31. I'44 HFRALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE NINE 18 Help WanUd, Mil 34 Automotlva 34 Automotlva 34 Automoltva 34 rVutomotlva 34 Automotive 34 Automotive aa'aea4la'ieeas,,N her WANTED WF NEED MEN AND WOMEN V'l- i- . ITI A I VI s r I J FOR hbbtlNIIAL wu Lubrication Man ) Car Polisher Used Car Polisher Mechanic Helpers These Are Steady Jobs In Steam Heated Garage r,FT A POSITION NOW THAT WILL LAST AFTER THE WAR IS OVER DICK B. MILLER Corner 7lh nnd Klamath 112011 III you wont to work In a logging camp, sawmill . lumber yard where conditions are good, go see johnny Tipton at the Mecca Billiards, 531 Main Street. w used men In oil these departments of our pttation which is an essential industry. WOODS: Choker Sellers and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumbor handlers. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. , a new lunnr M.rT. Wmeme HoUl. J ST . Mw'rr,i. .i." Kr.lM "! li't'il.' "'! imm arr AP... 110 M-.- ST-! "" twlf". ;,. -.mUlt- hi-f wwo ism. ill Artdemv. 0 ir M-vlrn ore-l'lrofin horn X..j tiM.. trm1at'. ele.rte 10. 11 to"H tire and '.VI Krd f Phnne WB fllV A-ne'lrori Sn flctiie 'l ln-inm minim. .., - ntiwr tuning, "J "v. ,1M VIM. ' ' it J. ttnv 414. . ". H-3 If V 1 a nal nrt rV tlftV. Si..: is.., ?..nr. riilflvalm 5 300 Mfki mil -mutl suitable inn . i. mimiM., ' ""7 lillrr IiUnil mail H-l "3pr. iiir highrhalr "' Phone ,vx. i i-i C J fftnti. buoH as nw. rea rm brnwn ratitrl hair, tit. iottiim fur, bMh lwlwn 12 aim ptur rn (ion oua"y. ilrei. Phoiu 7P. U-2 . Twa-wheel Mock trailer. ybtnr, WO 00. M0i Avals". li-a 11 gauie retreating shotgun rotuJltton. KM No. 3rd. 113 BTlcr.n and family won I ft like ifurnl.hf.l limit. Will tmv un liV wr innftll, mil Call NavmI Utlon. titctulon 23. LI. J"- il-i Late mttilel electric itnve JlU. II 3 ;nAT0n wanted Call Wl- illl, 137311 WAIU) for the rental of (iir fipirttnenl by 3 (hi I Is, Phnne l itoiei, nnom 310. 11-3 General Notices NOW OPEN EL PADRE Por the Best CHICKEN ond STEAK DINNERS Our Chef - Mickey Dwan DANCE TO Prlc Collcy - Piano Frank Curry Trumpet Pnl Drums Sil Hawaiian Guitar BAR SERVICE ll-30mc 1 WILL NOT nr. Itr.M'ONSllll-E for ny lull ruMlrarted for KUmftth ItfiftlVPrAtltin nnrvlrn on mil oflor Oil .'(O I1M4 C I. Mintfiiiritv Ml MJTOMOBILE and TRUCK PAINTING DOLL UP YOUR CAR We will match any color or paint your car complete. Let us give you an estimate AUTO PAINT SHOP John Probst, manager 2nd Floor Cascade Garage Corner 11th and Walnut Phone 8301 ruea.-Frl. 10 Sarvlcti Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR Factory Authorised Scrvica Household and Commercial Phono 0017 OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. 127 So. Olh St. 10 SarTicM APPLIANCE REPAIRS Wc rrpnir mid service all rrtiikcs of radios, vacuum cleaners and many other electrical appli ances. We may huve the type of radio tube you need. Reason able prices. Phone S1B8. SEARS ROEBUCK Tucs.-Thurs.-Snl.-tf r locker now tor' winter. I'JA ll-D IK-HoW.ln rnw. rm(ty tn ni. IIOX 41.. KO, QUI. Irk biltrnlrf tln.ri.i.i .......... Jl'trfi. pl.Vie rodirn lo Nv tild ofhec. Uwlyht WcRlry f 11-3 B-K COMPANY lia. open 1 1, 1 In T" -.iiiiiinia.amiineru urcfion V ror ute.ninn delrlns pennN Wmeellnn i-alliui on wlu.lonle. "eery Irmlr. Mnulo man prn i"" '""in llinl Joli requlm 1' Iravtlini. Mn.l hvo cur. 5' ewiiinl. iimlrr 42. Salnrv. er allotvnnrr. Wrilo frietfo fomp.1,).. 