HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE FIFTESN ... -'-'frJStSgiiwJt?1 . ," Htlp Wantwl. MU 34 Autom )! 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automotive Sell Your Car NOW APPLIANCE REPAIRS r 2- 11 .,mb WANTED WE NEED MEN AND WOMEN FOR ESSENTIAL WORK Lubrication Man Car Polisher Used Car Polisher Mechanic Helpers These Are Steady Jobs In Stearn Heated Garage GET A POSITION NOW THAT WILL LAST AFTER THE WAR IS OVER DICK B. MILLER Corner 7th and Klimalh I..- -11 mnlf Al ..mlr cr . . . .... .iirf ' jui vacuum - - """ IhVr clcctrlnil uppH- ,w. ." 1 ,i Itcason- H, tube )" 1m Phono 3IH' cFARS ROEBUCK While the Price Sti Is High fuM.-illl"-''0"1'" J tank ,. jjjo. ret r. MllWlltllt. J 1117 Convalescent HOMt j,UUnd. Oregon phono 7001 VVanted Laboratory Technician Dr. Wayne MacAtee Phono S.135 5. 7 th 1210tf - ' ' ' . ..u,iirk and rarl Th MM snoot f r - : r- ffriri tnmi nn diihwMr wo l!WLiI!!!3 AduI el aiiiarl Ktro-W fom-tain irl. Epr tt.wt rnuifd. appiv m person E, madricki On " JJjv ro orncK w ohk Standard 50tU E.. '. - mi alnrk rinrh 'I fTw. rermarin J"" , ' Siwl " iiAnktMT. ro fined, for fclaj". nr , "I WrlW W pnono mijB-i. v- irtn-Womin lo drt I'tmerst house in. SiMdy Job Mom 10 . m. to rnons mil, nm-Wamm ito hlo rar for In Si Ud. Prmncnl work. Xa fcrt .7 iyilRHAlD U ANTED -Lk llalal fci EUWmiui, lo take f'" of young udiid a dan a weak, son ,, 301 4tf to - Heutckreper. '.top w, I J ruieian. Hi noon o m-intK Wrtl Klber Hbton. 111. 1 311. TUltUkt. uaiti, 114 VTID-Wotnn to dn housework ind tNinf. 3 dulli. Btay or 0 home r nora 7,1 in Hlp Wanted. Main luthern Pacific Co. has opening for Male Clerk Hours P.M. to 12:00 Midnight Many Fine Bcncflits Meamnt Conditions n Outtlt lo Worh For luncc to Do Your Tort See Agent, 11-4 Wanted Man to Work As Assistant In Parts Deer. Stady Employment r.r.,i 11..' Mu'l Call In I!w,k See M. Hnrtmnn W Chevrolet Co Dl" C'hone 41 13 11-3 lime. "" vtn'n riml Ntwi n-1 laTnir ilr.Krv... t'r1 ClIltnrMre V Pntn H I tifrina nrn ' ' invrllna Ji..." "t rnqulrct """PL llrM'ar 45 vo cur Halarv r "II0WAH.1P. Wrll "fo. Bi.'i.:. al t-'nlltornln. ' wmS.!" "."'"lion San anI ftnplny. L"),c. qualify, M mr. 11-2 umipadft 1111 B 'r"en nnti ..." nlna unwimi avaiilnv 3nn4i r r lanAI Ii"'..","""'wr iT taady lfa.ll- ii-a "-oerrtlemori. lnoj cr. Hm R.n. If you wont to work in a logging comp, sawmill or lumber yard where conditions are good, call at the office or phone 5 1 46 between 8.30 and 4;30 p. m. We need men In all these departments of our operation which Is an essential Industry. WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers, Pelican Bay 10 BtrvlcM 10 ANNOUNCING Reopening of EARNEST'S BLACKSMITHING & WELDING WORKS At The Same Old Location 515 Broad Phone 7586 EARNEST AND BHACKMAN Operators Special Attention Given to Formers Needs. Old and New Customers Welcome 21 Houin For Rent TOR RENT 3 roomi. mntfrn. uto- mine noi wattr. witn urniiur for It. 107 en ih SI. 11-3 38 MltcelUnooU' For Rent OAXAGI rOlt ItCNT-rhona dOOB. 11-2 CLECTHIC rLOOR SANDERS and edfar rrnUd. Iro your nwn MnrK. Innulrr- Palnl Dcpl. MONTGOMERY WARD m 11 -win FOR RKNT-rlnor aandrn. edfara and wallpaper rvmovlnf machlnra. J. K. Palternn i'alnt Stora. I'hona 3.124. UJO r.att Main. 1 1 -.mm 30 Iteel Eitete For Skle FOR SALE S-room home, 2 blocks north of Main street, full basement, an tomatic oil furnace, electric water heater. Immediate