i . MM WB1 211 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE NINE a(Q) Men Go Down With All Flags Flying in Annual Grid Classic at Medford PAUL HAINES K5 ,.i mm hi ! rJLv even llu'.' " irmmcH Sl-0 UllClr.1011 i Sit A crowd of BUOIJ ...in i..-ur witness Wn...jr!vl.u'!: - Tlio buys tin hiiltlc. even i'v.ktly 'outweighed by lh L .liven, mill were, fight- K whliiie ",u .'JZu woe Ik.v WlrU'tull I credit f;; n Hi iy ?'J,,:..i;rt n fuot- nn " . . ..... iTIw PcU could nol hope L with lh li"K Tornado Hid ioor i ' , " ' ; Mi the nBhl "r,m. Birrv went I-"' 1 I'1 urneof the (Inei't p"'' we luQK FULLERTON JR. 3 YORK. Oct. 21 t'Vl r.pno Tunncy. who JSI bnnur ftOlllllllll ll UUUIIi nibjcd, wy Ib'il m,,1u f boxer you siiuiM" io Is nulumlly Just " HI- ild. . , . 1 dun i uitui. nu be afraid," explains 'i...i n hnv who doc.nn't i jf uko a punch niiluiiiUy ls the Instinctive moves $0(1 OeiCllSO IJWAIHK' .loach Frank Murrny Ili ad tho modern 1 i"r j Into aoulhcrn football, ginl teams have played r in and scored 883 points Knit better than 11) o ..wiicn ,nuu iiiuiiiua id to tlio ring to bo mlf- il by Mello llctllnn tlio night, Ills iidoier, nine followed ploying "I'll be vou In lit! tlio old fit- .rlplncos." ... Sounds lis If c J Iuk spot on the canvas out, Tip AY'S QUEST BTAR VSuck Erlckson, Cnmp El li News: "Don't take too ly tins belief that wc ibotball at Camp Dills solo 'ho ciitcrlulnmcnt of tho cl that's strictly for tho . jhe army Is n winner . , . i y likes to win that's Ml fortunate UiinK In tho a lor America." 1 t ' CHE FOB HOWLERS tgallno company that football broadcasts lias f the rights to so many fes that it recontly liiul . .tja three-day school for Wcra so It would have men to handle them all. tie tome of tho better tjbroadcnslcrs who work t Kr outfits hrtvc had to s Imporlinit gomes. . . . luioui mentioning names, icara some spielers who l a they had acquired wlboll knowlccliie In iy. Itball Scores ON PREP SCORES 3. Hood Hlvor 10 fl 24, Junction City 0. rass in, rtsniand 0. Grove 13. Tilllimnnlr 7 Hide 2(1, Mac 111 (Mil fvaler) 0, !rd 21 Klnmath Falls 0. Mo 7, Albany 8, " rrcp u'ortland) 10, , (Portlniul) 38, Com ort and) 7 felt (Portland) 20, irorunntl) 12. Btotl (Dnl1n...1 la Forlland ELW'" LI"- vu u, ' 111. Miirlifll.l n l(pn 111. liakcr 12.' '0, Orecnn r-11, o Hlllshoro 20." t-cnlral Catholic 13. IndepeiHlrnce 8. held 0, University High lia 7. Rrn, J, o3?' West Unn 12. ii uaimy n. ortland) 13, Eslncndn I'l" 31. Aslnrln II in, '. Mii-'kliiRum 7. Allege . New York ".Daniel Field 8. ' (jllSlavtlS Arinlnhna " In Medford tony at SL HOLLAND niy Modern liuvu ever seen, and niuny, many: nines iiiiuiiiicMi I'i'llcuii llun losu up to atop the drive of the Toniiiuo in all It's fury. lint even with all the lie.ut mill cinirugu displayed by tliv Klumiitli lads, 1 1 e Tornado would not l denied uud three times tlie llchliilug struck, once III 1 1 in first period und twice In the laid. Duty, sniaihliiR fullback for Mediord, murkuil up the first tally til tor Uussoiiolte's kick had been blocked and recovered by HlKKS. After two first downs uil the ball uu the I'el (l-yard line,' Ilia hiii'd-runnlug fullimek rltcsn.1rnt4o suluilct Nl ytrrtkst rukhlnf Nrl )rUaie ! ., 'luUI .0S SM ..a . ma iw ririi iIowiib r.ikitlni o M.l Uowni iMti s Tuul first tlimm S PftktoK omplvte1 0 l'ict tlirninplvlt (A !'. (Mil lntc..'purl .. . 4 Tula! pic tlltmplcd .. ja I'l.nt awTe l)rdtl I'iiiiIi . . . I'UMU ItaU Plucked IIaM 1ml pit tiiiiitllvl I'clltlllo ....... ., 'rtinclidowna Cn.llajraloitl , 37 dlovo over tiieklo for the touch ilowii. AValaoii s kick was per fect and the Tornado was out in iront. 