Ivite a. service jan Thanksgiving !, ". imosl will bo fur morn plenllfiil than the traditional """ fr l'liiinkMllvInK Day ihkI liimimwlveii uro urged to In ,y I i.,hI one Kcrvleu limn, n wildlcr, nullor or marine, In fl. iw J1"""!"?.. V W p ., wnii ul II"1' 11 n nun in h jiiirrnrKN ' 'i i, vonr illicit through mJ'r "enry rmia, recreation "i . r ill I lill"'. -'" ""'V" , K'" I . if ll'B Minor "" w"1"" "Ku "nv( or liven UiKn n fv 1 ..... iiw.u'm nlwnvx comfortable eonilnu In .ml.-. i ior l.i. A.-r . in I i i' 'V. ilil't'VM. .' Kli.nil.l l irorentlnii uirlfnrn il coiitnd Lt. iw. ". 1 n.ihllc rnlli- would no m 0 'Oil"'? ', -,. ;T CI'IH .. Thrri! will l' 'llr!'c'.Y, ''i'.'' ,,, ll.c llll'.HSIIWI ' "- li hoot 1l 0 111 0 lit itlim.fc. ' ..... ui. ,,i,l,l I,. i of. Mi-xk'ii latjror, wiving X oud piititto crop, "A lloiudly colorful from bright ',i,,,H 10 lhu r""' ,,,,,. til which i.om wear hills At on.! of Hi" !)''"" n.n Niilloniilcn wero Sin'd In n hunk hoii-ii com. f ilth kitchen ranges. H o of the hoiiKO went out iu , i Ihi'V wore gelling uloiiK i,.....ri the hoy 'll"n "mlul Xlcr hml built flrJ In ivcil mi" wcru in no . rook up ii Pl bel""' ,,, of II") !$ly J.Mii Is Iho name of lh ,, HOIHTn I" ........... ,rn in Mr. nod Mm. Hurry , nt Klniiinth Viilluy lion- 'ilhcrs nr l"nibl The boy Id Into Hie kitchen report- w ti I I It I, . I. ml UII-KI-y vw.m ...... ,d Home "forever mir. s too young for perfume, Ifdmummn. 'mi. mimi. n, r " I., .-I" -i.mil.lll IH (1 CilllliJ ijijUKlrd son. r foster, hern lor a week husband Paul ntulkii deer. CjJ some lusciniiunK ' ""' ttlrnlriK nntlquo furnlluro lattfrn! In Portland. SecInK un i ts up in o "i- ' 1 ' ro on the rout of the nn i.niinds and run rout the fetijer out of bed boforo Die lnderot Ihe pnpuiacn criunn rpy eye at The uregonimi ic Journal. (L.. S.) S 5 8 mh Wedding i nuptial muss In the Snercd church Belly lloffmnn, tcr of Mr. mid Mrs. D. J. imn. Dicame inn onoo m ir William Sliubnl o urciu MoilUinii. i no ceremony fccrformed by the nev, T. P, I on Monday, October 10. t bride, clvcn In niiirrliiise jb-r father, wore Ivory sutln Incc. Her IttiKcr-tlp veil Irom o Mary Stuurt liend , and she earricd a while r book with n snniy of !rdln and imilden-hnlr. Kalhryn lloffmnn, sinter bride wan maid of honor, own won of pink net and i mid she curried n colonial cl. Ucst mnn was William thncK. Isle for the ceremony wn eleri by the Sucrcd Heart fcmy choir. ilnwlnu the service, a wed- .breakfast was held In tho n parly room. Bolni! away, the new Mm. l chose ii black suit with .inn Kreen nccessorles, with she wore a corsage of orchids. n .short wnrlHIncr Irlt. fung couple will miiko their "1 iircat falls, Montana. le I.arry Pevlon. " of Mr. mid Mrs, Hutph I. "as relumed to lux Hi Portland, Ore. Mo has ViSlllnu Ilia i,p,inrln lOjear Peyton, 400 North 'or mreo weeks. Lnrrv'ti WnS tO IlllUf. ..r.r... .1....... f", Imt he Is ill, S 8 Mfirlnn lrn..l.- r ... a. ,, . i. ivun. ri- iiiic! I Mrs. II. w, Bnlhlniiy f tho hosu-ss committee I- monthly mcctlnK of PllSt M.-llrnn 1. IT.... Cllornonn nl 1 r.'i..i'. A 111 the Masonic tennl.. Ii nvenuo. Nile Daughters Zillelma Temple, DiuiKhter of tho Nile, held an Impressive ceremony In GrniiU Pass on Silt urdny, Oelohor 14, with ninny nicinhiim from this district nt temllnK, Nile members from Klainntli Kails wero Kui'Nt of llio lemple at n luncheon, Hatur dny noon. Coreiiioiiinl and Inltliilinii took nliiuo In lhu Masonic hull. Queen Nolle Vannlce of Uraiils Pass, presided. Oriental rugs and ilia perles and a profusion of dalillas provided a rich buckurouud for tho rites. Those from Klnmath Fulls who lieeamo mi'inbers were Mrs. Charles D. Ciiircelon, Mrs. Glenn