Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, October 20, 1944, Page 1, Image 1

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f s Sews
I WtJ. landed SOMKWIlKnK
b-o.' "1,,,ul ",lllw"y
r . n.iiiniiiL- group.
I , tho Jl wn.
, a d nurlly Ijochuko wo
'"," "L v ' outweighed In
Sir we're ASIlOllli ON
!.Ewcr.'.,.w,L- ticklish
'., I, , ,T Invasion) with
tliivciy ui.i .losses,
ocr wo took the screening
Wands t the '""' 01
ti Thru our iiuiiMwccin
l tho J"l '
Ei, o( truusporls . mid pro-
Up. ind ihrlr pl-nw kept
Jans on win " "' '
Irions went nshoro from the
El,c Jnp navy wn TOTALLY
JANE conic overhead and
ihot (town.
uii no Jim niivy or nlrforco
.u..nt-,. flittm ntir hntllo
in moved along the bench
ding JP pillboxes unci snore
....... u'lih ttwlr linen nnd tic
kle gum. Closer inshoro our
kct-Iiring criui am mkh
lly work.
:hat's whot air nnd naval
rlorlty menu In modern war.
ilTtl the way cleared for them
by this ciirtnm ol lire, our
hit ilii benches III their
klina boats. seizing three
Iclihcuds certainly aim per
is b luurut iiiuiiK " mi.ii
ic 70 or 8U mllea of Loyto'i
I coast.
It.-., nnl ftsltnrM llllH tnl.lirt
in SfW vnrrln tKnv flvrl blocks!
pre Hie Japs urea it snot.
.! .... ...ill. n oil II,...., ntA
nivu lf "lit. .,i,,V, J Ml,..
liars imormrs are me invoriio
weapon, nnd they use them
cr wen.) from mere on
KoltiK (jot tougher us It nl
3 IIUI.-0,
that'll about all we Imvo In
wny oi neuiu as mis is wriv
iERE arc the Jap navy nnd
alrforce? Thnv nrc BEING
KEN CARE OF by other units
bur navy further north. In
Jpast nine dny.s our tnHk forco
las destroyed 1333 Jnp planes
loam work,
IcK of the Leytc beachheads
s oroad tint area, described
!tin tlGMnlnltnu . I.l..nl f..i
twartnrp. It la Irlrnl nUn fnr
WltLUS. From these n r
i (when wo net them In
VI rint'iin nit M1.WI......A t.,lll
fily 273 miles nnd Mnnlln on
i ..III - - 1.. IIIH ...II
win uu uniy jiu nines.
mi cnny rtiiKo for t iuht
SCORTKD bombers. . ,
pia communique announcing
p landing, MncArthur nntic-
rs inn i ihn uii iinninnn 111
Plnknn Tlir. Hit.ni..l ..t-
r r ropnitittrn u ...in
nail K rnnrmrnl lulnM.l am
IVi W Cl'1
f A MILLION men (Japs)
I cut off without hope of
r", no says, "to u t
Hy destroyed at our leisure'
late nu ii . i,..,.h
l have hccll titirrl for us In
he. Bm ,ill, l ii, .i
WC'VO Knnn IMD K.n.l..
fy 01 MilrArllmrV I,, n...
1 know It WORKS
. - nnuc u gruua man.
put don't oxnect tho Phllln
...ii iikr n ripe plum
mo tree. Becnuso of their
strnlrp i. i,....ni ..
in r.. 1 1 in . "---i-
mill t-,. " 1 1 jjiii mi Hi;, IMU
'! I fiKhl for them to the
ii. ni!L "re H23,ouu
tlicrn TO niK n..i..-
Sl.lWl -ISP docs
, i nno two)
4Teom Hits
fond Jan
. S. 14T
1 r
la ,'rr.Sf. UE IN
. nM
' same
III! llllUlip
. ....turn rr
T Incl in i...
blew up a
fV Inst niuh
mm. "
on . " uJ!:...So!''
bomb run
,iv,i wiiinn
K snnk n ,i,
b tiue.piHno
destroyer of
;. on mil...
r muki class, 90
Of lln.inl,
gkong, and
at a cruiser
1 "econd nns ni J
Mro freighter,
got out Of
fn Tls Shag.CaHradi Wonderland
Canadians Strike Out
n New Drive North
of Antwerp
By Tho AuoclaUd Prtit
LONDON. Oct. 20 M'l Knitt
ed Aachen, a sprawllnu city of
death and destruction, fell to
day to LI. Gen. Courtney It.
