; 4: PACE FOURTEEN Our Boarding Houjo ST nnM'T a irF- tvfc W AMVMORE LlfABURGER ABOUT THfc BtK VOWS, AM9TER. M.V EDITOR VOMITS TO SS6ED Art ARrAED VilTUOOT SO paOCU AS , r r -(-. -i . . I UN - n - LlTfiP. OLD sTTiMS toULL. . WrASELF . If mm mi Red Ryder !,-ARHAL.'TpOn &FUE.VE rvt-Ll ? Waih Tubbs Freckles and His Friends I domT kmow ) Them HOW TO POLE YOU'RE VAULT ! RtAtNLY ' NUT (jJUALIhltU TO RUN FOR. THE OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF Boors and Her Buddies OWt VOO rNVi AVOVOSV, Alley Oop Little Orphan Annie oh! its beautiful ! and ITS BRGNO NEW! BUT XOU MUSTNTQIVG it TO 46, JftNE! , ; -n r . . . ."'.Z "l ..- ... . . - ., ,r -r. i ,..'..rl I ..-.-or- tv-- 1 1 f mnwi Tuiec-g.nittT't fLWER.WHEN THAT OPPOftTUMITV COMES i f a QUARTERMASTER ! SSv WANTS MUST ref fifflfff wra'TSAl 'TILL ffSgSgl flrrl. 22r,.;1S,rn i,w.V AsnntuE utMCkir A9Diuc I rflMiLaasii I ABETTER FIT FOR ALS0.LAR6E EN0U6H B-jyail WJ 1 I . ? iflStiB P-sgI lrMW& j T .VSkww tysuu cc'rt'Hb4VE CELEBRfVTlW& fop COURSE I'M JTwELL oSulSiftSJ! SOU niiwm, U61a fmfs I Sow foufc KuVff ) keWopDtk' ( knot-heap.' J I. .11 , II L I ifuc VNT-VOlPi 'Ul I SHOULftTNa bNNC-WEfeT I'M AN OLD VALE "wi.i DrSUlN6 ALONG, ' OFOCPCT ElViMG TACKLE, AND BROUGHT HIM. CRrVBrAINS ' EARTH LIKE A . -Nl I 'l - ' L cyy bvi rA.tTS fesV CQNi S.0 OK VSR TO TH A CUT rlf.S 601 AHMM AN mis ipuU:kvTJ3I ltu isi Bwiiny rSmMkl S W KVATtO HELP US feCT) lT pP )J-Li!Hi I TO HOVE IT, I B B BUT 1 I PfA"f FRIENDS. "TOU KNOW- 1 (VND UftNE TO RUN, HOW- I f BUT I I 6NNIE -I THINK) MRS II FOR IT, I AND FRIENDS MW A SURE MRS. BtEATINQ I WftNT TO. J IT WILL FIT X WINK-- f I SOME J (VCCEPT Jk I ARE I HART WILL Be I With Major Hooie NELL. rAAN, "YOU - . ' - ' X CROUCHED, TO . NAME ISN'T GOOPLE; UOOPLE-"- kV'rl" LIKE IN "HAM. , reporters meet ' interesting g? PEOPLE- VM OW?V i I VK.YL-V ,Oi WbOV"KN6 HERALD AND NEWS. OBITUARY OTTO UKOKtiE II A KIT Olio Ueoige Ur(f. for the Ut JO cars a tcsiuent of ML Hebron. Celtl.. , i.-mhI away in this city on Wednesday. ovember 1. HM4 t 0.30 a, in. following an Uincts of but lx da. He wan u native ol Leeds. England and at the time of His death wn aged 7H year U month a.ut 14 days. Surviving are one diiuga tcr, Mrs. Hniel Moincnrollt of Alt. Hebron. Calif , and two sou. Lotus O. and George C. Hard of iau Mauetseo. Calif., also four grandchildren. The re mains reM In tho Kurl W hillock Funeral .tome. Pine at Sixth. Notice of funeral to bo announced ut a hfter dale. Courthouse Records Marriage SIMMONS-POPE. Loui Randall Sim rums. 23, V. S. marines. Native of .Nevada, resident of Klamath Fall, florin Mardynn Pone. HI. parts helper, B.uage. Nutivo of Oregon, resident ol .vlainalli Kails. Complaint Hlfil Louis Frederick Sonne., dcr versus Elizabeth Lovcy Schneyder. Suit lor divorce, eharte cruel and Inhuman treatment. Couple married lit Charles lon. South Carolina. December 23. UK I. J. C. O'Neill, attorney tor plaintiff, Justice Court Thomas P. Voting. Drunk on a public highway. Fined $25 and 00 day on probation. THREE CASES PORTLAND, Nov. 2 UV) The slate board of lu-iilth saiil Unlay that only three infantile paralysis rases were reported in Oregon last week. It was the smallest number of any week sinee July. Eight new cases of scarlet fever and six of diphtheria were reported in Multnomah county. Classified Ads Brtni; K-siilts By Fred Harmon By Leslie Turner By Blosser WtLL. VOU HAD MO BUSINESS LETTING ME TALK VOU INTO ,07 By Martin A fiOKStO' , , 1 XtP J ii?vi to, i Mr NtA't'ivCt. twc. T. y. MIC. U. ' By V. T. Hamlin By Harold Gray 1 l I t 7J I KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Ouotaiions NKW YOHK. Nov. 