1944 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE THREB tiir It I "A1 1111' AIINDRY HELP NEEDED BY HIS HERE "' MaS 'imicks , 11,1 I'li neat. i-w si.a.i fl'. ' 1 7 . I :nl un- ,1)00 ,i, to lu'ii',""; .... ,. ..luiii. ,, """ ix iiiuim 7J nil P "ul . ,. 1 illtslioll. Till! 1? lry, cl? "' nil"'", I hrmil IICW Tii S i uim ,,(t 'iu;1,' mon1" 11 ,d leinuui, I.h Wo rest ' ,7 ouram. Km.l..y f e'S:" .;" ...' k i.fflcer In CW0 I i,, I . u miry which h"5 In nil. A1 I work, liicludh.K Hnr... "' ,!" V-mhcr ID, went limi lire 1I1C ..' Mlm.lu HIT COIll Of itionw I KO iclr mc iuu .. - . ...... It makin I' Proy "" '"" r wnah- i'es!":" ," r I V re, of M' "7 . win. wen Cover. RlKlrt ms cmiiiii)' " 1 i .' Ill nwir MI'S !d ... .,;. i, ii k the Mil ' ' i. ,Y.I II... U. press i n- -. , up ind co"R " " " till still get pain. II vou're interested, mill the - mnlv nt Wo U'lK"' rtts cinpioyrncm ivv. Main. itv Gives Away louses For Wrecking he city has Ihrco house lo ....... It nttvntlc who Will !.,v nr mo Ihcin. II was Lncrd thl" work hy A. W. i..... h.t hiiiwihti tnsncctor. Lei , biilldlnKs arc city tarty and have soon mnicn . Tltnu .mi lw ninvfd im uiwu. Inrit r.nWIl ond UlCIl Itn away, There will be no !t to the person or persona a jet the houses other Ihnn SIS bond whleh Is returned i Die moving or me Dunn I. f(icl,,l L.,.a..a li.lin.hrl 111 nno or m,v,.v - K ol the nouses con rcncii buildlne Inspector tiy pnon 7798 evcnlniis nnd nsklng Downs, !sl! in lv$ Tamper With acks, Cause Wreck JLDANY, Ore., Nov. 1 (ITI tram crnsli whlcli Rinea W. Lcc. Vancouver. Wash list week wns cnuscd by f eight-year-old boys tamper with a railroad swllcl), J'o Chief Perry Stellnmcher re lodoy. t nirt the youths confessed pqlled the switch when they a It unlocked while nlnvlnu pby and then couldn't put n wnerc it Belonged. ill hrmra lolnp nA.tA yinc ireight triiln crashed iv work train on n slriinu silting In o crew car of the iorary train, was crushed to Nl Stcllmncher snid the Ma rine Laundry pJ-IMV 1 1 I- ' Willi iiimiim jpll 4 r m .ttr. I i, 1 f r ... i, V Si ' : A i J 1 EDITORIALS ON NEWS (Continued From Pi2 One) day and ccm to be niokink good piugiens. cunviticvd thut they hove hold uh out of Aniwprp us lung ah iney cuii aim urc hiuvuik wux i.. 11... ......4 1. nniH thn Iriuinr ll IMU III WYUl Hhlnu cliiinnelH. They apparcnt- i.. . I i'. i..L.li..U I In.. on the north bunk of this north cnnnosl of thc channels. THE ItiiKHlans arc reported to ri fiv nn Iv 4:t mites from Buda pest. . . Hcd Stur, the Itimsian army newspaper, nays thu Budapest offensive in now three diiyn old and Iiuh broken a U0-mllc gap I" the defenses where the ucrmans hud concentrated up to 20 antl tunk guns to the mile (more than one per block.) The reds arc also driving on Budiinest from the northeast, through Czecho slovakia, This thrust Is reported today to be 120 miles from Budapest. 'HE political war on the home front is nearlng its final end getting bitterer with each day thnt passes. By and large, this bitterness In a good sign, rather than bad one, indicating that people are. taking a real and personal interest In the Important issues thut arc Involved. K you want a job, there's "on at thl Marin Barracks for you. Thoso Dicturas, tok.n at th new laundry, show, top, SS O. H, Buffinqton, In charat of th plant, watchos Lorain Provsnce, 410 S. Sth, at th folding tabl. Bolow, Mrs. Mary Wilion. BOB Adams, ooorates tho shirt iinishor. Hor husband, Pre Donald Watson, veteran of th South Pacific, is stationed at the Barracks. Visitor 4 v 4 mm I Klo(igh. throufih mud after es-j mm 9 - Ml i. tujyniK . - . I IHfl BO ihi BRITISH 2ND ARMY Aids lUilUI Vll I flU ! Canadian 1st army in pressing I aflor r'.f.rmans. retreating back t of the Neder Rhine; recaptures LicMcef, halting counterattack. J . U. S. 1ST ARMY No dis l patch from this sector . AnAr-TAM 1 en iomv v U. S. 3RD ARMY Exchanges CANADIAN 1ST ARMY-En-IJ y artjlerv fire north of tors Holland's Wulcheren island ' Baccarat, France. ! U. S. 7 TH ARMY Takes On The Western Front as British commandos force sea-1 I three small villages In Vosgcs 3 borne landings; further east.' foothills in France Female dogs havo a finer sense of responsibility than do males, hence they are used as leaders of dog teams In the far north. PROMPTLY RELIEVES TORTURE OP i ITCHY SKIN RASH i (due to external eau) r Zomo a Doctor's l'nrt'i'6(. liquid promptly rolinves Itch of simple skin rash. It also aida healing. PHJIV All drugstores. In 8 sizes, at biVIU Georgo Albert Smith, presi dent of the Quorum, of Twelve Apostles, Church of Josus Christ, Latter Day