!lodt!es' U. S. first army on the
seventh dny of Its alone, To-
nlBht the victorious Yanks
started mopping up tne nisi
rcmnnnU of the nazl garrison,
trnpped on tho outskirts.
The capture of the first ma
jor German city, a gateway to
tho Ruhr, was completed lit
3:30 n. ni. (7:30 n. m. Pnclfic
War Time) official announce
ments from the field said.
Tho city is 340 miles from
Berlin and 40 miles from Col
ogne on tho Rhine. It hnd . a
pcncctlmo population of los.uuu
The douuhboys had been at
tacking since September 15, and
for a week they nnd engaged in
street by street fighting with
bazookas, bayonets and self
nronellod milts.
Aachen was left a mass of
wreckage by fanatical ucrmnn
Young German officers, many
of them not long back from tho
Russlnn front, threw away their
lives to gain another Oak Leaf
Cluster on their Iron crosses
wnging warfare for vanity.
Last Gsid
Tho last convulsive gasp of
resistance in tho center of the
pltv wn. nt n Inruo stono build
ing In which 100 SS men had
barricaded themselves In de
finnce of artillery which had
pressed the defenders Into an
ever narrowing space.
Troops under lite command
of Lt. Col. Mcrrll Daniel of
Gonova, N. Y., knocked out this
Inst major stronghold at 3:30
p. m. with dlrocl flro from a
185 mm. gun. The gun literally
knocked down tho building.
Nw Canuck Drive
Canadian infantry and armor
struck out in a new offensive
through the mud and marsh
land north of Antwerp today to
bolster the allied powerhouse
(Continued on Pago Two) ,
RAF Bombs City
In Double Blow
LONDON, Oct; 20 (VP) The
RAF made a shattering double
bender ntlnck last night on
Stuttgarti one of tho main cen
ters of electrical engineering in
dustries In Germany, with two
lnrgo forces of Hnllfnxcs and
Lnttcastcrs pounding tho city
four hours apart.
A third large scnle attack was
carried out simultaneously on
Nnrnhorit. another engineering
center, and a lighter mid was
mndo on wicsDno.cn in vhk
Rhlneland. More than " 1000
bombers participated In tho four
Pvt. Shadduck
Dies in Palaus
T3t.nni.lu nt Put Pnhfrfc .T.
Shadduck, 19, Wednesday were
ndVlsca Dy mo war ncpiiruui.-iiv
... . i. in. j
Dial ineir son nna dccii mii-vi
In action on September 23 in
Patau Islands.
Pvt. Shadduck had been In
II. . Qn,,it. Danfli. tlit-Ait mnnthn.
Ho entered the United Stntes
army October 12, 1043, from
tiinmnin rnns ana rocciveu nw
bnslo training nt Camp Adair.
Born February 25, 1025, In
Wyoming, Robert hnd lived most
ol nls iifo in rvinmaui rnns uuu
nttended grndc schools and
VfTS-IQ linrn nnslrtn. his nnr-
cnts, Mrs. Stella Shadduck and
Maurice Shadduck of this city,
tho youth is survived by two
brothers and ono sister, all of
mamniii runs.
Harvest Weather
' Increasing cloudiness today.
Showers tonight or Saturday.
Lowest temperature near, 35.
Further outlook showers con
tinuing Sunday. Clear Mon
day. 1 1
a - nft !-tor$
nen Falls
Reds Liberate
Belgrade; Take
Hungarian City
LONDON, Oct. 20 (!'! Belgrade, capital of Yugoslavia, has
been libsratod, Marshal Stalin announced tonight.
It was the second ordor of the day to gat Moscow's victory
guns to lighting tho skies with flaros and lt marked the end of
days of ssvago street fighting by the red army and the Yugoslav
partisans of Marshal Tito.
Earlier, the Russians announced the capture of Debrecen,
Hungary's third city, 116 milos east of Budapest.
