PACE NINE 16 H.lp Wanted. Male 34 Autornottve 34 AutomotlT 34 Automotive 14 OttT 14 Automotive 34 Automotive, WANTED HFRALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON fZTvltnUx' Male v Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- CASH FOR YOUR . CAR We Will Pay Full OPA PRICES SEE ROSE WE NEED MEN AND WOMEN FOR ESSENTIAL WORK Lubrication Man Car Polisher Used Car Polisher Mechanic Helpers These Are Steady Jobs In Steam Heated Garage C,PT A POSITION NOW THAT WILL LAST AFTER THE WAR IS OVER DICK B. MILLER HERE IS THE PLACE TO SELL YOUR CAR Corner 7th and Klnmnth L uniber yard where conditions ore good, go see fiohnny Tipton at the Mecca Billiards, 531 Main Street. Leration which is an essential Industry. WOODS; Choker Sotters and' Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. Hw Todav iimr NOW OI'N Mln. ilnr, cnicr. Lar-PUiin. pewr1lr. divon find fhlr. - murMi. w nlwrm neatly nf) Illy on . m ilHiiil I ni Orl. 'it. i Pank.y loI mil! hlck Cotfkr ft! oV. I old. whit on while nn rfMM. rmiirr iir t Slate P()!lc II hi., main PBiii finu rnhc)r t nrai.y. KN(if NOT HE tirsPONHini.r for ilMlli contrrid fur Klamath rrMnn Snrvlr- "ti no niiajr , 1)14. C. ! Mm,,r..on, 11-1 in-Ciirln(-rit alteration lariy chJri- or i"Pnniem, .s.nv pjoA ,. Crali'i. 10-30 0.l.4Vnmm irMrn limit, full patrt1 lit rrt. narilwooq Pfrd tlihl Will BOX UM. iltrild and Ntm-a. 10Jt Furntthad or imfurnUhad E or apartmant, modtrn. P'rm- irfluplf. No pu, no rlttlrirn. nti. Mr. water. u-i i vicinity rf Kioulre theatra. Itthr btllfclit with name on front. ilD Waihlngton. 10-31 M Ton SI'tlAV PAINTINO hrint,-d nw rwfi, M7lf llnutrVrvocr. lop wtcei. 1113 Tulalakr. at noon nr in. Wriu rthr lit I Ion. III. 1. ct, TUlliKa, Calif. 11-4 -Gift of hl(h arhnol f lo iin i cniidr, A nlghta a TmwJiy thiouih Saturday. Ph. UMlf - Clerking In grocery itorr. TMI. 10-30 NT TO A0Ut,T8, unfurnlahvd uroom noma u aid oweni Bt., Will bt vacant Thuraday. Nov. ulri I. A. Dunham, Oak. 10-30 .NT -3-room hnuta with Mint oi lurnmift, is oo a month. intr Una. Dtona 1A00 vt U-l Ll--room hnu in Shipping- or win iraoa r or tral I nr l.n.... gmit"" after 5 p. m. U-l FOR RAi.r m..i... ... Ipctrlc wainr hr-nler, all mo' On Hiahwav ha n.. paiimg Junction, Phone 10-31 JLE BY OWNEB-.rni home " ,Dt'n. iarge 141. Jj-a-btdroom home, ((replace. RiMmTV' hardww, "oora. :i3i n.. n,",,r' rar on Ileal, Dulck irdanelto, 1'hnno STT.1 Knworth log truck. UUrl. hn,wn . spiVcof. L"T ""h burner in.-in 1U-3U . SB' S JlJPPlU. 10-31 uu,i, ' .. It'll M...; nou or na ,;,' '"iin. no t.ifph,r. 4,:: prem D fc Klin.. ik ..... . . Jv nlmn. it m., I in. inrmhrt, enrdlillv mvnrn , 3 " lH Dlvlnlon l p. UU 'uimci, I'liylMI t- 1 lonnil CSiind Found T"v ".id ,M.','d rTO"IP'". o- HJOtf ku mnA men in all these denartmartU nf Aur Ge)nri Notlctt MAKE LAKE O WOODS your heed quertere during hunting Maaon flee taurent. atore. eervlce elation and rahini available Make reiervatinm any 3401 10 SvrvicM PLUMBING SERVICE Plumbing lc Healing Equipment Initialled and Impaired DAVIS PLUMBING CO. We Hurry Phona 7835 10-30 Refriqeration Service KELVINATOR Factory Authorized Service Household and Commerclol Phone 6817 OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. 