HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE ELEVEN A MINES 1 GRADUftTE II GLASSES rwl1 Mid 13-wi'ck voi-ii- courts orlc lr ,,' have studied i mil" !?, rl . ".c rllllr, " . ,, lnn lii , L I "..pnrtn.cnl. ,u, "v "' designed 1 . om'nt in IMP jrrvl c giVO I"" -- '" ..ion i. The M.nn.nm""' GralapP. Miprr'lnlciiacnt ,ols: .. i ,!,.. Ill Hie &, II... M-h"ll''B w" ( hy 1,1 Vl M-rlfl, marine corps ctmv anion -. ,o niorniMK '' ',IV1,.',,',! IX III',''' , ...iimitiirv. mill P'S . i. ... Ls purl "I " w I; . .,'..' .iirr.,.riit iirrnnUR' Luloii. Classes will be IVC l"l WCKR. f i ,1 ...... ff.l Nl V ic mm in ii j ihmiii. r .., Tl.nxi. m. Ljll attend fli"" ''"V- hundred nun si " III PI I"r u: '" . .nruui"-.'". ,n .--.- brinrt intending will bo Ibcriv ixoiii rriiiti.v unvi vU Monday morning. In i.ie (or frco lime missed I. clow. man Plans on Campaign tHINf'TON. a. a. Oct. r..-. . . . , p. Lowell aiocKUiiiu win iiMili.gion ior urcKun iu. In (In n little campaign. reflection mill to help bin Imcli an attack transport tand. announced thai Mrs. Inn hits been named apod llic trnnsport Granville, will be launched by ore. ipb.iildlnn cprporution on 28. iranvillc. tinmcd for arolina county, also will name of Stockman s Irnndtntlier. , Our Boarding House With Major Hooifc ' I 6TILL SVV IT WWbM'T OOZIMG OOT 01- THE fAOVte AND 6RABBIMS A BOS.' TENS fA ELITES BEFORE THM: AT THE evce. works, he pointed A GUN tX VC AG SERIOUS AS BUFFALO BILL-" M'S BI6, BOT HE AlM'T .TWIN'S.' i PT't; riMru ? IGTHE. GR.IMD AT Tl-Ve OFPlCEA vWE'LL MCK?--DO 7 ASK THE OLD VOO FEEL. y BOV ABOUT vooeELP v ' tug C'OrAI NG 1 '' I NEOSREeL : ore the v. r 4 WlWSOMSOOR. , LITTLE MIND, LEfcMDERf K4 4 .'"III "Si 10-20 Flashes of Life STATES TO NET TEN By Th Anociitid Prtit ECHO KANSAS CITY. Oet. 2(1 iTl Pvt. John W. Mitchell, USMC. republican cundldntc (or the U. S. home of rcprenoiitntlvcs, iipoko very brledy lit n reception by uilinircrs in.u mnv. "Uecuusc of innrlno corps re ulrlcllom, I ahull muko no s.ieechpi and no promlncit," mid Uien he added: "I nhnll not cum- nalgn In the usual sense." YEP. THERE'S A WAR ON PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 20 iI'i OPA officials hove flaurcd out what has become of a lot of the missing blue ration tokens. They're coming bnck with coat Ink's of red fingernail polish. AUTO-AGE CAnnOLLTON. 111., Oct. 20 (f'l Dobbin's favorite polking place in Carrollton for the lust 100 years, a hitching rack which surrounds CourV House square. Is on the way out. Pronosals to remove the relic of horse and buggy days have been before the county board of supervisors many times In the last 20 years, but always tficrc worn sufficient protests to keep it. Lntest hearing on the pro posal brought no objections. Sales Assist lican Record soles helped materially us a high war stamp n.ul .ilc record at Pelican ll.is week. '.otol was $M87.M, in and bonds. boy, wno fell heir to a table Mini, bought war illi the moiicv through $01. Al STATISTICS O-Dorn at ltHUIrfa hainllil. Jilli. Ore. Octnbor 17, 1044. d Mn. Roy (inflrilni. roil city, boy. Weight; 0 pound -Born at HHIildc hntpll). till. Or . Drlnhfir It Iflil In LMn. Vlrnl Tucknr, Macrloel. nr. neurit. 9 pound. 4 -Horn l IlilUldt hoipltal. II. fir nplnliH in inn rl Mr r 1 n. V .tin nrl. Wciht;'a pounds iN-Born at lttlMdft hoipltnl. uu, iinir jonnion. nxi ' Hrl. Weighli 7 pounds 9i Rnrn iiiii.u. i. 1 1 . 1 Mr Bernard fre, ft;iO nriim; 7 pound! 10 fthouse Records ... Mltrli.M Em5, El"c" 8',v ."