Belgrade Is 2000 yoars old and city of 266.040. It lies on
the Danubo at Its confluence with the Save. Extensive fortifi
cation.., were stretchod botween the rivers and the brow of a 150
foot hill. Once possessed by the Turks and Austria-Hungary in
turn, the city had been a battleground in past centuries between
Make It Good,
Hunters, OP A
Is Curious
PORTLAND. Oct. 20 (VP)
Mori; than 300 Oregon deer
hunters hnvo n letter coming
to them from the OPA,
which is curious about tho
ftasollnc they used to get to
nutting grounds.
Sol Stern, district enforce
ment officer, said thnt at
least 320 of them will be
asked to explain why their
cars were far from homo and
how they got there.
Investigators took the num
bers of all curs found in
hunting nreas. In the Klnm
ath Fnlls-I.nkcvicw region,
Stdrft said, 132 numbers wcro
noted. Around Burns there
wi re 60, and near John Day,
Questioned by investigat
ors, Stern said, nearly all had
good excuses to offer. Some
were checking sawmills, oth
ers were looking for Insur
ance prospects. Ono was sell
ing wallpaper.
The letter these hunters
will get, Stern explained, will
ask them to appear before
their local boards prepared to
glvo a full explanation, and
with evidence, to support
their story.
Britons Occupy
Thebes; Nazis
Speed Evacuation
' ROME, Oct. 20 (P) British
trooos have occupied Thebes,
32 miles northwest of Athens,
while German troops nnrrassca
bv Greek guerrillas have speed
ed up their withdrawal from
northern Greece toward Yugo
slavia, allied hendqunrters an
nounced today.
The Germans yesterday ac
knowledged .withdrawal from
Thebes. Us occupation put Brit
ish units roughly 75 airline
miles from the area in which
German columns were last re
ported fleeing.
There wos no indication In
the allied communique whether
advance British elements hnd
mndo any contact with tho re
treating nnzls
Tho communique reported
thnt clvlllnn relief measures ore
being stnrtcd nt Athens despite
heavy demolitions in Piraeus
hnrbcr which nrc cnuslng some
delay In unloading food and
supplies from ships.
Pvt. Robert Shadduck, above,
was killed In action on the
Palau Islands, his parents were
notified by the war department.
o II. S. tagliboys
those antagonists
Stalin's order said Belgrade,
held by the Germans since the
conquest of Yugoslavia in 1041,
fell to tho combined forces of
Mursh.nl Fcd- r Tolbukhin's third
Ukrainian army group and
Tito's national army of libera
tion "after stubborn fighting
which completed mopping up
the German garrison." He order
ed a salute of 24 salvos from
324 guns.
Fall .Announced
The fall of Debrecen was an
nounced an hour before.
Previously, the Germans an
nounced the loss 'Of the city of
122,317 and said the red army
had pulled up to another sec
tion ol tne tail Prussian irom
icr 20 miles south of fallen
Eydtkau. massing vast tank
forces in the Rominter Hcide,
favorite doer forest of the late
Kaiser Yilhelm II.
Debrecen OuUlanked.
Stalin's announcement said
Debrecen fell to Marshal Rodion
Mnlinovsky's Russian and Ro
manian forces "as the result of
an outflanking maneuver of
cavalry and tank' units In co
ordination with a frontal attack.
The victory wns ordered sa
luted In Moscow with 20 salvos
from 224 guns. Other Russian
forces were last reported with
in 50 miles of Budapest. ,
nu inT FRTnitf . S. C. Oct. 20
(IP) The interior of the Caro-
linas today felt tne lasn oi me
imnin.1 ctnrm whtrh sweDt In
land last night nnd hended
slowly northwnrd with decreas
ing intensity after causing the
death of possibly 37 persons and
doing Heavy property ttamagu in
Cuba and Florida.
Eleven soldiers from the New
Orleans port of embarkation
were reported drowned near
Bradcnton, Fla., at the height of
the storm. Third air force head
quarters at Tampa said the men
tnnli- In n riinnhv when their
crash boat apparently got into
nr. -..,... l 1. ....... I...
ailUCUIiy H11U auttiuil licwa
found no trace of them. Earlier
two persons were reported
killed at Miami and 24 were
known dead in Cuba.
Tho Washington weather bu
(Continued on Pago Two)
Today On The
Western Front
By The Associated Press
Canadian 1st Army Struck
out in a new offensive
through marshlands north of
Antwerp. Belgium, to bolster
tho allied powerhouse salient
being built In Holland.
U. S. 7th Army On the ex
treme southern end of the
front, Americans captured
Bruyeres while French units
fighting In the Vosges foot
hills outflanked Ventron.