127 So. 6th St , II-Um Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP IS Yean' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 8:30 P. M. ll-lm CRATING STORAGE Local and Long Distance HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE ABenta for United Van Linoi 101 Klamath Phone B672 10-30 FALLS f LJCTRIC CENERAL REPAIRING Light Plant.. Gentratnn. Cltetri Moton Rewound and Rapatrad. Gaa Enflne, Ovarhaulad and Re paired. Agent (or Deloo Uflht Plant and Balterlea. AM Sr Frnnrk 5t. Ph. (,262 ll-llmo HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE Elaelrle Ranee and Water Heater Repair and Service Clark Rowlings tnrmirlV With CoorH Rat. M0 Paclllo farraca Phone UM ll.aom ASPHALT ROOFS APPLIED Free Estimates. All Types. Guaranteed, Phone 4838. 133BU trrMBTiTrHmfl DRBRMMAKlNfl. Buttone and Burklt, covered. Alleretlnna on new end otd riothlnff. Mrs. It. M. Alienoer, i.u Main. Room alt Pfc. Tliu. 10-31m WANTED window waihlnf. Phone JI40. 11-1.1 MAKR VOUR DATt In advance lor paperhnngera at J, E. Patterton and Ron paint Slora. IU ail Main. Phono .laat. to-aim ftwni'if? v.Hiti rl.cANtn.Hlvt mo darn equipment. Call 3330. It f. King. U-H UKMQTI-ivlllun INI) ALTKRATlONtt- Ncertlecrall Shop, liaa Mein Phone 4T03. '" KI.ECTnoLUX CLIANIRR, oomplete eervlco. Phone 717. 1MI Main at. 11-aomo Mra. Enid Biirch, oal oak, nhone Tain for appointment. li-am wiu, care row CHn.OREN In my home, age .1 yoara and older. Phpne ON MOST LATE MODEL CARb SELL TODAY Ashley ChevroletCo. (io so. nth st. 10 Service Al.TFRATIONfl Coat,, .till, rrtlned and mane to order Mr,. Zwelgart. 1B44 Lowell. Phone rata 10-aim (KIN PAINTING - Rohl O Grltman Phone O0O7 1703 Pierce St 10-31 mc BEPTIC TANKS CLEANED and In. telled. Phone 7033. 12-20 fOn MACIIINEIiy TltntlDLE and In- alaiutlon, also electrical eppllance re pair, phuna 7310. 300011 TIIEODOnE DICKKON. tlphol,lcrlng rurnlture Simp. upholatorhiR. repnlr log. rvllnlihlng. ,prlna- reconditioned Phone 4317 30l Bhaita Way ll-Om AVON PRODUCTS - Mr,. Pcail no,,. Phone 0144. 1114m 13 Hoalth PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 153 Granite St. Ashland. Oregon Phone 70U1 Graduate in Charge H H a I p W a n t e d F m a 1 o WANTFIl l.adv for awllehboard work Wlllard Hotel. 1030 WANTLD nirl for hounework and ram of 3 children. Phone 7S16 WANTED-A woman to caro for In valid lady. Write Don 33. Matin. Ore gon. 1030 WANTED Middle aged lady lo d. homework. The beat of wagea. call 3715. 3801,1 ( WAITED Wattreaa and dlahwaaher Wo man preferred Apply el R liter I Coffee Shop SSMtt WANTF.D-Soda fountain girl. Exper ience not required. Apply In person. Lee llendrlck Drug. 3313 S. 6th. lOGfttf WANTED-Salenlady for drug store, age 31 lo 43. Selling experience not re quired but desirable. No eoda foun tain work. Apply In pmon. Lee Kendrlcki Drug Store, 3313 S. flth. loaatf LADY rOR orriCE WORK - SUndnrd Cleanera 506H WAITRESS WANTED In Mountain IXKtge, Board, room, good salary. Open all year. Phone collect Crea Dell Lodge. U-l WANTED Woman cook on atock ranch, email crew. Permanent Job and good wacea. Write Dox 1010, care Herald and Newa. 113 WANTED Houaekeeper, refined, for employed lady with aon aged atx, at once. Write or phone collect. Chief Nitre. W. TV A.. Newell. Calif. 11-8 16 Htlp Wanted. Malt WANTED Man and wife to work on ranch. Woman to cook, small crew. Permanent and good wages. Write Box 134A care Herald and Newa. 11-3 PA1NTEHS WANTED One epray man. five bruvh men. 0 hour day. Thone 4037 after 0;30 evenings. 3831tf wanted Man and wife for chore Job. mint ha ftttniirlenced with mllklna ma chine. Modern house, wood, llghta and water furnished Permanent lob rood wagea. Call 7014. 3.105 tf tu a NTiro Mn anil bova io set nine, Light work, good nay. Apply Bowling Alley. 810 Main p. m. or any evening. Saturday or Sunday. 