'J t Al't Sealtered rnlU. indutrlali ami uiiiiuei acuevru modeat piogieks in today t toek markat but koine of tho recently aprinllng alr crafis itnibled over profit ching. Cltwlng quolaitoiu; American i.m Am Tel & Ul ..UK Anaconda Cat Tractor Comnumwculth X boil ...is id CurlU-wrmlii " General Kleclric J'J (ioneral Motor C.t Nor It) pM llltnohi Central ijj; lut Harvester ! Kennecott J1" Local" I 1 -U, I.ong-11-.'ll A ' Monifloinery Ward "' Nath-Kelv N Y Leniral "" Northern Pacific Pne litis A Fl Packard Motor 1'ennn It It Wl Itopuhlie Sleel 1, Hiehficld Oil H'l Kar llochuck UHt Southern Pacific Standard Rratid Suiikhlne Mining " Tra mi-A titer lea W ' 'on on our ... - Union Pacific MO P S Steel !M Warner Picture la-'i Potatoes toc: arrival M. on track 103. total 17. S. liipmenl9 ti7H: supplte moderate; for best iuallty western ktocks. demand Hiidtraip. nuirkrt firm: for northern stock, dei mind very low, markol dull and weak: Idaho Kuisct Uuvb.tnl.s, li, s. No. 1, Ji.i .13: Miciiigan eiiagos. V. S No. 1, $:.!0; Muiucsulu and North Dakota Cobbler, fair quality, fl.ua- 2.1U ; LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. J (AP-WKA Cattle: salable and total Itod; calve 100; market slow, steady to weak; some cow and steer unsold; com mntt-medium steers largely 9ti.O0-12.30; cullers down ward to SU. IX); cutter to common heifers StUO-D.OO; canncr and cutter cows IK. 30 tlOO; shelly cows salable downward to Sil.OO; fat dairy typo cow S7. 00-30; few dock cows 97.3'30; medium beef cows S8.S0-10.00; common-medium bull 97.00 K.30. outstanding heavy beef bull up to $10.00; good vcalcrx StU. 00-30; choice scarce; medium 330-430 lb. grass calve $0.00-10 00; cull downward to $3.00. Hogs; sa'r.blo and total So:); market fully 23 ce:ite lower; good'Choico 1U0 210 lb. largely 914.73; several lots early $13.00; S-I3-U3 lb. S13 30-H.33; light lights 313.73-14.00;, good sow largely $12.73: few to $13.00: good-choice feeder pig steady at $14 23. Sheep: salable and total 200; market rather low but mostly steady; good choice woolcd lamba S) 2.00-30; medium Hood 7.'1-L'2 lb. S10.50-U.B0; cnmmnrt fll lbs. down to $3.00; good ewes salable around $3.C0. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2 fAP-WFAi Cattle: 3ti. Grnerally tlendy; steers 'low, packngr medium 1027 lb. Mccrs $13.30: medium In goo-l heifers and range cows absent; common cwi S'J.On.fl.riO. odd cutlers 30.30-7.30, e-pners dull. . "shells" $t.oo-3.00, frtv (V00 Odd 1375 lb. medium nuaga bull Sios'i. Cilvrs none; nominal. Hog: 100. Steady; few Rood 200-240 th. harrows and gilH 013 00, some 24.1 270 Ibi. at 514.73: old good sows $13 30. Sheep: 00. Active, fullv stead v: few df-cka good to choice norlherp California r2 lb. nnd On lb. fuM woolcd S14.30-M.B3: fiocd ewes quoted S3, 30 down. CHICAGO. Nov. 2 AP-WFA' Salable hrtfM C000: tot.ii u.noo: closing falrlv p-t(vr. uneven 23-3? crnts higher that Wedne-day's nvcrag? on 270 lb. anfl down, wffchtfi over 270 lh. and sows 13 to