pos session. Price $5300.00 3-bedroom home on Crescent avenue, full basement, furnace hardwood floors, fireplace, double plumbing. Price $5500 00 SEE FRED COFER Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8th Phone 4103 11-3 INCOME PROPERTY One 6-room house, one 5-room house, and one 3-room furnished House, also one nearly compici, fd cabin. All modern with bath etc. 2 additional lots Included Income SI70.00 per month. Full price only saiuu.uu. J. E. HOSKING 517 Main St. Phone 3211 11-3 MILLS ADD'N. 3-bedroom h o m c. fine shape dlnlnn room. Ilvlne room, floor furnace. larBO lot. H4 blocks hus line. This is a good buy at $3500. E. GRAY REALTY SERVICE Esquire Theatre Bldg. Phone 3085 FOR SALE 2-bcdroom house on corner of Altamont Drive and Onyx ave nue. 2 acres of ground, fruit trees, largo raspberry patch For Information Phone 4019 11-3 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR mi M on. Phnn R43l iWliril FOR SALS-BUMP PMtu,, 3X?'?i alfalfa and timothy mlieil. """J,"' M.lln rail Llakav Broa.. 1014. SS1U FOR SAI.F-t,rM nw hmm-. full. h mfnt. cr. frnced. In Sluwart addition, nr win irann mr Inquire at uon i store ior ."1,,J FOR SALI BY OWNfR-o-room tjome In St. TrancH addition. bamnt. turnaco, flreplare, hardwood noora In livlnr nd dlnlnf room. Lrf lot. 112011 Lumber Co. TF 34 SorvtcM 11-7 30 Real Eitete For Sale 3 BEDROOMS Near Shasta way and bus line, this attractive home built in 1D40, hn hardwood floors, Ve netian blinds, 30x148 ft. lot with excellent soil. Immediate possession. S-room artistic home at 789 California Ave., built in 1840. Has automatic furnace, fire place, hardwood floors through out, cedar closets. Immediate possession. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. Bth Ph. 4864 A COMFORTABLE HOME One short block of! Oregon Avenue on graveled street. Lo cation affords good view of Up per lake, and Is only live blocks from Conger sohool. Attractive living room 14 x 22 feet, car peted wall to wall, many win dows, knotty pine den would serve as third bedroom. There Is a large insuiatca iruu room and laundry; lawn, trees and fenced yard. Price $3750. Bogue Dale, Realtor 120 S. flth Tel. 6972 or call owner, tel. 8237. 11-4 For Sale BUSINESS BLDG. 2 storerooms - one 3-room newly decorated Apt. Downtown Good Income Property. Terms 432 Commercial. 11-6 rahln. 30i Hopa. Inquire on Sun rfav. FOR SAl.E-3-room furnished and Irlc Move. S2.100 caih. 1013 tail. Call 1IIS3 Academy, 11-S rt'H Ai,r. cnvina , n-room modern home, wired lor alee trle rne. 1 1 i acres, plenty of har ries una snanc irrcn. uc ,-. ,,.. sk... M12 ' nno.l Frelda Ave. 11-3 34 Automotive For Sale or Trade 1940 Chcv. Semi., new brakes and tires on trailer. Truck in good shape. Also nearly new Uick-Up. nay uaicr mr soic. Rl. 1, Box 836-K, i a milrMi runt Mac's Store. 11-6 ron SAl.E-in.1 l.tnroln Zephyr roupa. ,.. ...I nklnted. Phone ai?i 9nia Main. Ant. K. 11-4 rn iAtriw, foe 1 U-ton truck alaka style, complete. Practically new. Call 3004. l- ron SALE BY OWNER-I03T Terra- piano cnacii in a"" m,...., Kood, f.i.vt cash. Two blocks .WMt from i.ien n iium " j. .-.."- and turn left, fourlh house on left. 4lenhetl flltltl. H-' FOR RAl.E 1033 Chevrolet Master coupe, new runner, inoc conauion FOR SAl,R -Modcl "A" roadster, 4 new ii.