Novcmber i ? I r Now TodSS HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE EIGHT 1IKNT CONTHIII.-AII lM!ll llwllllH IIHI.I lui t.'lll.lloU U lnlldlullU IwlolS By J. R. Wllllami With Major Hoop Out Our Way iTOVKM ItEPAMtKlTTirTv Our Boarding House Ntivciitiior io. Market Quotations stocked. iist..i funiii OK NeiM.nd Htu.d S S CLASSIFIED BATES U,r. OFFICER .'"ThE 6ll-l ' SPURS OJ TH' ffR ELSE NO, I lOLP HER RIGHT AT I'llOllO 01171, --' v JQ - i3EY IT GRBA7 n. .i.v am wuril FROMT O' YOUR BEIM3 U TH START I WON'T WDKK.OM !1 .lav rilll IMT Wiiltl III' Kiii.i.Kit iiuituiiLu 11 a-J THIS FEET.' TH' WIDOW BRUTAL FOOT THESE CATTLE Mi tln.J'luiiln nu77. " Jtt' u AY fj,.- ,u.-,MCvJTuniWAMDsT MISTER.' -THIS IS WILL GIT TOTH1N0KIM' TO THEM. SHOULD BE WORKEP OF DOLLfrfi'S AWPP.'rTHfc uVNrrvv te: up ' SOME OF US OLD GIGGING AFOOT, BUT 1 TOLD HER. Mt.uth run - uor w,"l ao v Di.iiiunl ut l,imui in Ad'ui' Ave. " ni',w" ! ALIAS LEO TUe LEG- BURGLAR. MUST Hfwe TIMERS IS EUBBIM THEM WITH THET AFTER TH WAR. NEW YOHKt Nov. I (APKlriMHC" LOOK. AT Hi's KUU Mtr . I . . THOSE MEXICAN)) 5HE COULD GIT SOME of lrcrtt ami elrctd rain w a IT IM 'CAUSE SHE'S WILL PAY CAHli i,,,;- J1 "win Hi for (ll ' ' i. WARE. fl2il M k7 ' HKlL H LOOTED y aV l.l.v.iu... .... - ::r .... ......l h. 1:IM1 11. 111. Wll IMirl.r EMSIM' FASTER TUMBLE- ' FOLK3MBOYS WHO tmirkot uml favm-rtl tiur movpu i (rnolloiiH Ut nroiitul A point. .mug iiflriniioli In "Ni-w I'";'' H'lluinll HOSSES AM' SLOWER ) WEEPcv )f "NvT HEV LEARMED 10.XJJ: -i . - UCATTLE.. VpALECLiil-f WALK -t'; -tWV ,'tfn Tv A.I. "my h. MII.-.U..I H EVEMINto -'Vv ENUUlsrV It-1 Dt-tw I'lONinu ntiiiiHiiuiia WANTED ... l.ivn i,m" L I AtiHtiu-un i iiu V V KPKUHUUC N 1UU. Am I'm- A: K(l ... in'i .. an1, ii i ... a7'i ... 31 ... 4714 Am 'IVl A Ti I m am iff Jtsd Ryder Freckles and His Friends AD Lui) WE'LL MOSE hVcHT HElPH.g, J. f?,o' (a OLLV'll rfcV- Wash Tubbs ' By Leslie burner m TIB THAT T VKSIBTjeSSWliS1 OKW, THIS WIRE NOW TS f- -J NOT WUCH CHAN.O' THIS WIBB WIRE AS NEAR Wdfi ''''' IS FASTENED TISHT WE'LL CUT Y".? ...THEN X86IN6 NOTICBP UNTIL WE-ftB I THE TOP O' lW&SM&afet?i&'"m& linainii !HlllUlW HHARW THRU TACK TH BARK V j, BEAOy TO USE IT yr THE TREE AS irJ f flt IT. TH' TREE . BACK OVER TH 'h, 1 ytfU CAN, t SL 5jfeD ILL BE &J5 C J NOTCH TO CO ) J1'. f WHY DO EVER TALK YOURSELF I INTO M ATHLcTIC CONTENT WIIH LHIL.UAV ANU WHtKty IHAI , AUPIEMCE COME" FROM? Boots and Her Buddies' VJWc.Vi VOLi HMD Alley Oop Little Orphan Annie mmMmm "i. ?z. v i jns sail ?gi rw. ium ffir.ysflws r r r.. ...... .i rrr-L -JCC1VI IJ DC r A MA "MCkB II LU JM7 IV- I at ."S 1 B BJ'' J F . -;w , SI r"l U W ft ' II O P?? FDOCOOPIRV MM?CCIMINl OUT OLD BOY, TAKE ONE OF J vrTi3 Ki(M lft . IL . IIhk&ka J0FT A COUPLE OF THEM, IF 4 I VlT?'C 7GAPFRV r Mt&SIE A EITHER.' GOOD DRAGS V GOTTA A ftmk IWJ triW? If' WW 1UII7 1 ID 2 , P"HHHMMMHiiinNMmnMRni r THINK SHE COULD BLEftTlNG HftRT I j stop OT Tour J wouLbN'T f 1 HOUSE Fbl? ft f LIKE TH&T ! 