PAGE ELEVEN 21, I'M;1 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automstt 34 Automotive 34 Automotive HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rB'twod Ml ' ...H'P w""d' M"' 31 Automotive Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- CASH FOR YOUR CAR AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ii wumI to woik In n logging camp, sawmill . I ,r vnul wlu.'io ccji lilil lot i, aio good, go see 'hnny iv"" 1,1 lhu MCCa UllllcmJ;" Wl Ma' I reel ,,,.0J men In u Hioio donarlmenli of our 1 , ,i. , ncsmitinl llulllsllv. Si Careful SERVICE L Complete e YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS e. L Iiull WW" ' ' Prompt WOOP'j Choker Sctlen and Knot Bumper MILL: Liy luinlwr handlers. Estimates Gladly Given Convenient Location 734 Klamath Ave. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. Phone 4149 IT HELP WANTED FALLERS, BUCKERS AND CHOKER SETTERS at Our Camp Near Klamath' Falls Ieatty LOGGING CO. 1 (Mil ill Vur Ollicc, 1:2:1 North lllli St. "TNow Tnrlnv I l J'l I ' rla'.ll-l'l I" I J I. .11 l..,i.l.l.oil !' ; V'.r I -.'.:i'"'"-"i i"-- i.i - ii"1"1 ,', ;"" 1 11 " " , i-.- '",',!" '""- ' ' V'n "", W""tt -II. " '. ,.,,f- 'ii il w :irrli(if rl,;,v s'- i- Tii i" &i 1 ',,. ll-(-r Motor Cil lO-aJ ID ( I' Ii" 1 1) A IKTtHtKH ,,. 1. ,. -.'. r.u fl.iv rr Hun tiv i v. i J.'B Smmiin. 't'"Trt'u!H tfti'-t' l "' '""-tor t f. in-r-l "id -.liliiitiiio. Irtrl" r., ).: (1 ..1 run sifit IlK.-llllC tit 1 Jf(Hl'fl lo il j 1 mi: nv yoiifrM.!n , a.ull tiiiili U Ijtnl luitin. giili-Krt A hMi-r I '-Jirti. r, Ii I'uiU. -iirt 1 jm'.tl J'tl t- I i 1 I rl roup 1 iui t-.-i :;.... t. 10 il ' V t'AMl 10 :!l , i-rtiir i'i-i.'' lo-j; C .1 rin.lrlr T.a IT..1H tniivllif It-MfJplJ l'l OIUlH'U'l ,: t ratHiitfltr. Ult rtant Information for Women i-j N'tirari fur if. i! f it,s 1- lii Irmn mhI Melt i liyil it; Aeri in to j ti(ic(v'iin nt ni'iifttl .I'X'I'T i ..iJiiitf utii'' In- . V', iif. XV mo i'Mirlug ;r.l rjiic in Tt Meell.-.o Notices ICamaiti Valti Aorlt 111 niMitti avofv Fri- rTT" r n R hall mi mid m,i. IV u I Vlilllna r.TtX."jr .,.,.,,,1.-,., rrlllt Lent and f onnd Annnr.D i nn wiiii Ku 'llOif ! i-u i.i'-l, ITlrmlly. ir v. Kti hrlmllc ! :ol on tuuip in in I. W.iikim. ulnirc '.. 8, l!f;. rvt-lt 10-41 pnrc iO!iiininn dmfl roiipor.i ami JO Oft. rintlor rinin 'n W H. fimnlpv At m Itib MltPtnl icwarri. 10-22 in wnU-u. rwvt fur Ihclmnl Mni uno, Kcno. Oto. 1 lu-22 uf icfritfrrntor. Phone :i73l. General Notlcoi AKR O- WOODH yniir hnil inirina nnnllii irnfton. Urn ", lrrvll'P Inllnn unit Attatile Muka rrtcrvllotii Service PME APPLIANCE SERVICE I'PHir A!l(l UNHr. JCIark Rawlinas "rmerlv Wllh Conrn ""iio liirm Phon nm lo-anin J.MSTITCIHNO lllrinllmui nrw 11(1 ,,! inn i, itnri niipklni 7i'IU. Ill-.1I in ?Cl:il ( TIIISCTll-.IIK i "". il oiik, rilinue 1 1-llin nmrnl. r,. 1. . . nIVfltU-B for -- t.nnl Mnin in-:iim Wlml, wiiNhliig, Phnni ifH. Lunt.. milt rrllimd fltiil ' wciituri, inn iii-aim SI ,' . 'Phllorln. .hliip '."""",;"'-rin. rcpiiir nillt. Hi, rli,B, l,.,ii,,i i. "Ml1 w"v- .!JS?.l'li:-.k''-hv- iniv '-hi .i:io, 11-17 ,. - Mrs. IVnrl nM. -! Il-Hm l'!N,.N,,..A"'TRnATIONH 11-13111 IO--JI ''ei. "''I CI. Clrlllnmi ''Hn Kl. I.!.P l wiink .;i.:i,Vi,. .""' Wily. l.