-. ..nri condition. S30Q. 1100 Owens, Ant. J FOR SALE-Eoulty In 1037 Ford coupa ...i. inns tlrea. Ph. 30JT. 11-T SPECIAL NOTICE To Chevrolet Owners OPA HAS RAISED THE RETAIL - .VALUE OR YOUR CAR Chevrolet Commands the ', Highest Value of Any Low Priced Car SEE US TODAY FOR NEW - HIGHER PRICES Sell To Ashley ASHLEY CHEVROLET CO. ' 410 So. 0th St. Automotive Goodrich Silvertown Tires and Tubes Most All ' Sizes Dick Miller Co 7th and Klamath Ph. 4103 11-8 For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types Also Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need 30DY and FENDEP REPAIR .;; COLOR MATCHING and. COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So. 6lh Phone 6942 1 l-jum Anti-Freeze Du Pont ' Zerone $i.va) per gallon in your container $1.13 per gallon in our containe Dick B. Miller 7th and Klamath Ph. 4103 11-8 RECAPPING,- 1 Day Service 'i Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION ' TIRES and TUBES anti-freeze ! batteries; Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 6th Phone 7071 ll-13me Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO, 744 Klamath Ave. , ' Where 8th Street Ends ll-10m SRE MEl, HF.KRY at Umoard's Used Car Lot, 5J1 S. Sth It. Top OPA CASH PRICE at onca tor your ear. All makes and models far salt. U1Sie Keep Your Car in Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equlpment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS 424 S. 6th St. 34 Automotive USED TRUCK TIRES We have 50 used truck tires in stock, sizes 650x16 to 825x20 6, 8 and 10 ply. OPA ceiling prices. A Real Buy See Us Now! Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 5. 6th rnone ma 11-4 We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE . 1330 Main ll-30m TOP CASH PRICE for your clean, late modal car or equity, aec wuam at ' BUBNESS MOTORS Authorized DeSoto-Plymouth ParU and Service fCnnrirlch Tlra Distributor 31t SO. Sth 3tS7tf FOR SALE - 1940 GMC 1'4-lon flat truck. Like new. soon ruooer. Dec n. E. Cowan. Tulelake Hotel. Tule lake. U-3 FOR SALE-S lood tires and '33 Ford sedan. Phone SS4S. ll- 35 Fuel Heetinej .L-j.r in . r r. RICHFIELD 1 Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality . Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor ll-30m 31 Miscellaneous For Sale TRASH BURNERS Wood and' Coal Heaters and . COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE AU-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook top, especially priced, $57.50. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from $59.50. Circulating heaters priced from S37.su. . HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gels the Break He ueserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-lf FOR SALE One Royal Crown bottle cooler, Merit Washtns Machine Ser vice, ail so. aih. . ll-M At T-nre n, amall enrines re- R sired, Bodenhamer Sew Shop. 331 E. lain. 11-lSme iMvsi.etn at.rTftlf7 HEATERS. . Sao. SO. F. R. Haufer. Open All Day Saturday. SIS Markat Phono 1311. ll30m LANDSCAPING - tveritreens. nowerlni BnrUDS RSD ir, pinna , . -v 1...IL.. t 1VT SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phone CLASS Mirrors, resllverlni. plat, win dow and auto aiaas. furniture toos, shelves. Kimball's Olaaa Shop. 831 Walnut, Phono 737S. lt-4m rtTLLER BRUSH REPRESENTATIVE n V. Unraan. F03 Bo. Rlvarald U-4m FOR SALE-Dlnlna room set. Good condition and very reeiona,bl. 3314 Homadalo Road. vt. PAnitK NOW OPEN Dine, dance. Bar service. Only 10 minutes drive from cliy center. 