HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE FIVE W . . , .., .(...in,illi'L1iii.illl(illl. li;iiI,ilillliif!ili.ti!1:.,hii, ! ,,n ' .. .. -I.I. I ll I'll .'. - ' their live iimnlli I AH" ' l.crn VlMII" U. Iv" ' ,' ,1 'PI 1 1 H I III P'r .fir vlilt Wlll ill I'iiiiiniiii. All.-r h "' i, i wrv iro in the canal S.rfl. III f"v. fur UIII &s I." IK ff . .. ,.,i,i.Ii..v(I by i,M;id .ndN.w. before en- Ur-r.:' . ."., Ik home " 1,1 ll.-'i-. MM. Victor . Vol". iilU'i''""K 1110 !jViiVl'"l i'1"1 w' 1 rf ll.e Alameda ,,vul 1 TwTAHMAC duly. 1 rant Newman, i m 'iti .1 Cll-PIMIH Will. Wrlcun army. ICr" rdu.-n.-il Monday T"P "rn Vial 1X.I..IH In '"'.,..1 i,i will he under It. I lor nultc "mn win rra" " Hi, rorllniKl. 1 MMl"ln-""Th" ,f,'!u,"r Nof IMP wrycuui.Minc. n . T.....lt.ra llhftm U- t ?,i v.- i,i.m' Thursday. No- El J at 7::l ! I". Thcrn titration of ncliool c m. larenu oi k. Irged 10 aiicno- '"""' Ik From Enslnd Sgl. Blckera l buck in me unu lutes alter being stationed island the pa.l I wo yearn. . . .i.m...t tnu iMirrtltK. Mr. vibiwh ---- llr. Bert Vickcrs of Modoc until the middle . ncxi .I- ...mm, tip lii to rn Ho hli new mnlion In Call. llity Members of I lie n' Missionary society of Inucl Bnpll.it church will f Thursday at 1:30 P- m nt Church. All women arc to attend. Sup to Mtt St. Paul' tins auxiliary will have a j(!ej meeting, muranny i n . at .110 parin nouaa. i no in will cw for the bazaar. FUNERALS til MAM MI NK.' MI-NORM. iWfunml mvlra tar Ih lata Wit. Itniy Mfnrltll. wh paMil away cly on Sunday. October 2S. 191. ki putt initn inc rnapvi of ma ; runerd home Laktwiew, Or . ly allarnoon. r.ovomtr 3. Hi Commitment larvlrea and Inlir. nil (allow tn the family pint in Irirk. frlcndi air totpa-l(iilly t4 attend tno itrvKoa. Ward a Dome In rharie. Maiqucrail Krollo Tim Wuii.. cn of 1 1 hi M'him) will MiuiiMir u lliillowi-fii iiuiMiui'i'iiilu Iruliu in tho Mouse hull, 'l ui-nlny rvrniiiK. October 31. All ullc.idi.ii; uiv united to come in costume, but iiiTvJ.:ci.it'.i and ll.o:.c fur wliutii II la Ion iticdi. v.'iilt nl to do t,ii, ..re unhi d to wear .".otnctliliiK in.. Umii.I. Mii'ki. will be pruvidt'd. All Moone iiii-nil'rrn Imuld brlnn thflr ImlXe re.elpt will I flill. Ili.iveiiL awurda will be kivuii and refiTjihmenla nerved. Trom Albany Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Pinker of Albany, me U.K'tla al the home of Mr. and Mra. Vl.-lnr I'lilmer, 11211 Cren cenl, "Due" I'arker wn rood. nuinler for the Siiullicni Pacific here for ninny yeiira. leavinij here five jer nun lor u kiihiI.i.' pt. altlon in Albany. To Salom -Mra. Miiitin Ilnm.i. by mid Mrs. Paul Diiltini left Alouelay for Salem, where they will upend tho week with Mrn. Aitiihel Bimh nl her hnnui there. They were accompanied as far Hit K.iKene by Mra. LimiIh Serr.tv.i, culled north by the lllucta of tier father. Raturna to Stttlo C'.-ipt. Howard Harnhlt.el, who upent the weekend tit Klamath I'ulln with hl family, returned to Seullle Sunday where he is Matlontd at the port of embarkation. Ham Iliad waa accompanied by Opt. Bob Reed, alfio of Scuttle. Calibration All Salnta' Day will be celebrated with Holy Communion and Inlerccsalona at 0:30 a. ni., Wednesday, Novem ber 1, at St, Paul's Episcopal church, it was announced by the Rev. Frederick C. Wiaacnlwch. Slatar III Mra. Ralph Porter of Lincoln street will leave Thursday for Salem, culled by the Hlnes of her sister, Mrs. George Kuuz. To Wlaeonain Richard .1. Rhork, 1H:I7 Front street, left Monday for Wisconsin for a month's visit with his mother and other relatives. Mlislonary 8ocloty The gen erul meetini! of the Woman's Missionary society of the First Baptist church will be held Wednesday, November 1, al 2 p. in.. In the church parlors. Spe ciul aptukei-s will bo Rev. Jlur ley (Smith, missionary from Bra zil, and Rev. Leonard Slglo, for int r pastor of this church. Rev. timllli will also speak Tuesday and Wedncsdiiy evenings In Ibe churcli. On Commltte Mary C'orrl- K.