23, 1944 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE SEVEN Crush Wisconsin 13 to Remain on Top St.to Upsc" Strong 3r.ot Lok.i l. Purdue Beats Iowa. 26-7 Aen, . .vu i wrrk arid Iron vueatlrm Iimvh jUOLO CLA ITd-l'lmlil lunglra will) Mar- YOU' ", 1,7.11 -.nil. ' '""" ouiHiiijr lilirr J K 11110 hVcolloVC football mm j,. Wllrl.ell( ;)U , 0) ye,tmay. . htdlllllll lltllVU lllWU. "k .Southwest Randolph Field ripped iiuup i-uin, u,-u, id pro l . lo.in.nii nu I """, , ni I'I'C- 111 V.m"l i-uin, ui-u, III pro- l"r w;"mi ' i ,i I ill P'"'"0, ' " Willi (lie Lis i'1" M i, ,, u l'l,l'1 Alr rHrco nl a" Antonio, 'I'1'1' 1- Saturday night. Irit ll"'lr ",' i ,. ii, u I auuUiweal circuit. Tex- I llw v,'",r S i . I""' ""tl "I'ojciMt eiirintliin 1 . .. . 'Ml 11 I.I Mil" .,, , ,, ,,, f.,, ..,, , mint ft vl T" th,.v " ,! td ,c Collowi.iK il.ni Ulll.ll.'l ' .ii .. ' 10 7, como i.P ."'".'""J iiikI lakes oil Oklahoma A&M next. Kiint Army, winner of four which to W "J i. PaIiaaI :l,:,,Jf!l,t...,.",.t . """y .'?'"! InP JLIlvwl j wmiiM? wiui ivunv in u new . orK tnw ' - S"' wrnwi wiiiie t'ctinsyivutnn iTCMimun, iimn iinnrmrn, cmrr lull) Nnvy lit I'hllndrlitlild. Army romped over Count Guard, 70 to 0, Snlurdny, mid N.ivy w.ih net buck by Ooi kIh Trcli, 17 to 15. Duke and Venn both wore Idlr. Brown find Holy Crow., who col imiuimcu in - m ii urn, nun In IHP grnun i iwc ucuuncn, uitiwn wiui I'.iri n in 11 in iiiiii ii mi wn.n-11 it'll i umc tiers will. Co ml Gumd. C....11. :.....-., ... i. - i ii I owiiiii wi-wi bin i i il( i iikki ii (I victor over the Middles, looms . -I.... 1.. II. C I- lifjP litKillB WHT Nl'M,r inii.iiini..'i mi n.u .j.i.iiiii.imi..ii in iv! cmi5 27 0 In the cult and hag another chanco to 'l".f I- I i.iiv II'MH Mhlllll,-! Mnvflntrt ran !S find Georgia Pra-Klluhl. 3 to 0 Inarm , .... , ... M...iii f.tn . n..- i."ii.,i.i vim ' ' n -"','ip" i"-'. tiKiu mh. The panic nliiht. Wnkc Korc.l i-.-i f,.K inmxr iniim ai f in snniimi'ii k. til mid Km- UiiicIknti iM.it, liilxcn Willi Mlnml in Die viiiiiiT Dtmi, i i iv &vi:iii.iii.i ntitl rt II. lllU ,lni,.i. U,.i..-,... tloost enmf of the wllh ft 21 to 7 conquest of North Alamaba and TnncsNre, par llclnnntH in a Acorclosjt dendlork .-..kl- - ii.- Snturdnv. hove? entirely differ. ina nuinci ji vv i". "i n. ' it. Mills came rlKhl umna ni:iio u incm. mc i.i in ..ton 1 1. in la iid.ti to ri.,,. lucky Frldny nlcht while the Vol. uiileer mix will. Clcnmm. Tu lane, 16 to 13 winner over Au burn, hn.i Southern Methodist n. I la guest Saturday. Ceoreln find Lotinlnnn Slate are at Atlanta tht same day. y Tourney n II . I i ""--, -, ,, "SZ, , A e i t,,oriiiiiK ' Srilrle UikiHK II." l,,n lfMll Kairvlew U-? 2 .rnrfd flmt wlloil trs look a r" 'of Rolllc Allrn po"1"' V tar eauntcr anil point made, knot m it 7-7. Mill inth.r Iniii-lulown Illltl 5in of victory when lille heaved a iin to end the (coring for in! 'and final conlcit rolled over Fremont loievclt scored Ihe louchdowiit wllh Jim unit 30 yard to Dan the firm and uerrah Wayne Blake for the sdl kept In Ihe ball rn Norman Johiiiion a pau and inn for vn but Roosevelt came lunch the ciime with vini; a p;i.'s to Drrnili p yards and the final si consolation round jyed Monday at 4:30 tnc Pelicans meet ni! nd Fremont drnwlns i round of tho chnm- ght la jet for Wediic.- D D. m. when River. Jangle wllh Mills wllh Melting a bye. mowing men have Itheie grade school p certainly deserve recognition for their f Garrv UnherlKn lllm Scott, Fremont up, ialrv ew llnm. p. Roosevelt Ed At- win Verne Sue rs. lira played on Mills Vvyt.' i o'fd From f Dealers X Ul nie Balstser fpany relumecl "r" I" an nu , FlZZ .vie. : 1 PMsetiRer ! fife " lor I the l0,,,,n wl I1,1' removed in the f i045Wr Cl"' rnllon' Its won Id I uucks id's ,".,'t U,. f' new enr inniilin, hut mill will lie tliiimird tlilt wi-i-kiind when Klco and the l.miKlKinis collide al llnuMnn. Texas downed ArkaiiMis, 111 to o, and Itlcc Ut by Sii.iIIktii Mellni