PACE EICHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Revenue Collectors Puzzled by Claims - PORTLAND, Nov. 2 (?) James W. Moloney, Portland of fice of the Internal revenue de partment collector, today called "Chinese puzzles" many of the claims for 1943 income tax re- ' funds. A large number of persons placi lg claims actually owe the government, he said, and ex- '.t pressed surprise that "so many taxpayers arc so ignorant in these mMters." ' Despite hiring 00 extra em ployes, the swamped Portland of- l, lice still has processed fewer j. than half the claims, Maloncy ' stated. Classified ads set results. Ihal prici A I . Alt NIB HI CREAM ir So effective for lubricating dry skin! That's why lovely women everywhere rely on it. Helps smooth, soften complexions;:; discourages fine surface lines. Fragrant! luscious! Get the large jar now while it's half price! Stab DRUG STORE Filth sad Mils Faone MS! Hm 10 ftoWEuti. for Gunnery Area No. 1 Now In Use ' j ts1 L L 4 " j , . i ...C - j --j t "L i 1 -J - i . , p.-,, u- . I , ! 1 - eUTUBAsl I ? - 1 I 1 I 1 1 : 1 On November 1, the Klamath naval air station began use of its gunnery area No. 1, shown in the above mao. Notice has been published to residents within the area and all others were warned that daily aerial gunnery practice will be conducted within this area and that tres passing will be "extremely dangerous." At the request of The Herald and News, the navy pro vided this map with points along the boundaries especially noted. Veterans Meeting The Veter ans of Foreign Wars will hold their first meeting of the month, Thursday night. October 2, in tlie KC hall. Plans for the annual Armistice breakfast will be com pleted at the business meeting. New candidates are to be taken in, 'and ali members are request ed to be present. Classified Ads Brine Results. I . ANNOUNCING A BRAND NEW MEAT DEPARTMENT New, modern meat counters and refrigeration plant. Selling only the best grades of beef, val, pork and limb, and U lunch meats. Roasts and steaks cut to order. Chicken and rabbits available all the time. SPECIALS FOR bREWSEN'S MEAT DEPT. Liver Young Pork Sauer Kraut Quart . Stew Veal . Fryers Fancy Colored . Lard Bulk Pure , Roast Young Beef Shoulder Roasts Veal Chops Veal Cottage Cheese Bulk Peas Llbbys. Small . Lb. D 7 1KC l"p72C 2 Lbi.'y .Lb. Lb.20c Lb. 4? 1 "c 1 No. a Can Raisins Hew Crop 4-Lb. Pkg. I Thurs. Eve., Friday, Sat. November 2nd, 3rd, 4th STERLING'S GROCETERIA Sugar Pure Cane. Ration St,mp Required 10 Lbs. Walnuis English Apples Fancy Delicious Box $3.79 3 Lbs. Hour CTjc Drifted Snow -.......,...40-Lp. Bag 53 Yams Or Sweet Potatoes ......... ..sLbs-y Coffee MJB, Golden West or Empress ..........Lb. Jar 33c Milk Carnation or 'Sego ' 1 Red Pelnt Per Can Dog Food Ideal, Wilson's 9Qc 3 TU Tis fjgg 5C ..StOi. Pkgv Blueing Western Maid ..... ..12 0s. Bottle 5 Cider Hood River ............ ..Gal, Jug Marmalade 2-Lb. Jar 19c DOC. COOK'S DRUG DEPARTMENT OPEN SOON XHM.I,Ml,l'ilHhia SEATTLE, Nov. 2 t1') Sheriff Harlan C. Callahan asserted to day ho had evidence of wide spread lllecal registration of voters in ruius couiuy. The evidence was gathorcd by his staff and by the Burns De tective igcney, which was re tained by a private Individual, he suid. The investigation is still underway and ho plans to place a large staff of special deputies at the polls next Tuesday to chal lenge questionable voters. Anthony Savage, former Unit ed States district attorney, legal counsel for the agency's client. said tho illegal registrations were numerous and that five were discovered among tho first 80 names investigated in one pre cinct. Most of the investigation has been directed toward names added to the voting rolls during the registration campaign con ducted in city schools by volun teer worKors last montn. txam- )lcs of fraudulent registrations ncludcd giving false addresses. and registering before tho per son had been in the state long enough to qualify, Savago said. Inventor of Ethyl Gas Strangled COLUMBUS. O.. Nov. 2 (PI Thomas Mldglcy Jr., 35, the in ventor of ethyl gasoline, was found dead in bed today at his home in nearby Worthlngton. tie Had been an Invalid and confined to a wheel chair for four years. Mldgley, who was credited with more than 100 patents, was stricken with Infantile par alysis in 1D40 and lost the use of his legs. Sheriff's deputies said he ap parently had been strangled in his sleep by a harness he had invented to help himself In and out of bed. Classified Ads Bring Results. OPA Officer Gets Transfer to Portland norllm P. Singer, field opera tions officer for the office of price administration In tlio southern Oregon territory, Is being transferred to tho district office at rotllHUd, where slio has iniuio her homo for a num ber of years. She will work out of tho district office as a price specialist for th- state Howard Strodo of Klamath Falls, will succeed her in tills territory. Apparel Dealers To File Price List Proprietors of stores which cii nuirt Kiirmonts for women. girls and children, were remind ed today by Ralph Westering. OPA nrlcn sncelallst. that thee garments may not be sold after Novombcr IS unless Ihe dealer has received an acknowlodg tv VI" -1 MUSTARD !