Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 02, 1944, Page 9, Image 9

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...t nnll".'.'" . Vmr. will
Hjinthrr'lrst rrrlyl;r Inn
Miiv, November , lv
hiirAf.rl, ,., ,ul will be
Wn".nf li e educational com
hth,r,Mhn will council. Hnrcl
Knrrlson I V.iiw.i- members mo
" " iiN I). K. Burnett,
t.itnnll. I'll"'. ...i m... Priii.ii
B o f. HI) M"" '''
M .". W- icliiclrmnrton room
'""P'.nin niiH children mux
ff. under com',8l0nl
""''ilriini fnr Ilic afternoon
Win .. J' J i- ,l,iilnn": In-
tie P F- rnlt: ,n
'rv lHlk ' The Price of An
rLHC'., .i. PI, II ns: "Kco.
vHev. '"" .. Don.
iild McKiiy, Alloc Wnldron, Mrs.
E. K. UioBloy; "The Home
Front, Mi'. John Yurton, Mrs.
Kannalh Luniblo and Mil. Leo
Hnudiurn; special music, ncijro
spli'lltmls, hy Lowls Clinton, 3
2 v., of I ho niivnl nil- bime.
Mrs. 1'iiul Kdwnrria will hn In
chiuKe o( the i-loslng service of
worship, and will he assisted hy
Mrs. Unwind lliilchens and Mm.
V. C. Wlasenbuch. Pliylll Hut
chem will sing.
During thn iiutUiik, commit
ment cards will ho given out (cir
signing. These me h promise to
work lor the maintenance of a
Just ii .d lusting peace, not only
for the United Stilton, but for nil
nations. Mia. II. 1,. Hull will he
in charge of thin feature of the
afternoon. The program I a a t
year was very well attended,
mid thla yenr, with thn question
of pence ever doner. It la hoped
Unit Iho nttendnnco will bo much
K renter.
The tload to
By Tha Atiociatad Preas
1 Wcatern front: 301 mllca
(from west of Duren.)
2 Russian front: :I04
(from north of Warsaw.)
3 Italian front: 557 miles
(from notithrn.it of Bologna.)
rr iFvr. ii or ui
fl Garcclun' you'll
SUofU and SJtOfU
New-Born Quadruplets,
Mother Doing Nicely
. But nt
find a
Kbit slock of Irish inch
napkins . . . I're-war linen
1 I11U irwi "iii
, ( 111 UU" iiiiiiii.wii oina
The ecru shnde
L met so well with linen
let cloths.
1 GWCClon S "ISO mis nun. a insn
Inen hand towels itnd uucit
E....I. lirn.iiMii' Inn
I The UOic cioino yifii ii mm
frc ire cuiunu umiuii i unci,
Id i line of whlto one In a
5 ...... ,4 ll.i...
r 1'. 1. t( Jfl7 Kfnln
HE new long gloves that
I've been reading about
hive arrived at Whytal's
, . . Really bcmitlful, so
phisticated things that
would dress un n short-
ktvnt frock like a million.
They're Hansen gloves . . .
tu know the name, of course
In crepe Jersey . . And
ft worn clear up above the el-
, . They rc what clove
feplt call "IB-button length,"
ir.'.cn means mat tnat is how
liny buttons these particular
fcves would hsvc, if they had
;You can jet these gloves In
the lovely nomilar naslel
dei and solid colors . . .
iMtever you need to contrast
in or accent your costume
. They'ro beautifully styled
. And cost only S3 5n
Whytal's has new shipments
oiner Hansen gloves, too . . .
Mini clever hnnd-stitched
net in wrist and "shortlo
Rthl . . . That rnmn In wlilln
ick, brown, beige and pastels
i At nrlces from o un in
jAII Hansen fabric gloves will
7'"i juu anow.
f Whytal's , ,
ua streets.
1HE new suede jackets that
l liuve arrived nt Moo's arc
really something to write
about . . . Especially since
they are priced at only
$10.05 . . . And suede jack
ets are not easy to find these
These come in two shades
. . , Camel beige and chestnut
(which Is an unusual brown) . . .
They aro soft in texture and
nmazlngly light in weight . ; .
Not at all bulky.
The tailored fitted lines make
them especially attractive . . .
And they're a nlco length the
regular suit-coat length . . . You
know they're well-made, be
cause they carry the Town and
Country label. .
At Moc's . . . 512 Main Street.
Ninth and
,WrM . . .
""i you iook for a gift
lor someone who "has
! Whmg," the beat
thine s to -oi . ii.i
4 Berson.l 1 VJ .... S
...... nl)u uilUtHIHA
mVi'ii 1" why I'm
,!0'e11 "bom the exquisite
ion of llnns,ml ,nchnU
OlltShop01"1" 81 THe Art
,.";0'1 .cpenslva single
2 re only $:t.n0 . . , nHK.
