PACE NINE Li" 34 Automotlva 34 Automotive 34 Aulom jtlya 34 Automotlva 34 Automotlva 34 Automotlva 34 Automotlva SPECIAL NOTICE NEW MOTORS HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OKEOUN To Winwn."; WANTED WE NEED MEN AND WOMEN FOR ESSENTIAL WORK Lubrication Man Car Polisher Used Car Polisher Mechanic Helpers These Are Steady Jobs In Steam Heated Garage GET A POSITION NOW THAT WILL LAST AFTER THE WAR IS OVER DICK B. MILLER Corner 7th and Klamath Pelican Bay Lumber Co. StrricM 10 SI 5 Broad EARNEST AND BRACKMAN Operators Speciol Attention Given to Farmers Needs. Old and New Customers Welcome WANTED Alteration Lady 10 lokeChorge Deportment. Steady Work, Cood Pay, CRAIG'S - no4i PTM.nn H,....u..',..r wSST- " i Hilt." 1UBWII 'm otvwk - SUnd.'rri noeil r aaqii FS'swANTr'P I" Mo.inl.ln t. A",,; "", '" ranch. it; tp t;.... . ' re lTr r"mi. I n. nu..Jfll. llnuri in . ... .., Mnnn 11571 ' for your CHRYSLER Nearly All Models In Stock Plymouth $180.00 Dodge 1 80.00 DeSoto 220.00 Chrysler 220.00 Dodge Trucks 220.00 Mot - Reconditioned or Rebuilt BURNESS MOTORS Cor. S. 6th and Walnut Holp W.nttd, Mil inoir If you want lo work in a logging camp, sawmill Of lumber yard where conditions are good, call at the office or phone 5U6 between 8.30 and 4:30 p. m. We need men in all these departments of our operation which is an essential industry. WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. TF StrricM ANNOUNCING Reopening of EARNEST'S BLACKSMITHING & WELDING WORKS At The Same Old Location Phone 7586 11-7 18 Htlp WanUd. Malt SrnO MILK COMPANY hi openlnr tn Northern Cllfornl SoJlhrrt Oregon territory for laleiman detlrlnf prm nenl connection calling on whoieiak. remil grocery trade, Slntl man prc fnrrtd for rMtn that Job rsqutrea pxlflniiva traveling. Mint have car. hat draft a.tmnt. under 43. Salary, cxpfliia. rar allowance, Write 8o MllK company, a uainornia, nan Pranrliro, living agt, duration and rnmplaU record or pr avion employ mom. Prmnnal Interview will ba ar ranged for ihoit who qualify, lt-a WANTRDMn and wife for chovt Job, Mint m vnrltnrad with milking ma- chin. Modarn houia, wood, llghta and water fiirnliheri. Permanent ion good wai, Call 714. ISMIf WANTED ... EKparleneed daanr and apottar. Set Cd Iianaaa at Carn ua unary. WANTED Houieman, txparlanrari or I ntixner fenced, fiteariv work. Winama Hnial. lTltf WANTRD-Mnn and boy a to act pirn Light work, good pay. Apply Bowling AlTev, mo Main p. m. or any avtning. Ha tit r day or Sunday. 1731K man Tt wnwK in etaanlna room. Standard Cleaner. M4tf vvnnn Tmfpif nntvens WANTED - Peyton it Co. SINGLE MEN WANTED to work in Mwm.ll. Loweat wage I1.M per hour. Meala 43c each, No rninkhousa rharge. Purnlah your own blanket!. Mill on Hock rreeW, 3JI mllea aaat of oi. burg. Apply Douglaa County Lumber Co.. Room 6, U. . National Bank ni rig,, Hoiihurg. Oregon. lt-1 WANTED Yard man ovar II. if(1y work, good wagei. Frad H. Hall bronner. Ml SpHng. I'- 20 Room and Board ROOM, BOAHD-0nllmn. tllOT CrM mint. 22 ' Hoomt For Rant nooM-jias Hiih. li-ie ROOM rOB RENT-10M jBtlirlon, MStl fOR RKNT - Molrn, mm htild. nwlv dflfnrnlflfl nrt liirnLhul front lpln rnnm. Qrwr Afcll.. 71(1 Miln CAR Ului Installation1 21 Houm For Rant roa IIKNT-.:i room hou with wmi !".?..".' 'utl". I100 month. .W ttlnt.r Lam. Phtm 700 v- TOR RENT Small a-room (urnlih.d a en ssa be & oBasjj MtacalUnaou- for Hant CARAOE rOR RE.NT-Phont tma ?g Haal tittala Tor Sala FOR SALE 2fl8-acre farm on Klamath river, one mile above Kcno. Known U1C -HHrlcy Nulson place All level UllHble land Grain. a fa III Hnrl nnlni.c All l. i..... ed. Free water right. ... 840-acre stock runch, known as McCollum ranch. 70 acres iiri gated bottom Imid, 1UU acres rtry farming, balance hill pas- 'Hi. IUIIU. TOM CALMES Kcno, Oregon. 