(ra tarn AN,!?RT mi.tBt 1IKII Mnin HI. ll-Utlniv HI 2.1 narvlctt Klamath Refrigeration SERVICE AlllHMlllL'CS Tin' Upriilnu nf 11 purlin a 11 (I Wu.thfng MiuMuno Repair Dept. Opciutcd by Mr. Cox 1" in incrl y of Merit Washing Miichim: S'rrvlcc llciKllX Hl'lHlil'llIK II Sprchilty I'lmiic VIKIII Mi Comm. till Refriqeration Service KELVINATOR Fiicloiy Aulhoriiccl Service Household and Commcrciol Phono 0017 OREGON EOUIPMENT CO. 1:7 bu. oil) bt 111 lm APPLIANCE REPAIRS 1 Wc rcpulr and mm vicc all iniikcs o( nirlio.H, viicuuni clcuncrs and A1 tomciiiii.i-. mk' iianics wantbo n.nny other nppli-j ::;V.,.,,:i,;il;v",J, .fVJS' ,.'1" iinccs. Wc may Iiiivc the type u( : m'" '"'' rmllo tube you need. Hcason able prices. I'hono 5188. .SEARS ROEBUCK Turs.-TlHirs.-SatMf Motor Rebuilding Stiirtt'r nnrl Gcnonitor nccoiiclitloniiiK MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 21U Old Korl Uoitd Plume TOii-l hefore H 00 or nfler 3:30 P. M. ll-Un CRATING STORAGE Local mill Lone ULstuncc HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE Afiont.s (or United Van Lines 101 Klamath Phono 31.72 10-M0 FALLS ELECTRIC GENERAL REPAIRING Light PlMita. Clone. niton. Electric Molora Howoiind and Unpaired, tin Enginet Overhauled and Re paired. Agent for Del co Light Plant and Underlet, 633 St. Francis St. Ph. .6263 13 Health PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 153 Granite St Ashliind, Oregon Phono 7001 Graduate Nurse In Charge ' 11 -Bm II Help Wnntad Fmal DINIIWAHMKn nnrl pantry lrl wanlrd. Mnx'g Cofrce Shop. 7MH lady I'on orncB wobk Clcnnera, i SUndarrt VANTi:il-tllrl (or housework and rarg of a children. Phone 7(116. 2lMt W A NTI'll Mnruli'O matl'l Wife, fllrl woinini rnr light housework. Full or tiniH liin.m if nrolorred. oM N. an. I. rhonn o. w-ai WANTHD - Mnlflu, experienced or In .,..iAiu..,.nrf biaiiiIv work. AnnlV Wlnemii Hotel. 3MBIf IVANTk'H Mnlrl mt ArrfltlG Hold. Ill' nulio at nfflt-e. 1031 WANTPU Women rook, luornlng hif(. 0 to 2, Apply t Jenny C(e. W-ai WANTKD - Hounckreprr by two wnf whlown. norjiu, homd nnrl sj.1.00 n Anniu VVhinim Hotel CoffPP Shon.' ' 0-W CAIl HOPPKHS WANTED al the Har- Nrp-MlllHrr, Cloml pny. UOOQ HP". Apply ATM So, (llh. Ui-W WANTKIJ woman mr homework fir ln,v umm. Call 4310. dnys ,'177.111 YOIJNO I.ADIKS. Ill lo 211, nhlo In Irnvo . IntnMinrliillon furnlhrd. ia.c,ll n wucli riniwliia ncrnnnl. No rxprrlrm'C nct-ra-Fnrv. Kcc Mr. Ilnlfloltl, Cascade Anl. iioiri. 4 in n i. ni. 'f-m WAN1T.11 Woman In lieln cure for In valid lady. BUI Wlnril 81. 10-H-l WANTKI1 .- Woman to Irnrn mnfcxnKc. Apply In piiaiii, HH Mnin. l"-:n ODELL MOTOR CO. 30 WANTED Kxpcrlcncrd .u'liriy-to-Weur SulRsairl Also Wunt .SruinntiXMB to Klllor III iiltci'iillriii rjt-pu rime 1 1 1 LONG'S APPAREL 71U Muiu man WANTi;il filrl r womnri for hmuc wmii I )tw or lny MliltH'. Will htJimf "i-ivho 11 1 tut itud wlln In t3(chiiRo fur liuUi.rui.fK iiniUiuiKc, Tup tuUiy of (fird. I'h 3JII lilt WAM'i:i- MitliHr nur'I larlv to tl) hi.'im;v,(j(l(- 'I he ttt wana, Val ;7Ki. :iidot t'..lX Wain1 nn dlkliwJiatir Wo f 1 id 11 ifriprrL Apply il Dur C'itlr fiini 'iABlllf WAIl(K!iSt::i WANT CD Sh'ili Hlp Wunttd, Mal HELP WANTED Men 16 to 50 Women 1 8 to 40 No Experience Necessary Attractive Salary Plus Liberal