1731U WANTED - Boy to ehlne shoes after school and Saturdays Medical-Dental nirlaT. Rarber Shoo. 33Btf u aj Tn u-nnK in cleaning room. Standard Cleaners. M3t( n a MTin Mn and hovt to set Din. Light work, good pay. Apply bowling alley. DIP Main. 7 p. m any evening. Saturday or Sunday. naif tititn TiiTirw nniVKlia WANTED Peyton V Co. 3400tf WANTED-Mechanlc, radiator man, and Phone 774. Box 178, Lakovlew. 10-31 SINGLE MEN WANTED lo work In sawmill. Lowr-at wage l.oo per hour. Meals 43c enrh. No htinkhouse charge, rurnlsh your own hlanketa. Mill on HOCK crro-i, iniira burg. Apply Douglna County Lumber CO., nnOin O, VI, n. liniuiiint uiMin Tilrte . RoebvirB. Oregon. ul 18 Siltinttoni Wanied WANTSD-Paper hanging. Phone IITIW, lit 'coliler and general office worker de,lrea poiltlon. Can anpply rotor- nr.. Phnno 07411. l-:in 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD-aat Michigan. .An. BnlDli.flutllmi.ll 1fllt7 Crpl "Vint1 it-a 22 Roomt Foi Rem ROOM FOR RENT 1028 Jefferaon ROOMS DM High. II Phone 4113 28 Mlicellanoou' Pot Rent rOR RENT-Floor aandere. edgera and wallpaper removing macntnea. j. c Patlerann Paint Store. Phone 3324 122B Ea,t Main. 10.31m ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS and edger rented Do your own work. Inquire Paint DODC MONTGOMERY WARD CO 10-31-1 KOR ItENT-Beauly ahop, llcenaad and partially equipped, rn. 33B7. 10-3U Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE 296-acre farm on Klamath river. one mile above Kcno. Known as the Charley Nelson place All level tillable land. Grain. alfalfa and onions. All irrigat ed. Free water right. a , 840-acro stock ranch, known as McColluni ranch. 70 acres Im itated bottom land. 100 acres dry farming, balance hill pas ture land. TOM CALMES Kcno, Oregon. 1947-tf ANNOUNCEMENT llitve opened a new office at 1213 Muin street. Desire list ings of homes, farms and busi ness property. Have several buyers now for homes close in, also farms, and one wanting income property. J. W. SANDERS REAL ESTATE A COMFORTABLE HOME ' One short block off Oregon Avenue on graveled street. Lo cation affords good view of Up per lake, and Is only five block from Conger school. Attractive living room 14 x 22 feet, car peted wall, to wall, many win dows, knotty pine den would serve as third bedroom. There is a large insulated fruit room and laundry; lawn, trees and fenced yard. Price $3750. Bogue Dale, Realtor 120 S. 9th Tel. 6972 or call owner, tel. 8237 10-31 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8491 tl-14m SALE S Urge rooms, hath without plumbing. L-arge porcn aneiosea, fruit room, double garage, woodshed, rhirira-n hrtttitv lMrtHe water heater, u acre. 4104 Altamont Dr. 1091 ron SALE Sheep pasture . 840 acres alfalfa and timothy mixed, south of Malta call Ltakey Bros., tvi. boic rnn RALE 1 A1 acre with 2 -room cabin. 204 Hope. Inquire on Sun days. U-13 WILL SACRIFICE four-room modern home with fireplace, aunporch, Insu lated fruit room, chicken house, large garage ana snop. wait acre lrngaiea, nice lawn and trees, 3005 Treldt Ave. Phone Wins. 1031 TOR SALE Broom modern home, part ly furnlshnd. Basement, furnace. Close to Weyerhaeuser and school, Price for quick sale, 1300. Owner Is leaving. Inquire at Lien' Cash Store on Kcno road for J. M, Woodard, 11-1 FOR SALE Unfinished house and lot, priced very reasonable. 