Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 21, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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155 vv ibi iei v v eub
tv C .
avy ividri ounudy
I , . wi,er, (In uclilor of Mr. and Mm, II. C. Chllhcrg,
The hr In of W. I'. King. Unlled Sliit.- nnvy nlr
P'" full worlilinu. wlilcli wok pinco lit tun Clillbi.ig Immc
I0jI . uthooii, October 1 5.
KiiiKl".' ". .. rc.-uil bcfoio M flii'iiliicT bunked will.
Tim f
flower" ii mi
lull candles, by llui Itcv. Unwind lluli'liiiis
' , viral Christian t-lmrc-li.
I ff i?. Kt'irln worn n nnvy mill and 8 white feather
" I "rchlVl ll""' ' lu-r shouldrr. Pnlly l.,
., ,.- wore n light-
luil, mid
Ml Meyers,
d e n t .
i.r o U" hr"lP' W'"" y
F'.S . mulching i'rsg.
Led KPP-rly:, "I ' i'"1.'
,vl ir
Hon '""
k'."e..f.,,,:fV..o of ilia
.ml III " "ntl l""Kh'
'sic? nnd Vlvlii... niino
The Dull'.-. Oregon, to nt
ihn wnldliiK.
,,.r SUM" Vicve m.:
L Fa. .i'-n''k. ,n,,d
,llll'tMM. Pitt
ilcr' Ua no I Kiwn.
' inrkv TS I urts. Fnnrle Pur
' r"i,ny Vermillion. Uob
,11. Bunny Bonner and Jeu.)
, yVoom l the sun I
Mr. George KHU '' M"-
nrd tho Klamath nnvi.1
"". .,...1. hmn It K III III-
muse u'"
Falls. .
S S !
ipgell Valley
f1 iNGFI.Ij VALLEY -11".
i IH Thomn.i ciilertnlned Ihc
0 si. Ilnrniibiis church at
'home. Thursday afternoon
,o Brown win In charge of
netting. Plans were rondo
1C annual dinner mid biuniir
. held al the Parish hall,
' In December. 'I In- next
meeting will be nil Novcm-
J when the ladles will IJO
i'iIcv for mi all-day meeting
e We of Mrs. Walter
Pltent were Mnxine nrown.
fvil Roberta. Madge Monroe,
W.Aaret Burnett. Delia Kent,
S ir Krnricr. Alum F.mhrey,
G,e Bffell. Ertlth Jones, Flor-
iBolklnn. Lela Mtirmy, Doro
f evell, Glennii Jonej, Mnry
t orn, Betty Pepnle. Hn.el
k Ifi'nn, Cora Lenvltl nnd Vlr
inl Thomas.
''lis. Bill Burnett entertained
Kf a dinner nt her home on
,dy evenlns In honor of
hitiusband'n birthday . The oc
rwiii win also their 11th wed
ili. anniversary. Clne.Hii were
!r.nd Mr?. Karl Kent, Mr. nnd
V-if Lester Lenvltt, Dorl.i and
Ann Lenvltt, Joo Murine,
h ard and Mnnto Burnett, Cal
vin .jJUavill and Mr. and Mrs.
hold, and In tun
Wii nerveii m
and Mrs. Lcntrr Pinrlli
ainrd with a ravioli din-
rit their home In Midland on
f v. Guests were Mr. and
Roy Cain, Mr. and Mrs.
hKenl, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
alii. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bur
tland son. June and Joyce
th. Joe Marino. Mrs. Fnve
In and Bernlce Pinelll.
5 5 5
Ml. and Mrs. J. W. Mnrrlsnn
fey City, Oreiton. are the
its of a boy bnm Mondny,
t id, at Tillnmook. c-
received here
Baylcss. Mrs.
mother. Thn Mnrpl.
r, J)r. nnd Mr. r v. Mnrri.
-Mformcr Klamath residents
mwuiviDR at Bay City, arc pa
T 16, nt 1
wit lo word
' Irs. Kennetl
tl.'on's mothei
Ucmri Coimitofoittt
(E are many times when
t u nealect our hair.
umc is short . '. . when
vo n cold or other III
it's not
or ndvis
jo wet the 1
to let III
'WO 1 n ii i
I.. . " "a
"oui shiirn-!