9 MINUTE- L . V ft DIDN'T THE m . EMSInEER. VJWASTLE ? You're A HERO, M f30R. STO P SWAKltG - v r Search ME! butdont GEr YOUR. STPAM UP.PAL- X'W GONNA PROVE 10 HER. THAT A WUMftWS PLACE IS IM THE HOME LISTEN. GIRLS &NN1E bOES UftVE TO HURRY RIGHT HOME - BUT I HAVE ON IbEft- IT'S DM HOUR BEFORE SCHOOL WILL, BE OUT 1 VMA WOOGHT VOU H f LyS3K, VOQ WWO'S I H i WHATS THe 1 I dont want to MEKT EVENT, J JAKE UNFA IE. AD- LAtZD? vANTA&c' A HILDA i HOW ARE VOU AT BROAD- , irrT . P f WILL .IftNP V fOU TWO tvRE 5H; THANk ONBtVNNIE Tvccci IM Ti EXCUSEb FOR THE' WU. PLEftSE COME I 'uw' REST OF THE Dtvf - J MISS IVYiy 1. J' By Frod Harmon By Blosser By Martin AA Vc.'bT 3'T wovtyi By V. T. Hamlin mi By Harold Gray I'M PRETTY COOD.' JThEN THE 1V6 PRACTICED ' NEXT FOE. DAYS EVENT WILL Sf X ' POLE- 1 1 ffllO LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 1 (AtMVFAt Cattle: :0. Steady. Med innt in uoihI sltumlitrr xtcertt abaetit, quotrd $i;UHM3.50; uliotit hundred head heifers to feed-lot. (juod fows sulnhlc 511,00-11. -3. few lontls eoinmon io im-u- lnm raimo cows sy.wi-io,. t,uner. lnrsely S7.).a.00. "Shelly" ennners S4.oo-4.30 diaKgy. Cnlvc: none; nom inal llotm: 300 Unevenly itcady to 33-30 eentH lower, adjustment on welthl. Good nnd choice t)0-Jlu iu. narrows ami tills S 13.00: 340-270 lb. 14.73. few 'J70 :I00 lbs. $14.fl0; good sows $13.30, u round 3 rants lower. Sheep: 60o. Undertone steady: choice wuoled lamb scarce, medium lo good No. I pelt 13.00-KI.73; good ewes 3.30 aowu. PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 1 (AP-WPM Salable nnd total entile 300. calves 100; market fairly active on most classes. Generally steady; shelly cows and (trass calves slow; few common-medium grass steers $9.00-12.00; cutters down to $7.00; common-medium heifers SB.oo-ll.oo: Hunt dairy typo heifers down to $1.00: canner nnd cutter cows ..iu-ti.uu: sneiiv cows down to SJ.00; fnt dairy type cows $7.00-50; medium beef cows $u:u-lo.oo; common-medium bulls $7.00-11.30: incd turn good calves $0.00-11.00: common (trades down to $7.00: Kood-cholco vent ers scarce, sample ia.uo-n.i). Salable and total tious 400: market steady to 23 conts lower: good-choice niO-C-TO lb. $13.00-23; 243-:iu0 lb. $13.73 14.30; llRht lights largely $14.00: good sows si2.73-l3.oo: few under .TOO 313.23: feeder pigs steady; good-choice Salable sheep 100. totnl 300; market active, steady on kinds available; med Iitm-good wooled lambs $10.30-11.30; good choice Grades quotable lo $12.30: com mon grades salable around $.oo; medium yearlings $fl.00; common-medium ewes 52.on-3.00; good ewes salable Around $3.50. CHICAGO, Nov. 1 iAP-WFA Salable hogs 12.000: total 2.1.000; closed active after slow start, steady to 10 cents lower. mostly sienuy with