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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1944)
PACE FIFTEEN 76. I?" HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON .....nit. Mel i pTTJ,W---- WFNEED MEN AND WOMEN POK tbitlNMAL YVUI Lubrication Man Car Polisher Used Car Polisher Mechanic Helpers These Are Steady Jobs In Steam Hed'ted Garage TFT A POSITION NOW THAT WILL LAST AFTER THE WAR IS OVER DICK B. MILLER Corner 71h it ixl Klnmiilh I f you WQIt I IU "Win UW-'M vjtt.mmi Sir umber yora wnoiw vw"M"'wiw w.w y,-,,, yu wa iohnny Tipion at the Mecca Billiards, 531 Main fetrCCt. Lperotion which is an essential Industry. V00D5' Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. rj ucN WANTEH worn in S'l Low! wP II 00 IX r hour, T,,..h No lumkhotue rhn 4,h erur H bUnKt. Mill on abpI pnufi" Cmy Lumber (til - rirU'l mei'hutitt. Top :ntu Moton. Dif'lymmith. i lift 81. V'HOOL Oini K wbiiI wnrk ( khool and SMimU). fountem YHfltlnf t vtltnet. Phone 7IM 4.n I and ft . rn. 10 37 STAND - i:eionM. Inquire ft! Unh. MM r.i)lmdi or 4 TUT ftr 10 p. nit 11-1 fcLK-.MKlunir tenia and tlrrlrlr I inquire ooa uivman, iu-.w lAU - DavriifHtrl end , AUO l7 Wllli Mutor. Ut-Junlor doei. ftn U-l Mfuld Wber. : -bmf door a, x73". IMS . 1030 X-Aunfld tulip hull. Mr Vrtn. 1 doitn 1.V, 401 Laauna fooni Till. 10-3 ID TO ItCNT-rarlly fornlahed iir a. flirt si rtrnunant Phone rrcd lluhler, IW II1IU ID-To buy trw lUcki. tiM in th Klamath Filla A Hi Nr. anao nrilr meollni very frl- nay nlflhl. II p. m FOE holt. 0th unit Walnut. Vlililnf mcmiMtre eoraiaiiv Inviurl, tt MATH FALLS MOOSE No. 1106, meets on Fri- night, 8:00 p. m. InitU every second nnd fourth y- Thurs. Ult and Found t?l4 Hmll Hwp aaeond hand Jileh bttwtrn Ortion avenue jUildi hoipllal. nuraa'a wateh, vtry badly. Nam op bark . mi n nam. naift aold -nd. Return to Hlllilde hot. rrnont nut. 10.33 Jiilfold rnnlalnlni driver's II luppirmrniary iirHftia, ne 10-3B Idtnllficallon bracelet with Qtniril Noflma flk BONE CAFE Open and Operating 2 Hours Dny Icr Nmu n fni Monngomciit a OUR SPECIALTY c.o.d. 1027 ivV.hi. """"" n'1 M.ko murvallnm 3(011 " 5" iwtinn.. Kxptrt .he Borvicei Mm. rm flnaa l-Nii) ;' NO AND AI.TKATinM " i i nil mnk 10-3 BlIUrB"- ' l.n Vi ."?"'! nntl Mid. pp'1" IS Help Wanted. Male 34 NTED 1I20U t i. .Art In e" lrn rnn r nmn jttint.ll .,. nn In nil these deoartmenti of nnr TF 10 APPLIANCE REPAIRS We rrpilr and service nil mikes of radios, vacuum cleaners and many other electrical appli ances. We may linve the type of radio tube you need. Reason able prices. Phone 8188. SEARS ROEBUCK Tues.-Thur.-Sat.-tf PLUMBING SERVICE Plumbing tt Heating Equipment Installed and Repaired DAVIS PLUMBING CO. Wo Hurry Phone ' 7635 10-30 Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR Factory Authoriied Service Household and Commercial Phone 8617 OREOON EQUIPMENT v.0. 127 So. 6th St, 11-lJm Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 23 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 218 Old Fort Road Phono 7034 before fl:00 or after 8:30 P. M. CRATING STORAGE Local and Long Distance HAULING Klamath Falls ' TRANSFER and STORACE Agents for United Van Lines 101 Klamath Phono 5672 10-30 FALLS ELECTRIC AND CENERAL REPAIRING Light PlanU, Generator. Rleclrle Mo tore Rewound and Repaired, Oai Engl net Overhauled and Re paired. Agent far Delco Light Plant end Batteries. 633 St. Francis St. Ph. 263 HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE Klielrlr nann and Walrr IWpalr and aervlca Clark Rowlings Vnetnmriv With Conrn Rai. IU0 Pacific ftrraca Fhona 4W7 11-aom HRMHTITCHINO DIlKSSMAKINtl. nulloni and Buckle, rnvnrnd. Allcralloni on ntw and old rtnthlne. Mr. II. M. Allandar. 