3031 Board man. 1030 rnn rai.E La rare new house, full base ment. S acres, fenced. In Stewart addition, or will trade for city home, inmilr at Lien's Store for W. Mull. 11-2 FOR SALE-li acre with 4room fur nished house electric range refriger ator. $2.M0 cash or 93800 terms, fttooo down. 1313 Summer Lane, Call at home acrofs street, lft-M 34 Automotive) We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 10-Slm tenn ml tr tiMn 1 Inn.. stake style, complete, praottcally new. Call 3004. 11-S FOR PALE -1MB Plymouth tudor sedan, fl good tires. 36 rash. P3B Walnut hi., noom a, 1.111 o p, m, u Sell Your Car NOW While the Price Still Is High SEE US TODAY We Pay Top O.P.A. Prices Your Ford Dealer Since 1923 Balsiger Motor Co. Attend the Caloregon Hereford Breeders ' Association Show end Sol Oct. 29-30 Klamath County Fairgrounds 34 Automotive MOTORISTS Keep coming to us for quality motor rebuilding and We appreciate the business, and Do every job right and Without waste of time or parts. LEO'S GARAGE Uth and Main Sts Phone 6803 Mon.-Wed. For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types Also Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So 6th Phone 6942 10-31ra RECAPPING 1 Pay Service Tire Chains WINTER tUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES - ' ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. th Phone 7071 ll-13mc Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends 11-lOm TOP CASH PR1CS tor rout clean, late model car or equity, see u M. quam t BOTtrOESS MOTORS Authorized D Soto-Plymouth Parte and Sarvte. CkMdrlch Tir. Dlatrlbuto. 31 So. eui SMTU FOR SALC 103S Lincoln Zephyr eeupe. Newly overhauled and painted. Phone JOll Main, Apt. i. 11-4 SEK MTL HT.NBY at Lombard', llied Car Lot. SJt S. eth St. Top OPA CASH PRICE at once for your car. All m,KJgjgIjygTle. 11-lm uel Heatin RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 10-31m aBcaaaaaeaBBsnaEannBnoeKeeeeBeBaaiBEa 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR RAl.E-Oaraga doora, 'x", IMS Mantanlla. 10-M 38 Miscellaneous For Sale TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook top, especially priced, $57.50. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from $59.50. Circulating heaters priced from $37.90. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gets the Break He Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-tf Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ,LL RISK POLICY Coll John Sandmeyer Phone 5195 C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bldg. 9-30m Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment (or hot mopping. Sealey Bros. Phone 7709 1173-tf ALLEN Adding Machine, and rftlDXN j.,...l..M ..A . Olh VIMIMT Prlntlruf SUUone'ry Co. ll-18ra FBRTILIZtR and GRAV ClKDWtV-Roy Schmeck. Phone 0S. Rt. . Box 1042. is-lm FOR SALE 100 tone baled hay, let cut alfalfa, eata and rye. at Keno. See Guy Moore at ranch before eroeelng river or call Doug Puekett, Tulelake 7104. SS5W FOR 8 ALE One Royal Crown bottle cooler. Merit Waahlng Maehlrw Ser vice, en so. th. ii-se ALL TYPES of email gaa engine, ra n.lp.1, Rrut.nh.m.r flaw 8hon. SSI E. Main. U-lSmc fertilizer ta.e A YARD In truck. load Iota. Get your fall plowing done now before freeze, uiop your nay. uve V. feed. See A. L. Wright. Mil BUbee St.. or phone MM. 10- vni, RALE Mechanic tool, and electric rezor. Inquire 33S Division. 10-28 FOR SALE Kooleraton play pen with ped; electric train aultable par Christ maa present. Ph. 6MC-. 10-31 FOR SALE Garage doora, S ft. by T ft. 3 in. 1B33 Mantanita. iwi FOR SALE - M-T International track laver. John Deere model 'D'( wheels: tractor. No. 110 Galllon grader, rubber tires eood rubber: 1 13-ft. Interna tional combine. 