PACE SIX Costellos Honored At Farewell Parties Several recent social events were given for Mr. and Mrs. Jert Costello of 1133 California, who will leave with their n daughter Patricia Ann. this weekend to make their home in Omaha Nebraska" Mr. Costello has been with the Union Pacific here lor three years, and was recently transferred to Omaha Mr and Mrs. Loren Palmcrton entertained the Costellos with . . . ,, i n.n h.nirnn ninni'i- ill u.u rum- pus room" of liieir nome u cific Terrace last Saturday eve- nln8- Guests were Mr. and Mrs William Spangler, Mrs. Bert Schultz and her two daughters, Barbara and Marjorie the hon ored guests, and Nadine and Margie Palmcrton. A luncheon honoring Mrs. Costello was given on Tuesday by Mrs. Charles Kempter at her home on 2215 Auburn. Fall flowers and leaves decorated the table. Guests were Mis. Jack Bishop and her houseguest, Mrs. O Mot ley Mrs. A. P. Heup, Mrs. E. Raymond, Mrs. Guy Harmon, Mrs. Ed Hamacher, Mrs.. Ray Cowles, Mrs. William Spangler. Mrs. A. Beales, Mrs. John Cox and Mrs. Harry Wayne. Bridge was played with high score going to Mrs. Cox, second to Mrs. Hamacher, and low to Mrs. Spangler. A guest prize was awarded to Mrs. Costello. Mr. Costello was honored at a no-host luncheon held at the Pelican cafe on Wednesday. Oc tober 25. Present were M, S. West, W. A. Spangler, J. B. Bishop, H. B. Stoler, E. D. Ha macher, H. I. Wayne, R. R Taylor. O. V. Gibson, L. S. Stitt, Glenn Earhart, of Eugene, F. A.'Fox, of Sacramento, :Wil liam Kennedy, Michael Theisen, C. W Kempter, Stanley Star key, G. C. Baxter, E. C. Bxande berry and E. P. Ivory. Mrs. Karl H. : Nelson enter tained with dessert and bridge on" Tuesday, Oatober 19, for Mrs. Costello at her home on 1331 Worden. Autumn flowers decorated the tables. - . Guests were Mrs. James E. Swansen. Mrs. Ray Cowles, Mrs. C. M. Lolcama, Mrs. Walter Eschbeck, Mrs. Edward Di Hick man and Mrs. James Kerns. High score went to Mrs. Kerns and second to Mrs. Cowles, Mrs. Costello, as the honored guest, . was presented with : a gift from her bridge club. Caiholic Daughters Catholic Daughters who workr ed at the service center, October 13, were Agnes LaLonde, Phyl lis Mahoney, Martha Lavenik, Violet Pieser, Mary Higgins, Emma Grey, Louise Vaughn, Emilie Miller. Elizabeth Schuh. Helen Goeckner, Adeline Tow- ey, Kay Carty, Azita Kennedy, Mrs. Fogarty, Mrs. K. M. Peter son, and Mrs. Fraser. On October 20, the workers were 'Martha Lavenik, Violet Pieser, Louise Vaughn, Azita Kennedy, Jenes Moty, Thelma McEnerney, Florence Pickett, Rose O'Leary, Mrs. K. M. Peter son, Mrs. Phil Brick, Mrs. Ni dorf, Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. Mur phy . . . Carrie McMahan was chair man of the donations committee for October, and the following contributed pies: Theresa Do ver), Helen Paup, Hattie Walker and Geraldine Roycroft. A short business meeting pre ceded the social meeting held in the parish hall, October 23. Ap plications for membership were read, and plans were made for the Halloween dance for serv icemen to be given by Catholic Daughters and the Knights of Columbus in the KC hall on Hal loween, Tuesday, October 31. Whist was played and Mrs. Ernest McGoran held high score, Mrs. J. A. Mahoney, second, and Nora Sullivan, low. Louise Vaughn, Jenes Moty, Carrie Mc Mahan, and Elizabeth Schuh were members of the refresh ment committee. 75 th Birthday Malin friends and relatives o Mrs. Effie Evans of Malin called in the afternoon and evening of last Tuesday to help her cele brate her seventy-fifth birthday anniversary. - ' . Decorations for the parly were in the Halloween theme. Honoring Mrs. Evans Tuesday afternoon were Mrs. Charles Frye, Mrs. John Robinson, Mrs. Gerald West, Mrs. Hubert More lock, Mrs. T. E. Evans, Mrs. James Brothanok, Mrs. Ben Johnson, Mrs. Edwin Stastnv, Mrs. Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. An gelo Jacobsen and son and Mrs. Ingeborg Wilkerson. Calling in the evening were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dalton and son, Bill, Jr., Merle Evans', Fred Earnheart, Mark Evans, Theo dore Evans and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Evans and children.' Members and guests of the Friendly circle who met Thurs day,. October 26, with Fannie Goddard, 2441 Garden, were Vio let Vance, Lena Liles, Kathcrine Williams, Lydia McDonald, Pearl Marin, Kathryn Billings, Grace Bock,- Hazel Norwood, Agnace Lowe, Ipha Brown, Vol ma Mitchell, Estclle Smith, Shir ley Smith, Lizzie Litllc, Nellie Gauslad, and Arthur Stone. Attention was called to the baked food sale to be held Sat urday, November 4, in Carter's market. Allen Adding Machine! : Friden Calculator! :, Royal Typewriters ' Deiks . Chain - Filet For ihoie herd-to-gst ltmt PIONEER PRINTING AND STATIONERY CO. 124 So. 9th Klamath Fall. Veterans Serve Veterans of Foreign Wars, Pelican post 1383, and auxiliary served at the sen-ice center Sun day, October 22, and 1011 ser vicemen were entertained dur ing the day. Fifty-one homemade pics were provided by the auxiliary. Members of the post and aux iliary who helped during the dav were Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Zeil. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McGil vray, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carna han, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wil liams, Mr. and Mrs. John Mul ling, Walter Thompson, Bill Can ton, Jim Souther, Mrs. W. J. Barron, Mrs. Robert Canoy, Mrs. Anna Dunn, Mrs. Orville Loh rey, Mrs. James Young, Mrs. Henry La Barge, Mrs. Frank Subject, Mrs. Churchill Jones, Mrs. Charles L. Jones, Mrs. Betty June Woods, Mrs. Mary Wells, Mrs. Marie Gray, Mrs. Ethel Duncan, Mrs. D. W. Lavin, Mrs. Carl W. Henry, Mrs. Ther esa Allesch, Mrs. Lamar Town send, Mrs. Ralph Hoyte, Mrs. J. P. Roper, Mrs. R. O. Miller, Mrs. Robert Caldwell and Helen Warren. Members of the post and aux iliary have been asked to take charge of the center again on Sunday, November 26. . Senior Circle Mrs. Lee Sutton and Mrs. J. J. Pex, hostesses to the senior cir cle of the Community Congre gational church Friday, October 20. entertained in tne commu nity hall on Garden. The table upon which dessert was served was centered with an arrangement of fruits, and au tumn leaves and candles in tiny pumpkin holders carried out the harvest theme. Mrs. W. C. Little, vice presi dent, opened the meeting, and Mrs. E. L. Mitchell conducted the devotions and the study pe riod. Later in the afternoon Mary Eckstein, president, concluded the business meeting. It was de cided that the circle would col lect rags to be sold, the proceeds to be turned in to the treasury. Rags may be left at the home of Mrs. H. S. Stone, 2204 Darrow, before November 1. . Attending were Mrs. E. L. Mitchell, Mrs. H. S. Stone, Mrs, William Larson, Mrs. S. R. Berry, Mrs. H. J. McGilvray, Mrs. L. E. Henry, Mrs. S. H. Goddard, Mrs. w. j. i,ime, Mrs. is.