mostlv 23 cent. hlher: good and eholce lRO-27n hs. 9) ton SI4.33: f w-2W)..T00 lb !4.0!i and f-w good and Cholrrj 139170 Ibf, 13 30-14 0; rut good and cho'ce 300-300 lb sows .113.73-I3.BO: orosnrcts fair clearance. Salable cnttlo SOOO; total 0000; salable calven 1100: totnl lOOO; fed nlr-rs and vporllngH,lncludinff yearllnx heifers, un evenly stendy In 23 f-cnts lower, mostly weak to vr, cents off; lip 91H.23: year Units In broadest demand: trade very dull at decline on medium and good grades: cows weak to 23 cents, mostly 10-13 rents off: bulls and vealer steadv bsst fed heifers $10 on- good co-vs to $13.30: cutter enws fl.73 down; heavy snusage bulls to Sll.30; nulsMe nn chnlre Vfalers 915.30; n'ooher and feeder cattle ste-dy: mainly 9ll.no. 13 so. Salable sheen 3000: totnl 11.500: mrs eirlv sales anrt hlH .i.v ...j fhpice native lambs 914. "0-14 23 with b-irVs out at nna dollar discount: load good and rholre wetrrn tamb and br.t u.i win noove mrl lots mrd- hint nnd pood natives 91?. 30-13 73. com mon kind 911.00 down with eomoarative I" little blow 9i.O0: load "ood and fIio:ce mistl- good rrnde 135.1b native owes with fall shorn pHa 93 so part lead Jufit good 114-lb. westerns $3.23. WHEAT ww- n. inrcc-nay decline in grain futures prices was halted nrr ii . I i enriy selling ' " ".-" uiiurinu inaicaiea an oversold condition In other market. Commission house offering of wheat were absorbed quickly and resting or ders to buy Just under tho market pro ylded lomo support The trade was light. At the close wheat was '1 to 'ie high er than yesterday's finish. December Sl.OS. Cor, wni( np tQ ,,(, Uc comber 91.00 14. Oats were ',' to ?,c higher, December (J3i-ic Rye was up ?i to l'.'ic. December 91.01 "-'a. Bar ley was He lower to V4c higher. De cember $1.02?,. LEGAL N01 ICES SUMMON FOR rURf.ll'ATJON tnultv No. 5(111 JN THE CIltCUlT COURT OF THE aiAlt, Oh UiCKUUN IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF Kt.AMA'l M COUNTY OF KLAMATH. STATE OF vnioun, a puouc corporation, PlalnlUt, vs. EARL C. P&WKHS and JANE Ddl POWERS, his wile; LOLA CKISCOLL and JAMES H. DltlSCOLL, her hus- Dann; u. u. I'AHKCH, a single man; EVERETT M. HELL and ATHVL HKI.I. his wife; LLOYD HELL and DORIS HELL, his wlfo; HKRNICE HELL; COM MERCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION, a corpora non; unti ed htatbh NA-1 TIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, ORE GON, a national banking corporation, I successor to the American National I Bank of Klamath Falls, Oregon, a national banking corporation; FIRS'i NATIONAL HANK OF PORTLAND, OHEGON, n national banking corporation,-succensor to tiio FIRST NATION AL HANK OF KLAMATH FALLS. OHF.UON. a national banking curpora llon; MARGERY E. SALISBURY and JOHN DOE SALISBURY, her husband; TED E. COLLINS and JANE DOE COLLINS, his wife; WILLIAM HAR RISON LYTLB and JANE DOE LYTLE, his wife; J. J, STKIOER, n ainglo man; THEHON J. KASSON nnd JANE DUE KASSON, his wife; D. J. PUCKETT nnd LET A PUCKETT, his wife; JAMES 13 LAI It nnd JANE DOE BLAIR, his wife; EWAUNA BOX COMPANY, a cor poration; GEO. W. BOYINGTON and JANE DOE HOYINGTON, his wife; C. M. BOYINGTON and JANE DOE BOYINGTON, hh Wife; J, E. BOY INGTON and JANE DOE BOYING TON, his wife: J. D. IIOLTZERMAN nnd JANE DOE HOLTZEHMAN, his wife; NORTH