alameda Coast Guard over California. Why I pick on n warm team like California, I'll never know. Final score in that USC Faces Real Test Saturday Trojans Can Bo Establishtd At Class of Pacific Coast By Downing San Dioga Gobs l,OS ANCIliLUS, Nov, 3 11') For seven weeks (lie hiislllnt! Tinjaiis of Southern Culltornlii have managed lo cscnpo defciU, but lonimTow llui real test comes. The Sun Diego naval training slalion brings u (cum that hus lost milv lo Iho 101 Toro marine base, U in 0. U was a rough and lough Hue that averages 210 pounds and u wealth ol exper ienced luickfield talent. Ftirlher mure, the suilurs inn primed lo whip Southern California, Just us tliev did last season. If Southern California can the invaders, and It hopes to Ijv passing, it will have estab llsht'd itself as (he class of the west coast college teams. Tho Trojans looked very good in heating Ihe strong St. Mary's 1'rc Flight outfit and even more impressive in swainping (ho pre viously unbeaten University of Washington, 3B-7. Hut since those victories the nt...... I,i orili, flm-ilmi f.rav. a gical halfback, and Miirshall Homer and Wally Crittenden, linemen, to the east const. These three lussts linvu hurl tho Tro jans considerable. Tho right laekle spot in tho USC line Is causing Couch Jeff Cravath lots of trouble. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT DAl.TIMOHE Ike Williams. 132, Trenton, N. J., stopped Kiiby Garcia, 133, Puerto Rico, 7. fray will bo 10 to 13 for Ala meda, Ya know, there's sonic tough games this wei-k and so without turlher adieu I'll drop my vorhal raiiiblini; and gel on with the scores: Illl. II ( HOOI. Medfnrd 20. Henrt 7. rucmo l:i. Mllwaukle 7, Columbia Prrn .13. Hill Military 0. Granl 10. Lincoln 0. Clianls ra IV Myilli Point S. Snlrn, :m. Aslnrla A. f'nrvallls 1.1. OreilAit City 0. Aahlaml 10. Hnaehtirff 13. llrii.on 12. Jefferson 0. l.'oinmrrfe 14. franklin 0. rnr more thrill lei's n,aka II a IS to 1.1 lie heiween Wsihlnflon and RMuavalt uf Toflland. OTHKN SCORSS ' Alabama 27. Georgia 7. Alameda 10. Caltftirnla 1.1 I'IM.A IX Marrh rield 7, ' I'KC: 20. San ll(0 14. Vale 21. Uarlninuth 0. Cornetl 14. Columbia 7. Denver fl mat, O. Georgia Terli 10. Ouke 0 Citeat Lakes 42. Marquette I Inwa 1.1, Nebraska 12 Inua Navy 23. Tutia ID Mlrhlsen 2n. Pltlsburl 0 Mlcblfan Stale IX Missouri Mtuncsrla 20. Northwestern S Notre Dame 211. Navy 7. Ohm Stale 20. Indiana 14. Oklahoma 1.1 Iowa Stala 0. Purdue 211. Wlsrnnsln 13. Tennessee in. I.MI 7. Texas A&M 7. Arkansas S. nan namai aeaiwBiiwsiw isaaasass Box Office Opens Eve. 6:43 Sat. Sun. .12:30 ENDS TONIGHT ROY ROGERS In "Yellow Roio of Taxes" Second Hit "Navy Way" SATURDAY ONLY HE'S ROUGH WITH RUSTLERS! MA ,v - A BILL & $y7fi p Indy Clyde 4 diJvi'rl'' Jimmy RoJorsJj - my 2 mm Big Hits A RtOT THAT'LL LEAVE R TUU UWlKaaafKOM LAUGH MG! V, " 1 T: EAST SIDE KID? with JOAN MARSK JACK LaRUE Mary GORDON -V -tfJd'-" Set for Belloff PORTLAND, Ore m ;' lie t. .-v ?ov iff and Mike rieiiiMv, Aim,t ' wound up trs.lnin Yc, morrow ni. , "'"'V fun: the third fiKl.i b.Mw'1!;.r,?'!? llglllWCIglllS. "'"til, Tho two u., . aflernnon vlslling W bcnrflclMry of ceeds frmn ,,,,.' Iht J ,, "Illl OOIII IV , , niiion, Htil hi no hud ."""Pttn eentlve to wl,,-!',,',?!1'! his inanerf a ", ,0'" lie Zurlln, NUA liui u.'!. 'h Jiu- n on. (iiJ nlon. Matelnniikn .lop .annouiu-ed n ,yir "''"ril (wren Juek Hi,i,n 'V. "l iJ ..... . . I ,i x-round ..i "d, ii rli.rl.1.. 'l " VCIlt. 0iH,l I frld ;l Pit JftJ derlsloned J kson't"!' Other lx.,:; " M , Is. blllllvilll, I .rl 1-ias.t p Jt Jimmy !ltfi,', ' '' i.; and Eddie Wellnr Cannon, Ih.II, p,,h, ,7 J C adMin, Vi..,e,,,,verl;'0HCl -hi. I ENDS TONIGHT "CASANOVA IN BURLESQUt" 2nd Hit "Night For Crifn." SATURDAY Tho Immortal Story c! I -Second Hit "Mii V From Moscow" Vu 8olec-ea . Short Telephone 5I7 Box Office Opens l:3Ht! -Now Playing ifcJLft FREDSICWlf UfJlWl,rC. . . fat. J laALfK lllLAMy - Aim HltUl Esquire SUNDAY Net linn "Ito ....whtMllil kl'' f kteve . ...sill"1 p r (,Ml level t"" to MlWoaal ,utkM"M' DRAG! SEEP KATHARINE 0 Waltflr ik9 Unetnn Mac11. Akim Tamlff Turhan BW