HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACk FIVE l 1,1, WWUII1 On !( Mr. "! fM''- tied llK w,,s ll'"v.4' 'V1' !oil' " Om 'l.lcil Hump". M- loiiuld .?','" , ,. Ill" first tltno "Z iu mVl Ms wllu. Urn fin- ;,f ill 14 I'orlluii'l- McDon i'n"j. . iho Air Mr'!. , f", I., cluslcin, mo "' l"1'"0!1 mill n I.I. ""'I Mr' M!' iwi,ldj nV-couiP'"'"''' l,v "1C" ''"'Vlly will !' Mr .""now l.vl..8 I" lh. . .Ik k' lhm after bflni! rtrl,'.Klntt renter. I''i'"-''KI. J tc'ndonHmlf yenra. I ... and rccc vi:d D" n. u. K2? After complrtlngoiio t J;", llbrorv tramms aim p I1 . n. S. In L. S- from tfdW Donvrr school of :SihcrcMlilir". From Klned there m lilirurlitn. from llln .'L. .....u m Fiuruuut lo P" position .. navy IIDrnr- . . n.i.rli A rrnrc ""y offUo her, will bo nt the brainpower irum. ;- n the Shoi irum mi- Hit o answer ctiie.itlons con Ulnf death benefits, wiirc lie- toll, OkMRe a"" i"' "' etc., accoriiiiig tu 'L. Maillnnls, head of the fccil office. u..l PenrellArt Mrs. nirnn I... rxl llw. Ktumntri lilli' Woman's Library club, mv bunted Wednesday nun mo (lis. lid meeting slntrcl for Novcm- icr 8. hnd been inurttniiciy post fiied due lo eonfllctliiu (lutes i:ih the senernl eii'Ciion. until. details will be announced in- Curd Party Tliu lioinomiik. lull cuimiiilU'ii ol tiio Women of tho MmiMi will nicel In the Muoitc hull rildny, November 3, lit IIMIU p. in., for politick lunch i.'ou mid buMiicbS iiiut'thiil. MnueJo ijci Kunt. ('hiiirii)un of iho corn iiiIUjc, will bo In chill ku. At 2 p. in., Iho n i no ndcriioon, llioro will be u curd purty In Iho hull, Urn 1 lift of tho M-rles, and thu public la Invited. TO, To VUlt Mm. Edna B. Sinn Icy, grand Kiiiirdhiu of Iho stale ol Oli'V.im, Jobs UiiiiKhlers, will upend Thui'Kduy In Klamath I' nils. Offlcurtt unci choir mem. brrs will mrri at the Mnsnnlc Icniplo nt 4:1 ft p. in., Thurndny, for u hchool of lutitrtictioii con ducted by Mrs. Stanley. - Breakfast Sunday, November 5, tho u'uninl committee of the Women of thu Moose will mod In the Moose hull al 0:30 a. m., lor brcukfaol and a business mrcllnn. All Women of the Moosu und members of the Loyal Order of Moose are welcome to attend. May Cupps Is chairman. Meat Changad The Past Noblo Grand club of Prosperity Hrbcknl) lot! no will meet Mon day, November 0. In tho IOOF hull lor u politick luncheon at 1 n. in., Instead of on Tuesday. November 7. Hostesses will be Lnurn Ucrllntis and Alma Cofer. ! Seclil Club Friday Presiding k hostesses for the meetlnB of i ralrrn Rnr Knrlnl eluh triday will be Mrs. Earl Ten). ir and Mrs. E. II. Hulsluer. re club will meet nt the Mn- file temple at l:4.y wnen ten til be served, followed by edge. Tiu Mtttlng Tim chnpter of Nil suma I'm win noici us imlir meelliiK at the home of iida Heath, 104(1 Melrose on prsday, November 2, at 7:JU L m. This Is an Important meet- l ind all members arc asked attend. From Portland St!t. Herbert ibinwn. attached to the main ny recrultlnn station nt Port :i, arrived In Klamath Falli night, rtoblnsnn is dls- ibutinic advertlsinE for the AC while here and will proh- iiy return to fortiand tonight. laMigailna In a recent Issue I tin Country Gentleman, a pic Ire llinWfl hllllr nnlsln ft built by. Frank Bell, Yule- jt Hrmer-niecnnnic. with an jrompanying story describing e combine, Hir rln vuii ti..i n. . a " , i civ, j r'ri, U. S. army air corps, is -'"" Here on lunoiign irom t"no. Calif. He will be here i"i mivcmoer o Postal Notei Postal notes, which are a new type of money order, will not tio Into effect un til