U. S. 1st Army Completes
occupation of Aachen, now a
shambles, 10 days after deliv
ering an ultimatum that the
city would bo destroyed un
less It surrendered uncondi
tionally. British 2nd Army Mnde
slow progress through bog
ging nnd mud ngninst stiff
German resistance in its fight
to clear tho enemy from west
of the Mnas river along the
relch border.
U. S. 3rd Army Holding
to positions botween the U. S.
1st army, In the, center of the
front, and the 7th army on
the south, but not mentioned
in today's communique.
Octeber JO, 1944
Mix, fOrl. 19) 15 Mln. ..,,,,.
I'reHplutlon lot 31 noun .,..-..
Ktrram year l data
Normal II LH year
forttaid Rain and -oIir,
Saturday Ahootlnf Hauri
Orrgnnf Oprn CIm .
Twlelafc: Open - ,........ fi:5l Close
Back in Philippine Islands
vl -4 -
Fulfilling a pledge made in
1942 to return to the Philip
pines, Gen. Douglas MacArthur
has landed, invasion forces on
Leyte. Shown at right in typi
cal MacArthur costume, the
general also brought Sergio
Osmena, successor to Manuel
Quezon a s president o f the
Islands, back to his home. Os
mena and his cabinet will re
establish the government on
home soil. .
Allies Enter Former Nazi ,
Headquarters in Italy
"soKlK'. ""OcL" 20 (l British
and Indian troops have entered
Ccscna, former German admin
istration center on the main
Bologna-Rimini highway in the
Adriatic sector, allied headquar
ters announced today.
Meanwhile, other eighth army
troops made additional progress
in bitter f iehtine in the moun
tainous areas southwest of Ces
ena, while the fifth army made
local gains in the central Italian
sector south of Bologna, flank
ing the Bologna-Florence ntgn
way. zo Miles tniona
Cesena. Fori! tjrovince town
on the historic Emilian way, is 12
miles southeast of the town of
Forli and about 20 miles inland
from the Adriatic.
The penetration of Cesena ap
parently was only in the eastern
nart of the town, the communi
que indicated, but gains by other
eighth army troops to tne souin
Duck Hunters
Hurt in Crash
Two Palo. Alto, Calif., duck
hunters were injured, one se
riously, at 6 o'clock Thursday
night in an attempt to avoid
striking a train at -the Hager
crossing, six miles south of
Klamath Falls.
A. A. Young, about 45, re
ceived severe head and neck in
juries in the accident, and W. J.
Booz. 45. driver of the car, had
bad scalp wounds. Both men
were moved to Hillside hospital
by Charlie Read, passing mo
torist. ,
Boaz said he had not driven
the road before and was not
aware of aDoroachmg a cross
ing until he heard a train whis
tle. At that moment he saw
flat cars and he applied the
brakes, the car hurtling into
the ditch, overturning ana land
ing some 50 feet from the road
in the Lcibing field.
Boaz was to be dismissed Frl
dny night nnd planned to return
to Palo Alto by train. He oper
ates a lnrgo service station In
tho southern city, and Young
is a garage operator.
Pierre Laval
Sentenced to Die
LONDON, Oct. 20 (P) Pierre
Laval has been sentenced to
death in absentia by a Mar
seille tribunal, the Paris radio
said today.
A warrant for tho arrest of
the Vichy chief of government.
now either sheltering with or
held by tho Germans, was is
sued by tho tribunal two weeks
ago and lt was stated then that
he would be tried whether he
was present or not.
Tho Algiers- radio reported
that Jean- Galliard, former di
rector of the newspaper "Petit
Marseille" was condemned to
death in absentia by the same
tribunal at tho same time.
Number 10293
made, the German position . in
Cesena extremely difficult.
Headauarters said the bridge
head across the Pisciateilo river,
above the highway and west of
Macerone, has reached a depth
of two miles and has been joined
with a bridgehead farther to the
west established three days ago.
South of the ' Emilian way,
Celincordia has been captured
and farther west several villages
and hills have been cleared of
the enemy south of Galeata,
me communique, said.
