PACE ELEVEN" HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON a. w 34 I Hlp Wanted, Ml 1 Help Wenled. Ml AutomotWe 34 34 Autom tWe 34 Automotive 34 Automotive Automotive NT h""f 'southern Pacific Co. h05 opening ior Male Clerk . . .Ho,l,rnn Mldnioht 0p,M. M,ny Klin ncncriu ,.ienM"t Condition- Outfit lo WorK fr J lo " Vour Prt fine Chance i See Agent 11-4 . . nrl V 11-4 '(KTW-Kllf I"" , ' ,,, 173 'i nlil "': ' '. or any vn JSSw -rKUK In cleaning pin mm "i mi jnjlll r.n "vr - rurnt.l'ed room ' : "NT...i..r. suitable (or -TrniM . Gentlemen I4MU gMUctll.rnou tor Hent lM0 Oil RrNT-Phon. . soot 11-3 1 ..nitpri eilvara and KTlEpsper "!"l'n'Ch.'.'n-. Mil' ST.'""', " ll-Min qiW ' MKMMWal Rill EiUU Tor Sal FOR SALE .. 1 i. it. r oom nomc, i ntotns m" m .irw-i. full basement, au. J-ilic oil furniicc, electric (birr ftcaicr. iniliicuiun; iuo- I Price $5300.00 rfdroom home on Creacent ttmic, (till basement, furnace irdwood (loom, fireplace, ijble plumbing. Price $5500.00 SEE FRED COFER Barnhisel Agency B S. 8th Phone 41 On li-; NCOME PROPERTY it J-room house, one S-room UK, and one 3-room (urnlahcd hit. also one ncnrly comnlnl iobin. All modern with bath I. 2 additional lots Inclurlcd imt jno.OO per month. Full ce-only 55400.00. J. E, HOSKING I Main St, Thone 321 11 FOR SALE iroom house on corner of imont Drive and Onyx ave- i acres of ground, fruit !, large raspberry patch. For Information Phone 4019 n HOMES FOR SALE TtRETT DENNIS, REALTOR th Phone 8401 ll-Hni SAI. !. - ... llii F.ure, w acres J- Cell Li.hcy Broi.. Ml. Sltl "Air. by owrrr.n.-a.rofim hom. ' .""i (lrtiMnn. basement. . j . ' n.rnwooo uonri i... u""i room, urn int For Sole BUSINESS BLDG. 'lorerooma one 3-room Oownlown-Good Income Property, Terms M Commercial. ll- it... L J.r.AttE-I.Br hou iml iSiSiV'ft-" Ho hutrhi Tuvonnr Jl-B tl!l'r;'". fiirnlnhecl n.l7 'ft, non Dm i hi lnom proparly. .... liiriurlln hotna and ifr.KtMtori 'n e,exri from Main f.l.i " "W .1 1 C'll an 'viinii,,. rii.B i I m Hop,, Inqulr;' Fa cldllion for 11-4 Perk, Miy nr nun-evenlnMR. ll-B wllli 1-room on nun-11-33 ialJ t H! l'i .T. ,v rr'' '! V lMo 1""' r'""y of nor- ;"'.":. no,iev.!;l,'n,lnw"' "" "H. aacii """"'' lmrnl '.eldii Ave. n-a WANTED WE NEED MEN AND WOMEN FOR ESSENTIAL WORK 1 Lubrication Man Car Polisher Used Car Polisher Mechanic Helpers These Are Steady Jobs In Steam Heated Garage GET A POSITION NOW THAT WILL LAST AFTER THE WAR IS OVER DICK B. MILLER Comer 7th and Klnmnth 1120U Wanted Wholesale Milk Route Driver Delivering to Cafcj and Stores Only No Sundays Permanent Now and After the War Lost River Dairy 11-4 If you want to work in a logging camp, sawmill or lumber yard where conditions are good, call at the office or phone 5H6 between 8.30 and 4:30 p. m. We need men in oil these departments of our operation which is on essential industry. WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. TF 30 Heal Ett For Bala A COMFORTABLE HOME One short block off Oregon Avenuo on uravclcd street. Lo cation affords good view of Up per lake, and la only five blocKs from Conger school. Attractive living room 14 x 22 feel, car peted wall to wall, many win dows, knotty pine den would serve as third bedroom. There la a largo insulated fruit room and laundry; lawn, trees and fenced yard. Price yiiso. Bogue Dale, Realtor' 120 S. 01h i Tel. 6072 or call owner, tel. Bin. 11-4 MILLS ADDITION An Ideal location among other attractive homes with comer lot, this 4-room newly built homo has A-l construction, oil furnace, Urge utility porch Price $5250, terms. A homo In Allamont with 5 largo rooms, oil floor furnace i acre of irrigated ground, fruit house and large chicken