-in contributed to the all-cam-turn Halloween danco on Satur. day, October 20, an a member of the checkioom committee al Hie University of Oregon. Music was provided by George Carey's all-veteran orchestra, and cop. i.-esMoiiK were sponsored by liv ing organizations. Miss Corrlgan is a Junior in journalism, Lioutenant Homo Dlek Tat, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Jvl. Igl, (121) North Third, Is homo on fur lough from Fort Beunlng, Ga where he graduated from offi cers candidate school last Saturday. Townund Ladloa On Wed nesday, November I, Ihe Town send ladles' auxiliary will meet nt the home of Mrs. II. O. Myers, 500 North Ninth. Potluek lunch eon will be served at 1 p. m. Ltsgua Board A board meet ing of tho League of Women Voters will bo held on Thurs day, November 2, at tho home of Mis. Donald F. McKay, 2010 Man.iinita, at 2 p. m. All league member., urc invited. Movies Sen Scout movies of the Aln.'knn regattu will be shown to members of SSS Elk at a meeting scheduled for Thurs day at 7:15 p. m., at the armory. Back o Work Erls Fleming, who has been on a two-weeks' vacation in Los Angeles, is back to work at the M. L. Johnson real estate office. 19 Happy Oay Sewing club will meet Wednesday evening, No. venibcr 1, with Mrs. Reuben Peterson on Wiard lane. Lucky Plnochla Club Zella niaukenshlp, 312 Martin, will en tertain tho Lucky Pinochle club, Wednesday, November 1. Today On The Western Front By Tha Associated Proia Canadian 1st Army Mops up In Sclieldc area and pursues retreating Germans toward Mans river. British 2nd Army Reaches Maag river, threatening lo cut escape of fleeing nazis. U. S. lat Army Continues palrol activity in Aachen re gion. U. 8. 3rd Army Captures Mnizieres-Les-Mntz stronghold, six miles north of Met., France. U. 8. 7th Army Takes small villages of Bru and Jcan monil near Rambcrvillcrs. On Loave Families and friends of Bob Burr and Bruce Wlrth were visited last week when both boys arrived in Klam ath Falls on leave. They are at tending University of Washing ton under the navy's V-12 pro- ram and are roommates al cary hall on Ihc university campus. Both boys returned to Seattle last night. Burr Is the son of Clarence Barr, 1011 Main, and Wlrth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wlrth, Sunset. Both boyB gruduulcd from KUIIS In 143. To Farragut Richard Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Por ter, 825 Lincoln, was sworn Into the United States navy at Scat He, Wash., on October 21, and Is now at Camp Peterson, Com pany 3087, Farrugut, Idaho. Rich ard was a member of the 1044 graduating class at KUIIS. . Rtturn Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henry, 330 Martin, relumed Tuesday from a week in Oakland and San Francisco. RE-ELECT OFFICERS ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct. 31 (TP. The board of directors of North west Airlines, Inc., today re named Croll Hunter president and general manager following the annual