31, I'14 junty Election lards Listed; Its Still Open ,r thft workor .ii.ni huiti'tts. ii hi"" , for the J'hc city . .: .... I r.nu uiwii" pi"'"''"" . .. i iiisl one week . ... Vilv inn! niuiily iii.nv W"..1 . work. liny V . . ..... I . , I L 1 1 1 . J M"- ' . ill l .n .-U-rUoi. dy n.,. (I IJnard) Jlm Kn.m" N. Srnvn- J. Iaiiiii"""1' ";Vv-1t":r 2. .. Hcrth.i t.'i ' Milker. H'-l''''" tciico A. duiKM. ... 1 ,1 Il 1- W. ff."u'. r. 7. Salro. AILniont. y-An iwni't.T. AlUinunl. Ni-lit Norn d iiuby White f d Board J. U. Casey. BonriD-Vrila Ulx.m, 3111, Mildred LMrtwriKht. 3. Um-It' ll t Nltflu 1. until. Mmy Sparks, Matilda 1 5 . II. , ...!,. II,, .11, Ci. ' v ...... .illy J, uaniiui, ..,.- W-'h.innnlii. (1 Board) i McKcll, Klisa Ciich- : tcrniiuui, in... j i - Iilloqulii. Day Ruby ,rion Mu'lK'1. M. v, Huss J. rVruuson, ikle. .. Ailaaun. NIKIU--ftirs. js, Aimu Cillo. Marie i. E. W. Johnson. i linloquin, (1 Uourd) jflticrts, liael liruher Sillier Brewer, Ethel t llucl Johnson, d l.ukc. (1 Board) jiji. lirock, Hull) Nauol, i JJcuff, J. H. llolvcrson, rttK. ,fi Board) Kuln Prmigh, on, II. W. I'rmiKh. jit, (l Board) Bertha i, Eugenia Helen Colo, ttjsc, Laura E. Snider, Hewn. -j$ Lake, (1 Board) s faraplcr, K. G. Brown iaf Lyons, A. E. Wamplor. h .Jnlorprise, Day Ger AJdmslon, Adda Ward, iClscn. ki Enterprise, NlKht luVcldl, Mane A. lid Mice llulchcns Moss, N. nson. jitcrprlsc, Day mull Mine M. Fennel . Shulmire, Wllinu J. Grace Barthtnan. ilcrprise. Night Julia Ruby M. Park. jlind. (1 BmrHI i B. Flackus. Jesse N. Aabclh M. Parker, Clar . ferkcr. i Bomeilale. Day Clara tyit'Iara Mcl'lierren, T. J. limedale, N'IkIiI Ivy ki Pound, I.ctha Lais Ellen Caster, Queen omrdale, Day Or- Ullian Green. Mar r. Dorothy E. Elliott. omenmc. Night . Lot. io, Marion Shannon, 1 V'lley. Day V. D. illolcn C. Nnhlr. V.4HI. K. F. l'cpple, Eliza- M cy, NiKht Waller Charlotte FiUhuRh, Prapbcll, Sylvia Bob-i-Marlln. (1 BoardlFrtnn r Pearl n,,r.i " '" r ""ices ,T arfient. Myiav Hose Mer.enn, njpitzpatrick. null, WcU rJoo Kennedy, Velma ,litlit. Helen ERan, ;;lllday, Elaine Kerns! Pay-Irene Blchman, Nlflhf IT J ... . t'M Edith Wll. B Schleferstein. 'Board) Mildred neiniKll. nchMianMa- lm. nv.ni .... mics hchreinor. Km. Biber, Zena Looiiley, Ueulali titevunniin. Wuhl Mulln, Day Kinina Wil .mil, L,,VI Kirkiialilek. llierehu 11. MeComb, lilhel lliiiiiilluu, Leah Slieol. Went r'nlin, Night Mauilo W, Thuiuua, Kiiinia 1,. Unekner, 1'ianies Auilrey Kallna, Helen Ann Ottoman. Eaat Menlll, Day .Bell, M(.. ha JtiliiiNou, Loiiim) kcnblce, Krunui'i C. UrandenbeiK, Uovlu iteeder. Eaat Me.-rlll, Nimu Aianieda Glaeoinuil, Wyrlle .Jlnnelle, Wil liaui Jiiiiiette, Kulli Wheeler. Weht Merrill, Day Audrey Lewis, Hertha iHel'olluin, Winf lied bni iy, Jeniilu I'liKiilo. West Merrill, Nliihl lliuel I3nwini.il, Lena Huek. Odell, (1 Uiiard) Orn lllny, E. W. Dunn, GeuiKla V, Nouce, Orindulu, Day Mamie liuteh Iiih, Josephine Matt, lleruiee .J.inuiey, Kane Llndley, Myrtle MeUhuhey. Orindaie, Nluht Lena M liiiniiliiu, Amy E. Ohle.s. ), iron , Beeves, Elvira Lien, Marlon ' uenrv. Pelican Buy, D.iv Georla JoIiiimiii, Charles K. Knopp, Sar ah E. Buehaiiaii, Anna Van Uii ker. Pellenn Bay, Nluhl Mablc Ward, Cora Cody, I'amella M. Nichols. Pine Grove, (1 Board) A. It. Campbell. Grace hirk, Hoy La l'rnrie, Vlbtu Itauuon, Elizabeth Norrls. I'leviui, liny Velnui L. Dan ueloa, Josle SniiWKoose, Grace Uanisey, G. A. WulerhoUhC. . Plevna, Nlht Esllier John ston, Orn E. Sinllh, Loraino An deraon, Etlio frnln. Poo Valley, (1 Board) Boy G. Holmes. Zella Iliu.li, Ituhy Kes ter, Phyllis Tucker, II. M. Tuck er. SpruKiie niver, (1 Board) Ivy Liiirn, ivan l-aiiKcy, uetly L. Moore, Eileen Keruan, Esner nni'O Haddock. East Shasta. Dnv Mnvhril Dc Young. Mary Hall, Clara Wea- j ver, tiara uouuias, Anna Lam bert. East Shasta, Nliihl Mary M. Lewis, Mrs. Zora Kitchen, Aman da Dully. West Shasta. Dav Anna R McLormacK, Mildred Ain't It a Beaut? HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'.'