cb.r 21, V?44 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH KALLS, OREGON PACE THREI : A. rrr. I . . 1 . 1 .- JJ, I I I I 1 Jj CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. - SUN. OPEN 12:30 TODAY ONLY "CALIFORNIA FRONTIER" "THE PAYOFF" -SUNDAY MONDAY Van MmWi M Ml mm But JflLD BILL ELLIOWf rj Gobby Hoyes ! r.J VnMnr BIG HIT A a put itHi i tn nMt tlill Ikiaulfit Mlf llllf ltt Until till III! llll tlOII AMECRE FRANCES DEE HarrvCAREY Ann I 7w "J V BOM HEARS DISCUSSION ON SUPPORT FUND Organized teachers' "stale school support fund" constitu tional amendment on tho Novem ber 7 election ballot, while ap pearing ti be a mild 45 cunts liT diiy of school attendance, miuiilly IhviiIvi-m $i:t,aS,44H, of which $,2U,44II must bo raised from new lax sources, F. II. Yijuiik, Portland, manager of Oregon Husinoss und Tux Re search Inc., Iuld Rotary club members at lunch Friday. The speaker wild there arc only three sources from which to nilM! the $(1,2115,441), hihcr personal Income tux rules, new types of taxes or us u sluto levy on property. Young explained that when stale Income tax rev enue falls back to pre-war level of uboul $0,l)l)0,0UU annually, that amount will nut even cuncel levies on property for general stute purposes, lei alone pay the $13,2115.448 lotul cost of the leuchers' 11144 constltutlonul ninendnient. 11 1 U h po;jt-wur : levies on real estate that iniKlit I reach 2U mills, will create wide spread tux delinquencies, im pair property values, und embar rass counties, by forcinj; llicm to Ket uIoiik on reduced income when they remit to the stale 10(1 per cent of the slulc tax collected by counties. If schools wniit a large In crease of money from state j sources, Ihey must expect to sub mit to increased .ttuto control I over local education, Young con- icnueu. i National Education association I fiijurcs were quoted that showed j only nine states which spent more luxes per pupil in 1041-42 i school yenr thun did Orc-Kon, land that only seven states hud n higher general level of teacher salaries during 1043-44 than were ; puid in Oregon. The II per cent gross income tux provided under the Town send pension plim will rcouiru j monthly tax reports by every wage earner, farmer, property ', owner, und substantially reduce i Income from Klamath county j agriculture. Young told the Ro I tarians. He said that comparison of tlic proposed Townscnd plan "Shot From the Sky" Return Hr Pvt. and Mrs. Don Phelps arrived here the early part of the week from Aberdeen, N. C, where Pvt. Phelps has been stationed at the puratroop base, Camp Mac Kail. Pvt. Phelps. Who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Phelps, 1957 Auburn, ex pects overseas duty Immediately and his wife, the former Ruth Pennington, will remain here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pennington of Portland street. This Gorman Junkers bomber was once the terror of the skies over Europe, England, and Africa now it reposes peacefully in its display berth as part of the army air force's great "Shot From the Skv" exhibit comina to Klamath Falls November 1. Other types of enemy planes and nearly 10,000 imallor piecos of axis aerial equipment will be displayed on the South 6th carnival grounds lor visitors 10 view ana compare wun ninontan uquipmem. in Oregon with the Hawaiian gross income tax was mislead ing because the islands use the tax for sole government sup port, not for pensions, and the rate is very much less than the Ml 'J 4 n L P 1 I ii nds 6V6R blNCE VENUb Aifr J ggj M J kl I I I M INA RAY HUTTON AND ORCHESTRA issr Continuous Show Sat. . SnT I OQQV SECOND HIT , Open 12i30 "ONE MYSTERIOUS NIGHT" STARTS SATURDAY MIDNIGHT OF A MILLION DOLLAR Th'9wor!cl'$: richest ; girll wantsTto : b lovad . . . Instead of ra:legend.1She lots her hair down maneuvers her way to romance .