7.11 Main, itnnm am Pn la-aim 19 Hnallh PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 183 Granite St. Ashland, Oregon , Phone 7091 r.mrtiintA Nurse in Charee 11 -Bm 14 Help Wanted Female lady ron orrtcc work . SUPdard Autorrottv 34 Keep Your Car in Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS 424 S. 6th St. 14 Help Wanted Kernel WANTKD-airl fm- Itmiacwork and rare of 2 children. IMimta 701 U aiDiiW CAM IIOI'l'KMH WAN'l'KI) at tli lUt- Nre-llurfr-r. Uotul puy. (JmhI Hp Apjily AT2U Ho. mil, Uh'M WAN'l'KD-H'Kck. diva nianonl wnrk. i'ni pnv, flf Ic Term' i, rimnu ll.'7l. WANTKI) A In m valid Udy. Willi Km). WANTKD- I'rewer. Ilrllnliln Cletiim'K. U)2'i 121 ho, t'tji. WANTKIJ- Middle m d ladv in d i ,. ('Mil ;wmt himaeworki 1 he lml itt wutf 371 B. Wu.l'KD Waliraaa and dUlmalior Wu man urafarred Apply el (lltlpri Coffee Shop VMit WANTKI) H'Klrt fountn In lrl. Kxprr itnvn not icuiili rd. Applv In imil. lfl llnndflLkt Dutg, 2212 8. 01 1 1 WANTKI) tjdlciladv fur druv alore, 0 31 In 48. hrllHif fxtmi '.rnrti not re pill red Imt drirhlc. No aodii foin lalit work. AppK In prrnn lc Hendricks Drug Utora. 3313 S th lOUHtl WANT MKNl'ON.'illlLr. WOMAN lo litre for atnnll flrl lr w llernoona a wrk. Very pleafcanl atirroundlngt. I 'hone tlJiS. 10-37 16 Holp Wanted. Male PERMANENT POSITION For 2 Automobile Mrcluimcs Steam lieu led UurtiKu Deal Taylni I'oilllun In KlAtnalh Full; DICK B. MILLER . Cor. 7lh Knil KUiiuith HELP WANTED 2 Truck Drivers Steady Work City of Klumalh Fulls Street Dept. See E. A. Thomas, City Engineer. 10-20 PAINTtllS WANTKI) Out apr.v mftn flvr litu.h moil. hour day. rtiuno 4&I7 allor 0;:uj vvciiiui. rami WANTKD-Mon .ntl wile (or more Inu mtial b rviH-rli-iirril ullti mlllilnK in. rhlne MiMlnn linu.c. ivnod llihl. and w.trf CUfnl-ltM I'erm.n.nt lob tnod wkkc. ('all IBM K5lt WANTKI) Men and tMy n ri pina l.llfhl ork anKl pay Apnl.v Howling Alley BID Main p m ur any evening Saturday or Sunday I731tl WANTKI) - Moy tn ahlne hrm oltrr arhool and Snlurdayt. Medli-al-Drnlnl Rldg. tlirhcr Shop MAN TO WORK IP clrnnlng room Standard Cleaner. liiKUll WANTED Men and boy to set pint bigtn work, good nay ADply howling alley HID Main 7 p m.. any evrnlng Saturday or Sunday ITSUt WOOD TRUCK UHIVKRS WANTKI) -Tcylon Ai Co. uotl WANTKI) Edgerma ii. Phone IKM8. Kl llngaon Lumber Co. 10-2U WANTKD - Pnper hnya for mornlni; route. 2331 Wantland or I'lione 4XI. 10-37 WANTKD -Mechanic, rndlator num. and hody man. Top wt;ii. Good work ing eoiulltloni. K.trl'a Auto Repair. Phone 77-1 Tix l?. Iikevlew. in-;il 18 SITUATION WANTKD Man nl Hi) and wife pant Ml de.lie permanent employ, ment. Experienced watchman. Burd en. r or caretaker, can do oilier work llntiiekrcping or cooklnu not rie.lrcd Quarter. If poiilble. What have you lo offer? Reference, furnished. Write B. F. Hopkins, Itnbler, Oregon. 10-28 EXPrniKNCED PLANER and yard su- Errlnlendent want, position Wrlle ox 37311, care Herald and News. 10-27 20 Room and Board ROOM AND DOARD-334 Michigan. ROOM, BOARD-Genllemen. 1007 Cre cent 11-2 22 Rooms For Rent ROOM FOR RENT-134 No. 3rd. 10-31m ROOM FOR IIEN'r-loaa Jefferion. ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. Phono 3n:ifl. 03.1 Qranl. 3a:itl nnnMS-iwi MlBh. Mill 28 Miscoll&noou' For Rent j-ij-0-XVV-VVr-,riifiii t'' n FOR RENT Kloor nnndtrt, edRera and wallpaper removing machined. J. E. Patterson Pnlnt Store. Phone 3.124. 1330 Eait Main. 10-31 m ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS and edger rented. Do your own work. Inquire, Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD tt CO to-llni 30 Roal Estato For Sale FOR SALR Small houne, large, lot. fruit and ahade trees, 1H07 Credent. 