dlst, 1 to HI, to M--t t lit: stage for their Important ineetlng. Tulsa, u incinUui' of the dor. maul Missouri valley loon K'Boys Drop Title Tilt To Ashland Klamath freshmen-junior high Krlddcrs dropped their first ball U'line of the season, Saturday aftoriiooii, and with it the mythi cal southern Oregon Junior championship, to the Ashland juniors by a count of 33-0. The Klamath lads did not display the fire that they showed in their first game with Grants Pass and later in the Mcdford tilt, but seemed dead on their feel, and could never get rolling. Ashland acorcd twice in the llrst six minute wllh Heare go ing 54 yards on the third play of tho game and Richardson scoring minutes later on a triple reverse. Tho K-boys picked up their lone six points In tho first play of the second quarter after Dot son liBd passed to Moshy for n gain of 00 yards and a first down on the Ashlnnd 6. Dotson then took tho ball on a quarterback sneak and drovo over contcr for the tally. Hill's attempted place kick was blocked. Toward tho end of the first half, Bcare again broke louse for 40 yards to tho Klamath 10, and a penalty put It on tho five, where Richardson scored stand ing up on wldo end sweep. Ashland ran all three ot their conversions to mnke tho count, 21-fl, at tho end of the half. Neither eleven scored In the third stanza, but Bcare drovo over ccntor (or six points In tho early stages of tho fourth frnnio after he had set up the touch down with n 30-yard dash to the Klamath flvo to end the third period. The final Ashland counter came when Richardson Intercept ed a pass and traveled to the Klamath IB. From thero he scored on another triple reverse. Both running attompls for extra points failed, to mako the final score, 33-6. Marine Trainee Leads Nation's Grid Scorers NEW YORK, Oct. 23 (If) oiiiy i-romer, Arkansas Aggie hnlfbnck, passed Loss Tresscl, of Bnldwln-Wallncc. last week to become tho nation's highest scorer In colleen football, t.ronv cr, marine trainee who will be transferred November 1, lias tallied 11 touchdowns in six games for 66 points to Trcsscl't U4, Close, behind In a Irlnle tie for third plncc at 00 points apiece are jack liarbaugh, of central Michigan; Tom McWilllanis, of Mississippi State, and Claude Young of Illinois. On tho Pacific const Kellh Tip Courcoy, Washington, and Johnny Hoesch, UCLA, were tied with 84 points each. Whan in Modford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Jo and Anna Earlar Proprietors II'OIW wmm By PAUL HAINES UO DICE Ward W. lloljei U of Pnrllnnd who had never seen a teuin coached by Maiblu Cook Ioko a bull giiine, has kccii It now. Wurd wan in'iiuglil from I'ortland to Mi-ilfonl hy (In; Uuni-terback club, hut even his evil eye was not enough to Mult the raging Tniiuiilii f Medlord. We met Waul .Saturday allernoon and lie didn't look like the kind of fol low lo cany u hex around in his britches anyway. Moybo his lailura was dua to u shorlaqo of clay. . It Is thought that Ward makos lit tlo clay inmgoi ot Cook's prld opponents and than sticks pins In thorn whore ho judges it will do tho moit yood. Maybe ho couldn't coma by any ma toriali to work with so he had to fall back on his evil eye me thod, and it eithor didn't have cnouqli carry to reach the Mtdtord toam or they wera going to last ho couldn't turn his head quickly enough to keep up with them. MEDFORD MURMURS We wont windln' 'round the mountain whon we went and were on hand personally for the Medlord tilt, at we prom lnod to bo. Having heard all about the traditional rivalry between tho two towni. we ex pocled a tori of "tho Martins and tho Coyi, thoy was rack lose mountain boys" sot-up with ovorything brought Into play from brick-bats to howit sors. So we wore agrooably surprised to see some of the flnoit sportsmanship displayed we have avor soon by both fac tions. There was plenty of good, hard football played Friday night, but we failed to sec any thing that