PAGE El CUT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Our Boarding House With Major Hooft Out Our Woy By J. R. William Wsr Z0M8I& COPPER.' 11 A NICKEL -vJ TH I THE J M HE COJLDMT SEE SO CENTS t VJON FROM V K H A CIRCOS, 6UT HE J. AS WATCHM, M HAS TO STUMBLE ISN'T A BAD MMmhi t&ffi 1 AN ALLEy JPVvMrpSHAVJ IT'S YW-M 10-30 I HA.PPA PO SOME Til U.-1M1 FPE.TO 1 k WAVE (TART O" GRAWFAS CIVERIL WAR OUT PiT TO UF FER DPAV'S PRA-CTICE MARCH OF CUR BOV, MHU'LL BE THE ADMIRATION) OF PEOPLE FEK MILE5 AM" MILES a 1 rKn OUR ROUTE WITH CI Ir-u4 A GESJUINE OUTFIT.' V J lira f" FALL IN, MEN IT'S FIVE MILES TO uai Ml IT GROVE AN' WE MUM RACK RV--WELL, BY MIUvIM' TIME 9 ,,7 ar. .. i BOKM THIRTY YEARS TOO gOOM ,i n 'n 1 1. Red Ryder By Fred Harmon SUFFERING LOSS OF fNEJAORT UNABLE TO RESIST A SUDDEN IfAPuLSE 10 KILL , NOLLY :DM? IT AirASAT Wash Tubbs I f UT OOW THAT ) - "g rl GOIKXS IO SHOOT 30, COWBOY - 511 rr-.A -FXl 10-30 iriLl CONSUL, EXPECTED SEATTLE, Oct. 31) (HI G. E. Stocklcy is expected here early in November to take Hie post at British consul, fiances J. Prt It, not r ,mini nnnminrco Saturday. He will succeed Har- Tho Seattle consider district embraces Washington, urogun ldalio, Alontana and AiasKa. Al,.. nn.l,nir Ihn griffon England uses comes from the British empire. By Leslie Turner YOU ARE SAD, MISS OH,I vE BEEN I AND 1 MAY-. NEVER SEE f YOU DO TANA! WHAT IS IW0N6?S UCH A FOOL, MARIA! V HIM ASAIH, BECAUSE I NOT LIKE THE rirrvu...X OWT- FORGET ; r REFUSE HIM HELP, TO I JAPANE5E VM JKTl THAT MICE AW6RICAM ;;:. IMPRESS THOSE FILWV S Lm "rAE ASAy VAP L I LOATHE THEM.MASIA.' 1 WAMT ONLY THE CHANCE TO UNDO THE WR0N3 I HAVE PONE THE FILIPINOS AND CAPTAIN EASY,' 1 COULD HELP HIM SO MUCH, WITH SUPPLIES AND SECRETS I HAVE GOTTEN FROM THEJAPS MAV6E (T IS NOT YET TOO 7 1 WILL LATE! MAYBE WE CAM S5E WHAT FIND HIM! IF ONLY YOU I CAN PO, WILL HELP, MARIA! YOL'ftV MISS TANA TRACE HIM FOR ME! Freckles. and His Friends By Blosser Tio CONVINCe HILDA WAT SHESMOT- r THE TYPE TO BE COMMISSIONER. LARD IS ENGAGING HER In A Secies OFGSNTESTS OH THE" DARKENED . ' ATHLETIC. 1 flELO-i TSyriiiii" C first wsti. run a Q fir would ee nioj T1 fir flRI I CANT SEE A THING .V IOO -YAEO DASH.' M F THE FLOODLIGHTS H ffkiXJf A CUti A? I 1 VOOR MARKS-, wkesutoenLv Eii toil)? . COPR. 1W OV HtA 6CBVICE. IHtTu. RtO. U. PAT. OfF. O'? Boors and Her Buddies By Martin SttV WvFsi; F CtS.Tfi ?M5V OO.rife ?LtSSV J J OV!W OH.'b'L'c. VOVi "VE . b-ae "tWb VOrVY . 2066Vt'b r- 7- ' Alley Oop By V. T. Hamlin SFBTWKDOCTOg BgOMSOKl.AMIGLAD jM0n fHEVVMEAN VBS-.BUT LEAVE HIMTIEDUP.'lTlOWT WAMT AMY Tqfft raDLATHAMVTOSEEV,OUB,jr -A'TOgr I THISISCWP MOCE TCODBLE WITH THAT LUNATIC UKJTU. WEVE Jpf HEAVEM VOU,CE.K1EVEE MI,WD ABOUT- -MONSnflJp. . VOUVE GOT V. GOT HIM OUT WHERE X CAM SLAFtesHIS HEAD OFF MA SAFE.'SuT WHAT lS.