10-30 TOR SAt.E-Equlty In 4-ronm modern house near Air ttnae and bin line. M00 Anderaon Ave. 10-36 rnn RAi.E2-1iedroom liomc on S. 0th one end half acre nf Inn. I, inn atop In frpnt or cinor, inimcnmir punsni Inn. See It. C. Cnacbior, .1HIK1 Kmldn 10-30 WII.I. 8ACRIKICR four-room modern home with tlroplnre, aunporeh. Ihmi lalcd frull rnom, chlrkcn limine. Inrgo tarace and shop. Ilulf nrre lnlgnlrd. nice lawn nnd ircon. Iini'ft Fielda Ave. Phone 6.11)3. FOR SAI.E--I.arBO a-hrdrnom modern pome nl ttooo ciinisiimnu'i. cM.e. n-i, .11 fiimnra n.enr anriiitn. ItlWIl nililK- lera. close 'in. Phono IIMT. 10-37 FOR 8AI.R CHEAP-Modern Imune. JO Iota, barn Frank Burbec, Dort-in. 10-3(1 trtn . Mftriern heiiutv ahon Medford vlcinliy. Klnbilfhed luml- neaa. Prl"ed for quirk anle. Write Mm. A. U Naah, Dox 01(1. F.nnle Point. Oreium, 10-ati FOR SA1.F, Lunch counter. Inquire 733 Main. FOR Bhti :i-ronm phii'i l!i here. Clone to him line a. in aclmnl $iao. small down payment nr niahe ua a rafh offer. See al 0H41 Miller Ave, Cull 4Uil. f to" Automotive Phone 3136 Thura.-Sat. no Raal Estate For Sal FOR SALE aoOacrc farm on Klamath river. duo nillo above Known ns tho Charley Nelaon place. All level tillable land. Grain, nlliilfii und onioiiK. All irrigat ed. Kico wnlcr right. 810-ncro stock ranch, known as McC'ollum ranch. 70 acres irri gated bottom land, 100 acres dry farming, balunco hill pas ture lund. TOM CALMES Kcno, Oregon. 1947-tf FOR SALE O-room home with 3-room fur nished house in rear; S-room home with garage, also cabin nearly completed. Two extra lots. All in Rlvervlcw Addition. All for $5400. Income $140 per month. See Fred Cofer BARN HISEL AGENCY 112 S. 8th Phone 4195 10-26 SUBURBAN HOME with 'j acre irrigated ground. Has 2 bedrms, fireplace, large living room, attractive lawn and shrubs. Price $5000, terms. 1-rooin modern home at 1829 Lancaster. $1750, terms. 5 cabins on Shasta Way near South Sixth. A real bargain for $3250, terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. 9th Phone 4564 HOT SPRINGS . Modem 3-bcdroom home, two bathrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement and fur nace, nice lawn, trees and shrubs. $7000. Terms. R. P. OLIVER 111 So. 8th St. Phone 4710 10-26 POTATO LAND 135 Irrigated 100 acres in nil. No Buildings. $18,000 4 Cash. MARION BARNES Phono 7991 Olenc, Ore. 10-26 HOMES and INCOME PROPERTIES For Sale HARVEY ANDRUS 2300 Onion Phono 5394 10-27 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 849) FOR R ALB-- Sheep paitur. 3M) aorea Alfalfa end timothy mixed, aouth of Malin, Call Llakey Broa.. 701. SSltf FOR SALE-40 acrea of land, part. In alfalfa, the reat In paature. 1 acre Burden all fenced: three cowa and 4 calves, hoo. plf. chlekent. rab blta. Some farm equipment, hay and wood. Rood hunting and flatting. $2JV0Q cash. 3 milea north of Wit llnnmon River atoro, on old road along Agency Lake. Clair Shong. 1030 SACRIFICE SALE - Income property. Conveniently located In ' bualneas sec lion, 33.19 Shai-ta Way. See owner 1000 Arthur tlreet. 1037 FOR SALE 1B.7 acres Irrigated land. rciirrd. bulldlngi. Terma. 3. mllei Boiithwest of lienley. J. C. Royer. Rl 1, Dox 880. city. 10-37 FOR SALE 3-bcdroom house with baaement, furnace, winter wond in. 3 blocks from bualneas center. Phone 0106. 10-36 FOR SALE-Thl week, small 4-room houae, pnrtly modern and furnished. Inquire 23,'VO Wantland Ave. 10-36 FOR SALE I a acre with 3-room eahln. 3040 Hope. Inquire on Sun rl.v. 11-3-1 34 AUiomouTi Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends n-10m Nntilv overhauled and natnted. Phone 6334. 3013 Main, Apt, E. 10-30 SEE MEL HENRY at Lombard 'a Used Car uox. mi . uin ai. top ur CASH PRICE at once for your car. All makes and models for sale. 11.16m rnn A!.l' Three 1040 Chevrolet mo tors com plate. One completely over hauled, one bored ready for overhaul, ktfl Main St. 10-36 FOR SALE Brand new three-ton Dodge truck engine, complete with clutch end five-speed tranimlMlon. L. C, Tavlnr company. 