2i I'nlll.irnl. . alviiitf UBf ...I. ...rf rrcoill nf orrvln,.. P,roiil i -L win. nuaiiry, u.j V.""'""''1 rl'nr mid til ln at Caaailn 11-11 roil l!ENT-Phon KOSfl. Ill te i Ji " Uovernminl mn. - 11-0 n.y marine. Wlr nri ir. MOv. tiniat lv. (nrnlahed parlm.i,,. W1 Bnx M. 110 and NewI, ... , ,M'J ' wile want Inrnlah- ni ii.. wr" s!L!!"lil mill New. I l.l Klamath ralli Aerta n tnoo. nerMai maellm avary rrl- rtK liall. Bin ami Walnut Vlaltlnl mamheri cordiallv Invited. II F" FALLS MOOSE 1 100. niepl. . Vrl. Jshl, 8:00 p. m, inlti.. y second and lourth Thtirs. Mrt i.V."J Will walch. f"l' or Zi, "iward. 10-.11 on MTTrTTrr lr.rt....."l,l'1laltn mcluvav. m, ASli " Koiiaci, rtiyltta ha "natty and ntw nn fclttVlo,'," ," O"- . l. ..' .5,"f o d. whll. pani,ev r."LK,"m'h Fall. S- L imntltl !y J).'..R"1itlre Ihenlri.. Hi-Hi Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 .Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 218 Old Fort Road Phono 703 beforo 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. CRATING STORAGE Local and Long Distance HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE Agents for United Van Lines 101 Khimnth Thone 5672 10-30 FALLS ELECTRIC AND GENERAL REPAIRING t.lltit Planla, Generator.. Elertrlo Molora nowound and ntpalrad, Claa rngtnoa Ovarhaulad and a palrad. Alonl (or Dalcn Llftll Plant and BatUrlaa. ni c. r- Ca DU A?A3 " rtutitio ' "tf.Tlmo lirMRTITClirNO DnKSSMAKINtl. Bnllona and "ucklm cnvaracl. Aiieraunna on imw .m ..... clolhlna. Mr II. M. Allandar. 131 Main. Hoom 31S. Th. IHU. 10-31m WANTED Window waahlnf. Phone 1114". MAKK YOUrt DATR In advance lor paperhaniera at J. r.. Pallerjon and Son Paint Slora. IU El Mln Phone xai. lo-aira r.PTIC TANKB CLBANEn Have mn ' ....i...i rlt .12.10. Ed F Klna. 11-11 HEMSTITCHINO AND ALTEnATIONS Naedlecrall hop, 113J Main Phone l.l.im 4103. EI.ECTrtOLUX CLEANERS, romplf le aervice, rnone imii iwi nrurfn r'nntar.TlEnE Mrt. Enid Buroh. all Oak. phnne 7.HB fop annolntment. U-Bm n..v.P .... n anBAV PAINT1NH or auaranteed new roola. 1M71I ALTERATIONS. Ceelt. aulll rellned end made lo order. Mra, Zwelrl. IBM Lowell. Phone 8348. iu-..iui tnii DAtMTiMn rtnlit. a. Qrltman. Phone S087. U0S Pierce St. 10-31mc oonrif t i m 1 fi.KANRD and In. lallari. Phnna 1A:t:l. I330 rort MACHINERY TROUBLE and In- tnllelton. elan etociricai PP"" pair, phone TA10. anttll TiirntmBe mrimnH. tlnholaterlns. rurnltnre Shop. upholalerln. repair. Ini, ellnlahlnf. aprlima rerondilloned. Phone 4SI7. 3041 Hhaala Way. U-m A.,r.M nnnnnrTH Mra. Pearl ROSfl. Phono 0144. ll-14m ....... ..... .iiniii.in opninrv all mnkoa ritone 6771. 33ie SheaH Wy. ll-m ASPHALT ROOFS APPLIED Free Estimates. All Types. Guaranteed. Phone 4833. 22 Rooms For Rant 26 Houiei For Rant ron RENT 3-room houae with aome article, nf furniture. elA.OO a month. 4fl.vi Winter Lane. Phone 7800 cve nlnli. 