PACE FIVE A.M0 Z. I ' HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON i f Tm.1 Mr, noy kW .1,., Nutloniil I, i 4 ...i,.. mu. l lio ;!"?.. ilu. ctniitiitlon'". ? n'.l,;.. llU.llllffl', WHO tM by .l 8- rridiy. Nov.-n.lH-r It. from id p' ' -,.h lii honor of """J. .. imiiv fiiy. M""' ill 01 1110 .,,,ll,.,l In sneak Ws ,!,ro ,., , post-war !l. !c,ndld.ttoApp..r;l;,n;. for city. cmndy an;. Kirc lo ii'i'-r on the f '.' . ., ... briefly ro- ; oaiiui-"". - ltd. ...i. Visit Bill Krue "- lrL I. Lr uslico nun ' i.i, uficr u hiceday visit th his sister, Fiances Krueger. ? T, patient t Hubbard Mil iprinm- r-riuiei-a, who 'improving In hi-ultli, and ex I.o able lo leave tlic Ligs in a few wicks. 'n.n. 7.H There will bo a Lling of tins Delta J,-', nlunt- . HI). II.. Ull 41IVM.J. A1U- iiber 3. lit (he homo of Mm. r t. Williams, 1MU C'lillfor- . Aiivnu'inDcr oi inu suroruy ,! i new III Kliimatli falls li has not been contacted, la Ltd to call Mrs. Williams at fcijlon of tho Moose The teg- r mcel u 01 me. L.cumn will held at Merrill on Sunday, !vembcr 3, lit 2:30 p. m. There I be Inlliiilion of candidates, officers uiul members ore led lo attend. Them will be ireinmcius luuowing me mod uli! Auxiliary Tho Eagles Jury will meet rrlday, No iber 3, nt 8 p. in., In tho low m hull. There will bo inlti- :i with cntertoinment mid ,h. Officers nnd drill team liked to wear formal. kfco'l Who Clindiclntn Jlflnn Lot Klamath Falls was ainonit rrai students recently select' itiy uie racing university fnc b t rnnrllriiil,.. fur "wl,,,'. t In American Colleges and vcrsiucs, ui Initiation Klamath fto. 4li0. Vasa Order of erica, will meet In the IOOF Saturday, November 4. at m. There will be nn Inllla of new candidates after kh refreshments will bo eo, followed by dancing. No to Spaak Earl Edsnlt, ' irsnuirrs union HKCnt, wy mm uaniei J. Tobln, rnilional Teamster president speak over the Don Leo net- on Kovemher .1. frnm in In a-. - . - w i' i. m. lCk 10 BllB I.I nilii Mr. r Richardson, w h o hnvo i willing for n few days at ic oi ins aunt and uncle, and Mrs. H:i,ni,i t.,. r left to return to his base at fre, Lain, Program Itlversldo naronts arc Invited to attend u program anil reception at tho school Fri day, November 3, at 7:M0 p, in. Mrs, uick iicccici- la chairman, Clary llubeilson, principal, will Introduce tho teaching staff and there will bo a progriini present ed by tho four grades un der the direction of the leachcr. Mrs. J. i. wells, Mrs. Joseph Heading, Mrs, llcrlhu Iiultman and Norma Larson, Hobcrtson will alsu speak on tho "tcac hlnu bill." constitutional lo bo presented at tho November 7 election. Refreshments will be served later. I'arents are asked not to permit their children to come lo tho program unattended. . ,VW 1,,L-1IIUI 111, services Will hi, hnlil i,l Ihn I'll. grim church. 21)01 Wiinthind. Sunday, November B, at 11 a, m. for I'vt. Leonard Ilocrth, USA, who died September 20 iii uiu uenirai I'lieine area, lie Is the son of Mr. mid Mrs. John liocrth, 17(17 Ivorv. Hev. W. M. Ingernoll will offlclute. Attand Confrnc Mrs. Wlnnlfrcd K. Olllen, local homo demonstration agent, C. A. lien derson, county agent, II. J. Mc Cambridge, usslstnnt county agent, and Cieorgo Peters, coun ty 4-11 club agent, are attending a conference of southern Ore gon extension agents in Grunts I'ass, Thursday, From Bon Francisco Mrs. Newton Thompson and young son from Son Kranelsco, are visiting her mother, Mrs. E. L. Elliott, &2:i Lincoln, for a time. Mrs. Thompson is the former Maxluo Elliott and Is well known here. Seoki Olson Mrs. Andrew Ol son of I'olson, Mont., is anxious to get in touch with her son, Leslie L'larenco Olson, believed to be In Klumalh Falls. Anyone knowing Ills whereabout is ask ed to please contact the sheriff's office In the Klumath county courthouse. The phono number is 41I1U. In Town Monday Mrs. Hers chel Morris of Medford and a for mer Klamath resident, visited in Kliimuth Falls Monday, Now