WEATEHN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF MINNEAPOLIS, n corporation; MAMIE WELTY and JOHN DOE WELTY, hei .husband; WILLIAM P. KENNEY nnd JANE DOE KENNEY, his Wife; RUDOLPH WINTER nnd JANE DOE WINTER, his wife; MAE C. MASON nnd Billion W. MASON, her husband, BERTHA W OR DEN, widow nf W S. Wordcn. deceased; ROBERT WORDEN and Bonn IK WORDEN, his wife; PAUL nOGARDUS and JANE DOE HOGAnDUR, , hin wife! WHEELER. OLMSTEAD COMPANY, ' a corpora Hon; W. J. 1IOHBELT nd GENEVA B, HO H BELT, his wife; II. W. GLAD ITSCIf and JANE DOE GLADITSCII, - his. wife; MAHY O.- GINSTtACH. a w,rtr KINSLEY ROY OINHBACH and JANR.npE GINHBAjCH. his wife: JAR. It. DORAN ;and UF.RTIR L. DORAN, his wife; JOHN YAHR and iakiw nnu VAltlt. his wife: ALICIA YAllii DNDKLMAN and JoiliN D'-UNDKI-MAN, her luuuand; K '"' IIASUNUH and JOHN OUK JiAil iNt.b, tier hUhbaudi Wil.l.lS J, WALK ;K and A I'M A 11. WAl.hk.H. hi wiln. lilt At. K U. HOVE V. a widow. CHAlU.ISa U. HO V ICY and rLOnKMA HUVKY, hti wife; DKT'KOIT ';' t COM PA NY. a i' or pot ai urn ; KM MA HAMILTON, a Widow; VKIINON h. Pl'CKm' and l.KONA PUCKKTl. in. wife; J. H. HIIAW Mild CKCllaA HHAW. Hi wile; WM, M. IHIAV, a tuglc man; STATE Of OIIKUON: Also all other ieron. parlies, firm or I'oiporallon claiming any right, lllli'. estate. Hen or interest lit ur to Ihv real properly described in the com plaint herein, or any part thereof; also all the unknown heirs of any de ceased patties that tniy be immud lietelu. , . Defendant. TO: Karl C. Powers; Jane Don Power, his wile; Uernico Hell; Margery E. balls bury. John Doe Salisbury, tier husband. Ted E Collin. Juno Doe Collin, hi wife; William linn lion L.ylle. Jane Doc Lytic, hi wife; Thenm J. Kaun. Juno Duo Kason. hi wife; D. J. I'mkett. Lota Puckett, hi wife; ro. W. Huyiiig ton, Jano Doo lloylnglon, his wife; C. M. Hoytngtim. Jane Doe lloylnglon. hi wile. J, E. Uoyiugton, Jane Doe Uoylngton. hi wife; J. D. Holliermaii. Jane Doe Holtterman, hi wlfe( Northwestern Na tional Hank fk Trust Company of Min neapolis; Mamie Welly, John Doo Welly, her huuband; William P. Kcimcy. Jauw Doo Keiincy. hi wife; Itudolpli Winter, Jane Doo Winter, his wife; Paul Ho gardtis, Jano Doe flogardus, his wile; Wheeler-Olmslead Company, a corpora tion; Jane Doe (.iladltsch. wife of H. " Oladltsch; Mary O. tilnsbach; Kinsley Hoy (iliiNbach, Jano Doo Olusbach, his wife; Jus. 11. 1) or nn, Oertle L, U:iraii, hi wife; John Yahr, Jane Doe Yahr, bin wife; Alicia Yahr Undelman, John Doe tindelmait, her husband; Edna Hasting'. John Doe Hastings, her husband; Will '. J. Walker: Alma B. Walker, tirace I. Hovey; Charles O, Hovcy; riurritee llovey; Octroi l Trust company, a '" pniallon; also all other persons, parties, firm or corporations claiming any riHhi title. estate, lien or Interest In or lu the wnl iirnlmrlv (Uarrlturi 111 the COIUPlalnl herein, or any part thereof: alio Nil the unknown iteirs oi any ueceaseu imriv that may be named herein. Defendant IN THE NAME Or THE STATE Or OKECiON: You and each of you are here- In- fr.mil rH tn innriF and answer ItlC complaint filed again! you In Iht above emitted stilt on ur uemre ine oui uy ui Nnvnnhrr. 