113 8. Riverside Ave.. Medfor'd, Oregon. 10-30 FOR SALt3-10.1A Olds Dcl.uxe sedan, Old hcnler. radio and electric cluck. Leaving town, will sacrifice If sold bv Krldnv evenlna. Call at 3433 So. mil. Apt. 1. 10-26 34 Automotive 34 Sell Your Car NOW While the Price Still Is High SEE US TODAY We Pay Top O.P.A. Prices Your Ford Dealer Since 1923 Balsiger Motor Co. Attend the Caloregon Hereford Breeders Association Show and Sale Oct. 29-30 Klamath County Fairgrounds 31 Miscellaneous For Eale For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types Also Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATh RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So 6th Phone 6H42 10-31 m RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES ' Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 6lh Phone 7071 ll-13mc We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 10-31m TOP CARH PRICE tor your clean, late model car or equity. See U U. Quaro at BUR NESS MOTORS Authorized DeSom-Plymoutb Parta and Service Goodrich Tire Distributor am So 8lh 3Q.7tt 35 Fuel Heating RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 10-31m 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE-23 foot Universal trailer house. Sleeps four. Good condition. Call at D31 Prospect. 10-27 FOR SALE-Qlrl e prewar bicycle $.0.00. Colleen Dlllenburc. Keno, Ore. 10-29 FOR SALE Radio. Good condition. Table model. In cabinet. Apt. No. S. Lincoln Apt,. 310 E Main. 10-28 FOR SALE-Prewnr davenport. Taylor Tot walker, prewar: 1 pair calked boot,, la In., practically new. no stamp needed. 340 Mlchlsan St. 10-27 FOR SALE-Onc pair Hahtwelfht "West Coast LoRfiers." newty soled and heeled, size 10. S1S.00 shoes for SO.00. 2220 Wlard St. 10-20 At.t.P.N Aririlnfl Machine, and FR1DEN Calculators. 124 S. 0th St. Pioneer Printing St Stationery Co. U-15m FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS Roy Aohmeck. Phone 4003. RL 3. Box 1042. 10-31 m FOR SALE-100 tons baled hay. let out alfalfa, onls and at Keno, See Guy Moore at ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett, Tulelake 1104. 3350 U FOR SALE One Royal Crown bottle cooler. Merit Washing Machine Ser vice, ail So. sth. 11-20 ALL TYPES of small gas engines re. nalred. Bodenhamer Saw Shop, 381 E. Main. ' U-13mo FERTILIZER S2.00 A YARD In truck load lots. Get your fall plowing done now before freere. Chop your hay, save t, feed. See A. L. Wright, 2011 Blsbee St., or phone 9028. 10-30 FOR SALE - 1031 Model "A" Ford. Wrlto Rox 2674, care Herald and News office. 10-20 FOR SALK-193.1 Ford sedan. Five good lla. S200. Phone 354U. 10-27 Automotive, 38 Miscellaneous Fo Sate AUCTION Sunday, October 29, One o'Clock 533 N. 9th Furniture and miscellaneous articles.- Radio, phonograph, sev eral beds, dresser, tables, rocker, chairs, rugs, dishes, clothing and many other ar ticles. W. M. HECTOR,' Owner COL.' SWICART, Auctioneer 10-27 TRASH BURNERS Wood and Cool Heaters and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook top. especially priced. SS7.90 All-white porcelain cook stoves. priced from $59.50. Circulating neatcrs priced from HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gels the- Break He Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-tf Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call John Sandmeyer Phone 6195 C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bids. 9-30m Rooting Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Sealey Bros. Phone 7709 U73-U LANDSCAPING - Evergreens, flowering shrubs and trees. Make your selec tion now for fall planting. LAKE SHORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phone 4062. , ll-20m GLASS Mirrors, resllvering. plate, win dow and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves, Kimball's Glass Shop. 82T Walnut Phone 731a. U-4m FULLER BRUSH REPRESENTATIVE R. V. Morgan, 532 So. Riverside 11-4TT, SEWING MACHINE PARTS and sup piles. All makes. Phone (711. S21S Shasta Way, 10-3lm GIVE HIM A BURGESS VIBRO-TOOL F. R. Hauger, Open ell day Saturday. SIS Market. Phon 7221. 