And it's
Hthat Dnii.f
' ifters Dry!
oo is do-
' hlr is soiled, oily or
aut.Vi unnleasant with
w other odors . . . then's
e to ,o it. f p,yi Jlmt
"mail amount (,noro for
L hlr Inlo a trklsh
mill. C eniiin Ihm l, i -
SCnln linuinitihvj L il.
. . nnniu lu
Olio small l, .,.! .
! Then remove the, pow
Jn"' mos 1,1 Powder
I "Tlmf, nil re i. .
" floes wonders A wit.
45 "hampoos is only a
L.',l'n, 1 mnnllon Ogilvle
Fr. I m rlo,l i i.ii
1 hi u ,u lci you
Friendship Court
Krlrndshiii t.'mirl, II, Order of
the A mil I nil t h. mrt in the Ma
sonic li'inplo on WcdiicMlny eve-
nliiK, Ui'tober III.
'I'lir rltiiiillnlli: wink w,i rx-
pinplilli-d (nr 111 new iiirinbn.
Ilrtty Zlikle. Mrs. limn- Lurin.
Mrs. Unrnlliy lliuiiiilon. Mrs.
IIIiiiicIh- Uiirki-r. Mrs. Alma
(trie, Mrs. IVnil CJlsvnhl. Mm.
Wlllii Lynch, Mrs. (.'luirlntlo Ov
born. Mrs, Ijlli-n Fairi'im, Mrs.
Myrlltt Willliinih, Mr. tii-uriji- y.
Pierce, Mr. Ilnrace K. (ielz. Mr.
Cilen j. 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i i , Mr. Cecil E,
Hamilton mid Mr. F. John West.
Mrs. niiinchi; Sliul.c, rovnl
niiilion, viis iis.iiMi'fl bv 1'ni.t
Hoyiil Miilrnii Mrs. Frances
ltecves, mid Mrs. Kdllh CrsspI.
assoclnte million, had as her lis
slslnnt, Mrs. Kvn Leu LruiK, pust
niyiii iniiiroii.
All iiii.il riiynl innlinns nnd pa
lions were i-srorted nnd lnlio
din ed, Mrs. Kvn Lone, n uiniirl
officer of the stale, win, also In
8 S 8
A rcRnlur inecilnK of Prosper
ity Ri'beknh ludiji- was held
Tiiursilny evening, October 111,
In the IOOF hull, and (ollowinK
tho meetlnu Hose Jones and
Charlotte Martin served refresh
ments, (he. decorations and re
freshments cnrrylnK out the
Halloween theme. Frances Mini
sell will be refreshment chair
man for the next mcclini:. No
vember 2.
m to.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Kins (Thcda Wlsncrt cut their tiered
wedding cake at the reception following their wedding, which
wns hi.ld Simdnv at the homo of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs II. C. Chllberg, of 72S North Eleventh.
W 1
i Mi
Billy Turner, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Turner of 3235 Home
dnlc, Is Just two and a half
years old.
Railroad Party
The potluck supper and busi
ness meeting of the Railroad
I Employes' National Pension as-
(.-Delation, held Monday evening,
I October 10, in the Community
hull on Garden proved very In
teresting, although the principal
speaker of the evening was un
able to attend. Mrs. J. M. Jen
sen, president of the local chap
ter, conducted the business
meeting, at which time it was
decided to hold the meetings In
different homes for a time. The
November meeting will be nt
Ihc home of Mrs. Jensen, 241
Much Interest is shown in
these meetings by thoso who
have mode a study of the two
pension bills at present before
congress. The bill sponsored
by the RENPA calls for a pen
sion to be paid lo widows who
have reached the age of 55, as
well as an annuity for children
under IB. while the other bill
pays only at the age of 65.
Mrs. Eldon Brnttain and Wil
liam Mornndc wen: worthy
nialrun nnd worthy patron ul the
regular meeting of the Cascado
Crcsl chapter of OES held In the
Masonic hall, Chllouuin on Wed
nesday evening, October 18.
New members initiated at the
meeting were Mr. and Mrs.