Laundry Allowance ICM-clliHit Opportunity l''or Advuncrinonl STANDARD STATIONS, INC. J n Whilf. Ulh mid Klamath 1! Skinner. .r7 Mnin St. K. l.'nnicU, Kilti Oitboii Ave. 10-24 paintuis WAN rKO Onf i!',v ttion live liril-h mpn. 9 hour day. l'lumw 4rt.T7 niter S 30 tvcnlnf.. WAM'CO Mon nfiri wile for rhnr lob tiiiut h rxiwrlrnrvri with mtlklnf ntir rlil tie Mn-trt ti liKtur wood HBhls wiiirr ftitnltirtt reriiuncnl lob Rood Mucfi t.:li TtiM Tirgxt WAN'I t'D up! with no rhiidton. p'- iniiorMtlv locnlrfl in mnnnKe ioii ftirnhlirfl mo'krit nnriinrnl llrler riHT if(itlrrl. Wrlle Do a70H. fnro lln.ild nitil Nfw. 370Ct( WANTKl) Mrn and bo Q wt pini i.mta wrw sood py Apniy nowiim All.v BIO Mm'o ni. ur mny evrnlni Saliiitlav or Sunday P3H( WANTKD - Hoy lo thine thor tflel fhonl and Saturday. Medlcl-Dontnl IHilK. lUilirr Stio(. MBli MAN TO WOIIK 111 Klitiidiird t-'lPMiurrs. WANTr.D Men d boyt lo "ft ptni l.Bhl work. Rood py Apply nowllnf Ilcv filft Main. 1 P m.. any evening 8alu r cloy or Sunday 1721U llKt.l-BOVo wanted, exporlonred or In experienced. Apply Wlnanw l,?JJlJl WAN'l:i Handy nmn. her Co. I'hone tKUS. Elhnetun l.ui WANTED Night Janitor lo do janllor work ami Inke mm of (irnara. Ex rterlenced or Inexperienced. Wlnrmn tiotol. tunnn TtiiirK nniVEns WANTED Pevloii fit Co. 3WII WANTKD-IUw driver for local run. ap nroxtmatelv B'i hour per day. Klanv mil Hn- Kl'l M.iln SI 18 Situations Wunttd VVIM. CIIVB KXPHItlENCED CAHB In my tiuinn lo child ;i yoms na ovrr. pimt :u:i.i i"--i 20 Boom and Board ROOM AND DOARD-:2 Mlchlon. 22 Room! For Rnt nooMS mi imn. KOOM KOn BENT-1M No. 3rd. 10-alm imnt-nM .ta.t, lia-nlrd. newlV tiCCO- llllrcl nd flinillicl fronl ulcrnlnl room, arooi- Aula., 710 Main rM. BOOM FOB IICNT-HUU Jtricraon. 24 Apartmanu For Rent vnn npwTji.rnom furnllied ant. mils! hn nrlulla. Duv workrrR. neforencos rrntillntl. Wrlle Mcinltl-NoWI, Box ,'ti i a nilnif. 28 MIcellnoou' For Rent FOB HKNT-Klnor iwnrlcrB. rtlReri and tknllmincr rnnovlnB iiuichlnc. J. K. ttu, ........ Palnl Slol-a. Phone J.I24. IJII Kn.t Mnin. 10.31m ELECTRIC I'l.OOll SANOBnS anrt minor ronlrcl Po vonr own work. Inquire? Palnl Doul. MONTUOMEItV WAIIO ft 30 Roal CMnto For Sale FOB SA1.K 40 ncrcn of Innd. pari In altnlrn. Ihc rol In naalur. I acre B,-,ln all fenced; Ihrco rowe and .7 ii.ou itlux. ohlckcna. ran lilij,. Homo farm ctiuliimmil, hay and urooil. omul hnntlna and fUlilnn, r.., ,., 3 inllrii nnrlli of Wll liniii.oii Blver lore, on old road Aniv l.nke. Clair 810011. loan FOB SA1.K - elenn 4-room modern hoin.p. nrpplnrr. RarnRO. chicken hmitie. ' acre. Term on Immediate n..r!,slon. anon Kcetdn Ave. 10-21 FOB SAt.K CHEAP -Modern house. i,in Flunk Hilihcc. Uorrls. loan imtiKK FOB HA1.E -llenflonnble. One i.i.,ni, frmo Pelican school. For tiv formation phono (1707. 10-23 FOB RAl.K-Eqnlly In 4-room modern i..nie nt' Air nkKO and una una. .l:i:)tl Anttctuon M. I0-2H Wad. and Bit. Rial EiUt For Shi FOR SALE 206-ocr (arm on Klimith river, one mile above Kcno. Known us the Charley Noleon place. All level tillubl land. Grain, alrulfn and onioim. All Irrlgat cd. Free water rlht. 840-acre slock ranch, known as McColhim ranch. 70 acroi Irri Hated bottom lund, 100 acrej dry (armlnE, balance hill pas. lure land, TOM CALMES Kcno, Oregon. 