Jununry l. It was learned Wednesday iron) ocnl nostoff ce ainnoriiies. A ttvo cent rate on these notes for amounts from $1 to $10 is probnblc. Rffectlvfi last Saturday, Inter notional mail service was re sumed with six additional Ital- liin provinces, I'oslmustnr ueucr el Frank C. Walker announced last night. tho provinces-are: Ascoli, Pi- ccno, Grosscto, Macorntu, Well, Ternl and Vltorbo. Iho service s confined lo ner- sonal correspondence. Comincr clul, financial or business com munications moy not bo sent for tho time being, Checks, drafts, securities and currency aro ex cluded. Facilities are not yut available for registration, insur ance, air mail, parcel post and money orders. When conditions warrant, personal support remit tances will be authorized by tho treasury and war departments. The weight limit on letters from the United Stntes is two ounces and on those from Italy 40 grams. Tho mall Is subject lo censorship, Previously service wo re sumed with Sicily, Sardinia, and the mainland provinces of Afiullo, Avclllno, Burl, Bcncvcn fo, Brindlsl, Cnmpobasso, Catun niro, Chlctl, Cosenia, Fogabi, Froslnone, Lecce, Llttorla, Ma terB, Naples, Pescara, Potenza, Itcgglo Calabria, Home, Salerno, Tnranto, Terumo, ond with Vati can City Slate. Bidders Purchase 20,000 Acres of Tule Lake Land Below are Iho successful bid ders on the 20,000 acres of leased rule lake sump lands. Healed bids were opened at the offices of the bureau of reclamation Tuesday morning with 103 bid ders placing 481 bids. Following tho name of the bidder is tho number of acres, the bid per acre, and the totui sale price. Mkln Br 47 Cox ruiH .....1133 John KAnilrt nil Bom . . ISS l.l H. Kindra 2941 Uwlt S Kandra J Tulnnn Farmi , S.I7S Klrnnaliiild rrmi l'l W. a. Edward! .... W. 8. K.dwardi ... J. I. OU 'rank Manccau . Wapl. l.yon and Ptnliall ... J. A. I.ldrll .1. A. l.ldell, Jr. W. I.. Clink nironfhnld Farnii Stronghold Farma w. 1. I.I1IIK ........ 7 J. A. l.ldell 77 J. A. I.ldrll 72 Wot. l.yon and Panhall .... St Guy Dtilton 7S Oicar Steward .... as mid. ra rclo no Karl J. Mrrall lamaa Horn .... Weit. l.yon and pennall Candidates Maotlng A 1 1 voters arc urged to attend the meeting In the American Legion hull at 8 p. m on Frldny, No vember 3, City, county and state candidates whose names arc on the full ballot will be present. VFW Auxiliary There will be n regular meeting of tho aux iliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wnrs, Thursdny at 8 p. m., in the library clubroom. A good at tendance Is urged as Important business is to be considered. Board Maatlna League of Women Voters' board meeting will be held on Thursday, No vember 2, at 2 p. in., at the homo of Mrs, Donald McKay, Uinl.u DT K TliiM u'lll Via. a meeting of the Henley PTA on Thursday, November 2, at 3 p. m.. In the grade school auditorium. Hebekah Lodge Prosperity Rcbeknh lodge will meet Thurs dnv. November 2, nt 8 p. nv, In the IOOF hall. Schooner North Bend Receives Repairs MAItSII FIELD, Nov. 1 (VP) Tho lumber schooner North Bend, which sprang a leak south of Cape Blanco Sunday and limped back to port, was being repaired here today. Two thousand feet of lumber were removed from the ship to enable an open seam to be calked. , COMMITTEE MEETS SALEM. Nov. 1 (P) A legis lative interim committee met here vesterdny and confirmed Governor Earl Snell'i appoint, ment of Phil Mctschan, Portland hotel operator, to the state board of higher education. Mctschan succeeds E. C. Sammons, Portland. Van Orden Accepts Place On Committee