house. Excellent value at J52S0, terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH 34 Automotive SPECIAL NOTICE To Chevrolet Owners OPA HAS RAISED THE RETAIL VALUE OF. YOUR CAR Chevrolet Commands the Highest Value of Any Low Priced Car SEEUS TODAY FOR NEW HIGHER PRICES Sell To Ashley ASHLEY CHEVROLET CO. 410 So. 6th St. Phone 4113 34 Automotive Used Cars Bought ' Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 K,lamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends ll-10m OS Fuel Heetine For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types Also Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So, 0th Phone 6042 1 1.30m Anti-Freeze Du Pont 1 Zerone 111 N. 0th Phone 41SR4 34 Goodrich Silvertown Tires and Tubes Dick B. Miller Co. 7th and Klamath rh. 4103 11-8 RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed ini so ih Phone 7071 lM3mc FOR BALE lftlfl Lincoln Zephyr co"n' Nwly nvrliuleU end iMlnUd. Phono rUJ4. 9012 Main, Apt. rOR SAI.F. - l3S Clmvrnlel Mnlr rrtupf. new rubber, snort condition. rnupou oroi, nan,., ton SAI.IC-ISquliy In m7 Font coup;. ledlo, healer, looil lliei. Ph. .m-i $1.U0 per gallon in your container $1.15 per gallon in our container Dick B. Miller 7th and Klamath Ph. 4103 11-8 For Sale or Trade 1040 Chcv. Semi., new brakos and tires on trailer. Truck in good shape. Also nearly new pick-up. May baler lor sale, m. 1, Box 636-K. 3.0 miles cast Mac's Store. 11-8 USED TRUCK TIRES We have 50 used truck tires In slock, 050x16 to 825x20' 6, 8 and 10 ply. OPA ceiling prices. A Real Buy See Us Now! Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 S, 6th Phone 4113 11-4 We Buy and Sell - USED CARS-' BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main ll-30m TOP CASK rntCE (or your dean, lute model car or equity. Sea U M. Qtiam BtmNKSS MOTOnS Aulhnrlr.rtt DeSoln-PlymoUth ParlK and Service aia so. ih mailt mi sai.k 1040. OMC 1 '4-ton flat ( l.lke new. Bond rubber. Sea r.....n TiilMlnkM Hotel. Tula SF.E MRI. IlKNItY at Lnmbaxd'a Vti Car Lot. nil . oin oi. ip wt All inakea and motlala for tal'a. ll-lflm II it'a u "frosun" arllcip you neert d- veriiaa lor uaau ora in mm cwn RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor ll-30m 36 Miscellaneous For Sal TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE nrtw-Mlnln nirrillaline type trash burners with cook top, especially, priced, 3(.ou. All-white porcelain cook stoves, nrinul frnnt e.50. Sfl Cirriilntinff heaters pncea irom soi.ou. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gels the JBreaK n ueserves Entrance Corner 9lh and Klameth 3773-tf FOR SALC One Royal Crown bottle cooler. Merit Weahlnf Machine Sar vice, alt So, 6th. n- ALL TYPES of fmall gai entinea re paired. Bodtnhamar Saw Shop. 351 B. Main. 11-lSmc jNrriA-niD ilfctric keatirs Saturday, SIS Market. Phone TM1. 11-30RI LANDSCAPING Kverfreena. flowerlni nrUDi ano ire. Vi llon now for fait plentlnr. LAKE SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phone 408J. Jl-aom GLASS Mirrora. reallverlnr, plate, win dow and auto clan, furniture Up. helvea. . Klmball'a Olau Shop. SIT Walnut Phone 7S1S. 11-eni FULLER BRUSH REPRESENTATIVE R, V. Monan, 532 So. Rlvaralda lln FOR RALE-Dlnln room aet. Good rondltlon and very reasonable. v314 Homndale Road. EL PADRE NOW OPEN Dine, dance. Bar tervlce. Only 10 minutes drive from city center. ll-aome FOR SALE-Allll Chalmers harvester equipped with motor, excellent con ..i.i... Phtlnntl arm.. Bonanza. Ore 11-8 FOR SALE Culdclone piano, 1175. Good COnaillun. ,-iuiua - FOR SAt.E-SO Ions of alfalfa hay and l) tons of oat and allalla mixed. John Ross, Box 3S, Bonanr.a, ll-B mtt .ir e .l.uh,.l Irsller. atake boriv ai: (i by 13 It., well built, lass Worden. 