-u Matthews, Mrs. H. C. Brown Mrs. John Marin, Mrs. J. J. Pex Mrs. Kate Flynn and Mary Eck stein. . Girl Scouts Mrs. Roy Carter, actlriK exe- cutive secretary of the Girl Scouts here, invited Troop 12 lo ner nome at S1ZB South Sixth on Friday, October 20, for a "cook-out" party. After the Scouts Had roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over an out-door fire, they were en tertained by Irma-Beazley, who played the accordion, and Don na nae women, who gave a violin solo. Present were Mrs. A. L. Beaz ley,. troop leader, and Girl Scouts Zeda Taylor, Mildred Folsom, Opal Nielsen, Violet Griffith, Goldie Olson, Donna Kae Worden, Colleen McEnerny, Hazel Peace, Janet Lindberg ana irma ceaziey. .. - Birthday Party A party was given on the tenth birthday of Randall Binkley, at ine nome ot nis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Binkley, 1915 Huron. on Wednesday. October 25. Hal. loween .decorations and favors were used, and a birthday cake was served. Guests -. were ' Joan Nowell, Jean Nowell, Margery Larson, uumia nenry, rally leal, Ann Newman. Ramon Bell. Sam Montgomery, Gary Ray, Robert Olson, Donald Crane, and Diane DinKiey. . The home-making ' committee of the Women of the Moose. met in the Moose hall Friday, Oc tober 20, for a potluck luncheon and business meeting, with 20 present. Maude Scrgent, chair man of the committee, was in charge. The card -party held after the meeting had eight tables in play, and Zella Blan kenship held high score, Mary Parent second. The door award went to Sadie Rand and a spe cial award to Mrs. Bjorklund. KLAMATH LUTHERAN CHURCH . Crou and Creicent Streetl ' ' 8. M. Topntii, Paitor Sunday, October 29th Sunday School, 9:45 A.M. Divine Wonhip, 11:00 A.M. Sermon: "PERSEVERING PRAYER" Te all who teek light on life'i problemi, ipirltual inspira tion, and courage to carry on, we extend a moit cordial invitation to worship with ut LEAVING FOR SERVICE . Mr. and Mrs. Dean King, of Malin, and their scven-month-old taken together shortly before Mr. U, S. amiy. Mrs. King, ine iornicr margarev v icionne, hwi son Brownie Tea A tea for mothers of Brownies in Troop 23 was given on Thurs day afternoon, October 25, in Fairview school. Halloween dec orations, cat favors, crepe paper hats and invitations were made by the Brownies themselves for the occasion. Their leader, Mrs. Kay . Brown, was in charge, assisted bv Mrs. T. J. O Harra, Mrs. w.-Li. Terwilliger, Mrs. L. R. Thomp son, and Mrs. t,a jngman. Mothers present were Mrs. Loma Haldorson, Mrs. Dorothy Holston, Mrs. R. E. Dingman, Mrs. S. H. Ackerman, Mrs. Flor ence Ollmann, Mrs. Iver Daniel- son, Mrs. R. G. Fisher, Mrs. C. L. Langslet, Mrs. Al Murphcy, Mrs. Helen Montgomery, Mrs. Thelma Brumeister, Mrs. Frank Kline, and Mrs. L. J. Derrah. Brownie hostesses were Jack ie Lou Ackerman, Phyllis Brown, Dianne Brumeister, Mary Ann Danielson, Caroline Davis, Nancy Derrah, Nancy Lee Ding man, Patricia Fisher, Marie Ann Halderson, Sharon Lee Holston, Jana Langslet, Jackie Mae Mur phy, Virginia Lee Smith, Carol Stanley. Sharon Ann Thompson, La'Rae Walker, Betty Kline. Car ol Rae Dingman, Jeanne Buscr, Lonetta Montgomery and Mer lyn Smith. Wedding Party Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hermann, 329 Iowa, gave a wedding show er and party for Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Dillard on October 12. Mrs. Dillard is Mr. Hermann's daughter. Gifts were presented to the bride and groom, and wedding cake and coffee were served. Mrs. R. G. Torgerson and Mrs. W. C. Webster assisted with the serving, and Mrs. Harold Shear er poured. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cross. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Webster, Mrs. Pearl Lehto, Mrs. Leah Kurtz, Mrs. Audrey Mitscn, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Torgerson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hermann, Betty, Russell, Joe and Gary Lee Shearer, Laverne and Joyce Cooper and Carol Lee Hermann. Lioness Benefit The Lioness club, which each year sponsors one of the city's most successful benefits, has set the date for the 1944 party as Saturday evening, December 2, at 8 o'clock in the Willard hotel. Members of the club have changed the affair