7-U. The second counter coino at the start ul thu fourth quarter when Watson set up the score with a UU ynrd dash to the i'ell ciin ;i. With first diiwn and itoal to go. the Miiuller Klamath line rnsu to unircccdcuted heights. Throo times thu Tornado surgud forward, and three times It was thrown back short of its goal, but on tho fourth attempt, Doty circled his own right end to go over standing up. Watson agum converted to make the score, 140. The final touchdown was made by Doty when Berry's pass caromed off tho hands of Ellis into tho waiting arms of the Medford slur, und ho traversed thu 30 yards to the goal despite frunllc Pelican efforts to stop hini. Watson did It again to wind tin the scoring, with tho Medford eleven on the long end, 21-0. The K mcn threatened three times during the tilt und In the third stanm were down to the Medford 8 with a first down but somehow Jusl couldn't punch It over. .As for picking outstanding players on the I'el side of the ledger, it Is practically Impos sible, us every one of tho boys that saw action in tho fray gave everything he had to give and maybe a llttlo bit more. Wlrth and Long played n truly great ball game In the forward wall und so did Scott, Itecd, who pick ed this time to play the game of his life and recovered two timely Medford fumbles. Rolllo liorry was as cool as a cucumber und waited until the last second to get away his sensational heaves. Bob Perkins, although hurt In tho second quarter, came through with a game that those who saw It will not soon forget, while the freshman flash, Bob Itcdkcy, was In there pitching, loo. Without a doubt, Doty was the big gun for tho Medford team, and was capably assisted by Wat son und Clark in the baekfleld. Sheldon, 204 pound Medford cupliiln und lucklc, was outstand ing In the Tornado forward wall, along with Rlggs and Cave. Summary: FIRST QUARTER Watson kicked off to Redkey who reversed to Perkins and he wns downed on the 24. Neither side could gain an advantage und uftcr tin exchnnge of punts, Klamath took over. The Tor uado held and Bcssoncttc's kick was blocked by Cahlll and Rlggs recovered on tho Pelican 42. Medford made two straight first downs with Doty picking up 18 yards on one play to put the oval on tlio Pel 6. Doty then wont over tackle for a touch down and Watson made the ex tra point from placement. SCORE: MEDFORD 7, KLAM ATH 0. Watson kicked off to Berry who brought It up to the 17. Klamath fulled lo gain and Pope kicked to Bostwlck, who was downed on his 41). Medford rolled up a first down and Doty mndc 8 as the quarter ended. SECOND QUARTER Medford chalked up another first down and then Redkey In tercepted pass, but fumbled, with Vandcrhoff recovering for tho Pelicans on their 24. Berry passed to Kimsoy for 18 yards and n first down. Berry's pass was Intercepted by Bostwlck. The Tornado failed lo gain and kicked with tho Pols punting back after three passes failed, Dlty made 8, then Clark fum bled with Blehn recovering on his 43. Neither side could gain nn ndvnnlago nnd the half ended with Berry tossing a pass to Esrl Hanncn, who had replaced Per kins after he was hurt, good for 14 yards nnd a first down on the Pel 44 ns the half ended. THIRD QUARTER Klm.iey kicked off to Watson who brought It lo the 30. Med ford drew a IB-yard penally and iJniv KieKffl to werry wno re' TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drlva Mora Yourstl! Bart M Long and 8hort Trlpi STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main Let's Be There The Quarterback club will hold its weekly meeting Monday noon at the Wlllurd. It Is urged that nil Quarter backers attend the session und gain some first-hand knowledge of tlio Murine vie lory over the Camp Bealo Hears from MaJ, Clyde Rob erts and the courageous Peli can stand against the Hluck Tornado from Coach Marble Cook . Both teams turned In fine performances Friday night and desorvc the full support of all members with a big at tendance Monday. turned to his own 22. Berry passed lo llenthorni! for 18 yurus und a first down. Medford held and biclin kicked to Bostwlck, who was stopped cold on his 33. Keed then broke through on Ihe next play to recover Uoty's tumble on the 31. Two pusses lell Incomplete but the thud at tempt was ruled complete on the Mcqford H us there was Interfer ence with Thurman on the pluy. Diehn fulled to gain uud the threat was crushed when Cave Intercepted Berry's pass on the goal line und run it back to his own 44. Tho Tornado made another first down with the aid of a pen alty and Itecd then bulged In again lo recover another nimble on the Pel 