1947-tf FOR SALE 3-room home, 2 blocks north of Main street, full basement, au tomatic oil furnace, electric water heater. Immediate pos session. Price $5300.00 3-bcdroom home on Crescent avenue, full basement, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, double plumbing. Price S5500 00 SEE FRED COFER Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8th Phone 4105 11-3 MILLS ADDITION 2-bcdroom newly constructed home on Mitchell St. Has auto matic oil furnace, uood sized rooms, and large utility porch. In a desirable district with im mediate possession. Price $5250. Terms 2-bedrnom modem home built in 1041, with 1 acre good Irri gated ground. Has hardwood floors, fruit house, pressure well system. Either furnished or un furnished. Going for 511000.00. Terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. 0th Phone 4564 INCOME PROPERTY One 6-room house, one 5-room house, and one 3-room furnished house, also one nearly complet ed cabin. All modern with bath, etc. 2 additional lots included. Income $170.00 per month. Full price only $5400.00. J. E. HOSKING 517 MRln St. Phone 3211 11.3 FOR SALE 2-baelroom house on corner of Altnmont Drive and Onyx ave nue. 2 acres of ground, fruit trees, large raspberry patch. For Information Phone 4019 11-3 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone R4A1 FOR DAl'R -Shrrp paturr. 340 motnn IfAlfa nnrl timothy mtxrrt. toulh of Mulfn Call l.likrv Broi.. 7014. flAltf t"On SAl.R - .l acre with 2-room rnbin, 3048 Hope. Inquire on Sun- darn. ron 8AI.K - .Vroom mortem home, pari Iv furnlshrrt. Basement, furnarff. rinna In WoyerhneunT and Phool. Prlr for quirk nale. Siaoo, Owner U Vavlnn. Inquire at Men's Cash Store on Keno rood (or J. M. Woodarrt. Ill FOR flAl.rc-Lnrno new hmup, full base ment, ft acres, fenced. In Stewart addition, or will Unrie for eltv home. Inquire at Lien s Store for W. Mult. ' 11-3 FOR SAI.K-4-rnom house In Nhtpptns Ion district. JfiOO rnsh. or will trade for rar or trnller house. Inquire IR43 Summers Lane nftcr a p. m. 111 FOR SALF. BY OWNFR 6-room home In St. Franrts addition, haiement. furnare. flreplere. hardwood floors 1 in living end dining room. Lane lot. Phone 6MO. 11-4 FOH SAl.K.3-mnm furnished and eter irlr . e .'.Vi tah. 1(11,1 Lskl. OMJ inns Avademy. U-9 Chevrolet Owners OPA HAS RAISED THE RETAIL VALUE OF YOUR CAR SEE US TODAY FOR NEW HIGHER PRICES Sell To Ashley ASHLEY CHEVROLET CO. 410 So. 6th St. 30 Raal Citata For tala For Sale BUSINESS BLDG. 2 storerooms one 3-room newly decorated Apt. Downtown Good Income Property. Terms 432 Commercial. 11-6 34 Automotlva For Sale , RADIATORS Of All Types Also Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So. 6th Phone 6942 ll-30m RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B. K. Teec 301 So. 6th j Phone 7071 ll-13mc Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends 11-lOm For Sale or Trade 1 040 Chcv. Semi., new brakes and tires on trailer, Truck in good shape. Also nearly new pick-up. Hay baler for sale. Rt. 1, Box 636-K, 3.9 miles past Mac's Store. 11-6 We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main ll-30m FOR SAI.F--I938 Lincoln fcfnhyr count. Nru-ly overhauled nd PNlnled. Phone 6224. 2012 Main. Ant. E. 11-1 sr.r. MEI, HENRY lit Lombard'! Hied Car Lol .121 S. th St. Top OPA CAr.H PRICE at once for your rar. All makes and modela for aale. IMem EOR SAI.E-Body for H.-lon truck, .lake style, complete. Practically new. Call 3004. 11-1 FOR RALE 1936 Plymouth tudor eedan. ft (nod tires, .12X3 cash. MS Walnut St., Room 2.' Call after fl ti, m, U.l FOR SALE S ood llrei and 'S3 Ford cjrMjv, Poori 3M?, IJj 35 Fuel Heating RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 . JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 1130m hevrolet Commands Highest Value of Any Low Priced Car AUTOMOBILE Careful SERVICE Complete Prompt' Estimates Gladly Given Convenient Location 734 Klamath Ave. Phone 4149 ODELL MOTOR CO. 34 Automotive TOP CASH PRICE for your clean, late model car or equity. See L. M. Quam I BURNF.SS MOTORS Authorized DeSoto-Phmouth Parts mid ServSre Goodrich Tire Histrlbulor r.ifl Ro. nth nnnTtf 36 Mifcolln?ous For Sale TRASH BURNERS Wood and Cool Heaters and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE All-while porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook top, especially priced. S57.50. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from S59.50. Circulating heaters priced from $37.50. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gets the Break He Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-lf 11 Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping Sealey Bros. Phone 7709 1173-tf AI.LBN Adding Marttlnea and FR1DEN Calculator!. 124 S 0th St. Pioneer Printing Stationery Co. ou-lSm FOR SALE-100 torn baled Hay. lal cut alfalfa, oata and rye. at Keno. Sec Guy Moore at ranch heforo rrcmlng river or call Doug Puckelt. Tulelnkc 7104. 333:111 FOR SALEOnc Royal Crown bottle cooler. Merit Washing Mauhkno Ser vice. Sll So. 6th. 11-20 ALIj TYPES of small gas engines re paired. Bodenhamer Saw Shop. 3.M E. Main. 11-lJnic FOR SAI.l! - 33-T Internallnnal track layer, John Deere model "n" wheels; tractor. Wo. 110 Galllon grader, rubbei Urea, good rubber; I l--ft. Interna tional cotublitV a grain drills. 1 2-gang plow. 1 4-gang plow, 1 Clipper fan ning mill. 1 grain elevator. Tom Calmes. Kcno. Ore. OT14U INFRA-Rin KI.HCTH1C HSATIIH S. 2B.B0. F. R. Haugrr. Open All Saturday. 319 Market. Phone 7211. 11-SOin LANDSCAPING - Evergreens, flowering shrubs and trees. Make your selec tion now for fall planting. I.AKE SHORG GARDENS NURSERY. Phone 40B2. ll-20m GI.ASS-Mirrors, restlverlng. plate, win dow and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kimball's Glass Shop. S27 Walnut. Phone 7.178. ll-4m FUU.F.R BRUSH HEPnESr.NTATIVE R. V. Morgan, S32 So. Riverside U-4n, FOn SALE Dining room set. Good rnndttlon and very reasonable. 2314 Homedale Road. EL PADRE NOW OPEN- Dine, dance. Bar service. Only 10 minutes ilvive from city center. ll-:iimc FOR SALE-.PIano, typewriter, daven port and chair, 3 mattresses. Dial 6713. 11-1 FOR SALE - Easy washing machine, used only 1 month. Ht. 1, Box lottl Telephone .1021. 11-3 FOR SALE 4 tons oat and rye hay, S12.00 per toil: two eultivotors. 25.00 : 200 sacks cull spuds suitable for eating. S. L. Uurneltr Rt. I, nnx 1023. Miller Island road 11-1 FOR SALE -Baby scales, hlghchntr and play pen. Phone ooyo. li-i FOR SALE 8 coats; good as pew, rea sonable, one brown camel hair, one grey possum fur, both between 12 and 14: also prewar reed doll hussy, rubber tires. Phone K74P, 11-2 the Phone 4113 REPAIRING Wed: and Sat 36 MisceUanaoui For Salt Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call -John Sandmeyef Phone 5195 v-. S. Robertson Agent. First Federal Savings Bldg. ll-30m FOR SALE - Two-wheel stock trailer. Good rubber. $30.00. S704 Avalon 11-2 NEW 24 FT. HOUSE TRAILERS, alio a good selection of used trailers, 16 to.r.o ft. Terms. 2171 Market St.. Redding. Calif. 11-24 38 For gale or Trade FOR SALK OR TRADE On rttfiterecl Angus bull. 2 years old. and one pliKible for ration. 9 months old bull. Jack C. Bradley. Hilde- Ore. 10 To Exchangt GOOD STOCK SADDLE, will trade or 1m v. nt. P. Ro 44, SBth. U-2 I2 Miscellaneous Wanttd SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAIl BONDS-If you have any no-lonjer used nrticlcs of any kind lying around your home or office then you have a real opportunity to help the war ef fort. In the first place, other people actually need these no-lonser ued ar ticles: then. too. the money you raise by selling things can be converted into bonds. Phone 3124. Classified Ad Dept. today, STotf WANTED TO RENT 2-bcdroom fur nished or partly furnished house by two adults, employed in lumber In dustry. Call 5146 days, and 8375 after 8 p. m. 4319tf WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phone 3078 after 6 p. m. 3273tf WANTED Service man. wife and school ated child desire living quarters. Wife will do housework In exchange for rent or any other suitable ar rangement. Write P. O. Box iww. Klamath Falls. 