Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 02, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    ,.. 7. 1944
ilflliG OF
(iff WUW'N
In Europe
" -SlNOTON, Nov. 2 (I'l
W1 . ..,,.,il..i(m como
Br Cuuns-'l Leo
in """
" Uvcr who Panted Jho
r r i, woiilil puncture
F' . o ventured H o.""""'
.rCrd Will lll'0- l,
I It 1 IB ......nllMliy
I1"'.. .. i.tiii( Ul -ii""
JSrd mnual wages, etc.
imo "V,i Kl.irt.Ml yesterday
iw ' 1 niixilliiry dc
u..f...ish.-l report for
nVn.idCIlt 0" ''' " W ,KU
' f n. , hi v liner eicc-
t.i.n Williiun II. HiivIk
jim iilKM " ""ember "i"1
1,1 . ' "... ,lrnw III! II llMllll-
'',... ., ,. the first of
L. extra Issues i. guaranteed
,L.,ifl,-r lit least pur-
Kconl IU..I been reached on
' .!.., it., wmi .In t say the
Jl ii I... itlMinKi'd nf
MIIU5 lliun. '
it montli,
: i il... member:, lire ue
5enic " " ,.,
H 10 . " r. 'i'.U .mil
rMlay or nt i'l "'"1 vlt'
over Cierimmy can bo foru-
sit Pressman lWl reporters
. i. uro thu Htllo steel for-
,1, keystone of thu wane pot
will be breached by Mr.
.osevell before thai nine.
Stockman Says War Damage fj
Less in r ranee i nan isles
Today On The
Western Front
a. Thi Aitoclatcd Press
r..iJlm ltt Army Mopping
(liter the feroeln.i.i struggle
reopen Antwerp ns (in allied
iffiih'ind Canadian Com
pndoa enlarge Iheir beachhead
fcr Wcstknpclle on Wulcherc.i
(and, In the Antwerp opera
Dlllun . j ii.'i.i.i
rind a half mile front niter
in! 4300 prlsonem along the
tr bank of tho Mao.i river.
U. S. 3rd Army Captured
nlcourt ond Abiiueourt, its
ci joiithcast of Melz, In the
ik central sector of the front.
I. 5. 7th Army Captured
ivllle. Hablnlnvlllo and Azor
es, In the Vosges foothills on
extreme southern end of the
. 5. lit Army Attacked
Ulh lloomv llurtticn forest.
Iheait of Anchcn, advancing
' lo two miles In tho central
tor of tho front.
Will' destruction In Franco la
I lot hi. Ki'.'lit an ui iii might Ima
gine, Congressman Luwull Stock
man mild today whllo visiting In
Kliunalli Falls. Congressman
.Sloekiiiiin went lo England,
along with u number of other
cuugrcsaincn, under arrange
ments . iiiile by the British kov
vrnini'iil, and In l-'ranco tliioiiuh
iirnuigciiiciits niado by (jeneral
In 10 n u I ii n d, Congressman
Sloekiuiu Mild, he was iinpit-HHc-d
by the destriicllun in evidence,
especially II. thu IiIk cities. In
Knu.ee, except where ucluiii
fighting occurred, Iheru was vir
tually no evidence Unit u war
will, indcrway. lie mud that do
Mtrucllou Is lerrilic In flxhtliiK
ritrli.H, but a hair uille lo iiuu side,
or lliu other everythinif looked
Country peuplo In Kriinco Mro
eatli.K well ConKresHiiuin Stock
nwiiiMilil, bul I lie siiniu Is nut
Into of Hie cities. 1'nris was suf
feruut a food shortiiK.i 'when
Sloekiuiu. was there, but Unit
cily has escaped liuuihiiiK or oth
er 'dcslruclloii and thu people
were kuIiik alinul their business
and reereallt I i.ctlvitles in
peace-liine iiinnnei',
Sloekinan, who visited n num
ber of American camps in KnK
land and on the continent, said:
"Our boys uro duliiK n urnnd
Job over there, and I think they
lire well taken care of. In Enn
laud, the camps were much like
llio'c in this country.
"Wo visited a field hospital in
franco. Tho army sumcona
there told me they had every
thing in work with. In Paris. I
talked to Cioneral llawley, who
is chief mirtteun in the European
theater of war, and he Kavo me
Iheso Intere.stlnit fiuures: Fewer
thnn II per cent of Ihe men
wounded on the field of battle
dio after beinn limned bv the
medical corpsmen. One-tenth of
one per eenl die after Ihey reach
ii field hospital. Hlnod plasma
is the most Important factor be
hind this wonderful record. Ear
ly sumerv has been Imnortnnt.
Third factor is sulpha druits nnd
"I was Impressed with what
he said about blood plnsmn, and
I think every American who can
possibly do so should make his
contribull n to the blood banks.
More blood plnsnia is needed,
nnd I think it is important that
every American realize that his
contribution to blood banks aids
In saving American lives."
Connressmnn Stockman was
hero today finishing up his cam
paign for re eleallon. He wns ac
companied by Mrs. Stockman.
1 ' ft '
Conorcaiman Lowtll Stock
man waa In Klamath Falls to
day winding up hii campaign
for rtoltctlon.
