PACE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON BHEWSTER TO SPEAK FOR T DEWEY UESDAY Senator Ralph Owen Brew ster, (R-M.), will speak Tuesday, October 24, at 8 p. m., at the Willord in the interests of the candidacy of Governor Thomas E. Dewey. , , , Crt.-, Rrn,-(nr 1 rnnnrtcri to be one of the republican party's niiKtanriini? sDoakcrs. He has lind a colorful political career and following nis graduation from Harvard school of law be came a member of the Maine legislature in 1017-18, Ho en tered the army at that time as a private, and at the close of the war held a captaincy. - In 1925, Brewster was elected governor of Main, served in the United States house in 1934 and in the senate in 1935. Senator Brewster is a member of the commerce, navy affairs, public building and territories, investi gation and national defense communities. The public is urged to hear Senator Brewster next Tuesday at the Willard. Eeff consumption In the United States in normal times is threc fonrlhs of an ccb per capita per day. Canada's consumption totals a full egg per capita daily 8GTH BRQUGH T TO FIGHTING TRIM IN STATE CAMP ADAIR, Ore., Oct. 20 (IP) The 96th division, Identi fied as one of the units that helped to take General Douglas MaeArthur back to the Philip pines was reborn and brought to fighting strength here. First oreanized at Camn Wads- worth. S. C, on January 5, 1918, it was trained by MaJ. Gen. Guy Carlton. But beforo it ever got Into combat, World War I was over, and It was disbanded on January 17, 1919, lis first rebirth camo seven years later, when it was organ ued as a reserve division in the northwest. Regiments were set up in Portland, Seattle and Eu gene, and reserve officers in the northwest were assigned to it. The "M" day for which it was organized never was declared of ficially, but Pearl Harbor set the stage for its second rebirth. In May, 1942, it was decided to reorganize the unit under MnJ. Gen. James L. Bradley, a Mis sourinn who was graduated from West Point in 1914. It was activated August 15. 1942. At that time, General Bradley said: "We will welcome obstacles that wo may glory in overcoming them. We will wel come the rain and the mud. Wo will be us tough mentally us wo aro physically. This is trio kind of a division wo aro going to bo: well trained, lough, physically and mentally, ready and anxious to fight, not fur our own person al glorv or advancement, but for the honor of the division and llio service of our country." Although the division drew soldiers from all parts of the na tion, all (he territories, and 3(1 foreign countries, mure than 75 per cent of tho personnel came from the midwest and southwest. Illinois had nearly 2000 repre sentatives, Texas 1200, when training was completed. Training hero was completed in April, 1941. It Is about 80 degrees colder 10 miles above the equator than it is at the snmo altitude above tiie polar regions. Parole Board Backs Restoration of Vote Privileges to Cons SALKM, Oct. 20 (A") The state parole board today gave Its "unqualified support" to the proposed constitutional amend ment which would permit the legislature to resloro voting rights to convicts who have completed their prison sent ences. ,,, , Tho measure, which will bo on the general election ballot, was defeated by tho people two years ago. The board said It Is only a mailer of Justice that ex-con-vlcts ho granted voting privil eges after they have paid their debts to soeici Pictures of Oregon Speakers Framed ' SALKM, Oct. 20 (!') Pictures of the 41 men who have served us speaker of the Oregon house of lepreNenlallvea have been frumed and lire ready for hang lug In the speaker's office, Sec retary of Sluto Robert S. Far rell Jr. said today, State prison convicts mimed the pictures with myrllewoiiil, lind made the metal plates iden tifying each picture, Dunn Contract for Pump Plants Okayed Tho secretary of Interior lias unproved the contract of C, A. Dunn, local contractor, for llio construction of pumping plants. Octobir Jn ., A II I r, i -, hiiii 11 I),., iiv . . Till. VI, itlt.t.iu 'v lUlPit. ."......."'"".". "'u iuT7 Kd l,.nV"'"""" W? lluli;..'"' Fnr E..II ... " "Mr NUNN-BUSH Ankl r.,hitN OXFORDS All Bttoi Frm $10,00 : DREW'S MANSni S Mik, - l i : , i i null mi miiiii miwl Hum I .a t - " r -n-Tmimnriwiiriii'li iTr-'- -yjfijnfci li'ni'iihiliiii I . all' H I ' J I M if' " T"l IT-TTTrTlT-r-lll -.111 .I I f .g p " 1 - "- i, -.iil .ir-IIT'1 niMr.i i-M 2.98 IVERY THREAD ALL WOOL IN THESE SWEATERS! These sweaters are one of our most exceptional Ward Week fea tures. They're not only made of purest wool, but they come in six of the most luscious colors you've ever seen! Pink, cherry, blue, green; purple, brown! In short or long sleeve pullovers including our famous Carol Brent line. Now don't you agree they're wonderful? 