could be called down right deliberate fouling. This statement may drnw a few rcper- cujisions from some fans and maybe a few from the boys who saw action. Perkins was kicked In the leg. and Hob Redkey was injured loo, but wc will stick by our guns, as wc honestly don t think cither cuso was malicious ly Intended, George Long was also hurt In the game, but we were in the dressing room afterwards and never heard a peep out of him as to It being an intentional foul. Of course, he Is not tho kind of fellow to holler after the shoot ing's over, anyway. Tho Pelicans all played a great ball game, and we were proud of them all the way. . STAR IN HIS CROWN Hunt Clark from Salem rof ereod tho big battle at Medford and turnod in a wonderful job of officiating. Hunt hat work ad tovoral garnet thlt year here at Modoc field and the only thing we can tay it that we with there were more like him. A game never gett out ol hand when Hunt it in there and he it acrupuloutly fair. That fiasco at Ashland, under the guidance of Brother Rob erts, would never have occur red if Hunt had boon blowing the whittle. So take a bow. Hunt, you deterv it. Football Scores By The Atsociatod Prett SUNDAY March Field 20, El Toro (Calif.) Iln.ln.. 1.1 I.,... iiiva . Lincoln (Neb.) Air Field 13, niarqueiio u. Keesler (Miss.) Field 20, Gulf port Field 0. Kt. Thomas (St. Paul) 25. St. Mary's (Minn.) 0. Randolph Field 67, camp Polk (La.) 0. Iowa Seahnwks 30. Fort war- .AM 11 Maxwell Field 40. Chatham (Un.i rtcia u. Fort Bcnnlng Third Infantry A Minml Nnnol Trntnlnff 7 Fort Knox 51, Berry Field tnnsnviuei u. San Diego Naval Training 69, Ft. Mat-Arthur 0. I. RTF SATURDAY Second Air Fores 68. North Texas Aggfcs 0. Alnmcda (Calif.) Coast euara to r-nllene nf Pnelfie t). Norman Naval Zoomers 19, Amarlllo Army Air Diem u. Tni.n n" '.VI. Northeast State College of Miami o. Southwestern (Tex.) 21, Texas Tech 10. . . Baldwin-Wallace 8, case 7. Mississippi State 13, Louisiana a 1(11 u u. . Miami (Ohio) 26, Murray (Ky.) rtfee 21, Southern Methodiat iv,TtllDn,-a 10 "Howard 7 Wnkc Forest 21, North Caro lina State 7. St. Marys Pt'c-Fllght 21. UCLA 12. , . tr i r-tl.. 10 Pot Inrn ft 2 Utah 3t), Idaho (Southern Branch) 12. Colorado Univ. 28, Colorado Oklahoma A, M. 33, Denver 21. ItrnLnal, iA TlenjiMlu 7 Virginia Stato 32, Hampton inFtttuie t. m, .,,,! n Tiinh slain 7. Army .layvees 12, Atlantic Cilv Naval 2 HARTFORD Accident od Indemnity Companf INSURANCE TJ. WAITERS General Inturanca Agency FIRE . . . AUTOMOBILE 815 Main St. Phone 4193 Carries the Hod pa,aaasasBrif1ailesit .... :.:-.;,--,-. f! . ' t I 1 1 - ! " !l'l"T-.Sl kaWC3w54SV I I t I S f r"'ll Notre Dame ' i. v- ' ,JtVi -jaw auuiitJinori? rinn fa1. VTi J Keily the best MltritiSe back in L . fj' ' y 3 tlle country. hJM' 1 Chicago youngster will -i&Z&W'J&fWVr brunt of irisn attack and kick. Two Weeks Added to Coast League Baseball Schedule LOS ANGELES. Oct. 23 (VP) Two weeks have been added to next year's Pacific Coast league baseball playing schedule, and plans can lor approximately 2U0 games compared with the 179 played by most of the clubs this year. League directors, meeting last Saturday, set the 1945 season opening for March 31 and the close for September 23. Damon Miller, secretary of the San Francisco club, is drawing up a tentative schedule which will await formal adoption at the next Coast league meetine in January. The Portland and Se attle clubs requested that the schedule allow them to close on their home grounds. The directors, consisting of club owners, voted to propo. M me national Baseball associa tion at Its yearly meetine in Buf falo that the players' draft price for a'.l classifications of circuits be increased. The price for AA leagues, as the Coast circuit, would go from $7500 to $15,000. Also suggested was raising the recall price from S6000 to $11,000. Recommendations will be placed before the major league meeting later, if they are ratified by the association at its Decem ber 6 meeting. Continuation of the Gover nor's cup playoff series next year was voted by the coast loop directors. They will consider ways of enlarging the present players' pool of $12,500. San Francisco Packers Cut Down Oakland Giants 79-73 By The Atsociatod Prett A 98-yard run and a pass inter ception gave the San Francisco Packers a 19-13 win over the Oakland Giants in a Pacific Coast league professional foot ball game in San Francisco. The San Jose Mustangs down ed the Hollywood Wolves. 