30, 1944 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE FIVI - . . i . ifui iff''" Jl.Tllt. vlow for inli'd to- 4 Thiol rr 21. mXm in. Ktl I'I'l'1 R,j Nurtli NinlH. J.i.'Isift. 15. W. Tlch ,l0r i, ,,n two is,c. ;,,i win api-'Ki So, r i w"' bo i,'ru f ;., h,"r ! I If Is reeoiv- ,lloa lluly Cnnk, M- Wins A. L.UOK, . Zierwciil mir artery VlrBlnln I i a riwi n'liiiT hi Mr. i Mill (w,y,' had lu-r nppcudix tidiy. She in doing nice- SLlitcd to Hillside lion- Eturclov millpriim from a r Mm. Mtii'Konrolli of ioipltil-Klliotl H. fun is. Mcnlo I'mk. Calif., hero on buliin for jtrroii I'lihlinlunn cm inlloral a ln-n rt utlnck IwllUrd luilfl l'rldiiy inl wn moved lo Mum- jllcy hospital ll,r 'rem- CAN CHANGE EARL VHITLOCK fcf Iho most oncouriiislns b we can have, in t lie dip thai men c n With r zzrzr 5 re be" fW Id. And , ,, it nn.t j fVJi r Kl. Men ''A j , eimon TfjS'MC ,1 . i wcr i i-i-sf X' ' roomies . : , WM i worked gti$f Til ', labor Pfl jff J manap- sr"! Jiitoa it iworrin' polnti", have on micitlnn.i of tholr welfare, naclnl Kroups Ivor! aid worked to- iu.l ax soon as tlielr oh. lo give lo their conn- ifcad of ornbblna for aelf and wives on the W aenaratlon have bo. Ifconclled and litivo stint vcr ouain successfully. I men can thiiiiKP. tlicro feed of race conflict or Sstlnclions. It' they will me, the., wo mint take nd fighting as Iho nor ncr of life. But If thoy 4Rc, we can win what lull fighting for and wo raw ourselves and oil i .a Monday Mr WhHtnnlr jlfrl Wliitlock Funrrnt em romment on LOVE 2 Vlilli Dauohtor Mrs. Wll- Hum Mi'Diinli.'l is In Kim Krmi- Cisco with her clauijlittr, Uur- li'cii. u put lent ut Kriinkllii hob- pltul in 1 1 io buy urea. Clan to Mtt The adult siilcamunslilp c-Iiink, with Lucllu Tweed us Instructor, will meet In l''rumnnt school Tursdny lit 7 p. m. Anyone Interested may littuud thesu clusscs. Visits Horns SClu John II. Allicy, Cump KM loll. Sun Dleno, Is homo on lenvc until Novenl bur 4, vlsltlnu Ills mother, Mrs. Huruncu Allicy, 1211 Cull-(oniiu. Oflic Closed Tho navy ro- criulluK il f no In the federal Imildinif will be closed tills Tliiimiltiy. l'lidny uiul Saturday, us Dun Sclirciber, lecrulter in elmme, will be In Sulem on louve. Visiting Cpl. James Burncs, U. S. iinny ulr corps, arrived liuinu tills weekend from Tyndull Held, Kin., lo visit his wifo Pen ny, mill son, Jimmy Dean, mid hi mi Ida pui'culs, Mr. and Mrs. Million J. Uurneti of Olene. 1 lo will lie here until November 6, when ho reports to Lincoln, Neb. Bin Is the former Audrey Heed. The sisters ere daughters of Mrs. Noll Itccd, 312 McKlnley. To Meet Klumutli Lutheran Ladles' Aid will meet Tuesday livening, October 31, nt H o'clock ut tho church. Mrs. Victor Ong man and Mrs. Husscll Toycon will bo hostesses. Leaves Major Zed Barnes, homo (or two weeks from the Chlnulndlu-llurmii theater of operations whoro he Bcrvcd with the U. S. ulr corps, left Sulurdiiy for the Siiutii Monica replace ment center after visiting hero will) III father, W. B. Barnes of S. nth. nummage Sale KulaUmu chapter, UAR, will sponsor a ruinmuKU sale at the old Meat Conter on Main street, Saturday, November 4. Mrs. Ucrl C. Thom as, chapter recent, asks all mem bers to assist. Those having nnn.nase lo donate are asked to call 4341) belorc Friday. Sixth War Loan Meet The first meeting of treasurer reprc senlullves for Iho )th War Loan drlvo will bo held tonight, Mon day, nt Hie chamber of com merce ut 7:30. All Insurer representatives In the couTity, us well us the owners mid man agers of their respective com puulcs are urged to attend, OWAC Members of tho first aid teams of the OWAC who uro lo bo on duly ut the "Shot I'rom the Sky" exhibit Tues day and Wednesday afternoons aro lo report at tho pollco sta tion at 1:4S p. nt. on thoso days. Kvcnlng teums will go directly