1UI CHRISTMAS TREES WANTED Two carloads of silvers, white fir and sprnre. Only lowest wholesale bids ronsld-rr-ri. loaded on track. RALPH M. T1LA1R, Rt. 4, Box 321, Everett. Wash. u-i WANTED -Dead and worthies animals. Phone -1631 collect. U-2? WANTED TO BUY-Bath tub and trt cycle. Bert Peterson, Dorrii, Calif. n-a HIGHEST PRICES paid for nngs. veal lnmbs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co Phone M33, yilihU 3305. 10-31 m WILL PAY CASH TOR YOtTft PIANO Louis R, Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 4.1 10 or 7173. ll-20m WANTED - Furnished or unfurnished house or apartment, modern. Perma nent couple. No pets, no children. Call 7744. Mr. Waters. M WANTED a or 4-room house or apart went. Marine, wife and child. No drinking and will rare for premises. Up to S30. Telephone 4846. 11-1 WANTED TO BUY-lce cream freerer. Phone 7318. 1233UOD WANTF.D-13 snug repeating shotgun in good condition. 500 No, 3rd, U-2 NAVY OFFICER and family would Ilk to rent furnished home. Will pav tip to $8Vt0 per month rent. Call Naval Air Station, Extension 22, Lt. Jen kins. n-i nEf RHJERATOR WANTED noma Hotel. Call Wl. 1373tf 25.00 REWARD for the renial of fur nlshrtl apartment by 2 Adults. Phone Wltiemn Hotel, Room 318. 1 U-2 WANTED Board and room. J. I. John son. Valley Hotel. Government em ploye and wife. tt-6 WANTED -By marine, wife and l'fc year old baby, must have furnished house or apartment. Writ Box 1404. rare Herald and News. - U-2 WANTED Man and wife want furnish ed room. Nn Thlldren. Write Box 1403, rare of Herald and Newt. 11 I WE NEED A CLEAN 1941 Pontiac Sedan HEATER AND RADIO We Guarantee Top Price , To You ' ROSE MOTOR CO. PONTIAC 4lhphLK8ath CMC USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum Sell .Your Car NOW : While the Price Still : Is High SEE US TODAY V We Pay Top O.P.A. Prices Your Ford Dealer Since 1923 , . Balsiger Motor Co. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Just back from Pacific desperately need furnished .home for wife and child. Phone 8101 - Extension 102. Ask for Lt. Barackman or Lt. Abbott. 11-7 WANTED TO BUY -Sled with goad run neri. Call 3124. 314UI WANTED TO RENT 4 or 6 room mod ern home, either unfurnished or partly furnished by responsible middle aced coupte. no children. Phone 537:, ur 5141. 1023U WANT TO BUY-40 to 160 acre diversi fied ranch, equipped with farm ma chinery. In vicinity of Klnmath Falls. State full price, terms and all details In first letter. Write 3846. care Her ald and News. 394till WANTED One good oil heating stove. Inquire at Waldorf Grill. 12j3tf WANTED - I'sed washing machine. Phont 3072. Will pay good cash price. WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVE'S MARKET SID East Main. Phono 42IU IH 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALfi-70 hear! food arade 400 pound Whltt Face weancr calves. Tom Calmes, Keno, Ore. :t73Utl TOR SALE Junior does. Rt, 1, Box 87. Donald Weber. Il l TOR SALEHIGH GRADE RKUISTCHCD GUERNSEY BULL CALVES, nil nces. The results of fine line breeding. Prove up your herd wllh selcctrtf futurt sires. Very reasonably priced Ship anywhere In I'nited Stiles. Write for full particulars to J. Wood .rich, Woodbrook Ranch, Eagle Point. Ore. Phont 1903. II: FOR SALE-Colored fryers, live wcicht. Fill your locker now for winter, litis Wlard. 11-6 TOR SALE -Holstcin cow. freshen. n. 2 Pnv 111. S 4S Financial First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Pates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5193 11.30m 48 Business Opportunities LUNCH STAND - Reasonable. Inquire Victory Lunch. 1133 Esplanado nr phont TM7 after 10 p. m. 11-1 Phone 6130 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN. For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th St. ; Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come-In Phone In or Write In Phone 7711 Lie. M-223. Lie. S-251 11-301T See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For . LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Monllis to Pay ' 1 No Co-Signers Quick Service . Locally Owned , Motor Investment Co. Klomath'i Oldest" M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th -Phone 3321 11-.10IT