1047-U FOR SALE 6-room clean, modern home. bedroomi, living and dlnlns room, kitchen and bath. Double garage and woodshed. Also Service station with two com- puling pumps. Near city on main highway. Price S47S0. Part down, balance monthly. Wm. Van Duker Rl. 3, Box 1026 Phone 68S7 10-24 POTATO LAND 135 Irrigated lno acres in all. No Buildings. J 18,000 a Cash. MARION BARNES Phone 7005 Olene, Ore. 10-26 HOMES and INCOME PROPERTIES For Sale HARVEY ANDRUS 2300 Union Phone 5304 10-27 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 84D) ron fiAl.E Sheep pasture. 340-" acre aiiaire and timotny roixca, -touin or Mean uaa bit Key Broa.- tbiv boiu FOft SALE -One acre. 3 house, clot In oti but line. Phone 743f. SOS alien lean. 10-21 roit SALE- U-room modern house on Keno highway behind Associated sr. vice aiitlon. Phone S0S9 10-21 FOn SALE-3-bcdroom. modern home. II furnace, on pavement near out nd achool. Dial 743B. 10-31 40 ACRES near llarpo dam about 16 arret under ditch facing county road. Ideal chicken ranch, no building, See Marlon Barnes, Olene, Ore. 2000 Oil rlghta reserved. 10-21 rOR SALE 2-hed room home. Hardwood floor, fireolace. furnace. Clote in. Call 6713. 3U7U ron sale Pour-room houie with bath and baicment. Good garage, wood- anen and work tnop, rrtce 5iow. Small down payment. S. E. Pfeher, 044 Hank St.. ShlDDtngton addition. 10-23 ron SALE 3-room homo, unftnlahed. ' acre lot. ?H3U cam or jkw terms. See Manuel 5. Vcrdul. 1343 Etna St. 1031 34 Automotive For Sale RADIATORS Of All Types Also Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need BODY and FENDER REPAIR COLOR MATCHING and COMPLETE PAINTING KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So. 0th Phone 6S42 lo-3im RECAPPING 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTI-FREEZE ' BATTERIES - Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 vSo. 8th Phone 7071 ll-13mc TOP CASH PRICE lor your clean, late mode) car or equity. Sea L. M. Quam at RtmNESS MOTORS Authorized DeSoto-Plymouth Parts and SerVIca Goodrich Ttre Distributor 316 So 6th 3087 tf TOR SAl.K- 34 Ford cab. New rubber. 1040 Lowell St. Phone 8.1 Rl. 10-33 TOR S ALB-1033 Chevrolet 4-door sedan. Good motor. 1604 Mitchell St, 10-31 FOR SALBThree 1040 Chevrolet mo tor complete. One completely over hmilcd. one bored ready for overhaul. Mo Main st. 16-26 We Will Pay Fu OPA PRICES ON MOST LATE' MODEL CARS SELL TODAY AshlevChevroletCo. 410 So. 6th SI. Keep Your Car In Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS 424 S. 0th St. 34 Automotive We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 10-31m Used Cars Bought . . '. Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends ll-10m MODEL A and B. 60-hp., 85-hp. and 05- hp. reconditioned jrora moiors, iu.m-.hi and 1040-41 Chevrolet motorn. Also other larger motort suitable for sin tionary work. Write Box Z020. Herald and Newt. 10-23 FOR SALE-1038 Ford sedan, excellent tirei. excellent conanion. i-riwcu iui quick le. Phone 3542. 10-21 SEE MEL HENRY at Lombards ITscd t-ar L.ot. ."zi a. em ai. i up urn CASH PniCE at once for your car. All makes and model for kale. U-16m FOn SALE 1036 Auburn. 4-dooe tcdan. Dual ration transmission. 4 new ursi era da tlrei. enelne nevvlv overhauled. 