1'-' FOR SALE-Kalamsaoo wood anrt coal circulator heater, tn sood perfect condition. Welihs 400 pound!. M Orchard St. 11-4 FOR SALE-Prewar ft-plece walnut dln Inr room set, sprlna; cot and food maltreat. 302 Oddfellows Bids. 11-3 ns 3At.1T. NEWTOWNS. Red and Golden Delicious. Klnt apples. J00 for 40-lb. box. Brlns containers. Mrs. Josselvn. 4flS Euclid anrt Ashland Sis., Ashland Turn up Harrison St. one block from Junior Htfh, up S blocks. 11.3 NT.W 31 FT. HOUSE TRAILERS, also a food selection of used trailers, 16 to :tn ft. Terms, 3171 Market St.. Rsddlnf. Calif. , H-l STOVES REPAIRED. All available parte Mocked, used lurnmire, aioves noueni. OK Second Hand 8tora, B20 Klamath. Phone 8671, ll-J0m FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS Roy Schmeck. Phone 4003. St. 3, Box 1043. ll-30m FOR SALE-Two-wheel trailer $33.00, A font crosscut saw S3.00. buck saw. 2 shovels, rake, pick, lire ahovel. all for $3.00. 4767 So. 6th. Phone 8306. 11-3 FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyer. 14.1.1 Martin, rnone anil. ii-dupi Sell Your Car NOW While the Price Still Is High. ; SEE US TODAY We Pay Top O.P.A. Prices " Your Ford Dealer Since 1923 Balsiger Motor Co. AUTOMOBILE and TRUCK PAINTING DOLL UP YOUR CAR We will match any . coor or paint : your V., car complete. Let us give you an estimate AUTO PAINT SHOP John Probst, manager 2nd Floor Cascade Garage Corner 11th and Walnut Phone 8361 WE NEED A CLEAN 1940 Super Buick 4 door sedan radio and heater 941 Oldsmobile Sedanette We Guarantee Top Price ToYou ROSE MOTOR CO. PONTIAC 4th ie Klamath Phone 8164 CMC USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum Phone 6130; Tu..-Fri 31 Miscellaneous For Salt AAJTjfVVV.iii'iiiriii1 ---" jAuamaiama Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call John Sandmeyer Phone 5195 C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bids. 11.30m Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Seoley Bros. Phone 7709 1173-U FOR DINING ROOM AND BtlDBOOM FURNITURE, alsn single beds, com Plato, ao to Prewltta Trading Post. 3344 So. 6th. 11-3 AliLi&Cf finding (naviunci. iia rniuon Calculator!. 134 S. 9lh St. Pioneer D.I..I.. .- lullM,.,. rn II.IKm FOR SALE-100 tons baled hay, 1st cut alfalfa, oata and rye, at Kcno. See Guy Moore et ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett, Tulelake 7104. 3353U SEWINO MACHINE PARTS and HUP piles. Al makes. Phone 6771. .i-'lR Shaete Way, ll-30m 42 Miscellaneous Wanted . SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR BONDS-If you have any no-lonler usea articles or any xina tying arouai vour home or office then you have real opportunity to help the war ef fort. In the first place, other people actually need -these no-longer used ar ticles: then, too, the money you raise by selling things can be converted Into bonds. Phone 3134. Classified. Ad Dept. today. 70tf wanted TO RENT 2-bedreom fur nished or partly furnished house by fu-n adults, emnloved In lumber In- tuslry. Call 8146 days, and $73 after is. m. 4SHU WANTED TO RENT bv narmanent cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phone 807a after e p. m. 5J7JU WANTED Dead and worthless animals, Phone 463S collect. 11-37 WANTED TO BUY-lce cream freeeer. Phone 7318. . 13S3UGD REFRIGERATOR WANTED Call W, nema Hotel. 1373U WILL PAY SUBSTANTIAL BONUS for modern, furnished house for rent, re liable party. Write Box 300, care Herald and News, 11-4 WANTED TO RUY-410 gauge shells or 30 gauge shotgun. 