PACE NINE A A 1 23, 34 Aulnliintlv 3 Automotive 34 Automotive) 34 Automotive) 34 Automotive 34 Automotive ltd JjJ. ...n.!. IERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON GIRLS ,v . .. L ! .. j Ifneinatina . . . Essential 9"'ca .. ,. Jllingncss to l"- Pelican Bay Lumber Co. AND CHOKER SETTERS Cull nt Our Office, 123 North Oth St. Services jn.'icrR consKririiK 4 flurrrv 031 Una, nhmtr ippointmriil. I l-Hni flO.VS Coaii. ium ir 1 1 tied wait. Mr, iwfieait in Prion 10 :itm Health BARK VIEW DNVALESCENT HOME 1193 Granite bt. Isliland, Oregon 1 Phona 7001 ti Nurjo tn Chnruo ll-Rin jp Winnd F.mal. WANTED Experienced Salesgirl Alio Want jt'eu to assist Fitter Itratlon department ICS APPAREL 719 Main fant Information or Women i"u te?)..,!?.u"". ! ,d ,,.' 'SSS UtrtM.rv a ... .: tilwi . ,,""" r in I mi, -"-r .uprrvi.inn of f rrni , '"fpl'e, III- ..f.'?P .'" Wrllr wvn. .nr., .l,r,n- 11""- 1013 $"1 or wm..... i n. . : i n w -i, , ' house ." "i "" lor II T - .inioif ""J:, tr? io lis " ' wic. r.ii 3B001I S ADl!,.hw:rh,:...wt. UMII WANTED f ' Shi """ "' "". or"w5nK soon 'M'.".mI'","I";-"I -r l. wuriC. Annlw .loanif ' U,n"n Hotel enfrfi I0M w WANwn 11 Urn liar. Unoil tlpn. In. in ITS, -r "'""i si. , . 22 5 Dnivw'a WAwir. h-. runmi C 111... T7 4 Mil 18 to 30 Western Union Offers You Ihiilr Telcciianh Troininn y"f"a , Santa Criu, California. You will learn T tic Tclc'Ji"Pl,y Cll,cl " l,,0?'ci ' Comnuini- alary 0'1 5i'l:-,:,,cncc Allowoncc wllllc 'corning jply iij Person WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. 10-25 IS H.lp Wanted, Mai II you want lu work in o logging camp, sawmill i. .-.u. .....I licie conditions aro aood. ao see jgmny Tipton at the Mecca Billiards, 531 Main et. We need men in all tlicio departments of our notion which is an essential Industry. WOODS: Choker Setters and Knot Bumpers MILL: Diy lumber handlers. 'IT HELP WANTED FALLERS, BUCKERS kit Our Camp Near Klamath Falls f ATTY LOGGING CO. 1025 Help W.ntod. Mat HELP WANTED Men 1 6 to 50 Women 1 8 to 40 No Experience Necessary Attractive Salary Plus Liberal Laundry Allowance Excellent Opportunity For Advancement ' STANDARD STATIONS, INC. J. D. White, Oth and KUmnth H. Skinner, B7 Mnln St. E. Carrlck, 1316 Oregon Ave. 10-24 SAWM1I.1 TalUawer. lathannan. 2 lath mill man. 7 laborer!. Planlnt mill: trlmmerntun. 3 moulding tlan, 2 lumbar handlart. Po (arlory. 3 lahnrera. All permanent day Job. Iimlrte wnrh. fl day weak, overtime nver 40 houri. Employee eligible for Federal !loulnr noardin rrW mentt made fnr ilnila man, II If takaa Box Co., 8. flth Si. Phone 41 iff 10-34 WANTED Kdrerman. Phone ft.148. tt llnnon Lumbar Co. I0-3A pAiNTEns wAN-rm On Rprav man. flvn bruoh men. hour day. Phone 4M7 after 30 avanlm. AtlTOMOBILE MECHANICS WANTED Familiar with Oanaral Motor ran nartrularly B u I tt. Inquire xw Malt. 10-3:1 WANTEr Man and wlfa for chore (ob tnimt be rxrwrienred with ntllklnB mi- t'hl ite Modern hntue. wood, llgltlt and water furnUliert Permanent lib loorf wanri. Call 7014. 2.1031 WANTED Cmtnta with no rhllriran. ner- niauenlly Inrated to minaia email itirniined. mmiorn aparimem. neirr eticepi rronhrrt Write Box 370B. rare Herald and Newi. 370fltr WANTED Men and hoya to eat pint, l.liht work, rood Day. Apply Bnwllni Alley. 1110 Main p nu or any e van Inf. Saturday or Sunday. 