-HES.ALL Vou 6WS-fL- ALL WrPPED vlZvofTHOLIT LOSl WOWW; Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray jzX& I 1 f SNIPPY JONES WORE . I ."NEW DRESS!' SHE IT FOR (V YECVR- THEN Efc'.a POLLS IT! THfVT'5 MER. MOM GOVfe IT TO i 'S I'b FIGQERED ON SEEIN SftNDY fcT SftM SETTERlS, WHEN MRS. B-H WENT TO CHURCH "YESTERDffY" r BUT SHE MUST HAVE V;t1 GUESSED-SO SHE MftDE fclM ME GO TO CHURCH WITH fr?;B HER-v IN THIS THING ! J&iS -Mr';-." HOLD EVERYTHING! T HEADACHE 1 PILL 'w w t. irf. we T m .to 1, f.T e.r "Miss Bilk isn't very consider ate, staying home with a head ache I've got one mysclll" Fort Klamath .... ..,! Mm. V. 11. tlriliulull- bor of Morrill lira vlsltlntf lie 0 the home of their snii lu hivv. "lander ! "'"'. M' Mrs, Y. llcseoek Mis. joe nini" . . Madden of - " 7 Htii on eio u...- , hero r'rldiiy oil roulu lo Lhllo- ''"l1.1, .... it ..o n 11 Lewis and " . , : Aii,er- SOU I'll BIIIUIlH'.v .... working, welder a, . F, t Klamath K'"u du,l"l "10 past several immlhs. r: l it Kerrell and dauKhl'er Susan and Mrs. William Hell and sniaii u ',."'.'. . ' Ann returned to Kiinnalh l ulls this week after visitmti here at the r'red Zumbruui homo lor somo time. Mrs. Kerrell and Mrs. Dell are sister and diuiBh '' in-law, respectively, of Mrs. Zumbiun. Mrs. Hell's husband, 1'1'C William Llell, is at present with a siKiial division of the U. S. army in Holland, accordini! to word received from him. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Denton have moved to their tiianls l'ass win ter home and will spend the lull and winter there, reluiiiinK hero in the sprine,. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hllekeu stalt were Klamath Kails bus iness visitors Tuesday. James Miller h'lt Tuesday from Seattle for Anchoraue, Alaska, where ho will bu em ployed. His wlfo and son Ken neth remained in Kort Khimiith, where Mrs. Miller in employed by Mr. and Mrs. Dob Cable at the Junction Lunch. Mr. mid Mrs. Mordocai lless and daughters were Kort Klam ath business visitors Wednesday from their homa In Ashland. The Hess ranch hero is under lease to Mr. and Mrs. John Cauhape, who have a larue num ber of ealllu pastured in vioou Hiver valley. Master Tech. Sul. James Wat son is here on a ;iu day furlough from Miramar, t'allf., vlsitlint his mother. Mrs. Maritarct Wat' son. and niece and nephew, Dor othy and Nell Neilson. Sjt. Wat soon has until recently been overseas v.' I 111 a nuirino unit for over three years, and has seen much active service. He looks very fit and said that lie was surely glad to be back home attain. Mrs. Ciuss Page and Mrs. Joe Taylor were Klamath Kails visitors on Wednesday. Alfred 1J. C'astel, Sr., was also a bus iness visitor to Klamath Kails the same day. Mrs. E. M. Bratluin and son Bob went to Red Bluff, Calif., on Tuesday to make arrangements for paslurinK their ealtle near there for the winter months. Bob will no to Red Bluff to care for the slock during the comine, winter. Mr. and Purl fox and children left Wednesday for Lakcvicw, where Fox has been transferred by the Oregon slate highway department. He has FUNNY BUSINESS been employed on Iho local high- wav patrol 101- sumo m,,", 11, .,,,,1,1 Cinv II. S. niu. rlno corps, l oxiiocted lioino this week on leave from .Shoemaker, Calif., where no is itinuuiie'j on guard at the tienniin prlsoiui.' of t.t niiiKiil ennui. Ho will visit hern with his parents and sister, Mr. anil nun. am may 'and daughter Ann. 1'KC liriiy , ,r Hut ciiiiida eiinii campaign, where he contracted miliaria, ironi wiiicu u m "- fers at Intervals. Weyerhaeuser m ..I Mi'a i Inrdnil ltlful 1M1. nut. - vlsiled 111 HoM'biii'U over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. l.loyd Hiiihlu 1 1 .... in,, ...lit- in 1I11111 ranch lit lliooltings, where they will niaito inrn n.