HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE THREE in in Jrt yne Suty Returns From r m d i4f iif a verseas uuiy wnn wius AM,.r 21 mmith' tint ly lrl mbi'i' f ' ru- r " ... i"1'r,"! ill! ",,,r"1 '"7" save Tnkiic. Tin- .. CIV (lv to 1)10 11 " . ..,,..1 IH. lliV tin ij ''"Tl, ' uvrlM-HS Sl'I'VlCO "S i , 1. N ..Hi Afr en. T "l AlKlem. BHa ... 0 -li Ml! Ill lllHllll.'""1'"- l i Hulypo. The . 0,iri,, wliu-lt nil" served . , ciM.biic. leaving r .ri iihiu in iu.-, H,l,r' V" 'ivlnu 111 N!W ,v Wis mini" i" ; 1... 1 ..,. f own luiv- n roii.oilHe.l ... P i". .,i,,c. I'lflccn WA- ilic trin In" together JfJ; ',..!. l. met Tech. add llovt. Min 'f Mr. 11 f) not -"3 "' 1 t-ii who Is - l. Al Slnclulr. former KUH& ,8 Ollll SCIl'llcu """" VcllllO Mllliaiii". Z. hi.Hi I" Algiers nl num. jjmc .she was. ,. there. Cliillilim ,001 y hiKli ""'I "viuliible only ' w.r i'llilM1.' fcilcs win family damaged by nol pleasant. Food allot- lor wo w.ai. wm "in Silly W115 juim-u iivw tho weekend by her Irr. LI. Anton N. Suly Jr.. I'llll LI. tiienn liyiiu. new from Brooksfield, Texus, lute to Washington, piloting 1)1 fix planes on a routine I LI. Snly, 'ho mane an ihlc reconi during III trnln- riod. Is mi Instructor on a serving a a pilot. 5011ns servico man ana 11 went giiesls nl a family Saturday nlKlil al the of their parent, on (ho Miilln hliihwiiy, with marked for them, for Mnrle nnd RohIo Suty. and Mr 5. Anion Suty, Sr., nil mm. John Tnknii, ar., , and Mrs. Steve Tnkaca, fcke. rnnt Suly reporU back to Barbara for further mill- Tilers at tho end of her sh. Bly M Dly Home Economic unll me iiuinc 01 cinci (.ici- nn Tl,.,r..l,... ,.,nl.nu it Veda Dixon and Mnrlo 1 iiui 011 a demonstration like from yenst duush. I different recipes were jistriiled, all using -the L.i 1 . lluuKi louniiniion. piluck luiKhcoii was served n with tho various rolls mice cbkch wlilclt had puked tltirliiK the niomlna. 1)0 Iiriorilnrut ul..1 !ieeliii was held and tho I. leaders showed Iho 5lops i"K the foundation doimh. ibers enjoying the tiny Ivm. , V."1' n'anc Him JMIiabclU Campbell. Helen " .u m oinnis, The ma Jinn r .... , . k'ck u tl.c. neyt n,r,.,ii., ...in it tim 1 "5. "F . "i ciiznocin fell on November 1 and 1 k """ union, 1 ,..1.1 ",n "emonstrallon Will nrn,.i,t - . v,,v uuiuun f nHHmSlr1"K WM I'OSICSS h,? ''riiiny, oc- ii'''"."", 11,0 evenhiR Win . ; " blnrl, ,I0SSIC "'I- Belt a" 'V",m Undlcy I Del lv I l,v.Ni8l" Und i uclly ArmstronK. SPOrt Pcftr.1 SPORT. Oct. 20 V fcw ii a cice- om Vi l'.r...lil10 nd resT t V.J?"1 ".'"n.'iekrnlimllni' iiiin(( itclnol today. " Adding Machlnei "n Colcularon yoi Tvdow.ii-.. fkl Clinl.. . ril ho, hrd-to.i. 11... PNEH 1 PRINTING aiionERY CO. Klamath Falls Womeh in lie cd vi re ; :- -8i 'A COX BACK IN U. S. PFC Herbert Cox Jr., sun of Mr. uud Mrs. Herbert Cox Sr., 11)25 Wnntlund, Is now buck In the United Slates mid stationed al tho llnxler General huhpllal In Spokane, Wash. I'KC. C 11 x was wounded In Kiuneo while snrvlim In the uround force and was awarded I he I'urplu Heart. Ills parents have had Ire H unit loleiihonu converMillons with ini'i ! son linn 1110 plaiiiilnR to visit him in the near future. Glllstt Oraduattd Pvt. Jack Gillette, son of rt, W. Gillette, Klamath Falls, luis completed trninliiK and has been ifi'aduatcd from Chiiuiitc Field, HI., army air forces tralnliiR command. lie received Instruction In electronics while at Chiintilc. Groves at Camp Lea Pvt. Klnyd N. Groves Is sla Honed al Camp I.ec, Vu., where ha Is with the Quartermasters' corps. Before his Induction in 1041. ho lived In Tncomii. wash.. wliero ho was an Inspector and serviceman for tho Burroughs Adding Machine company, His wife, the former Gladys Sam