11-1 FOR RKNT-3 rnnma, modern, automatic hot waler, with furniture for Bale. Write Uox 1402. cere Hareld and 28 MlaccllanaoU' For Rant ron nl;NT-Ploor aandera. ediara and wallpaper removinc machlnaa. J. E. Patteraon Patnt Store. Phone 3334. Hi) Eaat Main. lO-Jlm ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS and edter ranloil. Do your own work. Inauire Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO 10-31 nt .10 Real Cttat For Sal 13 PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 133 Granlto St. Aslihind, Oregon Phono 7001 Grnduuto Nurse In Charge 11 -8m 14 Help WanUd Ftimala WANTED Experienced Alteration Lady To Take Charge of Department. Steady Work Good Pay. CRAIG'S A COMFORTABLE HOME One short block off Oregon Avenue on graveled street. Lo cation uftords good view of Up per lake, and is only five blocks from Conger school. Attractive living room 14 x 22 feet, car peted wall to wall, many win dows, knotty pine den would serve as third bedroom. There is n large insulated fruit room nnd laundry; lawn, trees and fenced yard. Price S3750. Bogue Dale, Realtor 120 S. Oth Tel. 6072 or call owner, tel. 8237 10-31 Sell Your Car NOW While the Price Still Is High SEE US TODAY We Pay Top O.P.A. Prices Your Ford Dealer Since 1923 Balsiger Motor Co. 90 Ral Estate For Sal 34 WANTtID (ilrl tor hcHi5MVrk and rare, of 3 children. Phono 7816 2M.W WANTED Middle meed Itrty lo da home worn, nit ueii at wacet. v-ni 37 IB. 301)1 1 WA,, TCD Wall re and duhwaaher Wo man prrarra APDiy i inner Coffee Shoo. wmt WANTED Soda founlaln girl. ICxper lenca not renulred. Applv In peron. Lea Handrlcki Urui. 3S13 S. mh. loastt LADY ron OrriCB WOllK - Standard CUanara. WQU WAITRESS WANTED In Mountain Ixdie. Board, room. Rood aalary. Open all year, Thona collect Cre. Dell Lodyc, 11-1 WANTED-Woman cook nn atork ranch, mall crew. Permanent Job and rood wiioi. Writs Box 1010. care Herald and Newt. 11-3 WANTED Housekeeper, refined, for employed lady with eon a Red aix, at once. Write or phono collect. Chief Nurse, W. n. A.. Newell. Calif. 11-0 WANTED Housekeeper, top waset, Phone 0113 Tulelake, at noon or vtnlrin. Wrl (i Esther Helton. lit. Box 331. Tulelake. Calif. 11-4 WANTED Girl of hlfh school act to tav with 3 children ft nlchU a week, Tuesday through Saturday. Ph. ,127, H33lf HOT SPRINGS Distinctive 6-room on Eldorado. Has fireplace, concrete' base m c n I, oil furnace, recreation room, double plumbing. Imme diate possession, t-room modern home at 1829 Lancaster. $1500, terms. 2-bcdroom attractive home, close in, near Upham St. This properly has had an owner's care, with Immediate posses sion. $3500, terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. Oth Phone 4364 FOR SALE 298-acrc farm on Klamath river, one mile above Keno. Known as the Charley Nelson place. All level tillable land. Grain, alfulfa and onions. All irrigat ed. Free water right. e a e 840-acre. stock ranch, known as McCollum ranch. 70 acres irri gated bottom land, 100 acres dry larmiiig, Daiance mil pas ture land. TOM CALMES Keno, Oregon. 1947-lf WANTED -Wnman to rin seneral hnuaa work. Sternly Job. Hour. 10 a. m. to SpmIMwine37l 1 1 -4 IB Help Wanted. Mai WANTEDMan and wife to work on ranch. Woman to cook. Small crew, Permanent and Rood wm.es. Write Box 134(1 cars Herald and News. 11 -a FOR SALE $3250 buys a good two-bedroom nouse in Mills Addition, Plas :cred, good lot, shade trees and lawn. You will have to move juickly to get this. J. W. Sanders Real Estate 1213 Main Street. 10-31 PAINTERS WANTED One apray man. five hrtish men. 9 hour day. Phone 4037 after 6:30 avenlnsa. 