HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE FIVE obr ynAA 20. '7""' r ; I TIa '" wu bon .cly. W 11 ,', ,. 'ul K i.im.th 4'V m Willi IW I"""01'1"' f 7m ri Vlitr Helloltl I1"" C";:.i Pultun's army ;,whCro In i rm-o. , iCi sliite chnlimiin f il !..iiil commit- Ird by hl brother. Tl mule " wiicr? win J"1" ; .i.r. i..,;, win t.tlil- of m ' I" ' . ,nnny !' Mi-wcr parly "R"nf,i,. ihrmmli Oregon. iiicir "i - l.lli From Kanni Mrs. V ... i. ..i wm Kims.. Is e,rn.w,Vk.nK.n.. nlnns I" mum ""- - r part ol October. I Mrs. HiH'i 7 : im. win be "!",".tetl lo V V. . .I...I.. rnnt itnll. &d l Hillside hoapltnl. lho i. conditio" Iws not been "I .Incc birth and ho hn sub Id to two blood transfusions, ...... t.mii llnnncr. ilitor of Dr. iiihI Mrs. fc. I). Ion, mi Puclflc Tcrrucp, all term nt Pomona college. Hoppers husDiiwi, in me marine corps, now uvt-r- Piul's Guild St. Paul's will meet nt the parish October 2d. Pollock lunch- will be served nt 1 p. ni. attending nre nsKcu io Jo brine finished sewing for .uaar. fat Malroni All past mu ni Or.S are naked lo ron ton. O. II. Hollnwnv. 4.131 III. telephone 4384, If they of Illness nmonn me tncnv ip. Returning Hero Mr. mid Mm. Noel Hi'i-i.r, (Mi.rloii UoIumIk), inn uxpeulwl lii'i'o within n short llino land will til ii k i thi'lr home (or six mouths In K I mini I Ii KiiIIh. Tlioy will liu lit thu Jm-obs upiirl incuts, lleciir hint Ix'i'ii with Western Kli-ctiic un llni Alcnn highway uiul imiru recently In Purtlmid. In)ures Hip Mr. Morkon, 'lull I'nclflc Terrace, mother nf Mn, Iitgrl !) i n 1 j r In 1 with whom nlii.' in ii It -ii her hoiiii', uf fored n itevcro Injury lo the hln. (ji'Mti'inher 21, mid la Improving lit llillsldo. Another daughter, Mrs. mury iiikiiii, uvea nt uiy Improving Dclhcrt Wilson. S14I Lu Verne, employed hy Sllliw Lumber eompiuiy. ia re- eoverlnii nt llillsldo hospital. Wilson suffered a fructurcd leu, 8ptemher 2(1, Ton.lla Oul l.lttle Shirley mid Glendn .IoIiii.khi, ilnuiihterH o( Mra. l.uellle JiiIiiimiii ij( 4211 Owena, hnd their tonalla ro moved nt lllllaldc, Frldny morn-hm. Breika Arm Lester Ciel)n beek, Illy, employed ul Crime mllla, at.lferud frneluied nrin In mi accident nt lily Thnrsdny. He w.ia Admitted tluit night to HUlaldo hoapltnl. Out Our Woy y J. R. Willlomi &ALONEV.' WHY V BUT YOU AIN'T GOT ( THA.TS JUST SHOULDW'T 1 GIT I NO RESPOWSIBILITY Y WHY THEY'LL AS MUCH DOUGH WHY, IF I MA.DE A MIS L NEVER BE ABLE IAS YOU ? THIS TA.KE OM OME O' THESE IT TO GIT TH' J MACHINE DOES TH' WOULD COST TH' COMPAKJYX WORLD SAME KINPA WOIK, HUWDERDS, WHERE IF TH' J PEACE SET- OWLY ABOUT TEN V WAR LASTS MUCH LOWGER TLEP-HUMAK) TIMES AS MAKJY V YOU KIM BUY THEKA THINGS r-n NATURE.' J JOBS SMALLER, J YOU'RE MAKIN' IM THS-,- BUT TAV;ES TH' riFIVE AN TEN.' -VZ$A same BRAr;yy rteL Improving Itiiyinoiid Velkoa, KllliiKKon mill employe who aid feicrt n broken buck on Mny 2.1, ia Mill r patient ul lllll.slde hos pital but reported Improved. Burned John Clurtle, Kluin nth Machine and Locomotive compuny employe who received blirna on September SO, ia ro ported Improving nt lllllaldc. Hurta Hind Wnrren Hn worth, 20:i: Kberleln, Injured hla hnml while doing carpentry work Tlmrvliiy nflernoon und Is being treated nt ilill.itdc. Bettor Mrs. Glndya Illckey. Tulcliike. who suffered severe Injuries In n fnll Inst August. Is reported Improved nt Hillside hospital. Surgery Mrs. Lorraine Mullen,-701 vlclnrv d'lve. im'i-r-wenl surgery lit Hillside on Oc tober 10, nnd la reported doing nicely. Degree of Honor The Degree of Honor will hold u formal In itiation on Monday, October 211, lit B p. m. in thu KC hull. Min nie Curd, atnto orgunlzcr, will be here. All officers nrc asked to please wear formula. Improving Mrs. Dalian Bee he, route I, box SOU, city, who underwent mnjor surgery ot Hillside on September 7, is re ported i.a showing marked Improvement. Surgery Onirics Worlcy, 10, son of Mrs. Mury Worley, 423 Uphnm. underwent surgery Oc tober 17 nt Hillside hospital and is reported doing nicely. Y Hove visitors Mrs. Grace I'etigh, H17B Harlan drive, hnd surgery nt Hillside hospital on October 10, nnd mny now hnvo visitors. On Leave Douglas Howscr, C'MAM, U. S. nnvy, who hns not been home since the full of 194:i. returned here this week for n leave until November I, when he will renort to Pensa cola. Flu., nnvnl air station. Howscr wns formerly employed with the Klamath : Falls post- office. He is visiting his wife, who resides at Wcstover ter race. Howscr has seen duty for some time in the Panama Canal Zone, but spent the past month In the south Pacific. Home on Leave Three Klam ath . Falls boys . were home on leave Friday, two from Farragut and one from 13. months In the South Pnclfic. Kenneth Puckett, G on n nnw. In here for 15 duys from Farragut, guest of his purcnts, Mr. and Mrs. rrenuss Puckett, Evans apartments. Clint Hamblln, MOM 3c, is back for the first time following serv ice in the Pociflc, visiting his purcnts, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop Hnmblin, 1820 Johnson.. A brother, J. L. Hamblin, S 2c, Farrogut, was