1731U WANTED - Roy to ahlna hoee after rhool and Saturday!. Mcdtcal-Drntal Bids. Barber Shop. 3-! MAN TO wonK in Standard Clenneri. WANTED .Men and boye to eet Dine. Lichl work, ood pay. Apply bowllni alley, mo Main. V p. m., any avenlnt, Saturday or Sunday. mm BEt.I.nnvH wanted, experienced or In experienced. Apply Wlnema Hotel. WANTKD ber Co. Ilnncly man. Phnna fWl4fl. WANTED Truck driver and warehnuie man. Apply at Swlfl Co., 8.14 Mar krl ftl 1f 34 SITtrATION WANTED Man pait (W and wnr pnm oil nemo pcrnmnrni oiiiih,'- menf. Experienced watchman, sard rncr or caretaker, can do other work llmmrkreplnn or rook In a not deilred. Puarlen If pnlblc. What have you to nffcr? Rflfrirnrca (urnUhed. Wrllr 11 F Hnnktna. Imhler. f)l f'in.--.l!L?fl 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOAnD-U Michigan. 1031 IIOOM, nOAllU-Oenllemen. 1007 CrM- rrnl. n-4 Room. Fot Rant ROOM rOR RKNT-1.14 No. 3rd. t0-.1lm ROOM rOR RINT-1028 J.lttr.on. ROOM VOH OENTI.KMAN. Phone Mia 38AJII Si L L Yu Balsiger Motor Co Main and Esplanade YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Balsiger Motor Co. 22 Boom Tor Rant nooMw- im nigh 24 Apartments, for Hani ron flENT 4-room fii'nlhed apt, muil ha adults, t)v wnrkitn.. Reference required. Write Herald-News. Hnx m rmtf. 28 MltcelUneou ror Ron! ron lir.NT -Flour saiulrr tdgere and wallpaper removing inachln,,., J E Puller iuti 1'ainl ttlore Phone 3.124, 1230 East Main. 10-31rn tLECTHIC fLOOlt 8ANUKRS and edier rented, fhi your own work. Imiuire Palnl Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD V ro m-aim 30 Real '! For Sal FOR SALE . 2na-acre lurm on Klnmath river, one mile above Keno. Known uh the Charley Nelson place. All level tillable hind. Grain, nlfnlfii nnrl nuinnn All irriiiat. cd. Free water right. Il.lfl.iiirn ulnflr i-nnfli Irtifiurn n iMcCollum ranch. 70 acres irri Katcu bottom land. 1UU acres dry fanning, balance hill pas ture land. TOM CALMES Keno, Oregon. 1947-tf FOR SALE ' O room clean, modern home, 3 bedrooms, living niu! tlinliiR room, kiliiii'ii unit b;ilh. Double Siinige and woodshed. And Service slntlon with two com puting pumps. Nenr city on mnln hlKlnviiy. rncc sou Port down, balance monthly. Wm, Van Duker nt. 3, Box 1020 Phone 6857 10-25 ATTRACTIVE HOME nt 769 California Ave., with im mediate possession. Has 5 rooms, automatic fiunncc. fireplace, cedar closets. Venetian blinds, hardwood floors, insulation. Going for $0UOO. Terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. Oth Phone 4564 POTATO LAND 135 Irrigated 100 acres In all. No Buildings. $18,000 li Cash. MARION BARNES Phone 7001 Olcnc, Ore. . 10-20 HOMES and INCOME PROPERTIES For Sale HARVEY ANDRUS. 2300 Union Phone 5394 10-27 HOMES FOR. SALE EVEHETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8401 11-Mm FOR SAI.K-:i-rooin p.rllv (urnWiPd limine. Iniiili '13 N- ;lrl- " TOR SALH-fi acrp. Rood Burden lanrt. a-room house, lumber lo nrtfl S more room, nnil plunihlnB lo make modern, in .lam-hen row h.rn. t'rleed to sell. Cnnh on lernn. R. It. Plielnj. ni. a. nox 413. ron SAtlE- Sheep plnr, 340 acre, alfiilfa and tlmolhy mixed, aouth n( Malm, tall u.Key Hro... m.. qjiu FOR RALft 8-hedroom hon.e. Hardwood floor.. (Ireplaca. tarnaca. Cln.e In. Call 07l:l. 3'4"t TOR SAt.K ..Four-room holme wtlh halh nod hn.eiuenl. liond. gnrNBe, wood hed and work .hup. Prlre S16O0. Small down payment, fl. K. Neher. 014 Hank SI., Bhlpplmton addllton. FOR SALK-40 aere. of Inml. part In alfalfa. Iho rcl In liniro, I aere Knrden all fenved: Ihreo eowa and 4 ralven. Iiob. pIRf. ehleken.. rah hlla. Soma farm equlpmenl. hnv nnd wood, aood hunting and .ftihlnB SMiMl rllh. 3 m"e norlh of Wll llnmaon River .lore, on old road along Agency Lake. Clair sh0"1 J( FOR SAI.r CIIKAP Mnrlern home. 10 loll, liarn rrann man, IIOllHfC FOR HAl.K-Heaonahle. One hloek from l-encnn ncnmii. r.n in formation phone 0767. 