PACE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON October 23, ' Naval Leaders of Philippine Invasion Jit A 1 i f"1 ""SfS command of these high-ranking naval officers carried MacArlhur'i 250,000 men to the Philippines, provided the air and sea bombardment that paved the way for landing forces. Uft to rfcht: Vice Adm. Thomas S. Wilkinson. USN. commander. Third Fleet, amphibious forces: Vie Adm. T. O. Klnkald, commander ot Allied naval forces in Southwest Pacific; and Rear Adm. Daniel E. Bar bey, commander of Seventh Fleet amphibious forces. U. & Navy photo. Road Back to Bataan PRICE UNCHANGED PORTLAND, Oct. 23 (JP) Cash wheat prices here on or dinary types were aooui un changed for the week ended October 20 but protein quali ties of hard winter and hard white were up some one cem a bushel compared with a week ago, the war food administra tion announced today. Demand was only moderate IQ 1IK1U IN IMC hclltlnl vf.. wheat market, and mostly con- fihed to special quality protein lots for immediate mill need. Other buyers were not actively ir the market. Trading and movement was light, Portland having only 03 of tho some 375 cars at Puget r-MiYltia river ter- .-.uunu a, iv, Finnic Rornints were mainly C'C.C. supplies and deliveries on earlier purcnases. uiunvn were reported releasing only lieht quantities at country nnints. Tin many Oregon areas, rain has facilitated seeding and ger niination of sown grain, but in some large sections more rain is needed for gooa germuwuuu. i i I EDITORIALS ON NEWS Continued From Page One) ' . . IT. .11 I says he ana oecreimy nun CAN'T commit the United States to any secret treaties that are in violation of the constitution. "That answer would be more impressive if it weren't tor tnc Tau, noaintV "what s the con- Htutinn between friends'' at titude which makes a lot of us suspicious where otherwise we wouldn t oa. The feeling that its promises ran' hp trusted is back of a lot of sincere opposition to the new Deal. THE day's political sensation is the announcement by Sen ator Ball, Minnesota REPUB LICAN, that he will support Roosevelt for a fourth term on the bas is of FOREIGN POLICY Ball, who is probably quite sincere, belongs to the fairly numerous group of Americans (often referred to as the intel ligentsia") whose heads are so constantly up in the rosy clouds of foreign ttoncy tnat tney are apt to lose sight entirely of DOMESTIC affairs. (You prob ibly know the type. They're rresent in every community they're admirable people, but inclined to be on the IMPRAC TICAL side.) A great many MORE of us, feeling that ' sound foreign policies, like chanty, should BE- uiw AT home, are interested in DOMESTIC affairs first and .FOREIGN affairs afterward. If we run our domestic affairs roundly and realistically, with courteous tolerance for the rizhts m "iner nations, we don't have Am.r!e ,-. ....mi.i.. u lvJ4 -i rnwouble .th our foreign eel f island 'in c.nir.l ShilVpine.. Th "pHal. T.clo it- ij iuiitan soiaiers, as well as an CENTRAL I T PHILIPPINE ; -N lL ISUNDS '-SJ? V ?AR -G ft f JWJ-A jy Vi v , . PANOLAOi l l Mim - - . - -- -C Uir i ; 6 SO - lJ , MINDANAO Slovakia, Reich Bombed by Yanks LONDON, Oct. 23 OP) Heavy Jap-Yank Problems Subject of Debate EUGENE, Oct. . 