11-aomc Phone 4113 Phone 3136 Thuri.-Sat. 3t MiseeUeaeevts Tot flat Ladies Attention! ; . INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ' ALL RISK POLICY Call John Sandmeyer ; Phone S195 j". C. S. Robertson Agency First . Federal Savings Bide. ll-30m Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment (or hot mopping. Sealey Bros. Phone 7709 1173-tf FOR SALE - Twft-whMl stock trailer. ttnnit rtihhar. fcSO.OO. 5704 AvalOn. 1I-J NEW 24 FT. HOUffC TRAILERS, also a food selection of used traUera, 16 In .to rt Terms 1171 Market St. Reddlnt. Calif. U-34 STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts stocked, used lurntture. stoves Dougm. Ok fSnrnnd Hand Store. SM Klamath. Phone S11. H-30m FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyer. 14SS Martin. Phone 0177. u-wm FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS Roy Schmeck. Phone 4o3. Rt. 1, Box 1043. ll-30m SFW1NR MACHINE PARTS and aun' plies. Al makes. Phono 6771. 33is Shasta Way. 11 -30m FOR SALE-Farmall traetor. cultivator, mnwr. walkln ttlow and other ma- ehlnerv. Mrs. NatUe Soelak. P. O. Box 101, Malln. Ore. 11-1 FRESH CHURNED BUTTERMILK to day, Raymond Dairy. 11-S ron sale Used Suoerflex oil heater, first-class condition. No certificate renulred. Peyton Je CO. PhOn 0149. ll-J ron SAt.E Two-wheel trailer S3S.O0 a font crosscut saw SS 00 buck saw, S shovels, rake, pick, fire ahevel. all for ss.oo. -47ST So. Ith. Phono ssoo. 11-S FOR SALE Metal Icebox, SO lb. ea paclty, 1411 Pleasant. 11 FOR DINING ROOM AND BEDROOM FURNITURE, also sinsie neoi. com ntete. eo to Prawitt's Tradlnf Post. 3344 So. Sth. 11-3 FOR SALESlmmone double bod, aprins air maiiress. ioui t,rni. AMTN Addtne1 Machines and FR1DEN Calculators. 124 S. tth St, Pioneer Printlni It Stationery Co. li-ism FOR SALE-100 tona baled hay, 1st cut 1'ilfa. oata and rra. at Kano. Se Quy Moore at ranch before erosilnc river or till Douf Puckett, Tulelake 7104 SMStt 40 To Exchange GOOD STOCK SADDLE, will trade for hay. R1jJjf44pioiMfniiMMu 42 Mtseellaneous Wanted sr.t.I. USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR BONDS-If you have any no-lonfer used articles of any Rtna lyini arouno our home or Offtea wen you nave a real onnnrtunltv to heln th war Of' fort, in the first place, other people aotuauy need tnese no-ionier uaeo ar ticles: then. too. th money you rail by selllna thlnn cn b convorled Into bonds. Phone Slit. Classified Ad Dept. today. S'Otf WAN-ntn Tea went s-bedroom fur nished or partly furn!ahd haute by two adults, employed in lumber In dustry. Call S14S days, and S31S after p. m. 4Slfttf WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou pi, a modrn. furnished apartment or houa. Phon B07S after p. m. MTStf WANTETt Dead and evarthlasa animals. Phon 430 collect. 11-37 WANTED TO mUY.fee, arain freexer. Phono 111. , ltSstfGD WANTID-1S taut rorxatlnt shotrun in good condtuon, soe no. 3rd. ii-: r.raioERATOR wanted Call wi noma Hotel, 1313U SEE US TODAY We Pay Top O.P, A. . Prices' Your Ford Dealer Since Balsiqer Motor Co. Car Troubles?; Eliminate Worry and Expense' , Sell Your Car , . LOMBARD'S We Are.. Paying TOP CASH Lombard 521 So. 6th 42 MisceIinout Wanted Just back from Pacific desperately need furnished home for wife and child. Phone 8101 - Extension 102. , Ask for Lt. Barackman or Lt. Abbott. 