3 grain drills, 1 3-fang BlOW. 1 4-gang plow, x (.upper tan- ntng mill, 1 grain (levator. Calmes, Keno. Ore. Tom laittt TNTRA-RXD ELECTRIC HEATERS UO.M. F. R. Hauger. Open All Day Saturday. SIS Market Phone 1311. 11.30m LANDSCAPING - Evergreens, flowering shrubs and trees. Make your selec tion now for fall planting. LAKB- 8H0RE GARDENS NURSERY, Phone toes. u-aom GLASS Minora, resllvarliur. Plate, wlft. dow and auto glass, rurnlture tops, shelves. Kimball's Glass Shop. SIT wainut, rnone loie. u FULLER BRUSH REPRESENT ATTVE R. V. Moreen. A.U So. Riverside ll-ea SEWING MACHINE PARTS and auo piles. All makes. Phone nil, 311S Shaata Wu. 10-31 FOR SALX-"Duteh Oven" wood range. . West.Htteheeek Corp.. 413 So. flth. 10-30 FOR SALE Gentle Jersey, giving tour gellona daily. Will be froth In Feb ruery: Jersey-Guernsey helferi 18 months; deLaval cream separator, No. 10. All tor SITS. Alto walnut bed room suite, maple cricket chatra, steel eot. bunk beds. etc. R. Plelke, Box tl-A. Chlloqulni or call Mrs. Plelk at Chlloquln High School dur ing noon hour. 10-30 FOR SAU-Olning room set. Good condition and very reason!, silt Homadei Road, FOR SALE RCA aradlo. Good condl tlon. 14a Oregon Ave 10-30 DRIVE IN TO THE ROSE MOTOR CO. PONT1AC "kt."?!.,"" USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum Phone 6130 31 Mlic.llin.aut For Sale FOR SALF Tractors and Parts IS Gas Caterpillar "60" Trac tors. Most in fair operating con dition others in need of minor repairs. Priced from $300.00 up. Also approximately $15,000.00 of Caterpillar "60" parts both new and used all in good con dition. Contact Purchasing Of fice for list of Tractors and larger inquiries on parts. The Red River Lumber Company Westwood, Lassen County, Calif. 10-30 wan sale 60-oound lard tubs, like new. Inquire at Waldorf Grill. 12Stf STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts atocked. used furniture, stoves oougni. OK Second Hand Store. S30 Klamath. Phone 0611. 10-31m FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyer. 143S Martin, pnona 0S77 - lu-aim NEW FT. ROUSE TRAILERS, also a good selection of used trailers. 16 to 30 ft. Terms. 3171 Market St. Redding. Calif. 11-34 GIVE HIM A BURGESS V1BRO-TOOL r. K. Hauger. open an day bamroar. SIS Merket. Phone 7231. 10-31 38 For tela or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE One registered Angus bull, 2 years old. and one eligible tor registration. 9 months old bull. Jack C. Bradley. Hilda brand. Ore. 11-1 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO BUY Sled with good run ners, call 312. 3ioa WANTED TO RENT 4 or S room mod' ern home, either unfurnished or parity furnished by responsible middle aged couple, no children. Phone SS73 or S441. 1938 tf WANT TO BUY 40 to 100 acre divers! fled ranch, equipped wltn farm ma chinery. In vicinity of Klamath Falls. State full price, terma and all detafla In first latter. Write 394S, care Her ald and Newa. 3S46U WANTED Small child's tricycle. Ph. 719V. IU-4I WANTED One good otl heaUng atove. inquire at Waldorf crtii. izosu WILL PAY CASH for uaed guna. Bring them In for appraisal. BELLS HARD WARE, 838 Main St. 10-31m SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR MONTIS If vou have any no-lonrer- used articles of any kind lying around your Rove or office tnen you nave . real oonorranity to help the war ef- fort In the first place, other people actually need these no-longer used ar ticles; then too the money you raise by selling things een be converted Into bonds Phone 3134. Classified Ad Dept. today arott WANTED TO RENT 2-bedroom furn ished or partly furnished house by two adults, employed In lumber In dustry. Call S14S days, and 8373 after p. m. 4510U WANTED TO RENT b.v permanent cou. pie. a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phona 607S after 8 p. m. U73U WANTED Used washing machine. Phone 3073. will nay good casn price. 