'w jw padded nnd sachet
tovcrcd wdh hand-painted
Z Mr..,1" 1 tllnt COl"t-
etfonl "lnt soc lnt0 ll
j Jw'wthoU run In price on
I . ! a J"1?.1 Bro wear!
i, '" A"d n l shnpea and
ZCn m ba of
IF you've ever wished you
couid carry a little hair lac
quer around with you during
the day or evening, or have
had trouble with drops fall
ing on your clothes when
you squirted lacquer on your
hnlr, here's what you need!
Madamolsellc Hnlr Lacquer
Pads are new, and so hondy
that you wonder why someone
didn't think of the idea before
Encli pad Is saturated with
fragrant hair lacquer . . .
Which you can use any time to
keep yourself looking neat . . .
It's an especial boon to any
gal with an up-do.
The $1.00 site includes a
handy little compact to carry
in your bag . . . It holds 10
pads . . . And there are 78 more
pads In the jar, making 85 In
Tha SOe size jar holds 50
pads, to use as re-fllls for the
(Incidentally, the 20 per cent
federal tax applies on hair lac
quers, loo.)
Madamolselle Hair Lacquer
Pads are available at Currln's
for Drugs . . , Main and Ninth
IN the stockroom at Your
Store, some of the loveliest
ceramics were being un
packed Tuesday when I was
there . . . Delicately painted,
exquisitely marie things that
you wouldn't think could be
evolved from pottery.
Thnro are ash trays that look
llko fraRlle flowers, and cigar
ette containers ito match . In
lovely pastels.
There are all types of animals
. . , Tigers, giraffes, , Mbras,
foxes, dcor, dogs, etc. ... In
all sizes . . . Amazingly life-like
in appearance and pose,
They told me at Your Store
that most of these ceramics are
the last to be received until
after Christmas.
Prices range from 65c for the
smallest pieces up to $7.B0 for
the largest nnlninls ... At
Your Store, 721 Main Street,
The tiny Clrinlnello quadruplets
re doing fine toriuy, thanks,
and so is their petite, 30-ycar-old
A morning bulletin from the
Pennsylvania hospital mid the
three little girls and their broth
er, born yesterday In a history
making ' caesnrean operation,
were "In good condition" and
Unit Mrs. Kathleen Hatcher
C'lrinlncllo "Is very happy at thn
whole thing" and "her spirits
are very good."
The bulletin said:
"The babies all appear to be
in goon concilium thin morning
No physlcnl defcevs have been
found. Their swallowing process
is normal. The boy hud a little
difficulty In breathing yester
day, but his luncs are now fully
expanded, and ho is alright at
tar as his breath is concerned.
"None of the girls had any
difficulty In this respect. Today
the quadruplets go on two-hour
feedings on milk from our milk
bank. They will receive two
teaxpoons each for a time, and
this quantity will be increased
us they are able to retain it.
They will be fed by a dropptf
tube for the first few days in
order to conserve their energy.
"The mother. Is fine. She re
acted normally in every respect
(or tho operation. Her temper
turo and pulso are within tho
normal limits to be expected
after such an operation. She Is
very happy at tho whole thing.
Her spirits arc very good."
Tho babies still known only
as A. H. C and D weigh 3
pounds, 8 ounces; 2 pounds, 14
ounces; 3 pounds, 8 ounces, and
3 pounds, 5 ounees, respectively,
the hospital said.
The mother, an Oklahoma-
born former securities and ex
change commission stenographer,
will not see her children, the
hospital reported, until she is
able to get out of bed and walk
to I he nursery. That will be
about 12 days.
The father, Joseph Clrminello,
30, nn SEC financial analyst.
faced the prospect of raising the
lour newcomers on an annual
salary of about $3800 a year.
The Cirmlncltos live in a modest
three-room apartment in su
burban Upper Darby,
Lying-in hospital, the Pennsyl
vania hospital branch in which
tho cacsarcan, operation delivery
occurred, announced that It
would pay all hospital bills in
connection with the birth. Mrs.
Cirmincllo entered the hospital
in mid-September, after X-rays
showed a multiple birth was ex
pected. WRA Staff Members
Join Armed Forces
Three young women on the
war relocation authority staff at
the Tulclakc center recently
loinca tne armed lorces.
Marian Young, elementary
school tcacner trom Uurdon
Ark., Joined the WAC. Hazel
Loomis, fiscal clerk from Med
ford, Ore., will leave In two
weeks to begin her WAVES
training. Louise Parrish, per
sonnel clerk from St. Louis, Mo.,
will leave November 17 for Des
Moines, la., to take her WAC
Can You Eat without Worry?
U food you are fond of tcemi to caul
fid indication and url lonueh.
iei quick. Dippy Truer by taking
deUdoua tatting Stuart TabtoU.
They contain Jnptdienla often
ud by dor ton to relieve eymp
tems of fuiinrw and arid indi
ration. You 11 If el better and
iiiep better, jso mixing
no bottle iy to lake.
Get genuine tcliabte, time
teited Ituut Tablet at
your d rues fit todav. Onlv
60, or 41.20 under malcr'g
live mnncv'barlc guarantee.
