HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE TEN Specially Mfg. Co., Portland; Santlam Flux Orowers. Joffor son; Shofner Iron & Steel Works, I'm'tliiiKl; Wii.hlnKtiin CJou'ily Klux Growem, I'dinellim, Ol'o.; Wll'lainetto Iron & Steel Coi'., Piirtltiutl. WORLD'S WETTEST. Building for USO Center Program Clicrru Pi Illlll. In 4l "1 Heuvel Asks Voters To Be Guided by Facts, Not 'Bunk' Asstiin, In iit,w ,,i , ?' W test spot on i-nrti, lit mini mi- i ... . "u OREGON PLANTS FOR DISPOSAL tveonlM hiiIIih-,.,1 flV 1211 Inches ,, ' 7i SUDT 5 CLOSES Earl Heuvel, Klamath Falls ponce chief, declared today that it seems that several candidates for mayor "will again attempt to capitalize politically upon the department at the coming tion," and suggested that voters be guided by "facts and not PHeSvelbUsukbmltted a chart along with his statement indicat ing activities of the department in the past few years. Here is the chiefs statement: "The police department of this city has been a political foothall for many mayoralty aspirants in the past, and it seems several candidates will again attempt to capitalize politically upon the department at the coming elec tion. I have served on the police department under three admin istrations and hope the voters this time will ask tor facts ana not be guided by political bunk. "Since I have been appointed chief of police the departments duties have been greatly in creased by assuming control of the sanitation department and the city dog pound. Chart No. 1 herewith shows the increase in our duties. We have faced this situation with a huge turnover in manpower and yet the depart ment has maintained a high de gree of police efficiency. It takes several years to properly tram a police officer. Under existing conditions we haven't had that time nor a sufficient number of men to train. ' "Traffic problems have great ly increased in this community, yet the following awards and recognition has shown an. alert ness by our department. "The office of police chief in Klamath Falls is no bed of roses. Several months ago, I submitted my resignation to the city coun cil they unanimously requested that I serve for the completion of the present administration. Let me clearly state' now that my feelings will not be injured in the least if the new mayor does not see fit to retain me, and to further state that while' I am your chief of police, I will make every effort to enforce the law and reduce crime in this city. The accompanying charts are based on facts alone and speak for the record of our department better than anything I can say, "EARL HEUVEL "Chief of Police." . Support of Hillman : Denied by Morse ' ; LA GRANDE, Oct. 20 (S) Denying that he is Sidney Hill man's candidate, Wayne L, Morse, republican- senatorial candidate, said here that state ments about the CIO political action committee attributed to him at Ontario were not accur? ate. "I simply have the confidence and respect of all Oregon's labor organizations, and I am proud to have it," he declared. ' Morse said that conservatives in the Oregon CIO saw the necessity of a man standing on his ticket and being judged by his record and not by any .label. Jimmy Webb Leaves Valley Hospital Jimmy Webb, 6th grader at Altamont and son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Webb, 2915 Alta mont drive, was able to leave Klamath Valley hospital Wed nesday where he was being treated for injuries received while on play equipment. Mrs. Webb and her infant son were also, in Klamath Valley at the time Jimmy was injured. They returned home Thursday morning. LEGAL NOTICES , S SUMMONS FOB PUBLICATION Eoti.tr No. :040 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. MARY ONGARO, Plaintiff . VS. - JAKE ONGARO, Defendant - -TO JAKE ONGARO, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against yea in the above entitled suit, within four wecki of the date of the first DUblication of this Summons, in the News Herald, a newspaper printed and published in Klamath county, Ore Ron, which said time Js the 20th day of September, 1944. And if you fait to answer, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in ner complaint, to wit; A. Decree of absolute