Tuesday s average; good and choice 11)0-300 lbs. SKI.ikl- 13.113. top $13,110; few good and choice HMO flO IbH. $13.25-1.1.73: sown slrariv. mostly one price $13.30; complete clear ance. Salable cattle 10.000: tnlnl 11.000: Bill able calves 1 000; total 1300: choice fed steers and yearlings fully steady; early top Slfi.:i3. some held htnher: best year I tics S1U.2.1: helfars $17.30: olhor grades steers more net ve than Tuesday mosiiy sicnoy; duik 9i4..t(i-l7.7a: common ana mctrum grades $10.73-14.IK1; nil hoifera steady to weaker: bulk fed of frrltlHS S13.00-I7.00: enwn ntr.iriv In wnnlt bulls steady; venlers unchanged nt S13.30 aown; siock came less active but steady mostly $11.00-13.50. with outstanding western yearlings to $14.00, Salablo sheep 3000: totnl 8000: market opening rattier slow, few enrly sales arouna steady: few scattered lots good nnd choice native Inmbs $14.00-14.23 with bucks one dollar less; nntlve slaughter i.-wc munuy ai.uu-o.ou nccoruinif grade. Courthouse Records Marrlarfi IHNGIfAM-IIEnLUNO. Sgt. Theodore Benjamin Bingham. 20, construction work. Native of Washington, resident of Shetton. Wash. -Gladys E..Hcdlund. 20, home demonstration ngent. Native of California, resident of Alturas. LEGAL NOTICES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OR KG ON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEUHUE THOMAS CASEUEER, De ceased. Notice ( hereby given (hat T hnve riled my final nccount of (he administra tion of the above entitled estate, and that the Court has appointed December 1. (M4. nt 10:00 A. M. as the time for henr- Ing objections lo iittch final account and the settlement thereof. CATHERINE CARPER. Executrix of said estate. N. 1-8-13-22 No. 210. NOTICE OF IIFARINO OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned. John E. Gentry and Vclmii rvmcnen, executors of the esiaic ol Etna Gentry, deceased, hnve filed Iheii Final Account In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County, nnd Mondny. November 20, 1044, nt the hour or ten o'clock A. m., in the circul court room of said Court, In the Cotirl House at Klitmnlh Falls. Oregon, has been sel for hen ring object lonn (here to nnd to me settlement trie re or. JOHN E. GENTRY VF.I.MA MITCHELL Executors of the Estate of J. Etna Gentry, deceased. O, 1ft-23; N. 1-fl No, 204. FUNNY "Hello, mess hall? m j WMnSj A(f " - c :' L4 'h"'-; " ,:'. ' v""" Aum'imdu ait I'mhtng tt I Tnu'lur onunonwriillh At H :urUs-VrlKhi ifiivrnl Klrolriu .... rttl Motor Ct Nor lly ittti IlinoU Co It I I'M I itl Hiirvcitcr Ii'iinccoll :iv. iiu'khrril ohh-IIpII "A " Mmiiitmcry Uavtl NunIi-KoIv . N Y Central Nortlii'rii Pacific .... Vav liim A Kl Piirkitrd Motor Pen on H It Itoiiubllc Steel n(mvuy oiorrt Soiim Hoclnirk Soul hern Pari do .... Slniulnrtl HrmuU .... Sinulthir MlnliiK .. Tmni-Ainctit'ii union Oil Calif ... lin'on PacUlu