11-7 WANTED TO BUY Sled with good run- ncr. can sizo. - anon WANT TO BUY-40 to 160 acre diversi fied ranch, equipped with farm ma chinery, in vicinity of Klamath Fall. State full price, terms and all details H lint tetter. Write 3946, care Her ald and Newt. 3948tf WANTED One food oil healinj stove. inquire at waidort crui. isu WANTED - Poultry. li'etock. turkeys and rabbits, trulovc 5 aiahket. 91 bat Main. Phone 4282. U-4m WANTTD Small size tricycle. Write or call Mr. S. Nelson at 4u Denver Ave. 11-3 W1U PAY CASH for used nuns. Brine them in for appraisal, BELL S HARD WARE, aas Main at, u-dum M2S.0Q REWARD for the rental of fur mined aparimeni ay 4 iquiu, rnone Winema Hotel. Room 316. 11-2 WANTED Board and room. J. E. John son, valley Hotel. Government em ploye and' wife. . U-6 WANTED By marine, wife and 1 V year old eaoy, must nave turmsnea house or apartment. Write Box 1404. car Herald and News. 11-2 WANTED Man and wife want furnish ed room. No children. Write Box 1403, care of Herald and News, tl-2 WANTED TO RENT From 200 to !W acres rrain land. Write Box 1201 . cara Herald and News office. 11-4 WANTED Dump truck. Call Shaw Lumber Co., Tlonesla. Calif, 11-7 WANT TO BUY 22 S&W or Colt. Have 38 or 43 to trade. Phone 8492. 1480tf WANTED TO BUY Balh tub and Irl yclt. Bert Peterson, DorrU. Calif. 11-2 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO touli R. Mann. U0 N. 7th. Phone 4MB Af 7175 ' U-20m 44 Livestock and Poultry rOR SAl.E-Colored fryers, live weislit. Till your locker now for winter, laaa Wlard, 11-6 FOR SALE-Holsteln cow. ready tn freshen. Rt. a, Box 444, So. 6th. 11-2 WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Also kbs. Merlin Produce Co. Phone 3371. ll-30m CLOSING OUT--Account of health, nood Guernsey-Jcrrcy milk cowa.SW each. Weaner and feeder plus. ' Brood sows to farrow soon, Frank W, Hurd. nt. 3. Box 1032-A. 3V, miles north or town. t l-;l 48 Financial First Federal Has Plenty of .Money . e e Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home . Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms - Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main , Phone 6183 11.:(lm 1923 Motors Phona' 8134 44 Livestock and Pouliyy VVtVryyieWr FOR SALE HIGH GRADE REQISTEMB GUERNSEY BULL CALVES, all affe The results of fine line breeding. Prove up your herd with . selected future sires. Very reasonably priced Ship anywhere In United ' States. Write for full particulars to X Wood rich, Wood brook Ranch, Eagl-Point, Ore. Phone 1202. 11-3 HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs, veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson PacJtihf Co. Phone 5323. nights 3503. : - - . 11 -30m FOR RENT-Winter pasture In Califor nia for cows. See Mrs. E. -M. Brat tain. Ft. Klamath. ' 11-4 46 Financial When You Want": 'a CASH LOAN j For Any Worth Purpose Call OnV P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107' No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles Furniture Livestock Salary j ' -j Sales Between. Ind tvid: uals Financed a n d O. P. A. Requirements Completed Corns In ,'; Pnone In or Write In Phone 7711 ' Lie. M-223 V - Lici S-251 U-30m See . K. A. (Dinty) Moore For liberal! cash loans AUTO FURNITURE NOTE : On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy , . . 12 Months to Pay ,: No Co-Signers . ' Quick Service , .. Locally ..Owned ;. Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 ' 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 U-30m 00311