1D44. that hetfie the lest dn) of tho time allowed tinder the order for mibllcatlon of this summons; and if you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for Ihe reuer p rayon ror in in complaint on file herein, to-wil: That you and each of you be re mil red tn set forth the neVir of am claim adverse to Ihe plaintiff in ihc folio win. tf deiertbed real property situ ated In Klamath County. Oregon, to-wil a'NK'4, SR'NWI Section 4. T. IUI S , ft. & E.i W. M. SWV4SF.I4 Section 2. T. 37 3.. H. 7 E. W. M, All Fractional Section 7, T. 37 S., R 7 E., W. M. WNEV,. EliNW'. WVSF.V Section 11, T. 37 S.. It. 7 E.. W. M. NWiNEt. StitNE'. Section 14, T. 37 S.. K. 7 K., W. M. Fraction N'.NHi. lest 0.3 acres de scribed a beginning at tho SR corner ol the NN' Section 18. T. 37 S., B. 7 E , W. M.; thence north along the east line of Ihe NsN'i aid section 370': thence west 407 ; theneo south 370": thence east 47' to the place of beginning- In Section 10. T. 37 S.. It. 7 E.. W. M. Fraction NKU. NE'.NWl. SWt'iNWtV ME',NWi', Fr. N'S'i Section ll. T :i7 S.. R. 7 E.. W. M. EidNWU Section 24. T. 37 S.. R. 7 E-. W. M. W'?SW' Section 23. T. 37 S.. It. 7 E . W. M. S'jNK'. Section 2. T. 37 S., R, 7 E W M. Fraction NK"i Section 30, T. 37 8.. R. 7 E.. W. M. SE'.SKi, Section 4. T. 40 3.. R. 7 E W. M. N'jNEV. SW'.NE',. SE',NW.. N' SWU. SE'.SW',. SV'tSE'i Section 34. T. 2B 8.. It. 11 E., W. M. S'.S'j Section 3. T. 30 3.. R. 12 E.. W. M. E'jNE Section 10. T. 38 S.. R. 12 E W. M. N'.N'Wts. SE'.NW'i. N'iSW', SE'. SW. Section 11. T. 30 3.. R. 12 E . W. M. E' -NK' Section 31. T. 33 3., R. 14 K . W. M. SW'.NWU. NWl'.SW'i Section 32. T. .13 S.. R. 14 K,. W. M. Fraction E'-jE1 Section 31. T. 33 S., R. 13 I". . W. M, NW, Section 33. T. 33 S.. R 13 E. W. M. NE'iNW'.. N'.S'j Section 8. T. 30 S.. R. 13 E-. W. M. That any and all such claims be held for naught and that plaintiff le decreed to be the owner In fee simple of salt) real property and that each of you lie forever barred and enjoined from as serting any claim whatsoever tn said real property adverse to the plaintiff, and for such other relief a lo the court may seem Just and equitable. This summons I served upon you and each of you by publication thereof In the Herald and News, a newspaper print ed, published and of general circulation In Klamath Count v, Oregon, by order of the Honorable David R. Vandentierc. Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered the 2nd day of October. 1044, which said order require this sum mons to be published once a week for four successive weeks, five In sertions; that the first publication there of be made on Ihe 3th day of October. 1044, and the list publication on the 2nd day of November. 1044. Ihe last day for 'aid dfendanta tn appear and answer tying fixed by said order as the flth day of November, 1044. f.. ORT1I STSKMORE. Attorney for Plaintiff 14 Court House Klamath Falls, Oregon. O. 9-i-i..U: N. 2 No. 1M. NOTICE TO CREDITOR Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned ha been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Cina M, Ilrookfleld, deceased, and has qualified, All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present Ihe same to me with nroper vouchers at the office of L. Orth Slsemnre. Suite 213. Stewart Drew Building, Klamath Fall. Orognn. within six months from October 12, 1044. George e. Brook fie Id Administrator O 12-10-20; N 2-0. No, 201. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final nccount and renort as administrator of the estate nf Olive A. Rice, deceased, and the Judge of tho Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Klamath County, has fixed ten o'clock In the forenoon of November 20. 1044. and the courtroom of said court In Ihe courthouse at Klamath Falls, Oregon, an the time and place, when and where, any person may present nny objections or exception to anything therein con tained, and at said lime and place the court will finally settle said account. EDMUND R RICE, Administrator, O. 10-28; N. 2-9-10 No. 203. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE THOMAS CASPER, De ceased, MN2Uc J1"ehy 'ven that I have f led my final account of the administra tion of the above entitled estate, and that the Court has appointed December 1, 1044. al 10:00 A. M. as the lime for henr ng objeclinns to sueh flnnl nccount and Ihe settlement thereof. CATHERINE CARPER. Executrix of said estate. N. 2-0-1 fl. 23 No. 210. CLASSIFIED HATES 2 rlavm Der worrt t h2 V, per word lie 4 day run 5 day run Week run per word llo per word 13c per word 14o per word 13c Month run W- D'cnijnl tor payment in Advance Ufa Discount (nr t i n. AtU rerelved hj 1:00 p. m. W) ptr aarn. afternoon In "New rrolay" column .u J" "!' "in'ar claiilllcnllon aflrr ,,"r"..'l"1' M' m" "a oancell.rt hv New Today LCST -inn,'W ,n vicinity of Itwer ..,.. mnc- uc""er n. initialed J.N.W, containing private pilot s license. If. P. rating, alrmnn'a cer iificale. gas coupons, etc. $10 00 re ward. James N. Wllmarlh, Box i:io.i. ween, Calif, WANTED - Wholeiole milk ronle driver Delivering to enfes and stores only. No Sundoys. Permanent now and fter war. Lost River Dairy. li-a Feed "SECURITY" Calf Food and sell 11 your whntc milk, PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 11-2 Nw Today WVVioiii" ' WANTKI) Trill ilrlvnr ml wmn- holl.rlil.lli. AlTly Bivtll Co.. IUJ Mai l.o. Hi. " Win7im KHIl MIINIIINU Mr.. Manny. (ii awu uii" w 11. in. am i .- law, 11 KKKIIKII HI'KIMAI. 4 lu.ll lllvw.Hill li.r.lr.1. .m nlillMl tJ-JII I'koi'i.Kii wAiiiciioimK 11 a HI KKIMNII IIIIOM llrnllrnwn "lv I'huno TdJO .'vvnlua.. Uliaif KOinT HDOM IUII.SK Willi lialh. nun nlHolv (M...ll"l. ll..'l".H.. olrolrli' r,.ilr..iloi'. Ill Hlrwarl'a n.l.llll".! Mr js.ui lin.l In hi. J. W. Hamlara. Ural K.lalr. 1319 Main HI. 114 KOIlT HAI K Tlitr.-lir.lr.imil Im.l.e Mini futnl.hl.iK.. HI r'ram'l. Park. May Ik. .r."i "Mrr ll::HI ovrnlna. .ir Hun- HAIIIIIT IIAISKIIH . Cirl ll.r niti.l onl l "" ra.hl.ll.. l.ir llll ttnhlill Tl.llill.. I'KDIM.K S WAIIKIIDUHK 1 1 -a KHIt HAI. I! il-hrilnium. mctrrii lulu... full l.a.r mrnl Cru.l-p."l,l nn'.l. la.ln.l.y Hay, un.nar. iiroprrlv In rH.'rllrnl r.mtlllltin. Vlrw nt ll.r lt.kr. MSW. ."a ilnwn. Ilnlam-a Hlie r'"1 .. Mill HAI.K Mo.trrn 8-r.io.u l.o'.ir. har.lwi.l llrwr. In llvlna rutiin aiul tllnl.itf ru'H.i. full lia.rinrul. Iiniirovr.l .lit'ol, clu.o III. I'lll-O MHI. Trrm. 11)11 HAI.K 4.r.i.n m.Hlrr... iila.lrrr.l liim.r. rlrr trlr hot walrr hralrr. ri.tiMilrlrly fur. nl.lir.l rlr.-lrltf 1.1'iirn. rrf rm.ralnr. In. nn.vcii ,lrcol. Prl-r son. Irrnu. Hro llrnry N.nvhnu.a it i T. II WAITKMH llrallor ma Main SI I'H.'no 4IM .3.11.1 Kvrllliitf.l 1 1 - J (IOT A COW,' Then feed llll 3 Blar Dairy- II will keep your cut' In tip top shape and a high tidlli producer. I'KOPI.Kii WAKKIIOUHK 11-2 rt IMIOM MODFIIN IIOIfSK P"ie tlrocl. 