There are about 300 Island,
comprising more than 20,000
square miles, built entirely ot
coral, in the South Seas, ,
Relief At Last
For Your Cough
Creomulslon rclteves promptly be
cause It goes right to the seal of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, In
named bronchial mucous mem
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulslon with the un
derstanding you must like the way It
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
Good Cote fyimi i -J
Introductory Special! New 2-lb. Vacuum Jar
EDWARDS COFFEE 2 lb. sar 49c
Finest -quality blend delicious and satisfying. You can serve the best and savel
Lb. Jar 25c
Hills - MJB Coffee
Lb. Jar
Golden West Coffee Lb.j,r33c
Other Fine Coffees, toe,
at Money-Saving Prices!
Whole Bean Coffees
Natural soodness protected
in the whole bean
A mellow blend,
full itrensth
Nob Hill
Rich. satiny
Smooth Coffee
S 58c
Lb. 20c
21b- 45c
Bag nac
Lb. 23e
Instant Postum 0I. pk!1. 42e
Van Houten Cocoa .,. pks.37c
Borden's Hemo , lb. iar59c
Canterbury Tea I 22c 1. 43c
Grapefruit Juice 5n eH.u" 13c
Blended Juice
Adams, No. 2 can
Prune Juice Llbbv. , 28c
Cola Syrup Mix MtTi,
Tomato Juice f2u0"7.
12-os. m-
Qranulated Soap
Lux Soap
Tor quick, afficlent
Ivory Snow
"JT 23c 2
Bath Size Bars
Grapefruit Texas Seedless ... Lb. IQc
Oranges Sunkiit - Lb.
Cranberries Large Coast Lb. 39c
Sweet Potatoes tZT"':. Lb 9c
Yams Louisiana . .- Lb. 9c
Head Lettuce Local grown Lb. 12c
Cabbage Solid Heads Lb. 6c
Celery Golden Heart Lb. 9c
t? mm m m m tV BtiianaV Hubbard. MarbUhtad M
dqUOSn or Danish Lb. tC
Looking for Money-Savers?
Cheek These Typical Safeway ValuesI
Del Mail Niblers 12-oz. can 14
Vegetarian Beans, Heinz, MVz-oz. j;r 16c
Horshey's Cocoa Vi-b. 10c
Campbell's Tomato Soup, lOVi-oz. tin 9c
Cucumber Pickles, Libby, No. 2Vi jar 33c
Kraft Cheese 5-oz. glass 18e
Renin, rirolcnto, OUre-r-im. (t pti.)
Van Camp Tenderoni, 6-oz. pkg. 2 for 15e
Kraft Bouillion Cubes 5-cube pkg. 8c
Libby Potted Meat No. can 10c
Libbys Deviled Ham 3-oz. can 16c
Exquisite Marmalade
9.T.V Jmr
Tea Garden Jelly
Mixed Fruit
20-oz. glass 26c
Peanut Butter, Real Roast 2-lb. jar 43c
Sannj Bank (S Feints)
Parkay Margarine (2R)
Cider Vinegar, Old Mill
Granulated Sugar
Gingerbread Mix
Kitchen Craft Flour
Nabisco 100 Bran
Post Bran Flakes
Nabisco Shreddies
Pound pkg. 18c
1 -lb. pkg. 25c
1 -gal. jug 57c
10-lb. sack 63c
14-oz. pkg. 20c
50-lb. sack $1.93
Pound pkg. 17e
14-oz. pkg. 13e
Pkg. 12c
my tmimiw onm (mm
Which do YOU prefer?
(Answer in 25 wirds)
brfry blanks and rale
Pantako FLOUR
lU-Lb. Pkg.
Xoasis (SR) Atm or bUdi mi
Sirloin Steaks m)
Short Ribs of Beef iSl
Lb. 27c
Lb. 38c
Mince Meat
Pork Chops m) c.i.r cut lb. 38c
Pork Steak ............ .. Lb.33c
Sausage rti,hly flt0UB(! ; ...u,. 28c
Sleepy Hollow Sirup
18-os. bottle I C
Heinz Baby Foods J1,',"," Vi-ox. can 8
Heinz Chopped Foods 6'i-oz. can 9e
Kadota Figs ("V.1"i., No. 300 can 14e
Kerr Jar Lids, regular 1 doz. pkg. 9e
Jar Rubbers """pj,,! Dozen 4e
White King Granulated Soap - "r 23 e
White Magic Bleacr Vi-gal. jug 17
Scotch Cleanser 14-oz. pkg. 9a
Old Dutch Cleanser i 14-oz. cans 15
Su-Purb Soop "ft";- 50-oz. pkg. 39e
Dehydrated Dog Food, Pard 8-oz. pkg. 10a
Favorite Matches carton of 6 boxes 24
Tobacco, Prince Albert 16-oz. can 73c
New' Crop
Sunmaid Seedless .15-01. pkg.
Sunmaid Seeded 15-os. pkg.
and another, and keep on buying.