Kilmer Charged
On Habitual
Criminal Count
Aloysius Kilmer; 25, sentenced
nine years aao here after he had
broken into the OK Blacksmith
shop, was charged Friday by Dis-
.v miuiucj' iviuier Ht Jiayaen,
Salem, with being an habitual
criminal. If Kilmer is convicted
of the new charge, he will be sen
tenced to life imprisonment, and
woum ue ineiigioie tor parole.
Kilmer was Daroled bv then
Circuit Judge Edward B. Ash-
urst lollowmg his first convic
tion, but Hayden says that he has
been convicted of felonies more
than 10 times, was released from
prison two months ago after
serving a five-year sentence for
burglary. On the day of his re
lease, ne neid up a drug store,
shooting and woundlne William
Niemcyer, the owner. Police cap
tured him in a gun battle, and
ne was sentenced to 20 years,
LONDON, Oct. 20 Ankara
radio broadcast today reports
from Sofia that Bulgaria had
signed an armistice with the
United Slates. Russia and Great
1 I
Final Registration Totals
Give Demos
City Precincts
Republicans 4,406
Democrats 5,960
Others 455
Total 10,821
County Precincts
Republicans 4,051
Democrats 6,061
Others 335
Total 10,447
All-County. Total 21,268
Total Democrats 12,021
Total . Republicans 8,457
Total Others - ' 790
A re-check of preliminary fig
ures from the county clerk's of
fice on Klamath county voter
registration shows republicans
with 111 more registrants than
reported last Saturday. Demo
cratic figures remain the same,
Three Beachheads
Seized On Leyte; ;
Yanks Move Inland
Oct. 20 (IP) Gen. Douglas MacArthur landed powerlul invasion
forces in the heart of the Philippines, announced to the people
of the archipelago "I have returned" and called upon them to
rise and strike their Japanese
Ground forces poured ashore
vav under Drotectlon at a terrific naval anri air hamh.rilm.iit.
quickly seised three strong beachheads along Leyte island's east
One assault force struck the beach from San Rieardo, ap
proximately three miles south of the main city of Tacloban, to
Palo. Another, strong force struck along the coastlines between
San Jose and Dulag, end a combat team landed at Panaon on
the southern tip ot Leyte.
The beach fronts are three
approximately 11 miles apart.
inis quick, nerd drive into the heart of the southern Philip
pines establishes American forces only 275 statute miles from
Klamath elementary school
board agreed last night to sell
to the government a 12-acre tract
at Washburn and Shasta ways, to
be used for the 80-unit housing
development for families of ma
rine and navy personnel. - -
The board, which had held the
site for several years as a pos-
siDle location for a school, reach
ed the decision after long consid
eration and strictly on the
grounds that the land was need
ed for a purpose closely identi
fied with the war effort, it was
explained after the meeting.
.- Plant Underway
Representatives of the federal
public housing authority and
Howard Perrin, local architect,
said that plans are well along for
the construction program. The
houses will be of a higher stand
ard and more substantial nature
than .the civilian row housing
here, and the layout will include
a' community-building and play
ground. .
The consideration to be re
ceived by. the school district for
ine tract will ne determined Dy
four appraisers two local men
and two from outside. If the ap
proval figure is not satisfactory
to the board, it can appeal and
the figure will be determined by
a jury. The board paid $5000 ior
the-aite ln-1938, but its present
value is Believed to be well
above that. - . .
Clause Requested -
In reaching the decision last
night, the school board asked
that, if possible, a clause be add
ed to the sale contract to give
the board the first refusal on re
purchase of the property when
the government no longer needs
it- ,
- In considering the possible
need for a- school site in that
area, the board discussed the pos
sibility of obtaining the site of
the nresent row-housing develop
ment nearby. : The government
is committed to removing the
row-housing six months after
cessation ot nosuuues, ana tne
land is owned by the public
bodies at the present time.
The school , board met with
members of the education com
mittee of the chamber of com
merce for a consideration of the
nroblem. The committee. - how
ever, was not authorized to act
for the chamber, and members
could give only their personal
opinion of the proposal, which
was favoraDie.
Disorder Flames
In Guatemala
Guatemalan unrest is reported
through private channels to
have flamed into violent disor-.
der. Darticularly in the capital
No details are' available here
but there are reports that roads
around the center, of the city
are blocked. :'
Pan-American' Airways made
no announcement of discontinu
ance of service but no nassen-
gers for Guatemala are booked
on today's two southbound
Gulllermo Toriello, Guate
malan political exile, said here
today that a "machete army" of
10,000 is active in Guatemala
Lead in County
but non-party registrants also are
up a little over the preliminaries.