9395. May be seen at 919 Klamath or call 6022 alter 6 p. m. iu--i FOR SALE-II35 Plymouth coupe; also 3-wheai trailer, lem Acaaeiny si. 10-21 ron KAi.i:i03a Lincoln-Zeohvr couoe. Newljr overhauled and painted. Phone 6234. 2013 Main. Apt. E. 10-Uti ron kale -1039 P I v mouth i-ton pick up, Excellent condition. Malln, phone 169. 10-23 TOR SALE-HMO Studebnkrr Commnntler eedan. Excellent condition. Matin. nhone IM. 10-M 35 Fuel Heating 'RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK E1CHENDORF Distributor 10-3 1 m 38 Mlscvllaneoui For Salt APPl-ES Jonathan, PeUelou. New towns, several grades. SI. 00 up. Good sire, clean. Bring containers. Apple Gift PacknRC for service men In VI S. A 10 lh. niftllaMe. rendv to address. S1.7.V WHITE APPLE STAND. 3' mttei south Highway. A. C. Lewis. Box 234. nt. 4. Medford. Open Sat urday and Sunday. 10-21 FOR SALE .-Lovely black 100V wool ladv's suit Site 14. Worn very few times. 1800 Esplanade. Apt. 2. 10-21 tNFRA-REn ELECTRIC HEATERS. sao.50. T. R. Hanger. Open All nay Salurdnv. SIS Market. Phone 7321. U-20m ron sale-One used air compressor complete with motor: one used Row Cron Case tractor. Samson Garrison Imolement Co.. 2013 So. 6th. 10-33 FOR SALE Globe electric slicing ma Klnn nnnrlv new. PhoiiO Blfifl. Idella i. 4MB S. 6th. 10-23 TOKAY AND ROS8 PERU GRAPES ron SAl.K. E. il. Wilson. "Valle View." 4 miles north Ashland. 10-21 FOR SALE-Wood range, wheelbarrow 3 wood rockers. IronlnR hoard, (tns Iron. 3 sadirons. 2 bedsteads, mat tresses, springs, dresser, floor lamp, saw. lawn and garden tools. 14 pound sledge hammer, many other Items, tin Ewauna St.. between Pine and Main St. 10-21 FOR SALE 07 Modrl Winchester. Flxll Shop. 744' Klamath Ave. 301)311 FOR SALE-Very nice 4-plece bedroom suite, Include highboy nnd dresser, chair, bed and springs. Prullt's Trading Tost, 2244 So. Bin. 10-23 FOR SALB-30-.10. 1634 Portland. Sfl. 10-21 Phon 4113 Phone 3136 Thurs.-Sat 38 Mitesllaneout For Sal TRASH BURNERS Wood and Coal Heaters and COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE All-white porcelain circulating type trash burners with cook ton. especially priced, $57.50 All-white porcelain cook stoves, priced from $59.50. Circulating heaters priced from $37.50. HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gels the Break He Deserves Entrance Corner 9th and Klamath 3773-tf Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR ALL RISK POLICY Call John Sandmeyei Phone 9195 C. S. Robertson Agency First Federal Savings Bldg. 9-30m ran size Hot Point Electric ranie. Phone 3S17. U3430 rilUXR BRUSH RCTRESINTATTVi R V. Marfan. 633 So. Itiverelde 114s, FOR SALE Barley bam. Uied onca. l.v apiece. Dewey Smith. Melln. Phone 158. 10-3S FOR SALE-rarmall-14 on rubber. Harry Booth. Maun, orecon. FOR SALE-38-SJ Winchester, nhclls. 523.00. 631 Main. Vi box 10-11 Al l FN AriHlni Machine! and FR1DEN calculators.. ia . ?m ai. t-ionr Printing tt Stationery Co, ll-15m DUPONT S GREEN AND BSD SHTNGUS STAIN. F. R. Hauler, Open All Day Saturday. 315 Market. Phone 7331. 10-3 FOR SALE2.1 ft, Piatt factory built trailer house. 1 n q u t r Roblnsen'l trailer court. 10-21 FOR SALE Brown satin lined coat, site - 38-40. like n.w. Prked, 310.00. Phone 3733. 