-. .'in her own omaiingamusing. manner! V ""' '-tT .y-.t. u''-, 'jLVJa r0" ' "r' ' ' . . MARSHAL ,BAV ft A Bpe iff jsz ii; ''L 'U MARSHA AUYN " EDGAR lfVswlfJBftk 1 HUNT JOSLYN BUCHANAN C 1. X MICHAEL ST. ANGEL MARC CRAMER (ji WILLIAM POST.JrBRUCE EDWARDS -NANCY GATES . ADDED SCREEN THRILLS MUSIC WILL TELL (Headliner) ON POINT (Sport) MACKINAC ISLAND (Travel) LATEST NEWS possible 3 per cent to 5 per cent closely each enemy airplane and Oregon Townscnd tax, which piece of equipment. No one snouKi miss mis air lorce dis play. will decrease wages, increase prices, ruin land values, stop sale of real property and that the Townscnd tax is levied on gross receipts, irrespective of losses and without deductions of any kind. E. B. Hall Introduced the speaker. Exhibits Shot From Sky Slated for Showing Here (Continued from Page One) grounds, and will be presented in such a manner as to give visi tors an opportunity to examine Shot From the Sky." has ap peared in Washington. Boston Chicago and other large eastern cities, and is now in Reno. Trans ported on army trailers, the "Shot From the Sky party will arrive in Klamath Falls late this month and begin erecting tents and displays immediately at the carnival grounds. Heavy Coffee Drinkers . Coffee drinkers of southern Louisiana and Mississippi drink two to three times as much cof fee as the average coffee drinker in the United States. Many of them drink from 10 to 15 cups a day. Auxiliary Meets The Town- send auxiliary met Wednesday, October 18, with Nettie Schi minisky, 3535 Homcdale road, for 1 o clock lunch and a busi ness meeting. Present were Ber- nice Mccracken, Eva Myers, Eva Webster, Esther Mast, Rhoda Teancy, Mabel McWlthey, Ingcborg Wilkerson, Mrs. Berg man, Grace Jcrrue, Matilda Crapo, Laura Brazce, Gertrude Morgan, Charlotte Canoy and Viola Hermann. Brothers Home Lee and Dale Hunsaker are home visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hun saker of Summers lane. Lee will leave Sunday to report for overseas duty. Dale will return to Willamette university at Sa- icm ai me ena ot nis iu-day leave. Mr. and Mrs. Hunsaker's two other sons, Don and Flovd, are in the South Pacific. Named Mrs. John C. Yadon of Klamath Falls, active in af fairs of the First Methodist church here, was named spirit ual life secretary at the state Methodist Women's Society of Christian Service meeting in Portland. Mrs. F. M. Phelps, Portland, was named president. Improving A. A. Young, Palo" Alto, Calif., severely injured in an automobile accident at the Hager crossing six miles south of Klamath Falls Thursday night," was reported improved at Hill side hospital, Saturday, H i companion, W. J. Boaz, left for Palo Alto by train Friday nights Enrolls Helen Radcliffe has, enrolled in the senior class of the Oregon College of Educa tion, Monmouth, for the fair term. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hebcr Radcliffe of Klamath Falls. Catholic Daughters The Catholic Daughters of America will hold a social meeting Mon day evening, October 23, In the parish hall. All applications for', membership should be in at this time. Due Home SSet. Cecil E. Wcstin. brother of Wallace and Irving Westin, 2545 Shasta way, is aue 10 arrive in the united States soon on furlough from me Asiatic Pacific theater of operations, where he has served ZB months with the infantry. Westin is returning here under the rotation plan of the U. S. army. Visiting Set. Wilma Wallace of the WAC air corps, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Louie Town- icy of this city. Sgt. Wallace is siauonea at will