-i moving over there are Mr. and ,.... ! MmvIiim- 11,1, lam v. All are former residents of both camps -I and . a if ... I I't-.w- unit U lie lie started again here. Ijullt tying will be done nisi, hii-ciiuks will be held on Wednesday nights at first. All ladies will ing lo help are aski'd lo meet at Hie community hall at 7 p. in. The October mei-llng of the .......... 1 1 itn.l 11I Iht. Inline en"iis,i'ii - - uf Mrs. Ooiilon liond oil Oelnber III Willi an all nay inecimg in charge of Mrs. tlillen. The meet ing was on "Fewer (-'olds.' Mrs. liueriictl of Medrord Ik visiting Iter daughter, Mrs. Fred Frlsbee. Hill Hose was tho house Cuest of ;arv I'riilkshaiiU over the weekend. Both boys go to school at Klimuilh Union high school. Pvt. Harold Oglo Jr., Is ex pected home on furlough this week from the University of Ida ho. New Pine Creek Citmncr's Male Kenneth . Clare is home on a Illl day leave and visited here last Thursday wlh his uncle, 11. W. Odin and wife. He has been in aclve ser vice with the navy at New Gui nea In the South Pacific. He has been hospitalized t Sun Francisco for tho last month or so with a broken onklo which he sustained while unloading heovy cargo from his "hip. He still has to use a cane but is get ting along nicely. Howard Wells Is III the Lake view hospital with an Injured back, sustained last Monday. Just how badly he Is hurl was not definitely learned here Tues day. He was hurt while fulling timber for the McDonald Log ging company when n limb of a tree kicked around and struck him In tho buck, knocking him down with considerable force, It wai reported by his wife, Mrs. Veda Wells. Wells and his fam ily live at Fairport. John Tilson moved his fam ily to Davis Creek last Sunday, where he will be nearer his work. He Li 1111 assistant fore man on the S. P. maintenance crew. "He thinks his liver's on the frilz ngain he's forooltcn il'fl UnllAIVAnr.1'1 HERO OF GUAM Anawrr PrtTlosi ranli HORIZONTAL 40 Ho was a her 1,0 Pictured rnit on snrultmp rtf 41 5n Skill months on 52 Dined Guam 10 Rowing implement 11 Groat Lake 13 Fish eggs - 14 Throe (prefix) 15 Mud 16 Girl's name 17 Sun 19 NortheasY (ab.) ' 20 Donkey 21 Either . 23 Louisiana', ob.) ; 24 Musical nd 25 Southeast (ab.) 27 Put in casa 20 Prepares f publication 31 Australian - bird i 32Thlnrtl (Latin 33 Put on 36 Coronet . . 38 Nova Scolln' (ab.) 30 Electrical cn Kinecr (ab.) 40 Bono 41 New York (ab.) 42 Possesses - 43 ObolU3 (ab,) 45 Sprite ' 47 Father 53 Operatic soio 54 Born 55 Fruit r 56 Swapped VERTICAL '1 Obtained 2 Auricles . 3 Songbird 4 Jewel 5 Ireland v 16 Golf dcvlc 7 Eradicated 8 Divisions of Reological time 7 1 mm. iaiKlUS &N1 -JJieip IE T el l-TD A .R E LJM QttLl snivl ISfc . S SSElfc! Eg-5Tc5l uiARMv p-hkaJni f?5eE T" AKA iij ?j L l o en Lx a u 0 n $ 9 Lair 12 Ange 18 Boy 20 Exist 21 Sea 35 Adlrmallvo 36 Pedal digit 37 He hid on tho . .Tap-hold 42 Dcnplso t2 Inclined roads 43 Belongs to us 25 Severe -44 Lure 26 Litcrary'v'i',!. 