divorce. B. That Plaintiff be der-laml n Ko the sole and exclusive owner of Lots 3 and 4, Block 3, Bly, Oregon, according to the recorded plat on file In the office nf the county clerk of Klamath county, ' This Summons Is served unnn vmi hv publication, pursuant to an Order of the Honorable David R. Vandenberg, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered into, on the 28th day of Sep tember, 1944, which order requires that Summons herein, be published once a week for four successive weeks, and that the date of the first publication of said Summons, shall be the 29th day of September, 1944. U. S. BALENTINE. Attorney for Plaintiff P. O, Address: 12 Methane Bid. Klamath Falls, Oregon. S. 29; O. 8-13-20 No. 185. Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Pun Ward's Klamath Funeral Home . Marguerite M. Ward end Sont AMBULANCE SERVICE 92S High Phont 3334 1939 Through 1943 TOTAL ARRESTS MADE 1939 1940 mmmm 1941 mmmm 1942 pm 1943 DECREASE IN CRIME 1939 1940 fmmmm 1341 M 1942 j 1943 pMi TOTAL ARRESTS FOR DRUNKENNESS 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 ARRESTS FOR TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 TOTAL AUTO ACCIDENTS 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 TURNOVER IN MANPOWER 1933 1940 1941 1942 1943 E REQUEST SALEM, Oct.- 20 VP) The state highway commission at its meeting in Portland next Mon day and Tuesday will consider the State Federation of Labor's request that future highway con tracts contain provisions for pay ment of prevailing wages, the commission said today. The commission also will open bids on five small projects. Other business to be consider ed by the commission includes: . Discuss requests by railroads for premission to erect non standard stop signs at railroad crossings. Adopt a policy on construction of waiting stations on highway rights-of-way.- Adopt a policy on the sale of obsolete equipment and scrap. ' Designate highway officials to attend annual meeting of Ameri can Association of State High way Officials at Cincinnati, Ohio, November 27-30.- Consider. request by Douglas county court for state assistance in maintaining county roads, and for designation of North Umpqua county road as a state secondary highway. Consider engineer's report on cost of widening portions . of Coos Bay-Roseburg and coast highways to permit movements of 60-foot truck and trailer com binations. . Aug. Lumber Output Increased, Report WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 (?) The war production board today estimated August lumber pro duction at 3,208,339,000 board feet, an increase of 12.8 per cent over July. The increase, general through out the country, was attributed largely to good weather condi tions and a normal seasonal shift of farm workers to the woods-in eastern lumber regions. Production for the first eight months of the year totals 22, 406,421,000 board feet, 2.4 per cent below the same period In 1943. . . . . . Classified Ads Brine Results. VAN HEUSEN WHITE SHIRTS Neck Sizes 14 to 17 W Sleeve Length! 32 to 35 $2.23 $5?00 RUDY'S MEN'S SHOP 600 MAIN 11 - 11 J MF'S1r' if' 9 i Thl nlrtur. ihowi the Arcade qaraqo building. Ninth and Walnut streets, which hai bo.n sot aside for the proposed USO center development hero. Tontative plans for an oxtonilve remodel ing program have been prepared and are awaiting final authomation. USO officials are ex pected here Tuesday to work out further dotails of the USO activities hero in bohalf of sorvico personnel. CCC SETS DEADLINE WASHINGTON. Oct. 20 OP) The commodity credit corpora tion will accept all pulled wool from animals slaughtered in 1944 if the wool is tendered be fore February 15, 1945, Senator O'Mahoney (D-Wyo.) announced last night. O'Mahoney, chairman of the senate special wool committee, said he had been advised earlier that slaughterers threatened to reduce prices paid for fat lambs if they could not dispose of their wool within the slaughtering season. The CCC previously was to terminate its purchases on December 31. The Wyoming senator also an nounced he had been' given as surance by Price Administrator Chester Bowles that the lamb ceiling would be surveyed with a view of making adjustments to compensate