3B31tf WANTED Man and wile for chore loh muni be cxpnrlonccd with mllklnfl ma chine. Modem houae. wood. Iljtllll and water furnlhcrl Permenent loh. ood wniea. Call 7014. "0311 WANTED Men end hove in act pine l.laht work. Rood pay. Apply Bowling Alley. fllO Main p m. or any vrrtlna. Saturday or Sunday. 173111 WANTED - Rov to ahlne almen alter achool and Snlurdnya. Madlcnl-Dcnlal Bid. Barber Shop. 35tl MAN TO WORK 111 cleanina room Standaid Cleancra. SH34U WANTED Men end hoya lo ant ptna LIBht work. Hood pay. Apply bowline allev BIO Main. 7 p. in., any venlnB. Saturday or Sunday 173111 WOOD TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED -Peyton It Co. 3100U WANTED-Mcchnntc. radiator ninn, and body man. Top wnc. Hood work. In conditio!". Karl'e Auto Repair. Phono 714. nox 173, Lnkovlcw. 10-J1 SINfll.E MEN WANTED In work In anwnilll. Lowcat wiiko I.1KI per hntir. Mcnla 43c each. No buuklioUBO cliarRe. rurnlah vour own btankclB, Mill on Rock creek, 33 miles cat of Rosc bur. Apply Doiigloa County Lumber Cn Boom 8. U. S. National Bank Tllrtg. Rfi.ct'llig. Oregon, . 11-1 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD-324 MichHan ROOM, BOAIID-Ucnilcmon. IIM7 Crea cent ,"-f 22 Roorr.s For Rent ROOMS 1U.1 Hlih. 11-10 SALE 3 large rooiriB, hath without fruit room, nouoie iaraa. wuou.ncn nii.mbina. Larac norch ancloBed. chicken house, electric water heater. i, acre. 4100 Aliamoni m. w-.ii TOR SALE 13 acre with a-room chin. 3n4fi llooe. Inoulre on Sun day.. WILL SACRIFICE four-room modern lionin with .fireplace, aunporch, Inau Inlcd fruit room, chicken house. Urge garage nnd Bhop. llelf acre Irrigated, nice lawn ana ircca. nvvo rreiua ... Phone 0303. 10-31 hah B.I W . .nn,M n,nn.,l hnmn. OBfl lv furnished. Basement, furnece. close to Wc.vcrhaeuaer and achool, leaving. Inquire at Lien's Cash Store on Keno road for J. M, Woodard FOR SALE-Lnrge new house, lull base ment. S acres, fenced. In Stewart addition, or will trade for city home, l.l,,'. Store, for W. Mull ",H"" n-2 FOR SAl.E-6-room modern house, full bnsetnent, pnved alreet, hardwood floors. Priced right. Write Box law. care Herald and New. 10-31 rim Pfii,r.-viut'iii MUU.-IB inn dlnlrlcl. Sftotl cash, or will trad for rnr or trailer houae. Inquire HOM3E FOR SALE-Duplex, has fur nace, electric waler healer, all mo rtem, electric range, ai a nacriuce, CNvnn nn Itivhwav fill, first house en risht after pawing Junction. Phone 402(1, tri-.t uai v. nv nwiMicnfl.rnnm hnma V. l.a.,a arlrlKinn hl1nint furunrc, fireplace, hardwood floors in lIViriR nnu Ullliiifi luunt. auaiaj,), Phone 0500. 11-4 TOR SALR-Jl-bedroom home, fireplace oil floor furnace hardwood floors, May consider lnle model car on deal, s.ir.iw. 32:14 Dai-row Ave. Phona 4:t01, 10-31 For Sale BUSINESS BLDG. 2 storerooms one 3-room newly decorated Apt. Oowntown Good Income Property. Terms 432 Commercial. 