23 P) Ore. gon entrants in the annual state high school speech tournament SnL'nWh A6 ?.: What bombed fVom ItST irtfida Shall Be the Postwar Policy of western Czechoslovakia and Gcr Oregon Toward Jananese-Ampr. man nhMi... j.V t Other subjectsannounced by rAc't ATSl!fe 1-.,,- "ii LB ,"u. ' 'P Pen sKyways, zouu American league, will be "Postwar De- and British planes roamed hun- velopment- for Oregon" and dreds of miles into Germany yes- "Resolved That the Leoai Vnin terriav attannn .i r ., . " luv;u io in waificw, wunout a single loss. Years. The contest will he holri It wan the first Hmo or, j- ncxt spring. of this size had escaped at least XT i "llnor oaiue casualties. Only one enemy aircraft was seen and it was destrnveri. Ant:. aircraft fire generally was mod erate and inaccurate. Kansas City Woman Commits Suicide In Roseburg ROSEBURd. fW 93 ixn . Innnmnfl...- The body Of Mrs. Thotma war trains rolling trj"dc "croft, 46, of Kansas Classified Ads Bring Results i 1 Men! Hook on to this top priority job! Railroading flat cars . . ... action for active man h.. City, Mo., was fmmH uith what this job is all about. That's ?unshot wound Saturday night y -L 13 no dull cut-and- Jn ,the apartment of her brother- "',,.?J luuune. mat s why men "na Mr, and Mrs. with red blood take to it. And chles B. Brewer, in Rose- why you may want it. This is bur- Coroner H. C. Stearns re- the job of Switchman with Pored the case to be one of jjuumeru racuic a job we aulclQe- tram you for in a few days. As of'icers reconstructed the switching cars loaded with war S?se' tne coroner stated, Mrs. materials . . . keeping 'em Cracroft arrived in Roseburg humping ... working with an Saturday for a surprise visit " m me yards or r"wl mT' na mr. Brewer, but terminals . . , working with real fund them absent. She was ad rai roaders... helping America m'tted to their apartment by roll to victory. (And that's no neighbor. When the Brewers flowery statement!) Fine wages! returned home late Saturday 03Bl plu, chance tney iouna tne oody of lor overtime. Plenty of work Mr!- Cracroft in a clothes wi CSUSu S S''S bl8est job f106?4 where hunting equipment "k j L yermany is fin- " "" ept, il , V JUI1 wun one ' Amer ica s biggest companies. Here's your chance. Look into it! Men also wanted to train for Brake men at similar pay. See or Write Trainmaster, S. P. Station, Klamath Falls, or Your Nearest S. P. Agent Carl Ladd Fined For Violating Game Regulations Carl Ladd paid a fine of $34.40 in justice court Monday morning after he had pleaded guilty to two game law violations, filed against him by Federal Officer A. D. Goodwin. Ladd was arrested Sundav hv Federal Officer Goodwin on Charges of hunting for upland birds with an unnlnirirsrt ,hn.,. and huntine mi?rin fn,i .i. with an unplugged shotgun! The iiia pneasant ana quail, as well as ducks, in his nm. sion at the time of his arrest. JUStiCe Of the Pnan T A ft.. honey fined Ladd $25 plus $7.20 j. , nim ou aays on each count, vif Sase '"spending $15 and Hans Norland Pl r ...... . Phone 6060. "6" WEATHER 42 tiBiir. OeUh.r it, 1MI Kiimatn FalU T2 Scrmtnto M Hi ,0"n "na H4 Port ln ft ao Mtdfard . """ Sn Francisco ornnre 70 .12 00 ,00 .00 .00 Truce .00 .00 .00 .14 jean Meade Is Now with ZOE BRUCE and BE HAINES in the liiUJlJJX'lUJ Box Office Opens 6:45 -ENDS TONIGHT- 'Calling Wild Bill Elliott" SECOND HIT "Happy Land" TUESDAY .sterol lvr iliiiliii To IWA Convention Vernon M. Chase, president of tho dis trict IWA council, M. G. King, busincs sagent of the IWA local here, W. C. Martin and Gene Rolie, delegates, have left for Vancouver, B. C, where they will attend the eighth interna- business agent ofthc IWA local CIO. The convention, which will be attended by delegates from all over Canada and the United States, will open Oc tober 24 and be in session for four days. TAKES OWN LIFE (Continued from Page One) known in broadcasting circles up and down the coast and was a member of tne Norm west Broadcasters association. Planntd to Sell Kincaid recently applied to the icnerai communications commis sion or permission to sell KIVI to W. u. Miller, local hotel ODcra tor. The sale, which would not in anv case be effective until January 1, had not been cleared inrotigii (U, at the time ot Kin caid's death. Mrs. J. A. K ncald. 