Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 21, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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rnk A I till
brvv uud noias
Monday Meeting
Monday evening's dinner meeting and program of the Busi
ness and Professional Women's club, October 16, was turned into
a pre-election review of candidates and measures. Elcnoia
Weatherford, head of the legislative committee, acted as program
chairman, and Hazel Morrison, first vice, presided in the absence
of the president, Norma Miller.
State measures that will appear on the November ballot
were explained by Coral Sabo, Ellen Upp, Betty Jones. Bertha
Geiger and Lillie Darby.
Twyla Ferguson presented an
impartial resume of the county
ballot, candidates for county of
fices, and introduced Rose
Poole, candidate for state legis
lature; wae r. snort, county
clerk who is running for re
election, and Dorothea Buck,
county commissioner candidate.
Olive Cornett discussed the
city ballot, quoting statements
from the four mayoralty candi
dates, and introduced Anne
Mason and Ruth T. Berry, can
didates for the office of city
Durlne a short business meet
ing it was announced that the
BPW club will taKe cnarge 01
the servicemen's center on Sun
day, November 12. A report
from the treasurer disclosed a
naid-un membership ot lit
all of whose names will appear
in the club's year-book now be
ing printed,
Colorful Halloween decora
tions were used on the dinner
table, arranged urder tne direc
tion of Martha Keller.
Happy Day
Mrs. W. C. Little entertained
members of the Happy Day
Sewing club at her home, 2444
Orchard way, Wednesday eve
ning, October 18. Those attend
ing were Mrs. Harry Wiard and
her daughter, Mrs. M. L. Cle
ment of Portland: Mrs. Reuben
Peterson, Mrs. Douglas Free
borg, Mrs. Clifford Case, Mrs.
Lloyd Allen, Mrs. Plez Cham
berlain, Mrs. Ernest Zerble,
Mrs. Homer Stiles, Mrs. Clay
ton Wiard, Mrs. S. H. Goddard,
Mrs. Francis Beard and the
"Flea" was played during the
evening and Mrs. Beard held
high score and Mrs. Peterson
second. The guest award went
to Mrs. Clement. Mrs. Peterson,
of Wiard lane, will be hostess
for the next meeting November
! S
Mrs. C. E. Brissenden returned
this week from San Diego where
she was guest at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Redelings and
family. She accompanied Mrs.
Phillip W. Farrell and children
oi Redmond to the southern city
-where the Farrells will reside
while Ensign Farrell, formerly
district SA supervisor lor
southern Oregon, is stationed
While in San Diego Mrs. Bris
senden spoke to money-manage
ment classes at tne san Diego
nigh school explaining the fi
nancial planning and account
dooks used Dy farm security
i families. She was honored at a
luncheon fpr wives of marine
corps officers the Brissendens
i had kpown while living in- San
! Mrs. Brissenden is the wife of
i Major Clarence . Brissenden,
! USMC, now stationed on Guam
l and the daughter of Mr. and
.Mrs. Jay A. Fairclo of Merrill
"xoaa. -
- is.
IANW Gathers
' tiers nf the Arf w-n- i t
1 S thered or the regular
of Mrs. J. F. Goeller, South
I Riverside avntiua
I membership of eighteen was
I r.-""-"u "im, uxie or ine love
, nest of Klamath's Indian sum
i. mer davs. nnri tho a,,
rwere at their best on the trees
, and snrubs of this avenue, the
i oiaesi street in Klamath Falls.
1 Mrs. Goellpr tiari a .nl1nf.-nH
i of early day newspapers and
- .BeaiiicB wiulu were enter
, taming, and Mrs. F. R. Olds
showed a collection of photo
J graphs dating around the early
, jouus. r lowers trom the Goel
; ler garden were used in decor
atlons Qhnnt tha rnnm.
, Mrs. Marion Hanks will be
t hostess to the club at the next
' meeting, Wednesday afternoon,
November 1, at her home 133
x-uie street.
o o a
I Friendship Club
! ? S: ,' Dryden and Mrs.
w-, Stanley entertained the
Friendshm rlnh of rw-.-i
f?mf.F,ri,18y eveniiB. October
, nueuuiui were Alice White,
, Irene Markham, Lillian Webb,
I Maude Plyler, Blanche Mots
chenbacher, Velma Hull, Hermie
fan,cis- stella Drydcn and Ruth
Stanley. Auction was played
' after the business meeting and
t""' S?JC,B held h'8h kT".
i Alice White second, Irene Mark
ham low, and the special award
; went to Lillian Webb.
I The day of meeting has been
changed to the third Friday of
Mmh J"0!"1' and Ve1ma Hull
! rr "Jfo hSl,tess, November
i ' with Mrs. Francis assisting.