In Bolfjlum PFC Carlos Lugo Is now in Belgium with a liaison sipiadi'on of the air corps. Mrs. Doris Lugo is living at her homo in Sprague River. Service Men and Women Home on Leave AMM 2c Loslor Wilkonion from Elizabeth City, N. C. Here until November 8. Pvt. Parcy Steors from Fres no, Calif, Here until Novem ber 8, Liaut. Richard Igl from Ft. Bcnning, Ca, Here until Novem ber 3. Tho above sorvlco peoplo are entitled to frco passes to tho lo cal theatres and frco fountain service at Let River dairy by courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the theatres and R. C. Woodruff of tho dairy. Pleaso call at The Herald and News office task for Paul Haines) for your courtesy tickets Segregee Held On Assault Charges Kiyo Shimada, 49, Japanese alien who formerly lived at Santa Maria, Calif., was today held for trial in superior court on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. He was given a hearing at the Tulclake re location center, of which he is a resident, by Acting Magistrate Frank Mosebar, who set bond at' $1000. Shimada Is accused of knlilnf Toshikaza Tcrazawa, 21, former ly of Los Angeles, In an argu ment at the center. I DIONNE 'QUINTS'! I promptly rMv coughlnc of CHEST COLDS (TTH KiM rjtiHliMliU, An RirMt ttr.4. What Docs the County Court Do? DOROTHEA BUCK Dtmocratlc Candidate for County Commissioner Over KFJI TONIGHT 6:40 P. M. Fd. Adv. by Dorofhea Buck IOOP Ta MmI lrlu.v.,u lodge, 137, IOOF, will hold Its regular meeting on Friday, No vember 3, ut fl p. ni In the Odd Fellows hull, Bill and Main. Members as well as visiting brothers aro urged to attend. Decree work will hn rtriteti,.,.,! und refreshments served. A spe cial invitation Is extended to all Odd Fellows In tho armed forces. Promoted Isabollo Mllno of (lift untti,.n' n,!,,.,,n j,,....-, . lv, i.iuitiu.uu iu our genu!. She Is serving at Camp i-i-iiuiciuu, u-iiiH, isaueue, tuc daughter of Mrs, John G. Milne, 214 Ens! Main, was the firs! Klamalh girl lo enlist in the women's marine corps through the local recruiting station. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pickering of Morysvllle, Calif., former residents of Klamath Fulls, snellt Ihn lUfeUnrwl hrn n guests of Mrs. Albert O. Rucnlckc and children of Portland street. I'lcKcring enjoyed the hunting while here. They left Monday for tho south. Return North Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mahoney und daughter Mary Jane, left by train Tues day niuht for Porllnnd w)iri Mahoney, democratic candidate lur ino uiiiicu biates senate, will wind up his campaign In Mult nomah county and valley point. Librarian Eleanor Stephens visit- nero urieuy mis week, en routo lo Lakovicw where sho was going on official library business. Dance Postponed Tho dance scheduled for Friday, November 3, by Friendship Court, Order of the Amaranth, has been post poned indefinitely. Visiting Here Mrs. Roy Qultf ley of Richmond, Calif., Is visit ing hero for a few days at the home of Mrs. Chct Langslct, 1021 McKinlcy. MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES ThU Old Trtmnt OfUn Brlngi Happy Rolltf Many mtltrtrt rllv mccIt-i ha-kart.a Qutfklv, one t tiajy tlbrovrr I hl I ho ral cauM of ihHr troultl may b tlrrl kitlneya, Tha brilfirya aro Naturr'a chlff way of taV Ini lb nctM ariila ami at out of tun IilootL '1 lifv hlp moat people pana about 3 nlnta a day. Vhrn tJbonlrr at kltlney (unclion permit YMilaonoua matter to remain In your blood. It aiiay rauM naMini barkache, rheumnlli) 5 -aim, leg palna, Iomi of p ami energy, act ing Uli nlgtila, wflllng, iiufllneM umlrr the ), lifadaohni and tllitlncaa. 