fAGE FIVE 23, HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON land nl"( ,. u. 1.1. Ilo i-1 ilriti'.0, '.i .,i in iicllon I" lc" Ul IiihI ini'inorliil Vcf. ." .mini'lln i"liwl of. .K"' ,.. wllr of Hi" i,"":;i".'u..":iii ' 'ikllllt her lini IT.S inrnl Hi" weekend oiilllc'IVm:-. , 3rlh ""I"0 "." i ll.!!. ... i.t i .it 1. II ho ncciip r" " ,' , Ird Sunday evening. Lulive Commit'" A w". .riiilve com- l"t ?' " :," PTA hi., 'tilled by Iho president. iflciobcr 24, m ' rn rr will I lor ino u" ude. imclll lo Meet - " ol inc riinv v. ;, Wi meet TlinrMliiy. Oc 28 ,1 2 p. in. THo M ow tetlns placcti wcro ached Group 1. l e ""?"' II I Wlckersham. 1202 Group 2, Mm. Knrl II. Net 1331 Wordrn; Ciroiip 3. R W. Clnpp. South .. .. I . , - - Htdinra lir mm in in. Ir AHlcr and Mrs. Cnrol k ol Msrcnia wore week- T : I... l,.1,M rtf lie hn. Grorgn II. Adlcr ol auth Falls. Adlcr, Med- radio announcer, 19 a Icr ol Dr. Adlcr. kill Hoipuei Mm. r.niunn pn, 72, who Icll August ticl iraciurcu ncr nip. wm to niurn 10 ncr nonie at Ivory on snurciay alter Mrs. Thompson has been icnt t Klamath Volley hoi- tl.lln M a v I',,. I .... '"n"" ,,.. ,ji , iwmi-i mini ill Jerome, Ida., iiml Mm. II. l Stewart ul Hulac. 1110 Ihtii vinil 11 1 U their sou 11ml diiiiiilitor, Mr. mill Mrs. Marvin Huliurtsim ol N, lira. Mm. Hubr-i Imiii will re. Itint hnmn llif, purl nf lltl I. mill Mm. Stewart iiimm lo leave Tucsdiiy lur Tin' Uullis to visit uiiuuiur uuugmur. lit Poitpontd Mildred coni tiim bo.iulii'ini) who So have Vbllcd Slur DruK mis wcrK, Una Una 10 lone her trip to Klumnth lor at several onys. hi Amphlblont Dorothy kr ol Mamiiih Fnll.i wm lil this week to membership Biphlblanii, women's swim- honorary nt the Unlvorally fr(on. She was one of nine fcivo ino honor. I Social Candidates for ana county ollircs era In Sto atlend A plo sonal by the Lost River grnncje y KraiiRo holl Wcdnesdi,y, yi w, 0 p. 111, S'f H,,r-Vclmii Hurnrn. vvm ftiamnin mils and jiniuini in 1'orilnnrt. visit. ye over the weekend. She V!'nwr 01 inc lute Frank umiBmain rails. fcluri-Mrj 11. 1. nenney Jnlant daushter left Klnm Flley hospital Saturday "uiuu 111 minianci. Mir linuta Home Trial NTS HAIR Brm, Auburn or BlonJt (IT SHAMPOOS JBIumpw ck, wuhea out itandrurr, p a u r,ly if!,."1 ,mnlb. colorful tint 'lr llowi Vth Ills nd lu.tii. J Put up with f,prt. off-color mimit. lonnr. hmoo '"v" ur h'lr mora J.lvll,r. Wfi,rtnl) , i;., ,nn,- won't hurt Shift, f a,mm . Klnwlnir color to your In tli lnu,l .i,:,i... . Milium or !,llht Jum iTHInni. or niondfc Aik for TINTZ Shampoo Cakt at J aj CURRIN'S I WR DRUGS Ph. 4M4 Washington Vs. U.S.C. :1! p- M. Monday KWJJ (1080 K. C.) KVI w' K. C.) Enllat In Navy r'onzio I'nr. di, 222 llope, mid l'limk Her- ,vi :illll t,l 1, 1. II. ..f " v.. vim, 1,11.11 Wl KI1111111II1 1'ulln, mid Joiin A. Mc 171K1 01 uiy, uiiiimcii 111 1110 nnvy ci'iilly tlii'nuuli tlia locul rc iiltliiK ul lice, mid were itworn 1 at I'ultliiiKl, I'lirilsli Iiiim linen l-,ilhfMK III llln Kt.rui,- It,, n ,,, the army and one In the' navy. Clrclei to Moat The drcle.i ol the Woiiinn'n Mln.iloiimy Miclety ul Iho 13iiiitbt church mccl Thiiidy, October 2ft. nt 2 p. 111., im lollowa: Milium clrclo with Mrs. II. II. Slolcr, WcyiTliueiiscr: Kslher clrclo wilh Mis. Q. L. Ilolbrook. I'clk-nii C.'ltv: ltiicln-1 circle with Mrs. Hiiy Grrrn, Woy. rrlmutisrr; Uclhony. with Mrs. Lnili Uallard. 40UU l'eck drive. On Furlouah AS Euurne Candy, 2010 llojio, is here this wceK irom Willium-ltc univer sity, vIMtlng rrlntlvcK and Irlouds. CiaiKly will ruler the University of WashliiKlnn for na val reserve officers' trnlnlnu for 0 period of two years. Inlurai Ankl Mrs. .Inhn Houston, 12-12 I'aclflc Terrace. suffered a painful Injury to her rlBht ankle when she fell on a step at the Medford stadium lost Friday niuht. Mrs. Houston sprained her ankle and will have 11 in a cost ror at least six weeks. Ltavti Hospital Mrs. Ilnrrv navlciu and Infant dniiclitor Sally Jean, were dismissed from Klamalli Vallry hosn tnl Mnn. day, and arc now at the homo of Mis, Itavlria'n parenlj. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Itoccrs. 