Alton Adding Machine
Friden Calculators
Royol Typewriter
Desk Chair File
For that hard-to-gt Items
IJ4 So. 8th Klamath Fall.
Armada Drive
Members of the Klamath
Falls Woman's Library club arc
taking part in the "Armada"
drive which the General Federa
tion of Women's Clubs in Amer
ica is sponsoring for I lie pur
chase of an armada of planes
for the navy.
The committee named to con
tact club members and urge
them to buy bonds includes
Mrs. Glenn Kent, Mrs. G. C.
Blohm. Mrs. E. D. Hamaker.
Mrs. Dean Osborn and Mrs.
Bert C. Thomas.
If an individual club raises
enough money through the pur
chase of bonds, a plane will
have inscribed on it the name
of that club. The Klamath Falls
women hope that through their
efforts this may be done for the
local organization.
Banks or other points where
bonds are purchased will be
checked and anyone may allo
cate their particular bond into
this channel.
Surprise Party
A group of friends of Mrs.
Ross Tromblee of the Henley
district surprised her Wednes
day evening with a birthday
party. Four large cakes were
served. Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Hilding Nelson, Mrs. Ar
thur Borgerson. Mr. Ross Trom
blee, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Durant, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Beck,
Helen Durant, Mrs. Axel Nel
son, Bruce Durant. Linda Du
rant. Dicky Gumner. Eileen
Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Gel
stom and Mrs. Loye Lowther.
Members of the Klamath Saddle club relax after an early-morning ride. On the fence, left
to right, are Maxinc Cameron, Lavlna Mattoon, Hazel Bnkcr. Barbara McKoen, Evelyn Drew,
Mary Scott and Joe Matt. In front are Gladys Hogue, Beth Chase, Clarice Moon, Helen Perry,
Billy Adams, Blanch Harmon, Pearl Drew and Ernistinc Read. Not In the picture, but members
of the club, arc Alice Dale Ray, Mabel Llskcy, Francis McNcely, Etta Paddock and Marge Burleigh.
At the request of the "Western Horseman," this picture appeared in the September-October
issue of that national magazine.
VFW Auxiliary
The auxiliary to the Veter
ans of Foreign Wars met in the
library clubroom Thursday eve
ning. October 19, with Mrs. H.
J. McGilvray presiding. There
was a very good attendance,
and Margaret Livingston was
received into membership. Dor
othy Jagosz of San Diego- was
a visitor and expects to transfer
to this lodge soon.
Mrs. D. W. Lavin gave an in
teresting talk about the young
Citizens club which was organ
ized in Altamont school last
year and which has increased
its membership greatly this
Martha Barron, patriotic in
structor, gave instructions as to
lodge procedure in patriotic
services, and Florence Miller
thanked the lodge for the flow
ers sent her while in the hos
pital. Patricia Henry, banquet
chairman, reported on the ban
quet held Sunday. October 15.
and was rendered a vote of
thanks for Its success. Ger
trude Roper received the spec
ial award.
At the next meeting, Novem
ber 2, there will be initiation
of new members.
Clifford Kellcy was sur
prised Sunday evening, October
15, when a number of relatives
and friends dropped in to help
him celebrate his birthday with
a shower. After gifts had been
presented to the honored guest,
dinner was served.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Withrow, Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Huck, Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Irving
White. Mrs. J. D. Huck, Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Andrieu, Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. McLelland, Lucille
Walz, Hattie Meers, Charles
Deexe. Gaynor Huck, Ruth Andrieu-
and Mrs. William Walz
of Ellis, Kan.
Lucky Birthday
Diane Blnkley, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Blnkley,
1015 Huron, was born on Fri
day, October 13, and Friday
evening, October 13, she cele
brated her eleventh birthday
with a "Superstition party" at
her home. The guests entered
the darkened basement and fol
lowed the magic rope under
ladders, open umbrellas, past
black cats with glowing eyes,
until they reached the safety
and light of the main floor.
Lucky and unlucky symbols
were everywhere about th
rooms, and games were enjoyed.
The birthday cake was decor
ated with four-leaf clovers.
Twelve guests attended: Mary
Jane Howard, Diane Swansen,
Anna Mae Wahlqulst, Freda
Scogglns, Eleanor Emery, Mary
Hooker, Jane Tingley, Barbara
Snider. Anita Hall, Marilyn
Johnson, Dewey Lambert and
Jean Selby, with Diane making
the thirteenth.
ItUrday. Oalabar II
I a cm of Woman Vntara rumma
lUrvt danra lvn bv Waamti Golf
And Country CIUP ai nunnouw.
