19-M her 31. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE THREE, 0m ID MEET BACKERS J, v Millmliey. 'IHHllllllll) l)-1..h.-...?i sn.lrn sennit-' '!'".'." ffl'U ,k '(Till Kl""'"'1' fe'Sir"" to nu'...l will, l,iiiy H "! ! r company 'I"I,UX " lm-k till v- r"' ' i'l will I"'"1"' UU '" ... wi i I'"'!''' teht'i-'wlc. forming ,f m K. lMv...y.-'ll.- 5 ft, "feu ii' ""."y cu"; ' ...itlcc Will IIM-XIU lllld 'i , si . ii will give f'l.lri.M uf'w'l'" ' . j"'1.' In tonight' pro- i "rpri'sriiliitmi of the inters- . " iV. V sr ...i ..il.' inn .dales. I n E, w il i.- mvii hy P. c. Eon ! I'"."""' "r Seventh Aihcii t rim" ". a! b Ic il"""1 111 11,0 l"''""ry lT'.Y.,,,,,, Mnlioney's mil!- Hill"" bde School eedball is Start I orndo school spccdbnll Lent "t imil,:,;',iyl',"'1l lav mornliiK ii Mills field, !'airvlcw surklng Riverside the first gnmo ol the reorc nt Hi" "" wn" 7n )alc Musknpf win ItlKli of the tilt Willi four point i credit- Lloyd Hartley d up the lone counter for ide on a free kick. walloped Fremont 13-4 second dash mid led 11-1 half. Dob Casper ac d lor six points for tlio m, while Koiuild Lowell three for Fremont, he finiil battle of the day Jvclt dropped the Pelicans rt4-2 count. The iicoro was (favor of the I'ellran at the liny mnrk, but Roosevelt Tlmck lo run up four points A Isnt half to take the ball 4 Del Cummlngs scored Ivlniiinii two points for f elt In the last minute of II he championship bracket lew will meet Mills Wed fr, November 1, at 4:30 J On Thursday at 4:30 p. in. ide taken on Fremont In insolation flight unci Hoosc ho drew a bye, will play Bnner of the Falrvlew-Mllls f Friday nflcrnoon nt the slimo. jfo contest arc under the islon of Athletic Director fcak and are all played on field. If the weather forces JSC of schedule il will be need os soon as possible. o Sportsmen Added Day. cial Season f'ISTON, Oct. 31 .VP. Jrn Idaho simrt.smnn rr. both n special dcrr html- isnn nilrl n. .1 slnto Ji a V khiiiu com- ni-iiuy, special season will be held November 1 to December ihe David Thompson mime .. ummry iKijucont to ii or Jnpc in Bonner conn ie Krnprul i ' ".'ii i, urn is l,fr I to HO. The ncllnn ,Mn in etrnrt to curlnll itinv i.. '. "s i naiiKs iDjy liislend of the federal I Vlr J m"(l0 l'0S- Ri " ",lnsc; nnl-llt Wnho "(lays, Wednefln. j IhroiiKl, November 20. hif. "IJinnted that i inn 1 ",c center loon i m"fo than l'00() desrees Fnhrcn- fngest Skipper V ' ' iff.-- q amim"Jn ""ehant ma- lofi'l,l',,nd.spln,,, n Bouih n m.""or esam DMt hl ad birlhda,. Battleship Iowa At Anchor Armtd with the moit mod.rn array of gum. the battleihio USB Iowa lloi at anchor and motlon oM awaiting the call to action. The "Big I" It an arch-type of the U. S. navy'i neweit clan ol battloihlpi. (AP wlrephoto from navy).. Midland mfUn& MeuAi k.anaell Valley Visitors last week at II, c homo of Mi', mid Mrs. Louis ltaiulall were her piuents, Mr. mid Mrs. Arthur KUMrom, her mints, Mollle Speuce and Helen Mlehelson, all of .Seattle, and her aunt mid undo and cuuslii, Mr. mid Mrs, Mori Mlelielson and Lois unci Gordon of i'orl laud. Mrs. Lyndall Hoblson of Ml. Hebron spent several days with Mrs. Lloyd Cilft and family. Mrs. Mary Dearborn of Bonanza wns an nvemiuht uuest at the Gifts on Wedne.idiiy. Oble Newton and his sister, Mrs. Judkins, havo moved to their new home near Crescent City. Newton recently sold his Lnnifoll valley ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Johnson and Mrs. Mary Dearborn re turned Sunday afternoon from southern California where they spent two weeks visiting rela tives and friends. Dorothy Itevell left last week for bcattlu where she will lake n plane to return to her job at AiichoniKe, Alaska. She has been vIsilinK for several weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Kevetl. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith und daughters Marilyn, Barbara and Elsie, of Yreka, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jarkson, Sharon and Malcolm, of Klam ath Kails, spent the weekend with Mrs. Jackson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Teare. They nil helped in the potato harvest. Bud Harris, Slc, and Mrs. Harris will arrive soon for a 10-day furlough with his grand parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. Allan Gale, Mrs. Lloyd Popple, David and Roger of Klamath Falls spent Inst weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank I'epplo. Howard Pepple returned to his home at Seattle October 24 after spending 11 week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pcpplo, Mr. and Mrs. Orn Johnson and Mrs. Mary Dearborn were Sunday dinner guests nt the Les Leavltt home. L. W. Monroe of Cave Junc tion Is here visiting his daugh ter, Mrs. Reg Thomas and fam ily. Mrs. Clarence Walker, sister-in-law of Mrs. Oscar Campbell, underwent a major nperntlon nt Medford last week. The Walkers lived in Langell valley many years before moving to Ashland and have many friends here who wish her n speedy recov ery. Mrs. -Anna Gift and Mrs. Edith Ebnugh left this weekend for their home nt Onkland nfter visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Lloyd Gift nnd fnmlly. Mrs. Elliott House nnd Jean wc.ro Monday visitors at the Leavitl home. Will Elder and his grand daughter of Rogue ltlver spent Sunday Willi Mr. mid Mrs. Os car Campbell and family. The Edlers lived In Langell vullcy ID years ago. Sympathy Is extended lo Frank Dearborn and relatives who received word that his brother, Ollle Dearborn, died Saturday nl Sautu Monica, Calif. Mrs.' Harry Fra.ler nnd her mother, Mrs. Smith, arc visiting nl Cave Junction with Mrs. L. W. Monroe. Silas Burnett of Grants Pass is visiting his son, Bill and family, for a few days. Mrs. Ray Mnrchanl and three children spent Wednesday in Klamath Kails with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,' Lester Jones. Mrs. John Sullivan had the misfortunt of having $120 stolen from her purse while picking strawberries Inst week In the Al Gnle garden. Mrs. Gale was in Klamath Kails and no one was in the house nl the time the money wns tnken. They hnvc no clues to the thief's identity. Mrs. Charles Revcll, Mrs. Krank Dearborn and Hazel Mor rison were out from Klamath Kails on Wednesday. Mrs. Barney Brown spent Wednesday afternoon with Cora Lenvltt. Mrs. Ella Roads was a visitor nt the Lcavitt home on Tuesday. Mrs. Louis Rnndall Is spend ing n few days with Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Campbell while Louis is nt Barnes valley gath ering cattle. Willard Keller has been home from F'arragul visiting his wic and three small sons, and his father,. Alfred -Keller. Mrs. Rny Davis entertained with a turkey dinner on Wed nesday evening in honor of her husband on his birthday. Guests were Roy Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie- Campbell, Dcanna Campbell, Dennis Davis . and Mrs. Davis. Joe and-John No'rk are build ing n machine shed nnd work shop, Tlioy nrc also gelling their winter wood. Arbee Roberts is doing, some land leveling for the Liskcy brothers this week. He expects to move to Swnn lake in the near future. Tulelake 1 Mrs. Chester Mnln, president of the auxiliary of Tulelake post, No. 104, American Legion. Mar" vln Thomas, commander of the post. Mrs. Thomas, state marshal und Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott attended a meeting at Alluras last Sunday for delegates of diS' trict No. 2. ' Howard Dayton and Loetli Duiilnp were in Alluras also this week in the interest of the Legion. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Thomas had as their house guests this weekend, Mr. nnd Mrs. Krank Hnrdisty, Eugene, ..who' came down for the. shooting. Patricia 1 nomas, senior al the university of Nevada, Reno, and her young er sister, Dorothy, freshman at the university, have both been nomo recently, iioromy was re cently honored when elected president of Delta Delta Delta pledge group. Patricia was ac companied to Tulelake by Phyl lis Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snyder. Mt. LaM sl'i:iIAI.IKT'H Oliolcni L'i formuU cent hr Thornton ft Ulnar Cllnlr. lUlktro pile rmln. llrhlntr, BArrnrfi QUICK 1 Then trniU to ohrlnk unrlllnir: Boftrno. Ort 11.00 tubo Thornton ft Mlnor'a Urvtal Olntmrnl. Or frt Thornton ft lllnnr Itrrtnl RtirtMltorlM. pnlv trw rrnlo rnoro. Tr nOirrOHS' war