V 1944 Kmr MEN AND WOMEN V1"' .m rrnirp ptw Ik fefe ft& fefc tab PrCj Mr E "' " ol. V 'iTj'FV' t'liuliimi I W . .1... WIMi rtUWKaM" ,on of Ffcdrc re;. is ........ Ac sport" lrif 7 1 KiKhth flgWr ind Mil b"1'0' Blwl!,rd' ,"cil qualification badge Sicr which he vylll wcur J uniform. The order lurm S thai he wus given 0 j of "t'xcollnit" in hl per- hinn oi uui.v. loyed as an os.wmbler of ox- Vr.ft commmy l bunlllo, Lh before lie unlisted In BROTHERS IN SEHVICE Ittc brothers, former Dly L force! In various purls of WOMd. 1 VI. Dt'inier uiouii hsi been with the (Kill nriny . the Inltlnl assault on iionn tin I. nmv uiiiiiowhm'e lh front 111 northern ltuly. i-n n.i. Smith hnn brrn Eel with the Infnnlry on the d of Kauai, Hawaii. Before lent Into the Iniiiinry, hniiui with the U. S. paratroops nt Bcnning, rrcunuy tk nnrt lnrii(,-v .nArlitl. Eonard G. Olson, MM 3c, Inn wilhtne uniieci siairs nnvy he past 33 months. Ha lias overseas a snon ume, onn Is now omwhere In tho Houtli l'ticlfio. Leonard mid Unlo npunt u finlmmli together In Sun I riui clucu beluru ruculviiig uverteua iii'di'is, All llircu mo well known In Dly unci nru sons of Mrs. Muriel Joiieschli't of Jink son, Cullf., whero uddressus limy bo Obtained. . SKIPPER SCHARFENSTEIN WITH A COAST UUAHl) l,C'l (U FLOTILLA SOMKWIIKKE IN TIIK EUHOPKAN T1IKATKU OK OPERATION (Urhiyed) Lieiilununt Charles I. St-liurfcn-stuln, Jr., USCU, of lllllll Mel rose avenue, Kluinuth Fulls, him completed 111 iiioiiIIih of continu ous service iih the skipper of u Coust Guard luntllnu xhlp fur In fun try In the European theuter of operiilions. A vclorun of three nmjor In vnslons Sicily, Salerno und Normandy Lt. Sehurfensteln wus recently named coinmunder of ft group of eight ship In this veteran amphibious unit, Dur ing tho lnvlon of Sicily IiIh LCI (L) wns tho second ship of its cluss to I unci on the ltullun Island at Llcutu. Lt. Seharfonsteln Is the sou of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Selmrfen. stoln of Klamath Fulls. Mis wife, imici, nves in soiiin windnuin. Conn, JACKSON IN TOP TEN LAS VEGAS, Ncv. Pvt. If. Juckfon, formerly of Chiloquln, runkod among tho lu top basic deflection marksmen In n cluss of aerlul gunnora which recent ly received gruduutiiin dlplomiis und sliver wings nl the AAK flexible nunnery school hero. Pvt. Juekson Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jackson, Chilo quln, and husband of Mrs. Pearl U. Juekson. LOVILY-ALLURING. LOW-COST PERMANENT WAVE NlurlloaiklngaitUinlwavHno yimii. raiily. craw ly. t hiimo. DoU CnV youncU. Ttic anuning CfiammC HERALD AND N6WS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE ELEVEN WAITS COMMISSIONED Juck Elwood Watts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd A. Walts, box 407, this city, wns graduat ed September 13 from tho naval ulr truhilng center, Corpus Chrlati, Tox., und was commis sioned mi ensign In tho U. S. iinvul reserve. Juck Is a former Kill IS und Univorsity of Ore gun student, lie wns one of the survivors of the aircraft carrier Lcxinuton, sunk in the South Pacific in the early months of war. Looilty, ElUr In Junglts Witlklng through the jungles on ok nours, uourgo u. Loosloy mid Dick Eller, Klnmiith men, encountered this native hunting gamo with a blow gun. Tho gun propells a rock tho size of a hen's egg. The nativo said, "Whnt you pay take my- pic ture?" Evidently a price was agreed; hp wns nil net fur the shot nt his game when to Ellor'i surprise when ho said, "Ready" the na tive, camera-wise, turned to glvb the lens the full benefit of his features rather than his prowess as a hunter. George was still Interested in tho birdie In tho lice. This native boy, who has served as u guide fur U. S. inva sion troops, Is bright, alert, spcuks good English, and Is a very likeable person. He iskl If the boys would get him a muutb organ, he would trap them n parrot. Dick and George are suio all they need Is a parrot along with their duffel, but they did ask us to send the native aomo dye his slstor wants to color nor grass skirt and ho wants crayons. The dyo and crayon uro going out In the very gayest box tho one with the bright red Christmas bells that Is furnished by the Pelican Bny Lumber company. ALCORN ASSIGNED AN EIGHTH AIR FORCE BOMBER STATION. Eng. Wll Ham L. Alcorn ef Klamath Falls, Ore., ball turret gunner on a B-17 Flying Fortress, has been assigned to the Eighth Air Force Fortress group and