2038 Le Roy, mother of the radio opera' iur, survives mm. ins tamer, J A. Kincaid. died Mav 20. 1943 He was sued September 12, for divorce by his wife, Helen, in mamatrt county circuit court, ine remains are at ward s. To Portland Joanne Cox. 14. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jna Cox, 2138 Wiard, was operated upon rrioay at tmmanucl hospi tal, Portland. Her condition was reported to be cood Mondav. her parents said. Joanne is a student at Sacred Heart academy and has been ill for quite some time. Friends mav write to her in earn of tlie hospital. In Plav Lewis Vnirlor nf rwiamam rails will play the lead role of Adam, or Mr. Antrobus In "The Skin of Our Teeth," Uni-versity-of Oregon dramatic pro- uuuuon scneauco. lor Uctober 27, 28, and 31, and November 1 in Uuild hall at school. Vogler Mirtyeu last year in "Dark Vic tory" and "The Great God Brown" at the university. Receives Air Madal Kr.,l,u O. -ThomDSOn. Son Of Mr and Mrs. O. E. Thompson, has re ceived the Air Medal and a pro motion to first lieutenant. He is the pilot of a Flying Fortress m England. Contractor Hera Louis K. Porter, former contractor in Klamath Falls, was here Mon day from Albany, Ore., where he now makes his home. Judge Hare Circuit Judge Charles Combs of Lakeview was in Klamath Falls Monday to pre side at a hearing In circuit court here. In Klamath John Buell, live stock inspector for the First Na tional bank, was in town Mon day from Lakeview. Paris Journalist Sentenced to Die PARIS. Oct. 23 m aenrte auarez, vuteran i'aris journalist, was sentenced to death at Paris' first purge trial on his conviction tonight of intelligence with the enemy during the German occu nation. Suarez, who was director of tne nazl-SDonsoreri Au nurrl 'Hnl nuring tne occupation, can ap peal to the cessation court and if mis tails has the r eht to make iurtner anneal dlrectlv to Gen Charles de Gaulle. Tanker to Be Named For Sunset Division PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 23 (A) A letter from 50 officers and men of the 41st division in the south Pacific has set machinery in motion for naming a Swan island tanker the S. S. Sunset. The writers protested similar recognition already given the 70th division Trailblazers. "We were overseas before the Trail blazers were even activated," the Sunset fighters complained. State Policeman Transferred LAKEVIEW State Police Of. ficcr Walter Scheidercitcr, previ ously located at Ashland, has been transferred to Lakeview and is taking the position left by Hugo Icyva, who Is now supervis ing the public shooting grounds at Silver Lake. Scheidcreitcr has been with the state police force for several years, and has moved his wife and family here to make their home. Get's 'Em Over When you read of the Army Air Tramport Command's historic Job of flying munitions and sup plies "over the Hump" ot the i Himalaya Mounitlns Into Chins, think of Brig-Gen. Thomas O. Hardin, above, of Ft. Worth, Tex. Icy-eyed, whip-voiced, col- Af flit ftn. Ksrriin. is rommsnd- ing general. Eastern Sector.' India-China Wing. TC, put the' Hump flyers en a night-flying. , 24 hours a diy basis, upped; their cargo-carrying record to ..double the previous year's. I DAI. ELLIS WHITES F Cpl. Dm) II. Kills, U. S. nnuy nnititi'ouix'i- wli" wan lukoil pi'ls oner In Kiancc on D Dny, bus sent word to Ills parr-nts. Mr. anil Mrs. C. C. Kills