8SI Pnnfir Terrace. Quit III Mrs. Mnrv J. Rim. pie, who mnkes her home with a diiniihter. Mrs. Irene Watklns of Old, sulfcrcd a stroke Sunday and was moved to Klam ath Valley hospital. She Is quite From Portland Dettv .Inni. Sanders, nurse cadet at the Good Samaritan hospital In Portland, visited her mother, Cpl. Kliza bcth Sunders of the local army recruiting personnel, in Klamath rani una wccKcnci. Vlaltina Hor. FllnM nrflrr rtobert It. NeUnn Hilllnnnrl nl Gicenvllle, S. C, Is visltlne hl5 parents. Mr. nod Mr .1 v. son of 1,136 Johnson, on a 10-day leave. He will be here until Fri day of this week. To Hospital Mrs. Penrl m. bee df 1211 N. 7th, was moved from her home to Klamath Val ley hospital, Sunday evening. Mrs. Blsbce, 70, suffered a stroke. nWlf .1.. -,... Son Women's Ambulance corps arc reminded lo bring their rum mage lo tho regular meeting Tuesday for tho rummage sale to bt sponsored by tho Junior corps. To Modford Mrs. Kathleen Estes. operator of Hostlng's beauty shop, was called to Med ford litis nasi weekend hv the serious Illness of her father. Pat lan t Mario Snmillol Southern Pacific employe, was moved to Hillside hospital Sun day morning from the SP depot wncrc no oceanic 111. Back From Trio Dr. Snmh Ethel Smith arrived home Sun day from a visit in the east. Dr. Smith reports that no place looks as good as Oregon. Altar Oulld Members of Al tar Guild of St, Paul's will meet tonight, Monday, at 7:30 o clock in tho Dnrlsh house. Mra. Willis Gliddcn will be hostess. Sehaolmataa On Wlrtav n f l.r. nnntv 9? il 4 n m lha Schoolmates club will meet at inn nomc 01 Mrs. Henry unities, iiu tanoy. Homa on Leave Donald E. Barlow of the U. S. navy, is homo on leave from Forragut, Idaho. Ho will return to his base this Thursday. Junior Hosttsses There will bo a Halloween costume party at the Morlnn Barracks Thursday evening for all Junior Hostesses. Raturns Mrs. Timothy Mur phy left for her home In Dun mulr Monday morning after a weekend visit here. Death Toll Exceeds 100 in Cleveland Blast ...... . V: INlA TtUnhnto, Hue iu unma auuid intact amid wreckage ol Cast Ohio Oas Co.'a liquid gas storage plant where thunderous explosions touched off blaie. greawat in Cleveland's History, that destroyed 60-block East Side area.. The tlraUi toll will exceed Iho and more than 3600 were mane homeless oy the flamea :aaeadlng on the tteeli of fiery blaau. Damage woa estimated at more than S5.000.000. OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE ( Sena fek Arnold Writes Poem William L. Arnold, seaman first class, U. S. coast guard, is on the staff of his shin's nnnur and writes a lot of light and sometimes not so light verse for the Interesting llitle mlmro graphed sheet. Copies of the paper hnvc been received by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ar nold, on route 2. Arnold has been In the coast guard over two years. He has been In Iho Pncific 14 months, and .was on hand for Hollnndla. Sairinn, Guam and other ' actions. Here Is a poem Arnold sent nomc to nts parents: The calm before the storm We're moving out tomorrow Farther than the fondest hopes: At home there'll be much sorrow. I'll gladly do it never No Joy fills my soul, But I have a job to do, From which lucre's no parole. I cannot gripe or holler For i,ome one's got lo do It, . And if 1 do not do my Job, They'll shove some one into it. It's strange to think that some one else Should ever take my pari; For If ho died, there'd always be That knowledge In my heart, That I had failed and in my way Had caused a man his life For I am not a god to slay, Or take a man from slriic. I only want lo do the things That I have always planned To live my life in fullness, And in va manner grand. We're moving up tomorrow, God bless you, every one. I hope I'll see you all again When this, my job, is done, WALKER RETURNS Corporal Marvin J. Walker, 21, son of Mrs. S. H. Driscoll of Bcatty, has returned to the con tinent after months of service with the marine corps in the Pacific. A veteran of eight campaigns with the second marine division, the corporal saw his last action in the Mariana islands. He wears the purple