10-31 STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought, OK Second Hand Store. S20 Klamath. Phone 5871. 10-siin FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyer. 14SS Martin. Phone 5677, 10-Jlm FOR SALE - 35-T lnternaUonal track layer, John Deere model "D" wheels: tractor. No, 110 Gallion grader, rubber tires, good rubber: 1 12-ft. Interna tional combine. 2 grain drills, 1 2-gang plow, 1 4-gang plow, 1 Clipper fan - nlng mill, 1 grain elevator.. Tom Caimea, Keno. Ore, SSMtf INFRA-RED ELECTRIC H E A T I ft S, S20.50. F, s. Hauger. Open All Day Saturday, BIS Market Phone 7211, 11-aom ATTENTION HUNTERS For sale, Irish Setter puppies. Phono 6117, t0-26 FOR SALE - 1942 18-foot Traveleer trailer house. Room for four, 1833 Arthur St. R. O, Filey, 10.27 NEW 24 FT. HOUSE TRAILERS, alio a good selection -of used-trailers, II tn 30 ft. Term.. Sill Market St.. nrlne. Calif, n-i 38 For sale er Trade FOR SALE OR TRADC-3-room house, eleetrle llshta. .oft water, e.raee. : 7 mlies from Klamath Fall, on m.ln hlghwev. Will trade tor tvhat have you. H. C. Csselbler, MOS Fretda. , . 10-SS 34 AutomotlTe Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- v CASH FOR YOUR CAR. We Will Pay Fu OPA PRICES ON MOST LATE MODEL CARS ' SELL TODAY Ashley Chevrolet Co. 110 So. 6th St. 3 For tale or Trad FOR SALE or trade for trailer houio. equity In half acre, with itmalt house, at 4505 Altamont Drive. R. H. Chap man I0-2B 42 ' Miscellaneous Wanted WrLL PAY CASH for used guns Bring them In for appraisal, BELL'S HARD WARE. S2S Main St. 10 31m SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR BONDS If vou have eny no longer ueed frtlcles of any kind tying around your hotre or office then you have a real opportunity to help the war et fort, ia the firat place othei oeoole actually neea these no-longer used er ticlee: then too the money vou raise by telling things can be convened Into bonds Phone 3124 Classified Ad Dept. today 70tt WANTED TO RENT 2-nearoom furn ished or partly furnished house by two adults, employed In lumber tn dustry Call S14S day, and 8379 after S p. m. 19lt WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, lurmsnea apartment or house. Phone 5078 after 6 pm. 2273U WANTED TO BUY Sled with good run ners. Call 3124. 316tf WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. MarUn Produce Co. Phone 3372. 10-21 m WANTED - Boston Bull or Toy Bull duodv for Christmas oresenL Phone 6180 days. 10-26 WANTED - Clean, quiet room, with bath preferred by gentleman em ploved. Excellent references. Write 1013. care Herald and News. 10-28 FOR SALE OR TRADE H acre on Denver avenue or will trade for car. Call 3734 mornings. 10-31 WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3-room fur nished apt. or small modern furnish ed house. Man and wife, no children or pets. Permanent. P. O. Box 721. Klamath Falls. . 10-27 PAY CASH for P. O. Box 247. MM movie outfit. 10-26 WANTED Used washing machine. Phone 307J. Will pay good cash orlce. 1123U WANT TO RENT Small, modern, fur nished house. Quiet couple. Rsy Johnson. Gen. Del. 10-31 RELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN recently moved from Portlend. established in business wishes small furnished apart ment. Phone 6163. 10-23 WANTED TO RENT 4 or 9 room mod ern home, either unfurnished or partly ' furnished by responsible middle aged couple, no children. Phone 9573 or 5441, lau WANTKD - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVE'S UAKh-fcT. 910 East Main. Phone 42S2. 