shareholders' meet ing. All directors wpre re-elected, including R. M. Hardy, Yakima, Wash. Classified Ans Hnnf Result Speaker Youths Arrested In Connection With Car Crash ALBANY, Ocl. 31 W'j Lcland W. Spriggb- and Harold W. Kay, 16-ycar-old Silclz youths, were arrested here last night in con nection with an automobile-bicycle crash in Lebanon earlier in Ihe duy that took the life of Art Kennedy, 10, Lebanon. City policeman Frank Shoe mate, who picked up the youths on information provided by state police, quoted Sprigys as admit ting he drove the car which struck Kennedy's bicycle. Aircraft Carrierr Built lr. Portlana PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 31 (lt Two aircraft carriers, largest vessels ever built or converted 1 In the Columbia river area, will be completed here for the navy by Willamette Iron and Steel corporation. The hulls will be constructed at the Tacoma, Wash., plant of Todd Pacific Shipyards corpor-' ation and brought to Portland for completion. The contract as-: surcs full employment through 184S at the Portland yard. .'yi' u'.i i Don Bolt, traveler and com ma) n t a t o r, will be th first speakor to appear on the Rotary sponsored Institute of Interna tional Undemanding at Klam ath Union high school auditori um Thursday, November 2, at 7:45 p. m. Bolt has a lengthy carocr as a newspaperman and later went over to NBC as radio commentator. He also served as news editor and staff com mentator for station WAAF, Chicago. Bolt has recently en tered upon a career- of lectur ing on foreign affairs. iN-PIRTISl MEET SLATED FOR FRIDAY Klamath voters will have an opportunity lo meet the candi dates for city, county and slate offices and hear them speak at the open, non-partisan meeting to be held in the American Le gion hall on Friday, November 3, at 8 p. m. The League of Women Voters, under tho chairmanship of Twy la Ferguson, has arranged for the candidates to appear at that time, and tho Soroptimists, (he BPW, the Council of Church Women, tho AAUW and the home demon stration agent's office have pro pared questions for their inter views. A brief digest of the measures to appear on the fall ballot will be given by Richard Maxwell. Men and women of both par ties are urged to attend. No ad mission will be charged. Forests of Alaska cover about 71,347,000 acres, an area aa large as the states of Main, Missouri and New Jersey combined. Vote For DOROTHEA BUCK Democratic Candidal For' County Commissioner Pd. A4r. hy Doralfees Bek The bureau of animal indus try of the U. S. department of j agriculture was founded on May 20, 1884. 1 TO 1 1 I r . 11:1 1 ' 1 General a Paints Imperial Wallpaper 515 Main St. Phone 3829 I art '1 ii Lai GIRLS! GIRLS! If You Can Sing or Have Any Talent Whatsoever Report to 1 15 South 4th St. Yo Oldo PinochU Club Ac nace Lowe, 2640 Homedalc, will hn hosier to Ye Olde Pinochle club, Thursday, November 2. 3 drope Id icb atri! hrinh rwrobftoM, cold nlufTed com optni. Cau tion : Uwonlydirtctd PENETR0N08I PROM DERICK LYNN OdriOHNr uniril itrvict (or Ihi lat fr(1. unn Oitwrne. who (Miietl wy u fiV on Katurttav. Uctotxrr an, fllt take place with A fravrildo ' in iha natiar ffmattry, nakir, , WfJniKja), Novtntir 1. it J. AO -in ine nt v. winner of irtfl dm rhurch oi thai eliy o(. nitrmani will follow in th ptat Ward i Klamiih runaral If TTV llitl annii'inu Jan flthinitnn, infant rUufhtrr- ruin, urt?., pairi away in lly Jfan wi nnliva n( Klam i urnnri nr pnrrnti, aha It by htr patirnal grandmnthar. ' and har al !