48 At liberty composition' :ij'47 Touch 28 Dine ' v4'48 Mcrrj 30 Man's nnmo1 40 Spoil 34 Conductor BI Scatter zM I5 la "hi ly vl.S f'Mrr mJ,.. 1.. J ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 i 1-a flln.l ....... ,., ,,. .1. ...... .." ' v a,. I "HI I uf ll, Kl"u,J,'"l5V!l alii i:i, "I Oh., I Itili'ho.ill ( j ..... ,r1 Ur, .." b ,'r, '''"'"''.i 01. 1 ..'i '!., ''. i.i" !.'.'.'.',""'. "' "'mil!'! ."in 1 v 111 1, r;M ,n ''A.:.i.1 til O, 30, N fillllllt. Olene Mrs. Lcnora Fisher has re turned to Olene utter an ab sence of several months spent with relatives In Alturas. Latest word from John Fisher, SlC was that he had recently been in New Uiimea and Elmer Fish er, Slc, is still In Hawaii. Mrs. O, L. Brown, assisted by her sister, WAC Elizabeth Sund ers entertained at a family din ner at the Brown homo In honor of Mrs. Sunders daughter, Betty Jane Sanders, of Portland. Miss Sanders, accompanied by Velinii Milium spent the weekend In Klamuth Falls visiting fj'iunds and relatives. The Marion Barnes hove re ceived word that Corp. James M. Barnes graduated from air gunnery school lit Tyndall Field, Florida October 14, and will arrive In Klamath Fulls Sutur day October 28 for a few days visit with his wlfo and ion and other members of tho Barnes family, including Major Zed W, Barnes, an uncle, recently re turned from tho Indhi-Chlna war theater. This will bo their first meeting in almost three years. The Kinney family are look ing forward to a visit in the near future with Lieut. Oliver Kinney of tho U. S. nLr corp. The Boyd Bruners luivo re ceived word I lui t their .son Aldon Bruner Is now In Franco. Alden is a radio technician. Mrs. Curtis Ucbhart returned Tuesday from a visit of a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laux in Portland. Mrs. Blanch Howard of Klam ath Falls visited Inst week with Mm, A. L. Mnrshull and Mrs. Roland Stiirman nt tho Marshall ranch. Mrs. Cioorgc Stevenson Is leaving Thursday for Eugene lo spend a few days w 1 1 h her daughter, Ann Stevenson. Miss Stevenson entered the Univer sity of Oregon this full, Mrs. O. L. Brown Is spending a week at Hie home of her sisler, Mrs. Henry Grimes in Klamath Falls. Mrs. Brown's health necessitates her staying in town fur a short time for medical nttenllon. Faith Grimes hud tho misfor tune or Injuring a kneo IiihI week while working In potnloes. As a cnnscqucnco he Is spending this week on crutches. RllVmnnrl Pnuct PAlninn homo lo start school on Mon day arter. working for Glen Dehllnger in the polulo harvest. More than 11,000 Jewish refu gees fieri frrttt, l,l l.nn.n- l.t Germany to Palestine In the 11)11 inllowlng April 1, An unlonkcd for annoyance Unit followed thn blitz bombiim of cities was the Invasion of flies around all blnwn-up food nun es. v When it flghls the caterpillar Of lIlO IIIIKS ninth ultliu n elrtnlTI OI.IMI r 1 i,f 1, W n flork lit in (,-, ,' '"t fol III 1 1 in .,.,.. ii. . 