10-33 FOR SALE -Equity In 4-rnom modern liou.o nenr Air imw .1 3300 Andarion Ave. 10-M YOUR FORD DEALER "OR 21 YEARS R R N 30 Rtal tit.t. For 8U FOR SALE 18.7 acre. Irriaatad land fenced, building. Term.. 314 mile. aoulhwc.t or Henley. J. G. noyer. ni I Floy W. eltv. 10-27 34 Automotlv For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types Also Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCH INC and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So 6lh Phone 6942 1031m YOU CAN TRUST Your brakes to Stop your car quick, straight and safe After we reline them, for WE KNOW BRAKES LEO'S GARAGE llth and Main Phone 6603 Mon.-Wed. RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service Station' B. K. Teed 301 So. 6th Phone 7071 U-13mc Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends IMOm TOP CASH PRICE lot your clean, late model car or equity. Sea U M. Quaro at RURNESS MOTORS Authorized De3otoPlym6uth Parte and Service Goodrich Tire Dletrlbulor SIS So. th SMTIt ron SAI.E-'34 Tord cab. New rubber. 1R40 Lowell St. Phone 3S1. 10-38 MODEL A and B. W-hp., 83-hp. anH 05 .hp. reconditioned rord motora, and 1040-41 Chevrolet motora. Also other larger motora aultahl for ata Uonary work. Writ Bojt 3030, Herald and Newi. 1023 FOR RALE-in;ia Lincoln-Eephyr coupe. Newly overhauled and painted. Phone ' 6224. 3013 Main, Apt. E. 10-3S FOR SALE 1039 Plymouth '4-ton pick tip. Excellent condition. Malin. phone lfift. 10-33 FOR SALE-liWP StudebaVnr Commander sedan. Excellent condition. Matin, phone 100. 10-33 FOR SALE Brand new three-ton Dodie truck engine, complete with clutch and flve-spr-rd tranumtsslon. L. C. Taylor company, 112 S, Riverside Ave.. Med ford. Oreion. 10-20 Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- CASH FOR YOUR CAR We Will Pay Full OPA PRICES ' OK MOST LATE SELL TODAY Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. Don's Signal Service 9th and Pine Hours 8:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. Lubrication Our. Specialty TIRES - BATTERIES - ACCESSORIES ' Prompt Courteous Service Phone 5567 34 Automotive We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 10-31m Sr.K MEL HENRY t LnmDard'. II. rd C.r Lot 321 S. 6th SI. Top OPA CASH PRICE at ooce for your cnr. All make, and model, for Mile. ILlllm FOR SALE Three 1040 Chevrolet mo tor, eomplcle. One eonioletrly over h.uled. one bored rendy for overh-uil l::a Mlo Si. 10-2(1 35, Fuel Heating RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phono 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 10-31m 36 Miacallnneous For Sale Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call John Sandmeycr Phone 5193 C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bids. 0-30m Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Sealey Bros. Phone 7709 1173-tf FOR SALE-Large .Ire Hot Point Eleelrie range. Phone .1817. 1(3430 FULLER BRUSH REPRESENTATIVE R. V. Morgan. 532 So. Rlveralde ll-4n FOR SALE Barley baa.. Vsed once. lSe apleca. Dewey Smith. Malln. Phone 338. 10-23 GLASS Mirrors, resllverlnn, pletc. win dow and auto glass, furnlliire ton, .helves, Kimball's Glass Shop. .17 Walnut. Phone 7378. ll-4m SEWING MACHINE PARTS end sup plies. All makes. Phone Bill. 3210 Shasta Way. 10-31m GIVE HIM A BURGESS VIBRO-TOOL F. R. Hauger. Open all day Saturday. 313 Market. Phone 7221. 10-31 STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts stocked. Used furniture, sloven ImuKht. OK Second Hand Store. 