Kent, Mrs. Dim Wells, Mrs. Glen W. Jlout, Mrs. Lorcn Pahnerlon, Mrs. Sanfiii'd C. Selby, Mrs. Kci Jones and Mrs. Josephine Hobln son. Tho Klainntli Falls Nile club was enterliilned at Its October meelliiK by Mrs, J. P. Matthews, Mrs. Herman Glsvold and Mrs. E. W. SwnrU In the parly room of the Pelican cafe, Table nr nitiKemcnlK were miniature rail fences, pumpkins and witches. The next nieelliiK will be held November 7. with Mrs, Ed Oslen dorf, Mrs. itiiv Oldenburg, Mrs. II, A. Nltschelm and Mrs. Fred llellbronner lis hostesses AAUW Luncheon The October meeting of the American Association of Univers ity Women was held at the Wl nenia hnmpiot room, Saturday nt I2::ill o'clock. Mnny guests and members were welcomed by Mrs. A. H. Drueckcr, Mrs. C. E. Ilrlsscndcn and Miss Mary Mc Comb. It. B. Maxwell of Fnrrcns and Maxwell, nllorneys, gavo a very Interesting noivpolitlcal talk on tho various local and state issues that are coming up In (ho No vember election, explaining each mensure to the members present. Mrs. Don Zumwnll, progrnm chairman, presented Mnry Louise Sexton singing "The Maid of Cndii." Petty Officer Leonard Morris of the navnl air station singing "Smiling Through," and Miss Sexton and Mr. Morris singing tho lovely duel,- "Want ing You." $ 8 Recent Wedding Klamath Lutheran church was Ihc scene of the wedding of Loeltn M, 'Thomson of Merrill, Oregon, and Gllhort L. Nelson, U, S. navy, of Sandstone, Min nesota, on Saturday, October 14. Mrs. Esther H. Johnson and Cnrl If. Llndberg of Merrill, at tended the bride and groom, nnd Ihc ceremony wns performed be fore an altar bunked with candles and fall flowers, by tho Rev. S. M. Topness. Mrs. Cnrl Brandsncss plnycd the wedding music, nnd Alice Wells sang, "I Love You Truly," A small number of friends and relatives were In attendance, among I hem the pnrents of tho groom, from Minnesota. Herald lews Society By. Piufllu Collie Ii It J r 'I f J 1 t ' "V f ' ,,i, I L jfi s " - Ai ,M Jf . . - J " w ' 'V K' ' x i , ' V'.- Mffl , Farewell Dance Honors Colone More than 140 officers and their wives honored Colonel, Bernard Dubcl at the farewell dinner-dance given for him In the lounge of the Commissioned Officers' club at the Marine Barracks yt on Wednesday night, October 18. ,, Colonel Dubcl, who has been Ihc commanding officer at the :v Marine Barracks since April, will leave for over-sens duty some- time after October 23. His wife and daughter. Rue Ann. will '. . remain in Klamath Falls. Soropti mists At their Thursday luncheon meeting, the Klamath Falls Sor optimists listened to the reports of their delegates, who have just returned from a Northwest Region conference of Soropti- mist clubs, whrre represcnta- Montana, Idaho, and Oregon were RUE ANN DUBEL, attractive daughter of Colonel and Mrs. I MRS. BERNARD DUBEL, who came to Klamath Falls from Bernard Dubcl, is living with her parents at the Marine Bar racks. After her father leaves, she and her mother will take on apartment and stay in Klamoth' Falls at least until she graduates from Sacred Heart academy, where she is a junior this year. She will be sixteen in January. Kennell-Ellis Washington, D. C, when her husband, Colonel Dubel, was placed in command of the Marine Barracks, plans to remain here with her daughter after the Colonel leaves for over-seas duty. She said that she had chosen Klamath Falls for her home because she likes the town and especially the people. Kennell-Ellis Bridge-Dessert Mrs. Marvin K. Lucas enter tained with an evening of bridge at her home on Pacific Terrace Wednesday evening hon oring her sister, Mrs. Paul Fos ter of Portland, who is here vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Biehn of Pine street. High score in cards went to Mrs. Uavld R. Vandenberg, sec ond to Mrs. Dick Recdcr, and low to Mrs. Neil F. Black. Mrs. Foster received the guest award. Others present were Mrs. George Clark, Mrs. Howard Hanvillc, Mrs. L. A. Murphy and Mrs. Neal Stewart. 