2(iiHI. 3 letllooin, 301 Kbeilein, Trl. 7307. Agl. ,,'a . MM mi.?, no-acre farm. 20 acrrs in alfalfa, bal ance In grain. 3 rouiu lunne. deep welt j,od mitbiilldiug. mi main highway, flue soil, a teal buy at 1300. Tcims. .See Henry Nrwhouse at T, H WATTEHS Men 1 1 or 013 Main M. Pbone 4IPS U'043 Evening) 112 OVH llll COAT IIAT1DN ill not -get your f.al." but II will lucrcaie milk production. PKOIM.K S WAHEHOltKE 1 13 rOH HALK 12 gauge Itemlnaion auto malic, ribbed barrel. Cull eompeit snlor and lecnll pail, $10 with shells nr will ronsldrr Parker dmiblr in trade. .23 I Huh Standard. Model Hi: with holster and nhnlls. erfect, H3 im Will consider Mshier model lit trade. Silver I'm Pnfher 31 pen, $12.30. 7-Jcvel KI.IIOJJ wrist watch, guld. with tmbreiknl'le cry-tat. 915 00, Call after 0 p. m.. tU4 Spring Hi. 11-2 APPLES AM grades. Ilrlng rmttalttera. No r'attirdnv sal. Ttp f (iraitdvbw Drive l.lojd Taj lor. Ashland, 11-2 FOR SALE Prewar II piece walnut din ing room set. norlng col and gcKi'l matlrers. 2D2 Oddteltows Illdg. 11-3 DAIRYMEN! A Wiut tin e Im stnrl fredlng molasses. We have a lew barrels left. Uctler or der now. PEOPLE'S WARKIIOUKK 11-2 FOIt SALK - NLWTOWNK. Red an I (.olden Drllcioui. King apple. 2 o ) for 40-lb. txtx. Hrlng containers. Mrs. Josaelvn. 4H3 Euclid and Ashland 8l , AnhUml Turn up Harrison Si. one block from Junior ll.gli, tip 0 block'. VOTERS Free Flashlight-, (or every clllien Is a platform pruiulse Dial seem to have been overlooked by my rivals for tho position of Mayor. This should be a ixipuler promise and will find, favor amongst thote voter who have to find their way down Mutn slreul alter Ihe Merchant turn off their show window lights, Anoiber promise added tn Ihe multitude already prncnted probably will not make much difference. I onl: offer the Btiggotion for the Candidate that wishes lo use It. Kenneth McLcod Jr. 11-2 Htri.I'lll.H! . Just received another car of Miller' "Freeflo" Sand Sulphur. Col yours from rar and save money, PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 11-2 WANTF.t) flpollrr and prc.a.r. Uptown Clrancr.. 117 So. llll. IEHH KOH jiAI.K VI Ion. nf alrall.t hay ami an ton. of nal and alfalfa llllicril. John Itu... llnx ill, llonania, ll-n FOR HAI.K - 4-wherl Irallrr, laka body. at, n. by la ft., well built. I mi Wiirdcn. , 111 MTTKII? Climlt. y. any kind yon want. Irat tun... redar ihavlna. and alraw. No Hard In look fttrlher. i-r.oi'i.rs wAHKiiuosr. u-a VOIl HAI.R-Kalamaton wood and rn.l clrctilnlor ha.lrr. In good p.rfert condltinit. WelKh. 400 pound.. 23.14 Orchard St. 11-4 WILL PAY SUBSTANTIAL BONUS for mndrrit, ftirnl.hrd htiu.r for rent, rr llalilo party. Wrlto llox 300, care llrrald and New.. 11-4 WANTCO TO nilY-410 ifallle .h.ll. nr 30 gautf. aholgun. 3040 Orchard Bt. 11-4 POIII.THYMKNI No klddln', our llrl Rgg Produerr prndticaii larger ngg. Ihan ordinary agg ma.h. Larger egg. mean, better price for your ruga. PEOPLE'S WAIIKIIOUBK 11-3 DISIIMAN SllOr. SHOP, 104 T.. Main, now open fnr bu.lne... Expert .hoe repairing. Work taken In every day. ai-hour ecrvlre. Il-fl WILL CAI1K roil CHILDREN In my Ijomo. Phone 0LI4. 