1133tf WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3311, 10-31m WANTED Service men. wife and achool aged child desire living quertere. Wife will do housework in exchange for rent or any other suitable ar rancement. Write P. O. Box 563. Klamath Falls. 11-1 CHRISTMAS TREES WANTED Two carloads of silver,, white fir and apruce. Only lowest wholesale bids consiaered. loeaea on tracK. KAL,rrt M. BLAIR. Rt. 4. Box 021. Everett. Weth. 11-1 WANTED . Poultry, livestock, turkeyi and rabbin. TRULOVE'S MARKET. tip East Main. Phone 4232. 11 -4m WANT TO RENT Small, modern. fur ntshed home. Quiet couple. Ray Johnson. Gen. Del. 10-31 FOR SALE OR TRADE ti acre on Denver avenue or win trade tor car. Call 3734 mornings. 10-31 WANTED Dead and worthless animals. Phone 4038 collect. 11-27 WANTED TO BUY-Rath tub and trl cycle. Bert Peterson. Dorris. Calif, WANTED family milk cow. 1309 Kane St. 10-30 HIGHEST PRICES oatd tor nogs, veal, lambe and cattle. Johnson Pecking Co. Phone 8323, nights 3308. 10-3im WIU, PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO. Louis R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 4919 Of T178. ll-30m 44 Livestock and .Poultry Tfin At.C Tfl hasri good grade 400 wMin,e While race weaner calves, fern Calmea, Keno, Ore. 3792tt 44 Livestock and poultry rOK SALT Junior don. Bt 1, (MX mi. uoiuia vvener. FOR SALE IS head TOUng dairy eowa. u nciiera, .pnning. A. f. nneco.. Fort Klamath, Ore. 11-S FOR SALS S hoga read to butehOT. Ani -Boaramen, - lo-ao 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call On;'; P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary - Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirement Completed Come In ! Phone In or Write In Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-3A1 10-Slm Sea K. A. (Dinty) Moore For liberal; CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE . On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers yuicK service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamoth's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 10-Slm First Federal Has Plenty of Money as. Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Horns. e e Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5195 10-Slm 46 Business Oiportuniti FOR 8ALS-tn service. Mutt eell in come property. Beat Investment on your money In tewn. Cloee to main business dlttrlot. Write 1143, care of Herald and Newe. loo LUNCH STAND - Reasonable. Inquire Victory Lunch, 1139 Esplanade ol phone 7897 after 10 p. m. U-l FOR SALE HIGH GRADE REGISTERED GUERNSEY BULL CALVES, all ages. The teiulta of fine line breeding. Prove up your herd with selectd future sires. Very reasonably priced. Ship anywhar. In United, states. Write tor run particulate to 3, Wood rich, Woodbrook Ranch, Eagle Point, Or. Phon 1203. U- FOR SALE Tailor ahop with paying business located In heart of bualneis district. Ownr forced to sell because - of 111 health. Location 19 S. 1th St.. Klamath Fella, Ore. , 10-M WANTED TO BUY Ice Cream freezer. Phone 7318. . ISSStfap 1