.'iL' A biiftuillrr Hill Ik-rMem lukcs Kood-nulurcd kidding from one who'i hud Ionic ucquuinliincc with black eyes. A Dour a a coast Guard landing craft during tour of Naviil units in Britain, Comdr. Jack Dempaey quickly unuts battle scar and ribs sailor. You should have !ifcn the other miv. Oregon's Tour Congressmen Ask Reelection This Year PACE SEVEN BONNEVILLE By PAUL W. HAHVEY, Jr. (This Is the second of five articles on the candidates and Issues of the Kcneral election to bo held a week from loday). SALEM. Oct. 31 (I' Oregon's four cunKicssmcn, nil repub licans, are asking reelection. The dean of the slate's dele- I posed by Lester Sheelcy, demo cratic attorney. Both live in Portland. ', AiikcII, who served In the leg islature before going to Wash ington, has long worked for war veterans, power development and old age pensions. Sheelcy has I done much work for public ana unlinn In rniu'l'eM it Ihn first, i power nna is au-oui lor rrosi- ,liM I,-l.'ii Dm, .lump. W Mnll i dcill ROOSCVOlt. Salem, who has served since 11)33. If he Is reelected and if republicans win control of. the new house, Motl is In line for chairmanship of cither the house roads or public lands committees, Rep. Harris Ellsworth. Rose- burg editor, also finishing his first term, is recognized as one of the more promising of the freshman representatives. He helped obtain the bureau of and would be ranking majority i "'n,cs laboratory lor his dis member of (he naval affairs ' trict, the alumina plant at Salem, committee. He is an attorney. ' n,'d h',s Pc.c" prominent In for- Mrs. Viola A. Martin, Tirzah M rvonier. West Shasta, Night Edna Penney, L. Alva Lewis. Goldle Matson, Dorothy Smith. Shovlln, tl Board) Trilby Pepin. Florence Cox. Cnrrie Moorhead, Madge Ilorron, Irene Prltchnrd. South Shasta, Day Irene San ders, Laura E. Brenncn, Dacie Hoover. South Shasta, Night Grace Smith, T. M. Kiclcr, Mary Pryor, Vannessa Butler. North Shasta. Dav Vera Ow lngs, Clarn V. Buck. Norlh ShHsla. Night Iva C. BJorklund, Stella G. Wells, Alice Hoover, Mrs. Ada Barlecn, Ethel Hopkins. Wood River, (I Board) Joarm Taylor, Guss A. Page, Marjorlc Prowell, Lenora Zumbrum, Lois G. Slscmore. Worden, (1 Board) Esther M. Simmers, Mary Goddard, Isaiah W. Goddard, I. L. Davis. Yamscy (1 Board). O. Henry Oleen, Mott's demo cratic opponent, has six years legislative service behind him. He Is a Columbia county farmer, and has been active in work for Daniels, i 'ai'm "d labor organizations. In the second district, It's Rep Lowell Stockman. Pendleton wheat grower, against C. J. Shorb, La Grande publisher, a democrat. Stockman is completing his first term, and lias been active in behalf of veterans legislation. Shorb, a newcomer to politics, supports farm legislation, public cstry legislation. Floyd K. Dover, Grants Pass democrat, is making his second attempt to go to congress, hav ing failed to got his party nomi nation two years ago. He will oppose Ellsworth. Dover, a bus iness man, has been active in veterans organizations, and advo cates that all Japanese be deported. SETS DATE PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. at llPi Federal Judge Claude McColloch today sol November 8 as the date tn srltln Ihn API. nnllnrnb.n..' power and extension of social 1 union ln.iia.irii.,o ic,,i seMl.',rily:. , . .,,, . j control of funds totaling some in..