11.13 Oak. 11-4 WANTED -Woman to' do hou.ework. Phone 74D1 after f) p. m. It-. ron RENT ... Ftirnl.hrd room with kllrhrn prlvllrgr., Hullahle fnr cou ple. ;ki:i Prearntt, 11-0 HAVE MOMK CHOICE FARMS near Mrrrlll. One ,-nntplrle with eftilp menl. Exrellrnt hnlldlnga and lorn linn. M. A. UOWMAN, Merrill, Ore. Phone Altai. 11-3 FOIt SALE OR LEASE I.nrge aentl inntlrrn ho.i.e. frull ronm. garage, wmidftlird. barn, chicken holi.e. on five acres. Rnlihll. .all klntUl, htltrt.e. fnr .air. W. M. Ilragg. III. I, nnx lull, old Midland road, near Tnvener A Pllr.ly Packing Plant. 11-0 FOR SALE B-r.mm lintlae, toilet, nn nn.n, -im nonNovrll, now reining inr III limtilro nt Clly Dump. 11-3 FOIt BALK III acren nn llnmrdnlr. I mile .iff So. Dili. I4.VK), Phone IM-13 artrr 7 p. tn. . 11-4 FOR SALE n-rnom furnished house and .i-rn.in. luntlsli,).! iuiuho. iioii. nave elcclrlc range, elecll'ic refrlgernlnra and electric washers. Double garage, on one large hit, ft blocks from Main SI. Unod Incoina properly. Phnno 425.1, 11-3 FOIt SALE '311 Pontine eniino with pickup box. flood body nnd motor. $1211. Iitfiulro Slgnril Service Hlatlml, corner of llleliu nnd Oregon. 11-3 FOR BALK-Cirnv fur coal, good as new, rcnnnnnhlc. Phono 1)740. 11-3 FOR SALE AIM. Chalmers harvester equipped wllli molor, excellent con dition. Phllnott Bros.. nonanr.n. Ore, ii-n FOR SAI.E-Ciildclono piano, 17. Oood condition. Phono a-'IMI. , 11-4 WANTED TO P.IIY - Small modern ItotiBO In Merrill nr Mnlln. Vlll pay ranh, S. II, W.mdley, Merrill, Ore. U-a I 'n WAN'l'KI. nr..' Alii' in. ,i... . . 'r i.i. nr.N'r ''" ''. . II..X Mi, H I. M Hr.U. (Ill THAI IK ,,"""' - "ii.if.it. nn .-, , .';.i, Ittllr .mi Mi l,llk ll,,k llll. ' A,l.n WiJ WANTKII r,i,i,iii,,',rT ........ . . iviii,,,, ,,., .-" i ,1 Tf O fr K'm., ,llk 1 KLAMATH KA1.,S . I.OHKO No. Hull, mi,,U(j ily nlKhl, H:lli) tlou every Mvulul mi r riiiny 2 L( cast'. Hev.anl I'liim. Ilra.dslej. ttr.n "" M and HriHld' 'iV1 iiraiuey. t rOHNIl. Hillfulil 'Mi.11Bln:7 Mtwre. l-huii,- at4, 1 ,,t Name Jmk (miMi1. , a. ward uric,,! iu.t eye Phone 4UIU n. NOW OPEN EL PADRE For Ihn Um. CHICKEN ad DINNERS Our Chcl Mickey 0,: DANCE TO Pi-lo Collpy . i;ir, Kriink Curry . Trum; I'm Drum, Sil Hawaiian Cafe BAR SERVICE ! LOYAL ORDER of K Will vote on the prp climiKo In miTilng niji' November 17 Mi-mlnTs mi' urtrit lo ; u nil vole. TllM.f 10 Sorvtctl Refriqerati' Service KELVINATO! Factory Aulhomnl ir.- Household and Commcicial Phone 6017 OREGON EQUIPMENT 127 So. tjtllSl Motor Rebuild Starter nnrl Ccntri! Ilcrondillonini; MOTOR TUNE- 25 Vc.irs' Expcrim Elmer Tripp Home Garage 218 Oltl Fori Roi: ,-ltonc 7IKI4 hrlorc ! after 5:30 r. 11 FALLS ELECTRIC GENERAL REPAIR1 Light Plant,. Cen.nion Motor. Rewound nd " Oa. Engine, 0erti.l . . . AP Ol pi.nt and rtottrnn 633 St. Fronds St. r ASPHALT ROOFS Af: Free Estimolts- All Types. Guorontcetl. Phono 4838. TALL ROBINSON'S DELIV Phono BaKKrilfc PiirceH;151 Deliveries tn-nn a. m-$W wXnteiw. . ...vriti EI.KCTItOI.I'X L1.J"" wl .ervlce. I'ltan. ' Scr-.Nl'KII COtgnjJ Mrs. Ei.KI l1"''?:. J 73111 lor ..iHnm p eiianiutreu tw SeTtIc TANKS OjtAllO ..nlled. Phnno 'm - FOR MACIIINKnV T J .; .t.illnlli.... .'! r'Kl" pair, iiuii -- rrrr.v iiickso.,!; AVON Plt0l"-'" -Phnn. ,1144, HE3SMAKIW'- r covered. AI "' ", y clolhlng- Mr. t0 Main. nwmJZ-, r.-T rtATrJ"- made 10 order. , I I SEWINClMACinNBg Phone in7ljwn- SH1N PAINTIN" pjjA Phone IM". Wf ::rfm'iicj U Irflivcll. (T caS:i ' I . wauled. Pn""" laiwell PMOTJ-