Rogers air base, Oklahoma City, Okla. She lormerly made her home at unovun, attended LaPine high school and is a graduate of eastern Oregon College of Edu cation, To San Francisco Mr Wil. liam McDaniel will leave Sunday for San Francisco, where she win visit her daughter, Dar leen, who is entering the Univer. sity of California hospital, for a physical check-up. Darleen is suffering with inflammatory iiiciuiiaw5m. iimim!iii.i i mmummmtmmtm : WEDNESDAY ON OUR STAGE IT'S SMILES AHEAD When You See FUN FROLIC Special Added Attraction MARINE CORPS ORCHESTRA TICKETS on SALE Pelican Cafa Castlcberry's Currin's for Drugs Pelican Theatre,, ADMISSION " Logo 1.10 General .74 Servicemen .50 Federal Tox Included r Here From Texas Mrs. Rob ert Grant Morton of Houston, Tex., arrived here this week to join ner husband who is sta tioned at the Klamath naval Dase, and is a guest at the Law rence Rolph home on N. 8th. Brownie Tea A tea for mothers of the Fairview Brownies, Troop 23, will be held next Wednesday, October 25, from 4:15 to 5 p. m. at Fairview school. AH mothers and Brownes are urged to come. - Wounded Word has been received by Mrs. Elsie Downs that her husband. Pvt. Albert N. Downs, US army paratroops,: was slightly wounded in action on September 17, during the invasion of Holland. Past Oracles All Past Or acles of the Royal Neighbors of' America will meet at the home, of Mrs. Lola Myers, 917 Wal nut, Tuesday, October 24, at 8 p. m. ' Vandenberg Leaves Circuit Judge David R. Vandenberg left; Friday for Salem where he will.' hear testimony on cases involv ing water rights. He is not ex pected back here lor several days. Teaching in California Mrs. Everett Bourquin, the former Ruth Linfesty. who taught at Mills school here many years. is teaching In the ban Jose,. Calif., city school this winter.' In Hospital W. E. "Bill" Ha worth, who injured his right hand Thursday afternoon, is re ported doing nicely at the Hill--side hospital. Visiting Here Mrs. George' H. Wiegel of Vancouver, Wash., is visiting here for several days with Mrs. R. G. Hoyt- of 2965 Bisbee. . From' Dunsmuiz Mrs. Tim othy Murphy is spending the weekend in Klamath Falls visit ing with friends and relatives. Hunting Lee Carter, chief clerk at the district freight office here, has been saving his gaso line for a hunting trip and is now in Yokum valley. To Meet Thursday The Fairview school PTA will hold a regular meeting in the school auditorium Thursday afternoon, October 26, at 2:30. . . Business Visitor Bub Elder of Medford, Jackson county ju venile officer,- and formerly of Klamath Falls-city police, was a business visitor here this week. Returns From Trip Mrs. Wilfred E. Lamm returned here Friday after spending the past two weeks in San Francisco and Palo Alto, Calif. - Fairview Sale The war stamp sale at Fairview school for this Week amounted to $105.55, it was reported today by the PTA. For Fall Wear NUNN-BUSH Ankle-Fashioned OXFORDS All Sises and Stylet From $10.00 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main Vote For DOROTHEA BUCK Democratic Candidate For County Commissioner S0II0T0IIE BETTER HEARING CENTER Monday, Oct. 23 WI-IIE-MA HOTEL KLAMATH FALLS I WILL gladly make an au- diogram of your hearing. In 20 minutes you can see just what your hearing loss is, and whether or not you need a hearing aid. There is no charge or obligation for consultation or tests. Certified Sonotone Consultant M. AST. t Dorothtt Bick j "Jjjjlier 15 orwEY sn.noi CLUB Y .' If7" - U--Jg- Here's My Dollar ttt Bewey. Name ; 1 , ,' '',.,;'-K,.",..'.:.,,L,:. A ; drew.. ..........-,. ,;..,.,.,..... . Phone..iM-. IMPORTANT! PLEASE TURN IN ALL PROCEEDS BY OCTOBER 28 T4. AST Klsmtlfc D1W1J M.Ml Oil ,