- i . . . i , . u .nit. lij ci.Kieaa- auu,uuu. man. Hep. Homer D. Angcll, has service since 1939. Hu is op-1 Classified Ads Bring Results. If It's A "frozen" need, advertise for In the classified. article you used one At first JiuN OF A U86(6 Co7of Preparation! aii'direcleJl brfofe even Sound Better Dunks micd with Cnd Dry Wuier parkls out loud. P'N-PoiNT Ca. ONATION" iniurei lived n" and iin to tils last rip. t . VS't' . fgr- ffrl Ft RY WATER Wartime motorists from coast to coast say... car like a Studebaker f pJt - Helen yES,SIR..,AND 'HAT Doiinie ftAVOR you LOVE WUSTARD WITH "ORSERADISHl mm IW "Not for tale," say COUnty Official "Twice I've hid attractive money offers for my Champion," says J. Stnly Howard of LibertyKentucky, "I won't tell because Studebsker economy and aumina In wartime mean too much to me to give up." "No engine repair bills,' says this owner "My stu- debaker Champion la a joy to own these days," writes college teacher Audrey L. Packham of Florida. "I'v pair bills." Champion helped him stay in business! "I don't know how I could have carried on my real estate and insurance business without the economy and certainty of my Studebaker Champion," states Clarence A. Suggs of Phoenix, Ariiona. MEET SUITED 1 NOV. 15 A rm nenmrnl hnun hnnn made by the Bonneville Power administration setting Novem ber 1A. fl th tentative Hnin on which r6prcsentatlves will arrive in Klamnlh Vnlla in mnnl with local officials. Mefttlnfl with ihm nr m n t tration Will hi rnrRi.nlt.lli, rum in. rnt.niv f-niir. ttii council, chamber of commerce, committee on industrial Or- ffanfzatinn. Fffdnratinn nf I.nK,it- county grange and other groups' to dlftcimx uhfth,t thnuA nr. ganizations arc prepared to Join in ine lormaiion ol a local n.ih. lie distribution agency for elec tric power. The survey is bc- intf made thnl thn aHmlni.lra. tlon may decide where on its pusi-war agenaa to place the proposed public power trans mission into Klamath rn.inlv Visiting representatives arc arranging to 810 in tne county for several days prior to the meeting with the local groups, durina which time be available for consultation or meetings with the different or ganizations. Livermore Injured In Airplane Crash NORTH BEND, Oct. 31 IP) Ens. Robert Livermore, son of H. A. Livermore, Maplewood, N. J., senior assistant vice presi dent of the American Telephone and Telegraph company, was se riously injured in an airplane crash at the North Bend air sta tion Thursday, it was disclosed today. The navy plane piloted by Ens. Livermore crashed on the border of the field. He suffered a bro- lrAn 4our severely burned legs. His par- Crosby Betters Hunting Score TWIN FALLS, Ida., Oct. 31 MP) BIng Crosby did a little better in the pheasant hunting sport yesterday. With a smile, he told a re porter he "got the limit." In Idaho that is three birds. Sunday, the first day he hunt ed this season, his score was zero. The Croaby party of eight ex pect to leave this evening for Nevadc and Hollywood. -MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE ; V commis- i Ai"9f- ed recently trsj" " is now an Jp-, mmSff, gn in the V? h--J'i BEVERIDGE NOW ENSIGN Lylc Bcveridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Beveridno of Slock- ion, i,a;ii., out jj Klarnuth Falls, Y w a sioncd and cnslg U, S. maritime service. Young Bevcridge, who graduated from KUHS in 1941, enlisted in the maritime serv ice in January, 1942, and has , seen much of tin world since then. Lyle has been, E laces, to Atrica, raltar, Australia, lea, Canada, Panama Dutch West Indies. He was in Klamath just after he had received his commission at Alameda, Calif., not long ago, visiting with his sisler and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. LaSalle of Homedale SACHER AVARDED SSgt. Raymond H. Sachcr, 27, route 3, Klamath Falls, armament technician, has been awarded the distinguished unit badge as a member of a vet eran Liberator bomber group wnicn nas been cued for out standing performance of duty in armed conflict with the'ene- OF among other