11-6 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8491 ll-l4m roR SALE Sheep pasture, 340 acrea aiiaua ano iimoiny mixcts, iaum 01 Malln Call Llskev Brfva 7014 mm Automotive For Sale RADIATORS . Of All Types Also Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need BODY and FENDEP REPAIR COLOR AAA TCH INC and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So 6th Phone 6942 lU-ilim 35 Fuel Hearing RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel OiU Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 10-31m 38 Miscellaneous For Sale TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters and COOK STOVES v RE RATION FREL All-white porcelain circulating type trash Durners with cook top, especially priced, SSV.DU, All-white Dorcelain cook stoves, priced from S59.50. Circulating heaters priced from $37.30. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE- STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gels the Break He Deserves Entrance Corner Oth and Klamath 3773-tf Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- CASH FOR YOUR CAR We Will Pay Full OPA PRICES ON MOST LATE MODEL CARS SELL TODAY Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. Phone 4113 38 Miscellaneous For Sale 8TOVC3 REPAIRED All available parti stocked. Ufted furniture. loves bought OK Second Hand Store. 820 Klamath. Phone 9671. 10-31m FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joyer. 1433 Martin. Phono S677. lO-tUm NEW 24 FT. HOUSE TRAILERS, also a good selection of used trailers. 16 to 30 ft. Term i. 2171 Market SI.. Redding. Calif. 11-24 GIVE HIM A BURGES3 V1BRO-TOOL-F. R. Haugar. Open all day Saturday. 313 Market. Phone 722!. 10-31 FOR SALE REASONABLE Silver fox. alo martin neckpiece, practically new. Write Box 1264. care Herald and Newa. 10-31 FOR SALE-Cabinet radio in good con dition. 411 Oak St, 10-31 FOR SALE Garape doors. 8 ft by 7 ft. 2 in. 1P35 Manr-anlta. 10-31 38 For tale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE One registered Angus bull. 2 years old. and one Ufible for registration. 0 months old bun. Jactc oraaiey. mwc-h-md. Or. 11-1 46 Fi nine til 42 Miirnllnneotw Wanted RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATIO,, TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 6th Phone 7071 ll-13mc Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends ,ll-10m We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 10-31m For Sale or Trade 1940 Chcv. Semi., new brakes and tires on trailer. Truck In good shape. Also nearly new pick-up. Hay baler for sale, Rt. 1, Box fi,ia-K. 3.9 miles nast Mac's Store 11-6 rOP CASH PRICE lor your clean, late model car or equity. See U M. Quam at RURNESS MOTORS Authorircd DeSoln-Pl.vmouth Parla and Service i nonririrh Tire Distributor SIS So 6th 3M7U rnn sale lfl.lft Lincoln Zephyr coupe. Newly overhauled and painted. Phono 6034. 3011 Main. Apt. E. 11-4 SEE MEI, HENRY at Lomoerd'a Used car Lot. 021 . otn t. lop ura CASH PRICE at once fop vour car. All makes and models for Bale, lt-lfim rOR SALE-1941 Buick sedanette. phone .1097, 10-31 FOR SALE Body for It.-ton truck atake atyle. complete. Practlcally new. Cart .1004. ll- FOR 8ALE-1036 Plymouth titdor sedan, S good tiro,, Sans cash. B30 Walnut St,. Room 2. Call alter 6 p. m. 11-1 Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK- POLICY Call John Sandmeyer Phone 5195 C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bids. H-aum Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Sea ley Bros. Phone 7709 ll'iS-tf ALLEN Adding Machines and FRIDEN ualcuiaiors. la, a. nn r.u.i".. PrlnUng & Stationery Co. ll-15m FERTILIZER and GRAV CINDERS Roy HcomecK. t non. .uu j, oi, j, bu lo-31m FOR SALE 100 tonB baled hay. 1st cut allalla, oats ana rye, ai iveno. Guv Moore at ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett, Tulelake 7104. 