Lt. Col. George O. Von Orden, new commander of Uic local Ma rino Barracks, has accepted a pluco on the scout advancement commlttco of the local Boy Scout district, according to Paul Skeen, chairman of tho advancement group. Colonel Van Orden is particu larly interested in the perfecting of skills which have been Inval uable to scouts as they have en tered on the rugged life demand ed of- United Stales marines in tho combat areas. Among the men of his own outfit. Colonel Van Orden found many men who had been scouts and scout leaders and whose knowledge helped them to be better marines, ho reports. Col, Van Orden will take part In Iho district court of honor scheduled for Thursday, Novem ber 16, in the Fremont school auditorium. INCREASE ENROLLMENT SEATTLE, Nov. 1 I'i An cs tlmatcd 1000 increase in the civ ilian enrollment at the Univer sity of V'ashlngton is anticipated for the fall quarter, Mrs. Etnelyn Toner, acting registrar, said yes terday. Hans Norland Fir Insurance. Phon 6060, .,: . 74 74 , ton , 103 Acre ai.i 2 14.10 II 7 1077 21.77 7.0.1 li on 30.07 2A.0 211.03 ' 2O.0U 22 10 27. 20 27 20 10 11 tl.00 11.00 IS.II 27.20 27.211 23 10 27.02 2.1.27 24 11 27. SO 31.03 Tnlal I a BO 22 ia.oo3.oo 21 .430 70 14.304 37 .11.132 7 in. 121. 23 l.l.lll.OO 2.33S 3 2 1173.70 1.007.20 1.112 (0 2.000.30 1.1)02 72 2.000.02 1.102.14 S3D.0O nsa.oo 1.102.14 2.000.02 1JM2.72 1.371.10 2.020.30 2210.03 1.44a on 2.V70.0O 3.323.23 1.301.20 Service Men and Women Home on Leave Wfl. Lyon and I'enhall 7 Weal. l.yon i and Pennall 74 Waal. l.yon and Penhall SO Weal, Lyon and Penhall RH 70 Waal. Lyon and Penhall 7S W. I.. Clink 7.1 Hlronffhold farma 70 fllronffholil farma 14B Thomas K. Thorn I4S L. W. Hartley.... 134 I, W. Henley 14S Melvln McConnel 133 rrenrh E. Johnion .... I3A Tony SteyOtel- 131 French E. Johnton 130 Win. a. llaaal lein Ronald Ward Marvin note Marvin note Htrnnahold Farma ISA ntronchold Farma ISO mroninoid Terms ids Vim. li. Ha(el iteln 1S6 Wm. O. Hasel- aleln Younf At Boyd. Tony Sleyakal M. L. .Sutton..... M. 1.. Sutton A. w. Marken . 12 A. W. Meeken ... 110 Mddle najnua w IBS Cheiter Stona- cypher 138 A. W. Marken .... 133 Floyd A. Boyd... 112 T. E. Idoiehar 133 F. E. Moiebar .... 160 Kallna & wllde 132 fieo. 11 Frey ... 220 M. L. Sutton ..... 143 F. E. Moiebar ... 101 Ceo. H. Frey 10 Ifaiklna Broi 00 Haiklna Broa S9 E. n and M. A. Lons J. Z. Smith Tulana Farms J. Z Smith .. O. L. llndlea .. O. L. Hodael ..... S2 1.. W. Penhall ... 110 Wlnema Farms .... 79 20.087 , 136 , 102 1 30 138 .... 180 .... 131 .... 131 .... I0 , 138 8.T7 ...1113 .... SOI ... 373 92.10 3.3.10 2J :o 23.10 33 10 18 II II 00 23 70 28.13 28 88 23 on 32.78 21 M 38.11 28 80 23.70 23.70 23.70 21.70 21.70 23.87 28.03 23.27 38.11 26 80 28.80 37.88 28 80 10.84 21.10 21.80 23.70 28.87 28.87 38.11 24.31 28.80 28.87 21.17 21.11 31.11 31.28 12.4ft 18.84 17.77 23.40 2.1.40 3.10 3.00 1.478.80 1.700.10 1448.00 1 1,737.00 ' 1 882 30 1.178 00 fl.10.O0 3.H03.C3 4.163 24 4.110.;. : 3 830.12 l.Mii 3 842 .14 3.642 1 384 80 4.18.164 4,l6:i.4'i 4XIO.20 4.000 20 3.383.20 3.383 21 4.330 34 4.183.44 4.163.84 3.313.77 .1.042.61 I 4.270.40 I 4.483.78 ; 4.183.84 I 3,003.04 . .1201.80 ; 3J8.1.84 4.163.40 4.180.32 I 4.267.30 .1.068.72 S.326.23 3.618.67 2.803.67 2.344.02 2.088.78 3.08S.SS 13 342.62 13.800.24 3.088.84 10.217.73 1.170.03 1.216.80 361.00 237.00 Gov. Snell Outlines Choice In Politics PORTLAND, Nov. 1 (Pi Gov. Earl Snell claimed last night that votera face "a choice be. ! wide radio audience on behalf of tween expanded