TODAY. At all food Uruc Blare cverwbart. - Potato harvest in this district is rapidly coming to a close this WCCK. Byron Botkins of California visited at the home of his sister, mrs. ban, ,nman tins week. Mrs. J. E. Malcy of Redlands, Calif., visited with her sisters, Mrs. Percy Dixon and Mrs. Rich ard Fleming, a few. days last week. She was accompanied nomc uy her niece, ens r lemlne, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Semon, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. G. S Thompson nnd Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Enman, spent the week at the summer home of Somon's on the Umptiua river. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Grise, who recently sold thoir home here, will move soon to their new home and farm in the Dairy com munity, : If It's a "frozen" article vou need, advertise for a used one in the clnssified. p5fs I mm ' 7m iieuli ONARCjtf 5 100 ethvr MONARCH FOOM-all fait OvWl NATIONAL APPLE WEEK . . . OCT. 2 8-NOV. 4 ( r. r'H') ! $.. mn HEALTH from the MAGIC VALLEY ! , l ht t ) 1 3. . s4 TO Tons ol health in the form of big. Juicy Wcnatch.ee apples choice fruit from the 1944 crop in Washington's famed "Magic Valley" are in your favorite markets. - Your lads In uniform, 'in this country and overseas! will share in this year's bountiful Wcnatchee apple crpp. Thousands of boves of thcse.fine apples premium fruit anywhere In the world I have been moved to military depots and civilian markets in Great Northern's fleet of modern refrigerator cars. II. I. WAYNK, Grnrrnl Agenl , G. N. Slnllott Klumatlt FttUg, Oregon ,, , ro.f. nh0 EMPIRE BUILDER Jl ' "V: : Malin Tho 1f,.lln lli.n.l L'ii,.,.lu ...111 ro.iitnn rf.di.li.,. mutillili m.w.l. ingg next month und the Novem- ucr x meeiiu js scneuuieu 10 oe nt the homo of Mrs. Clurcnce Hundley on' the stnlo line. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry E. Wilson have had us their house guests, Wilsons brothers, It, J. ami Frank Wilson, both of The DaileH. Tho men uern rloun fnr the pheasant. hunting. j mrs. Alec bnruizsKi and ciaugh-1 lor Shirley, arc in Portland 1 where medical aid is sought for Shirley. I Mrs Mnnl irnmnru BAnnnH ; grade teacher, is making her home with Mrs. V. Rujnus. Ann Oolczol visited friends in Pnrtlnnri rlnrincr flm Inul u,.r.u- nt the potato harvest vacation. several Malm boys in training in various branches of the serv ice, navo been home on short Franklin Elzncr and George urazu, bom 01 tnc naval training base at Farragut, Idaho; Earl Ir vin, who has returned to the navy base at San Diego after vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Irvine Sr., and Air Cadet Jimmic Ottoman, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ottoman, who is in training at Santa Ana, Calif. romona grange will meet in Mnlln. Nnvolnhfir 11 Plane; (nr. entertainment of the visiting grangers was made at the last meeting held October 24. .a. jc. sircoi, Mrs. rsthel Ham ilton, and Mrs. Harry Wilson were appointed to serve as a nominating committee for the new corps of officers to be elect ed next month, A, M. Thomas spoke on post war nlanninrr in Klnmnth nni.n. Service Men and Women - Home on Leave Measles Lead County Disease Cases " Measles led the communicable disease report for 'the week end ing October 21. when 17 cases were reported in Klamath coun ty by the Oregon slate board of health. There were four cases of chicken pox, four of mumps, two of syphilis, and one of goncus rhea. J There were 32 deaths In' Klamath county during August and they wore listed by cause as follows: tuberculosis, 1; can cer and tumors, 6; diabetes, 1; heart disease, 0; pneumonia, 2; digestive diseases, :i; suicides, 1; accidents, 1; other known causes, 9. S 2c R. C. Nowman from Colorado college, Colorado Springs, Colo. Here until No vember 7. AMM 1c Donald J. Rose from North Africa. Here until No vember 23. . Pvt., Harold Ogle from Mos cow, Ida. Here until Novem ber 4. Cpl. Jamoi Barnes, U. S. army air corps, from Tyndall Field, Fla. Here until November 6, for Lincoln, Ncbr. SC 1c John H. Alhey. U. S N., from Camp Elliott, San Diego. Home until November 4. The above