Dwlght Klrcher. Mr. Kirchcr's
mother of Silvcrton, Oregon,
was a special guest for the oc
casion. The evening was concluded
wilh a social hour and refreshments.
Wednesday Club
On October 18, Wednesday
club met for a Halloween parly
in the parish house of St. Paul's
Episcopal church. Tables were
decorated with fall flowers and
candles, and corn stalks and a
life-sized witch completed the
Bridge nnd pinochle were
played with Mrs. Arthur Moore
holding high score and Mrs.
John Hawkins, low. Pinochle
award went to Mrs. Harry Mc
Hostesses for the affair were
Mrs. Frank Bogalay, Mrs. T. J.
Orr, Jr., Mr. Howard Dixon and
Mrs. Russell Fairchild.
The next meeting will be held
November 1.
Birthday Shower .
Mrs. Pete Hcdbcrg and Mrs.
Swan Erickson wcro hostesses
Tuesday evening at a shower
given for Mrs, iilrger Dnhlstrom
at the Hcdbcrg homo on Upham.
Mnny gifts were received by
the honor guest, after which a
buffet supper was served. The
liiblo was centered with a bowl
of roses and fall flowers.
I lunoring Mrs. Dnhlstrom
well! Mrs. Albert Dwlght, Mrs.
Albert Clawson, Mrs. Otto Claw
son, Mrs. Ralph Janson, Mrs.
Henry Fagrell, Mrs. Oscar Olsen,
Mrs. Knrln Carlson, Mrs. Eugene
Hnillc, Mrs. Peter Eastman, Mrs.
Hirger Dnliiin, Mrs. Ole Scl
slrom, Mrs. Carl Lindbergh, Mrs.
Axel Nelson, Mrs. Arthur Bor
gerson. Mrs. Art Lind, Mrs. Howard
Dunn, Mrs. Lawrence Bcrgmann,
Mrs. Leonard Mattson, Mrs.
George Johnson, Mrs. Richard
Anderson, Mrs. Vergil Nelson,
Mrs. Fred Lckberg. Mrs. Andrew
Pcrsson. Mrs. Erick Olson, Mrs.
Fred Goellcr, Mrs. Ole Olson,
Mrs. Carl Carlson. Mrs. Pct
Strid, Grace Bordal, Nell Lind
bergh, Eva Rac Jacobson and the
l hose who sent gilts but were
unable lo attend were Mrs.
Laura Bcrgmann, Mrs. Axel Ja
cobson, Mrs. Axel Johnson, Mrs.
Emcriek Hull, Mrs. Brebner Sae
thcr, Mrs: Oscar Anderson, Mrs.
John Berglund, Mrs. Ed Froid,
Mrs. Stewart Patty, Mrs. Win
field McDaniel, Mrs. Anna Bru
ner, Mrs. Hijding Erickson, Mrs.
Swan Olson, Mrs. John Berg,
Mrs. Paul Norselh, Mrs. Dave
Relnoldson and Mrs. Frank Ol
son. I.
A surprise party was given
on Sunday, October 15, by Mrs.
Samuel Ackcrnian, for her hus
band, who celebrated his birth
day on that date. A heavy lace
cloth covered the table, which
was decorated with fall flowers
and candles.
Entertainment was provided
by Mary Louise Sexton, La
Vcrne Reed and Marianne Sex
ton, who sang, accompanied on
the piano by Mrs. Don Zumwalt.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Sherman Ackcrman, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Nichols, Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Giest, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Muskopf, Mr. and Mrs. Don Zum
walt, Mrs. Harry Landrum and
her sister, Mrs. Anne Folsom,
who is visiting here from south
ern California, Mrs. Delia Kelly.
Mrs. Ben Sisscl. Marion and
Mary Louise Sexton, LaVernc
Reed, Carol, Jackie Lou and
Carinne Aekerman.
f 4'
, a.-lSy iV7" "T'V'V' -
To be married in New Zealand are Sgt. Leo M. Case, son of
Mrs. Ethel M. Duran of this city, and Mavis Jean Austin, of
Wellington, New Zealand. They plan to make their home in
Klamath Falls after the war.