34-7, at San Jose in another Pacific Coast league game of the week end, owner and star player, Frank Sobrero hurling a success ful series of ground gaining passes. In the American league, the San Francisco Clippers, sparked by passing and plunging Half back Ken Washington, defeated the Los Angeles Mustangs, 27-7, at San Francisco. At Hollywood, the American league Los Aneeles Wildcats piled up a score of 30 to 0, for me taan Diego uunners, who tal. lied only 80 yards against the Wildcats' 216. In a Pacific Coast league game in San Diego, the San Diego Bombers won a 47-13 victory over the Los Angeles Bulldogs, putting on a sparkling passing show. Seattle Blanks Portland 17-0 In Pro Grid Tilt HANFORD, Wash., Oct. 23 (VP) The Seattle Bombers won a Kings-X victory over their northwest rival in the American Professional Football league yes terday when they defeated the Portland Rockets 17-0 before 3000 . spectators. Ken Roberts, newly-acquired Bomber fullback, figured in all the scoring a 30-yard pass to Jerry SImiclch in the second quarter, a nine-yard plunge in the third period, two conversions and a place-kick from the nine yard line in the final period. Portland mugged two scoring chances in the opening period. Recovering a Seattle fumble on the 8-yard line, the Rockets themselves lost the ball on a fumble on the first play. An other recovery of a Seattle fum ble on their own 18 yard Una enabled the Portlanders to move only to the 11 before bogging down in the heavy rain. Classlfien Ada Bring Results Huskies Meet USC Tonight Confartmca Tilt May Have ig learini en lowl Chaice By The Associated Press University of Washington Huskies and Southern California Trojans open this week's college football tonight in Los Angeles, In a game which will be the con ference opener for the Huskies, and which may have an import ant bearing on the western Rose Bowl choice. The Huskies will remain In California for a game in Berk eley Saturday with the Uni versity of California Bears, who last week lost to the Fleet City eleven from Pleasanton 2-19. In other Saturday games St. Mary's college plays Southern California at Los Angeles, and the University of Utah plays Nevada university at Reno. In a college-service team game Friday night in Los Angeles, UCLA will play the Alameda Coast guard Sea Lions. In an all-service game Sunday in San Francisco, St. Mary's Navy Pre Flight team will play the Fourth Air Force outfit from March Field, Calif. Last weekend St. Mary's Pre Flight team, with Jules Davis, virtually unknown prep player from Mississippi, carrying the ball 31 times for 199 yards, un let UCLA 21-12. The Alameda coast truant rl. feated the College of the Pacific at Stockton 19-0, Dale Halbert, former COP player, scoring three touchdowns. Ernie Piluso Meets 'Mask' Friday Night Popular Ernie Piluso, who challenged the winner of the main event on the ratsllng card last Friday night between the "Grey Mask" and Paavo Ka ton en. has had his sauntlet tlan a is cepted and will have the dubious hiwuiv ox meeimi ine aaasx this Friday in the headline go at the armory. Ernie, formerly of Klamath Falls, and ever Donular -fn local mat circles, may be Just the boy to give the hooded heel the busi ness. The "Mask" has still to taste defeat in the northwest and is definitely gunnini for the coast crown held at present by Jack Klrer. Ernie lias been in the mat business quite awhile shJ k.. I-, M ! . j a,.u ,im plenty iinm savvy la give the hood a roush evenlnv It is understood that Ernie would like nothing better than to. tip over the mysterious unknown grappler and no holds will b barred in what will be a top- noicn maicn. Tony Ross was not Iniurerl permanently in his tussle with tne fine sportsman, Herb Parks, and may appear on the bill Pri. day night. The services of Paavo Katonen are alse being sought and this Friday's eard will be another Bell ringer. Allan AeMliif Machlaee Frisian (Calculator Royal Typewrit Dasks - Chair - Filet For those kard-to-f et Items PIONEIR PRINTING AND STATIONERY CO. 124 So. Sth Klamath falls farra... it tint cut &xmM Vhr net enik na at wans to e itw fltestat . '1 Kl6ttnu . . . SMt ftnxmil osfrws a rtrfeftlr Utrot: 1 ' I'M Hlthk.H, 0t..FUe4 r Mwk.ruef fit, yon knew, ta a walster ef eee-war cweUtoee . . . Vital, riek, ntdow tke Perfaet Mt. Pu e hippy Pane tuition Mark It the eat ef a Hrrlng day. YOU TOO CAN H0HT WY IVIM9 0CW10N-li)OVMl !.ttn.1 Afrtttlan tV4to & IV. T. llnMfkMw. MIM tie; akraJalH Wkltkr, 44 fnhi Kl Green Bay Packers Stand Off Cleveland Rams 30-27 PLAYOFFS IN PORTLAND pnBTr.ivn r.. n iir. - . . ... i, VJ.. a 11 J Ltndsey Campbell, manager of mc osaie American region Jun ior baschflll nvn4tm h. said the 1945 northwest regional piayous probably will be held in Portland. KAHUT MEETS PARTNEK PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 23 m Joe Kahut, Woodburn, Ore- farmer who is waiting his draft ttoara call, will battle Heavy, weight Paul Partnek. Omaha Neb., over a 10-round route this Friday, Matchmaker Joe Water man announced today. Classified ads get results. CHICAGO, Oct. 23 (IP) The National Football league still has four unbeaten contenders, but the race obviously is the field against the power-laden Packers of Green Bay now roar ing along with five straight wins. ine western division pace setters yesterday hurdled their toughest barrier to date when they stood off the previously undefeated Cleveland Rams 30 21 in a ding-dong battle at Green Bay. It now appears that one club which might upset the prancing Packers is New York which kept atop the eastern division yester day with a 3-0 win over the Card-Pitts. The Giants, unde feated in three starts, entertain the Packers in their only east ern appearance of the regular season November 19. Although the record of each is marred by a tie, the Wash ington Redskins and the Philadelphia- Eagles kept in the un defeated circle by downing Brooklyn 17-14 and Boston 38-0 respectively. In a fifth Sabbath clash, the Chicago Bears settled for a 21-21 tie with the Detroit Li flashy Frankie Sinkwich nearly Mmw, . 1 , , - .fs"-h u,g icguc cnampions. The doughtv Rams nut im a terrific struggle before they succumbed to the Packers for their first setback in four samea. They grabbed a first period lead wi.cu .uuy i.oieiio gauopea 75 yards for a touchdown, but the rnmhlnnllnn a! I... r-An Don Hutson, Lou Brock and Joe iaws, veterans ail, turned the tide for the Packers. Hubinn. rtrn Rau'. M.tk.J . leal scoring machine, failed to stab any payoff passes as per custom, but he unerringly boot ed rnnuanlnn. nlta. .11 ..... - - an iuui j-acKer touchdowns. mm K 1 Blended Whit key 86-Proof 57i Groin Neutral Spirits The Lansdowna Distillery. Havre de Grace, Md. I .Beff I For yeart.'the U.S. Royal DelAueXtuljeeri a high coring tire for quick-stopping safety, for mileage and for all-round dependability. And today from coast to coast the new U.S. Royal DeLuxe, made of synthetic rubber, is turning in performance records that, am micrhtv doaa to nre-war natural rubber tires. "U. SI synthetic tires are good tires. ' BUY WHERE YOU flE THE II S. TIRE SIGN Thie it the sign of a local, independent business built on experience, knowledge, skilled eervice and producti of quality." TIRES ARE SCARCE-RECAP IN TIME! BLACK and WHITE SERVICE STATION TED SHOOP Main and Spring its, JACK 8CHULZE Phon 7741