31). Hicks was forced to kick and the quarter ended with the boll In Medford's pos session on their 38. FOURTH QUARTER Doty kicked to Berry on the 24 and he twisted and drove his way back 41 yards to the Mod ford 35 and was almost clear away. Berry passed to Thur man for 20 yurds end a first clown on the IS. This drive was squelched when Bostwlck intercepted Berry's puss on the goal line and ran it out to the 8. On the next play, Watson took the ball on a quick opening quarterback sneak and galloped 1)8 yards to the Pel 3 before Buddy Blehn caught him with a beautiful flying tackle. Tho Klamath lino held three times but on the fourth attempt Doty went over around end and Watson made his kick good. SCORE; MEDFORD 14, KLAM ATH 0. Watson kicked off to Abbey, a boy who was in there despite an Injured hand, who reversed to Perkins and he ran It to the 28. Two passes fuilcd and on the third try, Berry's pass to Ellis bounced out of his hands into Doty's arms nnd ho meandered the remaining 30 ynrds for the final touchdown. Watson split tho uprights once more from placement. SCORE: MEDFORD 21, KLAMATH 0. Watson kicked off out-of-bounds and the Pels took over on the 40. The K-mcn couldn't gain and Hicks kicked out on the Medford 28. The Tornado was not yet spent as Stellc passed to Riggs twice for enough yardage for two first downs before they bogged down and lost the ball on downs on the Klumath 20. Klam ath was set back twice on five yard penalties to tho 19 and Hen thorne fumbled with Medford re covering on the Pel 0 as the gun sounded the end of the game. FINAL SCORE: MEDFORD 21, KLAMATH 0, Score by quarters: Medford 7 0 0 1421 Klamath Falls .0 0 0 0 0 Startlngllncups: Klamath Falls Modford Pope LER Plaskelt Mason LTR .... Bcssoncttc Wlrth LGR Porter Vandcrhoff .... C Cave Wilson RGL Cahlll Long RTL ..Sheldon (C) Thurman ......REL Rlggs Berry Q Watson Perkins (C) . LHR Clark Redkey RHL Bostwlck Blehn F Doty Officials: Hunt Clark, Salem, referee; Paul Davis, Grants Pass, umpire: Roland Parks, Ashlnnd, bond linesman; Dr, George I. Wright, Klamnth Falls, and Jer ry Jerome, Medford, timekeep ers. Coaches: Klamath Pall a Marble Conk, Paul Dcller; Med ford Al Simpson, Ed Kirtley. FIGHTS HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 21 (IP) The Cocoa Kid, veteran Puerto Rlcan middleweight, fought rings around Jack Chase, Den ver Negro, nnd won every round of the ten to capture n unani mous decision last night. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 1 (VP) Joe Knhut, Woodburn, Ore., prizefighter, passed his pro-Induction physical examination yesterday nnd returned to his farm pending a military call. He requested to servo In tho navy. Pass Interception Coming Up HikitftoJWMhJi1 ' A7 ( il m 4 !teri I fjK toil. "U' l " 4 1 Bostwlck (41) inttrceptod this pais of Rollie Berry's, intended for Chuck Thurman 11) In the third quarter of last night's battle between Medford and lKamath Falls. Watson (50) was coming up on the play and formed interference for his team mate. Oregon Prep Grid Elevens Like Old Man River, 7 key Just Keep Rolling Along By The Associated Press Oregon's first district football champion cmcrcged today, (Sat.), as LuGrando steamrollered its last threatening contestant to clinch both the Blue Mountain league and the district 1 titles. The unbeaten LaGrande Ti gers whitewashed the league runner-up. Mac Hi of Milton-Frec-watcr, 20-0, yesterday for a sixth straight victory. Mac Hi's only previous defeat had ben a 19-12 loss in an earlier tilt with La Grande. In southern Oregon, district 2, Medford's Black Tornado clung to Its unbeaten and untied record by blanking its traditional rival of Klamath Falls, 21-0. But in district 3, the Albany Bulldogs saw their unbeaten rec ord collapse, 7-6, before a fast improving Milwaukic squad. The Pepper Martin Signed as New Padre Manager LOS ANGELES, Oct. 21 (T) Pepper Martin of the St. Louis Cardinals has been signed as manager of the San Diego team of the Pacific Coast league, it was announced today by Bill Starr, president of the Padres. Starr declined to name the salary involved but said the