lo the carnival grounds, and should report at (1 p, m. Extonslon Unit Member of Iho Shasla-lloniedalo extension unit met Friday nl the home of Mrs. Harry Wlard. usslsled by Mrs. fc. Tillman. They dem onstrated, llio making ol sweel rolls. Ton members and three uests were present. The next meeting, "Let's Have Kowcr Colds," will bo held at Iho home of Mrs. E. L. names, No vember 17, ut which lime Mrs. Winifred Glllcn will be tho leudcr, Visits Parents AMM 1c Don uld J. Rose, 22, ton of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rose, 2235 Union, Is homo on lenvc from one yeur's overseas duty with the U, S. navy. Rose was stulloned in Nortli Afrlcu. Ho Is a graduate of Klamath Union lilch school, clnss of 1941, and will visit hero with his parents until November 2.1. A brother. K 2c KM Nor man L. Rose, has been home on fUrlOUffh linrl hl vtnv rvt,.,l, from October 1 1 to IB. Ho has rciurnecl to Sun Pedro. r-nllit In WAC Mrs. Duetta Souro.1 and Mrs. Anna Donham. both of Alluras, Lain., cnnsica In the WAC recently through 4hc local recruiting office and were sworn In on October 28. They will both leuve November 10 for Ft. Dps Moines, la., where they will take basic training, and up on completion of this will pro ceed to the Reno air baso, Reno, Nov. Returnlna South Mrs. Wini fred l.nlrd, Lnng Beach, Calif.,. returned south Saturday alter spending two weeks with her mother and father-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Laird of Castle berry's, Dorothy Wood, also of Long Bench, accompanied her sister to Klamath Falls and is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ellis. A number of affairs honored the visitors dur ing their slay. Sisters Meet Kn route home from Savannah, C,a., where she had hid her husband goodbye hefore he left for overseas duty. Mrs. Wnrren Walker was met In ChlcnKo by her sister, Bev erly Reed of the Waves. The voiing women spent a day to gether. Leaving Chicaiio, Bev erly returned to her base at Ot tumwa, Iowa. Mrs. Walker Is expected to arrive in Klamath Falls the middle of the week. Rally Committees Named by Demos The following eoinmlliees havo been appointed to handle arrangements of the "home town rally" for Willis E. Mnlinnnv. democratic candidate for sen ator from Oregon, who will be In Klamatli rails tomorrow, Tuesrinv On the parado committee are Frank Sexton, A. A. Montgom ery, Joseph Mahoncy and Dale Howell. Concessions committee: Paul Buck, Ed Schorlgcn, Otto Smith, Dora Goddard, Agnes La Londe and Esther Shcppard. Dance committee: Brariv NArov. B. Z. Smith, Marina Petersen, Tom Bustin and Walter West. Political arrangements: E. P. Ivory, R. C. Woodruff, A. K. Condrey, G. C. Tatman, Louis Crnver and Dorothea Buck. A meeting of all committees will be held at the democratic headquarters, 1018 Main, to. night at 8 o'clock. Service Men and Women Home on Leave AMM 1c Donald J. Rosa from North Africa, iiore until No vember 23. Pvt. Harold Ogle from Mos cow, Ida, Here until Novem ber 4. Cpl. James Barnes, U. S. army air corps, from Tyndall Field, Fla. Ilurc until November 8, for Lincoln, Ncbr. SC 1c John H. Athey, U. S. N., from Cump Elliott, San Diego. Homo until November 4. Tiiu ubovo so.vico dcodIo are entitled to free passes to the lo cut theatres and froe fountain scrvico at Loit River dairy by courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the theatres and it. u. wooaruiz oi tho duiry. Please call at The Herald uud News office (ask for Paul Haines) for your courtesy tickets WHEAT OBITUARIES wii.i.iAM ni:Nnr mehvy.Uj WlHium Henry Mtndftll, a rel(Jnt or l,nhevicw. uroRnn, nm(l wy In thli Ml y hundii.v trior n in. Qrtotwr 2U, 1B44. ilcrfiiaed wa native of Fntrflfld. OillfornU nd wm jrnd 73 yera, 6 moniln and i:i dai when called, lit U tiirvjvcd by two ions. Chart an and Oail MtmdHI. both ol lakevWtw. Ore.; three diiuifhlerw. Mrs. W. L. Martin, Klamalh KhIIi, Mr. T, G. Swlckhelmar, Oakland, Call!,, and Mn. Nancy Shell, Lakevlew, Ore, and a brother, N. L. Mandall. Uporka, Nevada. Tho remains rest at Word's Klomulh runeral home. UM Hifh, u'hvre frlfnd may call, Notice of funeral arrangements will ba announced later. mHllMUCK 1.VNN OBBORNE Freilcrlrk lymi Osborne. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Merlon Osborne of Klam alh Kails, ptisaed away In this city on Hunday ovr-nlna. October 2d, 1SM4. The dnrrnsed was a native of Klamath Tails, O i ( and was agd 10 days when cftllfd. Besides his parents, he Is sur vived by a brother, Ronald ftf Klamath Kail; Ms paternal grandmother. Mrs. Helen Oibornr. Haines, Ore., and his mute mil grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John flutter of Klamalh Kails, The re mains rp't at Ward's Klamath Funeral tinm. 92 Htfli. Notice nf funeral ar rangement will be announced later. TIIOMAK AUTHOR I.Af'KT Thomas Arthur I.acey. a resident of Mnlln. Orronn. for the nast three months. pnitseri iwnv In that city on Sunday, OclolM-r r. IB44. at about 11 p. m. The decease t. was aged about BS years wnen canen. -rne remains rest ai Ward's Klamath Funeral home. S2.1 High. Nfitlrc of funeral arrangement! will be annminren later. The San Francisco College for Wonmn owns the most com' plelo rollpction of bookplates In the United States. Salt and starch make a good patching plnstcr for small holes in homo walls. OHICAOO, Oct. W AP'-Oraln futures fained fractionally during an early lurry of short covering today but the demand soon tapered off and prices dropped back to near the previous: close. There was nothing In the news to stimulate Interest In any of the markets. Wheat was neglected and most of the day held within an eighth to a quarter of a cent of Saturday's final quotations. Opposing forces peace talk and govern ment price support discouraged activity. December corn was Independently weak, affected by an Increase In country offerings at lest than celling prices. Cash dealers bid aa low aa tl.UV. off a full cent from Saturday. It ye dropped to new Iowa for the day near the close when selling by one of the leading commission houses Influenced local trader to liquidate. Some early demand was attributed to 1 government report showing rye stocks were It mil lion bushels less than a year ago. Bull Ish significance of the report was modi fied by large supplies or other grains. Commission houses aold oeta. the de mand was limited, and the December contract was weakest. At the close wheat was lie lower to Vc higher than Saturday' finish, De cember 11.83. Corn was Ifce lower to v.o hi Cher. December 11.11. Oat war off lb to Vc, December 64-c, Rye was unchanged to He higher, December $l.ll'i-V.. Ba;ey was unchanged to ISc lower, December 11.06. Potatoes Market Quotations NEW YORK, Oct. 30 (AP feVattered stocks were moderately successful on the recovery side of today's market al though numerous leaders continued to find the going a bit rough. Closing quotations; American Can fW' Am Car it Fdy M1 Am Tel & Tel 1M Aneeonda .. 37 Calif Packing - 2l'i Cat Tractor 47'i Commonweal lb It Sou ! Curtis-Wright - 8 many unsold; : -ed Jura-good bulls steady at 8.00-9.80; good vealera It 3.0O-W, choice quotable to 114 00, medium-good grass calves $10.00-12.30. Salable hoga 2000: total 38.10; market less active early all sales steady but soma unsold late; good -choice IHO-240 lbs. 9IS.7.1; 341 27 U Ins. Sl.VOO; heavier and lighter weights ai 4 00-50: good sows 13 2-1-75; light weights to 814 00; choice feeder pigs up to $14.23. Salable sheep 1600, total 2100: market slow; weak to 2.1 cents lower: good choice wooled lambs (12.00-90; medium good grades 110.00-1 1. M; good shorn lambs ilO.75-11.00; one deck good-choice No. 1 pstt lambs 12.00; few common lambs SH.oo-0.Ofj; common-medium year lings 87.30-8.60; good ewes 83.00 00. General Electric General Motors . Gt Nor By pfd Illinois Central Int Harvester Kennecott Lockheed ... Long-Bell "A" : 8I'' . 