Rtgulttr mealing AAUW, 4t U-30 P- m.
Wlnim bniut room,
Mo4r, OoUfcar II
narewn group 01 womiin 7 .
eluh will mati at V.JO In amall club
roon In eiiy iiprarr.
Hallputan party and danr flvan hy
Thau fiho In lh loor hall at p. m
Tnir, Oeutttr II
Happy Hour flub, horn Mr. H. A.
Funk on No. oth. 2 p. m.
Tktjriity. OcUfcer t
Hallowtan roaium parly at Marina
Barrarka (or Junior HottMi.
rrl4yi Nvtmlr I
Rlvaralda PTA to antaruln wllh fva
ntn program for laacMri in Khool
Taialy, Ntwkr T
Nllt lunrhaon at Pallcan cafa, 1 p ,m.
Mandar. Narambar I .
Dr. Kuicn Nauhaua to Itcturt bafora
Klamath Valla Wnmin'i Library club at
a p. m. In main library auditorium.
Wtdotiday. Navamfcar II
Platoff Don Coaiacka at Pallcan. apon
aorad by Klamath Community Concart
aturay. Navamtm tl
Annual holiday baiaar and taa by Bl
Paul a Epiicopal church In parlih houaa.
altrday, Dinnktr t
Wlntar Danclnc club, tint party.
Itaamaa QoU and Country club.
Wadntiday, Jasaary IT
William Prlmroaa. apomortd by Warn
ih Community Concarl aaaociatloa
Tha Pallcan.
I i
Attend Services
Mrs. Arthur R. Dickson,
worthy matron of Aloha chap
ter No. 61, Order of the Eastern
Star, reminds all members of
the order that an Invitation hat
been accepted to attend serv
ices at the Presbyterian church,
601 Pine street, next Sunday.
October 22.
Members will meet outside
the church at 11 o'clock, and a
section will be reserved Inside
for seating them in a body. Mrs.
Dickson requests a full at
tendance. s s
Delta Gamma chapter of Del
phian will meet at the home of
Mrs. R, C. Woodruff on Pacific
Terraco Tuesday at 9:45 a. m.
"Russia, the Unpredictable" will
be the topic under discussion.
Majors Honored
On Leave Here
Several sorini nvnra min wri-H nave nr-i-n -i.
Marl Swimnen iiml Mnjnr Zed Barnes, hmi, 'n nr v.l
residents, wliu arc on leave vimiiiir ri leurls nnd , . J
Major SwnnsiMt l sei'vlng with llio U. S. nrinv n tl
at WeiHlovcr, Uliih, where lit family Is now llvliu. "'"13
f nl. t .
"" v n n c a
Luncheon WM Vrv.'tf
io uraca Book. m,i'1'i
Esther Adku."'.
Iln lir Mill lies riMm-nru neveriii wreKM
duly. Ho Iwis l",f I" liifUn Blll China with t,?
air corps. -
The Iwo niujnrs wcro enler
tallied by Mr. and Mrs. James
E. Swannun. brolher mill hlster-in-luw
nf Miijur ,Swiiiim-ii, on
Wednesday with an liifonnnl
corktnll party nt their home fol
lowed bv dinner nt Sari's.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
Jacobs and Mr. mid Mrs. C. L.
A pheHsimt dinner was lilven
for Major Swhiim-ii mul Major
Barnes at the hemic of Mr. mul
Mrs. Rudy Jucohs, 2IKIS Del
Moro, on Thursday evening.
John MncWIIIIiuns wus iiIho mi
honored guest, when lie was
rongratulutcd on the lilrlh of his
new son.
Orange candles and a large
bowl of fruit centered the table,
which wus laid with a yellow
cloth. Other gm-ala were Mr.
and Mrs. Jiimes E. Swhiiuvii.
8 i
' Mrs. Jacob Held, mother of
Mrs. Carldton W, Hornlbrook of
Pacific Terrace, Is spending a
few weeks at C-'niniel, Cm lit.,
visiting her soivlu-luw mid
daughter. MuJ. find Mrs. Dun J.
Barber, and their two daughters.
MUchell, K.tryn bM
Mrs. Norwood, Vclm. J'l
held high .eore.SlM
second and Ksjimla el
ow Tim plnorhfi .J
lo Violet Vmico. Mll
(CI jffV
'Hun I,
Sundays KFJI J;JQf,
Now You Can Send
II 724 Pine St. Phon, Mil
, J.
IlliM 1 1 'l9i fo; sizes II . I t
fliv - I -1 l?l I, t0 k yj look mm ?f w:
l 2495 2295 f 2495
I I i a1 111 lc ,0
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in j 4Mp" V 1
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' ' Keo