able to get leave the same time -and will be here for IS days with his parents. Will Serve The auxiliary and post of the Veterans of For eign Wars will serve .at the USO center, Sunday, October' 22. Members of the auxiliary are re minded lo send their pies, even if they cannot be present. If Dodge iw COMES BACK TO KLAMATH ! Vf Thli Ii one of the flrat of 300,000 Doage-oum army trueki. which having done Hi duty, hi been brought back io fill a vltil need on the home front. This reconnaissance car hat been pur chaaed by Soth Waters of Wateri Plumbing and Heating Co. to be made into a commercial car. Watch for. it on the etreeti of Klamath Falls. , New Dodge Trucks, of this same dependability, are now be ing manufactured and are for sale at Lombard Motors. Arid for information on purchase of similar Dodge army trucks See Us at Once! LOMBARD MOTORS f4 S. 6rh Sf. DODGE PLYMOUTH Phone 3136 unable to deliver them, call Mrs. Henry. 4341. and they will be called for. Those serving sun day should wear their caps. Father Dies Word has been received of the death of Charles T. Henry, father of Carl Henry of this city. In Indianapolis. Ind., October 12. Final services and cremation were held in that city and the ashes are to be placed In the crematorium in Portland by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henry, . i'M!iiiiiiil"i i i 1 1 ' J ' ' m i ' i i ' ' ' ' ! V ' ' I ii News Notos end IIS By JUANITA SHINN The team really had a royal send-off Thursday, with the an nual Mcdford pep assembly. As has become traditional, Mayor John Houston was the guest speaker. He brought with him six members of the Quarterback club this year. Six faculty mem bers entertained the jtudent body with their parody on the old song "Mother," using the words "Medford" and "Klam ath." A competitive yell contest was conducted between classes, the prize being furnished by the coach, Marble Cook. The Quar terbackcrs acted as contest Judges, and judged the seniors the class with the mightiest lungs. Short talks were heard from two of the Pelicans, Jim Pope and Bill Wilson. The Future Teachers of Amer ica met this week to complete organization, discuss the pins and charters which will be sent for. , The Kratcr Kubs were given their first assignment Thursday, When they were assigned to write a story on the Medford pep assembly. Whether or not they will be put on the regular Krater staff at this time will be deter- m!HA.I u.. 11..:. .kllil.. . . : . iniivu jj- men auu.i.v iv wuur. The rest of them will be given Visits Parentis Mrs. Beverly Thomas and Mrs. Kenneth Thom as and small daughter, Kristine, arrived Wednesday from Spo kane and Portland, respectively, and are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas, 2105 Wantland. A tree toad has lived in the kitchen of S. K. Rodenhurst, Theresa, N.. Y., for five years. Its favorite resting place is on top of the teapot. - IIICKOK Featuring the Popular BAR-H WESTERN STYLED Belts Buckles . Jewelry . . . From $1.00 . DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main another opportunity at the end of this semester. Classes are continuing as usual today, even though a large per centage of the student body is on its way to Medford. Earthquake vibrations-travel through the earth at a speed of 375 miles a minute. DAY OF LIBERATION . SALEM, Oct. 20 (Pi Oover nor Earl Snell said today that next Sunday would be "the day of Greek liberation." celebrating the return to Athens of the Greek government In exile. If It's a "frozen" article you need, advertise for a used ona , In the classified. I YOUR PLAID LINED "WEATHERBEE" FOR RAIN-OR-SHINE $995 You'll wonder how you ever got along without this "WEATHERBEE" shower proofed clonic in Cotton Gabardine. It's 10 good looking in Its casual way so handy to slip en ever everything you own. Plenty of pockets, smart railroad stitching and a lively plaid lining to protect you during chilly spells. In the popular Natural shade. 10 to 20. AS FEATURED IN Town Shop Main at Fifth u witlt JLtLd R1CKYS JEWELERS AH.n6UM.cci- 'tluit apiutntetit a AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES u DIAMOND .B.I. NO. S ut IkW KffmmtiHLlt r ml " I a --v y a sk . 1 as Authorized Multi-Facet Distributors we can now offer you diamond cutting and ring styling in their most advanced application. The formula for cutting Multi-Facet Diamonds was evolved after 4 generations of diamond cutting experience. Instead of a diamond's usual 58 facets these exqui site gems are cut with an extra 40 facets a total of 98 light reflecting surfaces. Result . . . Greater brilliance and intensified color as well as protection aeainst chipping ... The mountings too, are specially styled and designed to further accent the beauty of the Multi-Facet Diamond Please accept our cordial, invitation to stop in soon and inspect the exquisite selection of Multi-Facet Diamond Rings now on display. Cat wtth M FaMta awM tf tfrt mfcit S4 40 litra fta fwmtf 4t f MvHf-lSKtt Diamond .1 RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main St Phont 3151