U s Steel Warner Pictures .... Potatoes rmrnn Nnv. I (AP.wrAt Pota toes: arrivals 00. on track 243. total U. S. shipments 303: supplies moderate, demand slow; for Idaho KUiitii iiurnnnKs m:irkot firm. r?nnie tirlees IllUIICr Oil ac count of chin mo in celling prices: for northern stock: market dull and weak Idaho KiiskcI Ilu r bank. U. S. No. 1. &t.l.1-3'UI- Mfclitutm ItMMot turnll. U. S, 1. $2.23: Mlnnenuta nnd norm uu- kotn IHIss Trlumplis: commercUls, $'J 20; Chlppewni. U. S. No. I washed. $2.iilJ; Wisconsin Katahdlns, commerciuls $2 30. WHEAT CHICAGO. Nov. 1 (APt The weakness of corn disturbed grain future markets today and prices broke under the nrei- ure of hedge selling and pmni taKiiig. Oentlngs were limited tn all pits, in dicating pre-election ncrvouinrns and the local character of the trade. Wheat dromtcd more than n cent a bushel ttclow the previous cloe late in the session and there was more activity prices worked down want. The set back was In sympathy with other grains. , late break in corn futures carried prices to new lows for tho week. At the close wheat was lVi to lc lower than yesterday's finish. December $ 1.02V Corn was down H to Ir, De cember Sl.Ofl1!. Oats were off 7 to ISc. December R3-fl3kc. Rye wns off l'i lo 2ac. December $1.00-1, GOV nnrley was to Pic lower, December $1.02. LEGAL NOTICES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF i.r.UMUr. rUNLAiu. ueceaseu. Notice is horebv ntven that I have been appointed Executor of the Last Will and Testament and estate rf George Kln cnld. deceaied. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them with the proper vouchers in mo nt Office or William Gaming. 724 Main Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, within six months from dale hereof. Dated November 1, 1044. JOHN K, H. KEATING. Executor of said estate. N. I-ft-13-22 No. 214. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WALLACE 11, CASEREEH. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the admin istration nf the above en 1 1 tied estate, and that the Court has aopolnted De cember 1. UM4. at 1000 A. M. as the time for hearing ohlectlons to such final nccount and th settlement thereof. ELSIE CASEI1EER. Evecutrlx of said estate. N. l-S-13 22-No. 315. Ration Calendar War Price and Rationing nonrd. 4.W Main street. Office hours dnllv. 0:30 a m. to 4:30 p. m.; Saturday. 0:30 a. m. tn 2 p. m, Phono 8101 for all Informa tion. All apotlcntlnns must he MAILED In to the War Price and Rationing Honrd at 430 Main street, and NOT presented In person SUGAR Ration hook 4 Sugar stamps 30 through 33 vnltd Indefinitely. 