5izes range from 34 to 40. 7.98 Warm Wool-Filled Comforters 49 Covered wilh a charming, eV table cotton print. About 4' pounds, finished size 67"x78". Boys' Cotton Knit Sport Shirts 69 Smooth, sturdy two-ply mercer ized cottons In cheerful oli.mai. Ing horizontal stripes. Pleated Skirts for Girlt 298 Sizes 2 to 6i all wooll Sizes 7 to 14i wool ond rayons and all woolsl Fine colors. Children's Sanforized Overalls 7- Sizes 2 to 8. Sturdy cotton. Is:- locks, double stitched main seam: adjustable suspenders. Ceiling Light Salel 149 Ik handsome ivory-colored glass ihade suspended from 3 gold chains. A real buy! Attractive lockset Reduced! WARDS LUXURIOUS ALL WOOL BLANKETS If you're looking for wonderfully warm blankets at an amazingly low price, come in and see these Ward Week values! They're worth making a special trip for! Made of soft, warm all new wool in at tractive pastels blue, rose, cedar and greenl Bound in lustrous rayon satin to match! They're good looking and long wearing! They weigh 3 pounds and measure a full 72' x 84'. RESINTONE PAINT NOW CUT-PRICED! 46.95 66 Steel knobs and plates with a new, zinc-plated finish that looks like smooth, dull chrome; 1 key. Sale Price! Steel H Tool Box PLATFORM ROCKER FOR YOUR RELAXATION If you want to get the most from your hours of relaxation, Inved in this Platform Rocker value! You can't help but relax completely in its resilient spring-filled seat and back. Smooth, restful rocking action. Good-looking, too , . . wilh hardwood frame Walnut fin ished and long-wearing rayon-cotton Brocatelle cover! Only 20 Downl Monthly Payment Plan f CASSEROLES I 8 CORK MATS! SALE! WARDS GUARANTEED 31 WHlrnHHUtK DAIlEKI 30 ampere-hour capacity ... 39 standard plottl 5-month guarantee! A dependable battery at o Ward Week price! Sale! Kwilc Start ... 100 ampere-hour cspstiti, heavy duty plates , . . 18-month guarontoe .... 571 Solo! Winter King , , . wood-glass Insulation (otM life, 2-yr. guarantee. 45 hoovy duty plates, 100 1 hr 0H CaKw 2.28 88 1 6x7x7 inches ; ; ; spot-welded for extra strenglhl Handy re movable tray; hasp and catches. Rang Boiler Insulaloi AOsJ Diapers m$M "2 Durable white gauze that dries so marvelously quickly) Sanitary packed. Big 20"x40' size, 166 Sharply reducedl This heavy In sulating Jacket slips over rang boilers, saves head Medicine Cabinet Sale! A 44 rice sloshed for this sole onlyl toomy, 2-shelf, wall-hung cabl let. Big mirrorl Resintone "thins" with water Tfs rolls-on easily! Dries In 40 min utes, without odor! Gallon covers average room; 1 coat covers al most any surface! Also reducedi Quart..67c Applicator.. 59c WARD WEEK SHINGLE SALE! All for this one special price: 8 individual Fire King casseroles (guaranteed for 2 years against breaking from oven heat), and 8 ' cork mots to protect your table; Bake and serve in the same dish! To cover 100 iq. H. 4.64 A pleasing, hexagon pattern In tough, tempered asphaltl Cera mic Granule surface is fadeproof and fire-resistant. Here's a beau tiful new roof for your home ; ; j at a Ward week cut price I "BABYGUARD" HIGH CHAIR If flft rl a I . M 8.88 WARDS FAMOUS J'lOlfJ BAND OVERALLS :.-. -A Famous ?'Stanley'f Hammers I25 A precision-made, wall balanced carpenter's hammer. It carries a name you know i ; . "Stanley"! , 1 Plate Glass Console Mirror,only f)88 Sparkling plate glass with en graved design at top. Popular Venetian style. 12 by 18 In. Waffle Rug Cushion .58 Priced lowl Buy for ell your rugi to make them wear longer, feel thicker, ond softerl 9x12' size. A sturdy, well-designed chair by a nationally-famous makerl Solid hardwood construction with mel low Maple finish. Has adjustable sliding tray, and footrest. Baby can't tipl PAD...... 1,53 Oll-Treated Floor Mop Cut-Priced I sr Cleans floors easily and quickly. Good quality 4-ply yarn, ell treated. Removable pad, , 1 23 Ward Week value leaderil Son. oried blue denim "stand-bys" for tough, workday weorl Strong ly sewn seami, bar-tacked, metal riveted! Washable Gay Fiber Baskets At Wards you'll And a grand col lection of sturdy baskets In a va riety of cheerful patiernil GIRLS' SHINY BLACK 4-SNAP OALOSHIS Sturdy Cemmenweolth qJ fteece-iiedfrwariniii."J Inforeements at lo. J counter for longer wtir. l tmoH 4 to H 3, Jture'yi Absork 10 . ... U H.nw tnllon mad U , ...,i woven for ni)oro."-ir W.'xli'i'. Oood voluV !lltl;l-i)MUII-ISjViiMMIil. CJIjUkO!ft I CD TOIltiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiV,!,!!!,'!!!!!,!!!,