heart rlbbpn for wounds received in action and has received the presiden tial unit citation, twice awarded to his division. BIEHN IN STATES . First Lt. M. W. Biehn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Biehn, 2708 Kane, has completed his 35 flying missions over Ger many, and has been sent back PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO r-AIN NO HOSPITALIZATION No f.oia of Tlma rrmionl Rtanllil DR. E. M. MARSHA ChlranraMIe PhyiitoUn tS No. lib Kaiialr Thcalro Bids. Pben isaa lo tho states. Ho has been in England, serving as co-pilot of n B-17, and has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross ond the Air Mcdul with four oak leaf clusters. LI. Biehn enlisted In the army In October, 1910, and served two years ut Fort Slo vens befurc transferring to the air corps. He was employed by H. L. Prlchaid company here before ho entered the service. After spending his furlough here in Klamath Falls visiting his parents, ho will leave Tues day for Santa Monica, Calif., where he will be reassigned. Stlnoaretta Club There will be a meeting of the Stingercttc social club, Wednesday. October 25, at the home of Anna Brown, 334 Martin, with a politick lun cheon at 12:30 p. m. Final ar rangements for the annual meet ing will be made at this time and all members arc asked to attend. COMPLETION OF POTATO HARVEST NEAR Social Club The Rebcfcah social club will meet Wednesday, October 25, in the IOOF hall for a potluck luncheon at 1 p. m., with Arloa Andrus and Laura Skinner, the hostesses. All mem bers and visiting Rcbckahs are invited to attend. To Dallas Florence Walker, 2105 Reclamation, received word Sunday evening of the sudden death of her brother, Harrv Wal ker of Dallas. Ore. She left on Monday morning. London's foggiest spot Is the city hall. Westminster. It re corded 104 days of smoke-haze between October, 1932, and Marcn, IB33. This week will see the final wind-up of the potato harvest throughout the Klamath basin. Perfect harvest weather this past week made It possible for a number of growers to clean their fields. Below average moisture has stood in good stead for the onion growers as well and har vest of that crop was reported two-thirds finished. A drizzle forecast for this weekend failed to materialize and only moisture that fell came in a light sprinkle in the southeast ern part of Klamath county, the weatherman reported. Mexican nationals, who have aided materially in the potato harvest, arc scheduled to go south Into the California fieldE for late fall crops there. One group will be shipped out Thursday, a second is slated to leave October 28 after mopping up remaining iieias nerc. Tulclake farmers were high in their praise of Camp Tulc lake soldiers who aided, espe cially on short notice, the growers who found themselves lean handed at the last min ute. German prisoners of war arc also said to have worked out in fine fashion. Shipping was still not up to normal, a Tulclake " report stated, but with more reefers released, this condition should be rectified shortly. Collect Ragi The senior cir cle of the Community Congrega tional church is to collect rags this month, to be sold, and the proceeds turned into the treas ury. Anyone with rags to turn in is asked to leave them with Mrs. II. S. Stone, 2204 Darrow. before November 1. Candidate 14 v.iicSiV TFr. . '1 i?7 . - .id - 4 Ik f 7 Wf (t Anna Mason, well known Klamath Falls woman, whoa namt will be on the city bal lot as candidato for the office of city treasurer. Kennell-Ellls. From Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Francis and daugh ters, Shirley and Sharon, former residents of Klamath Falls, are in town for a two weeks' visit with his mother. Mrs. Anna Francis, 419 9th, and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl, Port land drive. They arc living at present m Los Angeles. Merrv Mixers Tillie Chanv berlain, 1654 Portland, will be hostess to the Merry Mixers Thursday evening, October 26. TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yoursell SaTe H Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone S304 1201 East Main For