from a tea to a coffee hour and there will be cards, followed by buffet. De tails of the party will be an nounced later. Proceeds go into the eye conservation fund, a pro gram, long sponsored by Lioness club. . Laura Skinner and Arloa An drus were hostesses for the pot- iuck luncneon ot tne Hebekan social club held in the lOOF hall Wednesday, October 25, al 1 p, in, ' Needlework and knitting occu pied the afternoon, as there was no Ked cross sewing to be done. tor the next meeting. Novem bcr 8, Lucille Heifer and Cora Gehrke will be hostesses. VAN HEUSEN WHITE SHIRTS Neck Slzei 14 to 17 W -Sla-vs Lengths 32 to 35' $2.23 to $5.00 RUDY'S MEN'S SHOP 600 MAIN every Sunday. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'f xri ' - y King icil lor t on Lewis, wasmngion, wnere no win onier mr son, Bobby, hurt their pictures oouuy tiro nt home in Mnlin. Kennell-Kllis V TUNICS and TIERS vk'' : vWUM: ! !; ' ' V ' ' ' A great fanfare should announce these new Fall dresses! While they're straight and narrow basically . . . their lino is broken by tunic of feed ... and carefully proportioned tiers. They're trimmed with sparkle to . be the brightest light in your wardrobe for months ahctd. ' Social Calendar I'".". : I'1 , . , lVfJ""il. Novrinli" I Mr.. Ma.'l.'ii ll"k.. t:u Vine alrwl. X N--MII Huh. V'"'"?' I'rhUt. Nov'""" Monthly " rr"VU l",? rial .-nib, Muunir lwill. I ." 1' "' ,, Will -III l.miminlly !. "' J n.'l In Hi. ' ,,r" "n,l "wo hy Hi 1'iiltril Council ul thuicli wo men, a In '. . -Tiif.iUj. Nui-Miili" t Nlla luni'lium l I'olli-uli inlo. 1 l ,dr.J.i. vnb lll.ltlcl nmlliK. HW'," ,r"; o,i ... Ill I'" "'"'".'Z" in IVIIi-nn Willi allfini"'" i"" 1,1 library. ttMty Nol,,,,, Hi Krcinnnl I'TA mlln '", 'V"'1'1 lui.lnr l.lall I'limil I" "'iiniliii'lf.l dcr illrci-ll.'il l."rll Kami. I" Hlilial. N..vr..ilirr U Pr Kiilii'ii I" Im-li'ia ln'ima Klninatll rail. Woinan'a U ' ' 'l'" ' j , hi. In main lllirary aii.lll... Wriliik,,a)'. Nvr.iil.r IA IMalvK Don i:.""a.'l al IVHoan, alum Mirnl liy Klanialh Cnninuiiilly cuiuwl diauclatltin., Nnvrmliar l Annual linllilay liaraar anil Ira liy HI. Paul'a Eplaronal clluroll In parlih rnillio. Hallirdiv, tlar,nllir l.lonfaa Iwnalll tottn. Wlllar.1 hulal. iVinl'rr nanrlni r'"1' Ilrainra Clnll and Country club. Iiarly. Banquet Honoring Sgt. Suty Given .Sfi'itt'iiiil I'miHii" Kitty, who roturned rrcontly b INaiHCa, Itlll.v, Wlii-li' nin. Ha aiiiiiininn Willi tile W '""Itf huy ctiipN. wiin lit.iiiiii;l on Thiinriay evanl,,, Orin?"1'!! u immt liniiiiii' t. '"'Ill I" Hi" l)Hroom of the W,rT.tHJ Ovrr nt) int'iiiiH'tn Htm - "n ..i ii. AiiiiTii-iin 1. I'll Ion iiihI mix lllmv wciii pri'Mi'iil. Honored uui's'iH wfiv l'liiilliui'ii mother mid liither. Mr. nml Mm. Anton Sutv, in it hrr two sidle of Ma tin ' Mm. J. II. linlliiKhor. who licutls ihi' l.i'Kl'iii iiuxllliiry lierc. Carl Ki'liuhi'i'l. cunininmler of American l.i'Klim lt No. fl. Mrs. Curl Schuherl, llcntonnnl Jciiuni' MkiiIsiiii mid C'nrpurol KIIlllH'tll SlIlllllTH. IJiiiIng Hut I'venliiK, rniillne was wrlciiniiMl Into Iho Aniiirl. ruii l.i'Klon ly Cuiiiiiiiindi'r Schu ln'il mid pi'i-sriili'd with a Hlft from l.iil'nliilo's store.' The niT.HMilnlliiii was nuido by 8er gciiiit I'ii nt Ciliitier, uf thu army recruiting ulfleo licre, who win in chin go .uf biiiiiii'l arrange- mi""'. . . . . ,. riuillnc gavn an Inforninl talk, Octet,; tcillttiif of her m,u Ix'r 21 nimuh, with the WAc ov,"i ClnKlnu it.& 1 L,on.rrt"M:rr7lJ I'lllllQIl Oil l. n."".t bon J, pl,ni) li) a . 5 8 j A nhort hiiaii....'. Thrta m, r mI """I l'l I'LTtlUfl Ik. ;.-ii parly and rianc, I,: v.i.ra ny uoillior'i riii, "I and tho refrenhm.:.? refrjHhmenur ntary rlngton. Nc.rl. iS 3 iiienlK iiciHli J':mi will be NoiieZ,"!!1 i