son of Tacomu, Is with him In V rgln a. Tho three Groves brothers urn sons of Mrs. Jennie Groves, formerly of this city." Mrs, droves Is now living in Port' hind with her daughter. Mrs. 0. It. Harris. WAHD'S ADDRESS Tho present address of Wlllard Ward, Klamath business man now In tho navy, Is W. W. Ward, Ph. M. 1c, Camp Dctrick, Fred erick, Md. . Mcdonald on furlough First Lt. Dunne McDonald Is homo from Eni'land, where lie spent seven months as a pollt In the U. S. army air corps. He is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDonald, In Malln, and his wife and family at 10H Portland. LINSE IN ITALY 18TH AAF IN ITALY In action over German skies for months, Flight Officer Paul H. I.lnsc, 20. son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul F, Llnse, Dend, Oregon, re contly rounded 15 combat mis sions, and Is well on tho way for more. Working closely with his ID man combat crew, FO Llnsc, lSlh Air Force bombardier, has compiled an outstanding record In the air. Flak and enemy fighter over Vienna, Munich or Blechhommer are typical as signments for tho Beiy airman who arrived In Italy In tho sum mer of 1044. Graduate of Malln high school, Llnso entered tho air forces in Fcbruory 1043, later won his wings after intensive training In tho air. Kaiser Workers to Continue 7-Day Week PORTLAND, Oct. 20 (VP) Employes at Oregon Shipbuild ing corporation hero .and the Kiilacr Company, Inc., yard at Vancouver, Wash., will continue to work on a seven-day-a-weck basis through November and part of December, Tho . seven-day week basis, previously scheduled to end No vember 1, was extended because of tho vital need for attack trunsports, tho yards announced. GIRL INJURED MARSHFIELD, Oct. 20 (IP) Wilma Lenloii. 18, Eastsldc, was Injured .late Wednesday when tho car In which she was riding plunged over an 80-foot em bankment 18 miles from here. She was taken to a North Bend hospital for observation. J. B. Gilllhand, 10, Eastsldc, her companion, was not hurt. Dairy Raymond Kolb in mnklns satisfactory recovery from a mu Jnr arm operation, performed on September 211, in Sun Francisco. lie will remain In Iho buy city lor tho nuxt threo weeks, Spud liurvcnt Is well under way In this part of Iho valley, wnii Mexican lunorcrs working, Mr. and Mrs. Jill Adams and children, Sharon Lee und Milton, accompanied by Adams' sister, Mis. Sylvia Collier uud daugh ter Donnu, of Kluinuth Fulls, wero Sunday evening dinner guents of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford hewiild and duughlcr Putty, of cast Dairy. Mr. and Mrs. 1)111 Jamclson of Hoseliiug, 1110 visiting und help ing Mrs. Jmnelson's brother nnd family, the Joe Horslcys, with spud harvest. Coming us a surprise to muny friends uud relatives was the marriage of Nudlne Schmoe, daughter of Fred Sehinoc of Dairy, und Raymond Robertson of Kluinuth Fulls, on October 0, In Reno, Nov. They arc making llielr home on Crest street In Klamath Fulls. Homer Roberts of Lungcll val ley was a business visitor at the Albert Uurgilorf ranch on Tuesday. Haqer Mrs. Klein is very busy now weighing the . loaded potato trucks. Mr. and Mrs. Stelnborn ore new residents here in linger. Floyd Short finishes his pota to digging this week. Fred Hess has been hauling for him. John Hcs is busy hauling hoy to Newell. Calif. Mr. and Mrs. King Hubble lire very busy sorting potuloes near fionniizii. They were call ers here Wednesday cvcninR. D. K. Slebblns of Pine Grove finished their potato harvest this week. Gloria Ucela celebrated her birthday Wednesday evening, October 18. She Invited her young friends to a wiener roa.il which they enjoyed very much. Those present wero the Wright young folks, Eddlo