't-llat or canty iaaaagra ilh iiiiartlng ami burning aomctlnife almwa iUetn la ioincUjimj wtoug ith your lldnt-ya or bluldtr. Uoo't wait) Aalt your dnictUt for Doan'e rill, uanl aurrfaafully by miHiona for over iO sar. '1"1hv give happy niM and will hflp the 1A mlri of kidney tulwe thuh out poUonou ut froai youx blood. (Jet Doang Villa, THE ONE BODY TodlV thnta ml.l.i -, ,u. f j bill a l.. ihn t ..i.itmun oi int Jioipai ana oiun ni.nia H ft Now Tostament Unity One Lord. One Faith, - .... unpnsm are ofien ridiculed and called "narrow a. With many tho modern conception of religion It HOW What VOU u,n, n knll.w .,.nrt k hti.h nf ur choice, ntiii iMiH i . " would bo more convenient to Just believe what Mat to boliove and to attend the church of our own . out convonionce in the matter of .religion does not It icrlpm,al or right. ' pin k w ' wa hav b,,n lauh' or would "uw iostamont leaches only- one ooay or mat church is noilher my church nor your church. Lord's church. ,M.'"ic,.lh Bible reference ta the one bodv and then ask (ill ,4chor or minister why there are two hundred T "it "nominations In this country alone. itul' I, "So wt- who are many, are one body In Cor. 15, n ..... '. ' bm j ror ,n D0y on' ,no m"n' , one k j "ll tnt mmbers of the body, being many. ii so also it Christ." body Ji Fot in on Plrlt vr,r w M bP'1d Inl hK i, io '. . ' ' . . . ! f 1 Wto 0 a ' ,,,lln m'9nt 'conelle them both in one '4! 4"-''Jher one body and one Spirit. .. " ik.' "A"d let the oeace of Christ in your hearts,' .;" also ye were called In one body; and be ye tht "Mill, ' RAYMOND I. GIBBS, Evangelist. CHURCH OF CHRIST 2205 Waniland Ave. Klamath Falls, Oregon. rtMHtt ee., ie. It seems that lots "of women who used to "shoparound" When once they come to Penney 's, have generally found. ' ' Their very type of dresses, so smart and fashion-true, That now they always come to us, when they want something" new jif.- ' :": i if ... ft" iv. f --I a iiC? , V''Eh foy Th Winter iKV V A VAI A Beautiful Ceat! y rm 2475 7 hi All-lime Chesterfields, ''fitted and boy coats in wonderful wool . fabrics. Big buttons ' v sweetheart lapels, rich colors for new accents. Interlined, and carefully tailored. JUST ARRIVED! WHITE APRONS Handy white aprons to be 1 4A embroidered leeVT BALCONY BOYS' AND GIRLS' BIB OVERALLS Tan overalls stenciled for 1Q embroidery I a 1 7 BAI.FONV J & P COATS KNIT CRO-SHEEN , Your choice of shaded and plain Vf colors .. rtALCOXV CROCHET THREAD - Sultana Beauty Sheen comes in white, pink, blue nnd n. maize ' BALCOXY CHENILLE BATH SETS Heavy tufted rug and scat covers. Colorful designs, J AQ Rug trimmed in matching color fringe 4,10 . DOWNSTAIRS 24-PIECE DISH SET Brighten the home for winter days with a set of "f AA these colorful jonquil pattern dishes nOWNSTAIRS JUST ARRIVED! BOYS' WINTER CAPS Neat d.iessle knit caps with bills and popular Qftc knitted "Hep" caps with poplin top TUC Stocking Caps 49 HQWNSTAIRS MEN'S WHITE TOWNCRAFT SHIRTS Fine broadcloth. Sanforized shrunk.' Has Nucraft AS collar. Sizes 14 V4 to 17 ,,7 MAIN FLOOR MEN'S PURE WOOL DRESS SCARFS In stripes and colorful plaids. All pure wool. 1 Large size I el J MAIN FLOOR MEN'S WOOL MELTON CAPS Flannel lined. Fur. car flaps. Water repellontl lid . Sizes 0 to 7V4. - '" MAIN FLOOR f Mb, : mil OA H )V. l Lr -V wst I w I v V Fashions Highlights For Well Into Fall! AUSTELLE DRESSES Beloved every-hour frocks with worlds of personality and enchantingly feminine fash ion details! Festive styles aglow with color, flashing sequins, or glittering nailheads. Long lived classics with slim lines and gentle touches that make them newer than ever this yearl Regular and half sizes to fit all figures. FOR DAY-TIME OR DATE-TIME Romantic rayon velvets with lovely soft details for mqmcn- tous occasions. Unusually fine ffj rayon gabardines, slim and smart for casual wear. ' Jg Second Floor P S r J1 -JMii!MmrG 11 ii Date-Time Styles by Carol Evans 175 Slimming lines and swaying skirts In; rayon crepe:. dresses.. ' . Shirred and sequined, they're fine for celebrations. What Makes People Turn and Look Your Way? SMARTLY STYLED MILLINERY ; 98 HATS soft felts, softly fitting your head, in softest colors. Sometimes a snatch of veil, sometimes a garland of felt flowers! . , Second Floor v