con tract is for one year only. He said Martin, given his outright release by the Cardinals al the end of the last season, will re port to the Padres for spring training. STROHS TOP KEGLERS DETROIT, Oct. 21 (VP) The Detroit Strohs, U. S. match game bowling champions, rolled a 1200 game hero last night the highest in the nation lo gain first place in the single di vision of tho American Bowl ing congress honor roll. The score was part of a 3274 series. CADDIE FEES ON HOUSE PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. If) W) Caddie fees in Portland's $15, 000 open tournament November 23-28, will be on the house. Robert A. Hudson, Sr spon sor of this year's richest winter trail meet, said today he would set n precedent in big-time golf by personally paying the going rates lo nil bag-loters. upset gave Milwaukic its fourth straight win, after a slow start with one loss and one tic. In another No-Game league tilt, the Salem Vikinus swamued Oregon City, 20-8. Eugene white- wasiied Marsnficld, 13-0, in an inter-district contest. Grant, the defending state champion, and on increasingly threatening Roosevelt squad re mained neck-and-neck in the race for the Portland league title. Grant romped over Commerce, 38-7, and Roosevelt halted Franklin, 20-12, to chalk up the fifth league victory for both un beaten Portland squads. Two other undefeated elevens held on to their laurels Colum bia Prep of Portland with a 19-0 defeat of Pnrkrose, and Gresham with a 21-0 whitewash of previ ously unbeaten Sandy. In other games, Newberg handed Hillsboro its first defeat of the season, 26-20; Corvallis edged Central Catholic of Port land, 19-13; Pendleton defeated Baker, 10-12; and Springfield tied University High of Eugene, 0-0. Referee KO's Fan In Boxing Show PORTLAND, Oct. 21 "OP) The Rose City's boxing show turned out to be a triple main event last night instead of the scheduled two but the added attraction lasted quick. When Policeman Mickey Pease of Portland scored a 10- round decision over Vcrn Earl ing of Hayden Lake, Idaho, a disgruntled fan climbed into tho ring to dispute the nod. Referee Raluh Grunuin shot a quick, sharp right to drape the protesiant over tno ropes. In tho other portion of the main event, Sailor Jock Hubcr, const guard, 191), kayoed Brycc Allen, Portland, 1H2, in the seventh round of a 10-hcat bout. The six-round preliminaries saw Eddie wellcr. Portland, Ho, decision Kelly Jackson, Port land, 145; and Speedy Cannon, Sun Francisco, 152, edge Jack Uiddlc. Seattle, 155. Leatherneck Eleven Downs Camp Beale Bears to Take Second Victory of Season Paced by Frankie Bancer, who personally gained a totul of 102 yards, the Leathernecks Kteamrolled the Camp Beale Bears last night on Modoc field, 8 to 0. Superb play by the marine line held the army backs to 58 yurds from scrimmage, and bot tled up the highly-touted Camp Beale speed-merchant, Herman Detervllle, so that the colored halfback ran for a total of minus 11 yards. The marines had a few indi vidual stars, as the entire team rushed and pushed the Bears nil over the fielt'. throwing tho army eleven for losses on nine different occasions. Coach Roberts hod two com plete teams at his disposal, and neither had much edge over the other last night. In the baek fleld, Mahan, Albritton, Fadgcn (ilmt SUtlatla Mtrinea Bcar rlrlt downf 18 tl Yarda by icrimamge rira Dy patnc Total yardage Pntiei allffrnpted Pnarei omplelcri Paksci lncnmplt, fatft Intercepted by Penaltlea ...25S .. AO ,..2oa . 11 and Chance started the game. When they began to tire, Ban cer. LaPaglia, Roy Walters and Currie came in. Here are the highlights of last night's action: Acting Captain Walter Apt won the toss for the marines and picked the south goal. Chapin got off a bad kick to Morgan on the 28, and the Bear end returned to the 41. Stopped cold, Fcldatt punted to Albritton, and the marine quarterback brought the ball six yards to his own 32. Then, with Fadgen, Mahan and Hughes carrying, the marines drove to the Bears' 17 before losing the ball on downs. After being thrown for two losses, Feldatt, on the fourth down with 27 to