3046 Orchard St. 11-4 WANTED TO BUY - Small modern ' hniire In Merrill Ar Malln. Will pay cash. s. R. woodley. Marmi. ore. 11 Car Troubles? ; Eliminate Worry and Expense Sell Your Car LOMBARD'S We Are Paying '. top cash- ; Lombard Motors 521 So. 6th 42 Mrt:ntou( Wanted Just back from Pacific desperately need furnished home for wife and child. Phone 8101 - Extension 102. Ask for Lt. Baracl" or Lt. Abbott ' " 1 11-7 WANTED TO RENT - Private garasa near Ancnor HOtai. wrue c xi. nee vy, P. O. Box 4ft4. 129811 srr.T. fR TRADE, for younser Hoi- stain dun. comins nree no. sic in uun, iMd diooiition. Frank Hart ley, one mtlt north Frank Ada mi place. Mer- rill. n-a WANTED Furnished house or Bpart- mtnt tty civilian coupte. Yni nn ftakati. rara Airnorf. Worden. Ore. 11-8 WANTED -One rood oil hratintf stove. inauit t wmaori uriu. iwon WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys And nbblU. TRULOVES MARKET tl East Main. Phone 4262. . 11 -4m WANTED SmiU sire tricycle. Write or Cill Mr. S. Nelson at 4605 Denver Ave. "-3 WIUj PAY CASH for used suns. Bring them tn for appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE. 338 Main St. U-30m WANTED-Board ana room. J. E. John son. Valley Hotel. Government env ploy ana wite. WANTED TO RF.NT From 200 to flOO acres train land. Write Box 1201'. care Herald and New office. 11-4 WANTED Dump truck. . Call Shaw Lumber Co.. Tioncsta. Calif. 11-7 WANTED - Live poultry of all kind. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 33T2. 11-ttm CLOSING OUT-Account of health, food liuernsey-Jersey mint cows wo eacn Wcaner ind feeder pics. Brood lows to farrow soon. Frank W. Hurd. Ht. X Box 1032-A, 3Vk miles nbrth at town. li HIGHEST PRICES paid for hoss, veal. . Iambs and cattle. Johnson Pack in r Co. Phone 5323. nights 3505. H-30ra TOR REriT-Winter pasture In daltfoirW nta ior covra. oe Mrs. e. m. Brat tain. rt. Klamath U-4 46 WANT TO BUY 22 S&W or Colt. Have M or 45 to trad. Phone 8482. USOtf WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO IrOuiS ft. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 4519 or 7175. ' ll-20m 44 Livestock and Poultry u-.-.n.-ir - - - -- - - - TOR SAl.E-Colored fryers, live we'tnt. Fill your locker now for winter. 1623 Wlard. . 'l- 46 Financial First Federal Has Plenty of Money e Buy a Modern Home ' Refinance Your Old Home . Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Kates : FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5105 ll-30m Financit-4 When You Want ai; CASH LOAN For Any Worthy zi Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett! at the office of commercial! finance corp.- . 107 No. 9th St. ; Klamath Falls, Oregorj i : Loans Made On !H Au'o'mobilcs Furniture r Livestock - Salary Sales Between Individ-; uais hinanced and O. P. A. .Requirements .Completed .,.-! ' ' Come In . Phone In or Write In? : Phone 771 1 is Lie. M-2Z3 Lie. S-25-1' ll-30m! See K. A. (Dinty) Moore; For wanted TO MTV-Mad erith eooel run nera. Call 3124. 314SU WANT TO BUY-40 to IM acre dlversi. fled ranch, equipped with farm ma chinery, In vicinity of Klamath rain, state full price, terma and ell details In first letter. Write M4, care Her. eld and News. aettlf Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS , Much lower interest rates ' Long time easy payments . Prompt Service It will pay you to investigate the -. EQUITABLE PLAN ' CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 111 N 8th Phone 4584 Tues.-Fn.-tl LIBERAL CASH LOANS On . Your AUTO FURNITURE ; NOTE f Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirement! Complete Privacy ( - 12 Months to Pay ' No Crj-Slgner. Quick Service 4 Locolly Owned . Motor' Investment Co Klamqth'' Oldest M-275 S-241 '5 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 ll-30m