8 Garden Group Members of the Klamath Falls garden group of Library club will meet Monday, October 2:), in the small library club rooms. There will be a business meeting at 1:30 o'clock and at 2 o'clock A. H. Bussman will discuss fall perennials. Those attending will also be Instructed on mntcrlnls to col lect for winter arrangements which will be the theme of the November meeting, according to Mrs. Horace Getz, president. Engagement Told At Bridal Shower The surprise-announcement of Ann Olcy's engagement to Donald Leslie Bridge was made at the bridal shower given for Donald's sister, Vonnlc Bridge, by Mrs, A. N, Kelscy and Ann Oley on Sunday evening, October 15. Vonnlc Is the daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs. Leslie Bridge, 1711 Wall. She is engaged to marry Bud Simmons, of the United States navy air corps. Bud Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sim mons of Longvlcw, Wash,, and is stationed at the Naval Air Base here. Tho two young couples plnn In have a double wedding after the war, Guests at the affair were Mrs. L. J. Bridge, Mrs. Donald Must, Eva Taylor, Joyce Cox, Shirley Katzmeyor, Fern Pennington, Anna Mne Peterson, Muriel White, Jean Blake, Karen Har din, Barbara Kvern, Margie Scliultz, Dorothy O'Mnlley, Mary Mnhoney, Pal ; Bcnoisl, Mary Lou Fowler, Barbara Schultz, June Dickson, Shirley Martin and Nanette Schubert. I I Hi 1 ll ulhG n DUBLE WEDDING after the war are Vonrtie Bridge, daughter of Mr. and wage, and Ann Otoy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A, in. Neisey. vonnie is u to Bud Simmnn. ...u i- :t)A ti,o Mnuni Air 'itntion here. Ann announced rinnn -" ,w, is, tt i iw ia aiuiiwiiobi u. . .,, . . . , P09emo"f this week to Vonnle's brother, Donald Leslie, who Is now in the South Pacific. Winter Dancing Club Schedule Members of the Winter Dancing club will be interested to learn that a program of parties is being scheduled for the com Iiii; months, the first dance to be given at Reames Golf and Country club on Saturday evening, December 2. There will be a series of four parties, the dance dates to be announced later. Old mcjnbers. are invited to callany member of the committee to resume their, membership, and names of nowcomers may be submitted. Planning the winter schedule is the following committee: Mr. and Mrs, Earl Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Henri Conradi, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kinder dick, Mr, and Mrs. Lorcn Cal houn, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Col vln, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Con roy and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Bc car. Shepherd's orchestra will play for the scries. 8 Bridal Shower A shower for Faith Hunzikcr, who will marry Ensign Allen Brock of Dodge City, Kan., on Monday, October 2.1, was given by Mrs. Stanley Hull at her home on Kcno highway this week. The evening was spent em broidering tea towels for Faith, and refreshments were served. Guests wero Mrs. Daisy Morin, Mrs. Esther Van Duscn, Mrs. Brossia Johnston, Mrs. Kathleen Altman, Mrs. Boa Gal laspy, Mrs. Helen Egan, Mrs. Barbara Holman, Mrs. Helen Peace, Mrs. Flora Hunzlker, Lu cille Rust and Virginia Morin. Sending gifts but unable to at tend the party were Mrs. W. Cookson, Faith's .grandmother, of Rccdsport, Ore.; Mairc Dixon and Mrs. Sellers. S S S Stag Party A gala slag party was given for members of the Lions club by the "Mayor of Spring street" and the "Spring street gang" on Tuesday evening, October 17, in the Pelican party room. The "mayor" is Ed Robinson, and his gnng is made up of Fred Hcllbronner, Ellon Disher, Gene Hooker, Curt Stockstlll, and Roy Mailman. Highlight of the cvonlmt was a presentation by Adolf "The Fid dler" Cox and the officers' chorus. 