11 -in HIGHEST PRICES paid for nogs. veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 5323. nights 3505. 10 31m WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louts R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 4310 or 7175. 11 -20m WANT TO BUY -40 lo 160 acre dlversl tied ranch, equipped with farm ma chinery. In vicinity of Klamath Kails. Sute full price, terms and all details In tlrst letter. Write 39tS. care Her ald and News. 3946tt WANTED 4-room unfurnished house. Alba Comer, Balsiger Motor Co. 10-27 WANTED 4-room furnished house or apt. oy naval orticer. wue ana cnua. if sultsble family will stay Indefinite ly. Write 3593. care Herald and New., offlre. '.0-27 44 Livestock and Poultry Livestock Auction Every Saturday at the Pavilion, rnoenix, urcgon i . We have 12 head of well broke saddle horses to be sold at this sale, Including a Palomino and three Plntos. These arc local horses and well trained und sold with a guarantee. Also 6 new stock saddles. These are heavy duty prewar slock put ... t. . . m ' . . 1.11 .. uu. ujr .AUAtta- uesi ouuuiutj.. - Have lots of good livestock con signed for Saturday. Our con signments are now getting so heavy that it will be necessary for all stock to be at yards not later than 11:00 A. M. sale day. We have all the modern facili ties for feeding, watering and sorting of your livestock up to 500 head of cattle. This market is well established for out-of' state buyers, which feature alone insures the seller the highest market price for his livestock. Our salo force is thoroughly experienced hand lers of livestock. If you arc on the buying end you will find ample supplies for. selective buying. . . Southern Oregon Livestock Auction Co. Col. A. H. Dudley, Auctioneer 6223 Mcdiord, Ore. 10-27 34 Automotive ' Phone 411. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO BUV-BulMoz.r for Dt Caterpillar tractor. Write or photte Cox Bros.. Merrill. Ore. Phone 14. in-a 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 3 Duroo brood aowa ai farrow soon. Also 1 Duroc boar 0 will trade for calUe. Irvea Johnson. RL 1. Box SM-A. 16-3. FOR SALE-70 head good grade MO. pound wnite race weaner c lives, Tom Calmes. Keno. Ore. STSStX , WANTED One pair of genua horse. wen oroke tor work and saddle. About 1200 pounds. Ben DUlCAburg. Keno. Ore. 10-2 FOR SALE 70 bred ewea and S bueka. Ben Dlllenburg, Keno, Ore. 10-241 FOR SALE Guernsey cow. Freshen ttt February. 65- Phone 7SS. - t. 1, Box 616. le-IT FOR SALE IS dairy cows. 190.00 apiece, Guernsey and Jersey. W. H. .Austin. 2 miles north of Malln. '. 10.ST 48 Financial When You Want o, CASH LOAN ';: For Any Worthy -Purpose Call On;$ P. A. (Buck) Everett 1 at the office of;;; COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP.V 107 No. 9th St;; :.r. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On) -I; Automobiles - Furnitur " Livestock Salary c Sales Between Individ' uals Financed a n d. 0. P. A. Requirements' Completed Come In ' ' Phone In or Write I ri Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 10-Slm See "' K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO r FURNITURE NOTE : : Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy , s 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers : , '. Quick Service .- !-- Locally Owned . v is- Motor Investment' Co. Klamath's Oldest ; M-275 S-J41 114 N. 7th Phon 3328 1041m First Federal Has : Plenty of Money e o e Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home 4 i Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low : Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main' Phone 5195 10-Slm 48 Business Piipor'unitiM FOR SAIX-Builnn-s building In Grant Teas, three stories, well locsted. 0o4 Investment at bargain arie w. tt. Barton. Grants Pass, 4)nr. - ' "le-Jf - .'eaner.