., burn. S,i ' "omln. rril Vtrl, r.llnbplh ttara 91 Fi nl licurii,, rcilitont ot llilenl nl Illy. r. noii.wtfe NiiIIvb of ,.'n' KI,., r.lli; I lifW""" """1 Walter inlr.i. . c' rl'S rruol nr l ?jni;;ii c?"l'1' marrim r' "r itlalmiir PILES fVtLLY TREATED Tr "m '.' n ' T I m V f'tminrnl II, .mi,. M. MARSHA lh,lr Bits. 'rum. rh,.in, - fiqnlr. Tl,,,., frgerahon Imenr Co. Urquharl th Phona RIM For Wftiorclal' frlgeraiion Lyre 1 1 Criticizes Talk' of Galbreath PORTLAND, Oct. 20 re statements made Wednesday by John W. GnlbrcRth, president of tho National Association of Ileal fcillato Brokers, were critlclrcd yesterday by Norman Lytell, as. slstant United States attorney general. Lytell charged in a speech that a condemnation suit pend Inc In Chicago Involving land owned by Galbreath Inspired the latter to talk of the "need for some relief from burcoucra. tic domination." PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 20 (Pi Oregon and Washington will net more thnn $10,000,000 on their last December's purchase of more than IIS million gallons of Wulcrflll and Krn.ler bonded whiskey, Hugh Kirkpntrick, Ore gon slate liquor commission chairman, said today. Kirkpntrick made the state ment in commenting on an audit of the transactions released by Washington State Auditor Cliff Yellc In Olympia yesterday. The nmlll disclosed that Marry K Collin, Toledo. O., who arranged the deal, bought back certain as sets at a price $020,040 less than me two state commissions naci i paid for them. "Certainly Collin made a lot of money on the deal," Klrkpat rick said. "So did everybody who had a part in It the stock holders who sold, the state com missions that bought, and the broker. The stales made the big gest profit of all. Oregon and Washington will net more than $10,000,000 from the deal." Former Mail Clerk Sentenced for Embezzling Money POCATELLO. Idaho. Oct. 20 (A't Admitted embezzler of money transmitted by mail, John B. Wilson, former railway mail 1 clerk, will be sentenced in fed- j eral court hero Monday. I Wilson, who pleaded guilty yesterday, was accused of taking money envelopes from the niBils i to liis home, rifling them of coins i and currency, and burning the envelopes. Ills "take" ran Into! "thousands of dollars" said Paul ' Dunham, postal inspector who arrested him two monlhs ago. Wilson had been employed ns ; a mail clerk for 22 years, work ing between Baker, Ore., and ' Poeatello. I Service Men and Women Home on Leave FREE-FOR-ALL The tload to tterlin 6y JACK BELL EN KUUTA, Willi DKWEY TO PlTTSiiUnCH. Oct. 20 l'i Tho presidential campaign ap peared to have reached the lieu lor all stage today as Gov, Thom as E. Dewey pr-paied a new at tack in a Pittsburgh speech to night on what hi: has called President Roosevelt's "one man government" and the president ' readied un answer. The republican presidential nominee made lust-hour icviv Ions of an address Paul Lock- wood, his secretary, said would deal witli "what happens to free labor under personal, one-man government and what labor in America lias a right to loog for word to under a new administration." This forecast, the same sort of rolling barrage that the New York governor laid down against the new deal administra tion in his Wednesday night in dictment in New York City of President Roosevelt n handling of foreign affairs. And there were indications that Mr. Roose velt would counter-attack brisk ly In a speech Saturday night at a dinner there of the Foreign Policy association. In a soecch designed not only to appeal for labor support in his campaign against a fourth term but to bid strongly for Pennsyl vania's 35 electoral votes, Dewey Is expected to promise the unions direct representation in the cab inet and the consolidation of gov ernmental ninctions affecting them in the labor department. By The Aitociatad Pratt 1. Western front: 302 miles (from west of. Duren.) 