England, Gi-! South Amcr-; and the SALEM. Oct. 31 fP) City of ficials were mystified today as to why Salem has been declared out of bounds for marines at the Corvallls air base. Mayor I. M. Doughton said that "so far as I know, Salem of ficials have done everything pos sible to keep the city clean, and I have iieard no criticism here that would warrant the com mander's order." Chief of Police Frank Minto said he "would like to know the facts" if the order was based on any police department shortcom ings. Lt. Col. Neil Mclntyre, base commander, refused to explain the reason for the order, but said that "so far" Salem was the only city included in the ban. my," according to word from 15th AAF in Italy. Commanded by Lt. Col. Jo seph G. Russell, the group re ceived the nation's highest or ganization award for an attack on the aircraft factories at Wiener Neustadt, Austria, on May 10. I Christmas Trees To Be Grown PORTLAND, Oct. 31 OP) Five thousand Christmas trees have been transplanted In the Hood River national forest and will be harvested for residents of Portland and vicinity in 10 years. District Ranger Albert Weis endanger said that 5000 two-year-old seedling noble firs will be transplanted annually to as sure a continuous supply. The Christmas tree plantation Is located near Larch mountain. Planting was handled by men of the Wycth civilian mihlir, ui camp. Household Inventory beak free. Hani Norland Insuranc. Agency, 118 North 7th. Phon. 6060. VAN HEUSEN WHITE SHIRTS Nack Siz.s 14 to 17 M Sl.ev. L.ngths 32 to 3J $2.23 $5.00 RUDY'S MEN'S SHOP BOO MAIN HOW QUINTUPLETS promptly relieve coughing of Wonderful for Crawn.urK. Tool Whenever the Quintuplets catch cold their chests, throats and backtj are rubbed just about the best cold-relief you can buy! Muiterole relieves coughs, sore throat, aching chest muscles due to colds hov breathing becomes easier how fast con- wits' iu uuuer utuucniai unci, uusa and throat begins to break up! Such dren's Mild, Regular and Extra Strong, !0R 10 HEARTS THAT BEAT AS , An Exclusive New DIAMOND DUETTE 700 Main hono ZlSljj n tiqutilt combination el arH and tlowtri. 14 fct .ellpw and while geld. Ur felly matched In vtry d. Jail. Engagcmant ring has large center diamond. Each nng flanked with dainty white gold heort. shaped design, URSJ'IN HtH HtAWT . . . fJT IN OUAIITYI n FtJ'tral Tex kxtatW Rickys Jewelers THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE IN OREGON 8 "Don't know why I waited so long" E. H. Plttgerald, Minneapolis Cafe manager, says: "My Studebaker Champion Is a fine car and a real gas-saver. I don't know why I waited to long to own one.'1 LETTERS irom owners nare oeen streaming In to Studebaker I headquarters from all sections of America outspoken, fact-packed, impressive letters praising the remarkable relisw bility and low-cost performance of Studebaker cars. Wc publish a few of those comments here. They tell you , why Studebaker owners these war days appreciate Studebaker engineering and craftsmanship and hold on to their cars. tat Arar oTuDcBAKER WEASEL rwinemea me neaiei Mteui er m tftelth and iwlrrneii, 111 iure.feefed tree lien en virtually any hind ef terrain, this mw vehttle Ii (Mweted by a lludeheher Champlen engine end bultl by Sludebaher under ccntract with the Ordnance Deperia ment, Army Strvlee Pertei. A wahw-bofiw WeaiM, the M-ltC, Ii new In Mrvlee. ifvefbalr.r . i . rrenwr and Paetmaktr h Aunrmwv Pnar - Afore People get Automobile and Personal Loans from' The First National Bank than from any other source; FtTs Business-Like It's Fasrj Bank Rates Are Lower! If YOU need.cash see... Mill I II Any Branch OF PORTLAND "Merchants of Credit" in Oreeoft for ever 75 yeart M I M I R P IDE R A I DEPOSIT IN S U R A N C E t 0 ft 0 RXtT6 H lllIHil,IJinIM!imH!IJI.W'liei.l.ll!lal