sei'Vlce people are entitled to free passes to the lo cal theatres and free fountain service at Lort River dairy by courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the theatres and R C Woodruff ol the dairy. Pleaso call at . The Herald and News ofiice (ask foi Paul Haines) for your courtesy tickets r- NEW kind of ASPIRIN tablet doesn't upset stomach VJ.yilCN you need quick" relief from i paiu.uu )uunctiic io skc aspirin ; because it leaves you whh an upiec I stomach? If so, this new medical dii covery, iumm, is just wnat toe doctor ordered" for you. Super In It aspirin plus contains the same pure, safe aspirin you have long known but developed by doctors in a special way for those upset by aspirin, in its ordinary form. This new kind of aspirin tablet dissolves more quickly, lets the aspirin get right at the job of relieving pain, reduces the acidity of ordinary aspirin, and does not irritate or upset stomach arts -after repeated doses Tear this out to remind you to set ' Superin today, so you can have it one hand when headaches, colds, etc. strike. -See how quickly it K relieves Dain how fine you fed .fi tik. () 15 ind 39- mm Ikeda Sentenced On Theft Charges j NEWELL Tamotsu Tom' Ikeda, 21, Japanese-American formerly at Loomis, Calif., was sentenced to 30 days in Jail Mon day at a disciplinary hearing at the Tulelake center for stealing a four-pound piece of pork from the project slaughter house where he worked, the WRA re ported. Acting Project Director Har ry L. Black' presided. Ikeda will serve his sentence in the Klamath county jail. WIDE OPEN ALBUQUERQUE. N. M Oct. 31 (P) The trouble with New Mexico's wide open spaces, say the men who drive its school buses, is that they're all clutter ed up with fences. The drivers are asking for legislation to force replacement of gates with cattle guards. The state school transportation director reports that one poor fellow whose route cuts through livestock pastures must open and close 22 gates twice daily, i ATTENTION'Mr. and M rs. VOTER! IK " ' 'jJ-S ..'1 mniieeniu if an in xiiii If you wont cleaner streets end a better-looking city of Klamath Falls, vote for Walt Wiesendanger for mayor. He has been active in city beautification projects for many years. He was instrumental in giving away over 6000 rose bushes for the improvement of Klamath Falls, and also in getting the power poles off Main street. Walt Wiesendanger wants and has constantly worked for cleaner streets and a better town. Klamath Falls can be and must be a town that residents will take pride in and visitors will admire and appreciate. Pd. Adv. Walt Wiesendanger T11"'1'1 ! liiiWSasi II III IIMI IMIIIII II WIS LOipWIJlJl MwMi3tra.rBsff'.'rt v'.rtu..--.ia'.w...., . SOVIRNOR THOMAS I. Dtwrf, Repubtt. can Presidential nominee, minced no words when declaring his position on labor in nn nd dress ni Seattle, Washington, Sept. 18. Cover-, nor Dewey Intends to bring the U. S. Depart. , , mcnt of Lnbor back to the status for which it was created to administer the affairs of labor. . Governor Dewey pledges himself lo abolish the niany multiple agencies set up by the New . Deal to pass on labor-management relations, . ' but functioning more to retard than expedite labor problems. The Republican candidate for . the Presidency of the United States, lias prom ised the American people that he will select as Secretary of Lnbor, a man from the ranks of Labor. t' "Amorig the things which have been hold ing us back here at home is an Administration Labor Policy which has bred class division, hale and insecurity. I can say without quali fiea lion that the labor policy of this Sdmini.lra- lion hat been one of delays, bungling and in competence. It has put untold obstacles in the ; way of labor's effort to avoid warliine strikes. I It has fostered strife between one labor group ' nd another, between labor and business nnd between both ami government." Thomas E. Dewey AMrM-SrnUb, ITim., 5flnor If, IM. Si' " ''-;X ,3' 4t4. m i.,i -: l v & 1 L .r limn i if Siiin in -r -'"r'-i 9 4k VOTE FOR DEWEY AND BRICKER OH NOV. 7 Pd. Adv. Klamath County Republican Central Committee mmmmmmmmmmmmKmmtBBmKaasmmaBKBBmwm