for higher operating costs- Dynamite, Not Quake, Felt by Pomanders PORTLAND, Oct. 20 (Pi The "earthquake ' that Pomand ers-felt yesterday was nothing but nine tons of dynamite ex ploding at Rocky Butte county jail.. The prepared blast upended 25,000 cubic yards of mountain rock, Sheriff Martin Pratt said. It shook some sections of the city,- and a woman at N.E. 52nd avenue and Sandy boulevard was bounced to the floor from her chair. . . ' LICENSE REVOKED PORTLAND, Oct. 20 OP) The Oregon liquor control com mission today revoked the pack age store bottled beer and wine license of the Baker Vintage company,. Baker, for sale and delivery alter 8 p. m. - The commission- suspended for 30 days the license ot Eu gene Earl Erb, Route 2, Forest Grove, for sale to a minor. Like to help run trains at $220 base pay? Work for a company whosa biggest job is still ahead This is a job for a man who wants not only -good pay, but really interesting work . . . for a man who's sincere and reli able. The job: Brakeman with S.P. No experience needed to start; we train you in short or der. You help operate trains ... . make a team with the Con ductor and Engineer. You get around, keep the war trains rolling through. You work with a company whosa biggest war job s stui aneaa carrying the tremendous war load for the stenped-up push against Japan, Frankly this is a job that gets in your blood . . . makes you feel that railroading is different from anything else, line pen sion nlan. Railroad pass privil eges. Medical service. Good Dconle to work with. Investi gate today. Student switchmen (to switch cars) needed also. $220 per month after short training. Sco or write Trainmaster, S. P. Station, Klamath Falls, or your nearest S. P. Agent. - . 4. y nFWFY RO-OOI HI MR c y ,r, i .n: Here's My Dollar For Dewey. Name . ..:. . .1.. ' ' ' i ; ; Address . ....... Phone M IMPORTANT! PLEASE TURN IN ALL PROCEEDS BY OCTOBER 28 M. A! Klamath nrwr.r Mill Club FERGUSON APPOINTED SALEM, Oct. 20. W) Appoint, ment of the Rev. David j. Fer guson, pastor of the Presbyterian cluircli at Astoria, as Urccon stato guard chaplain was an nounced today by . Acting Ad jutant General Rny F. Olson Ferguson will have the rank of captain. An " unlooked-for annoyance that followed the blitz bombing of cities was the invasion of flies around nil blown-up food stores WASHINGTON, Oct. SO (W An mivum-o list ( mlitjlu i plants iind sites ! 1"-' iHsimsoil of v the ilefen.se plnnl enrpontllon lifter they have been uee.m :u surplus litis ueen nwimim .... tlio reconstruction finance cor not'litloil. Altlioimh most of them me now lielnii used for. war iitlllc linn, the HKC stiid it would lie golliile tit this time for their -s'l'e or lease subject to contliiKcneles of present eonli'iicts imcl length of limo pluiis will continue In win' use. .. . The list Includes 14 for Ore ton. as follows: Air Deduction Stiles-Co., Port 'and: Aluminum Co., of America, I'lontdiile; Approved Klax (.' . Kutione, Ore.; Iron Flroinun Mnmifaeliiring Co., Portliiml: Kroiuo coipoi'iilioii. Mar.-hficUl; Northwestern lee .V Cold Stni tine Co.. I'tirtluntl; I'aeific Chain Mfe. Co.. Portland: Huillo 5 ALt Nationally known brands In tlnalo and doubUw modols. Worsteds, cheviots, iwooas and twialiukitiJ Mostly NEW Fall SuiUl .NOW J0 . NOW 33 sot &3 r $55 . To"1' $45 . Vsli To $42.50 . NOW Vols. To . NOW $ 23 $35. . Drew s Manstore 733 Main en tit MAIN STBttT I apj III Tr ,. lt v"7' .r.-r-r.,.r,Tw, ..,... , , ,,,, ,,,., ,, ( JIM,w,,rM gtaowAyg; JB 'it pw - mm: -m 4ikpWCn i BOTH ARE WHOLE i WHEAT! BOTH ARE ALL-FAMILY FAVORITES! Delicious Hot RalstotC is' iheTfaslest selling hot whole wheat cereal in America! No better build up breakfast for all the family. Protects from the inside by supplying whole wheat energy' and nourishment plus extra amounts of wheal germ richest cereal source of the protective B-vitamins. Cooks in 5 minutes. Try it today! Shredded Ralston is'wholc wheal ready to cat'. So popular the flavor 'secret is patented! Crisp loasty bite size biscuits fit right on your spoon. A delicious energy breakfast that helps your family get going keep going. Don't miss out on this one-cent sale. It's a, Vifty way to better breakfasts!