The final registration figures
for the county are set out in the
table above, showing li.vtl dem
ocratic registrants and 8457 re
publican registrants.
Registration is almost evenly
divided between Klamath Falls
precincts and those outside,
Democratic registration is
stronger outside.
GOP registration represents
41.3 per cent of the total figure
for both parties, as compared
with 40.9 per cent at the time of
the May primaries. Since May,
republicans have gained 882, or
11.8 per cent, while democrats
nave gained l itf, or . per cent.
At the. election: November 7,
all voters Will receive the same
ballots, in contrast with the nri-
maries, . when party, ballpts are
nanaca ou,
in Loyte gulf from a huge con.
and a half miles In width and
Davao and 340 air miles south.
east of Manila.
While they Dressed inland to.
ward the fertile valleys Gen
eral MacArthur took -to the air
in a broadcast over the "Voice
of Freedom" radio, telling tha
people he had fulfilled his two
and a half year old vow to re
turn. ...
MacArthur told the Filipinos
their president, Sergio Osmena,
and his cabinet were with him
on Leyte and had re-established
the governmen on Philippine
soil. .
"Rally . to me," MacArthur
said to the Filipinos. "Let the
indomintable spirit of Bataan,
and Corregidor lead on. As the
lines of battle roll forward to
bring you within the zone of
operation, rJ;e and strike."
With MacArthur was every
able-bodied survivor of Coriegi-
aor. .
While men and suDDlies Dotir-
ed in to meet an estimated 225,
000 Japanese in the Philippines
under i ieid Marshal Juictu Ter-
auchi, President Roosevelt mes
saged from Washington:
the whole American nation
today exults at the news that
the gallant men under your
command have, landed on Phil
ippine soil." , . '..;
415 Miles From Manila -
The Leyte landings Dut the
invaders within 415 miles of
Manila to the northwest and
marked an advance of 600 miles
north from MacArthur s base
at Morotai. .
Front line dispatches said the
Leyte landings were preceded
three days ago by landings on
small islands guarding the en
trance to Leyte gulf and mine-
sweeping operations of the gulf
to make it safe for the passage
of convoys. . ' '.
;- Participants
MacArthur said the invaders
comprised Lt. Gen. Walter
Krueger's sixth U. S. army and
units from tne central facuic.
Without further identification.
frontline dispatches of Associat
ed Press correspondents specifi
ed these participants:
The first cavalry division: tna
seventh division; the 96th divis-.
The. Japanese, expecting land
ings to the south of Mindanao
(Continued on rage xwo) '
Jap Admiral .
Dies in Attack
LONDON. Oct. 20 (IP) Vice
Adm. Nashaharu Arima of the.
Japanese navy was killed Oc
tober 15 when his torpedo plane .
"attacked and nit a Dig u. o.
aircraft carrier" off the Philip
pines, Berlin radio said today
reporting a TOKyo oispaicn.
Just why an admiral was rid
ing a torpedo plane, one of the
most nazaraous ot navai wea.
pons, was not disclosed. '
The Tokyo dispatch said the
admiral crashed his torpedo
plane against the ' command
bridge nf the carrier, when his
plane failed to climb, and addr.
ed: ne win remain an exam
ple of Japanese heroism." Be-,
fore he crashed, he was said to
have torpedoed the carrier, but
no such damage has been re-,
ported by allied naval author
ities. . , - - ' '
Asahel Bush
Covers Invasion .
Asahel Bush, former member
of The Herald and . News staff
and now with Associated Press,?
went ashore with the first cav
alry division on Leytc, the Phil
ippines, as AP assembled the,
largest force of war correspond
ents ever used in the Pacific
theater by any press organiza-.
tion to cover Gen. Douglas Mac-.
Arthur's return to the islands. ' i
The correspondents moved
onto the Leyte shore with or
soon after the assault waves to
man the beachhead bureau and
cover every phase of the naval,
and land operations. ;
Marines Fight
Fire on Stukle
Fifty marines from the Bar-,
racks were sent out with Mar
lon Barnes, county fire warden,
today to aid in the control of a'
fire on Stukcl mountain,
The conflagration was' be
lieved to have been started by
the carelessness of hunters, but-,
was reported well under con-'
trol. ... .,, '