1944 Ur 2. liN SETS r CRASH PROGRAM Sbtfor :cS HE CAMPAIGN ; ;$. 1 w I - " - II HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE THREE who flli'il I" M:f off'- 0f" f 1 Wi.nl I. lini'l" iitniifiil In the In InlloWlllK .' wIl.Lu. V 'linns- M' . resided (' II'1' I11'1 VCV n .. '' 111 "!"' ii i ml ii luxpiiyitr. 1'iir mo pnnl !.,i ..i.ii' nf ii ""."Tl m i ii in "I''- --"y- 1 bl,,l:!c-f,alicr o tin -'" -Hlltli-o. fro oT'i-U...ull.. n.r Th.e no coni.ccli.r will. TOi.. ii.ruiuw of I D .i.i ). oiiiT- K,'??n a b iliirisHli" numt.or, jcd m i""".' uiinuiii a&ll..riyndlhr n.rln.ent of mr government. S i will cn.lei.vnr " ' f" .... .iii..i.ni'p mniiticr K In effort nine lunmiry t Malt Flnnlcjnn, Klamath Falli buiinommnn, lini announcod hli enndidncy lor the pout ol coun cilman from the lint ward. "Blnck Snuw Ordinance," should br enforced nnd ns your couii' clhntm 1 will exnend every ef furl In kit Unit llii.i ordinance In enforced, "I n ho bellevo Unit North Third should ho mnde n through utreel nnd thnt nil Intersecting Hlreds bn lundo "slop" utreets mi unit our children will be pro llli:i. eoiiiinoiily culled the HAN FnANCISCO, Nov. 2 (P) To expedite iilrcrnft crash res cues tha urmy uud navy yeslcr ilny launched n new prngriun diHlgncd to mivu the lives of fly lnu persoiiuel. The progrum was announced by Vice Admiral Di.vld W. 13ug ley, coinmunder of the western kcu frontier, nnd Brig. Gen. J ii i lies K. Parker, coiiimiimllnii general of the Fourth ulrforeo. The western sea frontier will tiKKumu prlninry responsibility for rescue operation in coastal waters, while the Fourth air force will control cmerKcncy lund rescues. All civilian communications facilities will bn utilized fully to enable the military to speed nil possible asKistance to the scene of liny crash. "Our big Job," General Parker mild, "Is to enlist the active as sistance of every person In tho Mutes of Cullforniu, Oregon, WushlnKton and Nevada. "Whenever they sco or heor of un ulrnluno accident wo wunt Ihem, without deluy, to notify their nearest law enforcement officer, be it countable, police, sheriff or highway patrol." If It's a "frozen" article you need, advertise for a used one In tho classified. lecled in Ifolni! In and from school. "1 believe the pluyground In our ward should be made usable for our children and I will make every effort possible to the end that the old high school park site be made the beauty spot of Klamath Fulls, "If elected your councilman, I promise to honestly nnd ener getically perform all of my du ties with all of the sound Judg ment 1 am able to command. I earnestly solicit your vote." VAKE UP YOUR WARDROIE JOG-ALONG MODEL SHOULDER MnUilored boiy contourt. Cruik.mittant fobflci. Ci.i 10 30 S8.9S up Town Shop ' Main at Fifth SEARS LOOKS AHEAD to Winter's FASHION FORECAST CLASSIC COATS IS95 to 2495 Vou'll want your next coat Impeccably tail ored . . warm nnd deep-textured ... In a fabric created to keep you cozy from Novem ber throtirjli March this season nnd next. Richly toned tn vltnllio your wardrobe. And these arc the qiialltlce you'll find In our new coal collection. Blxce 10-22 and 34-52. ' ', ( Bright and Beguiling JEWEL-TONE HATS Dashing little hat with a big talent far malting you look gny and eaucy. Size 21 yi, 82, 222, and 23. 2 7l3fi 'c.W.. U,lmi tr.el.and. drh frt,;'c,;n1rt aljnierou. niter L" Mrlflnn X!'i;v,?11 "mblnnfienl '',5"tS,.';,'K.hu', 8lM' QUILTED ROBES Shimmering, tlewei-eprlgged . rayon ' Mr aatln for a feollnn of luxury. Deen m pooketa, wide ahoulders, full length lor anug warmth. 81m 12-20. '33 SOUTH 8TH STREET Telephone 5188 . 1 New Wool mW y'v BIKET . A thick fleecy blanket made lnmi nll.wnnl fiHnro IVinf n.to - o f delightful warmth without un- ...IrfUl 1 Km.. .1 cuilliuiiuu.i: WIT.KI.V. uuau: tiful solid colors wllh a 3-lnch acetate rayon binding. Luxurious! Warm,Lightweight --W1" ,V. t' i - V hi a.' rW 4 .... . :ti' . 33t Wool Bordered BLANKETS An exclusive blend of wool (33 13), rayon (36 23), cotton (25) and Teca (5) for color, luxury and wear. Extra wide non-fray acetate rayon satin binding securely stitched with nylon thread. Choose it in luscious solid color with contrasting border or in lovely two tone combinations. 3M lbs. of fleecy warmth. 72x84 inches. Acetete Rayon 549 Celanese Raypn TAFFETA - r $11 DQQ Heavy rayon satin, re versible, filled . with 100 new wool waste. Stitched In Interesting designs which keeps the warm filling from slip ping. Full double bed size in beautiful solid colors. iaux 2 w Snowy White j Soft Sheet Blanket Closely woven of creamy white cotton, napped on both sides for more warmth. These make idqal cold weather sheets. 70x90-inch " Qf Strong, Durable Utility Blanket 25 wool, 75 cotton blanket. Fine for camping or outdoor use. Practical dark grey color with rod f AQ stripe border, rt - . i Napped Or Both Sides Extra warm and lovely, be cause it's double napped. Closely woven of new, clean, long staple cotton. Overlook ed, non-ravel ends. Bright blue or rose plaids. QQ 70x80 inches single. av m m mm m va- cat, i v w-rT5 ibr . WALSZW v. m (Bj - '"l,,.'..J,lti1'vi-;.ii f 'U 133 So. 8tr i"i;,,i.i'imri 1 Phone 5188