economy, pros- the republican tickot, asserted perlty and jobs as represented by the republicans and regi mentation, leaf-raking and WPA as offered in the democratic pro Gov. Snell addressing a state. a GOP victory would aanvra "full employment under com petitive fre enterprise tyjtem." "The election of Governors Dewey and Bricker will be an Inspiration to all phases of the war effort," he declared. AMM 2e Lester Wilkenaon from Elizabeth City, N. C. Here until November 8. Pvt. Percy Steers from Frcs. no, Calif. Here until Novem ber 5. Lieut. Richard Itjl from Ft. Bennlng, tia. Here until Novenv ber 3. . S 2c R. C. Newman from Colorado college, Colorado Springs, Colo. Here until No vember 7. Tho above service people are entitled to freo passes to the lo cal theatres and free fountain service at Lort River dairy by courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the theatres and R C Woodruff ol the dairy. Please call at The Herald and News office (ask for Paul Haines) for your courtesy tickets BABY'S GOLDS Relieve misery direct mthcrue"do(rifl.' r?,? f. m i gm a e RUB ON Y vaTJJJS Charles W. Robinson Well-known Attorney ond Public Speaker Speaks for MORSE 6:15 Tonight KEX ltrm adv. Mori for Sinalor CommllfM ftotph 0. Metvtt. Morgan lido, ftwtland. Oft. The World's Need For Unity Today. . i a i- .t.. t-i-i .1 it.. WA1J. wian J"'" the naod of national and International unity. This rJJ J'1 P'ovad over and over again the tragedy of dWIslon .:, "umiuinest of the old saying -Divine inn con S...:J ,But thi" ' )uat as true religiously speaking, in aCii . ,0Jh, 'burch, aa It la In regard to our national C . 'v. Th,' l no better way to blot out Christianity .7, .1d"l'oy "a Influence from the earth than to divide VaLi T0'" worl UP Into many different sects and de. Sd,. " ,u w"h dHleient names, doctrines and . Prayer for tinlty In the 17th chapter of John, C(h I,d th,t H1 followers might "all be one, that the IriN 'Lh,ll,v th thou dlda't send me." Today, eon lir7I ,'f neit prayer of our Lord, Christianity hat II lh? ji iL01" ln ,h of the unbelieving world because lrau;'Tid,a condition of Christendom. The most forceful fli thi, " iha ,,h! " '""del against Christianity It, llc( it," Testament teachet unity why do you not prac lolne . only waV w en antwer thlt argument It by IStiai. . u,y wl,h our denominational peeullerltlei and Blbi, i, aiilnt 5 Speakt and Remain Bllent wneie Chli. .. .. ' . ... j lmlna - " un"V eannot be tecompllthed ny a lew oe. FWi th. ?i unitlna 'or fw weekt meeting! together, frtr , ,d, of going their several wayt when It It all nd er..H ',c,h "talnlng Itt peculiar name and doctrine Hka ,), " denominational world can unite jor iwo two 1 1?" 11 "ol unite for two montht? If It can unite ThaTi i ' why not ,or ,wo V,ar' tni iotyn'1 . " Ti. p answer to Christian unity it a return io in Ice, """"tnt Christianity In Name, Doctrine and Prae- RAYMOND I, QIBBS, Eyangelitt. CHURCH OF CHRIST 2205 Waniland Ave. Klamath Falls, Oregon. "PMSrOFJE"Anti'Fneit MIPS MOVING UP TO THE FRONT! The War Production Board, witti the cooperation of the Anti-Freezo Industry Advisory Committee, has put into effect a state allocation plan for the distribution of til brands of anti-freere. This is your assurance that there should be enough anti freeze of some kind to protect the nation's motorized equipment this winter. However, 'Trestone" brand anti freeze may not be available in some localities. The supply for civilian use is considerably reduced because heavy shipments are going overseas