820 Klamath. Phone 3671. FULLER BRUSHES . Clem Joycr. 1433 Martin. Phone 3677. 10-31ni FOR SALE 33-T International track layer. John Deere model "D" wheels; tractor. No. 110 Galllon grader, rubber tires, good rubber: 1 12-ft. Interna tional combine. 2 grain drills, 1 2-gang plow, 1 4-gang plow, 1 Clipper Lm nlng mill. 1 grain elevator. Tom Calmes, Keno, Ore. noutf FOR SALE-General Eleelrie fully auto matic range, breakfast set. table and 4 chairs, electric steam radiator. All Ilka new. Also double bed, inallrces and springs. Phone 3413. 1024 SHOTGUN, 20 Ga.. 1 boxes shells, leath er case. Phone 3603, 1403 Worden. 10-24 FOR SALE-Kltchen rablnctte. lable model. Phone 8.101, 1030 LcRoy St. 10-23 INFRA-RED ELECTRIC HEATERS. S20.30. F. R. Hauler. Open All n.-iy Saturday. 313 Market. Phono 7221. 11 -20m FOR SALE One used air compressor, complete wllh motor: one used Row Crop Case Iractor. Rninsnn Garrison Implement Co., 2013 So. (Uh. 10-23 FOR 8ALE-Globe electric slicing mn ehlne, nearly new. Phone 046H. Idella'a, 4S4S S. 6th. 10-23 FOR SALE - 07 Model Winchester. Fixlt Shop, 744 Klamath Ave. 36.'ilf MODEL CARS Phone 4113 10-23 36 Miscellaneous For Sile TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook lop, especially priced, S57.S0. All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from S5S1.50. Circulating heaters priced from $37.50. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Whore the Cash Buyer Gels the Break He Deserves Entrance Corner Oth and Klamath 3773-tf ALLEN Adding Machines and FWIDEN Calculator. 12 S. 9th St. Pioneer Printlnff St Stationery Co. U13m Dt'PONTS GHEF.N AND RED SHINGLE STAIN F R. Haticcr. Open AH Day Saturday. S15 Market. Phone 7331. 10-24 FFHTILIZER and CRAY CINDERS Roy Schmeck. Phone 4003. Rt. 3. Box 1042. 10-31ra FOR SALE-100 torn baled hay. lit cut nlfalfa. oats and rye. at Keno. See tiny Moore at ranch before croaslng rlvpr or call Doug Puckett. Tulelake 7104. 3333 tf FOR SALE One Royal Crown bottle cooler. Merit Washing Machine Ser vice. 611 So. 6th. 11-30 ALL TYPES of small gai engines re paired. Bodcnhamer Saw Shop. -351 E. Mntn ll-13mc A?. Misrrllnneous Want-ad REFRIGERATION NECESSARY IN WAR OR PEACE Shortage of men for Installation and repair work. The need for trained men to overhaul and Install refrigeration and air conditioning equipment It urgent. It you are mechanically inclined and have a fair education, look Into this big p.iy trade. Learn how you can get this training (n spare time or evenings. No Interference with present Job. For full In fot ma lion write at once, giving name, address, etc. Utilities Inst. 3932 care of News Herald. WANTED TO RENT 4 or .t room mod ern home, cither unfurnished or partly furnfjhcd by responsible middle aged couple, no children. Phone 5373 or 5 Ml. 192Stf WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys nnd rabbits. TRULOVES MARKET. 011) Eabt Main. Phone 4232. 11 -4m HKlllKSr PRICKS paid for nogs. veal. In nibs and rattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone U23, nights 3305. 10-311YI WANTED TO BlIY-Bulldoter for RD6 Caterpillar tractor. Writ or phone Cox Bros., Merrill. Ore. Thone 1 4. 10-28 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann. 130 N. 1th, Phone 4:19 or 7173. 11-20H1 PAY CASH 8 MM MOVIE OUTFIT P. O. Box 247. 