10-21 FOR SALE-100 tone baled hay. 111 cut alfalfa, oate- and. rye, at Keno. See Guy Moore at ranch before crossing river or call Doug, Tulelake , 7104 3133 tf ALL TYPES of email iai .mines re paired. Bodenhamer Saw Shop. 331 B. Main. 11-lJmc GLASS-Mlrrors. resllverini. plate, win dow and auto elasa. furniture tons - shelve. Klmball'j QIJS Shop, 327 Walnut. Phono 7378. lMm SRWINO MACHINE PARTS and 1UP- plies. All makes. Phon. 8771. 3218 Shasta Way. ' 10-Slm GIVE HIM A BURGESS VIBRO-TOOL F. R. Ilaugcr. Open all day Saturday. SIS Market. Phone 7221. 10-31 STOVES REPAIRED. All available parle stocked. Used furniture, itoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phon. 3871. 10-31m FOR SALE-Man's bicycle, on. three . wr.v elertrie standard-lamp, one large wood Irunk on castors, suitable for tons, u H. Wheadon. lkenore Drive. 10-21 LANDSCAPING - Evergreens, flowering shrubs and trees. Make your selec I on nbw for fall nlantlng. lake- S1IORE GARDENS NURSERY. Phone 4062. . . 10-20m FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyer, 1433 Martin, rnon. oqtt. io-3im FOR SALE .- 35-T International track layer, John Deere model D wheels: tractor, No, 110 Galllon grader, rubber tires, good rubber: i 12-11. interna tional combine, a grain drills, 1 2-gang plow, 1 4-gang plow, 1 Clipper fan ning mill, l grain .levator. Tom Calmes. Keno, Ore. 3814tf FOR SALE-General Electric fully aulp- mntic range, oreaKiasi i.i, laoie inn 4 chairs, electrlo aleam radiator. All llko new. Also double bed, mattress and springs. Phon. 3H. 10-84 e Balsigsr Motor Co. Main and Esplanade YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Balsiger Motor Co. Don's Signal Service 9th ond Pine Hours 8:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. . Lubrication Our Specialty TIRES - BATTERIES - ACCESSORIES Prompt Courteous Service Phone 5567 31 Miictllanaout For Sal Roofing Composition and built-up roofs of all kinds. Modern equipment for hot mopping. Seoley Bros. Phone 7709 113-U FERTILIZER and GRAY CfNDERS Roy Sehmedc. Phone 40S3. Rt. 3. Box 1042. FOR SALE One Royal Crown botlle cooler Merit Washing Machine Ser vice. 611 So. 61h. "-20 WILL PAY CASH tor used gun Bring them In for appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE. 526 Mala St, 10-31 m SELL USED ARTICLES AND BUY WAR BONDS it vou nave anj no-ionger-uad artlclea of any kind lying around your hoere or office thco you have a real opportunity to help the war cf tort in the first place, other people actually neeo these no-longer used ar ticle ; then too the money vou raise by oelllng things can be converted Into bonds Phone 313 Classified Ad Dept. today ! WANTED TO RENT-2-bedroom furn ished or partly furnished house by two adultj. employed in lumber in dustry Call S146 days, and B37S after p. m. . 4519U wanted Furnished or partly furnished house or apartment Phone S087. 415 Walnut. ADL 5. 10-23 WANTED Furnisher! two-bedroom mod ern house close in; 3 adults: steady renters. Phone 3723. Bell Studio. 10-23 WANTED TO RENT by permanent cou ple, a modern, furnished apartment or house. Phone 5078 after 6pm 2273U WANT TO BUY-Doxen or dor.en and half colored pullets. Phone 3078 after 9:30 p. m. 23U5U WANTED TO BUY -Sled with good run nera. Call 312. 