Saints, will be in Klamath Fails Thursday at 7:30 p. m. to conduct a con ference opon to all members of the church and their frionds. The meeting will be hold in the main auditorium of the public library. Smith's home, is in Salt Lake City whero he is promi nent in statewide affairs as well as church activities. Pi 'r 1 Chaplain Urges Realistic Approach On Religion PORTLAND; Nov. 1 fP) An army chaplain of three years South Pacific service told busi nessmen here that some churches need a more realistic approach If they expect to get close to the average soldier or sailor. Copt. Hole B. Eubonks of Van couver barracks explained that servicemen are not irrellgous. Many have had profound re ligious experience, he said, "but not in churches." Copt. Eubanks said many GI's are mainly worried about the faithfulness of their wives at home, and that It was becoming a serious problem. The chnplain bitterly con demned the "woman who will two-time her husband overseas. ond declared the only thing worse Is "the contemptldle 4-r who leads1 her on." SUITS FILED ROSEBURG, Nov. 1 fP) Three condemnation suits were filed in circuit court here Mon day by the state highway .commission. The suits seek right-of-ways for connecting the North Ump qua road and the Pacific high way, .contracts lor wnicn were let last week. Classified Ant Krme 4e;i'i- Why Thousands of Doctors j- Have Prescribed Pertussin Bad Coughs (DUE TO COLDS) w Pertussin tniut be good when thou sands upon thousands of Doctors havo prescribed It for ao many years. Porttuuln acts at once to relieve vour coughing. It loosens and makes phlegm easier to raise. Bafo and effective for both out and young. Inexpensive I boys probably would not be prosecuted. Weary Feet Perk Up With Ice-Mint Treat When feet tttirn. rallouae line ftnd every tcp It tnrturp. iluti't Just sronn ntl do nnthlnir. Ittib on n liltl Ico-MInt, Kntr vrltlti. (rvnrmllkf, lu ctHillim ootlilnir rrc fort help tlrlvc c Are mill pnln rluht out . , It ml miist-lt rU In crnteful rrllef. A worM nf duTrrrrtca In it few mlnuttt. 8 how Ice-Mint hrlps often up corns ami CmIIiium ti. Ctrl ffxt happy torfy. the) lo-Mlnt way. Vour druggist hi icc-MInU t I' 1 r r 5 1T KEEP CORDON ON THE JOB" Says Former Governor CHARLES A. SPRAGUE Senator cordon Wfies a. sprague, th man who ran against Senator an in the May primaries wholehearted!; endorse ""Ion's candid.,c .. j , .v Duvtvcu iiiiiisuix on iNUVuuiucr t By his deeds .inc. !,.! it c e..... w...vv using ajipUllllCU U.O, QCIIMVUI '"Pvernor Earl Snell. Senator Pnrf.nn han wnn thft of thswhols state. HEAR CNIRLES A.SPRAUo. Ptaltlng for SENATOR CORDON s,9wide Broidcast ; ,:30.m. Nov. 2 - t. '4km i mi CHXRL$.tPRACUE 1TE fOR U.S. SENATOR GUY CORDON C,don ,or Seftof Comrrtitl, Imperial Hottt. Portlond, Or t4" i 6 '''' f&zLs . and Mrs. VOTER! Elect Walt Wiesendanger as your mayor on November 7th. His experience as a city councilman for the past 4 years has given him a knowledge of city affairs not possessed by the other candidates. He has devoted 4 years of his time and en ergy to the problems and plans that per tain to the welfare of. Klamath Falls. He . will protect your interests. Give Walt' Wiesendanger your vote. Pa". Adv. Wlt Wleiendsnrer This ad pub!irhed as a public service by i l V T X;! '7 (Si' i 't - There's a Difference! You'll be pleasantly surprised when you see a photograph of . yourself , taken by our Hollywood-trained photographers . with ' Hollywood Make-up and - Hollywood Lighting Jyvemireeifd van? STUDIOS "PORTRAITS-OF DISTINCTION" 737 Main Phone 7240 Across Ih street from United States National Bank Studios alto In Medford. Bend. Albany and Portland .SLl5Tiii5TfVE Af w ' BhvtA Mil ... - . - REL Main :ALLS WOMEN NEEDED NOW TO SERVE AT EMBARKATION PORTS! " v'.'4' - - ' Hi) 4 si 111 ins ii ' . . J r a a - .-il.ilhn.l...sMtm "I RPB-MA-fiPi Soon strip will slip oul of port bound for a Theater of War She'll see him off with a promise A promise to do a soldier's job lien at home- As a Wnc In the Transportation Corps, serving at a Por of Embarkation.jshe Is speeding the day when he and his buddies wit come back. Hcrl is the vital job of helping to send food, guns, ammuni tion alt the weapons of war to American troops all over the world She doesn't waste any time - AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU t Enlist NOW in the TRANSPORTATION CORPSl . Serve at a Port of Embarkation 1 MAIL THE COUPON TODAY TO: Room 219,. Post Office Bldg. . . Klamath Falls, Ore. Tel. 8401 , Please send me more information about WacS serving at Ports of Embarkation Wnmc Address-City -State-