go, got off a nice punt to Bancer on the marine 33. Bancer and LaPaglia, alter nating, moved all the way down the field again to the Bear 3, before LaPaglia fumbled and the Bears recovered. Feldatt kicked out on the 38. Then Bancer and LaPaglia took over, carrying down to the Bears' 2, where LaPaglia went over for the score. Currie's kick was wide, and the score stood: Marines 6, Camp Beale 0 Darnell kicked off to Deter ville on the 3 and the speedy halfback came back to the 22. Two plays netted the Bears a 13-yard loss. Feldatt's punt was blocked by Byrne and Fiore, who were in on him before he had a chance, and the oval bounded high over the end zone, giving the marines an automatic safety. . Score: Marines 8, Bears 0 The Bears started to roll a few moments later. Detcrville returned Mahan's punt 13 yards to his own 16. Reginato gained 26 yards to the 42. Then Fel datt, on a spinner, hit center for 15. An offside penalty and two runs netted another first down for the Bears, but Bancer - in tercepted Reginato's pass to break up the threat. On the next Leatherneck play Bancer broke through the sec ondary for 25 yards. A five yard penalty, Bancer's run for 11 and LaPaglia's line smash for four put the ball on the Bears' 18. Bancer, on a fast breaking play off tackle picked up the 18, but the play was called back and the marines penalized 15 for clipping. The ball went to the Bears on the 36. Bancer intercepted another Feldatt pass, and made 11 from scrimmage as tho, half ended. English fumbled the kickoff and the Bears recovered. - A holding penalty forced Reginato to punt to Albritton, who fum bled and recovered on his 20. The Bear line held, and Mahan punted to the Bears' 32. The army boys picked up 11, then missed a pass to Detcrville behind the marine secondary, and Reginato gained 11 more before he was hit hard and fumbled and Byrne recovered. Mahan's fourth down punt went to Detcrville on the 12, who slipped the ball to Regin ato, who was stopped on the 28. but the Bears were offside and the marines kept the ball, first and ten. A pans, Mahan to Fadgen, wns complete for 7, but Fadgen fumbled and tli- Bcurs recover- RADIO REPAIR By Expert Technician GOOD STOCK OF AVAILABLE TUBES-BATTERIES-AERIALS For All Makes of Radios ZEMAN'S Quick, Guaranteed Service 116 N. 9th Phone 7S22 Across From Montgomery Ward on North 9th m I bp III- PlmppffWIlUllJII ui . i mi D ANCEL AND SIS Klamath Ave. DANCE Mutle By PAPPY GORDON'S OREGON HILL BILLIES SATURDAY MITE Auspices V.F.W. cd. After a first down, the marine forward wall held and Fcldatt punted to Albritton on the 10. radgen and Mahan car ried to the Bear 45 before Ma han was forced to punt. He kicked a beauty out of bounds In the coffin corner. The Bears punted out of danger to Bancer in mid-hold. On the third down Bancer flipped a pass to Dravln, good for 18. On the next play Bancer fumbled and the Bears recovered. After losing 18 yards trying to dent the marines' line, Feldatt's punt was blocked by Higgins on the 18 and the marines took over. Before the Bears could get set, Bancer ripped off the necessary yardage and crossed the goal carrying Detcrville on his back. But the play was nullified by a marine holding penalty, rnree plays later the Bears were set back 15 for clipping, and Currie tried a field goal which was no good. The ball on their own 20, Feldatt flipped a pass to Morgan for 16, and two plays later threw one to Detcrville for 26 to the marine 38. Currie inter cepted the next aerial on the 27 and was immediately tacKieu. Mastrorilli quick-kicked to the Bears' 40. On the third down, Knox flip ped a pass to Morgan who was away in the clear. Mastrorilli ran him down and dropped him on the 7. after a 63-yard gain. The Leatherneck line dug in and held for four plays, right down to within inches of the Huskies Need Two Triumphs For Bowl Bid LOS ANGELES. Oct. 21 (JP) The Huskies of the University of Washington can get an auto matic bid to the rasanena nose Bowl by winning two football games in six days. They are going to meet the University of Southern Cali fornia here next Monday night, then move on