now is un C03Q& 'GD t Tonight XW 9:15 KEX ennutm tvrrylhint you owl. prrmantnt wave toluikon. cmUfi, iliarnpno tl Have-in. Safq tv tvtry tyt of hair. Ptsnwrt tiy Kullywood movla alaft. Over 6 million old. (.t a Miarm-Kitrl K11 today. At Wfonar Drug and all drug aturoa. $60MINIMUH AT AGE 60 provides insurance for all against pov erty and old age. Vote Yes X 316 on Nov. 7 Pd. Adv. Townsend Club Come to jJfVarcfs dergolng an orientation course on flying proceduro in the Euro pean theater of operations, prior to entering upon combat duty In the air. Cpl. Alcorn, who thus be comes a member of the third bombardment division, which 1 asjjislliHaaii 1 1 fl fJ U immi .W: ,A ' W IT . tm was cited by the president for Its now historic England-Africa shuttle bombing of an Impor tant Mcsserschmitt fighter plane plant at Rcgensburg, Germany, In August of 1043, Is the son of Mrs. Helen E. Hoffman of route 3. Klamath Falls. ELEGIT Walt Wiesendangef OF YOUR CITY World War Veteran 18 Months' Active Service Overseas. 9 Additional Months in the Army of Occupation in Germany. .v.' :.':Jl if- i 3 V I Have Been a Taxpayer of Klamath Falls For Nearly 1 18 Years. ' Our Home Is at 2032 Earle Street. My Pledge Is This: "Fair and Impartial Consideration will be given to all problems confronting the welfare of our city" 0 Attract New Industries and Provide Employment for Our Returning War Veterans y Slogan on the ballot reads: "My four years as Councilman have Ven me the knowledge and experience that will be of value to our city and taxpayers." Pd,".Adv. by Walt Wlesendnger. ar of- .1.. toy ITEM At i "'reggpy M i.mmii.. i.jiiui m i't. i y.'.f '.-r,-f HASKO MYSTIC BOARD 1.98 Hilarious fun for grown ups and children when Hasko spells out "answers" to any question! Cowboy Pistol and Holster 98 For the young cowboy ; ; ; West ern type dummy pistol In tan split cowhide holster. Belt to match. 33 Play Doctor's Kit...1' 59c Has everything, to "cure" wound ed toy soldiers 1 1 1 even a toy stethoscope to bear heart b.m.i COMMANDO REPEATER POP GUN 1.49 Gun every little boy wants be cause this one is the repeater type ... makes loud bang ... end has easy pump action! It's 29 Inches long, nicely finished! And harmless! Buy now at Words! BROTHER AND SISTER DOLL SET s from Jfffojnboi t 7.45 Perfectly sized for even the tiniest totsl Brother is 1 6" tall . . . Sister a chubby mite of 12" . ; . weigh only 19,.,oz. together! look like real children! Don't miss! Low price includes both! EDUCATIONAI WOODETTES . . . Wo examlnod thousands or lampres n ;w Irulited en 9rHrtfl th very beet In material anal workmanship, without getting prices way . up i i ; and we didl We sincerely beHeve) there are no finer toys made for less moneyl - ' Come, see, t Wards, today! 1.98 little wood figures to put togeth er and.' paint. Will teach child construction, painting, design and stimulate mind for al! sorts of make-believe playl Choice of little family or village. TEACH-A-TOT EDUCATIONAL TOYS 1.72 .-3.20 None oetterl These have been scientifically designed for fun ; . i in child. Made of belt hard woods and nibbed to a 'smooth ishl Buy for 2 to 4 yr. olds! ; STURDY DUCK R6CKA- BABE SHOOFLY... 8.48 Fun for babyl Blessing for busy mothersl Built low and wide to preventtlppinglComfortableseatl EtW; OOOD QUALITY STUFFED TOY ANIMALS . . . 1.98 Heads, hands, feel of long, fluffy plush , . , "cuddly" bodies of cot Ion prlnll Best for babyl Set of Educational Wood Toys 119 4 toys child can take apart and put together s i i develop eye hand coordination as he playsl Deluxe Monopoly Game ExcHtna Treasure Hunt Game "Dig" 98e 2 to 16 playeri can scramble for letters to make wordi matching Treasure Hunt cordsl Easyl Parker Brothers Games 198 fun for young, old I Played with ' thousands of "dollars" ; ; i goal to corner real estate market! - UPHOLSTERED ROCKER FOR CHILD... 11.50 Good-looking asdad'ieasychalrl And iturdyl Covered fwHh.lqsii sorted colpredjabrlcslf Toy Rifle UkeFameus "Springfield'! 359 Solid walnut gunstockl looks ex actly (Ice 'he rifle used by our oldlersl Harmlessl Sweet-Tone 12-Key Toy Xylophones 75 95 , Known for quollly, funl Many like . Touring, nt,. ninth, Rook have, been "hill" for over 60 years! For Utile music loversl Easy ) playl 4-page booklet of music, Instruction), wooden mallets, ins) Us yew credit to buy emy menhemKM from our store stocks or from eur satategi. v. Hi ?! ryWard ontgome A