3146U WANTED TO RENT 4 or 3 room mod ern home, either unfurnished or partly furnished by responsible middle aged couple, no children. Phone 3573 or 3441; 1058" WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVES MARKET 1 Cast Main. Phone 4232. U-4m HIGHEST PRICES paid lor nogs. veal. lambs ana cattle, jonnson racamv v. Phone 3323. nights 3303. 10-31m WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs, aiarun rroauce v-o. riione 3371 1031m WANTED TO BUY-Bulldozcr for RD6 caterpillar tractor, .vriic or pnone Cav aros.. Merrill. Ore. Fltonc 10-26 WOULD LIKE TO BUY 8 lo IS hp. outboard motor. Sen King preferred, condition not' ImDortant. J. L. Cal houn Phone 6334 after 6. 10-21 tvrt.t. PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 4310 or 7173. 11 -20m WANTED - 100 head youns Hereford cows. Notify Box 1900 Herald-News. 10-21 PAY CASH 8 MM P. O. Box 247. MOVIE OUTFIT. 10-24 WANTED 10-gauge shotgun shells. Call 4383. - 10-21 WANT TO BUY-40 to 160 acre diversi fied ranch, equipped with farm ma chinery, In vicinity of Klamath Falls. State full price, terms and all details In first letter. Wrlle 3040, caro Her ald and News. 3316tf WANTED Electric hot water heater nnd oil heater. Call 3704 after 3 o'clock. 10-21 FOR SALE OR TRADE For cows or heifers. 1 grey marc. 7 years old. lmio lb... 1 yearling colt, 1 Iwo-wny horse plow, 16 In,, like new. rtoute 1, Box 636P across from IOOF Merrill ceme tery. 10-21 WANTED-Scrvlce couple to share house with same. 311 Division. Please call after p. m. . 10-34 WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE Fully equipped meat market In good busi ness location. Write Butch. P. 0. Box ,166. Klamalh Falls. 10-21 WANTED TO BUY-Piano. Phone BIRD. 1011 WANTED - Wholesale house or wagon Jobber to handlo line carded nut meats, 30 pkgs. to card pecans, al monds, walnuts, cashews, fish, bottled nomeramsn, u or,, or.. o or., nm mission basis, real sellers. Write: Ore. eon Products Co.. P. O. Box 87 Grants Pan. Oregon, 10-23 N 10-23 42 Miscllanous Wanted WANTED - Boston Bull or Toy Bull pupoy for Christmas present. Phone r.lRO davs. 10-14 44 Livestock and poultry COAT SERVICE -17H7 Burn. 48 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN . For' Any' Worthy ' Purpose Call On P. A.. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. : 107 No. 9th' St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On. Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and 0. P. A. Requirements Completed Come In Phone In or Write In, Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-25J 10-31IB See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirement! Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co." Klamath's Oldest M-273 114 N. 7th S-241 Phone 3321 10-31rr First Federal Has Plenty of Money .... Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Homi ... Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms Low Rate FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. nf Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5193 1031m 48 Buitnos Opportunities itVVViiV'as,'afrAAAAAetMerAaaA'4 rooms with 3-room newly decorated nparlnicnt. Downtown. Wood income. Term. 432 Commercial. 10-34