33S3U FOR SALE One Royal Crown bottle cooler. Merit Washing Machine Ser vice. 011 So. 6th. 11-30 ALL TYPES of small gas amines re paired. Bodenhamer Saw Shop. 331 E. Main. ll-13mc Just back from Pacific desperately need furnished home for wife and child. Phone 8101 - Extension 102. Ask for Lf. Barackman or Lt. Abbott. 11-7 WANTED TO BUY -Sled with sood run ners. Call 3124. 3146U WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5 room mod ern home, either unfurnished or partly furnished by responsible middle aged couple, no children. Phone 3573 or M41. 1023U WANT TO BUY-40 lo 160 acre diversi fied ranch, equipped with farm ma chinery. In vicinity of Klamath Falls. State full price, terms and all details in first letter. Write 3048. care Her ald and News. 394611 WANTED Small child's tricycle. Ph. 7159. 10-31 When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of ' .COMMERCIAL FINANCE-CORP. 107 No.. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On: Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements - Completed Come In Phone In or Write In Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 10-31m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For WANTED One Hood oil heating stove. Inquire at Waldorf Grill. 1258tf WILL PAY CASH tor used suns Bring them In for anpraHal. BELL'S HARD WARE. 828 Main St. 10-31m SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR BONOS If vou have any no-lonuer-used articles of an.v kind lying around your horre or office then you have a real opportunity to help the war ef fort in the flm Place, other pcoole actually neeo these no-longer used ar ticles; then too the mnnev vou raise by selling things can be convert"" Into bonds Phone 3124 Classified Ad Dept. today htoh WANTED TO RENT-2-nedroom furn Uhed or partly furnished house by two adult, employed tn lumber In dustry Call 3146 days, and 8373 after 6 p. m. 4319U WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phoni 3078 after 6 p m. 2273tl FOR SALE Kooltrator; play pen with pad; electric train siiubdib ior wnnt maa present. Ph. 6566. 10-31 FOR SALE - ITS-T International track layer. John Deere model D" wheels; tractor. No. lio Gallton trader, rubber tires, good rubber; 1 12 -ft. Interna tional combine. 3 grain drills. 1 2-gang plow, 1 4-gang plow, 1 Clipper fan ning mill, 1 grain elevator. Tom Calmci, Keno, Ore. 3814tf INFRA-RED ELECTRIC H B A T E R S. K9.30. E. R. Haugor. Ofn AU Pay Saturday. 315 Market Phone 7321. 11 -20m LANDSCAPING - Evergreen, flowering shrubs and trees. Make your selec tion now for fall planting. LAKE SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phone 4082. J ll-20m ai'ASS-Mirrori. resHvertng. plate, win dow and auto slass. furniture tops, helves. Kimball's Glass Shop. 327 Walnut Phone 7378. u-4m FULLER BRUSH R EP RESENT ATI VB R. V. Morgan. 832 So, Riverside lMra ar.wiNfi machine PARTS and sun plies. AH make. Phone 8771. 3218 Shasta Wa 10-31m TOR SALE Dining room set. Good rondilion An very reasonable, Ml 4 Homed le Road, Et. PADRE NOW OPEN .Dine, dance Bar service. Only 10 minutes drive from ciiy center, ' ll30mc ron SALE Piano, typewriter, daven port and chair, 3 mattresse. Dial 6713. u-i FOR SAl.E-inao Kenworth log truck. 