10-24 WANT TO BUY-40 to 160 acre diversi fied ranch, equipped with farm ma chtnery. In vicinity of Klamath Falls. State full price, terms and all details in first letter. Write 3946, care Her ald nnd News. 3948tf WANTED Servieo couple to share house with ante. 311 Division. Pleas call niter 6 p. m. 10-34 WANTED - Wholrsele house or M-agon jobber to handle line carded nut meats, ;t0 pkss. to card-pecans, at mini (Is, walnuts, cashews, fish, bottled horfcradiah, 6 ox 4 oz 8 ox. Com " mission bnsls. real sellers. Write: Ore Ron Products Co., ' P. O. Box 87, U runts Pass, Oregon. 10-33 RELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN recently moved from Portland, established In InislncKS wishes small furnished apart men I. Phono 6163. 10-23 WANTED 4-room unfurnished house. Alba Comer, Balsiger Motor Co. 10-37 WANTED 4-room furnished house or aot, by nnval officer, wife and child. If sutinhle fmntly will stay Indefinite ly. Write 35!0, care Iter a Id and News office. 10-2T SEE ROSE Are You SURE : You Are Getting , TOP PRICE : For Your Car? Rose Motor Co. Ponti lac 6th and Plum JEEPS Are Now Available The Army is disposing of surplus Army vehicles through authorized dealers PLACE YOUR ORDER with. ; Lombard Motors' . . SEE EITHER "; , Mel Henry or L.'L. Lombard Deliveries will be made in the . order in which orders are re- ceived. Lombard Motors 424 S. 6th St. 42 Mitcellanfovia Wanted 44 Livestock and Poultry """""""""""""""s's',,,, an.NaMiaKA-MaaABAssaaVWlaaasVVV WILL PAY CASH for used cuns Brins GOAT SErtV!CF.t767 Burns. 10-23 them tn for appraisal. BELL'S HARD- . WARE, 523 Main St. 10-3im sell used articles and buy war 4 Financial BONDS If vou have any no Innpcr '- used articles of any kind lytnjt arouno your hotre or offlc then you have a VV'ts. ,,, V-.t t A-.-. real opportunity to helo the war el VVherl T OU Want O fort tn the first oiace other peaolr actually neea these no longer used ar A C I I I ""N A K I tteles: then too the money vou rais v ir! I v J"II by selling things can be converted N-x Wl 1 " Into bonds Phone 3124 Classified A1 r a a - ppi today a. ror Any Worthy WANTED TO RENT 2-hedroom furn Di irnnco C oil Cr- tshed or partly furnished house by rLilfJUit: VU 1 1 J two adults, employed In lumber in 1 dy C.1, 514a days, and p frtf WANTED Furnished or partly furnished f 4-U t---lm ri- housa or apartment Phone 9087. -tl.t Ul II IB UN ILB Ol: Walnut. Apt. 5. 10-S3 WANTED-Furnlshert Uvo-bedroom mod- COlVl fS1 E RCI AL em house close in: 3 adults: steady . w n i i-l vi M- WANTED TO RENT by permanenl cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phone 5078 after 6 p in 2J7.1t! WANT TO RtlY-Doicn or do7en and half colored pullets. Phone 5073 after 6:30 p. m. 2S3.1tf WANTED TO BUY -Sled wllh Hood run nera. Call 3124. 314511 ' WANTED - Live poultry of all amds Also aggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone I 3372. 10 21m ; WANTED - Boston Bull or Toy Bull I puppy for Christmas present. Phppc I Pisn dwv. in-Tl 46 Financial See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Acquirements Complete Privacy . 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-278 S-241 114 N. 7th Phono 332S 10-311H GMC Phone 6130 Phone 3138 Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 107 No. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come In Phone In or Write In . Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-2S1 10-31m First Federal Has Plenty of Money . Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home P;iy Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rates FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Maln Phone 9198 maim 48 Business Oportunitli FOR SALE -Business building. 9 slora rooms with 3-room newly decorated apartment. Downtown, flood Income. Terms. 4.2 Commercial. .7k.-. .. 10-94 B33 urant.