Bus Crash Victims
Still In Hospital
L0I:GVIEW, Nov. 2 (!)
tcvcn persons injured in a
North Const Transportation com
pany bus accident near Kelso
early Tuesday remained In the
Cowlitz General hospital today.
none is injured seriously, liospl
lal attendants said. Meanwhile.
tho state patrol said its investi
gation of the accident Is continu
ing. Fifteen passengers were
hurt when n bus left the high
wny n mile south of Kelso.
SALF.M, Nov, 1 Ml Payrolls
of Oregon firms subject to tho
unemployment compensation law
totaled $7HU,oz;i,uoz in ivi.i. a
gain of 35.9 per cent over the
preceding year, and a 202.7 per
cent Increase over the average
for tho preceding three years,
tho stale unemployment com
pensation commission said to
day. Multnomah county's covered
payrolls last year totaled $543,
IIUH.377. or 4H.2 per cent more
than in 1042, The figure was
three times as large as the aver
ago for tho preceding three
years. .
Jefferson county, with a $1,-
243.U01 payroll, gained 077 per
cent over 1040, tho largest per
centage gum In the stutc, Ben
ton. Glllium and Jackson were
the only counties with payrolls
lower in 1843 than tncy were in
The 1043 payrolls of counties,
and the percentage increase over
1042, include:
Benton $5,455,402, and 50 pel
cent decrease: Douglas, $8,496,
333 and 48 per cent increase;
Josephine, $2,710,046, and 135
per cent; Klamath, $20,335,338,
and 52 per cent; bane, $Z7,4ZH,
517, nnd 130 per cent; Marion,
$10,210,140. and 110 per cent;
Umatilla, $7,175,085, and 168
per cent; Baker, $3,627,863, and
21 per cent.
Nash Receives DFC
With the 15th AAF In Italy, is Captain John W. Nash. 2550
Reclamation, Klamath Falls. Here he is pictured on the left, re
ceiving his Distinguished Flying Cross from his commanding
officer. Col. Kennet A. Cool of Cleveland Heights, O.
Two Klamath Falls men were
given awards for action in the
European theater of operations,
according to word from the war
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Raf- A- u"-
attacking forces, repulsing wava ,
after wavo of Infantry. Hia"
heroic deed enabled our troopi
to set up new defense lines
which threw bock the enemy.
His courage exemplifies tho
high traditions of the armed
Since the award cannot ba ,K
presented to Lt, Kaffetto, the.,,
decoration is being sent to the ;.;
youth's parents, it was an
nounced by Major General J.
fctto, 1948 Portland, were ad
vised that the Bronze Star had
been given their son, 1st Lt.
John A. Raffetto Jr., U. S. army
infantry, now a prisoner at
Stalag 64, Poland. The citation
is as follows:
"For heroic achievement in
action February 16, 1044- when
superior enemy forces overran
his position, Lt. Raffetto re
mained directing heavy fire on
the Germans and causing many
casualties. Forced to move to
an alternate position, he again
ordered machine gun fire on the
Award of the Distinguished i,
Flying Cross to 1st Lt. Martin ,n
W. Biehn, member of the U. S.
army 8th air force, was an- ,s
nounced Wednesday by the war-io
department. Biehn has been
overseas, flying from a base in
England, and following them
completion of 30 combat mis-i
sions returned to his home here
for a three weeks' leave. He is ,.
the son of Charlie Biehn- em
ployed by Pacific Cooperative! '
Classified Acs Brine Result
. The Store With The Glass Door
vJ -per "T pej m -NJ WTTW R JI 1T"k il llTTTl "W TT. jf"X I
WW1 homo mmeAv tnr !
relieving mlaerles of
buuuf cu a colas.
Pendleton Man Bags
Silver Fox While
Huntinq Pheasants
Pheasant Hunter Dave Jackson
ofi Pendleton bagged something
better than n bird this week
n silver fox with its prime fur
marked bv only four birdshot
mm his 12 gauge gun.
Residents said the fox, 'shot
near Cayusc, some dozen miles
from here, probably wns one ofi
several which have escaped I
from farms the past several
Victory Campaign
Dr. C. E. Hedrick, Evangelist
Field Evangelist for the W.C.F.A.
-Sponsored by-
First Covenant Church - Bible Baptist Church
Church of the Naxarene - Klamath Tempi
Immanucl Boptitt Church
Thursday Through Sunday.....
Sunday Afternoon
..iti.7!45 P. M.
......3:00 P. M.
Klamath Temple
1007 Pine
p FmW M
m W rr
The Store With The Glass Door
-new a ttsrafz
Sparkling flattery in crepe
dazzling with sequins and metallics.
Gabardine and twill dresses
in gold, aqua, blue and melon.
Jlie Cke5terie(d
Undisputably the Coat of the Houri r
Just like Brother's Coat -"
Beloved for its Man Style Simplicity!.
Handsome Warm All-Wool Fabrics.
Open 'til 8 Saturdoys-617 Main
. ' . ' ;
I '.' . II si;likM&.-
' C " : ' ;
; ; ; . ' f s)i : : .
.... ,4t .- -"tL .
5" v
iS- . . . .
Jlaijawaf jfian
Open 'till 8 Saturdays 17 Main