8 8 8 Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Landry took their daughter, Ruth, Dor othy Collier and Mary Ann Mills to the Medford game Friday. Elks Help Elks and their wives helped at the Klamath Falls service center Sunday, October 15. Here is the list of wives and members who gave up a day of hunting to make sandwiches for the soldiers: Mrs. Bob Rob bins, Mrs. K. A. Moore, Mrs. R. E. Oakes, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mahoncy, Mrs. Elton Disher, Mr. and Mrs. Myrle Adams, Mrs. Vernon Moore, Mrs. W. L. Bill iard, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dura cha, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ambrose, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Kennett, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kunz, Mrs. Bernic Rawlins, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Read ing, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ma cartney, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Murphy, Lynn Roycroft, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Francy and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Linman. ' . Beta Sigma Phi Kappa chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met at the homo of Mrs. Ar thur Moore on Thursday eve ning, October 12. Mary Beth Hammond, president, was in charge. Following the business meet ing, an interesting program on "The Conduct of Love Through Art and Poetry" was presented by Mrs. Arthur Moore and Mrs. Norman Moty. ' Games were played with prizes going to Mary Trulove and Lois Coady. The committee in charge of ar rangements were Lillian Red key, chairman, Mrs. Ed Charon and Mrs. Lorn Dalcour. Present wero Helen Grumble, Madge McClellan, Mary Tru love, Betty Zirkle, Lois Coady, Kav Knlcr. Elsie Kurnick, Mrs. Joe Lenten, Mrs. Larry Albrit- ton. Mrs. Howard Pcrnell, Mrs. Howard Listoc, Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mrs. Norman Moty and Mrs. Lloyd Drew. Reames Women Play on Friday Women of Rea'mcs had a splendid day of Indian summer weather for the next to the last round on the champlonsnip piay nt tho oolf club. ' In the championship flight, Mrs. Jacques J. Stcigcr won over Mrs. William Grove, and Mrs. A. B. Ginocchlo defeated Mrs. Paul W. Sharp, Next Friday Mrs. Stciscr meets Mrs. Ginocchlo for tho cup. In the first flight Mrs. W. O. Smith won over Mrs, Ted Med' ford, and Mrs. Martin Swnnson defeated Mrs. George H. Merry mnn, Mrs. Guy Hnncock had a bye for the day and sho and Mrs. Smith will meet next Fri day, the winner of this match to play Mrs. Swanson. In tho nine-hole champion ship tilt, Mrs, E. M, Raymond defeated Mrs, Mntt Finnlgan, and Mrs. Paul Farrens won over Mrs. Wilbur, Shannon in the first flight. Mrs. Ted Medford was hostess for the day and the afternoon award went to Mrs. Martin Swnnson. A sack luncheon was followed by cards. Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pope of Jefferson street announce the engagement of their daughter, Gloria, to Pit Louis bimmons United States Marine corps. PFC Simmons home is in Nevada. He has just returned from two years service overseas. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Pope is a grad uate of Klamath Union high scnooi, class oi -: - - Bridge Party Mrs. Paul Farrens entertained for Mrs. Wesley Eggers, who is visiting here from Portland, on Monday afternoon, October 16, with dessert and bridge. Invited to meet Mrs. Eggers were Mrs. i.. M. Raymond, Mrs. Richard B. Maxwell, Mrs. C. A. Lundy, Mrs. W. A. Spangler, Mrs. Arthur Schaupp, and Mrs. Guy Harmon. High bridge score was held by Mrs. Lundy, ana Mrs. Har mon was low. lives from Washington gathered. President Catherine Brum baugh, Kathleen Thompson and Gertrude Moore of the Klamath Falls club, joined with members of the Lakcv-icw and Bend clubs to make the trip to Lewiston, Idaho. Catherine Brumbaugh made a comprehensive report on the proceedings of the conference and gave the Klamath ; Falls club an excellent picture of the confciencc. Etta Cunning of Baker, who has many friends in Klamath Falls, is director of the Northwest Region of Sorop timist clubs, and presented worthwhile objectives in war work. These were adopted by the conference and constructive plans made for their accomplish ment. Klamath Falls Soroptimists were deliehted with Kathleen Thompson's humorous report of the journey to ana irom Lewis ton She told them of incidents and situations that contributed pleasure as well as Knowieage to the delegates. One of the outstanding ad dresses of the conference was given by Lucy Miggins oi coise, and this was reported to the local club by Gertrude Moore. Official Honored Mary B. Stevenson, a member of the national staff of the Girl Scout organization, was honored with a dinner held in the Peli can party room on Thursday night, October 19. Miss Stevenson was here on an official visit from the Port land nffice in her capacity as ad- Visor on Girl Scout training. She has served as field director in Boston and as the Girl Scout di rontr., nf Panama. Mrs. R. H. Radcliffe, local Girl Scout commissioner, introduced Miss Stevenson, who gave the main soeech of the evening stressing the importance of train ing girls from seven to 18 years old in good citizenship and home-making through scout work. Mrs. Dean Osborn was toast- mistress for the evening and chairman of arrangements. On her committee were Mrs. Albert O. Roenicke and Mrs. A. L, Rmnrit. Council members, Scout lead ers and local committee work ers attended, and brief progress reports were heard trom tne var ious committee cnairmen. On the program were several vocal solos sung by Mrs. Winni fred Gillen and June Marie Murphy, accompanied on the pi ano by Mrs. John O'Connor. DeMolay Officers nstallation Held Do Molay officers for the coming year were installed at a formal ceremony performed in the Masonic Temple on Thurs day evening, October 12. Bill Wilson, retiring master councilor, presided as installing officer, and was presented with the past master councilor pin. Installing officer was PFC Glenn Kennedy, who was home on furlough from California. Glenn was DeMolay master coun cilor several years ago. The new officers are George Long, master councilor, Don Noel, senior councilor. Bob Mc- Lean, junior councilor, Bill Radcliffe, senior deacon, Al King, junior deacon, Jerry Hicks, senior steward, Bill Ab bey, junior steward, Ted Reeves, orntor, Bill McLeon, scribe. Francis West, sentinel, Bill Meade, Chaplin, Jim Howard, marshal, Charles Deer, standard bearer, and Jim Case, almoner. Preceptors are Don Eittreim, Fred Reeves, Harry Tindall, Wister Whisenant, Dean Mason, Steve Stone and Harold Peyton. H. O. Palmer, DeMolay ad visor, gave a short talk, and following the installation, re freshments were served. Decorations for the dance car-' " ricd out an autumn theme. Pyracantha and Virginia creep-' cr were arranged along the' tables, which wero centered.' with large bowls of chrysanthe- -mums