Workers! BONE-DRY and BUCKHECT WORK SHOES Complete Stock Available From S6.45 ' DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main o WORK SHOES WORK BOOTS MACKINAWS CRUISER COATS HEAVY UNIONS Oregon Woolen Store 8th and Main MS FOR OFFICE Mrs, Anne Mason, wife et the late Carl Mason of this city, is a candidate for the of fice of city treasurer, her peti tions having been filed several weeks ago. Mrs. Mason owns her home in this city at 2023 Lawrence, has two daughters in Klamath Union high school and has re sided in Klamath Falls for IS years. She has had a number of years of general office expe rience and two years with the late G. Ed Ross, public accoun tant and auditor. In a statement made Mon day, Mrs. Mason said she felt well qualified to handle the of fice of city treasurer. She has been active in civic and social affairs of the town and has a keen interest in the welfare of Klamath Falls. Mrs. Mason and her late husband came here from Salem. He was a well known certified public accoun tant and a member of a pioneer Salem family. He died In Janu ary, 1940. ; Methodist Society The Worn an's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist ' church will meet in the church parlors, Thursday, October 26, for an all day meeting. In observance of the Methodist Day of Prayer, there will be a devotional meet ing at 10:30 a. m., followed by a sack lunch at noon- At 1 p. m., the executive board will meet, the prayer group at 1:30, and the general business meeting and program at 2 p. m. Women of the church, congregation and community are invited to attend. Mrs. Moccabee will serve tea. Visit Postponed Miss Mildred Rock, Cora : Nome specialist, was un able io reach Klamath , Falls today and her visit . to Star Drug Store has had to be postponed for several days. WATCH THE PAPER FOR NEWS! STAR DRUG STORE Fifth and Main Pfcon 8461 cAitn or THANKS I wlh lo exfrnd my heartfelt thnlc and appreciation (or the Ada of kind item, the maRrti of nympathy nnd many lwauWu) floral offrrlnit during my went bereavement, the loss of my aon, Frank Cre. on forrinn soil. Mns. CIL.ADY CRKSS. ALL NATURE PREPARES FOR WINTER - HOW ABOUT YOU f For the best "engineered" winter protection, witness MR. BEAVER who. builds stoutly reinforced dams over streams, insulates them against cold, and provides access to his food stores beneath the solid surface ice. wm LARGEST VOTIIN ; PRIMARIES ' , I Efficient: l Responsibility f l : rmrt Artv. hv Sett fr TrfUMirrr '; ::Coniw. wm, n. Unnrvmnn. Tims.,'; nn Blrtt.l Portland. Or. In Hlllalde Wayno Mnxnn nf D12B LnVnrne, Is a patient, at Hillside, admitted Sunday morn-hiR. Vote For DOROTHEA BUCK Democratic Candidate For County Commissioner H. Air. hr Deralaa NOTICE! The State Food and Bever age Association asks all food and tavern owners to meet at the Willard Hotel Tuesday, October 24, 9 p. m. A representative from Portland will be present. KLAMATH COUNTY Restaurant and Tavern Assoc. A TIP OR TWO FROM A FRIENDLY BEAVER . . . ANTICIPATE COW WEATHER If beavers could talk, they'd soon tip you off. But watch them at work. See how they plan ahead. That's what you should do . . . act how to ready your car for the rigors of winter. It isn't just greasing and oiling and ami-freeze. The car you have to depend on deserves a thorough check-up. Your Plymouth, Dodge, DeSoto or Chrysler dealer has experienced mechanics who know every detail of your car's operation. That's where they have the tools to test and do whatever adjusting is necessary. They also have factory-engineered and inspected parts. And , . . they hav your real interests? it heart. Now iVthe time to prevent winter car troubles. Drive around to your dealer today or phone for an appointment. Your faithful car will reward you with much better service this 4"th War Winter, CHRYSLER CORPORATION Pari Division 7b siaIJ . . -Mr winter c" trouble V this trademark MmNHh MOM ' ' ' lactory-eae.lnsarea' and Inipatltd V Ctirvihr Careeratlen farta OMilaa. VOUU ENJOY MAJOR SOW IS, THUSSDAVt 9 P. M. I.W.T, CSS MafMrtt piw.iouni 90006 m $m cmvsuxt BACK THB ATTACK BUY MORE WAR BONDS .0 ' ertlrvieaunuwHVgK'