'van (P . .1 ,i,L .' ... . .. '.'"Mii..' M airiitiul. "") ,, ... t'lUlliit in Tilt I Ht m , IN .tiii. M.vrrr.B or JI'Mllll AHlV,'':1 MINOl. UV JIM V Ml,,,1,1' (I J.t.-.u s 'suiri, MIN1IH., I'lllm.Vi,'" U flilll ,..., , Z ?.C:I Hoi l,,., Ihr ,' , . ''" lU-li of 11,1, ,.Jt. .7 . -: .I,w , ,,,. nil. imbii. !!; r 'i Olo onlri of ll,,n..,;. 1! 4 r lit-11 n I o. in x.TTl.kL tll.ltlfl l"lll I ( n..1. ntt (luiiii-t uf i. 'v'-l Antrri.a, I'Ulhlltl v. ami Mnlo I. J()J thx, HMtU. 1,1, J, , ? r tioi.ii) an. 1 j.,ii. ,'.; 'I liaml. It iiijiiW, XitsVt. ii Itach m tin :ir nun: Ht a -I Wltl.iw; hlmiutti CwifiU iJ rutti.iltiUiitl and oului.t lliilterl, iIcrrAivit. ll 61 1 1 ,1 Uig ur l;o may rUuaiy(J licit or tnlcfrtl In tr4 US! J If Itvhist, and Jint tK .J WllV. If tnairird; lm I jlJ lUKt MI'lllll. nr nUtUJU, J Mary U. Utdibirh, 1 ttln 4 lcgam tit Nlcholai D Gau foatctl, mt of tlljiU V kfl cojsfO, lr ileai, and iLMLfc mil or paitlri ur.krwii ui who may cUim in ri(Ua iitf(it In and U if m J ildt'rilKl in iht Comt&tiil Hfiniioii'in nerrm in ck Ultllml hlalet il A re fit! lxd of ytiti ic hntbj f5:il And fttuwrr th Cffnja A iJoinnallct fttcd afiUuima riitldnl irtUiti Mithtalxiii liifl ilalt of in lint 90Us tiirittmni. flinl If yeu ljM) ami oiuvrrr, llw plilnttl a k of Hill fip!y la tb Ccdttfl lief (Hflinl for la It Cnl t'oiiitinnrtlin filrd l lh Ltiurl take JUfWJicltM If nrh uitleia, luiirntao t r may Im nrrf Is ttcs ownorihin fit Iht UtKrz land! and ft h nwnaq Ut a in nun I of wnprm3s t by Ih tilalnllff l aitiutltfrd Id Iht trmt t Hereof, and In irmlit 1x4 tnf ip lh nurli fnilhf en W ami ilrrtre tt nu bi M""! Hip tills to thp Mft:fi-i I emit In tfi I'nllwJ SutrttfJ .tU UlKl Wlff " fiuiiitv (irrstnn. ami tv(t r df-icfllx-d at fnllP- tvi Hntllll, Itflfif- 0 i:tl, WM,fri lilp :m Hllri, Hani Jrrl. honrvrr, lo tUW " tiitlillr an.1 IttMrf-'l pulillc In in Ihn hwn4nr rr. inn in mttw i "t the tltiia(fd anil fin! i"j Ihnt rniilled lhcrw n '"1 ...... it. i TtiU tumM) oirtMo Clau.lf Mrt-'ollofn Jal ntmvft itllllrd Loiin, rMy- linrrln n tnt 3n h --i nu. hv pittillraliwi ltJ va vvkl In Um vl No hi, a nwippt' ,.1 lion puhlltliM In Iht CaJ ath. fliai of Of.icii. hirrof twl mart 1 I Orlohrr. t" B",! S-wrlftl Ai"inl to I ....I l'rflt fill. sel Ilinrlmrnl of f"''1"-, I'iniiKii i- o i.oji O. o i(i-2.i .vi: N. I-Kdinj Rntlon CiliJ . W.P l"r "nn Mnln .ItrH, OlSrf M a. in. In f.!"?C'il in J p. ffl. rUi'' lion. .1 All pe!icllonl lH; .... p,lf. ind M'.-l at JII Main llrwl. H",1 "' V .. L..b Ut RllfiAH- "-- ' .l .W oiroiiHH .w rarh. S.r ;UIW JJ ra a. 2". iu - v.:., Fiiocksskii roons- lll.l'K STAMPS-njS HMiriiiiiir,. rlItr(. ur AT nnTTrit, CUfiJ 31. Ka.'ll ' " 'I,.! n.,1 vnll.1 "nlt?,'S ...... . j J .,or I ""- J Ainiu.l III. l!"5'.htdWrl ,r" m' mil"'" j1""", VI L l'lltri .S -AH " I .... Illi. nlPl. jM K llll.rt ' " - vnll.l Iml'-I"'''...!! Iff .mnlalnll I" P'IM '.Sttrf y",;;;rVu.. " w j f.rtM rinv 't ilnv rtiti ; dny mil 4 dny run ,1 ilny i nit Mnnih run -rZTwrf'!! Aria reieltrll J 'JJnitfJ mno ni" mtur f"p Ail. II" I""1 inn lliil dM..,lU. ! WANTKI) .W"?b H" ''rk'...!' l.l nn. " n ii - . '. ' S"' 1. mu. n. - van BAi.f. il .llllirn. il u of poison lltpild.