2. Russian front: 310 miles (from Wuikuw.) 3. Italian front: 558 miles (from south of Bologna.) 200 Service Men's Ballots Arrive Daily SALEM, Oct. 20 (JP) More than 200 federal war ballots arc arriving daily at the state depart ment from overseas service men, Secretary of State Robert S. Far rell Jr.. said today. Fan ell predicted that more than 40,000 servicemen would vote in the general election, the vast majority of them using state ballots, which arc sent by the servicemen directly to coun ty clerks. Self-Starvation Costs Girl's Life ROCHESTER, N. Y., Oct. 20 (Pi Self - induced starvation, caused by playmates' jibes at her weight, caused the death of a 14- year-old Rochester girl, Monroe County Coroner Richard A. Leo nardo reports. Leonardo said last night that Rose Marie MacCallini died Tuesday after she continued a diet that reduced her weight de spile a physician's order to halt. He said her weight had been re duced in one year from 188 to 88 pounds. SET FOR WEDNESDAY The Jaycce Fun-Frolic Revue, a stage show featuring local talent from throughout Klam ath basin, is being presented on the stage of the Pelican theatre next Wednesday eve ning, October 25. at 7:45. The Junior chamber of commerce is producing Wis show and prom ises lots of variety and fun to all who attend. Lloyd Lamb of Northwest Theatres stated today that he is proud to avail the facilities of the Pelican theatre to the junior chamber for a show of this type. Response of the pub. He to other stage shows is evi dence that tho people of this community enjoy live talent and especially local talent, Lamb added. Tickets are now on sale at Currins for Drugs, Castlebcr ry's, Pelican cafe, and at the Pelican theatre. Proceeds will be used toward the forming ot a teen-age group here. PENDLETON, Oct. 20 (P) In juries suffered when he was stepped on by a horse were fatal to Charles Jennings, 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jen nings, Pilot Rock. The tot was playing In the ranch yard with his sister, Mary Lucy, 4, and his brother, James, 3, when the accident occurred. Baktr 3c Ban R. Phillips from European theater. Here until October 30. Pvt. Aletha Garrett from Tuc son, Ariz. Here until October 28. S ?.c Prentitt K. Puckett from Farragut, Ida. Here until November 1. MOM 3c Clint Humblln from South Pacific, Here until No vembcr 22. S 2e G. L. Hamblin from Far ragut, Ida. ' Here until Novem bcr I. , CMAM Douglas Howter from South Pacific, Here until No vember 1. Tho above service people are entitled to frco passes to the lo cal theatres and free fountain service at Lort River dairy by courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the 7400 CO's Serve In Non-Combat Work PORTLAND, Oct. 20 (!') Some 7400 conscientious object ors are serving in civilian service camps, state mental institutions and in non-combat work with the armed forces inside the United States, Li. Col. Simon P. Dunkle, operations division, na tional headquarters of selective service, said here. Lt. Col. Dunkle. here to con fer with U. S. District Attorney Carl Donough. reuorlcd a num ber of cnnfcicntious objectors have applied for reclassification so they can go to battle fronts. WAR TO IMPROVE METHODS SALEM, Oct. 20 (Pi While the war has handicapped com munities in their efforts to keep their water supply and sewage systems operating efficiently, nevertheless the war will bring about many improved methods. Dr. Adolph Wcinzirl, University of Oregon medical school, told delegates today at the conven tion of the State Association of Sanitary Officials. theatres and R. C Woodruff of the dairy. Please call al The Herald and News office (ask for Paul Haines) for your courtesy tickets amta 1 Mm IC mmmk FCREAMi r Delicate Flavor that won't bake out Schilling 111 3l 'U"N0 I (ONDS I IVTRULOVE'S ViVv . rUtr.Un Center When You Want 1 919 E. Main Most popular"yor 'round' 4Mrt lira pint Alyt pur end dtUtlovi. YOU atflkt any Rover in 2 mlnutai. 