for the Armed Forces. If you are able to get "Prestone" anti-freere remember that it lasts all winter. It won't evaporate, boil away or lose effectiveness through "foam-v ing." Protects against rust and corrosion. NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, INC. Unit ct Vnhn Caoirfe anrf Cafcon Corporation ' DH3 Tha retfitererf trade-marks "Kvareacty" and "Prestone diatlBiuieh product of National Carbon Company, Inc. ELECT Walt Wiesendanger MAYOR OF YOUR CITY WORLD WAR VETERAN 18 MONTHS' ACTIVE SERVICE OVERSEAS. 9 ADDITIONAL MONTHS IN THE ARMY OF OCCUPATION IN GERMANY. I HAVE BEEN A TAXPAYER Of KLAMATH PALLS FOR NEARLY 18 YEARS. OUR HOME IS AT 2032 EARLE STREET. MY PLEDGE IS THIS: "Fair and Impartial Consideration will be given to all problems confronting the welfare of our city." Should you elect me ot your Mayor may I assure you that I will maintain regit- -lar scheduled hours in the Mayor's office and that I will devote all necessary time to the performance of the duties of this of f ice. In my 18 year of residence here in Klamath Falls, I hove taken an active part on many committaes, being appointed on the Boxing Commission, the Armory Board, elected to the City Council for a term of four years which expires now, war bond drives and others that pertain to the welfare of our city. I am the past presi dent of the Lions club and chairman of tha Klamath Retail Bureau. For the last eight years I. have been chairman of the American Legion "Stop Forest Fires" program. This is one of the American Legion's most important com munity projects. ... ... : YOUR VOTES and the SUPPORT you can give ma for this office among your -friends and neighbors will be fully appreciated. My slogan en the ballot reads: "MY FOUR YEARS AS COUNCILMAN HAS GIVEN ME THE KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE THAT WILL IE OF VALUE TO OUR CITY AND THE TAXPAYERS." Sincerely, Walt Wiesendanger , Pd. Adv. by Walt Wletendanier He member Breadlines in Oregon? It Wasn't So Lossjr Ago, and "THE LITTLE TOWNSEND" Bill Will Bring BREADLINES Back! Look at the Facts . This measure, if adopted, would tax ALL GROSS INCOME at every step of th way, from raw material to finished product, every commodity produced in Oregon would carry oa the price tag a staggering tax multiplied at every step. Oregon products simply could not compete I See What This Tax Will Do io You! ON THE FARM IN THE FACTORY Planting, cultivating, harvesting .TAXED! Production of all taw materials Every step oi food processing TAXED! Every step in manufacturing Insurance and marketing costs .... TAXED! Insurance and marketing costs Transportation and retailing . TAXED! Transportation and retailing ; It All Wdi Up to ...RUIN!! -For Oregon rimers & Workers i The cost of living in Oregon would skyrocket; without OPA price controls, no one could afford to buy Oregon products. With price ceilings, almost every wealth producing farm and industry in Oregon would face financial ruin. The Little Townsend Bill would bring breadlines and unemployment back to Oregon 1 JVo One Denies- that many aged people need help. But no one with a smattering of economic sense would force widespread unemployment In order to orovlde pensions for everyone over 60, whether they need the money or not. Keep the Breadlines Out oi Oregon! VOTE 317 (X) ISO OREGON STATE FEDERATION OF LABOR al. T, Mavrr. Exeetttlve Seeretmrr PORTLAND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (THTld B. BlmpiOB FA. Adv.. William T. Stllick, 1TM IT. & Wim, Pmmmi