- mont from the district OPA of fice covering tho filing of the store'a pricing chart. Dealers who have not already filed were therefore urged to do so at once, Tho nearest star In the heav ens Is still so distant that If it suddenly burned out, our astron omers wouldn't know about it until 10411. WEATHER mh.. i M, ! Kllg.ll. Klnmillh full. hni'lullipiito , " 11 Nunli llrn.l . I'WllMMt , ... "? M.dloiil . , J JJ Sn rrnruci "'' , rttl . If It's a "troon"" noetl, adverts for In the classified u H U . u M ftlcli , DEFEAT PROHIBITION Thst's "The Joktr" that "slipped In" tht Burk. Bill. "Th Joker" ssys you cannot ssrve guom it your club tt even In your own home without severe penslty. Don't Ut'lie drys" put It ever sgsln In 1944 s they did In 19H. - mm mi m m ni aii iii n..l"TL. IaIak ! llAtn 1 V I LI w m mi . rMae . u k.. uxun ii UbUL law wra m kl, TH ANTI.PROIIIBITION COMMITTRK OF ORIOOK O. J. SfVh...on. Ch.lrm... N...QK-4II. A.. BM., f.Mli. ) 4846 S. 6th j " a i v m i . Sjik en ENTER SWANS BIG CASH CONTEST! FIND A FIRST NAME FOR A1AAIA SWMi 35,000 CASH PRIZES uors wmmww. WW 1 GRAND P"IW $100 . menth .r III. or S20.0O0 In . lt.P mm 1 Second Prlt ' tioo..0h 5 Prliea 80 Prizes 100 Prliea SurafM1,M,,OMUUU flOOeach , $50 each , $2ach , $10 each GET YOUR ENTRY BLANK' FROM YOUR DEALER NOW.', V2 milium. ...OR $20,000 NOW... IF YOU WIN THIS CONTEST! r Security for life! Just think If you win the Grand Prije in Swan's wonderful contest, you'll be financially independent as long as you live! You get $100 coming in regularly, month after month! Or 320,000 in a lump sum paid nowl . A Nw Hornet A new business! A richer life for your children I You can have any one of these things if you're the lucky winner ! 506 Other Prizes! Generous, big-moncy prizes ! You have his of chances to be a winner! And this contest is so easy. Here's all you do . First Refresh your memory about Mama Swan. She's the lovable white bird that appears in Swan Soap ads and stands for Swan Soap. You can read about her in the hints below. Second Think up a first name for Mama Swan. You might call her "Mrs. Sudsy Swan" because Swan Soap is so rich and extra sudsy. Or "June Swan" because Swan Soap is mild as a day in June. These suMcstionj can t be sent in. Wewant your ideas for a good name for Mama Swan. Third Complete this sentence in 25 words or less: "I like Swan Soap better becauso . . ." IMPORTANT: Mall the wrapper from a cake ef Swan Soap along with your name for Mama Swan to Swan, Box 36, New York 8, N. Y. Send in as many names as you wish as long at EACH NAME It accompanied by a Swan wrapper. Also, you must send us the name ef your Swan dealer. Hurry! Contest .loses December 15th, Get your entry in now! HMD IN YOUK INTRY TODAYI fOlLOW THtSt EASV RUUSt 1. Strut In tint Heme whldi yoa think It appropriate for Menu Step. Then complete thli Mntenre In 25 word! or ktet '7 fiae Sn-an Soap twtttf oecauie ..." 3, You may secure in etTklel entry blank from your dealer, or wrtte.en your own irta. dowry. Ute pro, pencil, or typewriter, but be aure to print clearly your owe name and addreia and that ef the dealer where yoa bought Siren. Let your detltr help yoa . . . and If you win e pri, he wlm one, too. Write on one tide of pnper only. S. Mall your entry In Swan, Box if. New York a, N. Y. Submit at many entries ae you wish, but each entry mutt be arcem panled by a Swan Soap wrapper (lerge or regular elxe). Each entry muat Include both a auRKcftlion for Swan'a flrtt name and Ihe 25-word tlatement. Ute aufflclent PMlege. 4. The winning namrt will he telecled for their originality and approprtatenett by an Independent orzairiiallon of experienced conlett ludgea. In ca of tlti, the U-nord elalemcnt (which mint accompany each mis (ntlon for Mama Swan'a flrtt name) will bo Ihe deciding factor ... on the hauls of origi nality, sincerity, and apiiwaa of thought. If there are any remaining lies, dapHcate prise will ho awerdtd I each tying ewilHliit. Declilon of Ihe will tie Anal. Ne tries can be returned. All entrlet and I" there In become Ihe properly of Ueier urn era Company, I. Any penon It) yoan of ao or oH Ihe continental United Slain or Puerto KW and llawnll may compete, ecepterplnw of Lerer Drot. Company, their ad'"" gencles, and their famillei. Ontett bo to all Federal and Stale regulelloH. AU"' tries mutt bo Ihe original work of contw nit aubmllted In hit or her own mo A" members of a family may compeie. W more than one prlie will he awarded le oei family. . Name of manr prlro '"'' ""lij announced on the (ienrue IHirm otwe Allen and "Bright llnrUnn" nWJ" gremt at toon at poMlMe alter Ihe W doer. Complete Hit of wlnnerl will Jew to anyone tending elamped, telf'"" rrrclope. 7. Conletl donee December 15, l'''J II entries mutt he port""""' "fgl midnight of that dale, nd received not January Slh, 1945. HINTS TO HELP YOU PICK A WINNING NAMEI f won It tote for boby't tub. Hew be level that Pure, mild tcrvbl lelt ef latherl , Creemy-lhlikl Iwan felt father Cleaned up qullkl (wen ol'"''"11 Speedy Grand ler'7 Onlnrfu'"