1041 Pointer-Willamette dual axle trailer, 10:00x20 rubber, t0 Halls Scolt motor. Working at Hildebrand. 16-31 FOR SALE One whit porcelain top kitrhen cabinet 820.00. one black Cheewhawa puppy 320.00. Call be fore Nov, l. au;i Apptegaie. iv-ji FOR SALE - Easy washing machine used only 1 montk. Rt. 1. Box 1MB. Telephone 5021, U-3 WANTED I'scd washing machine. Phone 3072. Will pay good cash price. lleiJU WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds nun egga. pmi mi riuuun , nuns 3372. 10-Jlm WANTED Service man. wife and school aea cl.ua ncstrc iiv.ng quarters. Wife will do housework in exchange for rent or any other suitable ar rangement. Write P. O. Box rM. Klamath Falls. U-l CHRISTMAS TREES WANTED Two carloads of silvers, white fir nnd spruce. Only lowest who'esale bids conitdered. loaded on trark. RALPH M RLAIR. Rt. 4. Box 321. Everett. Wash. U-l WANTED - Poultry, livestock, Uirkcjs and rabbits. TRULOVES MARKET 919 East Main. Phono 4282. ll-4m WANT TO RENT Small, modern, fur nished house. Quiet couple. Ra.v Johnson, Gen. Del. 10-31 FOR SALE OR TRADE acre on Denver avenue or will trade for car. Call 3734 mornings. 10-31 WANTED.. Dead and worthless animal. Phone 4638 collect. 11-27 WANTED TO BUY-Bath tub nnri IH evele. Bart Peterson. Dorrls. Cnlif. 11-2 HIGHEST PRICES Paid lor noss. veal. lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co Phon 3323, nights 3803 10-31m LIBERAL : GASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE ' NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirement! Complete Privacy i a Monins to pay No Co-Sieners Quick Service Locolly Owned - ' Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 10-31m First Federal Has Plenty of Money see Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home . Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5195 10-Slm WILL PAY CASH TOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 431S or 7173. 11-20111 WANTED - Furnished or ' unfurnished house or apartment, modern. Perma nent couple. No pels. no-ohlldre:v Call 7744. Mr. Waters. 11-1 WANTED -3 or 4-room house or apart ment. Marine, wife and child. No drinking and will care fnr premises. tTr. trt S.in. Tr'eiihnnf :'n. MJ 44 LWastock and Poultry 4MvvWWVWMViBVFMMAMAArVMBV rOR SALlt-70 head good credo' 4'JO- ?Dund White eaee weaner calves, om CHImes. Keno, Ore. .175211 FOR SALE .tuntor docs. Rt. SST. Donald Weber. Rox U-l Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest rates Long time easy payments Prompt Service It will pay you to Investigate the EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1809 ' 111 N 9th . Phone 4364 Tues.-Fri.-tf 48 Business OtiportuniUal wwwwwwwiaMAMeae.e i. . . LUNCH STAND Reasonable. Inquire Victory Lunch. 1133 Etplantd. or phone 7837 atier 10 p. m. U-l ron sale man oiiade RuaisTiRr-rj GUERNSEY BULL CALVES, all ae. The reaulu of fine line breedlnl. Prove un your hQrd with selected future aires. Very , reasonably , priced. Ship anywhere In United States. Write for full particulars to 3. Wood rich. Woodbrook Ranch, Cafle Point. Ore. Phone 1J01 lt-J ,WN"rKD TO BUY-lc. rateam freerer. Phone 731B. laSJUOO