and tall candles. Mrs, 1 Stephen Kasper headed the dec- orations committee. In charge of entertainment was Dr. WillUm ii. Burrcll, and ' music was provided by the post orchestra, led by TSgt. Jack , Zamzow. '" Major Clyde C. Roberts gave"1 the farewell speech, thanking . Colonel Dubcl for Iht excellent '"1 work he has done here, and pre- ifi senting h;ni with large pictures' of his wilo and daughter as a . farewell gift. Mrs Dubel re-.,,, ccived a licture of her husband, ,, and a duplicate picture was pre- : sented to te Marine Barracks,1' to be pla'cd in the club, honor-'--ing the lo oncl as the barracks' :n first commanding officer. At the close of the evening, r. Hie cro.-d joined nt.nds around -Colonel Dubel ara his wife, who dan: ed to the strains of Auld Lang Syne. 8 8 : Roosevelt PI A ' - - The executive committee of the Roosevelt Parents and Teachers entertained at the first '' meeting of the season, last Tucs- day alternoon, October 17, in the - school auditorium. An except tionally large crowd of interest-- ed patrons, among them many-, new members, listened to a brief, i business meeting conducted by 1 Mrs. E. A. Geary, presiding of- J ficer for the year. t Edmund Atterbury, the new principal, vas then introduced ' to the group, lie spoke of tne , fine record of stamp sales, of the ( firogress made in sports and ath- etics by the pupils. He an- 1 nounced that plans for an up-to I date library in the old kinder- ' garten room are soon to be put into effect and it is expected that the room will be ready for usev,j near holiday time. He gave an-r explanation of the pending-;-amendment 314 on the ballot ,'i for Oregon voters, regarding ; added state support for public s schools, urging the group to seri-j" ously consider this. He added., that Oregon school children are:; entitled to educational oppor tunities equal to those of their':' neighbors. This bill, if passed,,', will obtain that. ' Mothers ware then invited -to visit the class rooms for observa-;: tion. The room mothers, with Mrs.!" R. E. Hooker, who serves as chairman, provided pin-on narae cards for each visitor. Tea was then served from an attractive'6 table centered with- -autumn flowers, with Mrs. Lloyd Porter--and her committee making, ar rangements. All committees wish to thank ' Mrs. Everett Vanderpool and the Girl Scouts who cared for the" small children during the after-' noon. - -. , . . . 8 8 ;' ;-; . Aloha Chapter" : Aloha chapter No. 61, Order'" of the Eastern Star, will meet;' in regular session Tuesday eve-;; ning, October 24, at eight o'-'J clock in the Masonic temple,' . Klamath avenue. - Job's Daughters will put on" the initiatory work' of their order during the program hour..; Mrs. Arthur. R. Dickson,"' worthy matron, , and Mr. Earl"! Templar, worthy patron, extend,, a cordial invitation to all mem- . bers and visiting members .to ;'' attend the meeting. ! . 8 8. 8 ' .. Potluck Supper Employes of the Klamath.; county rationing board will en-si tertain this evening, Saturday,-, at the home of Virginia Tyrrell" on Pacific Terrace, with a pot-u-luck supper honoring a num-'i ber of men irom the Marine Bar-' racks who have been doing vol-i: unteer work for the board. i ii Mrs. LeRoy Tyrrell will as-r: sist her daughter. Following supper cards will be played. -m '- V.Zf' i ; INSTALLED RECENTLY at DeMolay officers for the coming year are Master Councilor, George Long, son of Mrs. E. M. Long; Senior Councilor Don Noel, sort of Mr. Paul M, Noej and Mrs. Esther Noel, and Junior Councilor Bob McLean, son of Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Mc Lean. They ctre all seniors of Klamath Union high school this year. Kennell-Ellis.