40', .. IV, 7TS - 34 -i - 20 N CHICAGO. Oct. 30 (AP-WTA)-PoU-toes: arrivals 243: on track 403; total I;, ft. inl omenta Saturday 870. Sunday 40 supplies liberal; for western stocks: demand moderate, market steady; for northern stocks: demand very slow, mar- net aun ana unnettiea: idano nus.ei Burbanks, U. S. No. 1. $3.18-3 23; Wash ington Russet Burbanks, U. 8. No. 1. 83.38; Colorado Red McClures, U. 8. No. 1, 83.02-3 14: Mlnnespta and North Dakota Bliss Triumphs, commercials 82.IA-2.40; Nebraska Bliss Triumphs. U. S No. 1. 83.18: Wisconsin Chiooawas. commercials 82.25, Courthouse Records Msrrltf.s JACOaSEN.WAUCZR. M.rvln Arnold Jacoben, 30, encln. r.bulldlng. N.tlv. of CUfornls, rcvldent of Kl.mith rail,. Ann Lucelll. Walker, IS. Natlv. ol Naw M.xleo, rcMdant of Bonanza. POWELL-rREEMAN. Fraddl. Mayes Powell, 28, U, 8. marlnea. Native of Texa,, resident of Klamath rails. Verna Bernlra Freeman, 33. atenofrapher. Native of Colorado, resident of Klamath rails, Justice Court rred Harvey Hubler. No Uil ll(ht. Fined SS.30. Herman Turnbauih. No PUC permit, rined (10. Scout Supervisor Aids in Klamath H. C. Mutar, Boy Scout re gional supervisor for district 11 with headquarters in Portland, is in Klamath Falls this week as sisting in local scout work. Mugar will be the main speak er at the Lions club noon lunch eon at the Willard hotel Tuesday. Monttfomerv Ward SO Nash-Kelv 10V, N Y Central 18 Northern Partfle II", Pae Oas It El 331 Parkard Motor - 9' Penna R R 30'. Republic Hleel .. .. - ls'i Rlehfleld Oil . K', Sefeway Storea ... S3 Bears Roebuck .-... VT Southern Pacific Wli atandard Brand. , 38 Sunshine Mining Trans-America Union Oil Calif union Paclflo m U S fstact Warner Plclurea i LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN TBANCISCO, Oct. 30 fAP-WFAi Cettle: 1200. Active, fully steady. About six loads medium grass steers salable 813.00-1330, load young 040 lb. cows and heifers 812.00, about dozen loads medium to good range cows 800-11.23, bulk cutters 88.00-B.So, num- i erous loads canners $6.00-7.00. Load medium bulls 810.50. Prospects early clearance. Calves: 300. Undertone steady; medium to good range calves i 113.00-13.70. Hogs: 250. Xarly opening trade steady. 1 three loads good to choice 200-240 lb. barrows and gilts 813.75. Odd good sows 814.00. Sheep: 3000. Choice lambs salable J 14.75, undertone steady, paekage good ambs 813.75, few wooled No. 1 pelt yearlings $12.00; few good sows $5.50 down. PORTLAND. Oct. 30 CAP-WKA) Sal able cattle 3350; total 3000; salable calves 550. total 000; market uneven most steers and best cowl about steady; other cows slow, weak to 25 cent lower; many bids off more: few loads medium-good heavy fed steers 813.00-75; one lead 814.25; common-medium grass steers 89.00-12.A0; common-medium heifers 88.00-11. AO; one load 812.00: medium-good beef cows 88.2.1-10.30; few mixed cows and heifers to 81 1 00; canner-cutter cows largely 84.M-0.OO; shelly eows down to 83.50; CHICAGO, Oct. 30 'AP-WFA) Salable hogs 14.000; total 31.000; slow, very un even; good and choice 170-240 lbs. 23 to 50 cents lower than Friday at 814.25-14.50, top 814.50; good and choice 240-270 lbs. steady to 25 canta higher at 814.00-14 25; wetghte 270-33O lbs. aeady 15 cents lower at 813.83-14.00; sows mostly 23 rents lower, largely 813.75; prospects Incomplete clearance. Salable cattle 18.000: total 31,000; sal able calves 1.100; total 2500; general mar ket steady; largely fed steer and heifer run; all grades yearlings very active, strong; some weakness on