3 pounds ench. Sugar stamp 40 valid through Feb. 2fl. 1043, for S pounds home can ning only. For more canning sugar, ap ply local board using spur stamp 37, PROCESSED FOODS- BLUE STAMPS ration hook 4-AH through Zfl and A3 through W3 valid Indefinitely. MEAT, BUTTER, CHEESE RED STAMPS - rnlinn book 4-Afl through ZO and A3 through P3 good In definitely. GASOLINE- "A" 13 expires December 21. Each coupon worth 4 gallons. Cou pons not valid unless endorsed. "H" or "C" coupons may be renewed within, but not beforo IS days from date on cover of book. FUEL OIL Period 4-3 coupons and new period 1 coupons valid through August ,11. Win, Not more than 7tt of season's rations should be used to date. STOVES Apply local board for pur chase rerllflcnlcs. SHOES Honk 3 airplane stamps 1-2-3 vnlld Indefinitely. RENT CONTROL All renlnl properly must be registered by November 15. PRICE CONTROL Refer Inquiries and complaints to prlct clerk at local office. WOOD. COAL, SAWDUST Delivery by priorities based on written statement of needs SHOES-Book 3-Airplane stamps 1-2 valid Indefinitely. New stamp vnlld No vcmber 1. Loose stamps Invalid. WOOD. COAL. SAWDUST - Delivery by priorities based on written state ments of needs, PRICE CONTROL Refer Inquiries and complaints to price clerk at local board. BUSINESS Open llic door quick I Wll.l. IIKI-Atlt AND lirHTYI.K Ynun Hill l-DATH ill IXI N. Jill l.y U lvi. (iii-cmy uml lliHHn Ailhiu-. IM KIIiInII llllld.lil Iwkiliglns lo Kcnlirlh Mwirr. I'liuiw ''j1 i Osrllrit A.lilnnil lrclln'tl, .wrnlrr. Niiiiw Ja.k Wmbrmil In Iwrk. Wlinl uIIimp.I. I'liuim Mt- LOST Miuwn IVklnm-nfl il. Ali.wcr. lo l,o iiiiino or .Skliuo.. Minn, nne 4II1U or 737 vvrnliiM.. " n-a VOTKIIH n.. ii,,, iiiIvm fne the most llmi'tn vrtinpalgtl poster? Homo such contest must bo In progress as ench ilnv they appeur ! become larger ami mure g.iudy. I am qulie sure that voters do not elect a can didate upon Plcr liuwlug so muito such cnntrM muni be In prog rcs anil I would like tho detail, A utter election a profitable drive could Itw fttnrlrd to help tmt uit the paper shortttiic Kl.NNr. I ll ftici.r.tJii Jr. ii i CAHPENTKIt HKPAIII, lenmdcl work wanted. IMume 4li3U. 1377U ' C'HAMIIERMAID WANTED Laho HnleL WANTED Girl, must be over HI, to work in Photo Shop. Apply in per sun. Hud's I'hulu Service, 10JI Main WANTED- Woman to take cam of young hrinl-luvalUl 3 dnys a week. IMMi Main. yoi4lf WAN T K U - F I II SIM" LASS MECHANIC. Top wages to right innn. See !. M. Ounm at llurnos Motors, wcnoio- PI) mouth. 3IU So. lllll M. Ill WANTED Man to work ai iisstslmtl In Pails Dept. Stendv emplomeilt. gooit pay. Must call III peiMin. See Ed Uartman. A-thley Chcviolol Co., 410 So. tub. Phone 4113. H I WANTED Night purler, experienced or inexperienced. Steady work. Wmema Hotel. iajll CHOICE PHOPEHTV FOR SALE 80 acre excellent farm Uml. alio 2(1 acres Umber land, 2-story colonial home, barn and outbuildings, stork scale, spring water, alio water for stock and IrrlKtitlon without cost, three wagons, blnfkuntth shop. tiol. 34 head cows and heWcr. lK'alrd highway IW, two miles south (imclle, RcMsoiiiibly priced for Immediate sale P. O. Ilox 71. U telle. Calif, 11-1 GET"sKTTLED FOR WINTER In a 2 lKIrtom, modern home, liK'ated on Wlard St. Has half acfo of good land. Irrts.ititin -yiletn under pres sure. $43tK). lermn. John McFee. fleultor. Phone 4321, or cult at 11H No, 7th. H I $1000 HtfYS A NICE. REFINED GOING BUSINESS Nels letter than $1) a month. John McFee, Realtor. I'huuo 4321, or call at lid No. 7th. 11-1 FOR SALE . Leaving rlty. mini sell 6-room modern home, wired lor elm trie range, 1 1 acres, plenty of Iwr rles ami shAde trees, nice lawn, good outbulldlnga, giKid cement basemenl. Phone 3VI2. 31W.I Fieidn Ave. It-J KOII HAI.K- lol fiMC IH-lon lll Irurk. Like nrw, m.k4 rulitirr. Kr II. K. Cuwmi. TulrUko Hotel. Tulc lake. 113 FOIt HAI.fv KnruiAll tractor, rultlvalnr. mower, wnlkltm plow unit other tnn-rhlnr-ry. Mr.. Nettle nuolck. I-. O Ilox 101. Maltn. Ore. 11-2 FIIKSII CIII.'HNKI) IHinKHMIl.K to tiny. Ilayiiiootl Uiilry. 1 13 FOIt SAl.r. -IJel HiiperlleK oil lienter. flral-vliih. ronilltlon. No eerlirirnle required, l'eylon & Co. Phone fU4!. Ill FOIt SAl.r. Two-wheel trailer MS 00. 0 foot erourut knw f:i.oo, liurlt .nw. 2 .hovel., rake. pick. (Ire .hovel. All (ur $3.00. 4707 Ho. Olh, Pillule MM. 113 rOlt SALK Metitl Icebox, fiO III. CA paclty. Hll IMeA.Atit. 11-3 FOIt DINING HOOM AND IIKDIIOOM nniNll'lIIlK, nl.o .l.iille hed, com plete, ho to l'rewllt'i TrAdluc 1-o.t. UK So. Olh. 11-3 FOIt HAI.K- Simmon, douhle lied, .prlitl Air niAitre... Ioo7 Cre.cenl, 11-2 WANTED TO llKNTrrom 200 to (100 Acre, sreln Innd. Write nox 1201. CAre llrrnld And New. office. 11-4 WANTRD -- Dump truck. Call Bhnw Lumlier Co.,, C'Allf. 11-7 WANT TO HUY-22 SW or Coll. Have 311 or 4!l lo trade. Phono 0402. 14II0U CLOSING OIIT-Account of health, (ood (Juern.ey-Jemey milk cowa-SOO each. Weaner and feeder pig.. Ilrood low. to farrow noon. Frank W. Iftird, Itt. :l. nox 10:12-A, aii mile, north of town. ll-.'l Wll.l, PAHTY WHO FOUND PljnSI! on 27th plea.e mall uml lo Klamalh FaIU, Ore., Gen. Del. Name Inalde pitrie. If you feel you mini keep money then do no, picture, of flitlier and mother ran't ho replaced, ll-l IIKMSTrrCIIINO DHESSMAKINfl. Mutton, and Iturkle, covered, AllerAllnna on new And old clolhliu. Mr. H- M. Allonder. 7nl Main, lloom 310, Ph. 720.1. I l-.tom MAKE YOtlll DATE In advanca for paperhatiKcr, at J. E. Pntteraon and Son Paint Store, 1220 Ea.t Main. Phone :i:i24. li-:ioni ALTERATIONS. Coal., Alllta refllned nnd made to order. Mrs. ZwoldArt. 1044 Lowell. Phone B242. ll-.lom WANTED Woman to help care for In valid lady. Permanent work. 2Vtft Wlard. 11-7 POSITION WANTED General office. co.t nccntihllnK. payroll, light .teno, food telephone voice, Reference.. Wrllo 1.174, care of Herald find New.. 11-1 FOR ItENT-n room., modern, nutn. hinllc hot water, with ftirnlturo for anle. 707 So, nth HI, 11-9 FOR RENT Winter panlure In Califor nia lor tvwa. seo Mra. E. M. Ilrat lain. Ft. Klamath. 