Rem nmERicnn berutv
'The Lift that never lets you down"
For f gtut loveliness 1 1 ; theft's ml American beauty
wilh Perma-ltlifl. For a miracle happens at the hast
tif the bra-cup where a sojl ciisliion iiuel sojlly lifts your
bosom, holds that ftm rounded contour, never ieeomes
limp or lax through seasons of washing and wear. Kiss
the bras good-bye that put red ridges on your pretty shoul
ders. There's neither bone, bulk nor pull in PermaLfCs
centle support. Bra and Bandeau styles
$1.2510 $2
Phone 8222 901 Mom
JHies robes invite you to sntiggle inlo them .
for an evening at home 'with a book and '
bright red apples. They're warm and
friendly at all hours . . , bright or subtle in
their color. Beautiful quilted robes In satin
pastels or prints, velvet,
jersey prints or crepes
16.95 up
Moose Women
The Women of the Moose met
in regular session Tuesday, Oc
tober 17 in the Moose hall with
Senior Regent Frances Waits
presiding. A program was given
by the alumni committee under
the direction of May Capps,
chairman. The principal speak
er was Cap Burbcck, and his
subject was "Work of the
Alumni" after which the alumni
pledge was given.
tnrce candidates were initiat
ed Into the descending circle.
They were Ray Vada Marshall,
Lucille Harvey and Henrietta
Horn. Refreshments were served
at the close of the meeting.
tight tables were in play at the
card party sponsored by the
Women of the Moose Friday, Oc
tober 13, and Mrs. New held
high score, Fannie Mac Thomp
son, second, and the special
award went to Mrs. Good.
Juveniles of the Neighbors of
Woodcraft met in the KC hall
Monday, October 16, at 4 p. m.
for a business meeting and Hal
loween party. Games suited to
the occasion were played, and
late in the afternoon they en
joyed refreshments. LayRayne
Weed and Paula Ann Clark will
serve on- the committee for the
next meeting, November 6.
Mrs. Harry Briggs invited a
few friends to her home Thurs
day afternoon lo meet her
daughter. Mrs. Clifford H
Jones, who is here from Sacra
mento, Calif., until October 24.
Guests for pinochle and des
sert were Mrs. Jack Schultz,
Mrs. Ted Reeves, Mrs. C. A.
Lundy, Mrs. Frank Marks, Mrs.
Sanford Selby and Mrs. Guy
Third Birthday
Jimmy Slarkey's third blrth
day was observed Monday from
one to half past two o'clock
when his mother, Mrs. S. J.
Starkey, entertained mothers
nnd their youngsters with a
party at the family home, 1939
Present were Mrs. Larry
Campbell and Catherine Ann,
Mrs. Walter P. Lassett and Tom
my, Mrs. John Coppage and
Bennie, Mrs. Howard Dixon and
Mike, Mrs. Harold Palmer and
Patly, Mrs. Chnrlcs Mack and
Becky, Mrs. John Shaw and
Susan, Mrs. Greer Drew and
Nancy and Diane, Mrs. Paul
Gastcr and Annabclle and Dar
lene, Diane Maestrettj, and Jim
my's two aunts, Mrs. Carleton
W. Hornibrook and Mrs. Roland
E. Oakcs.
Miriam Circle of the First,
Presbyterian church will hold Its
monthly meeting at the home of
Mrs. G. Logan Black of 207
Grant, Thursday, October 26, at
2:15 p. m. Mrs. E. DeWitt will
conduct the devotional exercises.
A book review will be given.
Mrs. Jennie Hum is to be assist
ant hostess.
211 Underwood Bldg.
t 8 f a
Get Your
Skirts - Sweaters
Main at Fifth
NATION ViU-ft ym. 4
l 'Mi i fiMiim. m
SINCE 1881
Luxurious comfort combines
with long, satisfactory service in
the Scaly "Air-Woven" Tuftless
mattress. Three generations tes
tify to Its outstanding value.
Come in and see it today!
221 M.ain
Klamath Furniture Co.-D:l
Dsoer-Memfaer of the Grand
Rapids Furniture Makers Guild
3:30 p. an
Phone 5353
808 tain. Z