i( Slinsla wiiv. Hint lie Is prlomr ol war, piesiiniiibly In Ormiiny. Ynunii Kills has wrlllfii a regulation card ivcclvncl Ortoliei' I It hv h i Mcr ill l-ui iwiin, Tim rnrri Wll.s (lilted August 2!V mid said In purl, "I inn still working In tnc liospiiui uric unci Hill Wl'll lllici ill iiruy mil nhiipc." Kills' family lii'lli've Hint he has written brfoi'e, but Hint the raid i Hi'" only inosimiie tn net through. There Is still no address given to which mull or packages may Do sent the prisoner. KIMLINGKR KILLED HUBBARD. Oct. 23 (Tl Walbort A. Klmllnger, 21). Ml. Angel, was killed here today when Ills creamery truck was struck In a heavy fog by n southbound Southern I'ai'lflc passenger train. I ho truck was carried 230 yards. A widow and two children survive. Stone, Lane Trial For Robbery Bi ( DALLAS, Oct, jj ' Stone and Elmer ni ''' charged Willi robbery n7S from (he Ginn.le n0nd. bank on lust Ang,,,i j . "'' ''W...rih!rt 'llio men were ,rrI,T' Boise, Idaho, a few 1 I tho holdup, firii i.. " ' ." ."i:non of it. . Classes Resume in County Schools Classes were scheduled to re sume Monday in four county schools, which have been closed for the past three weeks so that the students could help with the potato harvest. To re-open this week arc the schools at Henley, Bonnuza, Merrill and Matin. Putnam Named to Nazdrene Pastorate LAKEVIEW Rev. Gale Put- nam, a graduate of the North west Nazarcnc college of Nniiipu. , Idaho, and a grnilunlc of the 1 Western Baptist Theological stem-1 Inary in Portland, has arrived in ! Lakeview to take over the pas torate of the Nar.arene church. Rev. Putnam formerly held a pastorate in Estacada. LAND RESEEDED BAKER, Oct. 23 M'l Burned- over sagebrush and iirnzini! laud near here 10.000 acres of it is being rese'eded the mod ern way. A pilot, hired under a uhm sponsored Dy the district gnu- To Hold Dinn.,A -iinn.. I kv h". bcSun flights over th - . . .. i ni,M tnt-a-am honoring Set. Pauline Sntv. WAC, from Malin, who has re turned, from overseas duty recently, will be held at the Willard hotel Thursday at 7:30 p. m. The dinner is under the auspices of the American Le gion and auxiliary and the local Wac recruiting station is behind the program. It will be a no host affair and reservations may be made at the Willard. Reser vations must be made by Wed nesday. From Benansa Vernon Se wald, of Bonanza, was In Klam ath Falls on business Monday. If It's a "frozen" article you need, advertise for a used ene in the classified. scattering 6UU0 pounds of crested wheat grass 1 'seed and 1000 pounds of sweet i clover seed. j j Classified Ads Brine Results 1 f HONS 411 Box Office Opsns 1:30 6:45 NOW A SOMSHIIC (A IAUOH SHOW M THAI'S oor 'inn MiiiNoi m jW Mr 'nil SSs t- . i u....nuous Show Dill, OPEN U,JoTr INDS TODAY 'I Love a Soldi,,' Paulatl. Goddsii Sonny Tulli Second Hit-. "West of th, Rio Grandt" STARTS TUESDAY IAM0UR -fil HUTI0M ( ANOTHER HIT I mi noir oi ' iT I AIVINIUIOUI j 1 I AM eAUAHt I, ,'f I EDGAR IfC f BARRIER A J VVBACHElOliJ Box Office Opens 6:45 Phone 4567 Open 1:30-6:45 FT... (riyvv IV" , MONT WOOLLEY JUNE HAVER DICK HAYMES M I h 1 I I .1 M M wi MUM If QUINN WHITNEY ' nostmianu mi.!!? V" "''" Om list., LEONARD WARREN t ILANCHE JHEtOM DlntM by CE0Oy UJOff tninti by DAMON HUNYON 2q IMSifim WEDNESDAY ON OUl STAGE! Jeepcrs What A Show! It's All Time Tops in Tlekle Entertainment It's Jay-Cee Fun-Frolic 66 M IE V TIJ IE 95 Specof Added Attraction MARINE CORPS ORCHESTRA N THE SCR EgNBSBrSJsisW r.i,t.n c. ' Ji 1'' Taan Aoa " -TTr Lyftii1iXI jJUI'IJ t lllll (or R ic Jr y !lr F . m fhn. Vanity Beauty Shop 109 N. 7th St. Ph0M 7m Second Hit 'Terror House" A r SB ' J