11-4 FOn RENT -Floor aandera. minora anil waupnper removltllt mnt'hute., J. E. PnllerHon Paint rMoro'. Phone :i.124. 12211 Enat Main. II -III. Ill ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS nnd eduer . ....... ,,- ,,WM wont, inquire Point Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD "i CO, 11-aom roit HALE MY OWNF.n -10.17 Terrn plnno conch In Kood condition, Urea .i.i.i conn, two niocKa weal from Llen'a atom on Kenn hlnhwny anil uirn lett, fourth liouao on loll Stephen Hunt. 11-7 TOR HALE lonn Chevrolet Maater coupe, new rubber, good condition. . iiiim uroa. itnncn, Jionnnr.a, tire. FOR HALE Model "A" ronilHler. 4. new Urea, ood condition, $200. 000 Owena. Apt. 2. 11.7 FOR HALF. - Koulty In 10:17 Konl coupe radio, heater, onoil Urea. Ph. .1027 11-7 tEliril.lZEH nnd GRAY CINDEIIS-Ilny Schmcrk. Phone 400:1, IU, ,1, Ilox 1042. ' ll-.'K)m HEWING MACHINE PARTS and aiin . plica At ninkoa. Phone fl771. .'I2IH Biinaw wny. ll-:iom liuli. uml .l,. J ' ,',!. '"' f Of LOST On Mnrrlll ....... DeJlir OMpoolKt) i,p.r 5 came. Itfiwunl. I'liun llcttrdsley, mil. nkt h LOST lllack blllt,,!,!. hmT--and iilctui..H hi-... . l. M,i and HeiHld utth . .'J! . ta J MtniHev. "'nl m Gonornl Notlcn NOW OPEN EL PADRE For llic Bt CHICKfN and STEAK UININLKS Our Clicl - Mickey DANCE TO rvii- ci.iuy . TiUlt I-nmk C'in i-.v . Triin.K( in - urumj oil I ItlU illillti Ciullu I3AK SERVICE 1 W,M-. .?,,T ",; "fwossiiirl nnv bill. f..i,,ic, , ",l Itefrlttcrallon Snvlce ii,-i :io nut 1 ' 1, l 10 Somen, Refriqeration Service KELVINATOR Fnclory Authorized StnJ Household and Contmcrciol Phone (1617 0KEC0N EQUIPMENT 127 So. (lih St Motor Rebuilckl Slnrlrr nnd Ccncn! I i t-c-o rid 1 1 lulling MOTOR TUNE-W 25 Vctirs' KxpcriKCi Elmer Tripp Home Gorage 21(1 Old fori ItNd l'liono 704 hclorc IMS nflcr 5:30 P. M. FALLS ELECTRIC AND f-.PMPRAI RFPAIRIS-'I LIKtit Plant,. Generator!. f!Krf atotora llewoiinu ana K(4 la. Overh.ulel iMh paired. AKenl tor ikko u Plant and ll,ltnn 633 St. Froncis St, Ph.: ASPHALT ROOFS APF. Free Estimates. All Typos. Guaranteed. Phone 4838. CALL ROBINSON'S DELIVt'l Phone 7423 niuniMc Piircels Ml Deliveries Hours 10:00 n. m.!j WANTEDWlmliiw waihtntJ SEPTIC TANKlTcLMNt5j dern equliimenl. 1 Iflna J HEMSTITCHING AND ..! Needlecrafl Simp. " " -TT . .,t.c EI.Ef.'TROI.t.X -'if""'ffii (1 aorvlce. Phono 7I7. " J SPENCER COllStlg 73111 for wppoliilinrnl. SEPTIC TANKS J"'11'' pair, pnonn THEODORE DIL'KSt)' , Fiirnlliirn snon- "ES BtoS inn, reflnlhln.wriW n. 4.117. :i!'ll AVON PRODUCTS - j SBWINCIMACIIINSSK"'11 Phono 41771. i'iwmn. i' one " 13 .."SJ rt a n 1 lm CONVALESCE ... iiiSl .... 1091 I I'll"..- M urndimto mn,wJl, WurtteojS WANTED - "SSI. A Phono ''',." (,tbtf1 ovenlnlta. W " V,U. I WANTED-Wnmnn Sl f l rooklllB. "" ..ig nlKhta. Phone ''"