medium to good grade weighty steers; about 2000 northwestern gra users in fresh receipts, mainly stocker yearlings: Blockers and feeders active, steady at 81100-13.50; approximately dozen loads fed steers and yearlings 818.35, the top: best heif ers 817.75; cows 814.00; cutter cows 87.25 down; weighty sausage bulls to $11.50; vealers steady at 818.00 down, most slaughter calves 83.60-12.00. Salable sheep 4000: total 10.000; few early sales and bids around steady; good and choice native lambs $14.00-14.25. with bucks one dollar less; beat held up to $14.40; scattered lot native ewes 83.7.1 down; nothing dona on western Iambi and ewes. Classified Ads Bring Results. WEATHER Eugent Klamalh rails Sacramento North Bend HWm. Portland Mrdford Reno San Francisco KeatUe ... T ...l M 71 M Mhi. ratl ts Tree. M .09 M .60 N aa 3t .m .09 (4 .! The tail of the pygmy flying phalanger Is made like a feather. YOU CANT LAUGH. cheat paina and other muKlt acht, and strain,! You cm apply Johnim'i RED CROSS Plaster -right to th, , spot -end set relief. This tried-tne) true relief goes to work Insta.tlr while rou work. RKD OtOM Piaster! aro cleen, sanitary, tttr a use -no smelly linimatit to soil eM-ji Inf. Keep supply en hend. In)s cm the genuine, famous for sore d.ek SO yeers, made by Johntea ea Jotw ONLY 3Sc-at jour drug etore. , RID CROSS PLAS Acid Indigestion RnftaJ ia S ari-ntse er eWCle reer eneasy bitfc WMa Mttss lUiasdi sdd cbumi pilnfuJ. snffMit tflg sour stoairh and hranbum. doctors utusllf pmrrllM the futsat-avtlni ndlrlns known tee Knptooutls rwlltf llf!nm Ilk thou to BaU-sas blits. Kr Itxstlve. Bt-sni hrtun rmfort la a JtflyotrstuniboUiato us for dooUs naoey bsck, 28a. New Roosevelt Club Under New Management Featuring Hit MELODY TRIO :rank O'Connell, piano Lea Maalar, i Hayden Simpson, trombon (Writer of the new hits "Sweatee Girl,' "Saucer-Eyes," Etc.) Finest of CHICKEN & STEAK DINNERS Open Every Night Just oyer the Oregon - California line en the Tulelake Highway Help Kidneys Ef Back Aches Do you (Hirer from 0tllng Up NiRhti, nackache. Nervousness Ug Pains, UUtu nsis. Bvollen Ankles, tllieumatla nisddtr Wtskneu, Painful Passages, or feel old and run-down, due to non-organlo and non-systtmie Kidney and niaddsr troublasT If so, nero la good news: Tin very first doe ef Cvttex a physician' nreicrlpllont uiu ally goes right lo work Helping the Kidneya flush out eiccsi adds and waitee which may have eausi-d your trouble. Bo take Cvtet etactly as directed and watch for qulek help and a rapid increase In pen, more youthful feeling and ley of living, Cvitei must aur prlae and deflgnt you and satisfy oompletitv or you simply return the empty package and your money back is guaranteed. Don t sunsr anotht-r day without trying Cyit only I5c. Tear this out; foke fo your druwut; ta jure to get genutnt, guaranteed Cvitea. SCHOOL TEACHERS OF OREGON Present For Your Approval At Your Precinct - November 7 An AMENDMENT To lc,e Eight of the State Constitution Providing For 'j'QUAL educational opportunities for ALL childron. "iMORE itaig ,,Lnn ,,,. f SS di,,r'ct real property tax. VOTE 314.-X (Yes) fEWBSAHY" T,MELY' U 11 Prc,le1' " U Ju,,t Chsrles Spraguo, Oregon Statesman, Oct. 17, , 1844. M. Adt. by Klamalh Caonly Teachets H J QJJjLtl Willis E. (IoUm for Mahonev aaV Candidate for United States Senator sSfe."l'CV'N"ltlV 4 " I t ,1 ! i A. Hear the man who became Klamath Falls famous mayor by popu ular write in vote! Tues., Oct. 31, 8 P.M. ARMORY FREE DANCING! Saldy'i Band 9:00 to Midnight YOU ARE INVITED Proscnt This Ad at tho Door for Admittance Pd. Adv. Klamath Democratic Cluo. If you ENJOY FINE THINGS 0r j t :) . m mm m. M 'aaMP7 . V g g I ln s mm 'wt' u r f art r .ear nil j Joi s1 .1., V' t.w- ..r- ..tv- .rji'i ...-Re W . .T - ,11 V . - . W ... N v .-r vj - C0' . j;if