to Berkeley for a battle with California s uolden Bears the following Saturday So far, Coach Pest Welch's club has Won four straight by overwhelming scores. Wil lamette fell twice, as did Whit man. They're two small Wash ington colleges. No, the opposi tion wasn't very strong, but Washington could be equal to its task here in California. Southern California hasn't quite lived up to advance ex pectations. It was tied by UCLA and by California. On paper, USC Coach Jeff Cravath ap pears to have a pretty fair team. California doesn t have any out standing players, aside from Roger Harding, a first-rate cent er, but it wins all its games. Either Cal or Southern Cali fornia could knock the Huskies out of the running. It is up to the northwest eleven to win both games. If the Huskies- do get into the Rose Bowl the navy's strict ruling about being home prompt ly after the weekend could throw a monkey wrench into the New Year's game. The possibility al ready has been entertained that the Pasadena classic might be moved up to December 30, a Saturday, to allow Washington's trainees a chance to get home in time. New Year's falls on a Monday. - After the Southern California and California games, Washing ton meets the strong fourth air force of March field, and the Spokane army air base. Both games will be in Washington. Cal, Southern Cal, UCLA and Washington are the only Pacific coast conference teams playing football, and tradition has it that the Rose Bowl game nominee is a conference member, free to choose its opponent else where. Last season there was a devia tion because of transportation difficulties, so the contestants were Southern California and Washington. They settled the conference title. Southern Cali fornia won in a walk. goal, where the marines took over on downs. Running from me end zone, the marines car ried the ball to the 38 before the game ended. Score by quarters: Marines 0 8 0 0 8 Camp Beale 0 0 0 0 0 'Grey Mask' Cannonhalls Paavo Again A wild crowd of excited rassl-, ing fans saw the "Grev Mask" do a repeat performance on Paavo Katonen in their head-' line go last ninht at the armorv. The hooded heel really knew inai ne nad oeen in a bout how ever, as Paavo came out with blood in his eye, and after play fully heaving the "Mask" through the ropes, took the first tumble with a hangman's hold. The "Mask" came back using his favorite head butts followed up by his famed cannonball to grab the second drop and even the match at a fall apiece. In the final stages of the go the "Mask" tried the old rope crucifixion on Paavo and Ref eree Wally Moss offered the bout to Katonen on fouls, but the game grappler refused to accept the match on these grounds, and the masked marvel finally took the last fall and the match with another cannon ball. The crowd was in a mood to tear the hood apart and he was escorted to the dressing room under police escort for the second time here. Ernie Piluso challenged the winner of the bout by a long distance telephone call, and the popular former Klamath Falls man may be in there next Fri day. Herb Parks took the semi windup from Tony Ross with 'a chiropractor's head lock which injured Tony's back and he was unable to return for the finish of the match. Herb show ed true sportsmanship by assist ing Ross to the dressing room and then returning to the ring to announce that he preferred not to accept a win on that basis and would meet Tony at a later date when he was fully re covered. In the opener "Blood and Guts" Davidson won the match by taking the only fall with a back breaker after neither grap pler could gain a tumble in the first two 10-minute rounds. Wally Moss, as usual, did a fine job as the third man in the ring, and more rassl ing is com ing up for the fervid fans next Friday. , CANINES CAPER TODAY PORTLAND, Oct. 21 (IP) An all-breed dog show the first held by Portland Kennel club since the war opened here to day with 225 animals entered. The show closes tomorrow. If ARMOW j3 swa i m i i i vmtfitmi 1 mrT9&Tlir" I Bt.HNlirO WBISKKT . PBOOF S7U BRAIN NKUTRAt, IM TUB LANSIIOWNE DISTILLERY HAVRE Dl! URACE. HARVS.ASO