- ...I afi-i )! hi ail Rohlninn r,t Uanlnpb V nanfjmolhar, Rntl ?Umula m ralli. Or. Oravei I ft a aarv. ra In id in i mi.. .in. . Oflohrr 31. with InUrmtnt H In tht hahy row. Ward' fTuniral hmrtt In charia. 1 IN MKMORIAM ijad frandmnther, Mable rranrii J uP.S.i'1 Wny 01,0 ye,r Liiv in,,n r"ir nn-mory, S'nf ona w Invert n rt.riv nnvtr been calld away. iiny illrni irara art) T1 c,h" am aileep. .had cbllitna "'. ana Mn. "'mIh."' W' P'.'iu Mrl, w, u me, 1 CAlr, Mb - 1 rS-niSS I' anri ii r" "nil Bnvarly K OUT ICR E JOKER" "Barli. Bill". Ju,t .. i "drys" ire it It V your frdom Prohibition, TE313XU0 "'Jrojlbllloi, Commllla. ""-stion, Chalrmani Jiometaum (laiut for Willis E. Mahoney Candidate for United States Senator i m -a-. h . hnS ) W jfrV X laV V 1 H-agBaaaMaStwaaaiiil Hear tht man who beeamt Klamath Fall famous mayor by popu utar write - in vote! TONIGHT - 8:00 P. M. ARMORY FREE DANCING! Baldy' Band 9:00 to Midnight YOU ARE INVITED STATE-WIDE RADIO BROADCAST 8:0Q P. M. PARADE Starting from Willard Hotel at 7:30 iharp bring your car and join in. Pd. Adv. KUmath Democratic Club. T A LOOK OF IMPORTAf4CE Finest Suit Tailoring All Wool Fabrics All-wool worsteds and gabardines. A tailored smoothness that lasts! A mul titude of stripes and plcii'.s. 2975 Men's Broad Shouldered Overcoats ' Soft fleeces, smooth coverts, durable Cavalry Twills, warm Cheviots every one all-wool! Drown, Blue, Tan. 2475 t ; AUSTELLE fCsb MgrA DRESSES 7 j90 tethx. Whip -slim princess designs, pi, ;H f;AjffiS'i "fCul side-buttoned from arm to hem. -a 1 : fcsjv.-c" fe 4it4' Gay embroidered pockets I tyk ' - lfV". " J i ''y'Jt Jt against warm fall tones. Of soft I f, ' Vt V VpZ3 spun rayon In sizes 12 to 20. ' K" jh I ? ff" Vl -.1. VA Backlog of Your Wardrobe M f) 4.-V CLASSIC WINTER COAT V. 'ii V f t I Dove-soft woolens, brilliant colors, ' -J- Si 1 'en new s688011 excitement to these &L 'FS's W I carefully tailored Chesterfields and f l'aKI t I boy coats. Jet black velveteen touches, ' ill V VSjlfclM tiff flashing buttons and softly rounded kUVWJiS' jyL Vi lapels add the newly important dress- M'i "a maker softness. Interlined., Sizes 9 to SECOND FLOOR Full Fashioned HOSE """i,,,, 1:''J 86c '2 r I $ Duration Sheer! They wear? WijV W-jf s ts They're beautiful! Colors I SA'? ' x r cight for wu Rayon" ' I Coitume Handbags "gfi Style and service in these sturdy fabric and simulated leather hand bags for fall. MAIK TLOOIt MEN'S COTTON SLACK SOCKS Fine combed cotton In colorful stripes. ' " SUes 10 to 12. MEN'S 100 FUR FELT DRESS HATS Decorative band. Genuine leather sweat band.. Siios 6'H to 7'A. ' MEN'S TOPFLIGHT DRESS SHIRTS Sanforized shrunk. Fine quality broadcloth Prints and stripes. Sizes 14 to 17. Blue and brown, g tJQ 1.19 Prints! Just Arrived! 36 in. rayon and cotton spun biended prints. All new patterns and colors. Shepherd Dusting and Polishing Mitt 25 For household use and also for polish ing autos. Will not scratch. Boys' Poplin Jackets Durable repellent finish. Metal zip per. Natural color with plaid lining. Sizes small, medium and large. Reduced! All Wool Botts 2-100 Comfort size, 72x90. Made of al! new material. Moth-proofl Boys' Ear Muffs AaiustaDic metal bound ear muffs complete with outing lining. Rich winter colors of red, blue, maroon, green and white, ; Boys' Whit Shirts . 98c Medium weight broadcloth. One pocket model. Full cut. Size 6 to 1 9 DOWNSTAIRS ' . ' 1 t "' fotl.ind MAIN FLOOR