Walker and Douglas Kohlcr. Martin and Larry Snyder and Dale Klein were calling on Douglas Kohlcr Wednesday fore noon. Douglas Kohlcr, who has been confined to his home with tonsi lltis, has recovered and is able to be about now. Charles Hess had a tooth ex tracted Tuesday and wasn't feel ing very good that evening. Pheasant hunters are quite numerous hero in the early mornings. ClussUicd Ads Bring Results. W.Coal Can Breathe 7p Wonderfully quick a little V-tro-nol up each nostril helps open nasal paa-sngce-makes breathing easier-when your head fills up with stuffy transient congestion I Va-tro-nol gives srand re llrf, too, from snlf&y, sneexy distress of head colds. Follow directions In folder. VKKSVATRO-flOt DEVELOPING ENLARGING PRINTING PHOTO SERVICE 211 Underwood Bldg. HARTFORD Accident and Indemnity Company INSURANCE T. B. MATTERS General Insurance Agency FIRE . . . AUTOMOBILE 81S Main Si. Phone 4193 , Now You Can Send Flowers -By -Wire through i .,' 1 724 Pine Sr. Phono 5560 DAN Cf Saturday Nigh K. C. HALL Sponsored by Towniend Club . Modern and Old Tim Danclnfl 9i00 'Til llOO Men SOc Ladies SOe 1 1? Rpoellent Superbly Tallorea- -r (RRCWNRW CORTS ... T..,n.UD Collar saL Big Warfn " -r. 1 . 8 1 T T? ATUFB lJ ri Y 11 JLi IV JACKETS COSSACK STYLE Regulation air lorce jockoi of goatskin, horsehide or cowhide. AH first quality. Fully lined with soft lus trous rayon. Convenient zip front. All wool knit cuffs and waist for com fortable fit. Brown Aviator Jacket soft, pliable capeskln w 1 1 h p I e atcd sports back; Full rayon lining with zip , front., Aviator style.-' . , water rcpcUent, Superbly Wlod J weigW. 100 virgin wool in iu Cut extra roomy. Extra long. Blue, maroon ana o 38 to 44. HI Wool Navy ; uiMton Jacket blue melton : 33-oz. n e ' 0i. Heavy i-hfcTom with dceP warn; poceU ana 589 Is COH- -r- mjt a 1 tf .Jf4ttfli iMiStf M J9" A.iVi i6iM-m. u IT . n yW a l!-ir4T. II ' -l.a. V , IU aJ'ii- 1 $T 1 Vater Repe)lent YVOOl itw Tailored 1 wooWnV; iroon, or brown plw . Blue, - ... TOTAIINO $10 OR MORI ' I ..u l MADI DM SSAIS 4TiU 'ftlJtaiTt 'Pfi Brown Capeskin 10" Cossack style in soft plia ble capcskii: for long and comfortable wear. Zipper front and rayon lined. ' Economy priced. CAN Bi MADI ON SCARS I I T.'." NAVY BLUE MELTON ;,f" Liehter Dart wool jack- eaQA et in navy blue melton Lighter pari wool jacs et in navy blue melton cloth. Wind and water . resistant. Economy - pricea. WOOL PLAIDS TToatrv ninnl nlnirl lark' ets in maroon or brown plaids. Moisture repell ent. A Sears value. 4" 1 FLANNEL SHIRTS ALL WOOL BUFFALO PLAID Thick, warm and really heavy. Large buf falo plaids' In red and black. All wool. 398 50 WOOL, SOLID COLORS 50 wool, 50, cotton-in solid colors in tan and! gray. Heavy weight and full cut. ; 1 . ' " . ' BRIGHT PLAID COTTONS Heavy weight napped cotton in bright colorful plaids. Popular colors. Economy priced. 269 58 Already "Broken-ln' Sandy Nevins Shoes yi 35 Flexible as split bamboo. Made of quality leathers that look better longer and wear better. Many choice styles from which to choose. 4; .Boys" Leather Jackets 10 95 Boyvllle quality ..cape skin jackets in a youth ful; sporty style. 'Bright plaid 'lining. ; Economy priced. Sizes 8 to-18. . Slice 4 to 8 CAPESKIN JACKET 7.59 Lj.s ' 1 Union Suits 50 Wool Heavy weight ap Long sleeve ZleW Anklo length 25 Wool Long sleeve Ankle length Med. weight 235 Fleece Lined Extra heavy weight with warm . fleece lining.; 2io Shirts - Drawers "9 98 I 50 Wool Extra heavy weight. 50 new wool, 50 cotton. 25 Wool Heavy weight. 25. new wool, 75 cotton. Fleece Lined Heavy, weight. Cotton with warm fleece lining. 1 79 E. 79 El. C El. 133 South 8th St. - Phon. 5188 ! t-i