20 rswt rtKifxu in ash packet, PImm aik yvr grtoor for LonnonneiaRy 833 Howort Un Franclaee 3. Cstif. Phone 4282 919 E. Main 1T Try The Chicken Center HENS, white .... lb. 29c Link .Um. pi, Sausage . . lb. 35c WIENERS . . . . . lb. 35c RABBITS ..... lb. 49c PORK STEAK, no points lb. 30c ATTENTION! We Cut and Wrap Your Deer for Locker 590 o'txir nONARCH FOOBS-aCllMteiejeeti For your week-end hunting trips we are featuring a nice assortment of donuts and pastries from which to make your selection. Re member they are all en riched with extra vitamins. Also when placing your orders be sure to include one of our rich delicious . . fruit cakes. They are made only with the finest of irji- . llgiedients and are filled with lots of fruits and nuts. They are sure to please even the fussiest eaters and -they make an ideal gift for you r X m a s packages. If " ' you aren't "ready for your cakes at the present, phone , in and we will reserve them . for you. Test's the TALK OF THE TOWN! I CC. I. G. SPECIALS For Saturday HOME-GROWN STRAWBERRIES Only 3.35 Crate GROUND ROUND lb. 30c SHORT RIBS., lb. 18c KRAUT CABBAGE 6c lb. LUNCH MEATS, Asst. STEW. HENS lb. 40c lb. 35c FREE DELIVERY On Sot. & Tues. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Plenty of Parking Space Full Line of Fancy Groceries, Meets and FISHER FEEDS ROBINSON'S MARKET Sen. Ralph Owen Brewster Ex-Governor of Maine Will SPEAK On Behalf of the Candidacy of Governor DEWEY And Other Republican Candidates Tuesday, Oct. 24 8:00 P.M. Willard Hotel Broadcast Everyone Over KFJI Welcome Tt. A4. Klm. Cunntr Kri. Ctr. Comm. K. I. G. Stores specialize in the best of fresh fruit and vegetables. Get jars and lids for your canning needs. Soy Beans, No. 2 tint. Case of 24 $2.19 Soy Beam. No. 2 tint, 1 doz. tint $1.23 Kreamed Hone, 14-et. container 32 Harvest Moon Salad Dressing, H pt. jar 13 Harvest Moon Salad Dressing, lG-os. jar 32 Harvest Moon Salad Dressing. 32-ot. jar 37 Jolly Joan Pancake Flour. Case of 24 pkgi $1.50 Just the thing for hunting tript. Rancho Soup, Reg. site ,08 1 Rose Bowl All Green At- paragut No. 2, eat. $5.50 sri ns. ' r ) - .fg, i u Rose Bowl All Green As paragus No. 2, ! case $3.00 NLr NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT Tke lirgy BreoMeit" 13c SHREDDIES 2 Ml!" Itil w fpntul el ritmit" for NABISCO 100 BRAN Lb. Ifi. Pkg. Success Beans. . Per case, 24 Success Beans. Per Vt case $3.50 $1.90 Fisher Homelike Flour, 50-lb. sack $2-30 Fisher Homelike Flour, 25-lb. sack $1-40 Fisher Biskil Mix. 2'i-lb. pkg. 29 Dyanshine Shoe Polith All colors. White oil jilow and white cilaso boot oil thoe shine kits. Austin't Kibbled Dog Food, 51b. bag Krispy Crackert, 2-lb. pkg .59 .33 A Full Line of Fisher Feeds at All K. I. G. Stores Klamath Independent Grocers rOMMUNITT OBOCERT nrtii AVKNiiK cRoctar JOE'S MARKET AND ORUCtRJ I.APSI.EV CROeERT LIEN. CASH STORE MAC STORE PASTEOA'S GROCER? ROBINSON'S MARKET SHASTA VIEW OBOCERT tW.N OIRLS OBOCERT RAM.Ol) IJENtRAL STORE, tt. Rl. BOROUGHS OROfERT tgr Rlv.r KENO STORE Ktnr, Mir.KEv i roon market o.ir. id SERVICE Phon. 3S7? 4839 So. 6th St.